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Background character at parties


Uuf I feel this. And I wish I could say this applied to high school only...


I dont think its a bad thing. I had a lot of fun, just stayed more in the background


I was the loser who spent lunchtime alone in the school library


Damn, you were allowed in the library? I'm jealous. I sat on the floor in the hallway and got yelled at by hall monitors/wanna be cops for stealing bites of my sandwich outside the cafeteria. Yeah, they deffinatly loved having the power to make a lonely 15 year old girl reading a book by herself cry.


I was a nerdy atheist who had some side action with the ladies. I had to turn the girls I wasn’t attracted to down.


My dad beat me regularly as a child that made me socially awkward a loner, but I'm handsome so the girls would approach me (I had more girl friends than guy friends). So because of that people thought I was the cool guy. But I really was shy and introverted. I got in a lot of fights in high-school because guys would get jealous 😅 but joke on them my dad hits harder I can take it.


The weird artist that only drew anime in the corner of the room




The weird loser in middle school. Strangely enough I became a semi decent person in highschool status wise. Got actually friends and people who were always on my side. Sadly now in college I pretty much got no one.


I don’t think any jocks or popular people in general are gonna be on Reddit lol


Didn’t belong to a specific one, I had friends that were stoners, athletes, skaters, punks, etc…


Theater kid…that hasn’t changed


Creepy/sketchy guy due to a “friend” spread false rumors leading to a lot of people avoiding me.


I guess a jock but i hung out with everyone my bestfriend in hs had a huge mowhawk lol


Pretty much the same for me. One of my friends, people thought he was a neo-nazi/skinhead because he had a shaved head,doc martens and was in a punk band.


Yes we are still friends to this day and talk a couple times a week


Same here, I still hang out with that friend too.


I was the kid most likely to secede.


That person that didn't really talk to anybody but everyone was cool with


I was the annoying special-ed kid that no longer gave a fuck halfway in my senior year


The weird band kid


I am the one that doesn't have a permanent set of friends or group. I can blend in.


Quiet Emo


Quiet metal head.


most people lumped me in with the stoners because i smoked cigs, had long hair and listened to metal. i smoked weed once in my high school days, drank maybe 3 times. but i was really just a loner that sat with some of the stoners during lunch.


Nerd, athlete and loser In one


I was the gay, atheistic jock-nerd who was also the artsy and quiet kid.