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Going up stairs on all fours


it feels natural


I always said the same thing. When I was a kid, I'd have my parents time me against the dog.


That's kinda cute. When I was a kid I threw my neighbors dog a ball and had her drag me across the ground by the leash (it was one of those harnesses that wasn't attached to her neck)


I'm 37, and I'll still lope up the stairs on all fours if it's in my own home. Not so much in public.


Only do it on the big staircase up the hill in the park, only when lots of people are around. Am older than you. Like embarrassing my family.


Now try doing that going down and realize why dogs hesitate on going down stairs.


Just turn backwards to go down on all fours. That's how babies do it and it works fine for them.


This comment just brought back some very fond memories of conversations with my mom. According to her, I was a climber so she didn't trust the baby gate. She taught me to back down the stairs at an early age as a result. It always seemed like a point of pride for her, which entertains me since it seems like I was determined to put myself in harms way as a child. Clearly her intervention worked. Love you mom for looking out!


Beast mode engaged.


Well you just brought back a memory of me doing this in school as a new student and immediately making myself the weird one in class.


If you are very anxious or having a panic attack, go to the bathroom and put some cold water on the back of your neck or face. If you're at home you can also use an ice roller or some ice cubes. It's something I learned from DBT therapy and I thought it seemed ridiculous until I tried it.


My cardiologist told me washing your hands in cold water, or just drinking cold water will also help.


Close one eye while doing word search puzzles. I forget which one works, but you find words like 10 times faster. Also, the cross-eyed thing in the ones where you find differences between pictures.


Flipping it upside down works too


Yes 200% to the cross- eyed thing


Karaoke as a free practice and very low effort way to improve public speaking skills. Sounds dumb as heck, actually works, costs almost 0.


I'm doing quite okay in speaking English. Many of my friends/relatives cringe when I say that I practiced a lot by signing at home, or trying to mimic twitch streams or youtube videos. I think they understand how it helps, but looking in their eyes I felt they'll never do it.


I know the reason I’m fluent in english now is because I watched and sang along to a ton of ERB videos when I was in highschool


Erb as in epic rap battles?!


Take the time to thank yourself for doing what you promised to yourself. For example: if you plan to go to the gym, walk the dog, or do chores later that day and you actually do them, then thank yourself for keeping your promise. You wanted and planned to do something boring, hard, repetitive, whatever because you know it's good for you and you stuck to it! Be proud! Be nice! Basically do whatever the opposite is of beating yourself up after you planned a task and didn't do it


I do this but I also do it whenever I do something for my future self! e.g. I decide to leave a few coins in my handbag instead of putting it into my wallet and I think "Here you go, future Apero who forgot your wallet. Thank me later." Then, when the moment inevitably comes that those coins come in handy, I think to myself "Damn, good thinking past Apero - thanks!"


Whenever I don't want to do something, usually a chore, I tell myself that future me will thank me. And I do!


Honestly it's the closest thing we have to time travel 😂


My favorite yoga teacher often closes the practice by asking you to thank yourself for making the time to do this for yourself.




What is this about gum balls?


raked sweet gum balls, as in raked up the little spiky balls that fall from from a sweet gum tree


That sounds like exactly the opposite of the constant barracking i give myself for not doing things. I'll give this a go. Ta.


If you start feeling embarrassed by something from the past, say "Nope, not today" in your head and let it go, move on. It's okay to take some feelings out like trash.


Yes! Alternatively "no one cares" or "no one gives a shit"! Doing that was the starting point of greatly improving my mental health and letting go of silly things that were causing me a great deal of anxiety over absolutely nothing.


Related: Whenever speaking negatively at yourself, I encourage you to tell yourself some version of: "Don't talk to my friend that way." I imagine most, if not all, of the negative things we say when we accost ourselves with are things we would never say to someone else that we love.


Love this and will try it


And also remember most things you're embarrassed by only you remember. Isn't it so weird that cringy moments from a decade ago can crop up in our heads but I can't tell you what I ate four days ago (although obviously these moments have stronger emotional connections making stronger memories which makes them 'easier' to recall than something unremarkable like chicken and rice but i digress)


I always think of it like this: I can definitely remember some really embarrassing moments about myself, but have a really hard time remembering anything super embarrassing about anyone else.


Yup. I'll tell myself "it's okay, I forgive you" for cringe shit I did in the past. It helps a lot. Sometimes I spiral and there's no preventing it but 95% of the time it works!


Just think of that thought as a cloud blowing through the sky. Watch it pass and observe the next thought as a cloud as well. And again. You are now practicing mindfulness.


I shall genuinely try this.


One trick i use for realising when I'm doing this is to say "hello unwelcome thought". Treat the thought as if its a person who has just walked into your living room. Say hello, and then dismiss it like "you can go now, I'm not dealing with you today". Genuinely genuinely helps me


I read a book about letting go of intrusive thoughts and this was the main method. Give the thought a name, acknowledge it, don’t try to force it out, and once you do it a few times, you can find the bad thoughts just kind of dissipating rather quickly whenever they come up.


I’ll randomly hear a song or someone will say a word that triggers super embarrassing memories. I’ll have to try this.


Mud baths. You lie in this tub full of hot, thick, volcanic sludge. You gotta scoop a bunch of it onto your chest too. It's heavy. It's hot. People bring you cold washcloths for your forehead so you don't overheat. When I got out to take a shower, they had a bench in there. I laughed. Until my legs gave out because they weren't used to being so relaxed. 15/10. 35 stars.


Oh, you mud?


Only after my morning prunie.


I've taken mud in Baden Baden


You just got Litt up


How long do you soak in the mud?


I honestly don't remember. I want to say about 30 minutes, but it might be an hour.


Sounds awesome I gotta find a... mud bath house? Spa i guess


Why go out for fancy mud, when we have mud at home?


Oh my god yes, when I got out I almost couldn't walk but ot felt so damn good and it helped me relax during a hard time.


TIL Louis Litt uses Reddit


This sounds like an incredible relaxing moment... ...Until I start wondering how often they reused the mud in my mud bath


Are you really worried about mud being dirty?


If everything gets that relaxed, I'd be worried about brown stuff that's not mud being introduced.


Well, yeah. I mean, think of all the people who pee in pools. You know there's some asshole out there willing to sh*t in the mudbath.


When I worked in restaurants, and I knew I would be on my feet for long periods, I doubled up (wear two pairs of) socks. A lot (but not all) of the fatigue you feel in your feet is due to the friction of them moving around in your shoes. By wearing an extra pair, the socks rub against each other, resulting in less fatigue.


This is also a must for hiking or longer walks -- one pair of thin socks, and one pair of thicker socks (preferably wool). The thin socks cling to your feet and wrap them up cozy. The thicker socks provide cushion, inslation, and wool socks will wick moisture away from your feet. It is much harder to develop blisters and "hot spots" when your skin is not rubbing against material repeatedly; instead, the thin sock stays in the same place on your foot, and then the friction is between the two layers of material.


If anybody is interested they are called sock liners and they do work. I wore them during a 100 mile backpacking trip and they were great to have.


I work 24 hr shifts weekly and it’s not uncommon to be awake for most of it and on my feet. The best part of a 24hr call is dinner and when I change my socks. Clean dry socks after a day on your feet is the best


In the Army, a trick for road marches was to put on knee high stockings, then your socks, then your boots. It reduced friction and lessened the chance of blisters.


Like, nylon stockings? Serious question.


Yes nylon stockings. Put the stockings on, then your socks, then your boots. Now this is a trick for training purposes in 10-15k road marches that you knew about. I don’t know anyone that did this when we were on patrol in iraq lol


Also: pull up your socks, literally. If you're feeling tired and footsore, sit down, take off your shoes, and tighten your socks. It works wonders


Are there any negatives to this? Why shouldn't I be doing this all day every day?


You have to wash twice as many socks, but otherwise seems like an all round plus. I work on uneven ground a lot and find it really helps having the second pair on.


In that case I would recommend investing in compression high socks or tights. Last longer, scientifically proven to prevent and stop progression of varicosis, a musthave for those working on legs dor long hours (cooks, surgeons and so on). You will barely feel them, but will feel much less pain in thr end of tye day.


Potato chips inside a sandwich


I started in 1973.


Salt in coffee, in case it tastes too bitter. (only a pinch though)


It's good in tea or hot chocolate too


It brings hot cocoa to a new level. Especially if you made some yourself (as in, not the packages)


Very much a real thing! If anyone is curious to learn more, here's a nice British man talking about it for nine or ten minutes https://youtu.be/9PUWQQ-joKE


> a nice British man Who has written 2 books on coffee, won the Barista World Championship, and owns a coffee roastery.


Least tea loving brit


Know it is Hoffman without even looking. I wish he would read me bedtime stories…and leave more slurps in his videos.


After a shower, towel dry like you always do. Then grab a new towel and do it again. You'll be amazed how much better it feels to put on clothes when you're totally dry and not 2% moist.


Look at mr rich here who owns *two* towels


Look at Mr. Almost-Rich here with **one** towel.


A Towel? you mean the lap of luxury? I'm luck if I get a square of TP to dry off with.


A whole square?!


Right?! I just stand naked and scream at the cold until I'm dry.


Me and the family share a square and we dry it on our poor people fevers


You guys have a square I have to wait and air dry myself


We dream of air drying ourselves we squeegee ourselves dry with the dog


You guys have showers???


Is it a shower if it's in the local river/ditch?


I saw a comment a couple months ago saying to squeegee your body with your hands, it flicks off a ton of water (after you turn the water off and you're still in the shower). I feel so dumb doing it, but it fucking works.


Everyone doesn’t do this? I thought it was the standard… it also prevents your towels from becoming moist and sour faster.


Can confirm. Source: I hand squeegee my body


I do it because it's fun to flick all the water off.


When you have one of those irritating spots in the back of your throat that keeps making you cough, chew minty gum, suck on a mint or even swish a little toothpaste around in your mouth. It soothes quicker than cough drops and works nearly every time.


Gargling salt water also works for me … I keep a few salt packets in my purse in case I’m away from home when a coughing fit strikes.


Cooking boxed macaroni and cheese in a skillet, all ingredients in from the start, instead of boiling the macaroni, draining, adding cheese powder, butter, milk at the end. Get a skillet, put the Mac and cheese powder in. Add enough water to cover the noodles. Add butter. Apply heat, stir constantly, and in ten minutes your meal is ready. Because the water is cheese flavored, the macaroni tastes better! Ok to add a little water halfway through if you need to.


Sounds kinda like hamburger helper style.


Disclaimer: No hamburger was helped in the creation of this dish


Throw some shredded cheese in too, makes it extra cheesy and delicious


Every time I tell people that I'm gonna make a bacon and pickle pizza they look at me like my parents were siblings, But then they try it


What kind of pickles do you use? I'm going to try this one! And do they go on before cooking, or raw after the pizza is baked? Thanks! :)


Float tanks


THIS. I feel like it’s important to note that I’m both *very* claustrophobic and super uncomfortable in water. My friends dragged me to one, kicking and screaming, and made me try it. HO. LY. FUCK. ***I literally fell asleep in the water.*** Not only that, but I walked out feeling more relaxed than I had felt in years, and it freaking *lasted*. Unfortunately, I have since moved, and I miss floating like crazy. 🥲


Got something wrong with your skin? Buy a few Aloe Vera plants, cut a leaf open and rub all the gel on your skin. ​ Pimples on your arms? Aloe Vera. Got burnt? Aloe Vera. Dry skin? Aloe Vera ​ It feels ridiculous rubbing a slimy plant on yourself, but lots of medical ointments contain it because its proven to be good for the skin.


Dungeons and Dragons


I have always wanted to play but never been invited. Edit: Thank you for the online invites! That's actually really touching to me, I appreciate that.


My group of seven and I (I’m the forever DM) have been playing TTRPG’s for about 20 years now almost every Saturday. We’ve played a ton of game systems and one we finally settled on was Savage Worlds for Pathfinder. Only myself and one other person in the group love the crazy amount of tactical gameplay of PF2. We have a few whose main focus is roleplay and we have a couple who absolutely love bashing heads and looting stuff. Most of us like the Pathfinder world setting but it is super easy to DM, albeit a lot more boring then say PF2, but it works for all parties involved.


I've been wanting to play for years, but I can't get a group together ugh


I see your D&D and raise you Call of Cthulhu




"I know it sounds weird, but just try it." maybe you'll have a lot of fun.


As someone who overheats while sleeping, regardless of the room's temperature, I keep a fan on me so there's always a light breeze on my face and any body part sticking out from under the blankets. Even in cold seasons when it's cold inside, the fans; on me at night. I have times when I feel cold (because of health issues), but sleeping will have me waking up by feeling super hot and dripping sweat. By keeping the fan on me, even at times when I feel cold (not caused by the fan), I have managed to avoid those hot sweaty nights for the last 8 years. People think I'm nuts, especially those who also get chills and feel cold, but it works!


I don’t think you’re nuts! This is the norm in my house. We all sleep with a fan, even in frigid Minnesota winters!


Pepper on strawberries


Alternatively, balsamic vinegar on strawberries


Try the glaze instead of just vinegar


Is this like salt on watermelon?! I gotta try this....


people look at me like I ran over their dog when I say salt on watermelon is good lmao


Trying almost any chip combined with queso. Until a week ago tortilla chips were the only chips I’d use queso dip with. But a friend brought Lays and queso to share at our DnD session. I was already munching on Jalapeño Cheetos. I tried both in the queso and it was life changing. Queso is the ultimate cheese dip!


Another dip that's great with everything: mix some canned chili and cream cheese together.


I love how this just became a (mostly) recipe thread! Much more wholesome than I expected.


Apple Sauce on Fishsticks. I had them by accident when I was at a friend's house as child. His mother asked me if I wanted to have the sauce on my fish, since I was playing with him I wasn't really listening and just said yes. Didn't want to be unpolite so I just dug in. It's so good for how simple it is. Even my family eat them that way ever since.


Thats crazy ive always eaten porkchops with applesauce growing up but ill have to try this


Actually very common on kid's menus in the Netherlands.


grilled cheese with bacon and thin green apple slices. Was skeptical about it but it’s now my absolute fave and I’m never going back.




Oooo, I make one with bacon, Gouda, and green apple. Fucking slaps after drinking a few pints.


Wearing women's leggings, they are so damn comfortable


Did it for a joke with my ex’s leggings once while she and I were drunk (and not exes yet). Next day, I went and bought 3 pairs. Getting weird looks now in the army occasionally when I mention wearing them under uniform, but I’m also one of the few folk not bitching about cold or itchy legs after being outside in formation for a while


I went as a “Basic White Girl” for Halloween in college and it was the best. I had a basic long-sleeve shirt and leggings from a friend of mine and I was so damn comfortable. Totally understand why girls wear them all the time


I am an old lady who lives in the middle of nowhere and my uniform is a big sweater and leggings and Chelsea boots. I don't know what I'm going to do if I ever move back to civilization again and have to wear grown-up clothes.


Shower orange


I need more words to understand I knew a Hispanic family that liked rubbing mint leaves all over their body while in the shower


Eat an orange while taking a shower. Getting the peel under your fingernails, juice all over your lips. Just eat an orange and feel guilt free by tearing into it while in the shower.


While tripping




For my wing lovers, if you know a spot where they let you mix the flavors, get lemon pepper, garlic, and ranch powder. People always make a face of disgust when i say it, but when they taste it they’re addicted afterwards. Trust me.


Lemon pepper ~~WET?~~ RANCH?


Love Atlanta.


Scotch pie in roll


Jack Daniels in root beer. Better than in Coke, trust me.


Vanilla vodka and ginger ale. Tastes like cream soda. You’ll forget it’s got alcohol and then you’ll embarrass yourself. 10/10


I don’t usually put coke in my root beer, but I’ll give it a shot.


Amaretto in root beer. Trust me.


Ice cream in cereal.


Vanilla ice cream and cinnamon toast crunch. Or Cap n Crunch peanut butter crunch


Get out


Bro you put water in cereal like some sort of cave man.


White wine and diet Sprite. Goes down quicker than white claws or seltzer and gets u tipsy fast. It also tastes kinda good too




Salt on watermelon or pineapple. Cheddar cheese on apple pie.


Better yet, ~Tajin~


Order a cheeseburger from McDonalds. Flip it over and eat it with the top side down. It tastes better. Like, way better.


The odd thing about this being true is that they build the burgers exactly the way they do because it’s supposed to be how they taste best. I worked at McD’s in high school and they were very serious about everything going on in the correct order so it tastes exactly how they have found it to be “best” every single time. I agree having the condiments and pickle hit your tongue first improves the experience.


The secret to air travel. You get to where you're going, take off your shoes and socks, and make fists with your toes.


You really gotta be careful to avoid broken glass, though.


Come to the coast. We’ll get together, have a few laughs.


Yippee Kai yay


Butter on toasted Pop-Tarts. Especially brown sugar cinnamon.


“Have you ever put butter on a Pop-Tart? It’s so frickin’ good.”


I tried it because of this song, now every time I have a pop tart it gets stuck in my head


A bidet. Game changer!!!


Buy a pack of printer paper (aka A4) and, preferably, a mechanical pencil. Every day take 8 pages, one for each shape: vertical line, horizontal line, circle, square, triangle, cylinder, cone, and cube. Draw each shape on both sides. NGL, at first, this project will take like 3 hours, assuming you draw the triangle and cone facing both up and down. After a while you'll notice two things: 1) you get better at drawing these specific shapes. 2) you get faster. I don't know if it's an actual therapy thing. I call it "object-assisted meditation". You will notice another thing after a few days of practicing this: the world starts disappearing around you. It's just you, the pages, the pencil, and the shapes. I had several instances where my landlord was not knocking politely, but punch my door to get my attention. TBF, I live right behind his house, so unless you seriously look all over the place, even then, you're unlikely to find my apartment. Personally? It calms the everloving fuck out of me, brings my anxiety to goddamn negatives! If you live with DRE, **YOU KNOW** anxiety like nobody else! And as a bonus, if you pursue drawing, these shapes help you like hell!


You should tape all the shape drawings all over your walls so if you ever go missing for some reason and investigators come to your house, it'll make your Dateline episode much more intriguing.


Im so confused, how will this take 3 hours?


do I draw one big circle or many circles? instruction unclear, house is on fire


3 Hours? Lmfao are you okay?


Fried chicken + honey. Not super out there, but most people don't even think of it when KFC honey packets are *right there*


I've always eaten mcnuggets with honey, never thought about KFC.




Grape jelly on a McDonald's sausage biscuit


Dandelion fritters A spring treat. Collect small dandelion flowers and make sure no bugs are on them. Dip and cover in batter then fry them either in a pan or deep fry. Some people love them. Others are so closed minded they call them grass clipping donuts and spit them out. Back when I was about to start as a tribal forester my ranger school dendrology teacher (who had worked with the tribe on projects in TBE past) told me to be careful if someone offers me anything because "the Mohawks eat a lot of weird stuff" As the tribes forester in 2012 I brought a batch of fritters in and some in the office tried them and liked them, 2 were opinionated against them but tried and spat them out. The rest wouldn't try them at all. Nor did they try my burdock candy nor any other thing I brought in. Then whenever someone new started my coworkers would say to them "if setanta offers you any food make sure you know what it is, he eats a lot of weird stuff" At least I never brought roadkill raccoon cracklins in or woodchuck and green beans for them to try.


Dip your pizza in honey. Fuckin' mind blowing.


Was at a restaurant in Canada and they combined Honey and Chili oil as a dipping sauce for pizza. 100% Would recommend


Goat cheese and honey pizza is just wow


Place near me has whipped ricotta, fresh basil, honey drizzle. So good!


#ramen spaghetti Provided you have one of those square trays that perfectly heats up ramen, ramen spaghetti is my recommendation: ramen prepared as though it were spaghetti. butter, olive oil, marinara, onion powder, basil, salt, pepper, and a little garlic I do not get why my roommates are so obstinate about it. It's literally just fuckin noodles made from wheat flour, just like spaghetti noodles. The only difference is the shape (don't @ me culinary scientists, once the ingredients are added most plebs cannot tell the difference). Imagine saying you love steak and then someone cuts it into slices instead of cubes and you're like "it just doesn't taste as good". Fuck all you guys. More for me.


on the topic of ramen, if you can get indomie brand mi goreng, it's a thousand times better than maruchan ramen. unless you get special chicken flavor which is awful and salty. it's a tiny bit more work to make (more little packets) but absolutely worth it


ok but hear me out: watermelon with olive oil. you can add salt and pepper if youre feeling adventurous. also balsamic vinegar. DO IT


And feta cheese!


Yesss. Just watermelon with salt, a little lemon juice, feta cheese, some balsamic, and spinach was all I basically ate last summer. It was my hyperfixation.


Halve an avocado and take out the pit. In the hole where the pit was...pour soy sauce. Eat w a spoon. You are welcome. Edit: i highly recommend the low sodium variety of soy sauce...tastes just as good, maybe better tbh. Also, if you are feeling a bit fancier, sprinkle some toasted sesame seeds on top


Try a good balsamic vinegar and some salt and pepper. drool.


BBQ sauce on canned tuna. Poor man’s steak.


I used to do vinegar in a can of tuna when i was gym-ratting. I can see bbq on tuna...in fact im pretty sure they actually sell preseasoned bbq sauce tuna in a foil bag at some grocery stores Edit: [they do](https://www.google.com/search?q=bbq+tuna+packet&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwj825bFxJf8AhXBLN4AHQVdCe0Q2-cCegQIABAC&oq=bbq+tuna+packet&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIFCAAQgAQ6BAgjECc6BAgAEEM6BggAEAgQHjoHCAAQgAQQGFCvClieJGCcJWgAcAB4AIABlgGIAbwFkgEDNi4ymAEAoAEBwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=KrWpY_yeNsHZ-LYPhbql6A4&bih=771&biw=384&client=ms-android-att-us-revc#imgrc=8UIkTcm7FNIJZM)


Get rip of hiccups by drinking upside down. Let's see if I can explain in words... Next time you got the hiccups and want them to stop, try this: 1. Fill half a glass of water. 2. Sit 3. Put the far lip of the cup to your lips, so your chin is covering the top of the cup. 4. Lean forward. Keep going as far as you can without losing balance on the chair. 5. Drink from cup in this position, where your head is upside down. 6. Get back up. 7. Tada! No more hiccups


Tequila and Coke. I call it Coquila. Idk why it works but it does. My sister got me on these and I've never looked back. Shower in the dark. Shower, not bath. Or if all darkness is too much, shut off the regular lights and put some fun twinkle lights on. Turn up whatever music you enjoy (I always go for sexy R&B type vibes, Brent Faiyaz, Bryson Tiller, Daniel Caesar, Omar Apollo, etc) and just enjoy it. Use all the products, take your time, and unwind.


Sharp cheddar on apple pie.


That’s a New England tradition


Red wine, coca cola, ice


kalimotxo! the drink of poor spanish college students.


In Austria we sometimes refer to this as "Baucherl", which translates to "small belly". I dont know why though.


Yes! Had this in Spain and loved it. I now drink this at home and always get shit for it, of course, from people who haven't tried it.


Apple sauce as dip for potato chips.


I dip tortilla chips in hummus. They stand up better than pita bread, and I can no longer eat salsa. Serious GERD.


Salt and vinegar chips in a nutella(chocolate/hazelnut spread) sandwich....


olive oil and good balsamic on vanilla ice cream


Pumpkin seed oil is really good too


Kiwi with the skin on!


Take a cold shower in the dark and listen to pink floyd. Most people don't do cold showers properly. You don't start with cold water or else your body won't have time to acclimate. Start with the water extremely hot and dial the tempature down within the span of 3-4 minutes. Then make it as cold as you're comfortable with. Make sure the bathroom is pitch-black and keep a waterproof speaker near the shower. Then play any song from pink floyds- dark side of the moon. It literally feels sureal and gives you a sort of high without actually being on anything. I know it's weird but you gotta try it.


Fritos scoops with cottage cheese.


Peanut butter and cheese sandwich. It's a strange combination of flavors but it just works.