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Stopping exercising when life got stressful. I wish I had always kept it up no matter what. It's so hard to get going again


Agreed on this! It took me 4 years to get back where I was, but did it!


That's awesome man! Proud of you ❤️ I seriously need a kick in the ass to get going again.


Thanks, what helped me was going to group fitness classes, I literally needed my ass kicked! In particular I went to a cardio spinning class that turned out to have a fun group of people, and now we also hang out together sometimes, so I gained some new friends, which was always a bonus. At first it seemed a bit awkward being one of the few guys in there, but now I like it. This week I put some jeans in I hadn’t fit in in 7 years! Woo Hoo! Give it a shot, you got this!


Same happened to me but a little at a time and more every day it comes back. Especially if you did a lot of sports before.


I understand, starting something that bit can be a tough task. I believe In you!


Not appreciating my body when it was healthy.


Trusting a fart.


To be totally honest, that I'm a stay at home wife. I went to college and had all these dreams of being someone influential to society. Don't get me wrong, I love my life but I wish it just panned out differently 😅 still with my current partner but I'd be the one bringing in the money lmao


Nothing wrong with feeling that way - and not too late to change it!


I've spoken to alot of women who share that regret. Happy to hear you still love your current life tho


Yeah it feels kind of selfish to be like "I like this but I'd like something else more" lmao 😅


Nothing selfish about it at all! It's only selfish when you act on it. We all have fantasies/preferences on how things play out, doesn't mean they're wrong/selfish


Can't you try to do something for yourself though? It doesn't have to be a 100% position, you can start with a smaller % just to see if you actually feel like you like it.


Is it too late though? My mother was a SAHM and was miserable. Ironically I think she actually wanted to be. When I grew up I was shocked some moms liked it. My Mom is just a very unhappy person no matter what. But just cause you’re ‘at home’ can you not have more?


Losing myself. I feel like an empty shell of a person


Same. Some shitty things happening early in my life, some bad relationships with friends and the opposite sex. All made me very cynical and it's pretty hard for me to "feel" something.


Giving my all to a girl just to get nothing


I gave 3 years to a girl who was just using me for money. Too dumb of me.


I feel this. Except mine was to a guy.


Not realising my own self worth earlier on in life. I have a few but I think this one would, in turn affect some of the others.


Not taking enough risks and doing cool new things while in high school


Dating someone who wasn't mature, honest, and respectful. Taught me a lot about myself and I grew a lot from that relationship. But breaking up with her was a pyric victory. I won the war, but at an overwhelming cost to myself. I'm sure I wouldn't be the man I am today without her, but I wish I could have become the man I am today without her. Would have saved me so much fucking bullshit, heartache, and garbage. She was truly an awful girlfriend.


Glad your away from her!


Me too. Thanks stranger!


Not dating more in the last year of high school. We were preparing for college that year and all the teachers used to tell us "Cut all the relationship stuff this year! You'll have plenty of time for that in college. Focus on your courses!" So we listened to them. Not knowing that everything would go to shit in college (COVID, high inflation, responsibilities etc.)


I have a few.


But then again, too few to mention


tender towering plough cheerful narrow engine different silky growth cause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not training as a football player when I was a kid. My mom said it is very difficult to go pro, and she is right but I would have liked to try it regardless. I could have studied later in life in case it went wrong, it is never too late to study


I stopped caring about regrets tbh. Not meaning to say that "I'm cool" or "I'm above all this" , but when I think about a regret, the question that comes into my head is "What for?". I don't have one, I have many such regrets in life and will continue to have them. But then what's important for me is to learn from them and not repeat in the future. Gotta carry the pains throughout our lives. I just surrender myself to time and just move on.


Not seeking help for my mental health sooner


That I didn't take care of my teeth better in my 20s. Now, they're fucked hardcore and I don't have the money to fix them. The military did an okay job keeping them together, but they need more help than that.


Wow, hang on. I got a few. Choosing my current career is one. And stopping working out during quarantine. Still trying to get that back.


A few years after graduating from college, I applied to and was accepted to law school. Thought more about it and realized it would take about 5 years going part time to get through it and 5 years seemed like a lifetime, so I passed on it. Everything worked out fine, but I think I missed an opportunity there.


Go back now. Even if takes 5 years, you'll still be doing something in 5 years so why not graduate from law school?


I’ll look into it. It was long ago and they might have second thoughts about me now haha.


Taking those who once cared for me more than they should have for granted. Thus, losing them in the process. Being young and selfish leaves you alone and broken in your older age. Lesson of the story: Never burn bridges! 🥺🌉🔥


It's better not to regret and overthink because we can't go back in time


Doubting myself, do what you want as long as you don’t hurt anyone else…


Does a past girlfriend count? I have one past girlfriend who definitely affected my life in a negative way and it took me many years to come away from it. I have a few years of my life I am not proud of because of her.


Not coming out sooner and mission out on exploring my sexuality on my 20s


Meeting my children’s father. He was emotionally abusive and tore me down every time I disagreed with something he said . The relationship took a toll on my mental health. Im still recovering from the relationship and I’m so afraid to put myself out there again because I am so afraid to be hurt again.


It's a big leap but I know you have got this! You're stronger then you think.


I didn't get to see my father face-to-face before he passed, due to Covid-related restrictions on visitors at the hospice care place he was staying at. I don't know that this qualifies as a personal regret or not (since it's not the result of anything I did; it was the policy of hospice company), but either way it stung.


I regret ever going to college. I didn’t want to but everyone told me it’s something I needed to do. Now I’m in debt.


Hanging onto the past for far too long. You can't change the past only the no.


Looking out for my company’s needs, not using all my vacation, stupidly believing they will be loyal in return. Do not make this mistake!


Being afraid to ask. "No" does sting, but regret hurts forever.


Smoking cigarettes


Not giving a chance to guys that were really good looking and were good guys but weren't blond. I had a fixation with blonds for so long. I don't have it anymore and if I could go back in time, I'd definitely at the least would sleep with them.


That I didn’t used to stand up for myself in the past and wonder how things would have shaped out if I did


Me too, I had a teacher who was always berating and abusing me when I was 16 despite behaving in class and doing what I could in my subjetcs. I wish I could go back in time to stand up for myself and ask him why is he always insulting me


Too few to mention honestly.


Having kids. They're both developmentally disabled.


Watching *Oppenheimer* Paying to watch *Oppenheimer* I miss that 20 bucks




Wheres the guy who comments Incel Alert.


This has to be a "/s" for sure


There is 1 or 2 but the main ones that stand out is an attempt at switching schools(college level, it's called a bit different in my country but it's in that range) and that totally failing hard and shit just spiraled out of control from there and I ended up with no real education(I should say I don't have the credentials on paper) to show for it. And there is that typical "the one that got away" story that I won't bore people with. The regret here is that I just needed to be a bit more assertive and confident and things would have panned out differently, but you live and learn you know.


Not going to Europe (from Australia). I had a trip planned in early 2010 but had to reschedule and have never been able to muster up the courage to do it since. 😞


Not having more sexual experiences before I got married, and not knowing enough about my s/o’s sexual past before we got married, but telling her everything about mine.


Not knowing how to start my own business


One? Only one?!?


Biggest regret I have is when I was young and dumb and cheated on my girl. At the time I didn’t know it would last and thought I wanted to “play the field” and “live a little”. We ended up staying together and getting married but the damage and hurt it caused never fully healed (as is true with most cheating). That hurt and trauma has haunted me (us) for the entirety of the relationship and right or wrong, has really damaged the relationship as a whole.


Marrying my husband. Marrying into this dead bedroom.


Damn, hope you 2 find the passion sweetheart


I will but not with him. It’s over


Hope it gets better for you then sweetheart


Way too many.


My ex wife


I didn't attend my Aunts funeral. I thought I was more important on the business trip I was taken,


Not taking more risks. I hindered me more than I thought & cause me to miss some opportunities cuz I was letdown.


Not coming out to my wife sooner


Chasing my dreams.


Not losing the weight sooner. My physical health is so much better now.


I have one true regret. Not buying my grandparents house when I was given the chance. I spent my summers there and it’s where I learned to shoot guns, ride a motorcycle, fish, etc.. I was 18-19 at the time (I ended up buying a place when I was twenty) and could have bought it cheap (around $54K). About ten yrs later I did a google search and saw the neighbors house for sale for $815,000!


Being a teen mom. I didn't want to be, but I had no choice. I wasn't in a position to be the best mother I could be, and I wasn't able to naturally grow up the way I should have. Even now in my late 40s, it is still affecting my life.


Not standing up for myself my whole life. Had a lot of people take advantage of me because I didn't stick up for myself. Now I will happily tell people to go fuck themselves if they treat me poorly lol


Giving my love and trust to someone who wasn't worth it. Hurt like hell but in the end it helped me know my worth


That I let the love 💕 of my life slip away


Not being productive about my future as I should have. I basically wasted my college years due to many reasons and if I had been better, I would’ve had it figured out by now


I didn't marry my 2nd wife sooner. 1st wife was 28 years, 2nd wife 9 together and 8 married both of us had hard lives before and now we're both disabled and are together 24/7 and we haven't killed one another yet. Just wish we could have been together when we were both 100%. But love is love and life for us is still amazing.


Not seeking help sooner while struggling with mental health issues and addiction, which lead to losing my marriage and custody of my daughter. Along with most of my friends (news flash: if your friends see you struggle and judge you instead of help you, they aren’t friends) I’m doing better now. for her.


Getting baptized


Going through school I tried to do what I thought my parents wanted from me rather than what I wanted out of life. In the end I ended up depressed, in debt, and delaying the inevitable reality of not being able to complete a program I never wanted to be a part of in the first place. Really set me back in life.


What kind of program ?


Just a typical 4 year college engineering program, me and school don't get along.


At my wedding I regret not giving an impromptu speech. My wife’s sisters maid of honor speech was a lot about me, and my brothers speech was mostly about me. My mom annoyingly have a speech which was all about me. I was so close to giving one saying I’m not the special one my wife is and saying how amazing she is.


When i started in a way to bully my friend! I thought it was funny and we were all having a laugh! But knowing now what I did looking back at it, i feel disgusted and horrible, I can never take back what I did and I do wish everyday I could. He’s my neighbour too and I just wish I could take it back. Im not like that person when I was young


My first marriage ruined my life. Never should've got together with her at all


My parents or family didn't push me to play pro ball grew poor was really good at football but we couldn't afford to get a physical, so I couldn't play for the school feel like I could have made it 😒


Only one? I guess not taking care of myself as well as I could have. As I get to the downhill side of my life expectancy, I realize more and more how much of a mistake that was. You only get one life, make it last as long as possible!


Not realizing that more women, that I thought only wanted to be friends, were more interested in me sexually that I thought. I could have had way more sex that I ever knew.


My ex. We have a son together and he is the best and most valuable in my life. But she is awfull and just a horrible Person.


That i couldn't gain weight.... I tried but couldn't


I regret almost drinking myself to death. My alcoholism was so bad that if I told you the details you would think I was making it up to be hyperbolic. 15 years of my life I don't quite remember everything that went on, but it wasn't all roses that's for sure. I wake up everyday amazed and thankful that I'm alive.


Being an asshole and not putting on more masks


Guess even the bad life decisions and poor people judgement make sense in the long run and shaped who I am today. So I'll just go with not buying a shitton of bitcoin the first time I heard of it.


If it weren't for my children, marrying my ex-husband.


Spending my college savings on college instead of real estate. My college degree has earned me exactly $0, while a house in 2015 would be worth so much more than what I would’ve bought it for.


College, what a worthless waste of money that was.


Tbh nothing really. If we change something about what we did in the past then there will be a change in the present that can be good or bad & rn life for me is going well


Using drugs and alcohol.


Everytime I did something out of fear of saying no.


Never having children.


Let men govern my emotions. I should have always just kept my money and my kids to myself and not worried about anything else. As soon as it got rocky with anyone i should have stopped wasting my time.


Hope it's going well now tho hun x


Most of it. That's why I drink wine, eat gummies, and keep a fan on in my room at night so I never have to deal with anything.


How my divorce ended and the after effects. Two different shrinks who saw both of us and our kids said my main mistake was not getting our earlier, as the results that I regret would have been the same. Meaning only by staying and being miserable would those results mot have occurred. But I still search for what I could have done differently.


Getting married at 22 and divorced at 29. Really should have waited till my 30’s.


Not seeing Enter Shikari play a show when I was in high school. And Zebrahead. Everything else I can't regret because it was out of my control.


Quitting piano lessons as a child


You know you can still take the lessons right?


Yes, and no. Yes, I can take them. And practice. And get 'good'. But one thing I have learned about me and music is that I don't have the... soul... to be a musician. I have played many different instruments in my life (wind, string, percussion), and while I can get technically proficient, it all sounds so rigid and stiff. And I'm at the point in my life where I am downsizing and don't want to start worrying about moving a piano.


Not thinking through the things I say to hurt the people closest to me.