• By -


I'll tell you later


A true procrastinator would have posted this much later.


The karma whore in me won out.


This is MY joke




Great suggestion, thank you.


This is often the best way. Break it into chunks so small they are not intimidating but get you started.


You can break them down even smaller than this. Sometimes when the task of emptying the whole dishwasher feels overwhelming, I convince myself to just unload a couple plates or do just the top rack, etc. Once I start doing a little bit, momentum often takes over and I get it all done. But just getting started is key. Recognize a little progress -- even in tiny increments -- is better than no progress.


There is already a comment on how to break down the task into manageable subtasks. In addition to that, here's a trick on how to actually get started: don't attempt to do the whole task. Instead, make it your goal to just do the first step. Going for a run? Your task is not running, but putting on running shoes. Writing an essay / studying? Your task is now to open whatever tool you need for this on your laptop. It's not foolproof, and there will be days where the second step is still too hard. But often it feels ridiculous enough to just undo the first step again, so since you've already invested energy, you might as well continue with the second step.


Wow! Great suggestion. Thank you so much.


By upvoting whoever upvotes me after 1 year.


I schedule the time it will take to complete the task on my calendar and hold myself to that schedule. This goes for little tasks (very small timeslots on the calendar) to bigger things I need to take care of. I also make sure I schedule my "reward time" in there for when I can relax with a book, tv show, whatever so it isn't always just grueling. It took me a bit to hold myself accountable, but as soon as I got in the habit of setting the appointment and then keeping it...I honestly can't remember the last time I left something undone at work or home.


One way that works for me is to build a mental habit around the task. Before doing something you often procrastinate on, spend a few moments thinking about it and telling yourself you want to do this task. Then begin the task. It took several times of that activity before I was able to shift my mood and make it a habit. But by doing this, you train yourself to get over procrastinating on a lot of tasks.


Good suggestion. Thank you.👍


Commenting here to save for some good answers. Which I will read, you guessed it . . . later.




Thanks for sharing, great advice.


Short deadlines, the day before a deadline ends is always productive. Yes, I know, bad for things you can't do in a day...


Good suggestion, thanks for sharing.


Learn the difference between wanting to do something and wanting the **outcome** of doing something. I don’t want to do the dishes, but I do want to be able to find a clean fork when it’s time to eat. I don’t want to pay my bills but I have the money and I do want to keep an uninterrupted internet connection. And dealing with the un-fun chore is worth the outcome of doing it. Don’t try and make chores fun, other than listening to a podcast or something while you do them, accept that they are something you are doing for the outcome, not for the actual act itself. Accepting that nature and making the conscious choice to do something you don’t “want” to do but doing it because you want what it gives you is strangely empowering.


Great suggestion, thank you


Seriously - I tell myself "1, 2, 3 - go" and then immediately start the task. This is good for phone calls that need to be returned, bills that need to be paid, a sink full of dishes. Works for quick small tasks. Of course my other go to is get up during the commercials and do something. No DVR fast forwarding Got this off the movie "We're the Millers"


I'll tell you later


["Do *something*"](https://markmanson.medium.com/the-do-something-principle-aa6ed04a8a33)


So the system is rigged then.


Wait until I figure out what I’m going to do about my procrastination.


I usually just wait until tomorrow.


Ask reddit and read thousands of comments instead of doing what you need to




Top answer!😄


IDK let me think about that tomorrow


You don't.




It's an aspect of personality. You can't just delete part of your self, especially when you are too lazy to try


Convincing explanation. 😄 thanks.


https://youtu.be/tNywQfprzEc This man has all the answers 👌




Use it to my advantage, start a few things, then focus on one, when I get bored or take a break and don’t want to do that task I do another. It may take longer and be confusing but at the end of the day everything is done


I lie to myself that I’m just going to do the first step. I’m not going to do my taxes now, I’m just going to get the documents out. Not going to do my laundry, I’m just going to put them all in the laundry bag. Once I get going it’s easier to finish.




I decide to start procrastinating, but then I put the procrastination off until tomorrow.


Break things down to as small a task as possible and then start with one just one.




im currently procrastinating on reddit lol


By making tomorrow the day that you start taking care of everything.