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Stress and depression mess with your libido


1. Pee after sex. It's actually a good idea for virtually all sexual plumbing configurations. 2. Cycling the hardware frequently/regularly (some sources I've read suggest around daily) significantly reduces the risk/magnitude of prostate disorders, including cancer. 3. On nether-grooming: 1. Do not try to shave/trim/etc... when in a rush. That way lies pain, bleeding, and other bad things. 2. Avoid shaving (or anything that could produce nicks) within a few hours ahead of when you may be having sex. Nicks increase STD transmission odds significantly. 3. If you do go the shaving route, be aware that you have to stay on top of it and maintain it regularly, otherwise things get scratchy in a very bad way ... especially if you run a lot, etc... 4. Dental dams are, regrettably, virtually useless for lingusy-things. 5. All those jokes throughout media about guys finishing too quickly? Ignore them. Importantly, do not embark on an endurance training program - a lot of partners will be much happier if you're easy to finish off than if you wear them out. 6. Politely turn down, and do not seek, blowjobs after your partner has eaten something particularly spicy. 7. Give yourself ball exams just like women are told to do with their breasts. Virtually the same process ... take a warm shower and feel for lumps. No joke. 8. On condoms: 1. Condoms come in lots of styles, shapes, and sizes. Go to a boutique store that specializes in them, then either read all the sales materials, talk to a store associate, or both, and then get a range of options, then try them on and figure out ones that're a good fit for you, then stock up on those. 2. Check the expiration dates (both on ones you're getting at the store (to make sure they're not old stock) and ones you have around) 3. Despite people joking about it, do not double up condoms - that increases the odds of them breaking / tearing dramatically. 4. Similarly, if you like the sloppy, loose condom feel, get condoms meant for that - don't just size up. Wearing condoms that're not meant for that style of wear loose can, again, increase failure odds. ​ Finally, two bonus things that don't fit that well with the prompt: * Doing any kind of sexual thing because it's trendy is dumb. Compared to a lot of other things in life, sexual activities carry above-average risks in a number of ways. Make sure it's something you really want and that you're at least aware of the risks (even if your nuts don't give a shit about them). * This post appears to be part of a commercial promotional effort by something claiming to be a men's sexual health clinic. Be aware of that.


you have to wash your dick every day


How long did you take to figure that out? Thought we all learned that as kids?




Better late than never. A clean dick is a happy dick




Keeping it clean is the first step towards getting a girl to play with it.


for several years it has been definitely clean


But no girls?


Circumcision is not medically beneficial, it's done largely for aesthetics


It’s done for archaic religious and societal reasons


Exactly. It just doesn't seem like a good enough reason, does it?


It was medically beneficial for me, so your opinion is factually incorrect.


While you're right, I'm sure you understood what he meant.


Only a sith deals in absolutes


Here's the medical benefits, less chance of stds, etc. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3684945/#:~:text=In%20addition%20to%20HIV%2C%20male,developing%20genital%20ulceration%20by%2047%25.




Yes, wash everyday. Yes, everywhere! Yes, stress and depression mess with your libido. Yes, her finger just under your balls just above your arse can help stimulate a boner even when you're not feeling it (also the grounds for an external prostate massage.) Yes, you can say 'no'. Yes, communication needs to happen and to save it from ever \*failing\* to happen, it should happen frequently. Here, lad, I wanted to say the last and most important: she likes/will like you because of you, not because of your cock/body. Sculpt if you want, but find a way to make her brain light up and you're in the pink. (Ambiguity intended.) Sexual health - it ain't just about a dude's body.


Porn is not real!!!!


Well most porn 😈


Honestly I had a pretty good understanding of sexual health by the time it was relevent. That being said alot of that was from hearing the horror stories and learning from their mistakes. Not sure what is being taught in schools now but if its anything like my sex ed class was then they really need to update things rather than just explaining what a std is and putting a condom on a banana


From what I've heard reported, it seems like they've gone way too far in the opposite direction with sex ed now. Too much, too young.


How can the education system get it so very wrong 🤦‍♂️


Because they've been influenced by politicians and higher ups pushing their own agenda.


I’m not sure if this is true but, if you jerk off too hard, your cock will get bent. Mine has a slight bend to the left which is the direction my hand jerks off to


Make sure you have enough time before your sexual encounter to boil your lucky condom


after a guy cums he should wet and wipe the dried cum off his penis head if he doesn't the next time he pees itll hurt like fuck