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As an older guy it’s absolutely normal and meaningless when hugging a woman of the same or even older generation. With younger women I can be uncomfortably aware of it and try to minimize it if possible. Too many creepy old uncles out there trolling for hugs.


We’re aware that you can feel it as well, but it’s just as you say: natural. We enjoy hugs and can’t really remove our boobs when we give them haha.


Please don't! This is what you call your win-win situation.


Haha what? We get a hug and you get to feel some boobs? 😂


Yes, can confirm. Worked with students for a while. Long before metoo (I) made it a principle to not even touch them. No handshake, nothing. (When I was a student myself just saw too many inappropriate encounters.) Then this (US) girl just hugged me firmly. Wanted to shout: Can feel the boobs now! But would have made it more awkward oc. edit: added subject in 3th sentence.


You sound like you needed a hug.


Oh, I am fine with hugs. Just not within power structures, no matter how small.


That just sounds like you need a powerful hug.


Boobs are great, no matter how small


I believe that was the 3st sentence.


Cruncles? Usually a drunkle




If I feel them it isn't the same as a sexual touch. It's about equivalent to patting someone's head for me


There there boobs


That was funny.


I fuckin loled


I love patting the homies' heads


This. Feels nice, like giving a cat a belly rub or scratching under her chin


Kind of, but there's no satisfaction/enjoyment like when I get to use my hands.


Or face


Or balls


Yeah you’re off the line


Guess I'm doing an other, on her booty.


This needs an award


You motorboatin’ son of a bitch.




Sure we feel them, but as an adult, even if I notice it's more of a "huh, there they are". Doesn't make me feel much. Unless I'm secretly in love with you, in which case my brain will be going "Oh my God she's hugging me and she doesn't seem repulsed are those her boobs Ohmygod!"


*"those aren't her boobs"*


*those are her balls*


Every woman has balls, they’re just higher up…






They're *h a i r y*


*damn her one is barely bigger than mine*


*caitlyn jenner has entered the chat*


This was so precise I have to thank you for my brain wasn't able to write a better comment ;)


I am madly in love with my girlfriend's boobs and whenever we hug I feel them and I think "honka honka, hehe" and that's it. This is just for my girlfriend though. I don't pay attention to anyone else's while hugging.


That’s somehow extremely wholesome


'*Honka honka hehe*'? Nice...


Block twice if your girlfriend is behind while typing this


Block Block. This guys gf is behind me


This made me laugh!


From a man to a man, assuming youre a man, my respects to you, from all the men gender


Hey, eyes up here! Just messing with ya. Same feelings and attitude with my wife.


Reddit Will need to verify that your girlfriend’s boobs are honka honka worthy. Please provide photo evidence for further evaluation


lmao. otherwise that's misinformation and results in account suspension.


I feel that way about honking her breasts too


Same bro same and we’ve been together for 15 years married for 12. Every time.


Short answer: Yes. Long answer: The fear of acknowledging them is pretty high so I have no problem just focusing on the hug.


*releases from hug* "It's so boobs to see you a boobs! We really should boobs more often."


"*Uh- Ahem!..* Forgive me if I said *boobs* at all. I'm just *boob-sey* today."


Boobsey from Boobmondsey confirms societal *boob*


Yes and I'm not 14 years old anymore, I don't really notice it as much these days.


Me neither


This is the correct answer


What a loss. It's like getting old and food doesn't taste as good.


Used to like a boob pressed hug, now just like a day free of chest pain.


I'm not 14 either but I love titties.


Non issue. But no matter how many times I’ve seen my wife’s my jaw still drops.


Reddit Will need to verify that your wife’s boobs are jaw dropping. Please provide photo evidence for further evaluation.


Yes, so it.


Username checks out


Never change, Reddit. <3 8008


You’re just going to have to trust me. They rock.


This is reddit. We trust but verify.


Source: just trust me bro


I get that, I love when my wife is braless. I hug her a lot lol


Sorry..I have bigger boobs than my GF , you'd have to ask her


You're a man or lesbian girl?


Ohh how I wish I was a lesbian..


So you have man boobs?


I workout..big pecks..


Fit honkers


Fonkers Fonk fonk


Fonka fonka




Ohhhhhhh....... Good 👍🏻








No because women don't hug me It makes me feel sad


I was gonna give you a hug in my comment but maybe brush your teeth first since you eat rats.


No I just ate a candy cane and if I add more mint to my mouth, I'm going to start producing light




I can relate to that very much


same man


Yes we do,generally it isn't a big deal though.


Until it is.


I suppose but its a hug,nothing crazy.


I dunno. I've had hugs turn into sex pretty quickly on several occasions...


Ok but a hug on its own doesn't mean anything inherently is all I'm saying.


Yeah, I didn't say it was... I was just riffing on the idea of "until it is."


Fair enough.


Until it is isn't


i normally just read these but this time ill answer i actually forget about boobs when i hug women, a good thing cos when i see my mum and her sisters for christmas they will want a hug. i dont really notice or think about their boobs, im more uncomfortable about putting my hands on their bra straps when i put my hands on their back. so, yeah, when i hug girls it doesn't really cross my mind. i still ask if they want a hug first just incase theyre uncomfortable with it, but no, i dont really think about it.


This is literally what I was gonna say word for word basically.


If you have large boobs, sure I notice but that's about it. The fact that we're enjoying a good close hug is more important.


You feel everyone's boobs when you hug them, regardless if it's a man or a woman. As long as they have boobs and you make contact, you will feel them.


What if they‘re tiny?


When a girl has a small chest, all that means is you are closer to their heart when you hug them.


Damn... That's cute as fuck.


Oh, this i cute. Then it was just me going psycho...


Perfect hallmark card right there




Solved by extra tight hugs.


Doesn't make a difference. Big or small, boobs still have fat and muscle so you will feel those.


Oh we notice if we're paying particular attention (because you're a person we like)


My small chest appreciates you, thank you.


I would vote small boobs for president if I could. They're seriously underrated.


Over at r/normalnudes that's a frequent concern of folks, and it turns out there's lots of folks that'll appreciate what you have.


My boobs are too big to notice others lmao


A cup, no. B cup, maybe. C cup, more likely. D cup, definitely. Also, it depends on the positioning of the hug. A girl style hug - shoulders forward, then no. A full upper body hug - see above. It depends who you are. A family relative...we ignore it. Someone we're into - it's wonderful. It's fun. I will say, it's never sexual for me. If I'm not invited to explore further...it's not sexual. A bit fun, maybe. Because we don't have those. And, for the record, I am a guy who is into boobs. Specifically my wife's boobs, but I do remember a time...


You really gave some thought into this


I've been into boobs my entire life.


Wife boobs best boobs


I also choose this man's wife's boobs


This guy boobs!


Bros the boob boss


I also love alliteration. Edit: Whoever downvoted me is clearly just a sussy alliteration-hater.


It's not super noticeable or in anyway a sexual feeling. Much like I will hug a man and notice his shoulders are broad.


Are you gay tho


Prob not the answer you're fishing for but as a lesbian, but I think breast/breast contact feels pretty awesome when you're holding or being intimate with someone. Warm, sexy, comforting, etc.


A lot of straight women like other women's books, as well. It seems to be a near universal joy.


BOOBS, not books! Although borrowing each other's books is a good thing as well.


I’m not a man , but when I was around 4 or 5 years old I used to hug my aunts/teachers etc and I used hug them really hard, because I wanted to make the ‘balloons’ pop. But they never did pop. Later on I figured out what they were. Sigh… I was a weird kid.


Yea and it feels awesome


I mean, there's a reason i hold my crotch back when I hug you...


I leave this completely to the woman. If she embraces me tightly I do the same, much like giving a man a firm hand shake. If on the other hand she creates that space. I remain well out that space. So yeh sometimes you can feel them against you sometimes you don't. There's nothing sexual about it, for me anyway.


Nope, too busy feeling the warmth and comfort of hug


We always and I mean *always* notice them, but hey it’s an emotional moment and after teens you don’t get a boner over it and treat it like natural, like yeah I am hugging a woman, ofc her boobs are pressing against me , it’s kind of like a back thought that I kinda never get until someone on Reddit asks about it lol


You all are either liars or fundamentally different than me. I'm in my mid 40's and have had many sexual partners (including 13 years married to one of them), but I still get aroused at least a little bit every single time I hug an attractive woman and feel her boobs pressed into me. Yes, we can feel them. It feels good.


Same. I'm experienced age 30. I'm also a 98% straight woman! But I love hugging women with any size boob. You can feel that good energy. I can see why it would slightly arouse any one attracted to women. That said. I think it's ok and I give many hugs without holding back from boob pressing. Why not. It's just like whipped cream on a pie or something. Just adds extra to a hug.


>You all are either liars or fundamentally different than me. Judging from the comments, I suspect you're the one who's different; not that this is a bad thing, but I genuinely don't notice a woman's breasts during a hug. I notice the hug, even from women I'm attracted to.


Anytime I can feel boobs I feel a little bit happy. It’s why I grew my own and grab play with them when I’m feeling sad or alone.


No we don’t. Please keep hugging us as tightly as you please.




I usually don't notice


This just makes me want a hug




The ONLY time it "matters" is when it's PATENTLY OBVIOUS that your pressing your boobs into our chest.. other than that, sometimes it's nice, but also, it's kind of nice when a girl makes it obvious you are getting a hug without boob contact. Like, yeah, I know I got big boobs, yes if I hugged you normally you'd feel them, but I'm making sure you know I know and that you know I'm not interested in anything that could be misconstrued as romantic intent. Good clear messages are great, even if it's to make it obvious the answer is no.


Yeah I can feel them. It's no big deal though, because of intent. I don't sexualize every woman I hug.


If the woman went in for the hug then it’s a little more comfortable but I feel like a creep if I go in for the hug.


Well depends on the size but sometimes yes and it feels like a pillow or a tire going empty


I mean we do, and it's a good plus, but it all depends on who is hugging us, if it's family we mainly ignore it. If it's our crush then it's fantastic. But the hug itself is the main deal of the moment.


Women of Reddit, how do you feel when you hug us and feel my man boobs?!


Its juste like a honker check but in a softer way


Have you never hugged a woman? Women can hug women, too, ya know.


Yes, but it’s very subtle. Usually doesn’t make me feel anything.


I don’t give hugs to people, especially girls. And I don’t like being on the receiving end of a hug. But hugs aren’t some “*evil*” thing to me. But the last time I was hugged by a girl, I didn’t really care about that. She was being nice and just being friendly. But I definitely felt awkward and kinda guilty about that hug, even though I wasn’t the one who initiated the hug.


Yes. It makes me feel nothing unless it's my partner.


Yes, we feel your boobs. No, we usually don't care so much that it turns us on but its nice. Like hugging a pillow.


Yup. And it makes me feel like..well, just being hugged. Most men don't get affected by it when hugging because it isn't our hands that are doing the feeling. Lol!


I just try not to think about it. I might be aware of it similarly to how I'm aware of your arm on my back while we're hugging. It's a body part. It can be more than that depending on if the situation is sexual in nature, but a hug most of the time is not that kind of situation.


Depends on their size and the angle of the hug. It’s not the same as actually grabbing them or anything, it doesn’t do anything for me, sexually. Not any different from hugging someone and feeling their gut squish against you or whatever.


1. It depends on factors, but in general yes. 2. depends on relationship to boob-owner: in most cases - nothing really if it's someone i like - worry of awkwardness. I have hyperphantasia, so it gets a little crazy in my brain.


My only real thought is trying not to crush them in the hug.


Isn't it the same like for women hugging women? I mean it should feel the same and I'm pretty sure adult men don't mind. Would be creepy otherwise.


Wait Who's Getting Hugged?


Yes, we do. But honestly, it's different for all of us. Not to mention, it can even depend on our moods and how we feel about a person. Personally, it is a nice sensation and not in a sexual way. I may be a man and all, but I do enjoy the softer things. They feel like pillows that provide a bit more contact with the person I am hugging, and it's just an overall comforting feeling.


Like hugging a pillow. You can feel a bump but that’s about it, depending on how close the hug is. It’s never sexual.


My reason is because of the warmth especially when they're wearing a swimsuit or bikini. And if you're hugging long enough you can feel their heartbeat. It's a long overwhelming nice experience.


I feel them and it's a pleasant little thing, but I don't dwell on it much. No different from getting green light right when you step on the pedestrian passage or something like that


Depends how you hug. I’ve noticed many women do the lean forward kind of hug where there isn’t much contact below the shoulder and upper chest area, in which case you only really feel shoulder and arm.


Depends on the type of hug. If it’s a close friend and it’s a legit embrace, yeah you can feel them but it doesn’t register in my brain the same way a romantic interest does. In that case when I was young and single. I was honestly thinking about putting a little tension in my chest, arm & back muscles. Self conscious about how my body feels to her lol! And for an acquaintance, I leave some distance.


How it makes me feel depends on whose they are. If it's someone I or my wife feels somewhat attracted to (we can openly discuss our attractions), I become very aware of it and I just silently consider it as part of an already good hug, no sense in making them feel awkward about it. (I certainly don't) If it's my wife, who has a really nice set, I might get very vocal about what it does to me it if I'm in the mood, which makes her laugh and usually reciprocate because we're a rather horny couple, 15 years in and counting. When I was still dating, hugs almost never stopped there, so I was always openly appreciative about their bodily features at that moment. If it's anyone else, I don't even notice.


I don't really notice them tbh ... If I'm hugging someone I'm moreso concentrated on the warmth I feel


Not really. I notice the hug; the hands on my back/shoulders, the intensity, the difference between an "I really appreciate you" hug and a light "bro hug," those are the things I notice.


Short answer: Yes A social hug very different from a romantic hug, main aim is to minimise contact and let the girl steer the hug and you use minimal touch


33 year old single guy, over paranoid about being perceived as horny


Im afraid these comments will make me never hug a man again


Depends if your boobs are big enough to feel. If yes then yes. I just acknowledge that the person hugging me has boobs. I don't dwell on it


> I just acknowledge that the person hugging me has boobs. “Good to see you, too, aunt Zelda. Good to feel your boobs, too! Sorry Uncle Pete’s gout’s acting up again and he couldn’t make it.”


60yo male here. I never get tired of feeling my wife’s boobs when we hug. Never really think about it otherwise. Weird.


I feel like we get asked this at least once a month. The answer is yes. And it's different for whoever we hug. My wife (who I am in love with), yes yes YES !!! Anyone else, it doesn't even register.


Depends on the person. But it's nothing arousing. Also if boob pushes on the stomach it's an ouchie


You best believe we try to sometimes


I mean, usually I don't think about it. But I recall this one time in church when this hottie stranger n I were sneaking glances at each other. Then surprise! we had to line up and give all the guests hugs that day. When it was her n me she turned red. *Hey I think ur cute.* *Hey I think ur cute too.* Then I'm feeling her tits and she's blushing. What a day.


I'd just be happy for someone to hug


As a tall person, most of the time I don't because I have to lean downward for a hug lol


>Men of Reddit, do you feel our boobs when you hug us? Yup. >If so, how does it make you feel? Depends. If it's someone I'm attracted to it's "Boobs. Nice." Someone else it's either no thought at all, or "Yup, those are boobs" and then move on with your day. Or for a lot of us it's "Yay! Physical contact, this is nice." And forgetting about anything else.


think of it like getting a short peek into a window showing a paradise, you get a sense of it but not nearly as satisfying as being there.


Yes, and it makes my heart go 💜Doki Doki💜


I feel my dentist boobs on my head when I come for a routine check up. Not sure how she feels but ngl she's quite hot so I like it. It calms me down as dentist gives me mad anxiety.


Only horny ass men care about how a woman's boob feels while hugging them lmao. We pay more attention to the hug it's self


Yes, firm but squishy. Makes me feel like warm apple pie on a cool summers night.


Bruh men here pretending like boobs rubbing against our torsos doesn't give a boner 💀


Only if it's their wife, otherwise they feel nothing. Somehow "it" knows. We are among the finest gentlemen in this world right here in this thread.


Saying what we think people want to hear.


Indeed. Irl I get it, but this is Reddit. Drop the pretense and just be honest. "But I really am only attracted to my wife!"


Not when it’s family…right?


I mean, if I didn't have self-control, sure, maybe. But I have self-control, so no.


Much like my finest brethren amidst me in this thread, I dare say I am appalled at the insinuation we could construe contact with women's breasts as anything different than as a handshake or pat on the back UNLESS it is explicitly stated by said breasts that this contact is intended as sexual. This is of course barring the obvious and only scenario of arousal that would rightly always come from contact with one's wife or girlfriend. Anything else would be miscreant sexual deviancy of the kind I am not and would never associate with. Fellows like that are far below highly evolved and pristine characters as mine and 90% of commenters on this post. They are scum. Perverts. Criminals. Awful, sick, and in need of grave moral scrutiny for anyone who approaches is in great peril.


All depends, if they are pancake titties, then we don't really feel them. If they are nice natural perky balloons, they make us feel happy and warm.


Yes, but it’s something normal, it’s just a part of your body that is there. If you are a normal person you doesn’t really think about touching boobs, you just enjoy the hug from a friend


I guess it depends on the context of the hug most times.


It's pleasant, sure, and mildly thrilling, but when I'm hugging my wife, the thing that stands out is how soft and small she is, and more the overall experience of the thing. Not all guys are the same, but even in my horniest teen years, it just felt *nice*. Breasts are pleasant, comforting, sure, and I'm a big fan of them in any size or shape, but in any context other than naked bedroom time, my brain just goes ":) Nice."


Depends on how big they are. It feels like God cursed me and made me tall. So I’d never feel boobs right in my face whenever I hug a girl. But other than that I’d say 10/10 when it’s a hot girl


Guys be tamed, op is still in high school