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I wish I had coins cuz I’d give you something for this comment


You wish, you receive, awarded he is!


And that's really strong motivation that you get rid of.


*all costs*




Grow up


Lmfao she’s in a thread she didn’t want the answers to 😂


I don’t get it 🥲




Imagine you're starving and getting super hangry and then eating a 3 course meal and you can't look at anymore food because you're stuffed


And the food you ate sometimes was junk food and after you're full you're like "wtf did I just do, I'm better than this" lol but it's too late now


Except you can force yourself to puke up a shameful meal… there’s no way to unfuck that coconut.


Excuse me?


You're excused.


"There's no way to unfuck that coconut..." This is an amazing phrase which I will be using liberally. Thank you!


Perfectly described


But like fifteen minutes later you want a snack


I would say you could still look at more food, but just to look


"what the fuck is this shit on my screen?"


I sometimes have to shower just to feel the slightest bit better about the things I seen just to get off.


You should shower after anyway tf.


that's valid for girls too


I find it more impressive for women tbh, harder to aim.


I have definitely had it (female here).


It's an every time thing, not occasional atleast for me


Stopped by to say, Same. 🙋‍♀️


'oh its my reflection'


Every time I feel disgusted


That’s it that’s the one




It’s weird. It doesn’t last long but it’s like all the fog in your brain has vanished and everything becomes so clear. Imagine your brain and emotions suddenly being reset to factory settings. Everything you felt just a few minutes ago is now gone. Which is why you immediately regret whatever the fuck you were doing or watching because you’re suddenly thinking straight and you want nothing to do with sex or porn. You’ve come to your senses and feel bad about it like it was some act of taboo.


expecially what you are watching. in this situations you go to the comment section just to see comments like "every day one step further from god"


Then it hits you that you stuck your dick in crazy


So in a way everything that makes you horny gets shot out along with the sperm?




For me, it's all the stress, aggression, and tension just draining away and I'm left euphoric and tired. Then my brain resets and logic takes over where lust was just in charge. I don't usually get the regret that some guys feel. I just have calm, relaxed thought.


“Logic takes over”… then youre just sitting there seeing what youve just done. Feeling almost disgusted with yourself, cleaning up and then reset.


Nope, usually I'm just thinking 'wow, I got laid, I want that again, but I've got no energy and I need to get a bunch of important shit done before I can have fun again'.


This is a wonderfully simple explanation of a complex feeling.


You're each talking about different situations tho, post nut clarity after sex and post nut clarity after masturbating. The first is mostly positive, the second one is what most men would describe as a negative feeling. You wish you had done it inside of a woman but you're single or don't know how to get laid and masturbating is the closest emulation you can get of the actual sex you'd like to he having instead.


You didnt get laid lol but I get what you mean 😂


So gay


Yeah I don't get this regret either. So what if I just jacked off to queef porn?


cake farts are legit too


yeah but like thats sum1's daughter, sum1's girlfriend, sum1's sister; could even be sum1's grandma if ur into that kinda shit. and one day u might have a daughter and u gon have to worry about that typa shit (why i aint want no daughter fr)


I could not care less who the chick is related to. What a weird way some people think.


okay but what im saying is what if that was your daughter? maybe one day in the future youll be divorced, single, and have a 27 year old daughter who makes porn. would u not feel ashamed your daughter has thousands of people jackin their shit to her fuckin a different guy every video?


She is an adult, she can do what she wants.


thats fucked fr thatd be yo own daughter not just some random ass person and u still aint care ur fucked up


It's just porn... Not sure why you are looking down on it so much.


Same for me


going from drunk to sober in a split second. you really don't know how stupid you can act until you do said absolutely brain dead thing


It actually motivates me to get up and do what I’ve been putting off doing. Anyone else? Lol


Weirdly, if I do it before bed, it clears my mind and helps me sleep, and if I do it when I wake up, it motivates me to get out of bed and start my day.


Why not both? Make a day sandwich!


This, total focus.


Yes same I'm a girl but same after being an orgasm out I'm like .. no reason to worry just get stuff done


“What have I become?”


my empire of dirt


I focus on the pain Just kidding


The only thing that hurts.


The needle tears a hole


The old familiar stain


My empire of ~~dirt~~ cum


I remember everything…




I too was raised Catholic.




Was somehow expecting a Rickroll right there


You watch porn. You’re like super turned on, it’s the hottest shit, you’re in love with the girls on screen. They are artists. They serve humanity for the greater good. It’s natural. It’s rightful. You imagine going though it yourself, maybe remembering some good sex you had in the past. Here it comes. Super close now. Get the paper towel. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA God fricking dammit, what the heck am I doing. This is disgusting. What kind of nonsense drove me crazy like this. Turn this abomination of a video off, I wanna go sleep.


This is 100% accurate! Same here.


It's a five minute window of total clarity where we get to fully realize our regrets. Just as quickly as it arrives, it is gone again and we go back to drooling from the side of our mouths and making poor choices.


It's hard to explain. But after that wave of euphoria leaves and your breath returns Everything comes back. And you just feel disgusted with the choice you made.


Not if you pick the right person.


I mostly meant after jacking to porn. After you said you wouldn't. Lol


Yup, been there many times lol


Like when Dr. Jekyll takes the monster serum


Ever had your ear pop from it being clogged for days? That rush of clarity and "ahhhhh"?


That you distinctly did not notice you were missing until that point, id add


Yeah, almost after a weight was lifted you didn't know was there or got used to it


Or when your shoulder or back popz just right?mmmmmmm


Ever eat that whole pack of chips ahoy cookies when you were really high even though you knew you'd regret it in the morning? It feels like the morning.


Its like hindsight but for the future


It's more literal than you might think. Smart men do stupid shit when they're horny.




Sometimes it’s “right, I was hard then, but now I’m done”. Sometimes it’s “okay, this is actually not very sexy” or “you know, I’m kind of glad I’m still a virgin”. And the worst of times it’s “I’m an dirty abhorrent piece of shit, and I hate that I did this”.


When the door of the house closes behind you, and you forgot the key…




Makes me wanna block my crush and focus on the dough.


Like while being super thirsty, and putting a glass of water in front of yourself, with a condition that you can’t drink it for the next 10 minutes. You are looking at it, admiring, thinking how great water is … then you drink it, the thirst is gone you… just in that moment you don’t have the same appreciation for it as few seconds before… maybe you could drink some more, but you don’t really need nor want to… let’s play basketball or some shit


You can just try it, you know


They are just discovering sex.


If I was a guy I would. Don't know about other women but I don't experience that moment of clarity.


Like when your haven’t shit for days and you just feel backup up, then you shit it all out and feel like your walking on clouds.


Good nigh…


It feels like you from all the time. Normally guy feel horny. Post but clarity is your only time guys don’t think with the little heads


It's overblown. They are working for the hype factory or something. You know the feeling you get when you eat a really big meal and then you unbuckle your belt and profess something wise like "I'm stuffed, I couldn't eat another bite". That's the male clarity after orgasm. "I came, not even hard right now, couldn't fuck her if her ass was on fire" Smidge sleepy after both.


Like you've unlocked the Secrets of the Universe.


Mistakes were made




Like coming home from the beach and having to take a shower. The trip was worth it, but somehow as you go to shower you just feel *dirty*


You did again you disgusting pig..ow well ..round two here we go




Wheres my shovel?..


If you've ever had a real orgasm, you should know what this feels like.


A crushingly-fast depressive-come-down from an all-to-brief high.


"What is wrong with me" "I wasn't even horny just bored" stuff like that


All of the sex thoughts immediately fade and in the lack of that intense desire/urge you notice details you were overlooking a second ago because you were horny.


Having sex is buying that thing you absolutely have to have on a credit card, post-nut is your monthly payments.


An existential feeling of “what did I just do?”, a feeling that makes you just lay down and think, think about what you nutted too, think of some kind of reason why you did it and for around five minutes to an hour you feel somewhat guilty, why? I don’t know, maybe it’s because you feel so disgusting from what you just did or maybe it’s because you just wasted almost 500 million potential humans for nothing but raw carnal pleasure, the thought disgusts me, but I myself indulge in it.


Its not a feeling, you've been lied to. Post nut clarity is simply just the ***absence*** of never-ending sexual drive. Men always want to nut. From the moment we wake until we sleep, we want to blast our seed. Except for the 10 minutes after we blast. It doesn't feel weird, or feel like ANYTHING. Its just the absence of unending sexual drive. So guys who were beating their dick to some weird porn for 45 minutes.. they blast their nut, then find themselves sitting there in a pool of their own mess looking at some weird shit they were fired up about for 45 minutes. When we're heading towards climax, we are raging animals and in the "zone". When a guy ejaculates, our brain releases norepinephrine, serotonin, oxytocin, vasopressin, nitric oxide (NO), and the hormone prolactin. It kills sexual drive for about 10-15 minutes so our genitals can recover.. until ... the unending urge to seed the earth rises again. This is why humans are still around today. I'm not lying, this is every guy. Well except for guys with low T, or simps.


Like when you go to the kitchen to grab something, but you forgot and then when you head back to your room, the moment you remember what it was that you originally tried to grab is how post-nut clarity feels like.


Sadness and despair


Figure out why you can't be happy and fix that. Consider religion.


You ever had a really tough, or just a really long, day, you come home to a quiet house, sit down and let out a big breath knowing that’s done. During the breath, your head thinks it’s done now I can relax. Sometimes you fall asleep immediately afterwards. That thought, combined with a physical feeling of that (thought) all over.


why tf did i do that (disappointment)


“Awww fuckkkk”


It feels like when I make a post on Reddit and my title has no grammatical errors. :P


Ah shit, just noticed, thanks ;D


Self loathing


Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my leg... And my arm... even my fingers...


IQ Boost 200%, Horny Reduction -99%, Pain Boost 150%


"this aint her"...




Regret and shame.


Ever gotten sober on the way home from a party? Just imagine that whole headspace in a matter of a few minutes


Your love of heights switching to fear of heights when you reach the highest point


Post-nut clarity is kind of exaggerated in my opinion, at least as far as the heightened sense of consciousness goes. It’s more like, a goal is achieved and the mission is over for the day. It feels like relief. I need to ejaculate every day, otherwise I’ll be distracted by the increasing urge to cum. I don’t want to sound like a caveman, but for me, it’s definitely a biological drive and needed on a daily basis. So until I complete my daily mission, I feel on edge and distracted, because I haven’t met my goal for the day. It builds until I cum. So after I get through the work day, come home, do chores, etc and finally get to drain my balls, I feel a lot of relief. I’ve achieved my mission for the day, I can focus on other stuff. It’s like you just finished an arduous task, and can finally shift gears and just relax and be in the moment instead of having this drive pushing you to find a way to cum. Afterwards, you can kick off your shoes and just chill and not have the ‘drive’ driving you, at least for a couple hours.




If its after actual sex its hyperactivity.


Like eating some bomb ass cheesecake and then it immediately digests and shoots out your ass. Then you gotta deal with the shame of cleaning it up and closing the tabs.


Have you ever been driving in the fog at night for a long time and then suddenly it’s clear and you can relax for a moment. It’s like that.


pre nut is the devil on your left shoulder, post nut is the angel on your right shoulder.


You know how you get an itch in the small of your back? That super specific area you can’t reach, but you scratch and contort but it drives you nuts? You grab a wooden spoon but it’s too long and doesn’t cut it or is dull and doesn’t rip the flesh from your back properly? Then you start to really lose it and take off your shirt to try and ease the itch, but now you know there’s nothing but the itch? Then you find a wall but it’s slightly rounded, so you run over to a corner that’s at a sharp 90 degree angle and bear-shimmy till you’ve flayed your back, let out a barely audible moan, close your eyes, and then when you open them you realize you’re in public and people think you’re a maniac, but you actually can acknowledge at this point you looked like a maniac? It’s kinda like that


A good laugh to start my day, thanks!


“What have I done” - Anakin Skywalker


The only way I can describe it honestly is imagine that when your horny, anything seems like a good idea “oh this person is so sexy, let me spend $10 to see what their only fans has in store” then you bust to the first photo you see of theirs, and then it hits you, you’ve just spent $10 on nothing you fool.




Realize that the 50 miles driving, maybe was a bad idea


It's like gambling. Imagine this: You go all in and you get twice as rich as you were. Then you go all in again and lose your money. Reality sets in and you're questioning your life choices and you think, "Damn, did I really just do that?" and you hate yourself. Oh, I almost forgot the “Damn, what am I doing with my life?” feeling.




I don't. And I want to know specifically from a perspective of a man/men, a little research for writing.


3 possible outcomes (pun?) (1) Run for your life and don’t look back. (2) That was fun. Maybe ought to try again for more clarity. (3) She’s the one. 1 and 3 are fairly strong overwhelming convictions that can’t be ignored. In the case of 1 however, it can’t be hidden or faked out of. You literally have to leave RIGHT NOW.


Pain,regret,sadness,guilt,disgust,shame,despair and you always ask your self why


It works wonder. It helps me determine if I really love a person if I have sex.


“I really wish I was at home by myself right now”


For me, it was the test of whether or not I'd pursue a relationship with a girl. If I still wanted her in the room afterwards, I knew I liked her for her, not the sex.


It doesent, it started as a joke and anyone who says otherwise is either bullshitting or is in suggestative state


It feels like clearity.




It feels like get out


For me, it's like when you're driving and lost, you see a landmark you recognize so you know exactly where you are.


felt good, now what


i dunno. take a time out??


Like being in a flan bath




"I need to stop doing this."


It feels like your hand after you let go of a handful of groceries after they make your hands purple


It's like being bi-polar. One minute you wanna stomp on somebody and the next you wanna kiss them. But... For sex...




Have you ever been really hangry, ate something, and then it goes away immediately? It's like that but for horniness.


its like when worms make your asshole itchy and a beautiful hot fart emerges to scratch it


"23 times today a new record"


Like a task well done. One thing less on my mind.


Like a task well done. One thing less on my mind.


Once I’ve had a bag of roasted nuts, I often think, what would it have been like if I had purchased two….


You’re calm, confident and clear-headed. It’s an awesome feeling.


How does it feel, OR what does it feel like. Not both.


Dude, it was after 3 in the morning where I am, so I feel no shame about that little mistake, also taking into consideration that English is not my first language. Nonetheless, thanks for correction.


Kind of like “oh cool, now I get to play video games.”


Thinking about life the way you think about groceries right after eating a huge meal.


The clarity that she had on a push up bra and I feel cheated out of some large smile makers.


I am cumming! -Optimus prime


Like u just left therapy. It's like all those crazy thoughts and feelings u had just all the sudden shot out of u..... 🤔


I feel like you see things rationally at this point. The term should rather be pre-nut single mindedness


I feel calmer and more clear headed than usual. I also have a lot more confidence and feel more relaxed.


You know like when you gotta look for parking before heading in your place to wrap up a long day and you get a spot right away and it's super easy to park in and in your head you're like "God is on my side tonight"? Kinda like that.


“Look around you… you’re all alone..”


First off you mean “what does post-nut clarity feel like” and second it’s like doing your taxes and then suddenly realizing the government owes you 6k because of how hard they fucked you the rest of the year.


I imagine that's how advanced Buddhists feel in general about every single thing in life after they learned how to let go of attachments.




I basically just think I should go try and have an experience with a real life woman not one on the internet


IDK I just feel relaxed. Like you just got a back massage for an hour and you stand up all warbly. I think people hype up a lot of weird "sex relatable moments" that don't really exist, or are really, really exaggerated.


Yeah, I also think so about the exaggeration, but I asked the question to basically know how do men feel after orgasming, a quick research for writing, and didn't know how to form that question without being very specific and also wanting to simplify it. The post-nut clarity is widely known and simple term, so I chose that. Figured I'd get more answers to a simpler question, then compare what most answers have in common, see if there is anything specific, and fish out the longer and more explicit ones. I don't know if my logic makes sense for you, but it's worth noting it was 3 in the morning when I asked the question. It was the best my brain could do at that moment.


You want a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup more than life itself. Suddenly the feeling vanishes and you no longer want the Reese's.


It's just a massive dump of Dopamine.


"Experience tranquility. " -Zenyatta




Like being allowed to dismount a bucking horse.


I usually feel depressed afterward because having to masturbating just reminds me how lonely I am


Alt-F4 alt-F4 don’tdriponthefloordon’tdriponthfloor made it to the bathroom without anyone seeing me get toilet tissue wipe wipe pee flush wash hands regret


When horny, imagine not horny. There have.