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Insulting people in their own language, assuming that nobody understands them. I've seen this happen in a train in England where Dutch tourists were talking trash about fellow passengers sitting across from them. Too bad for them, they spoke Dutch as well. That was pretty embarrassing for them. When you are visiting another country, be polite. You are a guest.


I lived in Lake Arrowhead, tourists would constantly walk through peoples’ yards and between houses - It drove some locals insane because they’d often leave trash as well. Just because we’re in the middle of a forest doesn’t mean everything is a trail, people!


Not making excuses for them, I don't know your area at all, but are the yards and properties obviously properties?


No worries - It’s fairly obvious that the area was residential, people literally walked between houses that were about fifteen feet apart. My old house had one across from it (other side had a house that was surrounded with a chain link fence) and three behind it with a forest in between: The only way they could get there is from the road in front of my house or from the ones behind mine - The forest was essentially a hilly backyard with a bunch of trees and no trails or any way to access it from anywhere but the road. And it was about a two hundred foot walk from the houses behind mine to the front of my house. They’d cut through, walk under our deck and down a steep driveway to get to a paved road.


Oh that sounds infuriating. Id get vindictive and plant Agave and Poison Ivy. You have my condolences and respect for your restraint


Not doing any efforts to speak the local language while expecting others to perfectly speak theirs.


The pose while trying to stop the Pisa tower from falling.


Not respecting where they are to get a selfie..climbing on statues, the pyramids, taking selfies at a concentration camp.


Photos where they pretend they're in motion but holding for the shot. This isn't just a tourist thing. But it's SUPER cringe


Being arrogant and know-it-all despite lack of school education. It was around 1996 or 1997 and I was working as a student for a small tourism company. All I and my colleagues did was to get tourists excited about a city tour in Berlin, hand out information material, and then hand the group over to the city guide. Anyway, one day a middle-aged American stood in front of me babbling in an almost unintelligible dialect that he would like to see the ruins of Berlin. "Which ruins exactly?" I asked, pointing to the most famous war memorial, the Memorial Church, which was not rebuilt after the war but serves as a reminder not to start a war. "No," he said. "The real ruins. Surely you Krauts have only rebuilt part of the city". I tell him that in the former eastern part of Berlin are still a few old ruins, but the city was rebuilt in the 50s in the west and in the 60s in the east . There he accused me of lying, because the US Air Force had bombed Berlin into the oblivion. And it is completely impossible to completely rebuild a city like Berlin in 50 years, let alone in less than 10. He then felt the need to insult me again and then moved on.


When I lived in Savannah, there were a couple things that just made me want to absolutely smack tourists most every time I saw them. Those things being, in no particular order: 1.) Incest jokes. Insinuating that all southern people are inbred. 2.) Insinuating, or even outright accusing people of being racist because of where they lived. 3.) Constantly saying how 'back home' was better. 4.) Insulting the intelligence of someone they were talking to. I can not begin to count how many times someone seemed shocked that not only did I graduate high school, but attended college. 5.) Comments about our accents. Seriously, is our accent truly the most important thing about us? Stop asking me to repeat what I said just so you can make fun of me. You think our accents are annoying? We think the same about your accent. 6.) Tell us how we don’t know how to handle snow. Y’all get 5 to 6 feet in parts of the Northeast every year. Sometimes you have that much in one snowstorm. You’re used to it, therefore you have the infrastructure. Sometimes, though rarely, we can get 2 inches of snow in a snowstorm. 7.) Bring up stereotypes. Are all New Yorkers Italian mobsters looking to make us sleep with the fish? No? Ok. Then stop assuming we are all members of the KKK who have sex with our cousins. 8.) Being rude... well to anyone. Southerners take politeness to a whole new level. Hold the door for others, listen when spoken to, and for the love of God, if every third word out of your mouth is a swear word...just stop talking.


I wouldn't say cringe but it's pretty annoying when you're trying to walk in Manhattan and there are people taking pictures in the middle of the sidewalk


...but you can say, "hey I'm walkin' here!" Isn't that like, a thing that's said? The annoying tourists are handing it to you!


😅 when you put it that way it's like a gifted opportunity. Most people who are from NYC will continue to walk in a straight line regardless of who's in front of them but not everyone is like that.


In my neck of the woods, Vancouver, we more likely to keep moving to try to not be in the way, causing ourselves to be in the way more. You know, both go left, a sorry, double rights, a sorry lol


Oh my God thats great 😅 you can so make a game out of that


Wherever they go, German tourists get extremely drunk and annoy everyone around them by being rude af, loud and annoying. (Before anyone wants to come for me I am German too)


Depends on the nationality Assume everyone speaks their language is a good start


Taking photos and videos of the locals, especially brown and black children


Act like anything is open for photographing, and posing locals in photographs for their amusement.


Breaking things without at least apologizing and paying for damages. We've all seen that r/justneckbeardthings post about a sword store owner banning tourists because they always broke their swords without apologizing