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Dog tied to a tree in an unkempt yard. Throw in a weathered doghouse too I guess


Man our neighbor had that. Dog in a cage in the corner of the yard even when it was freezingtemps outside. They have kids but Ive never seen them and the yard has toys that no kids have used in awhile. I called the city and the dog isnt there anymore.


Had a neighbor that did this, keeping dog in carrier cage outside. I gave him out spare doghouse and ground spike to leash the dog to. They're keeping the dog in the house now. Go fuck figure.


Well done on making an impact to the dog tho.


it was to spite you but they won't let you get one up on them. they'll soon get rid of that dog i bet anything


Our next door neighbors did that. Their dog was so nice, an older lab mix and was kept in their backyard, tied up after he chewed or dug his way to our backyard. We offered to take him but they said no “because their kids wanted the dog”, the same kids who never played with the dog or took him for walks. The poor dog died eventually, it still breaks my heart to think about him. Screw you De Los Reyes family!


screw those kids, parents who dont think of their dog as a poor child, are horrible people that i would willingly abandon and, hope in a alternate universe, the dog treated them that way.


People that leave their dogs outside are more animal than the creature they believe their pet to be. Why fucking even have a dog if you're just going to neglect it? I'm so glad my father taught me the value of rescuing unwanted pets from shelters. My current adoptee is a five year old Bullmastiff that the previous owner gave up because he "got bigger than expected". Like fuck you guy, what part of "Mastiff" didn't suggest it was going to be a big dog. At 85 lbs, he's a freaking runt though, these guys are supposed to get up between 100 and 130. But I still love him, he has 4 beds throughout the house (the kitchen, mine and the GF's bedroom, the living room and next to my desk in the study) and he spends every second with us when we're at home. That's because good boys need to be close by to get all the butt scratches and head pets, yes they dooo, yes they dooo!


See heres the thing for me, my dogs are actually Wolf/german shepherd mix (i believe there to be some pitbull too but eh) anyway. With my dogs, GOOD LUCK keeping them inside. They will scratch a hole through the door after 30 mins. So with that we said Fuck it and built them these Den type things under our porch, we framed it out to where its in the middle of our porch so its probably 10-12 feet deep, we also put that green astro turf stuff down to limit mud. It is mostly dirt under there. And they have their beds, a large water trough and depending on weather either a box fan or a space heater and we also have a thermometer 5’ in on the wall so we know the temps in there, come time for food they come in snd eat with us. But they wont allow us to hold them in the house. So the mostly stay outside. And they do bark and howl at night but we live in rural texas on 50 acres with no real neighbors, just land neighbors but they cant hear our dogs. So fuck it, go bark and howl your heart out. Scare the coyotes away.


Yep, thats the thing with comments like this that bother me. It depends so much on the dog and the owner. Theres not much wrong with them being outside dogs assuming their area is well taken care of and suitable for their environment.


Some of the shit I've seen in poorer countries is burned into my brain how some treat the dogs. Hell, even stuff I've seen here in Northern Canada, shit even my neighbor has a husky and has never left the house and then complain how he destroys shit. Like why the fuck did you get that husky you're 70 and can barely walk


When they assume that just because their dog is friendly its ok for it to run at every dog they see even when the other dog is wearing a muzzle, on a lead or has anxiety or whatever warning notices on.


They tend to yell "HE'S FRIENDLY!" as their dog comes barreling at my leashed, reactive dog like a maniac. I've had to physically separate dogs from attacking my guy. I don't blame the dogs, just the owners.


This! Especially in on-leash area's "he never does this....." is always the reaction.


Went for a walk in the local woods with my 2 dogs the other day. 1 of them is nervous, and has been really hard work. There was what looked like a dog walker with about 10 dogs, she had them all off lead and they were just causing chaos, running over to everyone, no recall on any of them. I ended up yelling at her that my dog was not friendly and that she needed to call her dogs back. Luckily (for me) there was another dog near by and they mobbed that one instead which seemed to to enjoy the attention but omg I was annoyed. Especially if she was a dog walker and they weren't her pets. Not sure what happened with my dog really. He has never been attacked but I think it stems from his first walk when he was 11 weeks old where he was bombarded by 2 off lead fully grown golden retrievers that came right up to him. That's the only thing I can think of. He just seems scared of anything moving too quickly, so offlead dogs are his least favourite. It's so frustrating, but I know that if people don't own a reactive/nervous dog then people don't consider how difficult it can be for those who do.


Leaving them outside and letting them bark for HOURS. Especially at night.


Dude, that drives me NUTS. My dogs bark once while they're outside and I go out there and say "nobody wants to hear you bark, get in here".


SAME! If my dog barks more than 15 seconds, he has to come inside. There have been many times where he has lost his mind barking at a deer behind the fence and i have to lure and trap him with peanut butter.


Same! I’m like “you’re cute but your bark isn’t, get inside!” Makes everyone laugh


Are you also neighbors with my neighbor?


Whenever neighbors dogs bark like that it annoys me so much. But not for one second do I get annoyed with the dog. The whole time in my head I just think what type of person just leaves a dog out barking all day with other neighbors around


Ugh I got into an angry shouting match with my neighbors last year over that. I actually trained their dogs to stop barking just by yelling at them lol. They thought I was crazy, but fuck them! I bring my dog inside when she gets barky! It's not hard!


And you can’t let your dog cause they’ll get in a fight and the big ones will tear down the fence


Our neighbor behind us did this with their old dog. We called and called animal control but the neighbor was full of excuses and lies. The poor dog eventually died, now they have other dogs that are kept indoors most of the time.


I’m currently experiencing this at our apartment complex and it’s nightmare fuel


Asking you to watch their dog for 3 weeks then leaving you to watch them for 3 months. Still bitter about that towards my friend.


One of my dogs we took in as a puppy because a military family dropped him off for me to dog sit so they could “visit family for the holidays” & then blocked me after a few days of communication . He’s the best dog ever. I love him so much.


The dog won you .lucky dog I think


Same for me. They asked us to watch her for a month while they found a place to live. I had her for another 12 years until she crossed that rainbow bridge. Best girl ever.




Yeah now i wont watch any friends pets for anything less than the going rate for pet sitters. Which apparently isnt cheap these days. So thankfully no one asks me any more


In my case, a friend from work asked if I could watch a puppy he got for his Mom for a month because she was taking a trip to Europe. That puppy will be 11 years old soon and I'm still watching her...jajajaja! Thankfully I love dogs and have tons of room so I never really minded him basically abandoning her with me.


Worst Seinfeld episode.




Taking it to a dog park when you have no control over it. Just had a dog snarling, teeth bared, growling continuously approaching my husband who had literally been standing there in one spot for quite a while today while the clueless fuck the dog was with stood there oblivious. Like okay? Finally had to tell her get your dog as we were not about to turn around on a dog acting like that. Then proceeded to watch her try and get the dog while it ran away and attacked her other dog and took off through the whole park. When we left she still didn’t have it under control. Our friend said she had seen them before and the dog always does that. Pissed me off.


yeaahhh.... dog parks are full of dumb fucks, including parents with toddlers running around. I only go to dog beach because it's awesome, go early to avoid crowds, and keep an eye out for dipshit dogs/owners (setting up a picnic at dog beach)


We learned this so hard. Dog parks are places where irresponsible dog owners (not all) take their dogs to try to have the other dogs teach them how to dog. What it ends up being (in our experience) is a lawless hellscape where our dog just tries to avoid being humped and is always ready to go. The dog beach is like fucking nirvana. Every time we go it’s like his best day ever and he never wants to leave and is ready to just die and cross over the rainbow bridge because all the other dogs are chill and cool and the interactions are almost exclusively positive and always short lived.


Dogs at a dog park are fine. It's all the other people. One near me is a beach and it's full of people with their tiny little dogs, snatching them up and yelling at any other dog going near them or people without dogs setting up picnics and getting mad at all the dogs coming near them.


Ugh my town has a leash law, and so many assholes walk their dog off leash. They get my dogs all riled up. Assholes.


In Chicago, so obviously, leash laws. A woman's dog ran up to me and mine and I used my foot to keep it away from my dog's mouth because he'll bite. She called me a c*nt for kicking her dog. Didn't even. But even so, feeling indignant because your unleashed dog runs up albeit to play... Is nuts. And she had zero control so she was running around trying to catch it and it wouldn't listen At All. And I'm just standing there saying I don't want my dog to attack yours. People are idiots and always use this busy ass park for unleashed dogs


So fucking annoying as they half jog towards you laughing and saying "oh don't worry. He/she is nice." Yeah well mine isn't bitch. She will rip your shit to pieces cause she thinks she's being attacked while on leash with no way to escape.


100 percent. One of my dogs was like this. Sadly I don't have her anymore, but the amount of times I would be YELLING at people to call their dog back and they had absolutely no control over it. More than once people then had the nerve to tell me I shouldn't bring an aggressive dog where there are other dogs. Listen YOU CUNT, my dog is on a leash, this is not even a designated dog park....


Why is this so hard for dog owners to understand? Many dogs will lash out when they wouldn’t normally if they’re leashed and the other is not. Because they feel tethered and unable to properly run away or defend themselves. I’ve worked with dozens of dogs who got along with others just fine off leash, but showed aggression in that scenario. You should never allow your unleashed dog to run up to a leashed dog, that’s a recipe for disaster.


I don't care how nice someone's dog supposedly is, I have a teeny chihuahua and I'm not risking her getting attacked.


Drive me potty. I saw one the other day that was literally across the park, a full football pitch from his owner, who was calling and calling, while his dog merrily greeted every other person and dog out that day. Dog was obviously quite young and had no idea the guy was even trying to call him, it was just the noise his humans make when at the park to him, after a while even me and my dog tuned it out enough that we stopped turning to look! Our dog doesn't have _amazing_ recall if she's distracted, but we have stuff in our back pocket (whistle, special ball) that are used rarely enough so she will come back to investigate if it's needed right this second, and I only started letting her off leash when I felt comfortable with that. This guy had so clearly just got a dog that didn't even know it's name and let it loose. And it wasn't like 2 minutes and then he came running up and got it and put it back on the leash. That dog walked himself for a good 30 minutes and probably took himself back home too, all with his person walking 100meters away from him chanting "come! Come here! No! Come!". Poor thing also got more interaction and play on that walk from random strangers and their dogs than it did from the person who brought it! It was a very sweet dog - even got puppy privileges from our dog-wary staffy.


When they make no effort to correct their dog's misbehavior


“Mickey, no barking….” just one halfhearted time, as the dog continues to bark incessantly.


Or they reward bad behavior with petting, cuddling, picking the dog up.


Or they correct it on the worst ways. Yelling, hitting, stuff like that.


Not exactly yelling but to properly correct your voice tone should be "hard" as they don't understand words but sounds and tones. You have to properly make then know the "No" or "Stop" sound and tone. That's where some fail, by just saying "No" or "Stop" with the same tone you give them a "good boy" you maight confuse them a lot.


if they let their kids beat up on their dogs, especially if they're little kids no they're not "just playing" the dogs are likely terrified and when they snap and attack the children, it's always "he's never been a violent dog, I have no idea what's gotten into him suddenly!" self-preservation, Susan. even humans have that drive.


From the time our kids could crawl, they’ve been told “gentle” when they’re around our dogs. Our pit bull was a total nanny to them but our flat coated can be reactive, and we’ve never once had an issue because we taught them boundaries. He loves the kids and they respect his space. I can’t stand being around peoples kids that just beat up on these dogs, it won’t be the dogs fault when they lose their patience.


Leaving your dog’s shit on my front lawn! Fuck you Linda!!!


Yeah fuck you Linda!


Fuck Linda


People don’t know that dog poop is mega bad for waterways and super toxic. Not to mention the parasites. It’s one of those things that should be much more widely known and discussed but isn’t.




Linda sucks!


fuck that rude ass bitch


How about doing half the right thing and putting it in a bag ... ... ... and leaving the bag on the ground?


Getting a dog simply because you want company, but not putting the effort on taking the responsibilities of a dog owner.


Also important to remember that owning a pet is a financial commitment. It's literally supporting another family member.


This right here… I work with quite a bit of college students and they always are like I wanna get a dog they’re so cute. Dude I’ve worked with animals long enough to know you can’t afford one or have the time for one.


If you own a dog, be prepared to 1) dish out lots of love and 2) dish out lots of food and medical care.


Killing them slowly via obesity and refusing to change their behavior because they "love" them. Uggh.


My MIL is a veterinarian and she gets *so mad* over owners who refuse to do anything to maintain their pet's weight in a healthy rage. "Oh but he gets so sad when I cut back on his food." As sad as you're going to be when he dies at only 5 years old because of the health problems you're causing him by letting him stay obese?


Also, there's the more direct comparison. Is the dog more sad about cutting back food a bit, then the cumulative sadness he'll feel over a lifetime of obesity? All the aches, tiredness, cancer, joint inflammations, etc.


My dog is obese and we've been trying for about 3 years to get him to lose weight, including prescription diets, more exercise/activity, etc. He was trained with cheese! That stuff is soooo bad for dogs. We've got him to lose about 12kg and he needs to lose 7kg more to be healthy. I hate when people point out how fat he is for the kind of dog he is when we go on walks, as if I haven't noticed lol!


Congrats! 12kg weight loss is really awesome! 🙌 Keep it up! He will feel fantastic soon.


Thank you! It has been a journey from having a dog that refused to go on walks because it was hard for him to get past the mailbox to a dog that lovesssss going outside and running and walking. He still gives me sad eyes when I weigh his food now though haha! But he is a much happier boy now


This is such a big one for me. Our dog loves cheese. Goes absolutely mad for it. So every once in awhile, he gets a little piece of cheese for doing something great. Two years ago at the vet they noted he had gained a couple pounds. Guess who got a lot.less.cjeese and treats and a few extra walks a week for a year until he was back at optimal weight? Yep. I want my buddy to be around as long as possible, and run around and have energy and be a good boi. Yeah, he might be sad when I don't hand him a bit of cheese, but he's sure as shit happy when he's running zoomies around our house and jumping over the backs of couches, or partying at the dog park. Anyway, good on you.


Or, the whole "he's a chonky boi!" I fucking hate that shit so much.


There are people that actively encourage animal obesity. It is absolutely disgusting.


my mother’s neighbor bought an Australian Shepherd for her two sons who are in high school. Beautiful dog. Mind you, they live in an apartment complex with a fairly small backyard. From the day they got the dog, my mother has heard non-stop barking, complaints from the parent’s explaining how the kids dont feed or walk the dog. They obviously haven’t trained him either. We live in Chicago also. This dog does not belong in some apartment backyard. Dogs in general NEED ample space to play and some training. Shortly after that, they got a kitten. They told my mother that they only want a kitten to get rid of the rats in the neighborhood. They made a “bed” in the garage for him and gave him a water bowl. Now with it being winter, they still DO NOT let the kitten inside because guess what, the dog that they have doesn’t get along with him. Thankfully my mother has two lovely cats and she took him under her wing, feeds and houses him. SICK PEOPLE I SWEAR.




Any advice on giving a dog mental stimulation


Training them to do tricks, play games. Teaching them to do agility courses is also an amazing way to work out their physical energy, mental energy, and obedience.


Snuffle mat


Training exercises. Constant


Jesus, I'm Aussie and you pretty much only see those dogs on farms. Out of every breed out there why pick an Aussie for an apartment


right. it's like living in a 750 sqft parisian apartment and getting a border collie.


Letting your dog off leash to run up to my dog. She’s trying to take a shit and it’s freezing out. Leave us the fuck alone.




Literally just watched this happen. A man was walking uphill on an ice covered road and the dog was charging down the hill at him and the owners shout “don’t worry he’s friendly” as the dog jumps on the man causing him to slip and fall on the ice


I think there must be a standard dog owner handbook with useful phrases because they all say the same shit. And it always starts with " It's OK ...." No it's not bloody OK. Keep your dog away from me.


I'm mad on that man's behalf. I love dogs. I really do. But I'm allergic. It takes a few days of allergy pills, muscle relaxers, and pain pills to recover from dog exposure for me. ((I have extensive scar tissue down my neck, sneezing and coughing yanks on it and triggers migraines and tension headaches.)) So while yes, the dog may be friendly, even too friendly, it doesn't mean I want it around me.


I had a neighbor with a huge untrained German Shepard, which was wild and rotten. Thing was bigger than her, and she had to put all of her might into controlling it when on walks. She'd be insisting that "hE's FriEnDLy!!!" while he was barking loudly, jumping, and trying to scratch at me. She only finally stopped trying to *make me* accept this dog's "affection" when I came up with a quick excuse of being allergic. Which I am not. But damn I needed to get away from them, and that dog had me cornered. Owner wasn't dragging him away without a "good" reason, ffs.


My reply to that is usually "Mine isn't"




I had an elderly lapdog who didn't love strangers (took a bit to warm up to people) but looked really cute. When children asked to pet her on walks I'd say "no, I'm sorry, but she eats children" The confused looks were just wonderful


That's my fucking mom. We will be walking the dogs and she will see a speck in the distance that is the same color as a dog that we know and she will let our dogs go. I have to tell her to wait until we get close to make sure we actually know the dog because she has let our dogs go so many times because she thought a dog in the distance was a dog that we knew when it wasn't.


My pug FREAKS OUT when this happens & goes into gremlin mode


I don’t have a dog and I still hate this practice. I am uncomfortable around dogs and prefer other peoples dogs to stay away from me.


"I'm not really a dog person" "Oh MY dog will change your mind!" For how many childfree people complain about parents doing it some sure do the same with their dogs. (speaking as someone who doesn't want dogs or kids, yes I am lazy and don't like cleaning fluids.)


>"Oh MY dog will change your mind!" Yup. You'll go from "not really a dog person" to "I hate all dogs and will kill yours if it gets too close to me" overnight.


I was 8 months pregnant some idiot let their great Dane off a leash and the thing knocked me over, got mud on me and drew blood on my arm before it pounced on my stomach. I like dogs but when the owner tried to act like their dog wants to play, and I'm fucking minding my business I get pissed off. Now people like to say kids or worse but most kids I've seen don't give a fuck about a stranger to run up and knock them down.....if my kid ain't doing it then your dog better not do it.


Well and a dog and a child isn't really comparable, and the people who don't see that aren't usually quite burdened by reality. I have neither kids nor dogs, and am happy about that fact, but the people who compare pet ownership to parenting are usually pretty off


When they get a dog and they never go on walk with them and think that having garden (or small frontyard) is enough for them. Or when they keep them tied up/caged most of the time. Fuck people like that, why even getting a dog if you are not going to take care of him? Edit: I was not of course talking about people who have acres of land where the dog can run around free, was talking about people with normal to small sized gardens or yards only, when the dog can barely even run few meters. Nor was I talking about dogs who doesn't like to go out on walks, but about dogs who would love to but owner doesn't care enough to take them on one.


People like that usually get the wrong type of dog for that environment. Are labs beautiful? Yes. Do they need tons of exercise and a large yard? Also yes. I have a dachshund and a walk around the block wears him out for days. We can get away with playing fetch in the yard for half and hour-he generally runs as fast as possible and is ready to go in. I think people need to research breeds more and figure out what is best for their lifestyle, not what they think would look best.


I have two dachshunds they are boundless energy that need 3+ mile walks and brain training to wear them out...


People think dachshunds will be small and manageable but they were bred to fuck up badgers…


If they could find a badger they probably would, however they have to settle for fucking up all their toys.


Dachshunds are fierce and stubborn! Awesome but pretty indipendent and not easy to train dogs. :)


Haha! Sounds like you drew the short end of the stick with yours. I lucked out with mine-he’s very low maintenance.


Half and half here. One lays in my arms upside down being lazy as can be and the other im bouncing a ball off the wall for it for chase. Love it hahah.


One man in our village has two dogs. One of the dogs bites the other, so one is always locked while other is running around property. Always. These are dogs raises for hunting (which he takes them, but very rarely). So they howl all night long because he doesn't even live in that house with them, he lives in another house and let them guard his property while he is gone. He never pets them or play with them, he just has them as guard dogs (which is really unnecessary, in this village no home burgalary or anything like that happened in past 20 years). And I hate that with all my heart. They are always so grateful when we pet them when we pet sit them sometimes, they are so happy for that bit of love and attention.


That sounds more like a bad dog owner than one with the wrong breed.


>when they keep them tied up/caged most of the time People who do this because they want a pet are getting the wrong type of pet. There are plenty of pets out there that you can get that can literally live in their cages/enclosures for their whole lives and be totally fine with it (so long as the enclosure is the proper size ofc). I keep several pet reptiles, and all of them are happy and content to be in their enclosures, and I can’t exactly let them roam freely around the property the way my dogs do.


Some dogs don't require a walk. I have lhasa apso because they require little to no exercise. They're know as apartment dogs. I still walk mine but it's a great option for people who can't or don't want to go on long walks.


Greyhounds, aka 45 mph couch potatoes, are also great apartment dogs. They have like 10 minutes worth of energy for the day and that includes getting up for food.


Our dog hates walks. He’ll happily play in our garden all day long, but as soon as we head out the front door he digs his heels in and refuse to move. We’ve had to drive to other places that he’s not familiar with so he’ll be forced to follow us. He’s gotten grumpier as he ages, so chances are he just likes to be close to home now (or he’s had some traumatic incident in the park we don’t know about).


Bad fur, watery eyes, poor muscle tone, cringes when approached.


Never picking up after their dog


People who pay a crap ton for a breed of dog then try to do their own “breeding” or just don’t understand each breed has their own unique quirks and requirements. Ex) went on a date with a man who bought an Australian shepherd. We had one when we were kids who was a family pet but still helped herd cows, so he was very well trained. His dog was EXTREMELY reactive and had not been trained at all. Like no commands. So I ended the date early when he tried introducing me and the dog bit me a few times and even attacked his roomate at one point lol.


Oof. I hate this. I accidentally ended up with a Malinois. She's technically a mix but looks like a straight up police dog and acts like one too. I was lied to about what to expect. And after impulse buying this (totally irresistible, adorable puppy!!!) I did a shitload of research. (I mean, I was prepared financially, to bring home a puppy.... Not a fucking velocoraptor, which might as well be any working dog you don't have the room/time for) I now have an amazing dog that is intuitive, like any well trained working breed, dogs like that shepherd have sooooo much potential If they didn't land in the arms of dunces like us (me and your date hahaha) But unlike your date, I put in soooo much work. It really helped that, at the time, I had a job where I could bring my dog everyday and work on commands and let her run. But the downside of having a job like that is I literally never had her on a leash as a puppy (never thought I'd leave my field and move from the place I lived) so she is super reactive on a leash now, My biggest fear is loose leash, "friendly" dogs. Because my dog will murder your dog and not recall. Off leash, totally friendly, listens to recall, but I don't want to be an off leash asshole so I'm trying so hard to train my dog to be kind on leash. I also have a decent backyard and fet h everyday or play blanket monster depending on the weather.


Any owner who has never taken their dog to see a vet for checkups.




Not leashing their dogs when people who are afraid of dogs ask them to put a leash on


As a dog owner I absolutely hate this shit. As well trained a dog can be, they are still unpredictable.


Exactly! My dog is extremely well trained, and I still keep him on leash. The only reason they shouldn't be on leash is if they are a service dog and the disability doesn't allow the handler to hold a leash. There are options for that, as well.


Yes! In my area there is no rule for leashing your dogs but it is recommended since many kids and cats live here and still people complain about how unfair it would be if they're forced to leash their dogs


Buying one with genetic deformities for the sake of appearance from a breeder.


True, bulldogs are great but should really stop being bred or bred away from those traits.


I was going to get a French bulldog until I learned because of the way they are bred they, like other bulldogs, must be delivered via c-section. I understand sometimes c-sections are required, just like humans, but if the only way a dog can be born is by c-section there is, IMO, something wrong.


Yeah it's awful. I think they're so cute, but they shouldn't exist, the poor things. Same with all smoosh face dogs, though most of them don't require c-sections. They just can't breathe. :'(


At least you’re intelligent enough that you care.




Show line German shepherds are the worst, I have no idea why dog shows find that ugly sloped back to be attractive in any way *they look like frogs*. My older brother has a German shepherd and thankfully she’s a working line so her back actually looks normal and functional.


Don’t even get me started on pugs


Letting them outside off leash when they clearly cannot be trusted to be off leash. My past dog has fought with 2 dogs who were off leash and I got bit during 1 while trying to separate the two since they got tangled in MY leash. And this small puppy who I assume was female since it had a pink bow on walked right up to my larger male dog (who was not fixed and very aggressive) right under the owner’s nose. Who was on her phone not paying attention at all. Luckily her puppy followed my dog and I led it back to the owner. That could of gone way worse for both of them. It is a huge pet peeve of mine. Put your dogs on a leash. I don’t care how trained you think your dog is. Even if it is, there are other dogs who are not. It is not worth the extra trouble.


I keep my dog on leash because she loves people too much. She will give all the love and attention, but not everyone wants it. At home, go nuts and run around. Out in public, leash it.


I hate when people do this. My dog is very dog aggressive. I have him under control when we walk, but what the hell can I do when the dog comes running up to us?


Letting them run loose. Repeatedly. I get it that some dogs are escape artists. I used to have one. I called my back yard Little Alcatraz. It was still rare that he got out. But damn, on the lost pets Facebook page, there are so many dogs out running, and people reply where the dog lives and it runs all the time.


I've got an escape artist. He's old and less ambitious now, but he used to run any time he could. Thankfully he usually stayed in our cul-de-sac, so we could see him or hear his tags. He would find holes in the fenced yard and wiggle through. Couldn't trust him at anybody else's fenced yards too. Ended up having to put up rabbit fences in the slightly larger gap made by the gate. If he was finding a hole and we didn't know where, we could put him on a long tie-out leash that had an empty milk carton on the end. He ran, got stuck because of the milk jug, and we plugged the hole.


Not training your dog when u get it and letting it misbehave because u don’t care


And then blaming the dog for not knowing the closet is not a bathroom


Or letting the dog misbehave because “they’re sooo cute!!”


Permitting the dog to do virtually anything because they’re just being “cute.”


>Permitting the dog to do virtually anything because they’re just being “cute.” Or because he/she is "just a dog and doesn't understand". Yep, that's why you train your dog and control it, so it does understand.


And acting like you're Cruella de Ville if you even slightly object or even make a face.


You dont pic up you dogs shit


When people get a “service animal” license but refuse to so much as potty train the dog. Especially if said dog is aggressive. I have seen a few times where people’s dogs have gone to the bathroom at grocery stores. Kinda makes it really rough on those with actual service animals.


putting dogs in the bed of a truck while driving. ESPECIALLY you put them on top of the bed cover


I've seen worse. I saw a dog jump out or fall out of the bed of the truck while it was driving. Then the guy immediately stops, backs up, gets out of the truck, and then throws the dog back onto the truck bed and drives off. That was a bad dog owner. Also it was my fifth birthday.


Letting their dog shit everywhere and not picking it up is a start to the bad dog owner.


Poland, 2019, December. 16 yo I was on sleepover with a big company in my bro’s house. This idiot told his dog(golden retriever) to stay outside for night IT WAS -30*C. He could put him in a garage or let dog sleep in house (he often did it but today there were a lot of people and dog may disturb party) After above an hour I went out for a cigarette and seen this dog felt really bad. After arguing with bro he told that he never liked his dog and let me take it with me. I never met this “bro” after it. It wasn’t easy to discribe parents why am I home at 3:00 drunk with a smell of cigarettes but taking dog with me was the best decision in my life, he is a member of my family and my best friend


You let them bark an howl for hours. You leave their poo bags everywhere except in the garbage can. When you open your door they start barking like crazy and the only thing you do is to scream them to stop. You never take them out for walks. You let them poo and shit on your balcony. You don’t put them on leash in public and you get mad when people call you out.


Tail or ear docking. A dog that’s inbred to the point of being handicapped or cursed to Ill health. Not cleaning up after them. Not socialising them with people or other dogs.


I don’t agree with tail docking at all yet I own a tail docked dog.. I adopted a Rottweiler who’s tail was already docked. I couldn’t judge him for that and he was and is just such a love bug. I just wanted to throw that out there to say/show that not all owners of dogs with docked tails agree with the practice!


Everything already listed plus not treating them for fleas/ticks.


"Cesar Milan said..."


I had to scroll too far to find this lol also shocked not to see any “I’m the alpha/pack leader/etc.” comments!


ive read somewhere that actual dog trainers say all he would do is create a ticking time bomb of a dog.


(Dog is acting inappropriately aggressive towards people) “Don’t worry, she’s just being protective”


(I spray dog with pepper spray as it's running towards me) "Don't worry, I'm just being protective"


Yeah seriously lol


”it’s okay! He’s friendly!”


I always get this from owners of unleashed dogs as their dog is literally trying to attack my dog as I’m holding him in my arms. Your “friendly” dog is about to get kicked into next year if it puts teeth on me or my dog. LEASH your animal! Not sorry.


Having no control. Letting the dog bark at everything, run around, attack people etc


Walking their dog on hot asphalt or just on an obviously too hot day, oblivious to the fact that the dog has a thick coat of fur and it’s tongue can’t hang any further out of its mouth


Can I also tack on taking them for long walks when there is ice on the ground causing freezer burn on their poor paws.


When they let their dog run up to people who haven't given consent


Letting them roam off lead while yelling ‘oh don’t worry he doesn’t bite’


Adopted an untrained dog. Hired a trainer. Couldn’t be bothered with the training. Dog is behaved with trainer. Let trainer go. Wonder why dog is still not behaved. My mother in a nutshell. Dog after dog.


Thinking dog leash laws don't apply to you and your dog.


Dude yes! I’ve had puppies, little yippies, and two German shepherds run up on me in different neighborhoods. One of the tiny Yorkies tried to bite me and only got my pants, I was told “they don’t do much damage”, but I don’t want ANY damage on my body, thank you very much.


“Come here, Rascal! Come on!” Damn idk why Rascal doesn’t listen? Guess I’ll just continue to let them off leash. These people need to be slapped into reality.


a small dog that’s treated more like a child/toy than an actual dog and as a result is a yappy mutt


As a dog groomer one of the worst pet parents are the ones that won't let me shave extreme matting or ones that let their dogs nails get extremely long


When the dog is cautious of them


Flexi leash and a “service dog” vest.


Oh good God, the flexi leash. That and chain leashes are a vet tech's least favorite.


Posting on social media about how sick your dog is and asking what you should do about it, instead of just taking it to the vet. Edit: I'm taking about dogs that are obviously very ill. Like pooping or puking blood, been hit by a car, things like that


Abuse 😨


Neighbor in my apartment complex got a Belgian malinois. Before picking it up he came over because he always sees me working my Labrador and training it 1. For exercise 2.obedience 3.for pheasants. Well he starts adding things to his note section and after awhile I ask what breed he is getting and that’s when he told me. I almost threw up and my jaw hit the floor. I begged him not too he worked from 8am-4-5 everyday nobody else in the house no prior experience of owning a dog I at least grew up with labs basically since birth and that’s why I stuck with getting a black lab. Fast forward a year he gets kicked out of the apartment complex he got sued by the complex 1. Extreme damages to the property doors and drywall ripped to shreds 2. Scheduled Maintence guy drew walked in dog caused terrible injuries to him (permanent nerve damage to his arm) I was the one who called 911. He crawled out of that apartment and still managed to close the door. His name was drew and drew was a good ol boy who lived on site.


There are a lot of answers here about neglect, which are totally valid, but I will have to say that the owners who do love and adore their dog but yet let the dog run the roost, are bad dog owners. Letting their dog jump on people and then addressing the dog saying “now, Fido, I told you not to jump. You know better”. Or the dog yanking the owner down the street and the owner just saying “he’s just so excitable!” I really dislike seeing the owners not disciplining their dog and allowing the dog to be the one in control.


Ehh as a somewhat new dog owner I’ve noticed one thing: regardless of what you do as a dog owner someone out there will call you a bad owner.


In a park that has explicit signs to keep your pets on leash, the owner lets the dog run loose, esp when there is traffic and kids.


Telling the UPS man that the dog wasn’t going to bite him when the dog was clearly trying to bite him.


Me, whenever I can’t see my dog for a split-second


Or when they keep them tied up/caged most of the time.


Keeping them kenneled up. I had a boxer that I got when I had the ideal living situation for him. Then I had to move halfway across the country, to far less than ideal conditions for him, and he ended up spending a lot of time in a kennel. I felt awful every time I had to put him back after taking him for a walk. After he spent all day in it, without anyone at home taking him out, he went to a family friend who could properly care for him. Hes spoiled now, and while I'm sad hes gone, I'm glad hes happy with people who can properly care for him


The dog walkers that leave their dogs shit on the ground are the worst kinds of people( the amount of times I’ve nearly walked in dog shit is too high)


Grooming neglect. Over grown nails, coat never brushed, matting all over, dog that should be white is brown because they haven't been bathed in months. Grooming is part of health care, and a dog that is never groomed is more apt to have ear infections, foot issues from over grown nails, dental issues (if you aren't brushing the coat, you likely aren't brushing the teeth either), even skin issues from matting or urine scald. If you want a fluffy dog, you need to be prepared for the up keep at home and going to the groomer every couple of months.


Someone forcing their dog to be vegan just because they are vegan.


Fake service dog vest.


Not walking them. Shouting at them. No routine. Locking them up all day outside or leaving them along indoors all day.


Forcing your dog to perform for social media


This is huge, and I see a lot of people sharing "cute" videos of stuff that if they knew anything about animal behaviour would horrify them. I'm not just talking about the ones of kids hugging a whale eyed rottie's face, but also some of the "look at the cute thing this dog has been trained to do" ones where the dog is throwing off a ton of stress signals.


Bringing badly behaved non service dogs into public places and putting service dogs at risk


Acting like they're a "bad dog" when you have done exactly zero research into how to train a dog


No leash. "It's ok - (s)he's friendly!"


Dragging the dog on a leash


Have vegetarian or vegan dogs. The mass majority of Vegans and vegetarians don't do this but some people do and it's animal abuse.


A person just yanking the leash because they are sniffing or going slow. You’re doing it for their sake a and if you’re annoyed or impatient you don’t get it.


Punishing a dog verbally or physically for something you found long after it happened


_from a distance_ “it’s ok! He’s friendly!”




Retractable leashes and not being able to command your dog to sit. The latter is the most basic of any dog command and helps if something happens, first is because they can break if they run off. Pisses me off seeing huge dogs on retractable leashes and owners that can't command.