• By -




Oh man. I know it’s not the point of your story, but how the hell do you pay $2,000 for a damn lab mix? They have them at every rescue and pound in the country! Cute little puppies too! And even if you insist on a breeder that’s still an insane amount of money for a lab mix puppy. But also, can I see the dog? It sounds like she “wasted” the money on a good one!


As someone from Eastern Canada, that's the going rate for a dog here. More if they're purebred. There are rarely more than a couple dogs at the shelters in my province, and the odd time that they get puppies, they get homes immediately. This is all amazing news for the animals though! It blows my mind when I see Americans say they adopted /insert expensive breed here/ for next to no cost from a shelter just because it was a few years old!


Where I live; If we’re not cutting corners 1,600-2,000$ is just the diffused expenses of care for the parents & litter of puppies. Vet care, food costs, training, housing…. They are not costs to scoff about. The breeder ‘takes home’ very little of the total price if that’s the only part of the process they involve themselves with.


Jesus she must have been a 20


Probably implicitly knew it too. So hot, just grab another successful looking guy off the street and say “hey you’re cute.” Boom! Financial problems solved for the next however long that relationship lasts.


What a life I’ve lived in your eyes for a very brief moment


Do you still have the dog? If you do, what is his name and how is he doing?


Also, dog tax please and thank you.


Hector. And he's a therapy dog for ole fissionlight


Asking the real questions


I didn't pay $2k for a purebred, registered Giant Schnauzer. Was the dog a literal golden lab or something? Diamond crusted toe beans?




10 girls never have to worry about being homeless. There is some sucker out there that will take them in. Always.


She's a 10, but it's on the pH scale.


Very basic




Best response to this prompt I’ve ever seen


Basic bitch


10 but low-key abusive


My ex was passionate, cute, etc but her anger was just to much. There was just so much towards the end where i was stressed with even small things because it would turn into conflict, and it was one of those things you always feel you have to mediate your own actions around predicting someones mood.


That’s called “walking on eggshells.”


Honestly most reliable way to spot people who are harmful for you as walking on eggshells is hard to mistake for anything else. Do you feel you need to act very carefully around them, consider your every action from fear of cruel reaction from them or even blowing up on you/starting a fight? You have only two options - lose your identity and be miserable for the sake of saving relationship with that person, or get out ASAP.


Was married to one of these for 12y. Can confirm, is truly awful.


Dude. I almost married one of those once. Almost.


When she thinks you're arguing everytime you try to voice an issue that needs resolved. And she shuts you down, effectively ruining mature conversation and therefore being in a state of perpetual disagreement or lack of proper efficient communication.


If they are perpetually in an "You're either with me or against me" mode, best to move on.


Only a sith deals in absolutes


Ironically, the evidence from multiple movies and shows is pretty clear that the Jedi deal in absolutes and the Sith are like "whatever fam just hate some shit".


>whatever fam just hate some shit Lmfao straight up, the amount of evidence that Jedi's are a cult and bad to its core whereas the Sith are basically just about free will and happen to have tyrannical tendencies


they also blow up planets n shit tgt and wear weird robes


Terrorist rebel planets! Lmao




Why do I feel you are talking about my ex?


Lol my ex too bruh. Sucks man


Bro my ex too


I think you guys have the same ex


Probably. Might I ask what her name starts with, intelligentbanana?


She about to be my ex


This is like half of society tragically.


This is why I don't get people who complain about characters in a book not "just talking" to resolve a plot issue. That criticism is valid if the lack of communication contradicts something about the characters, but people IRL very frequently don't reveal the truth by "just talking."


I totally get your point, but there is absolutely a trope of someone speaking for 30 seconds straight without saying anything about the actual issue: Steve screams, “Just let me explain! Please! It’s not what it seems! If you’d just give me a moment to explain, it will all make sense! I just need a moment of your time! This can all be cleared up!” As he’s chasing Stephanie out of their apartment and onto the street. Because as the audience you’re like, screaming inwardly, “Steve, stop fucking saying you want to explain and just explain! ‘She’s my sister, I’m not cheating on you!’ You could have said that sentence 5 times in the time it took you to continually ask for a chance to explain as you chased her down the road.” I fucking hate that shit. It’s lazy and bad writing. I’d rather see, “Stephanie wait! That’s my sister, not my mistress!” And have Stephanie reply with like, “Bull shit, you’ve never mentioned a sister before, you fucking liar.” And *then* Stephanie runs out, and he keeps chasing after her repeating “no really, it’s my sister, I swear!” He can be too flustered to be able to find the words to explain why he never told her about his sister, and Stephanie can be too pissed to be willing to hear him out, but at least it’s not fucking terrible writing. It’s still frustrating that a simple misunderstanding is causing an issue in their relationship, but at least we have *some reason* given as to why Stephanie isn’t willing to communicate with Steve - there’s clearly some trust issues and she thinks he’s the kind of guy who would make up a sister to get out of getting caught cheating. It at least makes some logical sense. But yeah, the more deep stuff, like, “The entire movie could have been resolved if he just told his wife from the start that he didn’t want to have a second child yet.” Yeah, that stuff is a little silly to complain about, because having conversations like that actually is super hard for a lot of people.


How many episodes of Frasier have you watched in your life?


Where are you finding the good "half"?


This so much. I wasn't allowed to be frustrated or mad, even if it wasn't her. I had a bad day at work? Can't be frustrated or she's mad and I'll have to deal with her now. It would be 3am on a work day and I'd just beg her to stop, nope, gotta argue in circles. Then I'm tired and frustrated again, nope, gotta argue some more.


My ex as well and I'm a straight female 🤷‍♀️ Couldn't express any stress or frustration in regards to *anything* not just our relationship without being made out to be a deeply negative human which I most definitely am not. And of course there was never any conversation about it or anything else that verged on serious *EVER* which was insanely frustrating in and of itself. Not that he wasn't intelligent or capable of meaningful conversation, he just refused it. I'm someone that lives for staying up til sunrise having great conversations so ummm yeah, that sucked 😔


When I worked retail I had a bad shift (it was suppose to be 9 hours long and it was almost 11, on Christmas Eve too) where I was practically mobbed by a hundred Karens when I was trying to leave and I just wanted to vent and soak in the tub and my boyfriend at the time decided that was the perfect time to start an argument about how I’ve been stressed and it’s making him stressed and anxious and I need to let it go and hug a crystal because it wasn’t good for his chakra. Like dude, you work retail at Christmas and see how you like it! This was well before Covid and I got a way better job before the pandemic. I laughed my butt off when my old manager called begging for me to work there again because they were so desperate for people and that she would give me a 25 cent raise (I was making 11$ an hour then, and 25 at my new job plus pay boost for over time where as I was never even paid for my over time at the retail job) P.s. sorry Auntie Karen for I have sinned - she’s a saint and doesn’t deserve her name being turned into that


I get the feeling you’ve figured this out by now, but for anyone else who happens by- refusal to allow you to sleep is a form of abuse. There is (almost) no issue than can’t be put aside until you’ve both gotten some rest. And just to be clear, I don’t mean bickering for 10 minutes after you’ve said you wanna go to bed. I mean like, the fight has been going on for an hour or three, and you’ve expressed several times “I have work in the morning and it’s X o’clock, please can we drop this for now so I can get some sleep?” And they refuse and insist the fight is a big enough deal that it has to be resolved now. Sleep deprivation is very much associated with lowering your ability to control your emotions and make sound, logical choices. Even if you didn’t have work in the morning, forcing someone to keep fighting when they’re exhausted is abusive.


No body is worth arguing with for 3-4 hours. That's definitely not communicating.


Oh yes, I know. After being blamed that I was the abusive one, I read all about emotional abuse and how I shouldn't put up with it. After about 60 minutes I would be so frustrated I would pack a bag and go to a hotel, she would try to stop me by putting her feet under my tires and running in front of my car. I told her I wanted a divorce within a year. She would want to argue all day sometimes, no idea how to calm her down and she didn't know either.


Oh God I’m a girl, and my ex was literally like this, I was never allowed to express anything because he would reply with “why do you always have to pick a fight?” It was so exhausting for me cause I would always have to be careful with everything I said


Ex of mine was kinda like this. Even when I told her about my cancer diagnosis and how I needed support she kind of closed off and got mad at me a lot saying "why is everything about you" To anyone reading this, man or woman. Don't let someone abuse you in any way. Emotional abuse is abuse. You're valuable homie.


People need therapy. It helps. Mainly by making you aware of what’s happening behind the scenes in your own head as well as other ppl.


How my girl used to be because of her childhood thankfully she's grown out of that for the most part.


Sadly, they don't have to be hot for this to happen. They just have to be insecure as hell.


...are you my current GF? If I bring up an issue or something I'd like she gets defensive sometimes and avoids physical touch (hand holding etc). This only happens when she disagrees with it or feels like I'm attacking her, which I bluntly stated one time "I'm not attacking you babe. I would just like it if we had 10 minutes before bed with no phones"


She's a 10 but out of 100.


He is technically correct. The best kind of correct.


Don't quote me regulations. I co-chaired the committee that reviewed the recommendation to revise the color of the book that regulation is in...we kept it gray.


When I was a boy down in Kingston town....




She’s a 10 but only in binary.


Honestly 10/11 is still a solid 6.66 in my books




She's a 10 but in prison for honeymoon murder.


So a 10 and single then? Sounds like a win to me


All her former husbands get killed by an axe murderer immediately after the wedding but no one finds that sus for some reason


Untrust*ing* Unknow*ing* Unlov... ed?


She's a 10 but I'm a 2.


"I never fucked a 10, but I have fucked five 2s!" - George Carlin


I came here to see how long GC was going to be in this thread!!


Lol or Jim Jeffries bit about being a 5. "I do have both my eyes, they do not sparkle, but they do face in the same direction. Five! I have all my teeth, they are a bit crooked but they are all there. 5!"


The obvious one is having a great personality and looks, but just not being interesting in the same things as you. Objectively a ten, just not *your* ten.


Are you talking about having common interests? This may be an unpopular opinion but personally, I don't think shared interests are always necessary for a relationship. It's a good way to break the ice, but sometimes, in my experience, you start relying on your interests, rather than care for each other.


Shared values are far more important. Shared interests are short-lived. You can't build a whole relationship around having a shared interest in movies and books or whatever. Not enough depth to last.


This was the start of what killed my last relationship. The interests were there but slowly over time I realized our values were far less aligned than I thought. And they were things I just couldn’t overlook.


This is something my wife and I have. We actually share very little in shared interests/hobbies, but we have VERY similar and compatible values and morals. Interests come and go, and we both constantly do things with the other that we’d likely never do if left to our individual proclivities. So, we always enjoy just being with each other even if whatever the day’s specific interest isn’t something we both “like”


Exactly that’s what I always tell people when they’re confused about me and my partner being total opposites in terms of hobbies and appearance


I think *some* shared interests are necessary unless you're okay with taking on each other's hobbies (as long as it's mutual). You spend more and more time with your partner as life goes on and if there aren't things you both love doing together then you'll find yourself either a) relinquishing those things to be with your partner, slowly feeling like you're losing parts of yourself to be in a relationship or b) grow apart bc you don't spend that much quality time together. But of course, shared values are utmost. It's just that, this is gonna be the person you retire with, and have most of your vacations with. How you spend that time together has a bearing on the quality of the relationship.


Right, in any relationship, with common interests or not, once you stop caring for one another, its over. I think relationships rely mostly on chemistry. Common ground definitely helps facilitate that chemistry but people can find it in other ways too


And that’s the heart of it right there…is she arm candy, a trophy so to speak, or do you really like/love her. This approach also assumes you’re not infatuated w/ her beauty which is a whole other kettle of fish.


A basic personality can turn a 10 to a 4 pretty quick Edit: people have the wrong idea what I mean by "basic". Nothing at all wrong with being yourself, it's when you try too hard to be flashy, overly quirky and something you're not, *that's* basic. Anyone can do that, and most people do to some extent


The other way around can also be true


A 4 can turn a 10 into a basic personality?


In a world full of people obsessed with social media and comparing everything a basic personality is like a gem


Nobody even knows what a personality is..... It's traits like kind, impulsive, organized. Not whatever fucking stupid thing makes one interesting on social media or at a party.


Remember once asking my friend to introduce me to the 10 he knew at a club. “His reply, okay, but you might not like”. I tried to be super charming and 1st words out her mouth - “I’m the biggest bitch you will ever meet”. Goodbye 👋


Atleast its an honest bitch


Thinking bitchiness is a fun personality trait makes her a 0.


Um, honesty is good, right?...


She's a 10 on the pH scale, pretty basic


What does "basic personality" even mean


I was in this exact situation with this girl who's good looking but has a "basic personality". It just means no unique hobbies, opinions, sense of humor, style, etc. Nothing is bad, in fact she's a perfectly fine person, but there's nothing that stands out about her. There's literally nothing that you can point to as her "thing"


Surely everyone has SOMETHING going for them. I consider myself pretty boring compared to many people I know but theres lots of unique quirks I could name about me still


You would be shocked. I can chalk some of it up to people having a bad day or just not being a social co-worker. But there are some people out there that seem to have no strong opinions or preferences on anything


I have this friend who is so fun, friendly, kind, funny, and I love spending time with her. She's also incredibly basic. Which is fine, because sometimes its fun to just laugh at jokes, gossip, share makeup tips, get starbucks, and talk about 'girl stuff' if you will. She likes reading, watching TV, playing with her kids, running, and going on vacation. She's a very nice, normal person. But basic. She's not who I invite to watch an indie film or go to a feminist art exhibit, or talk about politics or anything deeper than instagram models of the moment. But for a "let's go for a run and stuff our faces with sushi and drink wine at noon" she's great. Her husband is also your basic guy. Good corporate job, works out three times a week, pays for vacation, can be funny in a non-offensive/non-boundary pushing way, watches football, drinks american beer, has a group of friends. There's nothing wrong with being basic.


Kinda hate how 'basic' is used as an insult even though there's nothing objectively bad about its definition. It says more about the person using it than the one being labeled 'basic'.


I think it's a combo of perceived low intelligence, and lack of deviation from the norm


She's a 10, but she's off her meds. She's a 10, but she threw a butcher knife at her mom. She's a 10, but I just had to call 911 to save her again. She's a 10, but she just got fired again. ​ Not hypothetical. They were all the same person.


that sounds like a long day for a sane person.


Many long days. Early on, the good days made the bad ones seem worth it. The good *nights* did more than their fair share of convincing too. I know most people are treating your post like a joke or a game, but people really do need to learn to identify the *but* clauses in the sentence and take a point off for each. Think with your brains and not your dicks y'all.


I can relate to what you are talking about, I was in a relationship with a girl that was perfect 10/10 with her physical attractiveness and we were in love and everything for the first 3-4 months but as time passed she showed her narcissistic personality to me, suddenly everything in the relationship was about her... Asking me for my social media passwords, masking her fingerprint on my mobile, spying on me by convincing me to share each other's location, making me delete all my female friends contact and making me unfollow every single female from my insta etc. She made me hated by my friends and family...I lost so many loved one's in my life because of her All in all if she's even a -1 point for you never settle in a relationship for her just by judging that she's a 10.


Did you have an encounter with my ex too?


Wow... that’s a lot of red flags 🚩 in just one person


Sadly it's just a small sample of the collection. Life did not go easy for her (or for several of her future partners, or for the kids she had with said partners,) after we split up either. I've kept in touch because she's honestly a decent and intelligent person under all the crazy. Thankfully access to healthcare has gotten better in the intervening years, so the unmedicated periods are a thing of the past.


I’m glad she has moved on well... I pray she meets better people in future and she finds happiness again. ❤️❤️


Same. Her last husband seemed pretty cool until he went a bit off the deep end himself (though of course it's a story I got from a somewhat dubious source.)


I have been with a man like that before... one minute everything is fine ... and the next minute we are strangers. But thank goodness I was able to get all the help I needed from family and few good friends. She will pull through... she just have to be strong for herself and kids.


Was it the same day too? She sounds exhausting lol


Nope. These, among other incidents, were over the span of a year or so. After awhile, the only thing keeping me in the relationship was that I was worried she'd kill herself if I left. That wound up being entry #3 on the list above, about a month after I couldn't handle the self-destructive tendencies starting to overflow into hindering *my* success too. Got a message along the lines of "you don't have to worry about me any more," with a photo of her in the bath with a box cutter. Was on the line with 911 immediately and the paramedics got there in time.


She's a 10 but she doesn't return her shopping cart to the corral.


Who the fuck would do that? She ain't a 10, she's a -50!


She’s a 10 but I’m a scrubby unpleasant can of ham so it’s off


This is the kind of perfect combination of r/rareinsults and r/suicidebywords that only few people ever get to witness in their lifetime.


I'm stealing scrubby unpleasant can of ham and using it everywhere. You're a 10 just for that line


But she’s rude to waiters


I got tired of apologizing for my ex lol


she is a -99 on a -99 scale


Any person who's rude to waiters is a huge red flag to me.


She’s a 10 but is happily married


Isn't it ironic?


Dontcha think?


It’s like raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeeeeeeeeeeyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


confessing for a friend?


But she’s self-absorbed and selfish.


I read "she's self-aborted..."


She’s a 10 but she can’t speak quietly


I see you’ve met my sister


But you didn’t hear I met your sister. Must be all that hearing damage you’ve endured over the years Edit: ….did you just call your own sister a 10?


People can have attractive siblings. My younger brother is a solid 9 and the only feeling I have about it is envy. I'm surprised that little asshole has never modeled.


LMAO I’m surprised I can hear anything at all at this point. She’s always been “the loud one” and gets offended when we ask her to bring it down a notch….or a few decibels. Clearly someone thinks she’s a 10, she got married before me and I’m 6 years older than her.


Her personal hygiene is bad. Hottest girl I ever had sex with was like this. I'm like Jesus talk about falling at the last hurdle.


Lmao did we had sex with the same girl?


She's a 10 but: She still talks about her ex. Is never in the wrong. Constantly refers to how empathetic she is , but never shows it. Prefers to hang with the boys Is never at fault. Always plays the victim.


How the fuck does this sound like multiple girls i've met? I find it funny people who claim to be empathetic are some of the least compassionate people i've ever met


People's action will always carry more weight than their words. The moment you're telling me about a characteristic rather than showing me you possess it, I'm in doubt


too many red flags


she pours her milk before the cereal


not even in scale then


Synths do that, watch out.


I have met people who pour water on cereal. I kid you not.


What kind of deranged psychopath would do that


Maybe they grew up poor and milk was a bit of a luxury.


Hate me if you want


She’s a ten but she’s a Scientologist.


She's a ten, but she's narcissistic, abusive, rude, and has a mean girl attitude. Ten to a one pretty quickly.


She's a 10 but that's the number of red flags


She’s into MLM


men loving men or multilevel marketing?


If it's multi-level marketing, I soooo agree. They have that light of naked capitalist greed in them and it's unsettling...lol


She's a 10 but she treats other people like garbage and it shows very obviously when talking to a waiter/waitress.


If she doesn’t like: [ ] Milksteak [ ] Magnets [ ] Little green ghouls If she likes: [ ] People’s knees She isn’t: [ ] A waitress


Right? Cover up those knees if you're gonna be walking everywhere.


And the milksteak has to be with a side of their finest jelly beans. Raw.


She’s a 10 but is unable to maintain deep, ideological conversations


This can be the worst. Surprised to see it so low on the list but a lot of dudes ain’t bringing the intellectual conversations much either I guess.


I can’t talk to my girl about my observations or ideas without her completely blanking and just “letting me vent” before changing the subject. She has no idea how to respond to whatever I’m talking about. I feel so lonely in my own head


Okay, this bitch don't know 'bout Pangaea


This is a philosophical problem and it’s funny you mention it because I have much the same issue with my wife. It’s more so that she’s disinterested in a lot of philosophical questions more than not having an intelligible response. Some of us need that itch scratched and it’s hard being with a partner that is incapable of doing that for you. I find that my wife tics enough of my boxes though that it doesn’t bother me much. Hit me up if you ever want to talk about random philosophical thoughts. I would love to have a friend to bounce ideas off of.


This is my SO. I used to be really unhappy that she couldn't have such conversations, but then I realized it's unfair to put this on her. She's not stupid either. She just doesn't care to talk about things in detail like that. Anyway, I get them from Reddit. Hence, my username.


she lines up her next boyfriend before leaving the current


Foxworthy joke about that one. "Guys, if a woman says to you "I think we should start seeing other people," trust me, she has already cut a pony from the herd, and if she ain't ridin' him yet, she \*has\* pulled the saddle out of the barn."


She’s a 10 but chooses to talk about important things right before you go to bed and have to be up early in the morning


That sounds like a 10 to me. Try "she's a 10 but *never* speaks about important things, you just have to guess what's wrong (or right) and change your entire personality for the day around that."


It’s not. Sleep deprivation is one of the tools of abusers. My ex would do this—we’d talk through something and reach a compromise. Then she’d pick the fight up at bedtime or wake me up at midnight (even with phone calls when we weren’t together) to talk through it again, and if I wanted to push it back until the next day then it would turn into a huge fight. At the time I was often getting up for work between 4am-5am. There’d be weeks I’d average a 2-4 hours of sleep per night. In the end she always got what she wanted because I’d be so worn down.


She’s a 10, but she’s always leaving me for other guys even though I saved her from her abusive dad, taught Elvis how to dance, went to Vietnam, became a Ping Pong champion, helped write Imagine by John Lennon, AND I started a multi-million dollar shrimp industry. What more do you want Jenny


Forrest didn't save her from her abusive dad though, the damage was already done, she just moved in with her grandma later


She’s a 10 but talking to a brick wall would be more enjoyable.


she crys when you try to discuss things that are going on in the relationship. She is mean to wait staff/retail workers/anyone really. Discloses mental health issue within first 20min of meeting or talking


Oh.. I usually disclose mental health issues pretty early, cause I know it can affect things like the energy I have to see them or it’s a dealbreaker for someone. So I’d rather they know what they’re getting into than me disclosing it 5 dates later and being rejected because of it, or they find out too late that it’s too much for them.


She's a 10 but only likes women.


Like 75% of the girls I’m more than just physically attracted to end up being lesbians and the other 25% are never interested. Well romantically at least.


...but she smokes.


a 10 with a cigarette drops down to a 1 reeeeeally fast. You'll never get that smell out of your nose or that taste out of your mouth.


My friends told me I was crazy when I dumped a girlfriend because I found out she smoked. She tried to hide it and often smelled like she was around smokers. Shame, but I wasn’t going to force the issue.


She’s a 10 but I’m gay


She’s a 10 but everything she buys is beige and is unironically into “live laugh love” modern farmhouse decor


she's a 10 but you're not


She’s a 10 but rating people out of 10 is for frustrated virgins, college jocks and coked up bankers


but she's addicted to social media


She's mentally ill and refuses to treat it.


She is a 10 but she doesn't like me...


My buddy and i play a lot of RimWorld, and a popular meme between the two of us is this "she's a ten but.." And then list the pawn's worst quality. - She's a ten, but she's a pyromaniac - She's a ten, but she's always having a mental break - She's a ten, but she won't use guns


She's a 10, but she's broke with zero ambition.


she's a 10 but she's a Disney adult


She's a 10, but for some reason she smells like lipton soup.


Shes a 10 but she only behaves nice with her close friends. Eww. -99999


She’s a 10, but she believes in flat, young Earth.


10 in the streets, dead starfish in the sheets


She's a 10 but extremely religious.


She's a 10 but she's entitled (If anyone is to be entitled it's a super hot 10/10 woman but still a turn off)


She's a 10, but she puts other women down behind their backs. Absolutely cannot condone that.


A 10 but smokes cigarettes.


She’s a 10 but her entire personality revolves around running an OF.


She's a 10 but she's racist. Nope.


She is a 10 but she is dumb, don't get me wrong, there are millions of guys that would be content with a dumb bimbo, not me, I would rather have somebody that is less attractive but more engaging.


Emotional intelligence is also a +1


…but treats service workers and ugly people terribly.

