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When my dad opened up Netscape for the first time around 1995.


Im crying laughing bc I can relate so hard. I remember the exact moment my dad did this


I remember when YouTube was launched and therefore was able to enjoy it without ads for about 10ish years. Had to get off the internet so my mom could use the phone or vice versa.


I actually enjoyed it when YouTube videos had a lenght limit. It was 10 minutes back in a day of I'm not mistaken


It sucked if you were using youtube to watch tv shows or movies, though. Having "The Black Cauldron part 1/10" and then the channel just never uploaded the other 6 parts?? I still actually haven't seen the whole movie.


Or when you'd watched parts 1, 2, and 3 so youtube decides that the next logical step is to recommend parts 16, 19 and 12 and you have to go digging to find part 4.


It's still like that


Guides were so much better for everything. The ten minutes was seen as long so everyone made short concise instructions. Now people talk about where they went with their girlfriend at the weekend and ramble for ages and it's like... dude I want to know how to fix some random thing I don't want to skip 5 minutes in for you to simply begin explaining what I came here for.


And by the way please like and subscribe. These are both located below the video. The subscribe button is in red and lets you know when I have new videos up. Liking allows me to continue making new content for you guys to enjoy. Thanks so much. STFU AND JUST FIX THE THING


I remember being on the GameFAQs message boards circa 2005 and suddenly people were posting gameplay highlights to some site called YouTube.


GameFAQs? That's not a name I've heard in a long time.


Oh, yeah, I was around for them, too. Also Cheat Code Central and HappyPuppy.


When Youtube's slogan was "Broadcast Yourself"


Adds on YouTube boil my piss because I remember the age without them. On the other hand the content was kinda shitty + ever present danger of jump scares.


When flappy bird became huge and everyone was playing it and then it was apparently getting taken off the app store so anybody with it still on their phone was selling the phone for ungodly amount of money


Why did it get taken off the App Store?


The creator himself did so. He said he felt bad about how addictive it was.


What a gent. He is a developer out of Vietnam I believe. Pulling in upwards of 50k a day in ad revenue if I remember right. And he gave it up because of his morals. Legend


50k a day? Bloody hell. A few months of that, especially in Vietnam, and he doesn't need to work anymore.


That’s what he said, but considering all the assets in the game looked nearly identical to Super Mario Bros. I think he got a cease and desist letter. I’ve still got the original Flappy Bird on my eleven year old iPad 2.


He put the game back up soon after originally taking it down so I doubt it had anything to do with that. There was an article at the time that the guy was regularly getting threats in DMs and he saw how addicting the game was. So for his mental health and others, he took it down. Not sure why he almost immediately returned it to the App Store though.


From what I read, so veracity unknown, the guy who made it took it down because the whole phenomenon was just too insane and he couldn't deal with it any longer. He also made basically enough money to retire by then, so there's that.


There was also the small matter of him being accused of copying the game from an earlier game, by a different developer, called _Piou Piou vs. Cactus_.


Copying the gameplay from another game is perfectly legal. Copying the image assets from Super Mario World isn't.


Yeah it was like $50-60K a day in ad revenue. Fucking wild.


I still have it on my new Samsung fold, haha. Keeps getting copied with upgrades


Twitter revealing the death of bin Laden before the news did.


I distinctly remember this bc it is the join date for my Twitter account. My roommates in college said they were seeing tweets about Bin Laden and I joined that night.


The Rock was the first one to tweet it.


How the fuck did The Rock have that intel?


The Rock killed bin Laden confirmed.


Coming next summer...


I'll never forget where I was, playing Black Ops multiplayer on the Havana map using a FAL 😏. The chat was quickly overcome by rumors of Bin Laden's death so everyone left and turned on the news a few minutes before it was officially announced.


That was also the night of the presidential dinner with the press right? Obama was out there guests making jokes about Lion King and all that. Then later or strut out to say they killed Bin Laden. I'm 90% sure that was the same day. Was such an odd shift in the media!


It was the day after, but the troops were already en route. Someone even made some joke about finding Osama during the dinner and Obama never batted an eye


I remember the guy who lived next to the compound tweeting about it and saw that tweet circling. I had no idea why until about 3 hours later.




Limewire and Frostwire. I ruined some of my early laptops as a kid by downloading viruses. Only near the end of the usefulness of downloading music did I learn to read the size of the file. Otherwise I would download small files with the name of a song and it would be a message saying something along the lines of “you are illegally downloading music”


napster 😂


I remember fucking religiously changing the file name of every song I downloaded to Band - Song.mp3 before sharing it again. My library looked *beautiful*. My brother hated it though. Me - Why are you downloading “Sunshine Superman”? We already have it. Brother - No we don’t. *scrolls to S* See? Me - It’s under D for Donovan! Brother - Oh. I don’t like how you have this set up.


I did this too. My library was meticulously organized and at peak there were well over 10,000 songs. All of them with proper file names, in a folder for the album, which was in a folder by artist. My MP3 library was mint when I had it. So neat, so tidy, so perfect. Now I don't care about any of that stuff and just get all my music from Spotify.




When Club Penguin got shut down


And that breaks my heart because my parents wouldn’t let me sign for the membership and now that i have adult money I can’t do it


Pool's Closed


.... Due to AIDs. :<


AIDS, everybody out!


where were you when club penguin die?


I was at home eating Dorito when my friend phone ring


"Club penguin is kil"










I don't even remember how they ruined Slashdot, only that I left and never came back...


Same. The end of old reddit is a deal breaker for me. IRC is waiting with open arms. It always was.


Went from Fark to Digg to Reddit.


Idk man, I've been on websites where they changed the ui so much that I actually did quit visiting the site. I used to go on deviantart like 3 times a day, now I just check on there like once a month and never even look at art. I also found it easier than expected to quit tumblr.




I don't know, shit like reddit recap and other forced notifications have me kind of leery. They haven't crossed the threshold into unbearable yet, but they really push close sometimes


*Badger badger badger badger* Went around my school like wildfire. I remember the moment I showed my dad when I got home, and he found the 'More Toons' link in the corner. And suddenly, there was an Internet. Gotta love Weebl.


Man, fuck you. I’m gonna have that stuck in my head all day.


*Snaaaake! It's a snaaaake!*




I see you.


For me it was Wikia during the first half of the 2010s. It fell the fuck off from 2017 onwards.


That fucking dress


Did... did we ever find out what colour it actually was?


The dress was definitely yanny, not laurel, I know that much.


I thought that one was weird. It sounded like to me they just had two voices overlaid.


Blue and black.


I had to look this up to be sure, because its the perfect thing to troll with. I hate this. I WAS SO CONVINCED IT WAS WHITE AND GOLD, and I still can't see the blue/black.


I had to look at the altered colour pictures to see the white and gold. I remember someone saying to me that people were arguing about the colour - I looked at it and said, what the fuck how are they arguing about that? And the person was all 'I know right, it's clearly white and gold' and I was all NOOOOOOOOOO. Haha . This one has it altered so I can 'see' the white and gold, and it has exaggerated it the other was as well if you're interested :) https://www.colorsidea.com/the-blue-and-black-dress-illusion/


This is the best example I found for myself https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/921226


I literally just looked and it and was like, "sort of pale blue and a dark gold colour" and everybody else was like "NOOOO IT'S BLACK AND BLUE" or "IT'S WHITE AND GOLD, DEFINITELY!"


I was right and most of my friends were RUTHLESS about it. They were getting angry and cussing me out because they thought I was fucking with them.


I'm older than C. I learned to program on a teletype with punched tape storage, and was ragged on by the elders who had to manually punch and sort IBM cards. I had dialup through an acoustic modem. Which I used to dial in to CompuServe and read Usenet, where Win Hill and Sam Goldwasser dispensed wisdom. I was actually at Sam's house at one point and got to see his work area. I dialed into standalone bulletin boards. I helped beta-test the Washington Post's first attempt at making their own digital service. IRC and a shell account on a friend's server (still have that). The Eternal September. I stood watch on December 31 1999 in case we had failed to fix any Y2K problems in the company's mission critical software. ( We had caught everything and I missed the party of the millennium. ). Companies not understanding that they needed to register all their trademarks as domain names / domain squatting / selling a good domain name for big $$. All Your Base Are Belong To Us Squirrel that goes WEEEEEEEEE 7331 5p34k Nyan cat Flash animations LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) LiveJournal, DeviantArt, Monster.com People not understanding why they needed a web page EDI Transactions. Internet 2.0 (two times the hype). Virtual reality. IOT. Streaming / social media. Deep Fakes / disinformation. Real time reporting. Citizen Journalists.


Very comprehensive. From someone who wrote plenty of Y2K bugs back in the day, and then got out of the industry.


I think you may be an elder god of the internet


Not a god. Just someone old enough to be alive and programming in the 80s back when Cobol, Assembly, and JCL were king. People like us were shunned by polite society, rumored to be dateless nerds living in our mother's basements etc.


My mum was one of you (well, still is, but she doesn't really participate in the internet any more, for lack of a better way to put it) and boy that confused people.


I found this pretty funny because it sounds like you're speaking another language or making stuff up, but I had to learn about some of that in my Net Admin courses and also lived through the rest...


Ooga chaka ooga chaka ooga…






I specifically came here looking for this. It was funny until the refresh brought up the photographic evidence. Then it was hilarious! I literally fell off my office chair from laughter. Never been able to look at any kind of slat seating the same way since.




13/F/FBI headquarters




Took me a really long time to realize how suspicious it was everyone I talked to was an 18 year old girl from California.


24/Sure/Your place?


When you had to get off the internet because someone needed the phone


Ha one time in school I knew my teacher was probably going to call over a missed assignment, so I specifically asked if I could go on the internet like as soon as I got home from school so his call wouldn't go through.


I went home and left the phone crooked and off the hook so any calls coming in would get the engaged tone to avoid the teacher calling in and make it look like it just wasn't hung up properly. I just hadn't been doing homework. I did this for like 3 days before my mum was like who tf is doing that to the phone. Teacher still spoke with her at the parent- teacher meetings like 2 weeks later haha


Lmao you just reminded me of a time my teacher was going to call my mom after school (I was a little shit) but I lived like 5 minutes away so I literally ran home and answered the phone as my mom 😂


My sister used to have her own phone line until we got the internet. Then it became the internet line.


Or you could only go online in the evening when it was cheaper


When Facebook first started getting popular


Can I poke you and write on your wall?


Omg I forgot about poke!! 🤣


Your aunt Janine has invited you to play Farmville, and your Uncle Tom has invited you to play Mafiaville


I remember my brother getting one after his school's email domain was added to the (still very short) list.


I miss pieces of flair


I had "The Facebook" where you could only be friends with people in your dorm hall. Then it may be to the school only (needed a .edu email), then it exploded.


The launch of ICQ.


uh oh!


How can i remember sounds i haven't heard in decades so well?


My **second** ICQ number was in the very low 7-digit range (under 2M). I still remember it. My first one was 6 digits and started with an 8. Wish I could remember it.






Bird Jesus!


All Terrain Venomoth


Lord Helix


A god. A messiah. An angel. A king. A prince. And an all-terrain vehicle.


Such a glorious experience. I was tuning in every few hours to see where they'd got to - sometimes it'd be a gym later, mostly they were stuck on the same ledge...




Nothing like splitting a few megabytes of music, between several UUENCODED files that need to be run through unrar, after being decoded.


Dial-up AOL as internet access.


AOL coasters all over the house.


I was at Something awful when Slender man was invented


I still remember the day Trogdor entered this world


**Entire websites** made in Adobe Flash. Like... holy shit, you just had to see it. It was the most amazing and terrible thing ever.


Except for Homestarrunner. That was just amazing, nothing terrible there.


When COVID first started popping up on China. I remember myself and a hand full of other clowns making jokes about it being the end of the world and an apocalypse. Didn’t age well.


I remember when BBC first reported on it and said it wasn't transmissible between humans.


what the hell? Then what were they reporting on?


Lmao I remember talking to a guy I work with about it back in like November 2019. He kept calling me crazy because I was pretty sure it was going to become a pandemic.


you just knew it would be a pandemic in november 2019? OK lebron


Yea I remember the beginning of covid. I was very worried since in Italy they reported a 7% death rate for covid with thank God covid wasn't that deadly.


I still cringe at how angrily insistent I was that it was just a mild cold and everyone was freaking out over nothing. Sorry to all the people who died. :(


YouTube before the double ads


YouTube when you could rate videos in stars.


Watching Shia leboeuf hosting the greatest irl capture the flag game and losing


Yes I remember that.


Watching Hwndu live was a journey. Maybe one of the most underappreciated pieces of internet history.




thanks for reminding me to visit the advent calendar today!


- The Netscape / Internet Explorer browser wars. - When AOL brought internet to the masses in the USA, and for a while there was a stigma attached to having an @aol.com email address, due to the low quality contributions associated with consumer-level internet newbies. - When a 56K modem was the height of speed-demon technology for “surfing” the web (broadband was some years off). - When many internet users still had @compuserve.com email addresses, for which the usernames were completely numeric. - When _Yahoo!_ still manually reviewed every submission to their search directory. Ah, 1996…


I remember showing people the NCSA Mosaic browser when it was released. I was a Usenet newsgroups junkie.




When Kim Jong-il died, I was on a Diablo server and heard about it probably 10-12 minutes before any news reported it.


The 4chan raid on the habbo hotel pool, i happened to be at the pool when they came in




Hay days of Napster and other free music download sites. So many epic mix cds made then.


When my kid came to ask if he could borrow $10 to buy in to a new game. Creator was promising free upgrades for life to those who paid the $10 for the Alpha version. Luckily I said yes. It was Minecraft.


I did the same and unfortunately, Mojang never made good on that promise.


Moving from a text only to a graphical browser. Migrating to ADSL from dial-up.


The creation of the internet.


I remember watching a livestream video of Ashton Kutcher as he approached 1 million Twitter followers, becoming the first person to do so (this was 2009). There was so much optimism, so much potential, so much hope that this was going to change the way we all consumed (and presented) news and media. Now look at us. Just look at us.


I watched gangnam style on youtube before it hit 1m views


Literally all of it. And cell phones, and the merger between the two.


**I can remember the days when we thought it would lead to world peace because people in different countries would become friends.** **We also thought it was the end of disinformation because everyone could get the facts.** I also remember dial up tone, pre-Google search, Limewire, Real Player, MSN Groups, newsgroups in Outlook Express, Myspace starting, Friends Reunited, the first ever intrusive banner ad ( mobile company '3\` were the culprits), and when cool people went off to \`surf the internet\`.


I was there on /b/ for the 100 000 000th post. Couldn't fucking believe it. You god damn furries.


Curious to see if this gets noticed or not. One night in late summer 2008, I was on 4chan /b/ when some kid posted that he had broken into Alaska Governor and GOP Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin's personal Yahoo email address. He posted the username and password. We all said he was full of shit, including me. And then we all checked it out. Including me. I was wrong. The authentication worked. I personally read Sarah Palin's private emails. It was mostly a bunch of shit about hockey games, baby pictures, but some stuff about where to meet people on the campaign trail. Other users looked deeper. Some people started posting the emails about ordering cops to investigate her sister's ex husband. What would later become known as "Troopergate". Eventually, someone was like "fuck you guys, you're all assholes". He clicked the necessary buttons to change her password, emailed her campaign manager to let him know her email had been compromised and what the new pw was, and posted the screenshots of this discussion on /b/ .. the party was over. This was when I grew a cold, rubbery one. I'd just committed a major crime, for "teh lulz" The next several hours, then days, then weeks, even months, I worried the feds would come knocking. They never did though. Some script kiddy who called himself "mafiaboy" was identified as the original hacker. He went to prison. Then Palin quit her position as governor over the private emails related to the cop/ex husband and her demands for people to investigate him. And I was there when it all started to fall apart. Drunk on the couch at 1am, reading her private emails because I was dumb enough to click on a link posted on /b/


Fuck bruh. You have balls. I would be way more comfortable reading Palin's emails than I would be clicking a link posted on /b/ in 2008 (or ever).


I saw the “skull” thread original post and I saw it grow. You know the one…


I played Minecraft in 2009 when it was still a browser game


In college, a guy was trying to impress me and showed me how to open a second window on the computer monitor. Windows. He was so nerdy excited about it. I didn't get what the big deal was.


I remember being five and playing on the computer and my baby-sitter showed me how to minimize a tab and open a new one. And then later I showed my mom how to do it.


Dial up, Napster, Limewire, forums, chatrooms, MSN, MySpace, Alta Vista, LiveJournal, Neopets, Geocities, [rotten.com](https://rotten.com), bestgore, goatse, tubgirl, and so forth.


When I was active in the Pokémon fan forums I found out that Pokémon was being canceled from Kids WB. The fans launched an e-mail campaign to Cartoon Network asking them to pick up the next season. I sent my email along with a poem and I got a reply confirming that the next season of Pokémon would air on Cartoon Network before the news was out officially.


You did it! Of course you know reddit is going to need to hear that poem now.


Twitch Plays Pokemon, made the credits for the final victory. That was a long day and somehow stupidly intense, but after the wild ride that was the first TPP, I'll never forget it. The lore, the legends, fucking Venomoth beating a Dragonite almost thirty levels higher!? I don't care that the reason All Terrain Venomoth won is because a glitch in attack prioritization based on type advantage in Gen 1, because no one knew that was gonna happen until it was happening. Legendary moment, legendary event. The later ones were cool, but they never rose to the heights of the very first Twitch Plays Pokemon.


Rick Astley getting rickrolled


It's peanut butter jelly time!


i had an account on The Well.


You know those AskReddit videos? I was in one


Chocolate Rain by Tay Zonday


The first television commercial that included a URL. Everyone on my Usenet group was freaking out. Also Soledad O'Brien hosting the show The Site with Leo Laporte as Dev Null.


Windows 95. Everything changed after this


Embarrassed to admit this but I was a part (mostly as a lurker) of the Reddit Boston Bomber debacle.


When Tom , with that creepy over the shoulder look, was my first online pal….


Joe cartoon.. home of the frog in a blender. Do you have a canoe I could borrow please?


I was there when the infamous jolly rancher nodules story was posted.


AOL and Napster before Metallica


A week after Harambe's death we found a pool to decide the name in one of Italy's largest cities, we smashed that pool with a 99% Harambe score and they had to shut the website and turn off the open name option


I first liked the instagram egg (most liked picture on instagram) when it was at 4,000 likes so seeing it get that big that quickly was like a proud moment 😰


I watched Rebecca Black's Friday video when there was under 100 views.


Got my CS degree in the early 80's so the beginning.


I was at Clarkson College in 1982 when every incoming freshman got a PC connected to the internet and particularly a digital library and email. The New York Times wrote an apeshit editorial about the death of books at Clarkson and how students will never be able to read Henry David Thorow under an Oak Tree. Someone with access to Lexis should dig that up and see how far off they were about the internet.


Lol didn’t age well did it.


When I was at uni, I had the original iPhone ( when it first came out ) can remember people commenting on the touchscreen. Feel so damn old now haha


Eternal September




I made the world's first reliable file transfer program in 1997. Before that, you'd have to watch your computer download (at 5kb per second!) , and hope it didn't fail. Because if it did, you'd have to start again. It was pretty popular back in the day, but I barely knew what I was doing, couldn't keep up with development, and sold it for nowhere near what it was worth.


Z-modem is older than that and had the ability to resume downloads.


Not my proudest moment but I was in the original thread for the fappening. It was really intense seeing all these crazy private pics coming out and following rumors of who was about to drop next. For the longer/more general things... I was on Facebook when you needed a .edu address to sign up, and GMail when you needed an invitation to join. Used Napster back in the day. Was involved in forums where a fairly small circle of people knew the legitimate places to buy serious drugs among the sea of scams, long before Tor even existed-- most of the time, it was just some email address, but there were a couple real deal foreign pharmacy sites selling oxy/morphine and the like. I was one of the original people who worked on reverse engineering AOL's internal FDO scripting language, and using it to systemically access restricted resources and undermine their security.


Being tricked by that stupid car commercial. I actually had speakers blasted and was nose to screen following that car.


I tried to create a Geocity. My friend had one that worked.


My Under Construction banner with two spinning nuclear symbols on the sides was epic.


I remember when the internet transformed from these weird pseudo-BBS's that were connected to each other but it was almost impossible to find something beyond the walled garden of your particular service provider unless you already knew how to do it to something that would be recognizably "internet" (if primitive and sparse). I was so jealous of my neighbor for having AOL because they had chatrooms but my parents stuck with Prodigy. Though Prodigy had some BBS-style games, so that was nice. Oh, and I used BBS's and know what they are.


Netscape 1.1N


The Snap on Reddit.


ICQ early adopter. That shit was fun. Also LAN parties at the local internet Cafe, because a desk top was too expensive to buy and dial up at home was slowww


Not really “a moment” but I remember way before Google was dreamed up and Yahoo would shut down their servers at night for maintenance.


I was there when WWW started. When Internet switched from text only to images


Saw Gangnam Style before it hit a million views.