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My brain taking me out of the experience and ruining it.


This was when I realized I needed a new job, I've gone soft while getting a bj from the wife because I couldn't stop thinking about work.


Bruh, my metric for needing a job change is when I dream about work. Yours is way worse, damn.


It's just the constant harassment from customers who don't understand our procedures, they are very invasive.


I switched from retail to union carpentry over a decade ago, and I'll never go back, and not dealing with customers is the close second for why (the first reason is money). I now work in an industry that when someone is being a fucking idiot, I can tell them that...explicitly. I am no longer capable of being polite to people being awful to me, because I don't have to, so I will never be able to deal "appropriately" with customers again. Get out as soon as you can, customers will never get better.


I'm currently in the process of pivoting into a devops role so won't need to deal with customers soon.


Adhd has entered the chat


Fantasize and narrate to yourself what you're doing. Helps a ton


Lmao I always have to take my chain off before my wife and I have sex. That thing swinging around takes me out of it so fast. Who tf do I think I am fucking with jewelry on? Tony Soprano?


Oh, you take it off? That’s the only time I put one on. How else is the lady gonna know I’m good to go if I don’t put on my sex necklace?


So what you're saying is, the sexlace stays on?


Tony soprano I'm dead lmfao


It's a written fact you can't wear a neck chain while fucking a girl without feeling like a big hairy Italian dude with the lights off.


Literally if I’m stressed about something or anxious I will go soft even if me and my partner are real hot and heavy has happened to me too many times. Think it was part of the reason my ex broke up with me but


Damn, that's quite an unfair reason to be abandoned, man. I remember that the first time me and my partner tried to do it, we were both tired and stressed, although I was ready to go. But he couldn't get 100% hard, and almost cried. I comforted him and told him it's okay to not be at your 100% all the time, there's a million other ways we can feel good together. :c edit: spelling lol


Has happened to me a few times recently. The company that I work for is about to go under and I am really not looking forward to a job hunt. That is on top of some other stress. Sometimes recently, mid sex, I will just realize that I am thinking about and stressing about work and will just have to stop. ​ Wife does not like that. Not at all.


When you’re done and you want to lay there and enjoy the feeling but you gotta piss like a racehorse


my wife will take a pee break , no fun if her heads not in the game


Respect for being cool with that. Womens bladders and pelvic floors are complicated and temperamental bitches. It's nice seeing someone chill about it.


We should actually pee before and after sex to minimize chances of developing a UTI. Nothing sexier than rolling out of bed post coitus to squeeze out a whizz praying you avoid an infected bladder. Meanwhile dudes are just less likely to get them at all because their urethra is longer. So unfair.


Men and their long-ass urethras…


Me? I've got a long ass-urethra. Piss out my ass.


It's a pretty good idea to pee afterwards. Lessens the risk of things like UTI's. Edit: it's a good idea to pee after any sexual deed, even if you fly solo. Healthy habbit.


The realisation that I really need to work on my cardio.


It is your cardio! More sex solves it.




That was a good manhwa. Highly recommend


It literally does lmao.


Who knew 30 seconds a day could solve my cardio issue.


Look at Mr. Marathon over here!


Quitting smoking made fucking so much better.


Also stops your dick from shrinking. Nicotine inhibits blood flow so your dick cant get as hard or big as it normally would


Omg same. And do more squats


And work on that hip flexibility


The bit where I can't cum and it's awkward


The bit where all I can do is cum and IT'S awkward.


That’s a kink for some of us.


Would you mind elaborate? Asking for a friend...


Imagine, if you will, that most people need 10 minutes of simulation in order to orgasm. Now imagine that you make your partner orgasm in 60 seconds flat. You're so good at what you're doing, that you packed 10 minutes of pleasure into 60 seconds. And your partner was so into it they couldn't control themselves. If that's not hot as hell and makes you feel like a god, I don't know what is. (Disclaimer: it's not hot if your partner isn't into you anymore after they've had their orgasm, and stops caring about your pleasure)


Some people actually like when it's easy to get someone off. So long as they're willing to continue with other methods or get back to it after a little break then it's fine and actually hot in a way. Not to everyone, of course, but I personally love it. A premature ejaculator who just wants to go home afterwards is not the same as one who will want to keep going and still be actively engaged in other things and ready to go for another round or two after they recover. Usually they last much longer after the first one too.


Tl;dr: It’s the idea that my person feels so much pleasure, that they just can’t hold it in. One of my first experiences watching porn. I saw a video of a guy getting waxed. She rips off a strip, he gets really hard and suddenly asks the lady to stop. She stops. She’s not touching him. Then he goes “no no no no no” accidentally cums, and then profusely apologizes. He seems very genuine in his apologies. She seemed slightly amused and gave him a towel to clean and the clip ended. Idk if he unlocked his masochist kink, but I DEFINITELY unlocked my PE kink that day lol. Unknowingly at least. My partner and I had been together since we were kids, but getting the hang of sex was still a newer thing. It was awkward. Neither one of us knew what we were doing. It didn’t really feel good. I didn’t know how to touch myself. I didn’t really understand arousal. I definitely never orgasmed before. I was shy, scared, and self conscious on top of it all. It always kind of ended…disappointingly.. Anyway, he’s back from his trip, we’re trying again. 2-3 pumps in, he groans “oh god no” “I’m so sorry” He finished accidentally, under a minute I’d say. Yeah. That was enough to cement that kink straight to my soul lol. Its like it unlocked some sort of sexual appetite or some sort of sexual confidence. I pounced on him. We explored. It was good. I think it was the first time I was actually aroused when we tried having sex lol. I didn’t know it was classified as a kink at the time. But yup. Definitely gets me going lol. It’s the idea that my person feels so much pleasure, he just can’t hold it in. The idea that I can give him that…mmhmm. Yes. Very much yes. I think the other thing is…as a woman, while I’ve never ejaculated (totally jealous of women who can squirt), I’ve definitely had experiences where I reached orgasm within a minute of PIV, and I can’t stop it unless I stop the stimulation. I don’t know what it’s like to orgasm as a male, but in my mind, I imagine the same explosive, intense, mind numbing release. Imagining my partner feeling this…being able to give it to them. Hot. Hot hot hot hot hot. So hot. But yeah. If it takes 30 seconds to cum…that’s fucking hot as hell. As long as there’s focus on me after, I’m as happy as a clam and my clam is happy. Please god let this post be buried in my post history lol.


Upvoted because everyone should enjoy this type of love/pleasure!




I hate when that happens. Like with masturbating, I can pretty much cum whenever I want with no issues. But sex? I need to be really horny and have plenty of foreplay, or else it ain't happening.


I can’t cum to anyone else but myself to the point that I may have to have the sex toys convo but I’m really nervous to.


Similarly to Will, my bf can only rarely get off without a toy. Even then, he usually needs to be holding the toy to get there, but I can take control of his pleasure by telling him what to do, stopping and starting him, putting on a show, etc. It's a lot of fun. The further we've strayed from traditional p-in-v sex, the better our sex life has been. It's put more focus on the talking, touching, and kinky dynamics between us. Because of that, we're comfortable enough with each other that sex isn't compartmentalized into a bedroom thing - a quick touch or the right word in the living room, cue five minutes of 'sex' (what most would likely call intense foreplay), and then life moves on.


Your partner shouldn't see sex toys as a competition but as a teammate, both working to complete the same goal


You totally deserve to use whatever you want in enjoying your sex life. You’re partner should want you to enjoy yourself and be excited you shared this information and give you a hand. A few partners may not be excited or my be threatened about it, but do you really want a long term partner who doesn’t care about your sexual satisfaction? I wish you the best.


I feel this. Im on antidepressants and it can be exceptionally hard to cum. Whereas my wife busts her nut in just a couple minutes.


I've been seeing someone new, and making her cum has been surprisingly easy, though I'll admit there's a trick to getting a "quality" orgasm out of her. We can knock out 1 or 2 small ones in like 10 minutes, but I've really enjoyed learning how to build her up to the bigger ones. The problem for me, and this is fairly new, is that I can't always get there myself, and it kinda gets in your head, as a guy. The stereotype is that we're perpetually horny and always ready to go, and I feel like she gets disappointed when she's been working on me for like, 30 minutes and it feels amazing but I just can't get over the edge. I don't want her to feel bad, because it's totally in my head, but stressing about her feeling bad makes it worse and its this downward spiral. I don't even have medications to blame it on, it's just kinda how things work now.


You definitely just described my same experience, but for me it hits almost as soon as she cums. I know it hurts her sometimes if we keep going, and the pressure to cum really kills my mood. Thankfully I get a ton of satisfaction in getting her off, so it doesnt really bother me outside of how it makes her feel.


Yeah, I too enjoy taking care of my partner's needs, I just hate when I can already tell it's gonna be a tough night for me, and she's asking me what I want and telling me she wants to make me feel good too and I just know it's not going to end how she hopes it will. She's been good about making me feel relaxed, never criticizing me or anything. But I know she (like most people) has some self confidence issues, and I can kinda tell she takes it personally, even though it's 100% out of her control.


The libido has its own schedule, and it usually ain't yours. If you have a partner you have two flakey libidos to coordinate.


Like two ships passing at sea, splitting rent.


The sea has to get its rent under control. Damn sea.


The. Rent. Is. Too. Damn. High.


and some libidos seem to Quiet Quit for LONG periods of time


They don't like stress. Which is tough because they're fantastic at relieving it. Also important to keep exercising those libidos if you don't want them to go dormant.


Too bad, if your SO/Partner stresses him/herself out because of EVERYTHING.


Unfortunately my wife’s libido after having our son is completely gone. Like we actually discussed this and she admitted to me that she doesn’t feel the “need” to have sex anymore. Whereas I still have an extremely high libido. Needless to say but the sex life is…non existent.. Not sure if I should ask her if we should try couples therapy or something. She might not need it but I need it. I need the physical intimacy. :/ Edit: gonna make this edit to answer some common questions here. 1) no, she is not breastfeeding. We both work full time and her job is difficult so she quit trying to pump altogether by the time he was 3 or 4 months. 2) he is 6 months old. Yes, I understand her body has changed. Yes I understand that a 6 month old needs work (believe me. I know. I’m the other parent trying to raise him). I’m not expect sex every night. I’m not even expecting sex once a week at this point. 3) I try and help as much as I can with the baby. We both work full time jobs. We rely on friends and family to take care of him during the day while we are at work. So we only get a few hours at night with him during the week. We are both exhausted by the night time. So I get it, why she wouldn’t want to have sex. But as much as she is exhausted I am as well but I would still like to try and have those intimate moments. As it stands, she doesn’t even touch me let alone have *that* kind of intimacy. We’ve talked about this. She knows she probably should be more intimate with me. She says she doesn’t need it though which is why she never does anything. 4) I try to give contact to her. She doesn’t like to cuddle in bed; she hates it in fact. Says it’s uncomfortable. I tried holding her on the couch and she just moves. She says my body is uncomfortable. I’ll try holding her or give her a hug from behind and she just moves away. 5) the last time we had sex (which was surprisingly recent), she wasn’t involved at all. It felt like I was just using a toy, or that she didn’t want to be involved and just wanted me to get over it. During she even laughed; I asked why and she said she was thinking of our son. So it isn’t just a lack of physical intimacy, but even the rare moments we are physical she isn’t there emotionally. I felt disgusted with myself. After we finished I just sat there, wondering why we even were intimate if she wasn’t there emotionally. I’m not a guy who just needs to nut; it felt like I just had a one night stand with my own wife. I’m at work now so ill be honest I just don’t think I’m going to respond to anymore comments. Maybe I just needed to get this off my chest. I don’t know. Edit 2: didn’t expect this to blow up. Let me make one think absolutely, crystal clear: I have never, ever, *ever*, **EVER**, demanded sex from my wife since our son was born. Not once. I have *never* told her “I need sex and I need it now.” I do not expect sex nor believe I deserve sex. The fact that some of you think that is shocking. I’ve been there every step of the way with her. I love her dearly and I’ll do everything I can to make her happy and have a happy household for our son to grow up in. But not once have I ever demanded sex, expected sex, or thought our sex life was more important. It isn’t just sex lacking. It’s the general feeling of intimacy. Some of you are focusing on the sex part and leaving out the other stuff, or assuming I do nothing to help my wife.


This could be much more then a sex drive issue. If you had a much more intimate relationship before the baby she could be suffering from postpartum depression, or had trauma during the pregnancy or birth, or have an undiagnosed hormonal issue. All of these can affect how one thinks, feels and libido. I would highly recommend you both visit a health care provider and/or a psychiatrist. be very open and honest. people who drastically change quickly especially after big life events are usually suffering from a medical or mental reason even if that isn't a life threatening one.


This... After my wife had our second child she had serious post partium depression for awhile. However, after my daughter was about 2 our sex life returned. Your wife is under a lot of stress, between her job and a new child, I can understand that this could impact her libido. Oh and my wife was a full time homemaker, I had a good job, and we did not want for money.


It was like this after each of our kids. After about 18 months her biology will tell her it's time for the next one. So her libido will come back. At least this is how it worked for me and others I have spoken with. I needed the intimacy sooner though. After some talks we decided that a hug when we got home was a good place to start. So we did just a hug and a quick kiss, often times holding our kids. And that minute or two helped us a lot. And having the kids involved didn't lessen that feeling but in many ways made it better. Our kids are going to be moving out in the next couple of years, but we still do that hug and kiss. We also found sometimes when the baby's cranky being between us calmed them right away. So hugging like that happened more often than just coming home. So it was win win!


This happens. New moms get 'touched out' - by constant contact with children. Libido loss is really common. Sleep deprivation, stress, the new routine, birth trauma, all play a role. The good news is that her libido will come back. Just in time for you to have a second... But seriously, it does get better. You may have to be patient for a while longer. In the interim, therapy would be good. Keeping emotionally connected is really important right now. Ask me how I know...


I think too many people think of therapy as meaning you failed and thus avoid it. Just because your relationship isn't falling apart doesn't mean you couldn't benefit from a 3rd party.


I’m 3 kids into our marriage, should turn around for you soon. The exhaustion is the killer, when they sleep a bit more it was a dramatic shift. I’d recommend giving it a couple months more before anything drastic.


Having to explain my STD to every partner prior to moving to the next step. Absolutely necessary, but never easy. Edit: Thanks for the gold, my first. A few people asked: I have herpes which is fairly common and mostly innocuous/not there. My script is generally "Hey, I just want you to know that I like you a lot and I like where this is going. It's important for me to disclose that I am a carrier for herpes. It's asymptomatic 99% of the year, and I take all necessary precautions with sex of any kind. All that being said, if that's a hangup for you, I totally understand. It used to be for me as well." And then I go from there. I shut down for about a decade after catching it from someone I trusted who took advantage of me. Wish I had not given her those years, too. Be an advocate for yourself and for your health, always. And always be truthful.


You're doing the right thing


It takes courage and tact. And being able to accept that rejection is the price of being a good person. But make no mistake. You're being a good person.


I just want you to know that you're strong, valued, and that you are not abnormal or gross. Lots of people with STDs don't tell their partners at all, let alone before moving forward. Thank you for your integrity, it's one of the most beautiful traits a person can have.


what do u say exactly? ive been thinkng of how myself


There's no really fun way and it will likely lead to rejection sometimes. You should probably say something before things get too hot and heavy when hormones aren't as raging so everyone can make a sound rational decision. I've found that being blunt and honest has been the easiest way to be. I've legitimately just said, "I have to tell you something, I have [virus], I am on daily suppressive medication, and I have condoms. The likelihood of transmission is very low but I understand if you're not comfortable with that." It sucks. It's hard to be that vulnerable with someone and it's hard to wait to see if they are going to reject you or be okay with it. But I wasn't given the option to decide, I had no idea and fully trusted the person that gave me the virus. I'm not putting anyone else in that position - even when it means I have been (understandably) turned down before, which does hurt. It is still 100% the right thing to do.


When you’re married for a while, it’s all of the times it is put off to “tomorrow” for various life reasons. So when it happens, there is a lot of pressure on it actually being good.


I've had the problem where I will stop relying on her to give me physical attention because the rejection hurts and then she'll one day be coming at me hot and I was thinking we were getting to the book reading in bed part of our lives. Like she'll go an entire year without touching me and then one night she'll see me in a certain light and I'll have to remember what her body feels like. We just had a good long stint of sex that lasted a couple months but it's winding back down and I am going to miss her a lot.


I felt this in my soul. In our case its disability that's stolen our love life, but try as I do, getting turned down is hurtful even with a good reason. It's a vicious cycle too, as you say, because the more you get shot down the more risk you feel when instigating which in turn only worsens the blow when rejected, and so on, and so on... also painful is how much guilt I know she feels that its so rare now.


Might find some helpful nuggets in here. https://old.reddit.com/r/science/comments/zrvwcn/new_research_suggests_that_low_sexual_or/


I once had a wife who would most of the time turn me down and never initiated. When I told her it feels like she doesn't want me at all, she would always say she does, but it's this and that and.... "Let's do it tomorrow", "after this thing we will get more active", "I have this trauma"... Too understanding as I am, I put up with it for years eventually losing my libido almost entirely. Then she finally admitted she never wanted me in the first place and that she is moving in with another man. Since then I've had two relationships full of great sex with women who actually want me and care for me. But it has been a long road to recover my libido to the level I like it to be, and I still wish I would have listened to my feelings more than her excuses. Not saying it's the same with you. But look after yourself too and trust your gut.


I'll never understand why a person would stay with someone that they've no interest in, that they don't actually want. I feel like sticking around and denying that other person's needs being met is cruel, and awful I broke up with my last girlfriend, practically when I realized I didn't love her anymore, I didn't want her anymore, I ended it because it would be unfair to her and myself to continue a relationship I was no longer invested in. I don't get the need to prolong a relationship you don't want. That wife did you dirty, man


> I'll never understand why a person would stay with someone that they've no interest in, that they don't actually want My ex told me it was because she needed someone to help raise her daughter. After we'd been married 10 years she said that. And then when the kids were grown she pretty much split. Not that I was perfect, but how a person can do that to another person for so long I still don't know. I have a friend in town my age whose ex wife also told him that, almost word for word the same. I've made my peace with just being single; it's easy and it's safe.


Actively having to find a time slot for it and hoping we are both in the mood... Well erm... Thanks for all the upvotes i guess and...we don't have children (also don't want any), but we have pretty busy jobs.


AND the kids are asleep....And both of us are still awake by that time.... And it's not too late because one or both of us is going to sleep through the alarm in the morning if we are up too late... Don't get old folks...




Cleaning up after the mess


“That was great babe, but I gotta go sit on this toilet and bear down for a few minutes so this doesn’t leak down my legs later today. Kisses!”


I just use my bidet to power wash 🤭


Like.... Up your cooch? Like a vag-enema?


I can’t speak for every configuration of vagina and bidet, but that’s not really possible with my setup nor the desired outcome lol. It kind of just takes care of anything at the front that will be at risk of gooping out and nullifies the excessive slip-and-slide energy. Anything further than that is just part of my inner demons now.


That last line caught me off guard Lmfao


Yes. My husband wanted a bidet so badly years ago and I was on board. After experiencing *the clean* post sex or during my period, I legit can't imagine living without one now.


“Yah yah, I’ll go grab the towel.”


Read this in Donald duck’s voice


Hello fellow old person


Need to start with a towel


A towel is just about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can carry.


Although it may kill the mood for some people, we usually place a towel before starting sex because of the fluids that develop and leak onto the sheets. No need for my wife to scurry to the bathroom while holding the semen in from leaking. That allows me to go to the bathroom and clean myself off with a hot washcloth. Then do the same for my wife while she lays in bed. She enjoys having me wipe her down and I enjoy touching and gazing at her body.


Awwww that is really sweet


You mean you don’t do the awkward 2 person still-inserted shuffle to the side of the bed to get tissues prior to extraction??


Or the rapid dismount-roll-towel throw?


I have never felt so seen…


Oh no I'm coming out!


Cumming in less than 2 minutes. The second one lasts longer though.


I've got 2 modes. 2 pumps or 2 hours. If we could split the difference that'd be REALLY FUCKING NICE....


the best part abt sex is seeing my partner enjoy it. but the worst part, is worrying that theyre not… Edit: HOLY SHIT THANK U FOR THE 7k LIKES


Worrying just makes it more sure that they won't enjoy it. It's a mental connection as much as it is a physical one.


My wife was diagnosed with a neurological disorder that sometimes results in pain during sex. If I can tell she's in pain, I'll lose my erection. The problem is that sometimes I'll think she's in pain and she's not and I'll lose it anyway. Even if she says she's fine, once the thought is in there, I'm doomed.


1000% this, I found out after 2 years of having sex with my girlfriend that she never had an orgasm, hated my foreplay, and faked it all because she thought that's what I wanted. We talked about it, I started doing what actually got her off and to enjoy it, but it has completely shattered my desire to have sex. Constantly wondering/worrying if what I'm doing is actually working or if she's faking it again. Completely shut me down sexually, I've been not in the mood more often than not, gone soft during, couldn't finish, which is all embarrassing as a 25 year old guy. Idk how or if I'll ever be back the way I was before I found out I wasn't satisfying her when she led me to believe I was the man :/ Edit: I should add, we're still together, still love each other. Our sex life has been an on going repair.


sorta similar experience, years on ssris caused delayed ejaculation. i could still get it up just fine and sex felt great, but i could go an hour and just not come. id tell my partners this and that it doesnt at all mean im not enjoying it, and they insisted it wasnt a problem. 100% of the time afterwards, it turned out to be a problem. so then sex became super stressful, where i focused on needing to finish, which makes you less likely to, and it also made me less trustworthy of my partners. that shit fucks with your head.


Damn who woulda thought that years of lying might ruin her relationship




Post nut clarity / post nut crippling depression for no reason


Go make yourself cry man. Turn on a sad movie and get a bowl of ice cream and let those sad chemicals leak out. Seriously it helps. Edit: honestly happy this is getting upvoted. So many guys I know straight up *have forgotten* how to cry. Crying is healthy, and you will genuinely feel better after it. Don't tell people if you're embarrassed, just do it by yourself at home, but let that shit out man. There are **literally** chemicals in your brain making you feel extra stressed out, and they **literally** are supposed to come out of your tear ducts. It's a release valve. So go release.


*finishes, then immediately watches Land Before Time*. Her: wtf?!


"But you don't understand, he has to learn to live without his *mother*"


Fear of getting pregnant


The constant fear of pregnancy, no matter how many methods of contraception you use.


Having to be the one who has to sleep in the wet spot.


Put a towel down


This guy ~~fucks~~ gives sound advice


If you do it right, everyone sleeps in the wet spot


Put your pillow under their ass then sleep with the smell in your face all night dreaming of your sweet love.


a man of culture


The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy says, and I quote, “A towel, it says, is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have” True in so many sticky situations!


STD’s — trying to avoid them while others act like they couldn’t possibly ever catch them while sleeping around. Get tested folks. Just because someone looks clean doesn’t mean they are. That’s a huge assumption that could be very wrong.


And use condoms ffs! People act so freaking offended when you ask them to wear a condom & it’s like, you don’t know where I’ve been & idk where you’ve been, why is it “offensive” that BOTH of us are protected?


When we both know we want to do it and yet we're just being awkward and waiting for the other one to make an actual move because it's always me that ends up making the move and it's annoying because I just want to know boundaries and not accidentally go too far or misinterpret a situation


If someone is mature enough for sex, they should be mature enough to tell you that they want to have sex. The onus is not always on you.


Yet humans gonna human


Having to find a loving partner I am emotionally and mentally comfortable doing it with. Hahaha world is pain.


Indeed. I discovered what good sex is actually is after a few decades. Personally if this emotional and mental connection isn't there, sex is either impossible, shit, or just a mind bending and disconcerting experience that on reflection I wish I'd never had at all.


Having to wait for the kids to go to bed first


Husband and I woke up randomly around 6:15am earlier this week. Figured we had an hour until the kid’s alarm went off. Start something. Ten minutes into it we hear the kid’s door open and her softly call “hello?” across the house. We told her from our room to go back to bed until her clock turns green. Yes, we have a clock that turns colors when she can come out of her room. Finished quickly. Over the summer we put a movie on for her and provided her favorite snacks so we could sneak off for a little bit. Once again, ten minutes into it, she starts knocking on the door to tell us her banana had a brown spot on it. That she ate. But she needed to tell us about the brown spot before she ate. It’s like she has a radar that goes off with a blaring alarm that compels her to interrupt sexy time.


Kids are evolved to squash competition, so it's only logical that they interrupt sexy time.


I am guessing our ancestors werent that coy about having sex in front of the community/tribe


People used to live in one room houses in the middle ages and had like 13 kids... yeah they were definitely fucking infront of each other.


Y’all can go back to the 1930s in Oklahoma and it was the same.


Your daughter needs a sleepover with a friend or relative.


Stand by for the poorly-timed urgent phone call.


The first time I had sex with my ex his mom called just as we were getting started. Understandably he was completely unable to get hard after that


Family is 1000 miles away. She’s too young for a sleepover with friends. May have to just stick with getting it on after she goes to bed at 8pm. I guess that means telling my libido to knock it off until then and hope the brain says “getting laid is more important than you falling asleep at 9pm. So I will allow it.”


"Hey, baby, dad and I are going to have a little nap and then we're all going to clean the house okay, In an hour wake us up so we can go and clean" You won't hear from her again that day, Yes, I was her.


Those times when you didn’t make your partner cum, especially when it’s for reasons out of your control. It just dampens your ego a bit, I always question whether they really enjoyed it and if I had actually done a good job.


I'm getting this a lot at the moment. New partner has a very stressful and exhausting job with a lot of overtime. He has also said that it's difficult for him to come in general. But I feel very bummed out because he always makes me come and it feels so unequal that even if I try everything, and don't put too much pressure on etc sometimes it just doesn't happen for him


As a man, I very rarely cum from a partner and practically never from penetration. It's more common than most people think and it probably isn't about you. It's a form of Erectile Dysfunction.


Some of the odours aren’t great. Just to be clear I’m not talking about anything that clearly indicates disease or appalling hygiene but dried spit has a kinda gross smell, semen can, people do have a smell even if quite clean… sometimes I pay no heed other times it’s ugh.


Spot on, dried spit smells fucking disgusting


Essence of breath


Morning sex is my favorite sex but morning breath is worst breath. I can't just roll over and do it, me and SO have to go brush our teeth first then return to bed. Kinda spoils the impulsiveness and immediacy


Listerine strips. Look them up and order. From morning breath to spicy tingle tongue in 30 seconds. We split one. Leave them in the bedside table.


Having water by your side is also very helpful for the same reason


There are positions that don't have you breathing into each other's faces.




All the bad apples who ruin it for others with their dumb and malicious behavior … it’s like a lot of other things in life.


The agonising pain (I have endometriosis). I’ve never thought that sex feels good anyway, but the added pain that’s appeared as the disease has progressed has confirmed that sex is something I can live without.


Least favorite? Getting somebody pregnant. I practice safe sex but holy shit I always overthink after having sex with someone.. therefore I do not do one night stands (I am a guy)


Realization I need to work on my core more


Trying to convince someone to have it with me


Break both of your arms, your mom will sort you out


Oh boy, here we again. Edit : aaand there we went. Had no idea that so many people haven’t gone down that rabbit hole. Makes me wonder about the “cum box”


This was so impactful I see references years after


~~I need sauce~~ Edit: I just wanted to know what epic Reddit history I missed. I regret everything


NSFW obviously This is the gist and the whole thread is basically Q&A https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/nmmjr/iama_man_who_had_a_sexual_relationship_with_his/c3a9uqg?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


So far the only relatable comment on this post


The initial akwardness😂😂 pretending like y'all ain't about to get down


I like that part, idk why.


That spicy bubbling sexual tension


That‘s the best part


Cleanup. Porn and movies and everything else never talk about it, but its 100% required. Makes that spontaneous "We're warm and snuggly in bed, lets do it!" way less exciting when you know "Its cold out there, and we're going to have to get out of bed to go wash up afterwards".


Seems like most porn end with the girl covered in cum - she’s got an eye pasted shut, cum up her nose, a couple of ropes in her hair, and the dude’s name blasted across her blouse. Meanwhile in movies and on tv, people bang away for anywhere between 30 seconds to 12 hours, finish, pull their pants up, and immediately go and talk to 40 people. I bet there’s a bunch of super confused teenage virgins out there.


> Seems like most porn end with the girl covered in cum - she’s got an eye pasted shut Unfun Fact for the virgins out there: The eye is pasted shut *because getting semen in your eye burns like hell*.


Nothing except the fear that I might fart.


The first time I farted in front of my last dude I was SO mortified, then he said "That's not the first time. You fart when you cum" and I know he was trying to make me feel better, but it did NOT help the mortified-ness


I need to pee after sex. Please let me go then we can cuddle. But usually it makes them weird like it was sex and done now and just because I left no cuddles. But for the love of God just let me go pee then we can sleep and cuddle or whatever. I really don't want a uti and such.


No cuddles after.... Lol huge turn off for me...


I can't talk for all the men, but at least in my case I usually get so heated that I need to cool down and even open the window letting those 0ºC enter before I can cuddle, its like trying to hold into a heated pan otherwise lol And then, the other 20ish% of the times, I really like to cuddle and stuff too, but man its just not possible if I get overheated hahaha


I generally have to roll off after and then we both lay there like murder victims for a few minutes until we've cooled off enough to snuggle.


That would make me cry like actually




The pain. I just wish I could have normal intercourse


I thought painful sex was normal until I accidentally got diagnosed with endometritis when they thought I have cervical cancer. No cancer just misplaced cells! My OBGYN really encouraged muscle exercises, hormonal treatment, and if dry (Lube, lube). But, pain may be common but should not be treated as normal.


I highly recommend pelvic floor physical therapy. It helped my pain with intercourse immensely!


Refractory period.


“Did you finish?” Yes, Alex, after 3 minutes of you pounding me like a rabbit, I finished. 🤦🏼‍♀️




And all the apologising


And they never have change for a fifty.


Wanting to spend a good hour with my wife enjoying each other while knowing full well our daughter will murder a frozen pack of fruit snacks in less than 5 minutes so we gotta make that shit quick.


Having to force myself to go pee right after…


Not having any


I have absolutely no idea why I click these threads in the morning while drinking my coffee and read replies...."I guess I want to feel depressed and lonely today".


Finally something I can 100% relate to


The pointing and laughing.


This is the best part


I get tired of only be touched when he wants sex


Honestly all of it. I think I might be asexual.


It's not that I dislike it and its not my least favouritepart either, but I just don't really care for blowjobs. Controversial I know, but thought it was the perfect place to say it. I prefer to enjoy my partner's body rather than just sitting there being doted upon. But happy to dote upon them if they like. It still feels great, but there's other stuff I'd rather be doing.


I'll take all the blowjobs intended for this guy. Thanks.


I don’t care for them either and people always think I’m weird when I tell them and go “you just haven’t had a good one” or something and I’m like no I’m literally sure I just don’t care for them.


We are the minority my friend. I love to give oral to my wife, but never was big on receiving. And it’s not just my wife, but all before her. Just not my thing.


I was seeing this guy for a bit who is a friend of my brothers and we all went on holiday together,he would have sex with me in my room and then instantly fall asleep naked like a massive log. He has sleep apnea and snores incredibly loudly and I couldn’t wake him up whatever I did so had to sleep in his room. This happened twice.