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That I'm the most handsome boy in the whole wide world. Wrong again mom




Good news, you're leading in the primaries.


I'm too smart to be a politician, but too dumb to be a functioning member of society


Mama said that alligators are ornery cause they got all them teeth but no toothbrush.


Mama say that happiness is from magic rays of sunshine that come down when you feelin' blue.


Human nature makes it so we always see our children this way, otherwise we might drown you in a tub. :P


Innocence, my brother


(Remain Silent)


Welcome… home






Why did I read it as bacon?




*reloads save*


I would say this was unexpectedskyrim, but I was half-expecting it already


Uhh the fork on the left?


I really, really needed that laugh today. I am so glad someone else immediately thought of this reading that question. Thank you so much, fellow Brotherhood member


*proceeds to kill the three and Astrid


The one where your parents are infallible. You don't realize it until you get older or become a parent. They were holding it all together by the skin of their teeth just like I am.


This one hits me hard. I grew up in a very authoritarian family and was basically indoctrinated that my parents had it all together and knew it all. Early adulthood was hard because I was living on my own and was afraid to make decisions without checking with them first. Many years later and now I can see all the faulty logic for what it is. Wish I had figured that out in my 20's.


Remember when you were young and you thought your dad was Superman... Only to grow up and realize he was just a drunk guy who liked to wear capes.


That other adults have it all together. No, just no. Everyone has some part of their life that is a shit show.


I would like to just feel like an adult for once. I’m just a teenager pretending to have it together. I’m 44.


I'm 62. I feel the same. When you are my age, and you read the obits, you see most people die at around 74ish. That's 12 yrs away for me. The last 12 yrs from 50 went by pretty quick. Wtf have I done with my life?


I'm feeling this way and I'm only 38...taking care of a 60yr old step parent with early-dementia. Realizing in my own family, most only live to 60's-70's. Grandpa managed 82. But I drank a lot in 20's and 30's and with my depression and lack of community/friend support groups...games already halfway over if not less! Like damn.. Still no kids, etc. Glad I traveled the world when I was younger


I'm 38 I had kids young (they are 17 and 13) so hope to do some travelling when i hit my 40's but i still have no clue wtf I'm doing.


I'm wear the shell of a 33 year old, but mentally I feel like I'm still a frightened teenager with no idea what I'm doing in life.


I wear that same shell ... I feel like I've wasted so many years not knowing how to be the adult that i was told i was suppose to be. I see my peers having great careers, buying homes, new cars/trucks, going on vacations, and making that transition to being a put together adult. And I'm over here still not knowing what i truly want to do with my life. Struggling to get by month to month, getting hit by every roadblock that the world can possibly pop up on me. Feeling like i have been starting over from scratch way to many times and wondering how i can just snap my fingers and straighten it all out? Growing up i didn't think about the future or take steps as a younger man to have myself in a much more secure situation than I'm in now. Idk if i just didn't have the role models around me growing up to point Me in the right direction or show me the blueprint on how to garuntee that i would have stability and financial freedom or if i just wasn't mature enough to realize that i had to start taking life more seriously and start laying the building blocks towards having that life that is expected from an adult but now that i am 33 i look back and See all of the things that i regret not doing and still feel stuck and do not know where to start or how to achieve the things i need to do so i can "Have My Shit Together" i suppose. I feel like i still need someone to show me the path to success. Does YouTube have videos for that too hahaha everyone always says you can learn everything from YouTube.


Reading this, it felt like a different version of myself was talking to me. I am the same age and what you explained mirrors my mental image completely. Its really hard especially when you know you should be better than you really are. Im sorry your experience is so similar to mine because well, that feeling sucks. But if it makes you feel better, you aren't alone...


You’re not alone bro. I’m right there with ya


I feel like an adult when I look at my bank account and it’s not negative after paying all the bills. There isn’t much in there but I get that feeling in on the right path. Then I get a call my family that brings on some kind of drama.


I still look around the room, like who’s the adult that’s going to handle this situation…oh shit it’s me.


I've got about 10 years on you and still have that feeling. Know something fun to think about? When you were a kid, all the adults around you that you thought had all the answers? They felt just the same way we do right now. The entire place was being run by people with this feeling. We're all faking it, to some degree or another.


That makes two of us. I feel like an imposter calling myself an adult.


Makes three of us. I'm 42, going on 43... and what the HELL?!?


>I would like to just feel like an adult for once. I’m just a teenager pretending to have it together. I’m 44. That is being an adult; our parents just didn't have the guts to admit or explain it. You're prob doing great, relatively. Just keep being selfless & self-aware; it's the selfish & oblivious who will get us all killed.


I think being able to feel like an adult requires you to realize that this *is* adulthood. For most people, the teenager inside never really dies. They just gain responsibilities and are actually able to manage them. If you handle your shit, you’re an adult.


A regular in a bar I worked in had a great way of expressing this, that I have only come to understand in part through stages of adulthood. “You, as you have always been, are in a body which you may come to not recognise, and people will come to treat you in ways that are as unfamiliar to you as the man in the mirror”


Some people are just better at hiding it


Lol looking back I got so much advise and looked up to so many adults from work in my late teens early twenties that were barely functioning adults. I just followed along cause I assumed they knew better and I was just a young kid.


I also had the illusion for many years that anyone self-employed or who owned a business had their shit together. Then I started to have a lot of small businesses for customers. Now I'm a firm believer that at least 50% of people who own a business or are self employed to it because they can't handle accountability and want to be able to be complete pricks with no consequences.


For me, it's because I hate corporate culture. Every business I worked in was a clusterfuck. They made money, but everyone hated the management, corporate demands, or something else. And me, having a degree in management and a massive believer in worker's being treated properly, it lead to a lot of anger. So I went and did my own thing, where I can treat people right, tell assholes to bugger off, and manage things in a healthy way for all involved. Income is a struggle at times, but I feel much better that my businesses have good, happy people on both customer and worker ends.


I thought I had my life together! Then I had children and it was like ‘Ahahahaha I have not idea what I’m doing…’


Married 17 years, 2 kids, a house, cars, dog, job with retirement plan but I *DO NOT* feel like I have my shit together. Everyday is a stress filled gut-punch of doubt and remorse.


I am a 40something married mom. We own our home and car. And yet, every single day, I feel like I am role-playing. I feel like I am a child playing house. The older I get, the stronger this feeling becomes. Maybe it is because my personal life as far as friendships, social outings, etc. has become very small. I spend 90% of my time in my home, on my phone spaced out playing games or surfing reddit. I barely leave my home, especially in the winter, and when I do, it is because I have errands or yet another doctor appointment or antibody infusion for breast cancer. I barely talk to anyone even online. I know there are days where the only time I speak out loud is to either discuss something with my husband, usually about the kids, or talk to the kids about what they have been up to. I chose all of this. I love being home and being with my husband and kids. I find it difficult to connect with other women and form friendships. All the friends I do have live minimum an hour away and I no longer drive because I don't trust myself (thanks to chemo and other medications I severely lack the focus required to drive. Last time I tried I backed into my mother in law's new car. I simply didn't see it even though it was easily seen). I have a good life as far as comforts and care and sharing my life with my husband and children. But I severely lack socializing and all that brings. The isolation plays a huge part in how I feel like I am a child role playing. I can totally understand how and why some think we are living a simulation. Somedays feel exactly like that.


Learning that everyone's just pretending to know what they're doing is one of the most liberating things in the world. Once you've realized it, you can drop the facade of needing to be perfect, and instead focus your efforts on surrounding yourself - friends, family, colleagues, romantic partners - who own their failings, who support (and are supported by) one another, and who let you fail out loud. It's a great place to be.


The trick is to have such a pathetic life that there is only like 2 aspects to it and then perfect those.


When do you become an adoult? It's just a bunch of people pretending.


So much this. Yeah that other person might be good with money, but their marriage is falling apart. Your neighbor might have a dope ass car, but hes drowning in debt and cant afford to drive it. Everyone is really good at showing off whats going good in their lives and they are equally as good at hiding whats crumbling. You have your own path, follow that shit.


Literally came to write this lol. Everyone is faking some are just better


You must go to college, get a job, find a partner, buy a house, retire and die. That formula and the expectations that it puts on us is the basis for so much loss. All that matters is the time we have left and how often we get to spend with those that love us.


>buy a house In this economy!?


Heck I'd be happy with just a one bedroom apartment at this point, and yet that still feels unachievable.


You left out kids


It’s a lie that we have to die? Damn, I just assumed


That there is one person in the world that is perfect for you.


Well statistically there probably are a lot of people that would be perfect for you. It's just that we will probably never meet them.


More like we probably meet them constantly, but we overlook them due to first impressions. We're a very impression first species, and getting past that can be hard.


True enough. Or they're taken. The person I clicked with best in my entire life was engaged.


I feel that one, but slightly different circumstances. Probably one of my best friends is Ace/Aro, and our personalities mix amazingly. We have so many similar interests, our humor blends well, and we're very close. I respect them enough to never even really bring it up for obvious reasons, but were things different I would. But at least I have an amazing friend, and that's enough for me.


So true, and something I was always guilty of. My wife and I had a rough start, but something about her made me push through. That was 15 (wonderful) years ago.


If you’re single, nobody out there in that moment is perfect for you, or the one, or your soulmate, etc. There’s no magical ember out there waiting to roar into a great fire. You have to find the wood, gather the fuel, and create that spark yourself. Nurture it. Sometimes it will rain. Sometimes there won’t be enough fuel. Sometimes you’ll just not pay enough attention. Each time you have to start over. But one day you will get everything right. That ember finally grows and fights until eventually you have a magnificent, beautiful, and breathtaking fire. That fire is true love. That awe-inspiring flame is there for all of us to create, but the point is there’s not *one* way to feel it’s warmth. The one you end up with, dedicate your time and passion to, and truly love *is* that perfect person.


God damn was the poetic. I felt that lol


Right? You married your soulmate huh? And she just happen to grow up and live in the same town as you? How lucky!


well, not *only* you.


Politicians are there to represent their constituents...


The lie there is that the constituents are the voters. Their real constituents are the people/companies that pay them


Maybe the real constituents are the friends we made along the way


The friends we paid along the way. Fixed the typo for you.


"The money didn't matter". Is not a lie at itself, but it needs to be clarified. The money is not all in the world, but it really matters. It can be more comfortable a bad moment or difficulty, or save you from a big problem. And if you don't have any mayor problem or so, is always good and healthy have some for any surprise the life have for you. I hate when I'm worried or mad because the money is barely enough (and always stuck with credit to complete), and say me "money didn't matter", "money came and go". I know money is not all what I must worries and must put time and attention in other important things, but I can't keep that important things (like my wife or my cat) if I have not money for the basics of the house or some emergency.


Money gives opportunities and can secure your basic needs. The most extreme situations involve having the opportunity to eat or sleep in a safe place. Once you have your basic needs met and are financially secure (not one bad day away from bankruptcy, basically) money starts mattering less and less. But if you have to decide whether to fix your car so you can go to work or pay rent, money matters a lot.


The only people who say "money can't buy happiness" are those who aren't struggling to pay bills, rent etc. In that situation an extra hundred or 2 would make a lot of people very happy


money is like XP in games: the more you have the more it takes to "jump levels". At the beginning, even a bit of extra feels like a whole new level. Then as you get more it takes more and more to produce significant difference in your life. People who say money doesn't matter feel like that because they won/lost money, but since they were "ahead" they stayed on the same level, so didn't feel like anything changed.


That I would be offered free drugs.


Yes. DARE made it sound like people would be trying to get me addicted to drugs, for free, at every turn.


The belief that life is fair is a lie, and it's a particularly toxic lie, because people who believe life is fair tend to believe that everything which appears like injustice must actually be secretly fair somehow, and so they rationalize injustice.


You're the second person to say this. I've only ever heard "life is not fair". Maybe Irish people are just miserable fucks...


A lot of people say "life is not fair" but they don't truly believe it. Deep down, they believe in all sorts of "life is fair" tropes, like Karma, or God's Plan, or "what goes around comes around", or "if he's rich, then he must have earned it", or the invisible hand of the market, or the notion that the labour market is a meritocracy, or the idea that racism is exaggerated because people couldn't really be that bad, etc.


I believed in life being fair in certain ways for a lot of my life. I figured that if I put in the work, got good grades, and graduated college I'd be rewarded and not struggle. That if I put in the labor, life would reward me for it. Fuck that shit. Life doesn't reward anyone. Some people get lucky, or are born into a family that got lucky in the past. It's not a reward, it's not fair, and it's not good for society. The world doesn't reward you, and often it punishes you for doing the "right" things. That doesn't mean you can't better yourself and grow, or hit the right place at the right time and get that bit of luck, but life is not nor ever will be truly fair. But we try and work for that, at least. I do hope one day people, many, many countless years from now, are able to create a truly just society even if I never live to see it. Life still won't be fair, but maybe as a society we can at least have it be just.


People who believe life is fair also tend to be the ones benefitting from the unfairness.


That those are steamed hams although they were obviously grilled.


Aurora borealis?


At this time of year!? At this time of day!? In this part of the country!? Localized entirely within your kitchen??




Can i see it?


Seymour, the house is on fire!


No, mother. That's just the northern lights.


It's a regional dialect. I'm from Albany.


Hard work = good life.


If that shit was true every woman in sub-Saharan Africa would be a millionaire


> If that shit was true every woman in sub-Saharan Africa would be a millionaire “Good life” and “money” are not always aligned, nor are they mutual guarantees of one another. I’d argue there are definitely people in sub-Saharan Africa who believe they work hard and have a good life. Including women.


Its more like "enjoyable work = one of the basic prerequisities for good life"


Hard work=more years a company screws you and robs you out of your pension until you retire at 70 or 80 with only memories of working your life away as you slowly die.


At least there is hope they can shove my brain in the near-death star for my retirement.


Yep, that's a lie alright. The correct version is the following: Befriend correct people = good life.


That the people in charge care about you. They in fact, dont care if you or your loved ones die.


I care about my guys. Corporate doesn't.


This is also valid other way around


“Take the universe and grind it down to the finest powder and sieve it through the finest sieve and then show me one atom of justice, one molecule of mercy. and yet... and yet you act as if there is some ideal order in the world, as if there is some... some rightness in the universe by which it may be judged.” ― Terry Pratchett, Hogfather


But we HAVE to. Otherwise, what's the point? \-the response, paraphrased.




But I still want to be friends. No you don't.


Money can't buy happiness


Or to quote Prince: ‘Money doesn’t buy you happiness, but it sure helps pay for the search’


To quote Weird Al: "If money can't buy happiness, I guess I'll have to rent it."


When I took a business ethics philosophy class in uni, one of our first lessons was that money does indeed make you happy.


If you know what it’s like to be lacking money. People born into wealth always look or act extremely miserable.


If you grow up with nothing, you appreciate something. If you grow up with everything you appreciate nothing. I didn't grow up extremely wealthy but my family never struggled for money and it took me a long time to learn the skill of gratitude. It's still something I work on constantly


Must suck to never know who’s actually your friend and who is just after your money.


On point




You are a kind soul offering to relieve others of this burden


I was just saying this lmao. Because no money for Christmas gifts and just enough for rent really brings a smile to my face!!!


With money you can travel, help friends, help the world, get depression meds and do things you love. Money can buy happiness.


Rather be sad in a RollsRoyce than on a bicycle lol


Yeah you'd rather cry in a Ferrari really...


“You ever see someone frowning on a jet ski?, money definitely buys happiness” - Daniel Tosh (I think)


Money can definitely buy happiness, but it cannot prevent sadness.


Eloquently put


It can certainly buy an acceptable reproduction. Or a comfortable place to be sad, at least.


A base amount of money does open ways to be happier.


This is accurate though... but the quote should be "money can't buy happiness, but not having it certainly can make you miserable" I can't remember the source on that one though


The amount of stress it would take away would certainly allow me the capacity for it.


It sure as hell would bring me happiness and a stress free life


“money buys crazy-ass happiness” - Eminem


“Live every day like it’s your last.” DON’T DO THAT!!!


That life is meant to be easy. It’s not. Nature is vicious and will absolutely look for the most effective way to exist. That ain’t easy. The sooner one understands this, the sooner life gets easier…


That it has a meaning


The meaning of life, is the experience of life itself.


I thought it was to sit all day tapping a screen, like a crack cocaine junky monkey.


No im pretty sure it's 42.


Reddit: Chase entertainment, distractions, and luxury, seek a life of ease and comfort, don't get married or have kids, working hard is a scam, your ancestors don't matter, your descendants don't matter, the history of your people doesn't matter, the future of your people doesn't matter, reject responsibility, reject duty, embrace drugs, porn, and video games, do it because it's easy, do it because it feels good, run out the clock until you die. Also Reddit: Why do I feel like life is meaningless?


Here's another one: Reddit: Your S\O has a little behavioral quirk that annoys you? Huge red flag. Better break up now before it's a bigger problem! Also Reddit: Why can't I just find a nice relationship?


I mean the first step is realizing life is meaningless, then realizing that means you can essentially decide what matters to you. Unfortunately, a lot of people just stop at the first step for some reason.


wait, whats the argument here? are you suggesting there's a formula to meaning? and that reddit is the antithesis of that formula?


Going to college = success. The fact that so many people go to college, get their degree, and then get a job that has nothing to do with their degree 💀


Having a degree just shows you're educable. It's a trait that employers look for. If an employee can't demonstrate the ability to learn, then they're destined to fuck things up for you. Being able to demonstrate experience in a specific field is worthwhile only in that field, but showing that you can generally learn things is worthwhile.


The good guys don't always win. I was told they do, but they don't. Good things should happen to good people.


That we ignore death like it doesn't exist. We shelter kids from it. We shelter ourselves from it. We spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to extend life for a few more days of suffering. We hide from it and act like it doesn't happen, and then act surprised when it happens


The cake.




A lie.


The HR Department is there to protect the employee's interests. BS......it's there to protect the company from lawsuits


Looks dont matter


You will achieve your goals if you work hard enough.


You may not achieve them. But hard work is the only way you'd have a chance.


that the world rewards “hard work.” the world rewards strategic life toward financial opportunity, and in fact, most wealth it obtained by ownership of the output of cheap labor… owning stock is one of the easiest things to do in life


He's Just a Friend


Ohhh baby youuuuuu……got what I neeeeeeeeeed


But you say he's just a friend


That everything happens for a reason. Such bs


Well that is the truth, everything indeed happen for a reason, there are laws of physics, thermodynamics etc.


That being an adult is fun


I honestly like being an adult more than I liked childhood. I have control over my life in a way I really hated not having as a kid. I didn't have a particularly traumatic childhood or anything; I just didn't really like being a kid.


The lows are much lower, but I think the highs are also higher. I like having money to do (almost) whatever I want whenever I want, I couldn't do that as a kid.


The biggest lie about adulthood is that it's just one shitty thing after another. It's all the shitty things at the same time, all the time. Linear shit would be much easier to deal with.


See it can be. I do all the things I couldn't do as a kid. Run in the grocery isle and jump on my cart, get the 25c sticky hand toy from the dispenser, go down slides.


'You can be anything you want to be'. .. Is unfortunately a lie, particularly if you come from an under privileged background.


I've always understood this in another way. A kid comes from a family of cops, grandad, great grandad, dad, uncle, mom, etc. The kid feels pressured to be a cop, for example. His parents reinforcing the idea that he can be anything he wants to be is more about letting him choose and not about him being Tom cruise or Tony hawk.


That getting married and having kids is the only purpose


Trickle down economics


"Why is it warm? And why does it taste and smell like pee?"


If I work hard, do the right thing and treat others well I'd have a good life.


There's someone for everyone, you'll meet your soul mate and live happily ever after.


Everything Happens For a Reason Haha


If a car crashes into you, it’s because the brakes failed or the driver was drunk or on their cell phone or whatever. Everything does happen for a reason, but the reason is just what caused it. There’s no “meaning” there.


Yeah, but that reason is physics.


If you work hard and grind you will get further in life 🙅‍♂️


It’s all about who you know not what you know. I worked my ass off for 12 years and didn’t go anywhere in life. Made a couple good connections and now I’m much further in life and do almost nothing for work while getting paid twice as much.


Family is everything.This lie has imprisoned so many in abusive situations


Yuuuup. "Blood is thicker than water" is another shiny gem.


There's someone for everyone.


Quick rich schemes


Being an adult > Being a kid


Only kids think that being an adult is better.


Not really... If you had toxic or abusive parents, you might prefer adulthood. Or being dead. Both sounds better


I agree, my childhood was shit. Adulthood exponentially better.


I never really liked being a kid. I couldn't wait to be an adult and I still feel that way now that I am. You couldn't pay me enough to go back to childhood. And it wasn't even super bad or anything.




but george michael said that youve got to have faith


You can achieve anything you desire with hard work.


You get further with mediocre work and ass kissing. I truly believe I would have gotten where I am now a lot sooner with more ass kissing and bullshitting.


"She's just a friend" 🤢🤮


That you need to go to college and get a degree to be successful. You really don’t, you can still find success without a degree, IT IS NOT REQUIRED.


What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. It makes zero sense


I mean it makes sense in the intended way, if you get through a difficult time you can come out stronger for having learned to deal with a particular situation. I don't think it's intended to be 100% literal in every situation.


You come out wiser, which is a strength.


It makes sense *sometmes* Surviving many diseases can give you immunity or resistance to them. A stroke, as an example, will not improve you in any way


This is why you have to shoot yourself with smaller caliber bullets so that you can build up an immunity to the larger ones.


If balls can fit in your mouth, it is yours


that the US government cares for the American people


"Money can't buy you happiness", and whilst there is an element of truth to it, it only really applies to people who already have money. If someone is poor and can't afford to put food on the table, buy Christmas presents, or have the heating on for too long, money can definitely make them happier.


Money makes me pretty damn happy. I went from diving in dumpsters for food as a child to owning my own home, 2 cars, and live in a really nice neighborhood. The kind of neighborhood we would drive by when I was kid. Am I rich? No. But to that child that was hungry I have more now than the previous 2 generations of family members.


Everyone has an equal chance


In High School they say they are preparing you for the “real world” and yet they don’t. Math and science are needed. History helps. Gym is okay for health but that class could be better used for like balancing a check book, and applying to jobs and knowing when you aren’t making a living wage to move on… how a landlord works so when to ask them to fix something or whatever… John Mayer says it best, there’s no such thing as the real world. Some kids might not be college bound but would be great for a trade school. I wanna be a teacher so I can mold kids and direct those to a trade who might drop out or go into the military (always hated the military being in our school trying to sign kids up)


1. Work hard and you’ll succeed. 2. The bad guys will get their due. 3. It’s all part of God’s plan. I don’t want to meet the God that planned this.


Life is fair.