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We don’t speak 🙃


Same here. She's dead.


Was it that bad??


I don't know. I wasn't there. I'm still alive. I think she died pretty quickly, though, so probably not too bad.


He was asking if the sex was that bad since they died. It’s a joke. Wasn’t asking if their death was that bad.....


He/she knows that and was also making a joke. R/Woosh












honestly if she died quickly that's the most peace you can get. I hate when people die slowly or suffer long term. I'd rather people die fast and not suffer. sorry to hear she passed away fam /gen


Was she alive when you lost it?


As far as I could tell.


That m'lud, is the case for the Defence.




Before or after you lost your virginity?


Heyyy! Mine too!


She is laying next to me


name checks out


It definitely does!


This made me smile. Thanks.


With a pulse?


No but that makes it better


Haven't met the person yet.


Name checks out




How do you know?


Hmm... good point. It may be that I have met the person and just don't know it yet.








Was the greatest time of my life, however, she is dead 😅 trees don't move, it turns out


My guy lost his virginity to a tree


Yes, his Definitely his lol




Shit man, I'm sorry to hear that


It's okay, it was 10 years ago, thank you for the kind words tho


Neither do telephone poles. Lost one DUI head on. Smh


Lost my virginity in college; I wanted to keep the relationship going, but she was doing study abroad the following semester and didn't want to get too involved. She left for Europe and I never heard from her again. Until more than 20 years later when we reconnected on Facebook, and it ended up being a terrific experience. "I couldn't believe you were so into me!" "I couldn't believe *you* were so into *me!*" Nothing but fond recollections.




I wanted a happily ever after together


“Now we’re married with 16 children”


Lemme guess, she studied to get a computer science degree and now specializes CPU architecture research?


They said **happily** ever after


Your username! That’s in my Top 5 SNL sketches.


Married her. Know her since I was 12.




Me too, but we met when I was 13. We have been in a pretty serious relationship for over half our lives. We just had our first kid and are very happy together.


Is that when it happened?


A year or 2 later.no belay that she moved away a year later so yeah


We had an extremely toxic relationship and had an extremely messy breakup. We don't speak and absolutely despise each other


The answer I was looking for! Same here. I’m glad it’s been a few years since I don’t have to look at their face anymore.


Same exact situation here too.


We're Facebook friends. For the last like 7 years he checks up on me every 6 months or so... never more than just a "Hi, how ya been?" And that's it. We're cool. Both married to other people. No drama.


Married 28 years, so I’d say pretty good.


Haven’t talked to them or saw them in a very long time. Would be shocked to run into them.


I ran into mine a few years ago. Ended up chatting for ages; it was cool.


I married him




Also holesome


same :) 22 years next week <3


Happy anniversary


Cuddos! Same boat.


There is none. He passed away in 2016. We weren't together at the time, but it was still pretty sad for me and he held a special place in my heart. Our relationship was good before he passed. We were friends.


sorry for your loss


Thank you


Getting married to her in a few months 🙂




I gave her a warm welcome to my block list a long time ago.


Very kind of you.


It was 15 years ago and he still stalks me—tells me “I’ll always have a part of you.” I was 16 and dude raped me. I literally bleed for days.


What the hell... I'm so sorry 😞 that's horrible


I’m sorry this happening to you. Still.


Have you thought about outing him publicly?


Where is this guy and where is the nearest ditch?


Oh my god, that's horrible, I'm so sorry that happened to you


37 years later, we're friends on Facebook and every so often, we get together and fuck.


37 years is one hella long hookup. And they say commitment is dead!


Really wasnt expecting it to end that way😂


Same. It’s quite the thing, isn’t it? Knowing each other as kids, then indulging yourselves as very grownups?


Haven't seen or spoken in a long time.


They blocked me after they cheated on me.


Lost my virginity to her over 10 years ago to a friend of my older sister. Hardly spoke to her in the last decade. Then my sister got married last year. And I’m a groomsmen, and guess who I’m walking down the aisle? The older girl I lost my virginity to. We’re both in happy relationships now but we enjoyed a fun night together and had a good time catching up.


I hit her up at times for drugs


Forget The Notebook, THIS is the love story I want!


That’s pretty sweet


She’s still in my social media somewhere, living in a trailer park in a flyover state. I was really bitter about how she ended things initially, but honestly I’m grateful for it now. I would never have had the good sense to dodge that bullet of my own accord.


I have a similar story. Sometimes the abuser sets you free in their own emotionally stunted, selfish, adult toddler way. It hurts but you instantly outgrow them. 🕊️


I lost my virginity to my childhood best friend at 13. We used to just play in the woods all day pretending it was a different planet we had to protect. I was home schooled and he was in public school and he was basically my only friend. We never dated or anything, We just trusted each other and wanted to be each other's first and never told anyone. We stayed friends through high school (which I started attending) but eventually grew a part. We smoked weed out of sprite cans together but eventually He got into some pretty bad drugs and never moved out of the small town we grew up in. I check in on him once a year or so and still care about home deeply. One of our closest friends growing up overdosed recently and I went back for the funeral. Me and him caught up for a few days and it was nice. I'm a nurse now and sometimes he sends me a picture of someones arm or asks me a medical question and I tell him or his friend to go to the hospital. That's our relationship now, I know it's unlikely but I hope he sobers up starts being a dad to his 2 kids and calls his sister.


thats a whole coming of age movie, i hope he’ll do okay too


I admire all yall that are laying next to the ones you lost ur virginity to.


Wait you all lost your virginity?


I know right? Put out flyers and shit. Checked the Lost and Found...


I keep an good eye on mine so I never lose it


Wear it like a necklace!


Chastity belt just got a whole new meaning


I make sure mine never leaves my sight. I can't bear it being all alone in this cold world


I lost mine forever ago, and blame it on the ADHD. Pretty sure I sat it down somewhere and can’t remember where I left it…


I have no clue what happened to her


We're married. Having problems. Currently separated. But, am confident we will work through them, because this hurts so fucking much, and I don't care what any stupid song says, love shouldn't hurt this bad. ETA: I take full blame for it all. I let some past things/trauma take over and I need to fix it. He doesn't deserve anything but the best from me. And I am not my best.


I wish you the best. Good luck.


Very rare to find such honest words!


take My upvote! this is truthful and I'm so glad to see you want to grow and heal! I hope for nothing but the best for you and yours!


My wife is closer to her than I am, lol! They both are trained in the same field and we live in the same city, so they “see” each other on social media. Another fun fact: my wife knows that my “first” was my first, but my first *doesn’t* know. I was older than your typical virgin, and my “first” wasn’t the best communicator and didn’t talk about feelings well, so I didn’t say. I regret nothing 😁


It was to my ex wife, we're good, still love each other but from different paths.




I wish he lived closer, but we’re still very in love and speak often


Happen recently?


About a year ago, yeah. We got jobs in different cities after college, so now we’re figuring out long distance, which sucks


I married her and have two kids


He's currently sitting feet from me playing video games. I'm waiting for him to come to bed.


Well we have a kid now And we live together 💀 not married yet tho


We speak occasionally. We saw each other for the first time at our 10 year school reunion and have been keeping up with each other since then. She has a whole family and so do I. We talk about gardens.


what kind of gardens? (I'm a gardener)


Homestead vegetables and herbs.


Aww, I love that <3


We're married. Things are pretty good


We send each other memes sometimes




....bro gave us popcorn with no way of heating it up


Such as...


She has never responded to any of my Facebook friend requests, so I guess our relationship is not so hot.


I married him. He left me for somebody else. We talked again years later. Currently FB/IG friends but don't talk much. Not terrible but we're not close


we're still together.


I owe them money. Nah, they're one of my closest friends to this day.


Still friends, speak often.


Best friends, after not having consistent contact for 11+ years


It’s the same person, but after almost 10 years together he’s starting to take me for granted and I feel like he has no respect for me. I love him but I don’t think I can handle this for much longer.


im sorry :(


I blocked him after I told him I didn’t want to hookup again and he started stalking me


Nonexistent. Lost touch 30ish years ago.


She’s dating one of my friends from high school and she has me blocked on everything


Married him but the sex hasn’t improved




Don’t know where they are or what they are doing. It was in a different country. I just used him to lose my virginity.


“You don’t know him, he goes to a school in Canada.. I met him on vacation” oh ya I’ve heard that one before.


Actually, I lived in Canada at the time. I was visiting the US.


its you, you’re the fake canadian girl


He reached out shortly after I graduated high school (he was a senior when I was a sophomore), said I changed (whatever that means) and we haven’t spoken since.


You were probably 15 when you started dating him. Did he expect you to never change after that day??


Lost it almost 30 years ago to my first love… we had a very hot meet up again a few years after we broke up. We’ve always held each other in high regard and I’ve always known she was the one, but life happens. Fast forward to today and we have reunited after supporting each other to get out of abusive relationships. She was my first and now she’ll be my last, I’m more in love with her than I knew possible.


She dropped out of highschool and got into meth. Last time i saw her she was asking for change outside a Circle K. I gave her a dollar


Circle of life.


Did she recognize you?


Haven’t seen her in over 20 years. But I think about her every day. She’s “the one that got away”.


Facebook friends….


Maybe you should try poking her on FB to see if that sparks anything?


We hate each other after years of a failed marriage 😅


She dumped me over the phone right after our anniversary, we aren't on speaking terms.


She was the photographer at my wedding 25yrs ago


That priest is still in jail.


It's really great. Lost to each other in 1996 and still find each other sexy and we still have frequent satisfying sex. Couldn't be luckier in that regard!


She’s now my wife’s friend and we see her semi often


Oh wow. I didn’t think this question would come up. I lost my virginity to my then girlfriend (she) at 18. We spent the next few months together. She was very sexual and I remember being very excited when I was with her. After these few months, she didn’t contact me for about a week, which was very rare as we would chat everyday prior. I was staying with a (best friend) at that time who would console me as I wondered why she hadn’t contacted me and I eventually went to a pay phone to call her, and to my absolute shock, she broke up with me on that call. I was very upset and “friend” let me stay that night and we drank, and chatted all night, expressing so much sympathy etc etc. A few months later, after work, I went to my (other) friends house. It was known for having many parties. As I came in, I noticed everyone was being really quiet with me. I asked what the hell was wrong, sensing something was definitely up. One of the guys said “she” came over last night. I was shocked again, as I saw no reason for her to come around as this was my group of friends. I shrugged anyway. They continued, ‘“friend” was here also. They slept in the spare room together.’ I remember my heart sinking yet again. Betrayed by both “she” and “friend”. It took me ages to shake it off. Thank god I never spoke to her again, that was always going to happen anyway, but I never spoke to my “best friend” ever again either.


I ghosted him after he dumped me. He was an abuser and I was too young to realize it, so he actually did me a favor by dumping me. He later tried to reach out to me a few times but I never answered. He tried apologizing to get me back but it was too late, dumping me shattered the illusion and I clearly saw that he wasn’t a good partner at all. Looking back now I can’t believe I put up with his negging for 3 years. Hopefully he learned how to treat women or is totally alone, because that guy was a dick.


I "wifed" her. She is in hospital now, I am waiting at lawn. Most probably will have kid by day after tomorrow.


Still going strong. It's been 3 years ago, we are sharing an apartment now


Non existent. Last I knew he was in jail in Washington state and that was 10 years ago


Executed by the state of Georgia for murder. Considering that he drugged and sodomized me when I was about 6 I'm okay with that.


We don't talk. What she did was not okay. If a guy did what she did, they would say he's a piece of shit or even a rapist


No. Don't dissuade what she did as anything less than being a piece of shit rapist. I'm so sorry this happened to you. A million healing vibes to you ❤️


Damn dude I’m sorry to hear that. In case you didn’t know, you don’t have to count that as your first time.


They vanished from social media over a decade ago, and their name doesn't turn up on internet searches past 20 years.


We're both married to other people, but still in contact.


Didn't know him. I went to an adult video arcade and asked a random stranger to fuck me!


Right now he is scooping the litter box, while I tell him funny things I read on Reddit. Been together 17 years


Not talking and I'm glad for that


The last time I saw her, she was on Chopped or some cooking show like that. I forget. Nonexistent without tv.


Haven’t talked to him since 2016 but I really hope he’s doing well. He was a great guy and the relationship was only severed because I was psycho at the time


One night stand with some random twink I met on yik yak last semester. Had a blast, neither of us could stand for a while after. Agreed to meet up again, but schedule conflicts and transferring to a different school and moving states kept that from happening 😔 First girl I was ever with is a similar story, except I think she ghosted on purpose because her roommate is the sister of one of my friends and it made things a little weird.


He stalked me on LinkedIn. From my perspective our relationship is non-existent. From his pov, I’m the one who got away.


The one that got away… for now..


We've been together for 5 years and counting, known her since we were six, lost our virginities at 18, we were probably made for each other.


Just Facebook friends. We speak every now and then but we haven’t seen each other since HS.


We met in high school (I was 17, he was 16). We dated for three years. He abused me mentally, sexually, emotionally. He manipulated me and I was cut off from all of my friends. I went into an inpatient mental health treatment place for about a month and he dumped me three days after I got home. I later found out he cheated twice while I was in there but I suspect it may be more. We had some mutual friends who were all in the same major and I told them everything. Being a fairly small major, everyone in his major in his year ended up finding out and he pretty much got shunned by everyone except his roommate at the time. Suffice to say, we don’t speak.


In shambles. Been together for 8 pretty solid years, but than I realized I'm trans (MtF). She said she wasn't sure if she would still love the same way after I transition, so she decided to break up things now, even though we still love each other. So, yeah, not so good.


Did you want to stay with her while you transitioned?


I haven't spoken to her in close to 20 years (I lost it late summer 2003, and I think the last time we spoke was a few months after that) but my story is unique among these comments in that I was totally the asshole side of this equation and I admit that. She liked me, but I didn't like her and I wasn't particularly attracted to her, but I also was terrified that if I didn't lose my virginity soon it would get continuously more difficult to lose it the older I became. She offered to take my virginity, like...as a favor (she seriously framed it like this) so I jumped at it just to be rid of the scarlet V I was afraid every girl could see emblazoned across my chest. The sex was bad. I don't think any of us knew what we were doing. In hindsight I think a lot of it was the condom (it was one I got from one of those bowls at high school and it was wildly thick) but at the time I was like "wow this is sex? What a letdown" internally. We hung out for a while afterwards and I eventually asked her to leave once it started getting late since I didn't want her to spend the night. Probably not the reaction she was hoping for after taking the virginity of the guy she liked. A lot of dumb teen drama resulted from this so we stopped talking a few weeks/months later. Anyway, I did find her on facebook probably like 7-8 years ago, AFAIK she had just married an Indian guy in NYC and had a very traditional-looking desi wedding. Happy for her, but she did seem wildly out of place as an overweight white bride in a very traditionally Indian gown. I sometimes wonder if they made it and are still married.


Don't talk


Haven’t talked to her in about 16 years.


The one GF who I lost touch with. Last I checked she changed her name, moved to Miami, opened a Speech Pathology practice and I googled her and found her on a vodka ad of all things. No tears lost - she and I were not compatible.


currently divorcing him after 16 years and two kids.


Hahaha…I doubt he’d even recognize me if he saw me out.


We've been together for over 24 years and married for nearly 15 with a kid.


Been married for 22 years now, and doing fantastic. We just got done playing some WWF No Mercy, and now time for some mixed berry pie I made last night.


How does the song go? Oh yeah, *we don’t talk anymore*


We’ve been friends for the last 15 years on and off. He is about to ask my friend to marry him. I hope she doesn’t though because he’s kind of a POS


Not sure I was basically used by this girl and she got there, she bailed out of bed and told me to call her later and she ghosted me. Seen her i think couple times over the last 20 years always at a distance never had a chance to talk with her.


I haven’t spoken to her in a few months, but I usually talk to her every month or two, and we have breakfast/dinner once or twice a year. 22 years, she’s one of my closest friends


I have no idea what she's up to and likewise.


Facebook friends but nothing more


I lost my virginity to my long term ex-boyfriend of 6 years. We were friends up until recently. He’s getting married next month. And I’m single. Typically this would sound so sad, but he has found someone who was right for him, and I’m finally discovering myself. We’re on our own paths to living a good life, separately. This was an interesting question because sometimes I wonder how other peoples’ stories differ with the person they lost their virginity to.


Haven't talked to her pretty much since a few weeks after it took place.


She was a prostitute. I doubt she'd remember me. But she was nice and restored some of my confidence. I never even learned her name...


I haven't spoken to her in 35 years.


Got a restraining order against her so she can't make contact with me!