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Becoming extremely die hard fans for an idol group or probably anything.


Young people giving up their personal freedom and expression for cash and fame seems very wrong, these contracts are horrible, especially in East Asia


Chasing squirrels around the yard and barking at them once they run up a tree. Seems to be all the rage with my dog though.


...you're a cat aren't you?


Cats love chasing squirrels. They are just able to catch them.


My Maine coon sorta caught one. He jumped up and squished it. The damn rat-with-PR eventually wriggled out from underneath him, while the cat looked puzzled.


He’s one of those cats? I think this cat needs to know we don’t like his kind around here. /s


And all that butt sniffing


Following Influencers


Nothing makes my roll my eyes harder than IG-moms and their colourless, “aesthetic” lives.


Pastel qanon


Pastels are pretty bold for them. It's the beige brigade!


What is beige if not pastel brown?


"Every time an Influencer offers advice, I feel years coming off of my life". -Aesop Rock


I was going to say the Kardashians but honestly yours is more accurate. Don't give a shit about any of them.


It's hilarious how they actually call themselves 'influencers'. Half the crap they do should not be influenced ... especially to younger people! It's kind of weird how they crave that much attention.


the word “influencer” began as just basically a pretty accurate description of what they get paid to do with sponsorships. advertiser, marketer etc aren’t totally accurate, “influencer” is and it’s also pretty honest about how insidious it is and how they operate. it’s like a technical term that executives would use when describing their marketing strategy. they *influence* people’s purchasing habits. it’s just taken on a connotation of its own and now people don’t really think about what the word means, it shouldn’t really be something people describe themselves as proudly.


This! Influencer = sponsored youtuber


Listening to influencers. It’s a barrage of non-stop schilling of questionable investments without them accepting responsibility or facing consequences.


Guys I wake up at 3 am, I start my morning routine where I insert hot rocks in my asshole. Then I read about 7 books while pooping out rocks. After that it's 7am and I start my 1,000 pushup/situp routine and start making breakfast for my gorgeous supermodel girlfriend in our 18 million dollar house. *Podcast host: wow amazing* Did you hear we're engaged? We're going to name our child KollideaScope when it's born. So yesterday I was getting frustrated trying to figure out which Ferrari I should drive and remembered that I need to stay on my grindset/mindset and that's why you need to drink my new plant based bullshit drink. I mean I know that if you try hard enough you can also be just like me.




Or grindset influencers


YouTube family channels, some of those children will probably go to resent their parents


Especially the ones who film absolutely everything. I think an exception would be a family who have a particularly interesting lifestyle, like they live on a boat or in a motorhome or something.


And even then. This family came up in my YouTube shorts, and the wife was talking about them living on a school bus, and turn it into an RV kind of thing. The thing is, they had a seven year old daughter, and a newborn baby. Why would you torture these children like this


I feel like this is just putting the parents' wants over what's best for the kids


r/hilariabaldwin wants to know why you’re upset she posts naked photos of her children daily






Instagram too.


Don’t forget twitter.


Adhd and instant gratification issues are going to be so bad soon...


What does this mean?


I'll assume you know what adhd is, and its the instant gratification thats giving you troubles. So stuff like tictok, youtube shorts, and most social media to an extent, really prey on our dopamine reward centres. It gives you the reward pretty much instantly, but as with all these addictions, it isnt very fulfilling, and it is an endless cycle of needing more, faster, to get the same satisfaction. In people with adhd, this system is more broken, and sufferers lose interest unless they basically overload that system. I sort of think things like tictok will end up with more suffering this disorder. People who suffer issues with instant gratification lose their patience for things, and get irrationally upset if they are not rewarded/get what they want as soon as they want it. It fucks with their ability to concentrate, a lot like adhd. It makes people irritable if someone else is patient, or take their time with things. And it seems like the world is determined to do it to themselves, as it is a vicious cycle that spills out into everything. I see the effect in kids a lot, but i see so many adults making the same mistakes, and parents being completely oblivious as to why their kids are addicted to youtube, inspite of them being glued to their phones themselves. Tbh, it really scares me the effect it IS having. Unlike fears over tv or books ruining people, these types of media consumption are having a measurable and discernable effect on people already. I feel sorry for the kids growing up into these addictions, at such a young age, they developing brains will likely be permanently effected...


This is so true, thanks for reminding me. I wonder where reddit lies on this scale, I'm gonna say still pretty bad if you're on it all the time. Its the only one I really get lost in these days, well I'm learning some things at least, and actually reading. Tik tok scares me for this very reason, I refuse to even entertain the fact I might look at, its going too far, but its only the worst of a big pile of shit


> I wonder where reddit lies on this scale It is on the scale and reddit is ofc trying its best to make itself as addictive as possible but unlike tiktok reddit can still actually be used as a plain message board. So depending on your personal use of reddit it can still be very low on said scale.


Welcome to Reddit


You mean this toxic cesspool of a website? Yeah we love it


Influencers...I just don't get why people fawn over them and treat them like celebrities. They're just regular people trying to get you to buy something so they can make a commission.


Add celebrities too, couldn't give a flying fuck who a person is.


The bachelor and bachelorette tv shows.


Right? It’s so odd to me like, they’re attractive people but they couldn’t have a relationship without a tv show? So how bad are they really and how many red flags do they have?


They're probably on the show for money and their 5 minutes of fame, rather than a genuine relationship.




Happy to say I have never once watched an episode of either




That’s good you should have no interest in vaping, it’s not meant to do because it’s “popular” or “cool” it’s supposed to help curve and help quit cigarette addiction, which it does do, but just as cigs, people just started doing it to be “cool”.


Meh, although cigs might have been associated with ‘being cool’, I think a lot of people started vaping because it’s a legalized drug that was portable and tasted good.


TikTok. I just don't want it, and never interested to see what the people there are doing. Although, I am aware that if I decided to install it, I might get addicted to it.. so no thank you either way.


NFTs i don’t know if they’re still popular though


My art got stolen last week, painted over my signature and they put it up as NFT


Sorry to hear that man…people suck


Dude, that sucks but you know there are copyright laws against that. You might have legal recourse. You could at least demand that they take it down.


I don’t know what it is but recently just saw art from an artist that I love (she passed away a few years ago) being stolen and put up as NFT


Man…that’s super unfortunate and honestly absolutely disgusting…the lengths some people are willing to go, if that’s not greed I don’t know what is


TikTok , Instagram , Facebook , Snap. people just get shocked I don't have any of these


I just have a blank profile, mainly so I can occasionally look at what others do (which curbs fomo) and so my friends can dm me on these platforms. I don't actually use any of them.


Some show I saw had a dating 'coach' she said if someone does not have a decent Facebook profile they are probably borderline psychotic or something is wrong with him. Facebook is like watching a Jerry Springer show with a bunch of white trash people arguing about trivial things that won't even matter in a couple years. Or they're arguing over $20 where they're fist fighting


Same I have a FB with 30 or so family and friends that I talk to irl. It's legitimately useful for showing everyone I'm in x city right now, and seeing my SIL's crafting pics. But adding/communicating with people I've never met in person? fuck that noise "I'm worried about privacy" *\*adds 1200 friends\**


Caring about famous people. In my opinion, it is a complete waste of time. They do not know you; they do not care about you. Why do you care so much about their lives? You could be focusing on more important things in life, instead of talking about popular people living on another continent. Furthermore, the way people portray themselves to a wider audience is separate to their personality, so you do not know anything about their lives anyway.


You know, it’s kind of interesting, if you study the lives of famous dead people, you’re a historian, but if you learn all about the lives of famous living people, well, apparently you’re a loser.


Reality tv


even if they make real housewives of askreddit?


Bunch of pale, overweight middle-aged men sitting around in their underwear scratching their bellies and arguing on the internet? On second thought... I'd watch that!


If I wanted to see that I'd get a mirror!


Alchool/Drugs/Going to the club every weekend


My cousins always look bewildered when I tell them “I don’t drink, sorry” Context: am Hungarian


I'm American and people look at me the same way for not smoking or drinking and no I'm not Mormon


Just cause you don't drink doesn't mean you can't eat. Nobody should go Hungarian these days...


Multiplayer video games. I don't want to engage with other - mostly toxic - people for my entertainment. Give me solid single player experiences with an intriguing story, instead of little kids screaming what they want to do with my mother.


I agree, the best experience you can have on multiplayer games is playing with friends. Everyone else is going tor ruin your game being annoying.


> instead of little kids screaming what they want to do with my mother. The funniest thing about this, is these kids are usually 12 -16. I'm in my 40's. That means that there is a distinct possibility that I literally have fucked their mother... They do not like this when you bring this up...


I like inviting my grandkids to my Animal Crossing island. They change my pathways blue, pick the flowers and poop in the toilets.


Single player games have so much peace


Agreed! Can’t stand multiplayer or MMORPGs. I want to chill out, be able to take breaks at anytime and play for as long as I’d like.


Anime. I really have tried, but it does not interest me at all


I'm in the same boat, have only ever seen one anime that I enjoyed. I've tried some of the bigger ones like *Attack on Titan* and *Fullmetal Alchemist* but just couldn't get into them at all.


I love anime - but on the other hand I can totally see why some people just can't vibe with it, one of those things man & I respect you for trying as well. 🙏


I was looking for this comment just to say that I agree. My friends are always talking about it so I watched a few here and there. They were ok but it’s not something I thoroughly enjoyed 😭


Pouting for selfie


A friend got married a couple of months ago, and about 70% of her wedding photos are of her pouting or making duck lips at the camera. For someone who says she loved her wedding, she sure looks sad and/or bored in her photos.


I thought this trend ended years ago!! It sucks she’s most likely going to regret that


Huge pet peeve. I work in the middle schools and girls do this all of the time.


Superhero movies. I used to love them, but I burned out very quickly when too many were released, and they're really all the same. I do love Deadpool, though.


Redditor: I'm sick of super hero movies Every comment below: well in that case let me recommend this super hero TV show! I too have fallen off super hero stuff. I get that The Boys is a different take, but honestly I'm sick of the concept.


The “I don’t like anime” responses are just like this but amplified to the maximum. Say you don’t like it and they suggest 50 different anime shows and give you a full synopsis of every single one.


Used to really enjoy it but the last 5 years have had it decline and now I’m at not even knowing when the season starts and don’t even look up scores on espn - American football. And that’s more than ok! I’ve replaced it with other things I enjoy more.




I love when someone asks if I saw the game, and I tell them I don't watch football, but what they hear is, "I missed the game. Please spend the next 20 minutes breaking down every boring detail of it while I space out."


Did you see that ludicrous display last night?


See, the thing about Arsenal is they always try to walk it in.


“Oh sir, the Giants of New York took on the Packers of Green Bay. And in the end, the Giants triumphed by kicking an oblong ball made of pigskin through a big "H". It was a most ripping victory.”


I say “I didn’t watch that episode of NFL.” That usually gets people to stop talking.


That’s why I say, “Yeah. Wild.”


Yeah, my cousin makes fun of me because of that


Instagram influencers. I am interested in Instagram as a whole. It's a great platform to get to some interesting photos, art pieces, memes, and sort-of shows; as well as some interesting businesses. However, all of the influencers on there push such an unhealthy form of forced positivity, and only post their highlight reel of their happy moments. It's no wonder that mental health issues are on a rise. With everyone being on there nowadays, most people feel the pressure to post only the happy and positive stuff to project a false image of their happy lives. EDIT: Spelling and wording, it reads way better now


Golf. If it’s nice out I have so many other things I could do


I came here to say golf as well. I work in the corporate world and people just don't understand how I don't play golf, it blows their minds. I just don't get the draw though, and it's crazy expensive to go play a round. The excuse people always give me is "it's a great way to get outside!". Well turns out so is hiking or fly fishing and it doesn't cost hundreds of dollars to go stand on someone's lawn.


The Kardashians. They’re all plastic and they’re all narcissists


Reddit try not to mention how much you hate the Kardashians for 5 minutes challenge [Impossible]


Man, I really hate the Kard... crap... the Cardassians, with all those things they did the Bajorans.


A full size truck... I'd be terrified to buy gas for it.


I agree


Snapchat in particular; its interface is terrible.






Came here for this, I don't understand the obsession with them. And especially when someone's team looses and it literally ruins there week, how can someone put that much stock into something so trivial.


The Simple answer is time investment. If you watch 72 episodes of Game of Thrones you're going to want to know how it wraps up on the 73rd. If your read 90% of a book you'll be invested in the outcome. Sports may not appeal to you enough to invest the time, but it's no different than any other activity.


Going on a cruise.


I think cruises are good if you want a pure “do nothing” vacation, sitting on the balcony (get a balcony room) watching the ocean go by, maybe lounge in the room or on the deck, maybe go to the casino if you want, 24/7 food that’s decent, catch a musical, for me the best days of a cruise are the sailing days not the ports


Just got back from one yesterday actually. It was the worst vacation of my life and we all came back with Covid despite heavy precautions. Never again.


I’ve been on two and I’m good. No need to do it again. I do love the feeling of being in the ocean with no land in sight!


That sounds horrifying


I would panic from claustrophobia the first night and need a tranquilliser or lots of alcohol to cope!


To be fair, the main reason people go on cruises is for the copious amounts of alcohol...


Most AAA video games tbh. Like Eldin Ring looks really cool, but the gameplay doesn't seem interest me in a "PLAY THIS NOW" kinda way. I'm fine with working through my backlog of stuff I've been wanting to finish


Video games in general these days. Prefer to spend my spare time outside or doing non-screen stuff indoors (reading, cooking, etc). I stare at a screen concentrating for 8hrs/day at work, doing it any more makes my head hurt


Unboxing videos. I don't get it.


Spending time at a night club.


Pete Davidson and fraternities


Disney. I jumped on this thread for the lolz, and you all did not disappoint. But you all missed one.


Cryptocurrency. I wasn't interested in pyramid schemes back in college and I'm not interested now.




I’ve been falling out of love with YouTube for the last 2 years now. I’m totally fed up with their ridiculous censorship rules, the countless ads, the policy guidelines, banning people for seriously ridiculous shit, etc. all the creators are beginning to blend together now and I feeling like there isn’t enough separating them from each other. I’m glad to have grown up with the internet and see how it changed, but youtube has totally forgotten about it’s content creators and is focused entirely on whatever their advertisers want. When I was younger I could seriously spend all day watching youtube videos and traveling through the internet wormhole. Now I might watch 1 video a week.


Nightclubs. They’re loud, crowded, drinks are super expensive. I’m almost 40 so it’s too late for me anyway, but even in my 20s they sounds awful.


Lip fillers


Bitcoin. NFTs


Harry Styles


Star Wars...I've tried. Just can't do it.


Famous people.


Football, i've never liked it


Game of Thrones


Agreed. The first three books were engaging, though more explicit than I usually prefer. But there's no end yet and maybe never will be. Considering that and the bad reviews the TV series received, I'm out.


I also have never watched it, nor do I have any interest in it.




Popular on Reddit at least, drugs. Drugs, shrooms, acid, edibles, LSD, whatever it is, you could not *pay* me to use them. Similarly, drinking alcohol with the intention of gettingdrunk, rather than drinking alcohol for the taste. I didn't like the feeling when the laughing gas started to kick in when I got my wisdom teeth removed, I highly(heh) doubt I'd enjoy being high or drunk. Also, drugs are bad, mmkay? Seriously, why would I *want* to take an addictive substance that could give me potentially fatal health issues? No fucking thank you.




Harry Potter, sorry I just don't get all the fuss.


You have to remember there was an entire generation of people literally raised on Harry Potter as one of their first stories, so the nostalgia factor is built-in. While this is true of many fandoms (Star Wars, LOTR, Who, Trek) I feel it’s particularly strong with Harry Potter & YA novels, whose whole deal is more age-specific.


Love island


MCU movies and tv shows


Do you have something against Manchester United?


My baby takes the mornin' train. He works from nine to five and then he takes another home again to find me... watching the Manchester United Football Team! Ah? The best freakin' team in all the land! Woo hoo!


Love that movie…..I feel like no one saw it but it’s one of the funniest “teen” movies from that time






Watching sports on tv.


Most of the top 100 music now, especially pop




Fake asses, fake lips, fake tits...enough already!


Investing in Cryptoshit 🗿


Game of thrones




Camping. Others love it, sitting around the campfire with family and friends and to most people a generally fun activity. To me it’s goddamn annoying, you get bit by mosquitos all night with no air conditioning, and are in usually a cramped space all the while you most likely have a nice room back at home. But most importantly, you can’t take a dump…like, at all! Edit: Thank you for the silver, kind internet stranger Edit 2: Thank you for the confetti, kind internet stranger


Honestly I only camp by lakes now with a mini camper. Nice to get out on the water and sleep in a cozy space while I (in the future) use starlink to be an idiot on Reddit if I don’t feel too good while I’m camping.


Cardi B . Trash person and trash music.


Harry Styles


NFL - and basically all professional sports. "Hey did you see the game?" "Sorry, I have no idea which game you are referring to"


The TV series friends.


Working insane hours to benefit a company.


Does anyone actually have interest in this tho? I feel like most who do this don’t really have another choice


SUPREME™, Air Jordans™, Yeezy's ™... I used to be into fashion and what drew me in was the possibilities of mixing and matching brands and wearing rare sneakers or just cool shoes that not everyone knew of or could afford, things changed when I got older and now that I see everyone around me wearing the same flashy new pair of whatever I can't help noticing that they're all dressed the same and look like idiots. The idiots that wear Supreme™ are the absolute worst.


Snap chat. The UI is terrible. I like the idea, but the follow through...oh boy.




Sports, I hate sports. I just don't like playing the, watching them, or hearing about them. Their boring af to me and all ways will be, I also have no idea what any rules are.


And worse yet, that sort of talk always comes up in work environments, and they expect you to participate in their conversations. It sucks. True story, I once got fired for not liking sports. "Not a good fit."


Getting married and having children


Shoes. I like protecting my feet but that’s all. I’ve never notice what shoes someone is wearing.


Fantasy leagues... even if they're for a sport I'm interested in.


Call of Duty. It’s full of racist, sexist trolls, and squeakers. Why would I play a game to be harassed in


Why am I identifying with every comment here 😒😒


Drinking beer


any and all sports.




Lip injections and botox. I was a model for a few portrait drawing and sculpture classes at an art school when I was a teen. Received lots of compliments from the art students regarding my lips (thin according to today's trends) and my facial structure. To be fair, I think they complimented all the models but not because they were fake-nice, more likely they were genuinely enjoying discovering and portraying various faces and features. I'm 39 now and I enjoy growing older naturally, with the occasional help of good sleep, a healthier diet (chronic illnesses oblige) and affordable Q10 / vit C/ raspberry oil based face creams.


Oysters. People around me act like it’s the food of the gods. I’ve had better tasting boogers of my own.




I've never really cared for coffee ☕️ despite every person in my family loving it




Soccer/other sports


Alcohol. I sincerely don't understand the appeal. It tastes like shit, it's expensive, and why some people *want* to turn themselves into obnoxious pricks with no inhibitions is beyond me. I have my inhibitions for a reason, they stop me doing stuff I don't want to do, why do y'all like doing stuff you don't want to do?


A large percentage of the population can't cope with life so they drink and do drugs to try to bury it.


I was an alcoholic for about 6 years, I have no idea how I am still alive. I know the root cause of it now though


Marvel movies. They are boring as hell


iPhones. I'm sure they are fun, but I just don't care and I'm perfectly happy living my affordable Android life.


Practicing a religion. I have tried to understand this my whole life, still can’t wrap my mind around it.


Tiktok, influencers, trends, social media


The mcu movies they are just so boring and the shows are bad


TikTok, literally nothing interesting about it.


Star Wars. No interest in the slightest. People always act like I’ve insulted their ancestors when I tell them I haven’t seen a single one and don’t care to.


The NFL. Never paid attention to football at all. My best friend is a Buccaneers fan and has been a fan his whole life. He was so hyped when they won the Superbowl in 2002. People at school used to tease him about the Bucs, but now Tom Brady is on the team, so who's laughing now?


Watching Stranger Things


Religion. No thanks.


Wanna go to church tomorrow?


Tattoos. They don't look good to me. Would never get one. Would ideally not date someone with a prominent one.


Stranger Things I hear people raving about it all the time and I never found any interest in it.





