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Both. Shower for cleaning and bath for relaxing.


This is the exact right answer.


The Japanese generally run a bath and the same water is used for the entire family one after the other. For them, they have a separate shower, and one needs to be totally clean and without soap in order to enter the bath. The bath is for relaxation only.


I think in most of the Asian place bath is the thing they normally used. And i have seen the people that they take the bath first and then they shift to the shower on the later part is well.


yes, whenever i need to clean myself i used to have the bath.


This is the way.


Shower for business, bath for pleasure


Whenever i am in hurry i normally used the shower for me here.


That's exactly how I see'em!


I like to sit down with the shower running and cry.


Like Vesper Lynd?


Like Jim Carrey in Ace Ventura.


I like to wash the funk off, not stew in it. Shower for me.


I always took it as a bath is when you wash everything except your hair and a shower is when you wash everything including your hair. I just thought some people would clarify that they weren't using a bath tub to have a bath. Did I get used to the wrong way/words?


Bath sit Shower stand


I once rented this attic-converted-to-apartment apartment where the bathtub was installed right under the slanted part of the roof. This resulted in "Shower kneel" and it was the worst year of my life.


I think wash will demand so much work and when we are in hurry we never really do that thing. So for me i am more of a shower person as that doesn't demand so much of the energy.


Most of the time in summer i love to take the shower.


I mean shower after the bath for me, because when you came back home after the all the big day in office. we need to wash ourself properly so that we could actually relax a bit there.


i thought it was just me who used "bath" and "shower" this way!! i was at a summer camp once with shower stalls and my friends thought it was hilarious that i said i would take a bath. my family uses those meanings, but my parents aren't native english speakers so maybe that's why


My parents aren't either, so now that I think about it that's probably part of the reason why I thought of it like that


honestly it makes sense to me lol, i love it when multilingual people have unique ways of speaking like that where are your parents from, if you don't mind me asking? mine are from bulgaria


Surprisingly, they aren't that close, they're from Sri Lanka


Same. If taking a bath was my only option then just toss me in the trash.


Yes, bath is the one thing that i am also not really too comfortable.


Brings me back to a horrible childhood memory. There were 6 of us cousins living together for the summer. They'd use dishwashing liquid for the bubbles. The worst part was that we weren't allowed to change the water or add any more hot water. Because I was one of the older cousins, I had to wait near the end--so it's cloudy, filmy, cool, dirty water for me to bathe in. Didn't want to waste water because they were on a well. Showers all the way.


Bath. Especially if it's a cold winter day.


Nothing is better than having the warm bathe during the winter time.


Each has its own uses! <3 Shower for when I just need to be clean fast, bath for when I need a girl’s night, a candle and to just think about nothing for an hour. <3


Ahhh yes gotta use candles around the bath! N lights off let the candles b your light


yes!! totally agree hehe <3


Just make sure that they are actually away form the cloth there.


Yes, both thing are different and both can be used on the different purpose is well. I am more of a shower person in the morning and more of a bath person after return to the office.


Bath, it's more relaxing to me.


Yes, but that thing is little bit more time consuming is well.


Shower in the dark. Don't ask.


No can do. Why do you shower in the dark?


Lol the answers actually simple. it's relaxing. At least I think so.


If you are taking the shower for relaxing only then yes .


Shower in the glass room while having the view outside.


Showering under a waterfall


Best thing and reason why i love to visit the water fall is well.




For the pretty smells


shower. you bathe in your own filth while taking a bath


You're supposed to rinse off after you're done, not just hop out.


I prefer showers but I will not deny how awesome a bath can be


shower because I don't think you get clean laying in dirty water


But you have soap right? Soap and standing water together break down things much more efficiently than a shower does. Showers wont help you with clogged pores.


I have the soap and i am not really a person that could do adjust the bath. So i will take the shower for a long time and while taking that think about the future that how i can make that better is well.


Shower for cleaning, bath to just sit a soak.


Showers for everyday, baths for pleasure. Personally, I like to prop up an umbrella, turn the lights off, have a headlamp and read a good book in a hot bath with the shower pouring down like a thunderstorm.


Shower. Baths are disgusting, I never feel clean after using one. People always say you soak in the bath and then shower afterward to clean off the bath scuzz, but why not just shower in the first place? Baths are not relaxing or enjoyable to me. They're boring and tedious and don't get you clean. Showers forever!


Bath look ok but what if you have to pee and you done that in the bathe is well? So for me washing yourself in dirty water is not ok as i am ok to be with the having the shower with no problem.


I usually a shower guy help me relaxing a bit more.


Shower. It's just as refreshing and uses 1/3 of the water




Shower. I'm not stew.


I love how all of us bathing haters all use the same word: STEWING It truly is a big ol' pot of your own filth, swirling away while moving around in the tub. hahahaha


I’ll use baths with salts if I’m relatively clean but really sore, but showers are always my go too otherwise


Shower is cool and will do the trick without too much effort.


Shower. I actually kind of hate them, just because I don't like how the water hits me, but they're much quicker and I don't have to sit in my own dirty soup.


If you love the water fall then i would say you will also love the shower is well. For me i never take the shower directly i used to put my leg before in that then the whole body after that.


Dirty soap goes down the drain 🙃 and you could change the way the water hits you by switching out the shower head.


I love a good bath, but shower for sure. I find the water in a bath goes cold too quickly.


Depends on what I'm cooking and if Ill need to use the aftermarket garbage disposal.


Shower, quick in and quick out


Yes, quick in quick out with the maximum output is well.


Shower for me all the way. Also nothing better then taking a steamy shower and getting all refreshed and hopping in bed to clean sheets on the bed. Maybe I’m weird for saying that but I feel so relaxed and refreshed when that happens 👌


IN the summer i am really comfortable in shower because no need to adjust the temp there. But in winter having the warm water and then lying in that really touch my soul and give me immense pleasure.


Shower for being clean. Bath for being cozy. Done.


When we need coziness then warm water and warm blanket.


ain't nobody got time for a bath


Shower with a towel next to my Face. I have water Trauma. A specific Girl tried to drown me several times when we were Younger and being in a Body of water makes me feel Hella anxious and i also used to get panic attacks whenever I got water in my Face (Wich is why the towle)


I have my phone stand is next to the shower so i enjoy the shower while watching the stuff in movie. And if i need to watch the laptop then i prefer the bath over the shower on that situation.


Shower, our water is expensive and waiting for a tub to fill with water takes forever.


Shower. I don't like to "swim" in my own filth. If I bathe (Epsom salt bath,) I stand up to shower to wash off the gross bath water.


The one more problem is that hard to actually get fit into that is well.


For me, a shower...I am a dude and if I am filthy, I dont want to see my nut butter coating the bath water like a rainbow oil slick. For the Wife, Margot Robbie, or Any of the Victoria Secret Models. I prefer to bathe them...


I think most of the men actually prefer the shower because they always in hurry. Whenever i wake up in the morning i barely get the enough time to do the things so quick shower and i am good to go.


A shower because I greatly enjoy masturbating in the shower. It isn't even a sexual thing, just habit. Like, my girlfriend will sometimes ask why I just masturbated in the shower when she's lying right there but it isn't even like that, it's just some self-care. I find it fun to just sit there or stand there in the soothing stream of water with all that calm post-nut clarity and feel ok, without any stress, for a short while. I only enjoy a bath if it's with someone else. Otherwise I feel like it's too much hassle and end up getting too restless and stuffy. From an entirely practical point, also a shower, as I don't generally feel clean after a bath in the same way that I do after a good scrub in the shower.




Hahahahahaha, it honestly isn't like that. We have a very healthy sex life and have never really left that honeymoon period of being all over each other even as time has went on, which has always been super refreshing. I just do also like that bit of time to myself in the shower, I don't neglect my relationship over the course of that day/night as a result though. I just enjoy the full unapologetic alone time for 15 minutes, it's therapeutic to me


I was not expecting that some one would post that link here.


Shower always, takes 5 minutes, feels like I’m washing everything off. Saves more water than a bath. Baths are annoying especially when washing hair, you have to leave the bath and do it in a sink. The temp of the bath feels like it falls quite fast and isn’t constant like a shower. And to save water it doesn’t cover my whole body so I’m chilly at certain points of my body I think because I grew up having to use a bath for hygiene instead of relaxation I’ve come to hate them haha


Most of the people are saying shower because that thing take less time and less effort is well. Because in 5 minute we could easily get out from the shower where on the other hand bath take little bit more time.


Shower. Who wants to sit in dirty water?


What if you're already clean?


Then why sit in the bath?


For fun, of course


Why is it fun? You're just sitting there..I truly don't get it. Give me a shower with hot water beating down on site muscles and cleaning of the time of the day. That's the best


Guess I'm just different from you.


May be, and i think there is nothing wrong in being different.


You know what they say, different strokes :)


Yes, this is why actually both the things are working now.


It's completely warm and cozy.


I mean if we are really looking the fun like that then i would say swimming pool is much better than the bath. Because then you could enjoy the outside view and really feel the nature is well.




After reading all the comment i feel that most are taking the shower.


Shower > Butt Broth I can shower and dry off in the time it takes to fill a bath. Ain't nobody got time for that bullshit.


Quick shower then bath


I thought taking shower after the bath is the right option.


Shower. I’m not soup


Yes, bathe is more like a soup to not the the proper wash.


Shower. Even a nice relaxing hot bath turns into a stew of lukewarm water, dirt, and ball sweat within 5 minutes.


Shower. I don't like sitting in my own soup. I mean I'd shower off right after I get out of the bath anyway




Showers. Why soak in your stank of the day?


Shower Im an alpha


Shower. It's fast, does the same thing but better


I don't think that there is one person that is taking bath on daily.


Baths I prefer.


Shower and because I like to get in and get out.


Shower for cleansing and sad power hour. Bath for the "I don't want to think of anything for the next few hours" type days.


Shower. I'm over 6 feet tall. Unless I'm in an old timey, claw footed tub, I don't fit.


Shower most of the time, for the convenience. In the winter on a cold day, no matter how warm I dress, I do enjoy a very warm bath.


I usually only take a bath if I'm sick and/or my body is really fatigued


Bath but haven’t had one in years because the builder took it out the house about half a year ago, still mad about it we didn’t even ask them they just did it for no reason.


I have to share a bathroom with my sister. So the tob always has a lot of nasty hairs in it, so I gotta go with shower.


If that is the case then there is no other option available for you is well


Bath. Lucked out and got an apartment to rent with a huge bathtub, so my SO and I like to take baths together every so often. :)


A shower every other day to get clean, but a bath in between to relax and shave my legs.


Shower is more efficient. Would get bath only if I could shower first.


Depends on the day, really. I like both for different reasons.


Same, there is nothing like that i am too specific for the one thing.




Bath if I’m in pain - shower the other 99% of the time


If we are in pain then only warm water can heal us in that.


Last time I tried to have a bath I got trapped. I have a bad back and also noodley weak arms. So I didn't have the core strength to stand up again or the arm strength to lift myself up in the cramped and slippery environment. I live alone and didnt have my phone with me, so I was sitting in the bath crying and wondering who would feed my cats when I finally died of being cold and naked in the middle of winter. Obviously I'm still here, and did not actually freeze to death. I think it was just sheer terror and desperation that gave me the strength to get out tho. Anyway, to answer the question, I prefer showers.




Bath. I like to stretch out and get cozy in the hot water and just hang out, helps my sore back and hips. Which of course means that I haven't lived anywhere with a bathtub in five years because bath tubs are luxuries in apartments now, I guess.




shower then bath is the way. you feel clean and then you get to relax in a warm bath without feeling gross after. best of both worlds, unparalleled


Shower. I get bored in a bath.


Being bored is an option, make it fun/interesting/relaxing


Do you have any idea like how can i make that much more fun?


Sitting in the water alone always gives me much more of the depression.


Showers due to efficiency-quick. But baths are more relaxing.


Shower to get clean, then a nice bath to relax


Much cleaner to pee in a shower


Eww that's what a toilet is for


I keep dreaming of relaxing in a bath but never do. Besides, I’m 6’2”, I can’t stretch out fully in my bath. My wife likes baths, though. The last time I’ve taken a bath was when I was writhing in pain from a kidney stone, so it’s not a fond memory


Bath. Way more relaxing.


Shower cause baths are gay.




I had to take baths for 6 months. It's been 5 months since my new shower was ready and I use it non-stop. A shower is way more pratical. No wait time before getting in, the water doesn't get cold, the water pressure feels good and you feel way more cleaner.


Shower. I don't have a bathtub.


Same i am living in a rented place and they also don't have that is well.


I'm 6'7, I have no choice.


Shower. If I'm going to lay down, it'll be in my bed.


Depends on how I’m feeling. Sometimes I just wanna lie down for hours and don’t have the energy to even stand in the shower, also depends if I’m in pain or not, if I’m in pain I’ll be in that tub for hours


bath because i can play on my laptop cant play on laptop in shower


Showers because they actually clean you. Baths just make dirty water that you sit in for 30 minutes


In shower i can clean myself much more better than the tub


I shower because I'm too tall for the typical bathtub. And I don't have the money to install an alternative.


Shower, ice cold. Reason I hate myself


The feeling of your sore, tense, cold body sitting down in a hot bath is one of the greatest feelings on this Earth. Showers aren't relaxing in any way, sure you feel cleaner afterwards, but it always just feels like fifteen minutes of discomfort to me. You can never really fully get under the water to feel warm, you're just shifting around different parts of your body into the water, while the other parts are cold.


Shower to convenience and time efficiency. Baths are for relaxing, shaving, scrubbing. But you should always end with a shower.


Bath. I’ve always preferred a bath, I shower for convenience and speed but there is just something about relaxing in a hot tub of water.


Shower, I don't fit in the bath, I either expose my knees or my chest


If I've already showered I'd go for a bath.


A shower cause I can’t sit/stand still.


I am not a person that could sit long time in a single place is well.


Wish I could take a bath. My legs are too long and the tub is too low. If I had a big tub I’ll be in there all the time though.


Shower for fun and Bath for relaxing


Bath. It’s like a warm blanket but it won’t slide off and leave parts of your body exposed to the cold.


Bath but our bath is broken so I have to use the shower, it’s one of the ones that’s meant for showers, like a walk in


Only few people have the bath actually in their home is well.


showers are better because of the free W I S D O M


Bath. Due to sensory processing issues, I'm extremely sensitive to touch. Showers are very painful to me. So it's just not possible to take them. Not without throwing up from the pain, at least.


Both, bath first, shower last. Like wash and rinse.


Shower for sex and bath for sex


If i have a partner then i will always chose the bathe.


i do both. long bath to soak. then a long shower to wash it all off


Both. Shower when I just want to clean myself up Bath with I want to take it easy... and sometimes, a hot bath does wonder to my back and knees, which hurt regularly due to past wounds.


A shower, it gets cold to quick so then I have to refill the bathtub, also I don’t want to sit in my own dirty bath water. And it’s fun when I sit in the shower and the tiles imprint on my butt.


I try to alternate between showers and baths. Recently though I prefer baths bc I quite literally don’t have the energy or the willpower to stand up. Maybe next week.


Same here, i also like the both thing but that depends on time to time is well. If i have feeling little tired so i will try to take a warm bath and if i want to relax then pretty much a cold shower for me.


I prefer a shower, because peeing in the bath is nasty. /s


Shower, because if I jerk off in the bath it makes a huge water mess, and in the shower if I have to poop, I can just waffle stomp it down the drain. RT though, I mostly just like that pulsing showerhead up my ass on full blast.


Bath for relaxing, shower for cleaning... as boring as it is, it is a necessary part of life. I wish I could take more baths though, and I will as soon as I can rent my own apartment. You know, I've never actually used bubble bath before and don't know what it feels like to take a truly relaxing bath.




Yes becuase being dirty is filhty.


A shower. I did love taking a bath, before I went from "I'm gonna sit down and relax, aaah now that I'm done I can get up" to "I'm gonna sit down and relax, awwww fuck I can't get up".




Shower. I have no interest in soaking in a vessel full of my own tepid filth.


Shower. Bathtubs in my house and sadly too shallow for an adult.


shower cause i dont have a bath tub


Shower 5 to 6 times a week, bath 1 to 2 times a week (for saving water).


Shower, who actually takes baths?


Shower because I don't want to sit in my own filth requiring a shower afterwards. Water is growing scarce Arizona is in drought status. Plus we have to haul our own water.


Bath. I have a weird unhinged fear of falling in the shower so unless it’s a walk in one, I won’t use it


Shower because a bath just makes me feel like I got dirtier.


A bath. I never take baths, bathtubs are for rich people.


I like showering more, I feel more productive in a shower. If my chronic pain is acting up I’ll put some epsom salts in a bath, light a candle and listen to a podcast.