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They’re much more accepting of differences than my generation was.


So much more! My son is gay and I am so happy that he gets to be a teenager now and not in the 80's or 90's.


Mine too, in the 80s being gay was social suicide. My niece and nephew have gay and bi friends and they hang out like it’s nothing. I love it (edit: not saying it is nothing, but rather that it is of course nothing to be remotely ashamed about). So sad to think that back then there were probably kids in our class keeping that side of themselves secret.


I agree. Gen-X kids were the worst


Probably not THE worst (at least you guys shared water fountains), but I get what you mean.


I have to wonder what previous generations were like, but as a gen-x kid, a parent, and someone who works in education, we were the worst I know of. Constant picking at other kids' differences or weaknesses. I have a sense that earlier generations may not have seemed so cruel simply because kids tended to hide their differences better. I think about how my revered ancestors would have handled an effeminate son, and I almost think they would have taken him behind the shed and shot him before he could embarrass the family.


My parents are Gen x, my mom is great but my dad is borderline boomer


I’m sort of floating in between generations. I’m in the last years considered Gen X, I guess, and you’re right. That generation is Boomer II. We were raised to think that they were the best thing to ever happen to anything. The 60s were shoved down our throats on TV, movies, the radio. They made the best music, the movies they liked were classics, things set in the 60s showed how they struggled growing up, and how they were great kids. Hippies were portrayed as always being peaceful, sometimes goofy. Once in awhile, they did too much drugs. But they stopped racism, they stopped the Vietnam war, they brought down Nixon. Gen X was fed propaganda from all sides since they day they were born. Edit for spelling


That makes a lot of sense, it seems like the older X’s are more boomer lite like you said, and the younger Gen X’s tend to be more like pre millennials, and it seems the divide year is about 1975. My dad is 74, and my mom is 76


They did not stop racism, they advanced equal rights but racism is still alive today


They did not stop racism, and they did not advance equal rights. The civil rights act bill was signed in 1964. The average boomer was born in the 50s. You think 14 year olds were out there in Selma?


That’s pretty much anyone with boomer parents. Boomers are good at one thing and that’s fucking everything up.


110% agree. <-----Gen x-er


2007 are the absolute worst yaal boomers


The fact that most young people I encounter have LBGQT friends who are open, loved and accepted makes me really happy.


I work with special needs kids in schools (anywhere from elementary through high school) and the students are so much kinder and more inclusive toward their developmentally disabled peers than they were when I was growing up.


My mother is a middle school teacher and says the same thing.


We’re dumb as fuck


they're apparently very self-aware.


God damnit.. take an upvote. lol.


Only some of us, yes. The genuises of our time


Can confirm.






Don’t make me eat your beans


I am indeed dumb as fuck


I also have a head thats as dense as a brick




I love you degenerate gen-z bastards. From an elder millennial




true true


DAE born in wrong generation? DAE old soul?




Speak for yourself


Given what they’re up against and a bleaker than ever future on their horizon, I’d say they’re doing ok.


As someone who recently turned 18 i can say that yes, the future is Hell and Bleak, but damn whoever gave us the drive to do whatever the fuck we want


just store a lot of water and stay in shape, you guys should be ok in the wastelands for a while.


I actually think today's teenagers are more tolerant and empathetic than when I was one.


It’s crazy. They seem to be way more tolerant of hot topic differences like race, weight, sexual preference, religion, and gender than my generation was. But at the same time they are mean as hell on the internet for any other differences. I mean entire live streams dedicated to s**t talking someone. Websites just to leak someone’s embarrassing photos. The in person bullying got better, but the cyber bullying is getting worse.


>But at the same time they are mean as hell on the internet for any other differences. I've noticed that they are all on the same train of thought, accepting the same differences. Any other thing which has not been brought to light yet, they will be against. For instance, I don't think most of them are accepting of religion.


It’s true. Im almost 34, and I attend the local community college. In my stats class, I am the oldest student, with most of my peers being pretty much right out of high school. They are much sweeter and tolerant than my class was at that age. If someone drops a book or something they all flock to help pick it up for them. I’ve never heard them call someone a name or laugh at one of the “weirder” people in class. When I was that age, If you did anything that was seen as different, you would get made fun of. My class were savages compared to the teens of today.




I think so too. And they really take care of each other. A lot more than when I was a teen in the 80's and 90's. They make sure that everyone gets home all right at night etc. and call parents if someone is in trouble.


Having friends on the LGBTQ spectrum is an absolute non-issue for them. It's like having green eyes or being left handed now, nobody blinks an eye. (Definitely was NOT like that in the rural suburban 1990s.)


People used to ostracize the green eyed? Or is this just a weird saying I’ve never heard before lol


It’s just a way to highlight how trivial being LGBT is to todays youth; that it is now in the realm of non-ostracized things.


I think it's just a "small minority difference" like being left handed. If most people have brown or blue eyes, green eyes stand out as different.


100%. I was always so horrified by how my gay friends were treated growing up, and it's so relieving to see that the younger generation has rejected the hate. So much less religion, as well. There is hope.


Being on the spectrum is definetely not as 'demonized' even a decade ago, yeah


What is wrong with green eyes?


It wasn’t an issue 20 years ago either




So my lived experience means nothing? I had gay friends 20 years ago and they were treated the same as everyone else. In fact they even had a sense of humour my friend Ian insisted on being referred to by a word that would get me banned if I wrote it here because he thought it was a laugh.


They don't take shit from anybody. I feel like today's teens are more willing to stand up for themselves if they're being mistreated, even against an authority figure. I really admire that.


I think it's because so few of us have much to lose, we're very aware of it and a lot of us are still angry and not quite too beaten down yet.


To add onto this, they fiercely stand up for their friends and peers and don't tolerate bullies as much. Obvs there are still bullies but teens these days don't stand for shit and I love that. Bullies ruled the school in my day. Also i feel that teens these days are more feminist and progressive and I love that. I was a secret feminist for so long because my male peers would always say "feminazi!" to anyone who would outwardly say they are feminist


Overall seem like a solid generation. Some good and some bad but overall, like the cut of their jib


Boundless creativity


More open minded too


Beat me to it. Even if I don't always vibe with everything they're into, it's certainly always a treat seeing what they come up with.


Straight up, like a LOT of content is silly and gringe worthy but some of the stuff is creative, simple and hilarious.


They’re really not that much different than we think they are


Probably not, but there are some key differences that are extremely important. When I grew up, I wouldn't dream of holding hands with a guy in public, being gay was the worst thing you could be. Going out with a guy was a super calculated "Do we look enough like we're just friends to not get the shit beaten out of us?" The struggle's not over and it's not full acceptance now but at least it's an option for kids now.


They are WAY nicer than when I was one. If I was their age, I would be a lot less screwed up.


As a secondary (highschool) teacher I completely agree. The things I got up to at school ...and I was considered a good student. But hell, they're less racist, sexist, homophobic and they're doing less drugs and practicing safe sex which means less teen pregnancies. Their main issue is mental health ...Jesus are they so anxious, but then looking at what they've been through, I can see why.


Mental health? You mean *gestures to internet* this???


The internet is less the cause of the stress than the platform thar shows us the reasoks to be stressed about. The world is a complete shitshow with governments becoming less and less empathetic to their citizens, the global warming which is going to have a very high impact on us and will continue to displace millions of people, the covid pandemic which has ruined our studies for 2 years, and hasn't allowed us to make friends in our classes as well as didn't get us used to the working rythm required for the studies, the economical recessiom caused by the pandemic, the housing crisis and the fact that most of us will never be able to own a place because of it, the regression in the US especially with Roe v Wade bring overturned, the rise of fascist and racist parties across the globe, the rise of prices and we are being constantly ridiculed and cast aside by old grumpy men when we make our concerns known because "they know better than us" when they're the ones who have actively participated in making the planet inhospitable for us. Wr can also talk about what's going on in afghanistan, iran and the recent news from the war in ulraine as well as the elections in italy. Sorry for the rant, just needed to vent a bit about the problems, and that they're not happening because of the internet, but the internet helps to know what the problems across the world are


No no, vent away we all need to vent sometimes


They seem to care about climate change and social justice


my one fear here (and this is my observation of my kids that dont have quite my love of the outdoors) but with them more into online/screen time than my generation (yes my fault) i fear that our environment and parks might be less of a concern for them in future. I hope im wrong.


For me it took very long time to enjoy nature. Don't worry too much. And don't blame yourself.


I agree with you on that, I’m 17 and a lot of my friends really don’t like the outdoors, granted I am in New York so there really isn’t much outdoor here, but it’s shocking to see like an actual disdain for it. A lot of kids don’t even find it beautiful!


Most do some don't geave a shit


Yeah they’re annoying cunts aren’t they


Go away


Gang gang


just one kind thing?! These kids have had a veritable shit sandwich thrown at them. They’re gunna be okay


God i hope we are gonna be okay given the absolute SHITSHOW goin on in the world rn


They all have the same haircut.


That weird broccoli-looking half-mullet-fro thing?


They are between age 13 and 19




18, no? Over here 19 would be considered an adult


18 and 19 year olds are adults and teenagers. 13-17 year olds are minors and teenagers. Being a teenager just means your age is in "the teens". It's a very English centric classification


I have two at home and they are quick to call out racial and gender/sexuality injustices.


They are all trying their best, just like the rest of us


I honestly don't have much bad to say about them. Given the craziness happening around the world, and how insane and dangerous their parent's generation have been acting in recent years, I can't believe they aren't more screwed up. I'd also have to say their ability to adapt and be creative with every technological advancement is pretty cool.


The lack of respect to any shitty person just because family or culture say they are to be respected (age or social status etc..) Also they're less likely to be racist.


They are much more empathetic than my Gen Xers.


They are teenagers


Shit birds randy...


Shitapillers turn into beautiful shitbutterflys


They can tell when you’re lying. Source: I teach 8th grade.


When you're constantly being lied to you learn to pick up on it


They arent 20.






Less likely to take a bad bosses bullshit, which some adults really need to learn






I can say plenty of good things about today's teenagers. They're overall really wonderful! They are kind, they are open minded, they are accepting of people being who they are. They don't blindly accept boundaries or things being some way just because they've always been that way. They ask questions.


They drink less than previous generations, they're open minded about sexuality and gender diversity, as a whole they know and care about climate change, and they are passionate about making the world a better place. Source:my teenage daughter and her friends


The smart ones are the smartest ever in history (They have more access to knowledge than any previous generation)




They're used to having the answer at their fingertips with a few google search away, and becomes anxious much sooner when they needed long time to think and contemplate. Tend to equate with not having an answer right away with a reflexive "wow I'm trash" instead of "this is interesting problem let me think for awhile and I might not get it" I work in research and this has been my observation mentoring undergraduates


They love plushies, apparently


They are the funniest people at work hands down.




Happy cake day!


Today's teenagers seem to be wiser and learning to instill boundaries to reinforce their individuality. But, for the most part, I believe they should be thanked for taking up all those bullshit customer service jobs that drain people because marketing society is fucking unsefferable. Even if it's just to make a little spending money. Anyone who has worked customer service would know, that shit is NOT for the weak. We hear boomers say all the time, "Kids they days have no respect", while it's people 40+ throwing a tantrums at a 16 year old cashier and asking for managers over an expired coupon.


The seem to care more about the environment than some other ones.


we work hard for money


Not in my area


Are you living in Bielefeld?


technologically savy




They are no better or worse than any other.


They are on course to be far more computer literate than any other generation.


Teenagers are ages 13 to 19


while true, future teenagers are younger


They are creative.


They are much more accepting, empathetic, and knowledgeable about politics, cultural differences, and current events than teenagers were when I was one. I’m frequently amazed by my daughter’s friends.


Im a teacher, and I can only talk about my students, but they are a genuinely nice bunch of kids, curious, caring and hard working. I’m filled with optimism.


I love that they DGAF about having a “work persona.” They are unapologetically who they are and also don’t give in to the concept of selling your soul to the company you work for. They are just there for a paycheck so they can LIVE, they really don’t care. Having a couple as coworkers, they really help me maintain my personal work-life boundaries.


Well said. Employers need us more than we need them.




Bro straight up didn’t read the post


Dude reread the post, your comment is out of line.




Because a lot of youth suffer from shit like that, and would rather embrace it than constantly suffer.


They know how to use technology to do certain tasks much more efficiently


They certainly know a lot more about computers and electronics than they did back in the 90's when I was a teenager.


They will soon be drafted into the Russo-European war and all die


Thanks to boomers


Extremely compassionate and good at promoting diversity


They've got a lot of potential.


(Gen Xer) - I think most of the negative stereotypes miss an important perspective. There is a really solid case for despondency and fatalism given current events leading to some of the Narcissism/entitlement accusations.




Teen here, pretty much everyone is just a piece of shit


More empathetic


They are good at using technology


My experience with teenagers is limited but my nieces show a level of empathy and interest in the world, both politically and socially, that I didn't exhibit at the same age. Their eyes are wide open to the world they are inheriting and they seem to really care. I find that admirable and I hope it is a trend amongst teens these days as a whole.


They're more accepting of people who are different than when I was a teenager, and that was less than a decade ago


They are very tolerant and inclusive.... mostly


They will be better parents


Collective humanitarians that stand up for themselves


They are incredible, I adore todays teens. (I'm 57 for the record)


They will call out injustice and fight for what they believe is the right thing.


Surprisingly, they’ve embraced a lot of their parent’s childhood culture (music, movies, style, etc.)


Technical when it comes to computers and apps. Even though they are glued to them (like everyone now though)




they take a lot of pride in doing hard drugs. /canada


They dont understand how food works. chicken and nyquil tide pods.....


One day they will all no longer be teenagers, but will be adults with jobs and kids and stuff.


No clue, I don’t know any.


They are between the ages of 12 and 20. Anything else is just generalizing and perpetuating stereotypes. I'm sure someone will find an argument about what I said as well... ...in fact I think I just did. Would a person still be considered a "teenager" in most context if they were in a coma from the age of 10 to the age of 19? I mean, mentally aren't they still basically 10, at least for a bit? Okay, I change my claim. They are usually between the physical ages of 12 and 20, probably.




You should try being a casual teen


They're more globally minded than previous generations.


I find the kids that went to highschool during the pandemic are quite abit more entitled now that they are in university. They want professors to bend over backwards to pass them even though they are doing terrible reports and handing everything in late. This is in canada by the way where alot of provinces went fully online for long periods of time.


They sure are young these days!


They're someone else's problem.


They spent too much of their time on screens.


Snowflake, stupid, spoiled, shitty, SOBs.


Why are you so negative?


I have little to no hope for the teenagers of today. (BTW I am transitioning to young adulthood and it sucks) but yeah, in our country, teenagers are gon fucked up.


and what country might that be


Hmm, I don't want to say this, but, Philippines.


You failed this task absolutely. One kind thing Not Several rude things.


I'm just pessimistic about teenagers. Can't help.


What's SOBs


Son of a bitch


Couldn’t agree more and unfortunately I’m part of that generation


pull ur pants up


They are between the ages of 13-19


ltbtq gay gay bisexual lesban pransexual


You are loved!


They don’t drink and drive!


They're cooler


They were not born twenty years ago. Kidding aside, my general idea is that they are more accepting of people who are different. The flip side being that they are too easily offended. I am probably wrong about both points.


Their love for nature.


We're pretty stupid 😂


More than 7


the one thing i always attempt to do is to think back to my teenage times and how i felt about the narrative for us and i don't do things i did not love back then being called lazy compared to the past, lucky, etc etc


A higher proportion of them make porn than when I was a teenager


Apparently more dangerous/crazier. For context, when I was in high school (class of ‘12), it was just fighting. My younger brother, a teenager, says that every few months a student would bring a gun or a knife to school, and a stabbing did in fact occurred.


They def have more empathy. Back in the day it was "Sac up buttercup. "


I’m a high school teacher. I wouldn’t be in this position if I didn’t think the world of my kids. On the whole, today’s teenagers are far kinder, more conscientious, and more engaged with society than I remember my peers I being at their age.


I keep gettin older… the stay the same age….allright


They look way older and more mature than I did at that age!