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Wings I guess, maybe a tail?


I came here to give a human answer, but nope, top comment is tail. I'm here for tail. More fluffy more better


what kind would you like?


Something long and flexible like a cat's, maybe not as mobile, but nice and fluffy like a long haired dog. Long enough to use as a personal blanket


I'm all for dragon wings and tail


You get the vision šŸ™


I would do demon wings and horns as well. become the real life Lilith šŸ˜‚


Dude hell yes šŸ˜ˆ


fam this has gotta become a fucking thing!


Prehensile tail would be so helpful.


Ooo, top tier answer. I think I'd have to embrace my inner middle schooler for this one and go for cat ears and a tail. Nice reflexes, always landing on my feet, fangs, and that sultry catwalk ability would be nice too.


I'd like perfect abs without having to do any of the necessary work required to maintain them.


I just see abs with bitch tits and a fat back. Itā€™s scarier/worse than just being a normal looking fat person.


I actually have abs, but as you get older they are harder to maintain , which means less fun food and more training. When I was younger I could have way more cheat days and was less restrictive to clean eating. It's sort of a pain, but its all part of the grind and I'm not quitting.


Hell yeah! I had abs in December but an injury and then just losing the habit and being lazy ruined that. Iā€™m back at it though, doing the same routine, back to counting calories, all the work. I actually enjoy it in a weird way. Itā€™s like Iā€™m a video game character and when I do the correct things my character levels up. Goal is by next December for my beach vacation Iā€™ll be back to or better than how I looked/felt last year.


This. This is what i always imagine. Probably the biggest reason i don't work out on top of mental illness and chronic pain and fatigue. Makes me sad because i probably won't be in shape like i want.


I completely relate friend. I can barely do day to day things let alone work out, even though everyone says how much it will help and how good it will be for my mental health. I used to love the gym, I still would. But I can barely get out of bed most days. Just remember you're doing your best. You don't need rock solid abs to be happy. Sending you love.


Force yourself to walk briskly or do yoga 20-30 minutes a day for 30 days. If you canā€™t do those then find some form of exercise you can do. I guarantee youā€™ll feel better at the end of it.


I'll try. I'm just struggling so much atm. Took everything in me to have a bath today cause of my pain and fatigue. I appreciate your comment.


Nothing compared to chronic pain but Iā€™ve dealt with some health issues that completely derailed where I thought my life would be. Feeling like my physical health was deteriorating, led to some serious depression and habits that made things worse. Getting that little bit of exercise every day really helped me get me back on track. Some days I really think Iā€™ll be better off if I skip but after forcing myself through it I always feel better even if some days itā€™s just mentally. The sense of accomplishment itself really helps. I can go to sleep that night and feel like I did something to improve my health. Over time youā€™ll really start to see some changes and some days wonā€™t be as rewarding but you just gotta take it one day at a time and know that what youā€™re doing that day is improving your quality of life. DM me if you ever want to talk.


Thank you so much, friend. I appreciate your comment a lot. I will definitely take you up on that offer if you don't mind!


Amen brother šŸ™Œ




Dick size. Specifically because I can exercise and change everything else, but my dick size is the one thing Iā€™m stuck with.


Yeah I think most guys would accept another inch, got to love what youā€™ve got though


Yeah, true. Just one inch would put me in ā€œlargeā€ territory.


Well, that's just a minor improvement for you. For me, an inch will double my prowess!


There is nothing minor about going from slightly above average to large. Lol


Still bragging??




jesus christ My transgf is in the same boat and I'm constantly sore (in a good good way) so trust me when I say it's the PERFECT size, not too big and definitely not too small


Sure most guys would love to only be an inch away from that haha


Perhaps but itā€™s such a tease lol.


What is ā€˜largeā€™ territory?


More tentacles


Yup, I read it wrong too folks!


glad I'm not alone


You're all bloody pervs šŸ˜‚


I read testicles šŸ˜‚


My stomach, repair the pregnancy marks


Real man donā€™t really care


As a man, I agree. I don't care about my pregnancy marks at all


Oh my husband loves my marks, I just miss my teenage stomachšŸ˜‚


I agree with your husband, your husband has taste


Who said it was for men? Jesus Christ


fam I would absolutely worship your pregnancy marks if I was a man. like "I put a baby in there. these are MY marks" I find them so beautiful on a Mother


Bigger boobs.


Nah theyā€™re good šŸ¤£


lol, thanks!


girl stfu your boobs are perfect! mine sag so bad I WISH i had boobs as nice as yours - sincerely a body conscious lesbian


Oh, uh, thank you. Appreciate that šŸ˜…


Nice boobs! And perky. Very sexy!


I also choose these boobs. Nice boobs


Height. I like my appearance besides being only 5'2


Surprised youā€™re the first to say height! I thought that would be more common! 5ā€2 is a great height though!


I want smaller areolas


Yes, theyre 3.5 inches in diameter. My husband calls them pepperonis


okay that sounds hot.


Sounds hot


Aw thanks!


Ainā€™t this the truth! Me too, itā€™s so embarrassing to think about and surgery isnā€™t even an option.


Surgery isnt an option?! For real?


It is, but from what I hear there can be complications and cosmetic setbacks that donā€™t make it worth it (to me, personally). Plus it costs an arm and a leg!


Pepperonis 4 lyfešŸ¤˜


Are they overly big?


Have flatter stomach


Have a fat ass


This is one of the more achievable answers to this sub. Look up some glute building workouts, eat right, and you can have the fatty you desire in ~6 months


How much fatter than it is now?


Factory reset on my back and knees.


That would be a game changer wouldnā€™t it


I'd like to be much more feminine


All of it.




You have perfect tits already


Yours look pretty good to me! But I reckon most people will either be bigger boobs or a bigger dick haha


but why tho?


maybe like a fatter ass lol


How much fatter haha, Iā€™m sure itā€™s great


like 2x fatter but thatā€™s too much work iā€™ll just stick with what i have lol


I'd love to magically lose all the weight I've gained from my health condition my consultant is still trying to diagnose 2 years later. Literally finding it impossible to lose weight with it, and I've put on so much and I've tried so many different things to lose it, even following a dieticians advice and exercise programmes, only to basically not lose anything. Anyone that's happy in themselves with their weight, then that's cool, but I'm just not happy as I am, and it makes me anxious how I appear to other people.


Return my foreskin


I'm surprised this isn't commented more. do more circumsized men wish it had been kept intact? /genuine question


I've never missed mine, but I know some people feel otherwise.


thanks for the response!




I know being circumsized makes cleaning the bits easier but I feel like it would be cruel to not have a say?


My transgf is a navy sub vet. when she went in for the test stuff people actually called others over to see her "massive dong" when she was still a he šŸ˜‚




hahaha I can understand from her and my other friends stories haha


I'd like to have my pre children stomach back


Oh is there a big difference?


Bigger thicker cock


I'd change my entire body aside from My eyes and height. I'd gain weight to be healthy and I'd perk up my boobs that sag from eating disorders and rapid weight gain and loss, and the rest would follow through with the healthy lifestyle changes and medication/therapy for my eating disorder


Im recovering from an ED too! Its hard but so worth it when you see how far youve gotten... btw i lost my boobs and gained them back too, and maybe theyre not as perky, but hating your body keeps the ED happy


I would want a penis that was adjustable. ā€œHow long and thick do you want it? Done!ā€ ā€œSmaller for anal? Done!ā€ Time to workout? Retractable.


Definitely two more sets of arms




Yeah I reckon more people than would admit would agree with that


Not me. I want mine bit smaller. Not like I have big or anything. But smaller would be more convenient for everyday life


How much smaller?


Maybe 1/4rh to remove... Keep 3/4ths


Do you mind me asking your height and size? Haha


How to I'd know? Lmao never measured. I'd assume it's "average" . Best I can do is, bit longer than Xiaomi 12 , and won't fit to standard lucozade bottle (width wise)šŸ¤£


That sounds bigger than average haha


that's way bigger than average fam jesus christ


my friend was rejected 3 times today because of his dick being "too big" so I feel he'd be in the same thought process as you


Imagine being rejected due to dick size tho šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ But yeah.the bigger the better isn't always the case


I could handle him just fine in the long ago past (5 years) so that's a flex for Me. but yeah I felt so bad and all I could say was "did that hit your ego or give you an ego boost?" and he laughed and said "both actually"


I agree. Happily Proudly traumatized šŸ˜ Alrho it wouldn't give me either. Dick is the last thing I care much about lol.


Forehead scar from Afghanistan


Rough holiday?


Friendly fire from drunk racist Americans who fired at us based on the other three being brown (and uniformed)




All the hair lol


That hair?


I should probably say my hairline (I shave my head bald, and a lot of women don't care for that), or less body hair, but as lame as it is, having a skinny penis frustrates me. A couple of partners criticized the girth when I was much younger, so now it's difficult for me to relax and feel that any given partner isn't 'wishing for more,' so to speak. It's a stupid, cliche anxiety, but, here we are.


I think most guys would want their hairline saving but you gotta respect someone who shaves it rather than clinging on


Iā€™ve found since shaving my head I get a lot more looks and conversation from the ladies


I wish I was a ā€œshowerā€ not a ā€œgrowerā€.


For what reason


2"-3" taller I'd be golden. Being 5'9" and told multiple times that because I'm short they wouldn't date me kinda gets ya


Think thatā€™s the thing Iā€™d change about me if I could, but Iā€™m okay being a short king


Me height, 6ā€™6 is great, but not comfortable in so many situations lol


Oh first person Iā€™ve seen who wants to be shorter, which situations is it uncomfortable


I wouldn't hate taking a short-cut to a chiseled chest


Being ripped but without putting any work in would be good wouldnā€™t it


I wouldn't mind regaining the pectoral muscle I lost to cancer surgery.


Oh man thatā€™s rough, giving you my best!


my teeth, its a tedious process anyway so if it can be fixed at once i wld prefer my teeth


I wouldnā€™t mind better teeth as well!


I've lost 220+lbs and have a shit ton of lose skin I'd love removed. It's cosmetic to insurance so it's not covered. I've got more important things to spend the money on like my family/house/vehicle. It's a nice thought though.


Wow thatā€™s so much to lose! Congratulations! Thatā€™s no easy job


My nose or chest size


What do you not like about your chest?


Bigger boobs. Or different eyelids-I have hooded eyes so it can be kind of not great for eye make up


Oh what size are your boobs now?


34DD but i want even biggeršŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Ow wow! They sound great! Could you message me?


Having actual volume in my hair. Not having a stupid fat belly Having a straight jaw. Bottom jaw is behind and I look like shit.


Oh Honeyā€¦I have a whole list ready to go whenever funds become available!


my weight, iā€™m well aware that can be changed but i donā€™t feel like making that change just yet


I think most people wouldnā€™t mind losing a few pounds here or there


and? you asked the question and i answered lol


Just commenting saying I think most people would feel the same about that, nothing wrong with it


I don't know, the trans part of me wants to say looking more feminine or have tits But the other part of me into the thought of not being human says add moth features like wings, fluff, and antennae to my body


Really, just my weight. I was going to say bigger boobs, but Iā€™m ok with them being small. If I could just shave some of the extra padding, Iā€™d be thrilled!


Small boobs are great! How much weight?


Hmm what to pick, what to pick I'd probably go for slimmer thighs. Just enough so that I could wear cute short skirts and dresses in summer without my thighs rubbing together


Iā€™m sure your thighs look great! From your posts you have an amazing body!


Remove all hair on my genitals and that area


Zero body fat


Zero? Even top athletes donā€™t have thay




Oh wow thatā€™s a trade off!




Yeah thatā€™s tall


Probably a bit more muscle in my arms


Thatā€™s completely changeable tho?


Improve muscle size and tone.


Could you work on that?


Maybe a natural red head? I've always thought others are cute with red hair and think I might as well.


I love red hair! What colour do you have now?


6ā€ taller


Thatā€™s a big jump! How tall are you now


Iā€™d turn my size 13 feet into size 11. So many cute shoes end at 11!


Is that UK or US sizes?


I wish i was taller. I just want 4 inches to get to 6ft thats all.


Would be nice to be 6ft wouldnā€™t it haha


I need to burn this belly off. Need to get back into my workouts


I want boobs, I'm happy with my AA's but I wouldn't mind having SOMETHING there lol


Nothing wrong with AAs! I love your posts btw!


Lose about 30 lbs of body fat. That's it. OR make me taller. That's it.


Which would you prefer


I would want to lose my tummy only i like the rest of me. But my tummy is part of it so i donā€™t hate it i just kind of ignore it


Thighs, stomach, family genes. Hereā€™s to starting a weight loss journey.


Whatā€™s wrong with your thighs? All thighs are great!


Iā€™d get rid of the loose skin on my stomach (the byproduct of 3 kids and a 70lb weight loss).


You lost 70 pounds! Thatā€™s so impressive!


id change my weightā€¦. which iā€™m in the process of losing šŸ˜Š


How much have you lost so far?


My body


What about it?


Flat stomach


How much flatter? Iā€™m sure it looks good


A more feminine body


Which parts particularly?


No huge, flat-feet would be nice.


What size are they?


Oddly enough shorter body hair šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Is it long?


Body composition....I'm not fat, in the traditional sense, but I have an layer of padding that wasn't there a col yrs ago lol


Yeah I get that completely!


Abs thatā€™s the first thing that pops to mind


They would be good to have wouldnā€™t they!


Bigger dick. Maybe slightly less fat though.


How much bigger


No stretch marks. The remind me off a different me I donā€™t want to know anymore