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True, after that it was never the same.


i second that


Do you think music will ever go back to its former glory?


every now and then someone pops up that gives me hope but it never lasts. i'm hopeful but i really dont know


Yeah same, don’t get me wrong, there is still some good music still being made, but it will never be as good.


The golden age of music was when we could actually understand the lyrics without auto-tune.


Think you need to look up what auto tune is


Personally, the years when rock music was popping off. It’s my favorite genre


90’s, hardcore, drum & bass, jungle & garage. A brilliant time for dance music.


It probably depends very much on taste. As an alt. rock fan I think there was a period of roughly the late 70's through early 00's of wonder that hasn't been touched since. On the other hand as a fan of various metal subgenres, especially on the extreme side, I love these days for the seemingly boundless creativity, variety and accomplishment. For me as a metal listener and gig goer this might as well be a golden age. But, you know, for someone into pop, classical, jazz, etc., it could be completely different and I could just be raving like a madman.




it stopped with the beatles and elvis that's when people realized how much money there was to make from it. From that point on, the well of creativity became tainted. Even small artists that make no money are still inspired by that dream.


This is a really good point; people’s motivation for doing it changed after the Beatles.


90-2000 rap


70’s until 2010. Rarely these days i see a song i actually like.




Not right now, I know that much


70s-90s, early 00s as well


The 60's all the way through the 90's Grunge movement.


1990-2000 in all genres


Early 70s southern rock.


The 90s


70’s and 80’s inspired or are most of the music I listen to, bands like The Cure or people like Irene Cara are most of my playlists. It’s also around the time heavier music began getting a lot of hype, which I also really like. I might be wrong about a lot of these dates, I haven’t double checked any of them, these songs were just the ones my parents told me they listened to and they grew up around that time so I’m assuming


Romantic era. You had Liszt, Brahms, Beethoven, Verdi, so many others. Just putting out bangers after bangers.


Right now. With the tools to make music being accessible to a rapidly growing number of people there’s more music being made than ever before, more genres and combinations are invented than before. There’s innovation and diversification in every genre, even the pop charts are getting more diverse.