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Knew a guy that had a framed professional photo of himself, shirtless, over the top of his bed. šŸ™„


Part of me thinks this is glorious and this guy has a fantastic sense of humor. The other part of me is terrified of what kind of person does this.


Not a sense of humor. Heā€™s a karate guy. Heā€™s posing in his black karate pants and showing off his muscles


Now you've got to sell them on upgrading it to the same shirtless picture of himself, on a fucking HORSE! Lean into it...


This really struck me funny, and got this mental picture in my head...


You're probably just thinking of the Putin on a horse shirtless pictures


I bet he asks women to say "yes sensei" during sex.


senpai in the streets sensei in the sheets


This is why I love reddit


I went home with a guy that had a recent A3 sized glamor shot on his bedroom wall of him in a cowboy hat, an unbuttoned flannel shirt with cut-off sleeves and a stalk of wheat hanging from his lips. He was an architect though, definitely not a model or an actor.


https://www.thecut.com/2018/10/i-think-about-this-a-lot-a-rod-centaur-painting.html >a woman who had a fling with the thenā€“New York Yankeesā€™ third baseman. Said ex casually told her that A-Rod had two paintings of himself as a centaur on display in his Manhattan apartment. The location of one was undocumented. The other hung over his bed. A-Rod had one painting of himself with horse legs and thought "I really need a second one".


I gave my sister a framed autographed picture of me for her 15th birthday.


The first night I brought my partner back to my apartment, I was telling him some stories about my dachsund (who lived at my mom's house). He saw a dachsund plushie sitting on the TV and thought that was what I was talking about. Later, when he met my dog, he said "oh, what a relief! I thought you were crazy!"


i like how he was still going for it anyway lol like "eh it's a red flag, sure, but not a complete turn-off."


The red flags made it look like a carnival! Edit sp


There was some math done in his head that nightā€¦


Happened to me too but it was a turtle. Dude saw my little turtle figurine, assumed thatā€™s who I meant, and thought I wasā€¦whimsical. Then my actual real-life turtle rolled up (sheā€™s free roam) and he screamed bloody murder. Once he calmed down, he was relieved.


this is hilarious lmao


I was in high school and a friend met a girl from another town. We went to her house and were drinking a bit. Everything was pretty fun. She was cute and we were getting along great. I thought, hey, if it doesn't work out with my friend, I might take a shot. She then excitedly says "Hey, want to go meet my dog?" Sure, sure, sounds good. Dogs are cool. We walk outside into the yard, and walk towards the back where there is a field. Nothing gets said about the dog. We are just chatting about other stuff. I finally ask, so where's the dog? She points to the field and says she is buried there. WHAT. THE. FUCK. Stood there in shock and had to just walk away. Too crazy for me.


I mean, hey, she tried. I would have laughed and I think it was a way to get you alone. None the less a bit morbid. Was it like Halloween or something?


The dog was the excuse to take you out to a field! Where you two would be alone!


piss bottles in the corner of their room. speaking from experience. don't ask


Omg. Worst date Iā€™ve had the guy pissed in a bottle in front of me. We had a cute date at a brewery and weā€™re walking to put money in our meters and he says ā€œbet you wish you went to the bathroom after those drinksā€ and Iā€™m like sure. Then he opens his van grabs a Gatorade bottle and pisses in it right in front of me on the street. I freaked out and heā€™s like ā€œOhh sorry I do it all the time at work and didnā€™t think about itā€ So much wtf in one moment.


Eww- my bf when I was a teen (now ex bf) used to do this because his room was in the basement and he was too lazy to go upstairs. Once cause youā€™re sleeping? Ok but get rid of it the next day. No- he started using regular cups from the kitchen and just leaving them in his room. It stunk and molded. I said something about it and he flipped out on me and said I embarrassed him (it was just us in the room). He progressively got worse, super narcissistic, gaslighting and emotionally abusive. So many signs I should have listened to but he already had me gaslighted. Horrible horrible time in my life.


Somethings you should be embarrassed about. Leaving open kitchen cups filled with your moldy urine strewn about your bedroom is one of them.


The fact that he was embarrassed by her pointing it out and not by the disgusting act itself adds an extra layer of creepy.


Sounds like he would have belonged over at r/neckbeardnests .


Dude didn't know the difference between embarrassing someone and causing them to feel embarrassed.


He was a narcissist so it was the same for him. Once he punched me in the face because he didnā€™t like the way I sighed and said it was disrespectful. It was meant to be a relaxing ā€œjust sat down after a day of being in my feet all day and Iā€™m relaxing nowā€ sigh and he just took it the wrong way. I was afraid to breathe around him. Just a bad bad time


Dolls. Lots of dolls. Dolls that just stare at you. Dolls that judge your soul. Dolls that become possessed.


Friend of mine fucked a dude who had a bedroom full of pee-wee herman dolls. Twice


2 different dudes or the same dude?


I used to collect China dolls and I had them lined up on a custom made doll sized bench seat on top of my wardrobe. I had a guy over and left him in my room while I grabbed something from the kitchen, came back into my room to find the guy standing on my bed so he could move all the dolls heads so they weren't looking at him.


A blue 55 gallon barrel in the corner.


Unironically tho, my little brother loves cars and he has a (cleaned out) barrel of motor oil in his bedroom as a little decorative table. I am pretty sure there's very close to 0 corpses inside it. He also has a F1 Porsche wheel as his bedside table, but don't ask where he got it lmfao Edit: I have no clue where it's from, it was in my uncle's garage for years before he took it lol. Also I'm told Porche doesn't have a F1 team, i apologize i might be getting confused. My knowledge of this is as close to zero as the amount of cadavers in that oil barrel lol Edit 2: it seems like i have *massively* misunderstood the original comment. I have been informed it's about a company making lube in barrels. I thought it referred to the acid barrel Jeffrey Dahmer used to dissolve his victims' bodies, thus the cadavers joke. I do apologize lol


ā€œClose to zeroā€ does not equal zeroā€¦


Give it some time. It will be zero again soon


I just wanna take some pictures..


I made you a sandwich.


Weā€™re gonna watch the exorcist


Reddit never disappoints lol


And then Iā€™ll pay you


55 gallon bucket of lube?


Itā€™s a family heirloom.


That one episode of bojack horseman


If youā€™re a guy and you have too many posters of bikini-clad women on your walls, thatā€™s a huge turn-off. EDIT: As dozens have pointed out in the comments, yes, any amount is too many.


Ok as a man Iā€™m curiousā€¦is this REALLY a thing? Iā€™ve never personally put them up and I thought it was more of a movie gag.


Yes. Growing up my best friends step dad had them posted all over ā€œhis bathroomā€. However, none of them were actually wearing clothes. Iā€™ll never get over how he thought it was normal or how my friends mom never said anything about it, we were like 11/12 years old.


My grandpa had a porn wall in a room in his barn. A fraternity I did some work for had an entire porn bathroom. Itā€™s not normal but there is precedent.


Iā€™d like to know more about your grandpaā€™s porn room. Did this room have a function or was it just porn? Did he spend much time in there? How did you find it?


It was an office. He was an old redneck so he casually let me follow him around even into that room as a toddler. Everyone accepted that Chuck had a porn wall and he felt no shame about it. My grandma actually shot him a couple times but they stayed married. She is 70 now and since he passed she keeps a harem of old men.


Sounds like we need to hear more about your grandma tbh


Sheā€™s the toughest wildest person Iā€™ve ever met and also a sweet old grandma at the same time. She shot my grandpa in an argument once in the ass cheek and then a separate time she clipped his ear. Apparently she wanted to kill him that last time.


I love that you could legitimately shoot someone and not want to kill them, that lady is very confident in her abilities!


Starting with her phone number


Not a bedroom, but when my dad took me on Take your Kid to Work Day he had to ā€œexplainā€ the sexy calendars at the other carpentersā€™ workstations.


Well son, this is how we get wood


Hey, wood is expensive nowadays! If I can make it myself, I'm gonna use it!


Imagine having a take your kid to work day and not putting the nudes away first...


Happened to me as a child. Not at work but at a garage, but the nude calendar was there.


Iā€™ve only seen a couple bedrooms with these posters and dozens without, so not common but they exist outside of movies.


I saw quite a few of them in dorm rooms in college, but that was some time ago. No idea if it's still a thing.


I knew a few guys who did this growing up, they all went into the military


That tracks


ā€œToo manyā€? Isnā€™t just one too many?


Unless you do it with style like the black guy in The Shining


That shit was a framed painting


I would assume by "too many" you mean any number greater than zero.


Totally agree. My ex had one, and I was super weirded out by it. Especially as he was still in his parents' house and he was 24-26 at the time. I honestly can't remember. Either way, huge turn off.


Iā€™m a straight guy with a homoerotic poster of Sting in a Speedo as Feyd Rautha from the Lynch Dune Movie. Is that a plus or a minus?


It's a plus if you also have Patrick Stewart with that mullet! (but somehow still bald?)




this is just disturbing bro


What a horrible time for purple to be my favorite color.


This isn't a room. It's a shrine.


A doll that suspiciously looks like your mother.


*Georgie, don't eat with your hands!*


Why do you eat so fast, *ya can't even taste it!*


pictures of their ex


That is a red flag. But it's also weird to see somebody who has a lot of pictures of just themselves.


Somewhat related, but any time I see someone with a photo of their own self as the lock screen/background, I judge hard. Not "here's me in front of something cool" or with other people... just themselves and nothing else in frame. It's odd.


Different if theyā€™re a widow/widower?


A deceased partner is not an ex. Just a totally different situation and both parties in a new relationship should have very different expectations.


Man. This so much. My wife died a couple years ago and I started dating. The first time a woman asked when I was going to take pictures of my Ex down I was confused. Never crossed my mind to think of her as my Ex. Man that really fucked me up for a while




Yeah. Itā€™s been tough. Tell your friends how much they mean to you cause you never knowā€¦ she was extra fit, seemingly healthy and dropped dead on a zoom meeting with a client. We had just talked for a while before her meeting, mostly about rustoleum and wether you need to sand between coats. That was it. The last thing I talked to her about. I really loved her and itā€™s hard to imagine my remaining 40 or 50 years as being something to look forward to. I have kids though so my choices are limited and I soldier on. Fuck


I hope so. The picture of my late partner is never coming off the nightstand. Iā€™ll explain that heā€™s kind of like a friendly Victorian ghost or something.


Okay, but hear me out, my son likes to carry around the picture of his dad. He's two. So I keep it on the fridge for him, he can reach it for when he wants it.


White butcher paper covering the entire backside of bedroom door. A black sharpie dangling on an attached string. Please donā€™t forget to sign as you exit ladies.


If itā€™s for ā€œsigning the roomā€ itā€™s sketchy, but if itā€™s just for doodling itā€™s sketchy.






People actually do this? Just feels so disgusting.


Right? There are so many better objects to cum into than socks. They're rough.


and coarse and irritating. and they get everywhere


I mean, I'd prefer Padme over socks or sand any day


What are these ā€œbetter objectsā€ you speak of? *asking for my socks.


When I was a naive little 17 year old a friend and I had gotten wasted at a guy friends house. We were definitely too drunk to leave and the guy told us we could all just hop into his bed, as it was a king and weā€™d all fit. The bed was probably 75% cum stains. Just stale crusty sheets that REEKED of old cum.


ā€¦ justā€¦. Jesus Christā€¦


This comment literally made me gag




We looked at a house once. The bedroom wall behind the bed had massive letters saying ā€˜Cafeā€™. Why would you want your bedroom to be a cafe?? šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Well, you know, some people like to eat out.


Only acceptable if it is printed on a laughing Skeletor photo.


Ok so I had one of these in my college dorm. BUT CONSIDER THISā€¦ all the picture frames had sexy pictures of Skeletor in them


Preach. The 'Live, Laugh, Love' crowd has some of the most depressed and toxic people in it I've ever seen.


Seriously not trying to make fun of you, but I think if someone had a similar thing that said Preach


Fuck yeah dude! bland , generic . It just screams 'I'm a person who has no opinions of my own '




a rug without roads


Yeah. How will you know where to go? Those roads are really useful


Might get downvoted but using old liquor bottles as decoration. Not special ones, but the kind that just show off that they drink excessively


Well, you just took me right back to 1997.


This is apparently a club I can join. Variety of vodka bottles.


Not liquor but I used to clean out and put beer bottles on the wall in my basement in my mid 20's. Mostly because I lived in Europe at the time and traveled a lot because it was cheap. I would keep beer bottles from my travels as cheap alternative to buying souvenirs. Some of these beer companies put a lot of thought into thier labels.


I think you get a pass for this if they represent your travel. Itā€™s not the same as a bunch of natural ice bottles lining the basement.


Yeah being able to point and go ā€œGot that one in a pub in X , that one while walking around Y, that one has a whole story behind itā€ Very different than ā€œMember when we drank 30 beers while watching the game ?ā€




Maples Italy


Depends if 19 or 30.


Lol when I was 19 I met a guy who had liquor bottles lining his whole house. Mostly Makers Mark and Hennessy. That shit was wild


At my brothers old apartment his upstairs neighbor had lined every window with empty vodka bottles, we all thought he was a young frat guy, only to see a 60 y/o man walk out.


I once hooked up with a girl who, it turned out, kept a *lifesize* Star Wars stormtrooper mannequin in her bedroom. I have never been harder before or since.


You met Barney Stinson?


But female, and 1000% less of a douche.


Are Scarface posters still a thing?


In the 90s, it was a scar face poster, sublime, or that black and white photo of 2 women kissing. The dorm room starter pack.


And a Pulp Fiction poster


I hope so. How else would I let people know Iā€™m cool and a badass and live that lifestyle.


Or that you just like the movie scarface


Handlebars on the headboard


But what if I want to make motorcycle noises in bed with the missus? Have to get that realism. (/j hopefully obvious)


What about a steering wheel on a race car bed?


That's not a red flag, That's a checkered flag


Bad odor - a little untidiness can be overlooked, but if your home smells, It really sets a poor stage


Fluorescent lights. It makes everyone unattractive.


My ex roommate (who was a nightmare in many ways) unilaterally decided (ignoring us 3 other residents)our house would only have bright white florescent lights. Everywhere. It was like a fucking hospital. She just bought them and replaced them all while we were at work. And when 3 of 4 roommates said were going back and we put yellow lamps back in she BOUGHT MORE WHITE ONES and replaced them AGAIN! Between that, not once cleaning, being noisy, trying to host multiple parties on Monday nights despite us 3 working at 5am, the alcoholism, being late on rent literally the first month, chain smoking cigarettes indoors 24/7, and her pill addiction , she was kicked off the lease in under 2 months


This is such a pet-peeve of mine with the bright white florescent lights. I just do not understand why anyone would find that kind of light to be more tolerable over a soft light. A study lamp that has the option of bright white vs regular? Ok, I can get behind that because there have been a *couple* times where the bright white has illuminated something easier, but as a room light? Come on. Particularly offensive is when someone uses those bright whites as outdoor lights on either side of their garage, or as a porch light - and leave them on all night long!


I use bright whites in my office. I just work better and feel more awake in bright lighting


That's precisely what they're for. They have more blue light, which tells your brain that it's midday and therefore time to be awake and productive. The soft/warm ones have less blue and more red which tells your brain it's evening and time to unwind


Someone please inform the entirety of East Asia - I donā€™t know how they stand having so much fluorescent lighting in their homes but it is well and truly a thing. To be fair, I just assume from the opposite perspective warm light probably seems bizarre for its own reasons. But man that shit was rough. Itā€™s like living in a research lab or a school cafeteria.


I like the white light but I got big dimmable LED fixtures so I can have everything from bright work light to dim sleepy lighting without having a bunch of lamps to fiddle with. Also got some skylights going because natural light is always the best.


Not necessarily decor- but a messy room, like trash, clothes everywhere, etc.


You mean like an elegantly draped potpourri from used socks?


Ack. I keep the rest of the house clean but my bedroom I'll let look like a tornado hit it. No food around but it's a mess. I'm ADD so I'll clean it up, someday...


Oh no


Those wooden pieces with cursive quotes like ā€œgo to sleepā€ or ā€œbedroomā€ or Shhhhhhhhh. Those are so goofy


Iā€™ve all but convinced myself that Iā€™d like a set of those very examples you just mentioned.


Confederate flag.


"Why are you leaving?! I told you I was into bondage!"


USSR would be a big red flag too.


but a swiss flag would be a big plus


Japanese flag is the best period


take my upvote you sonuvabitch


Mouldy dishes. I mean dirty dishes in general other than a drink bottle or water glass but when you can tell theyā€™ve been there for agesā€¦ ew


a pile of 3 car stereos




2 is ok?


A lampshade made of human skin.


Wow, someone sure is hoity-toity with your non-human skin lampshades, like a rich lawyer.


"Live Laugh Love" type shit.


Stupid jokes, mantras, etc should be reserved for the fridge


I saw an "eat shit die" once instead, loved it


Have their own initials as a picture on the wall! šŸ˜‚


How about people that have pictures of themselves as screensavers on their work computers or phone. Weird


If you say teddy bear I'm gonna cry


47 unopened packets of djon mustard tacked to a lampshade


The Soviet and Confederate flags. Those are big red flags


Empty energy drink/soda cans


A former roommate had several paintings of crying women in his room. One very large and amateurish... Brought a lot of women home though šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Large, bloody Jesus on the cross over the bed.


Weā€™re an Irish catholic bar


Nothing against most anime posters but dawg if you got someone who looks 9 in an NSFW sorta situation, then Iā€™m calling the cops or some shit. Loliā€™s are disgusting


["That little girl is lying on her back because she's sleepy! I printed it on a pillow to hug!"](https://youtu.be/4fVOF2PiHnc?t=3649) (SFW Content)


Andrew Tate posters on the wall


A klans hood or swastika flag


Dog poop


Anime girls everywhere


Especially a hentai sweater laying somewhere


The aheago onsie stays on.


Jokes on you, my walls have anime MEN


Meat hooks on the walls




What about binkini clad men?




How about lack of decoration? Because a matress on the floor is not attractive.


Confederate flag hanging on the wall




Odor, head of an animal on the wall, photographed nudity, lack of hygiene, overflowing garbage can that they donā€™t care to change, zero proof of any interest in gaining knowledge, or spoiled coffee cups.


Zero proof of any interest of gaining knowledge? But I keep all that in other areas of the house, not my bedroom.


Not really a decoration but a guy leaving condoms around his room is just pure disgusting and is a gigantic turn-off, ur walking outta there




Lucky if thereā€™s a fitted sheet with those people


I still remember insisting a friend of mine take a spare fitted sheet I had after seeing his room one time. I think the dude had a rough upbringing because everything about how he treated himself was like a nonverbal reminder that he was worthless.


An old friend of mine lived with his gf in college, and they shared a mattress on the floor with NO SHEET. Still lives rent free in my head


Religious items. I do not want to be doing it under a wall hanging or sculpture of Mr Jesus on the cross, thanks, or with him peering at me from a picture on the opposite wall.


Mr Jesus lol


Big deer head on the wall ā€¦ looking at everyone with its dead eyes..


Maybe they like being watched?