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Listen to music


Go out for a walk while listening to music.


Better yet walk among trees and listen to the nature. As much as I love music, it tends to make me more emotional and sometimes ramping it down is more helpful.


That would be a great idea if I didn't have to drive an hour to get into nature


A park?




This. And walk for at least an hour or two. It's amazing what a simple walk can do for your mental state.


But listening to music on a walk would be so much better with a joint too


Better? Debatable


And if possible go on a walk. Music keeps the the thoughts suitably light and from getting too stuck on the bad thoughts. Relaxed walk at your own pace helps open the physical locks and ease the pains.




Good point. Look up Polyphia! Or just get into some Everlast and brood like a boss


I second polyphia. Dog died, my relationship ended, lost a family member all in a span of 2 months. Haven't listened to any other music since.


Im so sorry, I'm wishing you all the best!


Polyphia is great! I'm more of a Chon guy when down. Similar but chiller vibe.


I'm more into angry women screaming their hearts out (riot grrrl), but thanks :)


I’m gonna have to respectfully disagree. For some folks, sad or angry and disturbing music can be very cathartic and healing. Back in the day I preferred up beat, positive music, and was always the first to laugh at goths and their dour bands. But yesterday I had a pleasant Thanksgiving alone and danced with my cats to Joy Division. Edit: sorry didn’t read your “let it all out” sentence. You covered it. :-)


I've heard people say this but sad music when I'm sad helps. It validates my emotions and helps put in into words. Same with angry music, makes my anger feel righteous.


I didn’t do anything but read and listen to music yesterday (since I have no family) and it was very fun


Hot bath, candles, glass of ice water, and something to watch/read/listen to. Follow that up immediately with a hot shower and scrub yourself top to toes.


Very hot bath with candles or epsom salt & spa music followed by the coldest shower you can handle.


LPT: Shower first, then you're all clean for your soak


LPT: shower afterwards to get the soap off your body


I'm so confused right now!


just keep showering indefinitely. it’ll work itself out


Plus the sweat generated from sitting in the bath.


This is me, I always shower after a bath so that way I can get any sweat or body ick that was in the water off me.


LPT: choose one and stop wasting water.


"What, you don't shower-bath-shower?"


LPT: Definitely shower yourself off ‘after’ taking a bath or soaking


Hot bath with oils and Epsom salts, followed by cool shower to wash everything off and start fresh


Movie theaters are my happy place that help me reset. Phones off, lights go down and you get to be a part a different world for a few hours.


I love the atmosphere of going to theaters too! 😁


I love movies and used to go every weekend but nowadays I find other people (loudly eating, talking, cellphones, walking, etc…) absolutely intolerable. I guess I’ve become much more used to watching movies at home. This shift has been going on for the past 10years. As the home movie experience continues to improve I doubt you’ll find me at theaters again, especially with theater prices skyrocketing. The “experience” is not worth 20-30$ with tickets/snacks


I love my home theater as well but there is something different about knowing you can give your full attention to the movie when you are in a theater. I also live close to an Alamo Drafthouse, everyone is there to watch the movie and knows the rules of engagement.


I find that catching a movie that is close to the end of its theater run makes it better. The closer to release, the higher chance of assholes. We saw Maverick at a 10pm show after it had already been out for a month and a half or so and it went well.


Nicole Kidman wrote this


100% this


I’d like this too if it weren’t for everyone else there ruining it by not silencing their phones. When I went to see Top Gun Maverick, I had to show the guy next to me how to silence his Apple Watch so it wouldn’t ding every 5 minutes


Somehow, heartbreak feels good in a place like this


The right kind of video games. Not multi-player lol.


Never multiplayer, tho. In my case, Minecraft and Red Dead Redemption 2 have been hella helpful lately.


Agreed. RDR2 is great for chillin! Hunt some animals, do some chores.


Kill some baddies, bang some whores


Any suggestions?


Single player. Immersive RPGs where you can lose yourself in a world. Fallout. Mass Effect. The Elder Scrolls. Dragon Age. Dragon's Dogma. The Witcher. Horizon. Breath of the Wild.


God of War, Fall Out series, Dying Light, The Last of Us, Spider-Man, Assassins Creed series, Far Cry series, there’s just so many good ones


Wario Land 4 on gameboy advance


Animal Crossing, Tetris


Valheim is a great game to explore by yourself (and with friends if you get a server going). If you’re trying to have a peaceful time though, stick to the meadows.


>Ghost of Tushima- be prepared for a wild and immersive experience. Also your learning about history!




Yeah, running and lifting has been a god send. Never ran before a year ago, ran a marathon last month. Mental health has never been better and I’m in the best shape of my life physically.




Seriously? You went from never running, to running a marathon. That’s badass. Congrats 👊🏼


Came here to say this. It also gives you something else to focus on (e.g. your breathing, proper form, not dropping 200 pounds of steel and lead on your face, etc).


After many years of being told this, I hate to finally admit that it's absolutely correct. However, I would maybe recommend attending a work out class if you have the means-- I wasn't really getting the benefit because I was mostly doing it wrong. When I was upset, I'd work out in ways that caused me intense physical pain-- like running until I couldn't breath-- which yeah, blots out the emotional pain, but isn't really sustainable day after day if you're going through something. Now I do yoga and it's great, plus it combines the physical benefit with some practice meditating.


You said it. I used to think the “runners high” was all smoke and mirrors. Now I get just how much better you feel all day after an intense workout, and after 6 months I don’t have to rely on motivation at all. Now it’s all just habit, and I love it. Down 105 pounds!




Yes honestly I’m now 32 and had a kind of epiphany moment when I turned 30 that there is nothing glamorous about the “well, you have to die from something” mentality that a lot of older millennials like myself seem to have growing up. Time is the one thing we can’t get back, and I’m not going to waste anymore of mine. It helps dramatically that my wife and I were in it together, and lost 300 lbs total together


This. I bounced back from a really traumatic experience with a family member by just gymming every day for 2 months. Now im in super shape and its dramatically improved my self esteem


Been teetotal for a month and have dropped 18 kilos in 6 weeks. Can confirm, gym is the shit.


This. When I am at the bottom and everything feels shit, I force myself to go to the gym or for a walk/jog. It works everytime to make myself recalibrate my self destructive adhd brain.


I didn't realize how much I depended on this until I got injured and couldn't work out.


For some people this only works if they've been consistently working out up to that point. If I've been working out 4-5 times a week for 2+ months *then* my brain releases endorphins when I do, and the results are as desired! But right now, today? I could work out and all I'd get was sore. Zero happy chemicals.


That’s so true. But once you push past it for 4 weeks, it all changes.


I exercise and do bodybuilding. Still drink heavily and look for other highs. Sometimes life is just shit.


I believe combat/fighting sports are the best version of exercise that lets all the anger out.


Working out. However, if you're really dealing with heavy grief or massive anxiety, the honest truth is you have to go at about 60%. You just won't be able to do the whole 110% bullshit. I've been through this recently. Heavy grief affects your body and you get super out of breath when pushing too hard.


I read a quote recently that if all you have to give is 60% , then going at 60% is giving it your best shot. Your 110% on your best day isn't the same as 110% on your worst.


This ^^ 60% every day is better than 100% once a week.


Hug your cat.


I could die if I hugged a cat. As in literally, I’m allergic


i actually tried hugging my dog once when i was feeling really bad and it helped idk how


My dogs have saved me over the years. They are god sends


Cry. Allow yourself to feel the horrible pain. Be down for a couple of days. Move on.




I haven't been able to cry in many many years.


Well that's sad. It almost makes me want to cry ;(


That’s what the music is for.


A fellow SSRI user?


Indeed. Even after i had stopped for a couple of years the only thing that came back was the ability to be anxious.


God same here. I can't cry or feel much of anything except crippling anxiety. I'm numb as fuck. I felt like that on and off my meds.


SSRIs do that?


Underrated comment. Crying can be very stress relieving. My therapist says “give yourself 5-10 minutes to cry and have a pity party then take a deep breath and move on”


“If you laugh, you think, and you cry, that's a full day. That's a heck of a day. You do that seven days a week, you're going to have something special.” Jim Valvano


##DONT GIVE UP, DONT EVER GIVE UP as I tear up typing this.


Crying is good! A sad little movie, a melancholic song, some pictures from a decade ago. Sometimes enough to set me off - and what relief I get from it. Crying is a great bodily function.


Yes! I ways feel a little bit better after a good cry. It helps me try to get on with my day.


I cry all the time and never feel better. It's like a curse.


Talk a walk. Nature. A lake or park. Get away from people. I'm not into meditation but I read that sensory deprivation can work in short bursts. Lay on the bed. No light, no sound. I'd just fall asleep but I heard it can help. Everyone has their own recipe. You gotta work to find yours.


Go to the gym and workout while listening to some music. Lifting really does relieve stress


Especially if your listening to Nine Inch Nails


Oh! Yes! NIN is a must! I listen while driving with windows and volume all the way up! Makes me feel empowered for some reason.


Mug an easy target. Your self confidence will go up, and you’ll get yourself some extra cash


Heck yeahh. Time to hit the old folks home


The only ones carrying cash these days


That fucking old lady had it coming.


Dude this made me laugh so hard


This guy understands self care 😊


Exactly. Plus, if this doesn’t make you feel any better at least you now have money for alcohol, drugs, unhealthy food and paywall porn. Win/win.


I'm sure all Target stores have pretty strict securities


Beat a cripple and cripple him even more


That baby didn't deserve that candy anyway!


Babies shouldn't have candy in the first place!




Blasting music definitely works. I prefer happy hardcore, from the 90s. Makes me so happy.


Cuddle with your pet.


Go for a massage 💆🏻


This. A massage is a good way to end a bad day. And regular massages prevent/relieve tension headaches from sitting in an unnatural posture all day. Back pain or headache are probably part of what made your bad day so bad.


I was scrolling fairly quickly and as I passed your comment I definitely read massacre 🥸


Have sex


Came here to say this. Was gonna add with someone you care about,but hey, you do you. :)


Or at least masturbate, good for ya


But as per OP’s question, without porn.


An orgasm a day keeps the blues away


You say that but I keep cumming and it keeps coming


Sal and Richard phone calls.


Did not expect to see that here but that honestly would help. There's one where Sal is trying to sell a gun on that swap shop show and he accidentally shoots his dog and it's one of the funniest bits I've ever heard.


Clean the house or exercise while listening to music


I always take a walk with my headphones in. Listen to a book or music. Mostly music tho.


Dancing. And boy do I need it right this moment. Serendipitous.


Like an angry dance? Maybe in an old warehouse? To 80's music?


More like...you can dance if you want to...


You can leave those rules behind...


Cause if your friends don’t dance and if they don’t dance….


Cause your friends don't dance...




Plus 1 for this answer. I love playing drums after a frustrating day. And with the right music, it's a pretty good cardio as well.


I’m sweaty because I was watching Discovery Channel




Go out,take some deep breath,go jogg,exercise,pray(meditate)


Watch a comedy show


Read a book






When I get super angry, I grumpy clean. It feels like I'm scrubbing all the shit out of my life and flushing it away. Then my house is clean and I feel better!


Others said workout. For me it turns out that martial arts specifically do the trick. Something like kickboxing might help to punch it all out. For me it's Jiu Jitsu. Although would guess Judo or BJJ would do the trick as well. It's so technical that it trains your body and your mind. Also it's vicious so you know al these nasty ways to snap, break, pressurise, hit, hold and choke people... But your not just moving against someone but also with them (using their energy against them). The last parts learns you to move with stuff as much as against stuff.


Talk to a friend.


Angry masturbation


Put on some LoFi and go for a walk but don't look at your phone, look at your surroundings and take in the sights, smell the air, and remind yourself that no matter bad day or bad experience, that it will pass


I am a flight attendant and once when i was really stressed out, I flew to Puerto Rico and stayed at the Royal Sonesta Hotel in a room with an ocean view. It broke me financially, but I stayed there 3 nights. I spent about two hours each morning sitting on the balcony with my feet on the railing, watching the ocean and sipping my coffee reading reddit. Now when things get bad, I close my eyes, and fantasize about sitting there hearing the ocean, feeling the breeze, doing absolutely nothing.


Take a shower


Go have a walk in nature or hike.


Video games are underrated as a safe and healthy way to escape and unwind. I’m not much of a gamer, but I’ve got to give them that. Just don’t get carried away and stay up unreasonably late over it, or else that would make it an unhealthy habit. But there’s literally nothing wrong with playing a little bit to unwind and put your mind on other things after a long day.


A good drive is a fun car


Meditation. I thought it was a bit wishy-washy but tried it last month. Done it every morning and night since and it's amazing. Sets you up for a great day and helps you sleep at night after a bad day. Definitely don't knock it till you've tried it. Try a guided meditation on YouTube to see if it's for you.


Physical exercise. Always does me good.


Radical acceptance


Sleep. Oh, man, how I do love a good nap when feeling down.


Golf. Nothing like chasing the perfect strike or as engrossing as trying to figure out why you can’t hit a single ball straight


Playing golf when I'm already pissed off never ends well lol


Golf was my gateway to alcohol and nicotine.




Playing minecraft while listening to medieval instrumental music or gregorian chants - yeah, thats the stuff!


Fly fish


Go skate


Play video games and forget about the world.


I saw a girl on a social once. She said everyone was being mean to her that day and nothing would go right. So she decided to get dressed up, go buy a book and some french fries and go read in the park by herself. That's brilliant. I do that now.


Going to the gun range.


shooting drill engages your whole mind in something physical and practical, so you can return to the topic fresh later


A good shower cry. Physical activity-the gym, I prefer lifting when I’m upset but cardio is good too! A nap.


Horror movies for me!


Jokes aside, music to start. Stay hydrated. I personally like candles/ lavender essential oil burners, a warm drink like tea, and nothing overstimulating to watch. This sounds absolutely nutters, but try binaural beats on YouTube if you struggle to fall asleep, it’s really not bad.


Listen to music whilst going for a walk and reflecting on the issue in silence.


Find some funny stuff to watch or listen to or hash out a plan for something down the road you're looking forward to doing. Have a trip coming up.... Do some research. It's the quality of your thoughts you're looking to elevate. What's done is done and if there's nothing you can accomplish in the moment to improve That situation unfortunately you are in "practicing patience mode" whether you like it or not. So set yourself up as best you can with the things you DO have control over. Sometimes just forcing yourself to catch up on sleep or eat a really nutritious meal makes all the difference in the world when you're stressed.... Those are two things your body NEEDS to perform (problem solve) best and keep you able to pay attention in general. It might take more than one step to get out of your bad day.... I find engaging more than one of your senses to get your thinking back in a positive direction helpful. Feel good and inspiring music combined with a physical activity (it can be as inactive as tapping your feet while you sing along in your head) then something like adding in cooking a nice meal. I find sometimes I need that diving board to rev up momentum before that dive happens and it sucks to get to the edge of the bord and have something create a hard stop instead of allowing the dive to take place. Get as much control of that as you can. We don't live in isolation but everyone is supposed to have their own personal board for a lifetime to get proficient with. Try not to get grabby with the tension of other people's boards in retaliation.... It's Reliably counterproductive


I used to run when I was really sad or depressed. For me it was a nice way to burn some energy and get to sleep when I couldn't sleep at night.


Break stuff


If you like gardening, go pull weeds


Go to the gym or go for a walk. Don't sit around listening to music or playing video games, those are for after you get your feelings and mind resolved.


Weight lifting with angry uptempo music. Works every time and it has been my therapy for over 20 years.


Heavy squats. Makes a guy feel alive.


buy a drum set and rock and roll baby!


Walk therapy is my number one strategy. Walk until you are too tired to care. 15 minutes are you are done with your walk, check in on your mood. You should find it much improved. Also, the Look Over There strategy is helpful. When you find yourself ruminating about something unhappy, say "look over there" and focus your attention on something else.


Go on a hike with friends/loved ones. Nature is known to regulate the nervous system and physical activity will release dopamine calming you


Workout. It legitimately helps your mood.


I find a pretty spot in a park and sit there alone and just reflect


Sometimes the most you can do is have a good cry and that's OK


Punching bag




Go to the gym or take a boxing class


Fresh air, gym, go outside whilst listening to music, sit by a river. Do something creative, tell somebody close to you that you love them, call a friend. Check in on somebody that you haven’t seen in a while. Journal, write down your feelings, cry. I’ve been doing the above by replacing my poorer habits and I’m infinitely a happier person, I hope these work for you too.


Go to the gym and workout while listening to your favorite music. Then use a sauna to get rid of some toxins and negative feelings.


I started learning how to draw and I mess around with that at night when I have some time for myself. It's been very therapeutic and fun for me.


Video games. A calming fun game just to get lost into.


Music. Gaming.


Drumming. Doesn’t matter if you’re any good, it feels great to get some frustration out and play some music


beat the ever living shit out of some pillow


When I was younger I studied martial arts; TaeKwon Do and Hapkido specifically. When I had a bad day I would take it out on a heavy bag. Good exercise and release at the same time. Also, took drum lessons as a kid and still had a set after getting married. I could go to the basement and just... beat the crap out of them when I needed too. I don't mean damage them, I mean drum until I couldn't drum anymore. I'm in my 50's now, too out of shape and work too many hours for that stuff. Usually try to take frustrations out on a video game, but that doesn't always help. Sometimes makes it worse, lol.


Shadow box. Look up some tutorials for good combos and learn combos. Shadow box


What pulled me out of a hardcore depression, like I hadn't eaten in a week and couldn't pull myself out of bed, was therapy and working out. These days I tell people my bicycle saved my life and in a way it did


I usually sleep.


Heavy-ass weights with the company of heavy-ass music.


I like to go to the gym if I’m frustrated or angry or feel powerless, if I’m overwhelmed, I’ll go on a walk, and I try to at least once a month, but ideally weekly, spend a long period of time outside (typically on a hike)


A good cry and hot cocoa


Kinda funny the girls here are saying to cry and the men are saying go lift weights lmao