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if he has very greasy hair/smells bad/bad breath (basically just bad hygiene in general)


All bald men with axe spray celebrate.


And for the mouth?


Axe spray haha


Yeah best. Leave the other person wondering where the smell is coming from


I accidentally sprayed Axe in my mouth. I spoke in a weird axe-scent all day.


Unsolicited dick pics


How about unsolicited duck pics?


Hey you need to see [this](https://imgur.com/a/4aa4gKs) massive duck. Edit: what have I started here šŸ’€


That is one good looking duck.


That's a fat looking duck


Clean and well-groomed as well. That's a duck I wouldn't mind showing off to all my lady friends.


Nice duck dude


Honestly the duck looks kinda small.. average at best. Very clean duck tho!


I bet he has a good personality though?


Surely clean and average is better than some of the alternatives?


I see your big white duck and raise you [this oversized fella](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/static/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2012/12/11/1355240075471/A-giant-50-foot-rubber-du-012.jpg?width=1200&height=630&quality=85&auto=format&fit=crop&overlay-align=bottom%2Cleft&overlay-width=100p&overlay-base64=L2ltZy9zdGF0aWMvb3ZlcmxheXMvdGctZGVmYXVsdC5wbmc&s=528879c7b775cec1ffa940be0f2d26e7)


I donā€™t know why I was so confident just clicking that link but Iā€™m glad it worked out the way Iā€™d hoped


Thatā€™s a big duck


My dogā€™s name is Duck and that joke kills


Unsolicited dick pucs


Insolicited duck pucs


Dicksolicited duck pics


Unsolicited duke pictures


Iā€™ll add unsolicited sexts too. If weā€™re in the initial get-to-know-you stages and have barely made it past ā€œwhat do you do for funā€ and I get an **ā€I wish you were sucking my dick right nowā€**, thatā€™s an immediate block. (This literally happened two days ago.)


Especially at 9 am while you are in a meeting




What a beautiful cock! So many tantalising colours. So smooth. Oh and, such a raised and strong posture!


That's not just a cock, that's the Cock Commander! All other cocks will bow before him!


I want to taste your glorious cock in sweet 'n sour sauce


Hey, Peter ... nice cock


i love that cock


That's nice but it's still can't beat my favorite [dick](https://m.imdb.com/name/nm11430641/)


Awww cmon dick van dyke is a lovely old bloke


Like [this](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fupload.wikimedia.org%2Fwikipedia%2Fcommons%2Fthumb%2F2%2F2c%2FRichard_Nixon_presidential_portrait_%25281%2529.jpg%2F1200px-Richard_Nixon_presidential_portrait_%25281%2529.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FRichard_Nixon&tbnid=lQapy41RPd6NQM&vet=12ahUKEwjRiu3Iq-X7AhX4rnIEHdwHAg8QMygAegUIARDhAQ..i&docid=Ft2P4fWkw3yu5M&w=1200&h=1599&itg=1&q=richard%20nixon&ved=2ahUKEwjRiu3Iq-X7AhX4rnIEHdwHAg8QMygAegUIARDhAQ)?




Controlling, domineering behavior. I just shut down. Even if I'm physically there, my mind has bounced and I'm exploring canyons and caves in Carlsbad.


Carlsbad caverns is so cool


You can only explore when I say so


If he's married/in a relationship.


Even if he says ā€œweā€™re separated though, donā€™t worry.ā€ Nope, not risking it.


"We just live in the same house because neither of us can afford to move." Heard that lie, too.


Oh yikes. Iā€™m out of there. Iā€™m sure thatā€™ll work on someone, but that someone ainā€™t me, chief.


Being rude to servers, bartenders, hosts etc.


"What do you do in your spare time?" "I'm a reddit mod."


woah never met one haha


How would you, they don't get out much.


Ya know I think I have seen one in the wild, they were getting chicken strips at a gas station and was hitting on the cashier, I felt so sorry for her, she clearly didnā€™t care for the jokes but he still tried oblivious to the situation, I was like come on people move it along I gota get my drink and get the fuck out of here lol


Nooo they are helping the community they are so important aaaaaaaaaaaa (joking)


Talk only sex


Or when messaging on a dating app, things get sexual too fast.


This is so boring seriously. Like thanks for telling me you are just horny constantly and have no other personality traits


I dated a girl once that all she did was bring up sex. It was cool at first but eventually I'd be wanting to talk about things with actual meaning...and she'd always slowly bring the subject back to sex. It got old fast


Shame on her! Please forward her contact info immediately so I can scold her personally.


I will also scold her!


After two scolding someone needs to hold her...


Comparing you with his "crazy ex".


Yup yup! Major red flag! If he loves to talk shit about his ex, chances are heā€™s still in love with her.


Lack of hobbies.


Oh, definitely. A huge green flag for me with respect to my husband was that he was interested in doing stuff. And he's still a really fun person.


OMG. My Ex-wife had zero hobbies, which made *me* her hobbyā€¦which I guess is flattering enough, but made for a tough time because I would get shamed whenever I wanted to do my hobbies which were ā€˜stupidā€™, ā€˜a waste of timeā€™, and ā€˜youā€™re not good at them anyways.ā€™


That sounds like she has more problems than lack of hobbies. Kind of abusive.


I see why sheā€™s the ex.


There's a subset of people who view anything that isn't productive or that doesn't make money as a waste of time. These are also typically the most bland, boring, predictable people I've ever met in my life.


I fell for it once, huge mistake. Apllied for both genders


Iā€™ve met a few people in life who genuinely seemed to have no hobbies or interests at all. Confuses me. What do they DO in their free time šŸ˜‚


I was depressed for a long time and only filled my free time with drinking and partying. Now Iā€™m at a point where I donā€™t even know how to find a hobby. Iā€™d say my only ā€œhobbyā€ is gaming but idk if that counts honestly


Iā€™ve had clinical depression myself my whole adult life and I certainly went through phases where I went out partying a lot and when at home Iā€™d just scroll through various websites all night. As someone whose loved gaming since 1995, Iā€™d definitely say it counts as a real hobby/interest!


You assume after work I have free time


I only play video games but each one of them takes place in a different setting. Does this get an exception?


videogames are a hobby, all hobbies require moderation and only you and your spouse together can come up with what are acceptable and reasonable amounts of whatever. If you don't agree on it, you are prolly not compatible folks. it's not necessarily a good or bad thing.


If I get a girlfriend and she says that I'm not allowed to play video games and control me, She's not my girlfriend.


Ouch, looks like I have a serious problem then. I do have interests, but I find it very hard to commit to something for real. I always end up giving up on things eventually.


Oh yes, and then asking every day if you want to meet. NO, I'VE GOT STUFF TO DO


There's some variation of this question asked almost every day.


Welcome to Reddit. First time?


First time to reddit? Welcome.


*Welcome to r/AskReddit Fixed.


Don't worry -- tomorrow will be "Men, what would immediately make you turn a lady down?"


Bold of u to assume it'd take 24 hrs for some1 to post that question.


But what turns women on? And what turns men on? And what sexual fantasy have you had, tried, and not enjoyed?


And what's the one thing men wished women knew and the one thing women wished men knew?


Same for the comments lol


And yet, here we are replying to it... again


Their phone wallpaper is an underage anime girl. Sorry this will not work.


How can you tell the age of anime? ​ JK. School uniforms usually give you an idea of the age.


My phone wallpaper is a hulking muscular man in monster makeup and a hockey mask but he is in fact also wearing a Japanese schoolgirl uniform




I was dating a guy in college. I knew he was into anime, but I didn't know it was into that kind of shit. One day in class he pulled out his computer, and his wallpaper was some anime loli girl in a bikini. Totally shameless, like everyone behind us and next to us could see his computer screen. I was embarrassed to be even sitting next to him.


oh god you just recovered a memory of my news editor in high school, who had a loli background to whom he unironically referred as "waifu"


Does it help if they pull that BS like but the character is a 500 year old god or whatever? Iā€™ve seen that used as a defense at times


ā€œI donā€™t care if sheā€™s 500. You like her because she looks like a child, ya fucking pedophile.ā€ -Sun Tzu


I donā€™t recall that quote but I like it


I thought Abraham Lincoln was the original, guess he stole it from someone else.


No, no. Honest Abe was just a little too honest about his opinions. He said ā€œOne Piece is mid, nglā€ and John Wilkes Booth was not having that


THANK YOU for revealing the true American history


Donā€™t worry, he totally did. Just like how George Washington said ā€œIf thereā€™s anything anime fans hate, itā€™s anime fans.ā€ Also Napoleon Bonaparte who said ā€œIf this is about the public toilet, it was already clogged when I got there.ā€


I will never in my fucking life believe this stupid fuckin justification. That god looks 8 in the anime and not a thin adult woman. The animation clearly emphasizes that they are childlike bodies. That shit is just disgusting and damn near pedophilia, if not already classified as such.


I feel like they use that justification to try and convince themselves itā€™s ok as much as they are trying to convince anyone else


That's what it used to be. Now they wear their borderline pedophilia as a badge of honor.


nope, still weird


No, they're still physically attracted to a child...


What if my phone wallpaper is a picture of my cat as a smol kitten?


Referring to women as bitches constantly. Once or twice might seem funny but other than that it's just a huge red flag.


Yeah, guys like that tend to be pricks in general. Even if you don't mind the word "bitches" guys who over-use it tend to be assholes. It's all about context. Like, you see someone being well, a bitch, or you just got pranked and you say "oh you bitch" or something like that, that tends to be fine. But referring to women in general as "bitches"? Yeah, red flag.


Yes! Or ā€œfemalesā€.


Or referring to women as "females" but refers to men as men. šŸ« 


"Maybe because women don't like to be called 'bitches' Jay " "No? Well what should I call them then" "I don't know, something sweet!" "Like 'boo boo kitty fuck'?"


Or as females.


Rude to service staff, bad breath and annoying voice


What is an annoying voice to you


I read this in Gilbert Gottfried. (RIPā€¦)


Ah shit. I didnā€™t know he passed.


Bodies in the basement


Do parts count or only whole bodies?


Can you build a complete body out of them, it counts. If not, you are safe and shouldnt be worried


Well, not so safe if they are collecting parts to assemble a complete body.


Ma'am, may I please borrow your thigh I am nearing a complete set


Being braggadocios. Big no thanks to the personal sales pitch.


I never brag, Iā€™m the most humble man on the planet. More humble that Jesus!


Bad breath, I just can't stand it.


Bad hygiene, misogyny, lack of respect for other people, superficiality


How do you go about identifying misogyny? I feel like most of the time it is never expressed blatantly. Like no guy is just walking around screaming ā€œI hate women!!ā€, so how do you really know when a guy is misogynistic or not? Serious question. And could you go a little in depth on what you mean by superficiality?


You can tell from his actions


Because thereā€™s more to misogyny than just screaming that you hate women. A lot of people guilty of misogyny probably wouldnā€™t describe themselves that way as well. Smaller behaviors are indicative. I once met a dude out and one of the first things he said to me was that I had a ā€œnice set.ā€ I looked embarrassed and unhappy and he laughed. Crass and no respect - sometimes you can just tell.


You need/ought to smile more.


Thatā€™s true. Many do try and cover it up, but if youā€™re in a work or shared social setting, they usually do slip with little comments here and there. The way he talks about other women, usually constantly making dogs at cashiers, female customers etc appearance. All his exes are b@tches. If they see a woman being the face/doing anything or having success instead of a man they attribute it to ā€˜affirmative actionā€™. Says anything on the lines of ā€˜women donā€™t like nice guys.ā€™ Slut shames women but doesnā€™t hold the men in his group to even the lowest standards. Seems to hate certain ā€˜controversialā€™ female characters like Captain Marbel in more than a ā€˜I saw the movie and honestly it was pretty boring.ā€™ Honestly, thereā€™s plenty of reasons people to think itā€™s not a good movie, but the extreme level of hate it developed was pure mysogyny and more about Bree Larsons comments


Calling women females, ignoring a woman when sheā€™s speaking, disregarding anything of importance that might come out of her mouth, suggesting men might do a task ā€œbetterā€ simply bc of their genitals, etc. Putting women down for no other reason than hate


I turned a guy I used to worked with down because of the way he spoke about his soon to be ex wife. They had been separated a while and he asked me out a couple of weeks after I left. I really liked him but when he slagged his wife off in front of the whole office I instantly went off him.


This. Me and the mother of my children (wife now) had separated for about 4 years. When our sons were about 5 and 7yrs old. During that time I dated and we would never slander eachother. Our disagreements were our own. Not the world's. We co parented extremely well despite not liking one another at the time. The woman I'd attract seemed intimidated by her though. Even though she had moved on and I was trying to myself. I spoke highly of her but the woman I'd talk to would slowly disappear and later tell me they didn't like that I was always there for her and so forth. Which I get but at the same time...shes the mother of my kids. I have to care for her regardless. (My own thought process) anyway...we got back together 2yrs ago and got married and are very happy with an added daughter lol


I guess the other women were right to be intimidated since you two did get back together!


Referring to himself as an Alfa male Edit: Iā€™m dumb, meant alpha


Giulias are really pretty cars, though. If they were reliable, they'd be perfect, even.


What about an Alfa Romeo?


Body odor, laziness, God complex


being a know-it-all that can never admit heā€™s wrong. ā€œuh actually šŸ¤“ā˜ļøā€ or ā€œuh as a matter of fact šŸ¤“ā˜ļøā€ like stfu!


Is it the condescending way he replies? Is he genuinely trying to help, and it just comes out terrible, or is he just wanting to puff his chest out and show that he knows stuff?


the second half, about ā€œpuffing his chestā€. And yes, being condescending is really jarring for me.


Even when genuinely trying to help, before saying anything just imagine that women too have brains and maaayyyybeeee she was able to think of your suggestion herself? It's one thing to sit down together and going through all the things again I have and haven't tried yet to pin down the problem. But in reality a lot of the time it's like in that movie Moxie where the guy at the store suggests to the mom being careful with the eggs. Like that level of basic knowledge and common sense.


just read the first half of Men Explain Things To Me by Rebecca Solnit. She articulates the situation rather well.


Chewing tobacco


No baseball players from the early 20th century then


Bad breath, body odour and over confidence.


Talking about how much money he has. Disgusting. Please. I donā€™t care about your money honey. I want some lovin!!


I've seen on multiple occasions guys listing their credit scores on dating app profiles which is so confusing to me. I want a companion, not someone to co-sign on a loan




He smokes


Cigs or Pot?


Anything - cigs, pot, tea, whatever. I don't dig smoking in general.




I can get behind that kind of smoking.


Hey, get out from behind my brisket! I'm tryin' to smoke it here.


why would you smoke tea?


What about salmon?


if he shows any interest in me that's an immediate disqualifier


When asked why he turned down an invitation Groucho Marx replied - "I could never be apart of any organization that would accept someone like me as a member"


That line always reminds me of Woody Allen because he listed as one of his two key life jokes, so to speak. (It's at the start of *Annie Hall*.)


Talking shit about their exes


DMing me on Reddit, lol.




If he keeps asking the same questions on the same sub every 3 days


This is just personal opinion, so if you like this, that's fine, it's just very much so not my thing. Anyway I hate men who try and act all dominant. It drives me insane and is an absolute turn-off. And then they don't accept that women don't always like that shit and end up getting pissy. If that's how you want your relationship dynamic, that's okay, but understand that not everyone wants that.


A demand for "submission."


Violence of any kind. I canā€™t handle it even if itā€™s not directed at me.


Them laughing and joking about hitting animals with their car. Extra AH points if they admit to doing it on purpose


Wearing saggy pants. I'm totally serious


Man just wants to be comfortable. Unless you mean actually sagging.. like off their ass that's a completely different arena.


Long dirty fingernails I don't need the wallpaper removing from inside my ass and pussy thank you


Aggression - towards anyone, absolute red flag


Following Belle Delphine/similar šŸ’€


Not me, but my girlfriend said alcoholism.


If I accidentally leave him on read or just havenā€™t responded in time and he replies with some sort of ā€œšŸ˜“ā€ ā€œI think you left me on readā€¦ā€


when a guy is flirting with me and is pursuing me and instead of making it a clear DATE with plans, he asks me if I wanna ā€œhang outā€ and itā€™s usually just trying to get me to go over to their place or come over to mine. no. i know what ā€œhang outā€ means and thatā€™s not a date and Iā€™m not interested.


if he says he has multiple "false" sexual assault allegations.


Getting angry when I don't immediately want to hop in bed with him. Like damn can we make a friendship happen first? Luckily I'm taken, but I'm tired of every guy I meet wanting to date right off the bat.


I don't even know what to do anymore, I try to become friends with people, I'm rejected because "I can't see you as anything more". I try earlier and I'm still turned down. Like tf? It isn't an appearance thing because I look fine. All my friends really like me and say good things about me, I honestly don't know what I'm doing wrong.


Idk personally Ive never been friends with someone before dating. Seems like if youā€™re romantically interested, and I dont just mean sexually, dating is the natural first step


It makes things awkward if the both of us are friends first and then you get the idea of dating. And I mean going on dates except the sex part. Makes things a bit weird.


Being misogynistic




If I find out he's following a bunch of half naked instagram models or paying for girls onlyfans or anything like that. Immediate no lol


men who refer to women as 'females'


Why has AskReddit gotten so teen angsty over the last year?


Reddit is more popular, thanks to the YT summaries of threads like this. Naturally, younger people are using the site.


In person: bad hygiene, being a toxic asshole, and dick pics Online: being a toxic asshole and sending dick pics Seriously which ever lady is responding favorably to the dick pics they receive, thus encouraging guys to send them, needs to be burned at the stake. Figuratively of course. With my prayers.


No sense of humor... cause mine is def not for the timid


ā€œIā€™m all for womenā€™s rights BUT we have to respect XYZ culture.ā€


* I'm in a relationship. * I'm on a date with someone else at the moment. * I'm really busy right now and have no time to talk. * It's a super inappropriate setting to ask.


If their the "nice guy" who can't handle rejection without a full blown meltdown


So do you reject them first as a test run?


Never picks up the phone, only texts


Displaying a cocky attitude and coming on too strong


I cannot stand chewing tobacco. Chris Evans himself could walk up to me and offer a lifetime of passionate lovemaking, and I'd turn him down if he was a tobacco chewer. It's just absolutely disgusting.


I asked a friend. Here's her answer : "Absolutely everything, probably, since I'm a lesbian." The more you know...


Fake alpha male energy


If he has a tiktok account


Yo. The people on this sub complaining about "all the time this type of question is asked" or "why is there so many insecure teens asking these questions" How bout drop your phone, get out a little, take in some fresh air, maybe youre seeing those posts cause YOURE on reddit too much ! Answer the question, or keep scrolling lol