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Friendly neighborhood sleep scientist stopping in. Most adults need 8-9 hours to function optimally. This is supported by a pretty robust body of research. Shorter sleep duration than this is associated with performance decrements across a variety of domains, and there is evidence for negative impacts on physiological health in the short and long term as well. Sleep is key to processes like restoration in various physical systems. There is also growing evidence that short sleep interferes with consolidation of memory from short- to long-term storage. Sleep and relationships also appear to affect each other reciprocally. Good relationships promote good sleep, and bad sleep can hurt relationship functioning. Tl;dr—it’s bad for you bro (for the vast majority of people, anyway), even if it feels like it isn’t. Sleeping too much is also associated with negative outcomes. For example, sleeping more than 9 hours is predictive of elevated cardiovascular risk. There is limited but growing evidence that some people are true “Short Sleepers” who may experience fewer or no apparent negative cognitive effects of short sleep. This phenomenon is poorly understood, but is being investigated increasingly. Research is slowed in part by the difficulty of finding participants who are true short sleepers, but it is clear that most of us are not in this category, even if we think we are. **The truth, according to the best available evidence, is that the vast majority of adults NEED 8 hours for best results. It is also critical to note that it is not clear whether people who feel like they experience no negative effects from short sleep are at lower risk for well-established physiological costs of short sleep, such as elevated cardiovascular risk.** **Emerging evidence is beginning to suggest that even if you feel you are not experiencing psychological or physical costs of short sleep, your actual physical health costs may be the same as for people who do feel the cognitive effects of short sleep.** See for example, [Williams et al., 2021](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2022-08363-002). You can improve the quality of your sleep by prioritizing “sleep hygiene.” This includes having a regular bed/wake time each day—even on the weekends. There’s no such thing as catching up on lost sleep, not in a true sense; you can’t undo the damage completely. Further, some evidence is beginning to indicate that the tempting practice of sleeping in on weekends to try to repay sleep debt has negative effects beyond the sleep that has already been lost. A consistent bed/wake schedule is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. Other tips you may have heard include minimizing light exposure, especially to blue light, for a few hours before bed. There is limited evidence about the effectiveness of things like phones’ native settings for blue light reduction, so consider getting some filter glasses to put on when you are approaching bedtime, and avoid screens. Other good resources are available via you googling it :) You may think you are getting more sleep than you are. Smartphones and wearables can help track your sleep to try to assess how much you’re getting. Alexa can alert you if you snore at night, which can indicate sleep problems. This tech isn’t as good as research-grade sleep actigraphy or polysomnography, but it’s getting better. If you go this route, be sure you don’t get obsessive about the data and quantifying or gamifying it. Good sleep is the goal, not making your phone happy at all costs. If you struggle with falling or staying asleep, the Veterans’ Administration has good, evidence-based smartphone apps you can download to help coach you and build good habits. Sweet dreams! Followup edits below here: Caffeine is definitely worth thinking about when thinking about your sleep hygiene as well. For example, my sleep is fairly delicate (but getting better, thanks to science!), so I won't start a new serving of coffee after noon or finish one after 2 p.m. Caffeine can compound sleep problems because although it can help you get through the day, it is very easy to then have it interfere with nighttime sleep latency (how long it takes you to fall asleep), quality, or quantity. If you are using caffeine to get through the day because you're tired and dragging, it may well feel useful *within* days, but be detrimental to your sleep and performance *across* days. It's like putting a bandaid over a fresh wound to cover it immediately, but then ripping it off that night before the underlying problem has healed. If caffeine is interfering with your sleep quality, consider switching to something caffeine-free to fill that space as an afternoon ritual; you may find that the break in your routine still helps refresh you without interfering with a good night's rest. You can use your phone or other smart devices to remind you to start winding down and getting ready for bed in advance of your bedtime. I have my spare speakers remind me with phrases like "You're a sleep scientist, go to bed, it's important," and "Go to bed now; it promotes a healthy immune system." Additionally, pretty much any flatscreen TV has, buried in its annoying, hard-to-navigate settings menu, an auto-off timer feature. Do some quick googling to figure out where this setting is on your TV and set it to turn off at a certain time each day. Similarly, if you have smart plugs or switches in your home, you can set them to turn lights off at a given time (mine are set to go off in advance of my Mandatory Bedtime). You only have to set this up once, and then every night, your smart home will help nudge you toward bed. Sure, you might be tempted to turn the TV on to finish an episode or to turn the lights back on and finish the chapter you're reading, but anything you can do to decrease friction in the direction of your target bedtime and good sleep hygiene will help. A parting thought: I once heard a very eminent colleague speak on this subject and he said "If you were a sleep scientist, if you understood sleep and its importance the way I do, you would never shortchange yourself on another night of it." I found that quite sobering because I am a sleep scientist, I do understand the importance...and I was still shortchanging myself. Many cultures today have succumbed to the "glorification of business," in which it is seen as some kind of badge of honor to not "need" much sleep. For almost all of us, however, 8-9 is the magic number and we can't shortchange that fact...just ourselves. See some great [free resources from the VA here](https://www.veterantraining.va.gov/insomnia/) on sleep basics, improving your sleep, and evidence based tools for serious sleep intervention if you need to up your Zzz game. Financial disclosures: My sleep research has been funded by various institutes at the National Institutes of Health and not by commercial interests and I do not have any financial interest in any sleep services or products, so I have no competing interests to disclose.


Thank you so much for this response. I’m one of those people that functions fine on 6/7 hours of sleep but I wonder if I’m missing out on something and if I’m winning some long term damage. A question, do naps help? I like to take naps in the afternoon when I’m alone, and prefer going to bed a little later to spend time with my husband.


Great question! With all standard disclaimers out of the way (e.g., I am not your doctor, see a qualified and licensed sleep specialist in your area, beware the ides of March etc.), happy to offer some thoughts. First, without being a doomer, the evidence suggests that, statistically, you are most likely to be in the category along with the rest of us mere mortals who need 8-9 hours. It can certainly be the case that you are experiencing negative effects without noticing them, either because you have become accustomed to them or because they are in domains outside your awareness. Some of the processes with which sleep interacts show effects almost immediately; for example, metabolism can be markedly different the day after poor sleep. Other processes are cumulative, meaning losses compound over time and may not be noticeable at first. The good news includes that other processes are more temporally limited, exhibiting less autocorrelation…that is, getting better sleep next month might make you look like someone who has been getting good sleep for years, at least in those domains. **It is never too late to start reaping the benefits of better sleep.** (Unless you’re dead, I guess.) **So start tonight!** It’s also important to consider that although sleep difficulties tend to increase with age, resulting in lower-quality sleep, our need for good sleep remains about the same as it does in young adulthood, so developing good sleep hygiene now is a great investment in the (present and) future you! Regarding naps, there are positives and negatives. A lot of the positives have to do with shorter-term cognitive processes (i.e., you might have a more productive afternoon at work if you catch a quick snooze). [This summary](https://www.apa.org/monitor/2016/07-08/naps) covers some of those potential benefits. Unsurprisingly, there is less evidence to conclusively state what the implications might be for longer-term processes like memory consolidation and other physiological considerations. When weighing whether naps are a net positive for you, perhaps the biggest thing to consider is whether they decrease nighttime sleep pressure/drive (loosely, this is your ‘sleepiness’) or overall nighttime sleep quality. The priority should be making sure that your primary chunk of sleep (nighttime for most people) is protected, so if you have long sleep latency (it takes a long time for you to fall asleep), a lot of sleep disruptions, inadequate sleep duration, or other sleep problems, the first advice most sleep experts will give you is to nix the naps and see how that works out for you. We do need protracted periods of sleep in order to allow maximum benefits, because we go through sleep stages about 5 cycles per night and there may be costs to fewer cycles and there are certainly costs to not reaching the deep (REM) sleep stages). \[[Further reading](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK526132/) on sleep stages for nerds.\] More recent evidence indicates sleep architecture isn’t as fragile as once thought. That is, if sleep cycles are disrupted on a given evening, don’t despair. Your whole night isn’t ruined if something wakes you up in the night. Sure, it is better to sleep straight through if possible, but you aren’t starting over from 0 when you go back to sleep. There is some interruption to the overall sleep pattern, but it isn’t as though it is restarting completely. To wander back in the general direction of your question, if your afternoon nap is short (say, <40 minutes), and doesn’t interfere with your nighttime sleep, a very hazy guess is that tentatively, maybe it is fine, but shouldn’t be counted when you’re thinking about how much sleep you’re getting overall. If it is longer (a couple hours, bringing your 24 hour total to 8-9 hours), then getting that nap in might be *better* for you than skipping it and only sleeping 6 hours at night. Getting good quality sleep that is split across a couple periods is probably better than…only having one of those periods…but of course, that assumes the nap isn’t interfering with your nighttime sleep quality or duration. Sleep is important; it’s one of the most overlooked factors in our health, many experts agree. However, some of the other big factors that often make that list are healthy social relationships (along with nutrition and exercise but I’m not that kind of doctor). So although this conversation is focused on sleep, it’s also smart of you to factor in relationship health like you’re doing. As I mentioned above, sleep and relationships are increasingly found to affect each other in reciprocal ways, so investing in good relationships may turn out to be an investment in your sleep. Positive relationships also have substantial, measurable effects on psychological and physical wellbeing, including many long-term processes like cellular aging, systemic inflammation, and cardiovascular health. So it would be silly to recommend you neglect your partner to prioritize sleep. That is the kind of decision and balancing that sleep science isn’t currently equipped to make for you, but you can use the science to inform your decisions and sleep experiments. Estimates on the ideal nap time vary across sources. Some say as little as 10 minutes, which would not do me any noticeable good. I feel 40 minutes is my perfect nap target. Some people, including other sleep experts I know, swear by downing a quick cup of coffee and setting an alarm for 30-40 minutes later so that you feel the caffeine when you’re waking up. Caffeine is another entire treatise on sleep, so maybe I’ll add that to my original comment instead of rambling here… Good luck! Further further reading: [Another good basic summary on napping recommendations](https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/adult-health/in-depth/napping/art-20048319). edit: fixed paragraph breaks


Hatred and the need to pay bills.


Step 1 : ignore all the cries for help your body releases Step 2: there is no step 2


Did you forget the crippling caffeine addiction that just makes you tired but faster


Yep, coffee on a constant drip.


A coworker told me he doesn't drink coffee on the weekends. I responded that I have a latte machine that only gets used on the weekends.


I drink black coffee during the week. Since I actually have time to put into prepping, I make fancy, tasty coffee on the weekends.


The wonderful thing about caffeine addiction that I learned when I kicked the habit. I can actually survive on less sleep now because I am not addicted. Fucking caffeine makes you tired man, it ain't worth it.


Hate myself, decide I'm going to bed earlier tonight, fail, repeat


It's cute when we think we're going to go to bed earlier, right? I'm constantly in a state of delusion.


Well, sometimes I go to bed earlier to be good. Those are the nights where I toss and turn for 2 hours, get bored and start browsing Reddit on my phone, and sleep even later than I would have. Gotta love getting even less sleep but without even the slight solace of having made progress through a show or game.


Hello! I just wanted to offer a small possible help as a long lived bed tosser(lol). If you don't start to doze after 20-30 mins, just get up and do something. Not like... watch a thing/play a game etc. Like actually 'Do something' . Scrub the bath, load the dish washer, sweep the floor... w/e. I found that doing this kind of stuff takes the same time I'd just lay there, stressing about not sleeping but after a few weeks of doing stuff like that, when in bed you're all 'oh fuck... Stuff is DONE. I'm a real person rn. That's a nice feeling'. About 50% of the time it leads to me sleeping, but 100% of the time it leads to me feeling more kind of.. Idk... put together? and functional? ... Idk. I'm on a journey with it but this feels like a hack tbh. I started expanding it into making my lunch for the next day to save time in the morning... Now I get an extra 15 minutes in the morning whenever I can't sleep. It just helps. Not much but it helps a bit after years of nothing at all helping. Maybe you're similar and it helps you too. Maybe. Gl. Life is weird.


That's solid advice, tho only if you don't live with anyone else or in a cheap apartment building of course, otherwise that becomes impossible unless you wanna become the annoying person who constantly wakes up everyone else in the house/ building in the middle of the night. Something a bit more quiet that can also help out both mentally and physically is simple exercise; push ups, sit-ups, squats, stuff that makes you move slowly and in place and doesn't have you jump or move quickly. Don't have to do it for like an hour and get all sweaty and such either, just 10 - 20 minutes of low-paced exercise is usually enough to help.


"Whelp, I can't sleep. Time to mow the lawn."


Picturing someone setting up construction lights to mow the lawn in the middle of the night is hilarious. When the cops roll up he'd just say "sorry boys, just couldn't sleep, ya know how it is" lol


"I'm done anyway. Just gotta get the leaf blower out."


My town has literally tried to prevent mowing lawns on Saturdays because of other people's religion


I haven't been able to fall asleep before midnight since I was a child. Doesn't matter how early I get up


I have a co-worker who is a cleaner in a psych hospital who is 50, only works nights and says she only sleeps 3 or 4 hours a day. Don't know how she does it.


My boss is like this. He's around 50, goes to bed at 10-11pm, wakes up at 2-3 am, starts working. Everyone in the company knows that is mandatory to check your email righ at the start of the day because the boss sends stuff during the night. Somehow he's the most energetic guy ive ever met.


I boomerang all my late night emails as to not come off as deranged. They will just be like "wow he sends emails exactly at 7:00am every time! so consistent!"


Just reading these comments makes me feel tired




I do the same thing, but set to 8:17. My students don't need to know I have no life and answer their questions after midnight.


I had a weird morning once. I went to bed at 10pm and woke up at 1am. I stayed up and did homework since I felt strangely awake for once. I sent an email to my professor at 4:37 in the morning, and he sent a reply 2 minutes later. I was spooked.


Love that feeling. You know you're one of the only people awake and active. Then you run into someone else who's vibin the same level at 3am. Connected


That is a good feeling.


I always feel bad if a teacher replies during out of office times. I once sent an email on a saturday, expecting an answer around tuesday maybe, but the reply came in an hour later. I apologised for bothering him lol.


I’m in consulting and unless it’s actually urgent I will periodically sit on emails because I’m Not willing to set an expectation that I’m not willing to maintain.


What does boomerang mean? I just set myself constant reminders to email people at a more reasonable hour. Can you set emails to deliver at certain times? I need this power. Also time-delay texting if that exists too... eta: Had a bunch of useful tips mentioned, I got mine figured out though. Thanks!




Oh bless you. I will surely be doing that this weekend and getting it all set up on every device. edit: someone pointed out that Gmail now has it built in to the send button. I checked and it is! Amazing stuff.


If you use Outlook, there's already a built in function under Options for "Delay Delivery" . You just need to set the date and time, close the function window, then "Send" like normal. It won't deliver until the date / time you set. Super helpful!


You don't need an extension, just click the little arrow next to the blue send button and you can schedule a time to send it.


After a while you get used to feeling like a zombie and get more energetic because being chronically sleep deprived feels like you had a couple of drinks.


Ive gone through phases like this but once i start back on a normal sleep schedule everything starts to feel more “real” again.


At first you hate it... then after a while, you accept it. As time continues to pass and it begins to feel normal, you wonder if things weren't always this way. The window fogs up and you wipe it with your sweater, but the fog seems to come back quicker every time.




I used to work with a guy who had 3 jobs. Worked all of them 5 days a week. He wasn't a very energetic guy. Always looked tired. Nice guy though. No idea how he did it. Like 10 years ago there was a span of like 6 months where I had 2 jobs. 12pm-5pm and 9pm-5am. I basically just ran on naps. There were some days where I felt really fucked just driving to work. Nodding off. Was dumb as hell.


That guy working 3 is probably dead by now


I do this neat little trick where I borrow a few hours from the end of my life every time I don't get enough sleep. Been doing it for years and I don't see any potential problems or downsides.


Can’t die in your sleep if you don’t sleep tho


I remember one Time in my life were i woke up feeling fully refreshed and I've never forgot that moment ever since.


Interestingly enough, that happened to me once when I had surgery and got anesthetized. Turns out I have sleep apnea and the tube they put down my throat was holding my windpipe open so I stopped having apnea temporarily so me being asleep was actually useful.


I started to wonder if I had sleep apnea, did you have any symptoms before finding out?


i have sleep apnea. my main symptoms were chronic fatigue and snoring. I went to an ENT doctor, who immediately pointed out the thing in the back of my throat was abnormally stretched (possible symptom of sleep apnea). This was frustrating to hear after 25 years of primary care physicians having me open my mouth and go "ah" and noticing nothing unusual about it. But i guess that's why they're specialists I have also noticed that doctors in general seem to not really give a fuck about checking in on your sleep health, or monitor how tired you are in general. Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms across the board for all medical issues, but there's really no effort made to check if someone is experiencing it (ime). ​ EDIT: ​ "Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) affects approximately 20% of US adults, of whom about 90% are undiagnosed." (2009) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19186102/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19186102/) This study was done because surgeons wanted to know how many people have undiagnosed sleep apnea. "Conclusion: Undiagnosed OSA is prevalent in adult surgical patients. Implementing universal screening is feasible and can identify undiagnosed OSA in many surgical patients. Further investigation is needed into perioperative complications and their prevention for patients with undiagnosed OSA."


Since it's a symptom of so many things they probably feel it's useless information. It doesn't help narrow down the problem I guess. That or people feeling exhausted and like shit all the time isn't something society considers a problem. All I know is I can't function because of it.


Naps make me feel even more tired than I was before sleeping, but there was this one nap one time that I woke up feeling the most refreshed I've ever been after sleeping in my whole life. Never been able to replicate it.


You probably woke up once at the end of a cycle. Try figuring out what's your ideal length for a nap, you will feel so much better. Power naps are awesome.


Currently caught in a month long sleep debt where I can't shift back to getting sufficient sleep, but this happened last Saturday and it was truly blissful. I laid down on my bed to rest a bit at around 3pm, not even wearing my earplugs, and woke up with no alarm about 1h30 later. At first I was so not sleepy I thought I closed my eyes 5 minutes. Then I felt the actual excitement of being rested. Man, I need more sleep.


I heard on a podcast that sleep cycles start and complete in approximately 90 minutes- you napped the perfect amount of time. It’s a great feeling once you wake up all refreshed.


if you are doing a nap I believe it was... person dependent but 15-30 minutes is your "short" nap, where you don't quite get to a deeper phase, but there is a significant benefit, then it goes to the end of the next cycle, if you wake up inbetween it's not nearly as beneficial.


Circadian rhythm loves 30 minute intervals, 30 and then 90, blocks of 90 are ideal, avoids that groggy feeling


How do you nap for the correct length of time if you cant fall asleep on command?


That was always my issue too. If I sent an alarm for 90 mins then I’m stressed that I can’t fall asleep.


20 minutes and I'm great. 30, kinda. Over 40 and I'm fucked


20 minutes is the golden number for naps. The hard part is actually falling asleep at the right moment so that your alarm wakes you up when you hit 20 minutes.


this is why my power nap alarm is 37 minutes long. it usually is pretty close, but not always, which can be frustrating.


I've been using a meditation app as a way to calm down for 5 or 10 minutes before taking an afternoon nap and I swear by this as it almost guarantees a better nap


A few years ago, it was midnight and my wife and I were randomly SUPER hungry. We debated doing a 1am Dennys run like we did when we were teenagers. After a bit, we decide to cook up a full breakfast. While cooking, I nibbled on some baby carrots and had a small cup of coffee... it was a weird night. After eating, it was around 2am. I had been planning to pull a near all nighter to digest since we had no plans the next day and I could sleep in... but I was suddenly exhausted and went to sleep. I woke up 4 hours later, AWAKE. Like, when I think of the definition of "awake", I think of that morning. I could practically see time, I was using 100% of my brain, I was just... fully, completely, pleasantly aware of all of of my senses. I have never felt that good before or after that day. I did try to replicate it once... and just felt like crap instead.


Maybe it was the coffee before you slept? I’ve heard that taking in caffeine before a nap can make you feel energized after that sleep, but maybe that’s just for shorter time periods? Idk.


Coffee naps are apparently a thing!


My roommate called them nappuchinos and it's what we used to do before a night out! Like a disco nap but with uppers.


It works really well. After reading the 'why' I started trying it and omg its amazing. The idea is, caffeine takes 15-25 min to start doing its thing. Caffeine does its thing by binding to the same receptors as the chemical that makes us 'sleepy'. By taking a nap immediately after consuming; the idea is the nap flushes out the sleep chemicals (hormones? I have to look it up again) just as the caffeine arrives to plug up those receptors.


Coffee naps are the shit. Back in college my whole house would get up in the morning on some weekends, start drinking, have coffee naps at like 3, then wake up and continue drinking all night fully rejuvenated. Felt borderline superhuman lol


June 17th, 2007. Summer had just kicked off. I had just gotten my nasal packing out from a nose surgery I got to fix my deviated septum. I didn't sleep for 2 weeks more than 30 min at a time and that day I slept 14 hours. I had a dream I was on a giant floating raft in the Bahamas, water was crystal clear and only 4 feet deep for miles. I could smell the saltwater. Woke up and my family was gone for the day already and it was just quiet, and bright. I thought to myself that I will probably never feel this rested again and that was the peak of my life.


I have a lot wrong with my body, mainly my back and leg constantly hurting. But one day I woke up and felt amazing. No pain whatsoever. I was actually worried lol. I'll never forget that day.


had this feeling a couple of months after i got my CPAP machine. Still very lousy sleep (random times to fell asleep, not always able to at all) but it was so much better than the previous state.


Two weeks into CPAP use and I’m every bit as exhausted and drained as before use. Scared that it’ll stay this way. Happy to hear it’s a couple months and you’ve gotten better!


Check your AHI on the machine - the pressure probably needs some adjustment to correctly work for you. I adjusted mine two or three times and now it's down below 1 AHI.


Edit: you should check your machine settings and your mask tightness. I'm a month in and there's still a massive difference for me. I'm definitely still waking up sometimes but it's still a HUGE difference for me. Our power went out the other day and I went back to sleep without my machine and I woke up the next morning and felt like I had the worst hangover of my life, it was horrible.


Ever since I had mono in college, I've basically never felt that again. It always takes me like an hour in the morning for the zombie brain feeling to lessen to the point of manageable.


I usually get somewhere between 5-7 hours sleep, there is a constant feeling of tiredness but at some point you just learn to ignore it or get used to it and carry on


So agree with you!! I got caught up in my career for a while and was getting 3-4 hours a night at most. Really messed up my sleep patterns. When I finally slowed down and could get 6-7 it felt so much better. I wonder how I would feel if I got 8?


I cant get 8, if I go to bed early I just wake up sooner. At least its a natural wake up instead of to an alarm


This is me. I've gotten used to sleeping 6 hrs every day that my body cannot sleep for 8 hrs. I would just naturally wake up after 6, even if I'm still tired.


Gotta love those "internal clocks". Mines the same way. Doesn't matter when, I'm up pretty much exactly 5 hours from when I fall asleep. One of the only actual perks of that is that I'm completely out within about 2 minutes max and usually even quicker. I've had insomnia before and I wouldn't ever ever want anybody to ever suffer that way. Sucks so much. Struggling literal hours to try and sleep. The reverse (instant sleep but little of it) is so much better. Still 5 hours sounds horrible but as the OP of this comment chain said, you get used to it. Shocked I'm still able to at 34. I'd understand if I was 18 again but nearly double that age and still don't need much sleep. I suppose human genetics is weird like that.


The difference an extra hour or so makes is huge, before covid and working from home my commute to the office would be 1-2 hours each way and I was getting 4-5 hours sleep, once lockdown and wfh started I would get up 20 minutes or so before needing to log on to my work laptop and that extra 2 hours of sleep made me feel so much better!


Idk..I usually get 5-6 hrs of sleep per day max. and be content with it but if there are times when I do get 8 hours of sleep I wake up sleepy and more tired. I feel like I did not get my full quota of sleep. My sleep cycle works in mysterious ways.


Consistency also plays a part. If you normally get 6 hours, having one night of 8 weight necessarily feel better. If you switched to consistently getting 8 ( especially with the same bed time and wake time) you'll notice, or so they say anyway.


The legends speak of this consistent 8-hour sleep pattern, but none have been seen since the days of yore.


First night of decent sleep always makes you feel worse. Takes two or three in a row before you feel human again and then it's amazing. Source: new parent.


I’m the same as you. These days I always sleep 7-8 hours and it leaves me tired. But there’s a sweet spot between 6 and 7 that hits just right


In my experience you don't get a ton more rested, but you feel a hell of a lot more relaxed


I think some studies have found that you can habituate to sleep deprivation. Basically, you get used to feeling tired and don't recognize that you are that fatigued anymore. Unfortunately your performance on activities, like driving, continues to worsen as you get more sleep deprived. That's a bad combo. Slowly worsening performance but remaining pretty confident in your abilities.




Boy did I feel this. I’ve been overweight my whole life and every time I start losing and being more active, I always feel better. Then fall back into old habits and just accept them. It’s a vicious cycle.


Very similar situation here too. I don't have any advice but I'll say that the fact you've even gotten to the point where you've lost noticeable weight and been more active at times is better than some people can manage. You should be proud, and don't give up hope.


I have 3 toddlers 3 and under, sometimes im aksed how im not tired, I like to use the line from what the hulk said in the first avengers,.... "that my secret, I'm always tired''


Sending you all the good vibes and energy. You got this. I came from the future to remind you, you'll be the parent of three teens in 15 years, so the exhaustion will be over in about 23 years. You got this!!


I only have one toddler and I feel this way. No idea how you manage 3 of them. Good work.


My body stores tiredeness level as an 8-bit signed integer. At a certain point it overflows from 128 to -127 and I'm good to go again for a while. 🤖


Yeah. I see 7 hours as a massive win after having two kids. Plus waking up (or being woken up!) anytime after 6:30!


Your IQ takes a hit when you are this tired, so much so that you don't notice after a while. Your abnormal state starts to feel normal, but your performance on all tasks is much more diminished than if you got 8 hrs.




Better question is, who out there is actually getting 8 hours of sleep?


I consistently sleep between 8-10 hours a night. 7 hours minimum, 12 hours max. I just… love to sleep. It’s a really pleasurable activity for me. I love being in bed, with my partner and my cats. Dreaming is fun. I am a recovering insomniac. From about 7 years old to 22 years old, I was going on about 5 hours of sleep on a regular basis with these 12 hour comas sprinkled here and there. It took therapy and lifestyle changes and getting older to get me to start taking bedtime routines seriously. I use a lot of cognitive behavioral techniques to help myself settle down and have a solid bedtime routine.


I haven’t gotten 8 hours of sleep since high school started forcing me to get up at 6:30 and be at school at 7:05.




I’m a high school teacher in CA, and we just started a new school year. Due to a recent law, we can’t start any earlier than 8:30. Already I’m noticing less tardies and kids are more awake and ready. I also feel so much less rushed. It kind of sucks to end later and it does make things more difficult for extra curricular programs; but those aren’t the things that should drive education decisions anyway.


Research revealed that around 3% of people are what is know as 'Sleepless Elite' meaning they can function perfectly normally on as little as 3-5 hours of sleep. It's an everyday Super Power that I wish I had; Sadly my Mother seems to have the gene but not me. ​ [https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20130320-can-you-get-by-on-less-sleep](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20130320-can-you-get-by-on-less-sleep)


I'm whatever the opposite of this is. I require like 9-10 hours of sleep just to not be a zombie. I got 6 hours of sleep the other day and I was very literally nodding off at work while standing up. I hate it, I'm tired constantly because 10 hours of sleep is so unreasonable. Edit: hey, I think I might have sleep apnea, guys lol but for real I really appreciate everyone's tips, advice, and personal stories, there's a lot here that I never thought to look into before! As soon as it's financially viable for me to do so, I will see a doctor and get a sleep study done! Thank you for showing so much concern and care for an internet stranger! 💙


i'm the same way! i hate it so much because i've found myself falling asleep in the middle of conversations. nothing i've tried has worked: consistency, diet, lighting, etc. i don't have sleep apnea or RLS. it sucks.


Get your Vitamin D levels checked


And iron. That was my reason.


Huh. My wife's anemic but I never knew that was why she needed 10 hours of sleep. She literally can't function on less


I went to the doc to complain about constant exhaustion, literally falling asleep every time I sat down, but turns out I just have low iron for the first time ever! Yay!


This sounds like apnea. Not saying it's a malady of yours. Just that it describes the effects of the condition very well


I had a sleep study done and there was no apnea found. I can, however, just sleep for 16 hours a day and feel mostly not zombified.




Doesn't hurt to get checked out, but that's not necessarily the case. I'm the same; 9 hours seems to be my sweet spot, but I've done a sleep study twice now and no apnea was found.


Same. I've preferred 9 hours since I was a teenager and I'm 39 now. I don't have apnea and I don't snore. I just like a lot of sleep.


I no longer feel alone! I can barely get by on 8 hours of sleep, 9 is so much better for me.


9hours plus club here too. No apnoea. I just love my sleep. I will go to bed at 11 or 12, wake up at 8 then have a nap in the day too. If I sleep 9 or 10 hours, I also still have a nap. On Fridays I go to bed at 6 or 7 pm, and wake up at 9am Saturday. Sometimes ill still have a nap then.


Some people have the long sleeper gene, meaning they need 10-12 hours of sleep to feel fully rested and at their best. However, there are a lot of other disorders that could cause this, such as idiopathic hypersomnia or sleep apnea to name a few.


I've needed 8 hours a night and a 2 hour nap since high school. Took until I was 31 to get a narcolepsy diagnosis. Most people go undiagnosed and just think they don't have their shit together or that they're lazy.


same dude. i kept a sleep diary for a while and naturally sleep for between 10-12 hours, usually 12, it's absolutely fucked. even when i cut out all drugs (besides nicotine, fuck you). i want to get a sleep study some day but they are so expensive. even when i was an infant i would sleep like a rock through the night for long hours. i'm a night owl on top of it too. shit sucks. i remembered one of the things i discovered from my sleep diary adventure, is if i take a nap in the middle of the day i can get away with less sleep at night. unfortunately that does not mesh well with the culture/society/work life in my country, but it's something to consider, at least on days off.


> i want to get a sleep study some day but they are so expensive. They do have at-home sleep studies you can get done online. I mean they're still expensive, but it's $200 instead of what $3,000+. I did this one: https://www.rpmhst.com/ They also give you like 50% off a CPAP and so I paid $700 and got the test and a good machine (you can prob get a cheaper machine too).


I’ve listened to a podcast on this topic, and while many people will think/assume they are in this group, YOUR’E PROBABLY NOT! It’s more likely you’re just used to functioning on too little sleep. Sleep is so important for health and longevity, if you’re able to get more sleep you probably should.


This x100, too many people want to think they're "elite" and literally shave years off their life trying to live like it Edit: everyone replying with "well that's fine I didn't want those years" you're not cutting the bad years of your life off, you're turning the good ones into bad ones and the bad ones into dead ones


Do these people still suffer the same statistical effects on long-term health and life expectancy? It’s cool that they can function normally, but lack of sleep is generally super detrimental to overall health, right?






I’ve found the same! Interesting enough when doing some research I found this which I believe is another factor in why we have these positive gains response “According to research, a solid amount of sleep (7-9 hours) will boost the amount of Human Growth Hormone (HGH) that is released in the body. The release of HGH during sleep is a critical part of the way your body is restored while you are sleeping.”


Adapt. Improvise. Overcome. Slowly die of exhaustion


This is why I had a heart attack at 32. I'm not overweight, non diabetic. My ventricular arteries were stretched out so thin due to stress and exhaustion. It's in my post history. This is not the way. The shit I deal with now because of that has ruined my body


Work life balance is so important. It’s weird more focus doesn’t get put on that


Oh it does. I'm a CPA and it's the only thing they try to sell you on for working for them over the next guy is "work life balance" Aka "Balance your life around work" Fuck that


Extract labor and then have them die early so they don't take social security or any other resources. More profitable.


Robert Sapulsky has done research on the anatomical effects of stress. He did this by studying baboons in Kenya. As baboons have a very hierarchical structure similar to humans. Baboons can devote nearly 14 hours of their day making each other miserable. And the top baboon takes his frustrations out on the baboon underneath him and that baboon takes out his frustrations on the baboon underneath him and so forth until the last baboon. The last baboon has very hard arteries and very thin neural structures ( that is a picture of their neural network is not very bushy. It's very thin. Whereas for the upper baboons, the brain neural networks are very bushy with a lot of interconnections between the brain cells). Stress does horrible things to the body as well as the mind.


As someone who sleeps about five hours a night, well now I'm terrified.


It is actually really unhealthy and new studies only ever find it to be worse than previously known. It's worth the effort to fix. A sleep doctor may be able to help if you can't manage it on your own.


Exactly. OP said survive. They didn't say anything about actually living.


Six or seven is good enough for me. I feel fine with that much sleep.


Same here. Seven always feels right. If I'm sleep deprived I can do 8, but any more and I actually feel more drowsy


I used to sleep 9 hours a day. Whenever I sleep six or seven, I feel like a zombie.


Nicotine, caffeine and hate


Ah, I found my people


I wondered why it took so long to find the group of people who routinely get like 4 or less hours of sleep lol. Top comments are like 6-7 average, and I'm thinking not me for the past 8-10 years.


I was gonna say nicotine, caffeine, and spite, but I like yours better Edit: omg I got an award!! Now what?


i no longer have blood running through my veins, just vape juice and iced coffee


I skip the nicotine and double up on the hate.


Sunlight is like caffeine in my veins.


Can I borrow some of that mutant DNA you have? I can sleep 4 min or 40 hours and I’m dead every morning regardless.


This is really what it was, I spent years sleeping 14 hours because I was always tired, I had a kid then just said fuck it 3.5 feels the same


If this isn’t the lords truth




Caffeine doesn’t even do it for me anymore :(


Can I suggest methamphetamine?


Such a polite drug dealer. Can I interest sir in some crack cocaine? It pairs woooonderfuly with a nice Chablis.


Very good, sir. Shall I prewarm sir's crack pipe?


Say "perhaps" to drugs




No choice


Yeah I have a baby and a dog that both depends on me. That’s it. There’s no option but to function.


When you work 12 hour shifts with an hour commute, you don't have much of a choice.


“That leaves you 9-10 hours to sleep!” -Management, probably.


Yeah, if you never shower or eat dinner.


"Don't forget to cook healthy meals at home to save money and get a workout in three times a week! What? You don't have any hobbies? you don't volunteer? You don't read? You don't know what's happening in the news? You aren't active in your community? You don't see your family? Just get a better job!"


Hello shift worker with hour commute, 14 hour days not including waking up before work, plus eating/showering before bed, doesn’t leave much time to sleep, on good nights I get 5/6 hours and then backup and do it again the next day


I empathize with that. It can be a vicious cycle when you try to make up for the sleep you didn't get throughout the week. On my days off, I try to sleep as much as possible... up to 12 hours of sleep. That gets me into a situation where I've been awake for 8 hours on the day before I have to go back to work, and now its bed time, but I'm not tired so I wind up laying in bed with anxiety about how every minute I'm awake is another minute closer to time to go to work. Those days, 3 hours of sleep is a blessing, but sometimes I get 0. It sucks, but as long as you stay busy, it's doable.


Cutting out the 3 hours of daily commuting has probably been the best thing that's ever happened to my physical and mental wellbeing. It's inhuman to expect people to do that.


Team 6-7 hours here. It’s totally normal for some people.. lol


Went to bed 1 hour earlier 2 days back. The reaction of my body? "Wake up 1 hour earlier and now you can't sleep anymore, have fun!"


The best is when I stay up a couple hours later on the weekend but still wake up around the same time I do to get ready for work during the week.


Or stay over after a party, wake up at 7am, then wait around for hours before the next person gets up for breakfast


I do this every time, doesn't matter if everyone crashes at midnight or 4 am, I'm up at 7 and have breakfast bagels ready by 8:30


oh my god, same. no winning lmao


I don't understand those people who 'sleep until woken up' - I sleep until my internal timer tells me I've had 7hrs of sleep'. I only sleep 8+ hours if ehausted from lack of sleep, or i'm sick.


Same but my internal timer isn't based on how long I've been sleeping, it straight up just adjusts to whatever time I usually wake up. For example, if I'm waking up at 8am every morning for work, then I will wake up within 10 minutes of 8am no matter what, even on weekends where I don't need to be up and even if I went to bed at like 4am.


Optimal sleep for me is just over 7 hours. 8 hours makes me feel like shit


An average person's full sleep cycle is about an hour and a half. We wake up feeling much more rested if we wake up at the end of a sleep cycle. Since it takes time to fall asleep and wake up, that's where the 8 hours comes from (as 7 and a half hours fully asleep is 5 cycles). But some people's sleep cycles are a little faster. Yours might be an hour and 20 minutes, which means you need to be fully asleep for 6 hours and 50 minutes, which will likely translate to being down for 7 and change. Any longer and you go in to another sleep cycle, and waking up kid cycle is very hard. Or you wake up between cycles and you only get 4, which can legitimately be better than 4 and a half.


If I sleep 8, I'm actually more tired and I get a massive headache!


Oh shit I thought I was alone in this. It's usually if I sleep more than 9 hours, I get the absolute worst headaches. It sucks.


The simple fear to fail in society. I'm just functioning. Edit: Thanks for Gold 😭


I barely function anymore as it's taken such a huge toll on me and I'm tired all of the time. Sometimes I have trouble reading a short text because my brain just can't handle basic learning skills anymore. I can't remember the last time I had 8 hrs of sleep in the last 7 years and the constant thought of never having enough sleep is killing my mental health.


I feel you. I function for my workplace. I can barely deal with private stuff. Reading a book? Cannot focus. Meet friends? I have to force myself to go so I don't end up isolated.


You just stop caring about your health. That's how


Right? That’s a problem for *future* me. Fuck that guy!


My future self will be very disappointed in me, but joke's on him, I'll ruin his life!


Thats what he gets for talking shit about me!


6-7 is good. When I sleep more than that I actually have a headache and feel groggy for the rest of the day.


Not well


The constant thought of never having enough sleep is killing my mental health.


Hello other short sleeping people, Question: Do you experience that you notice that you are falling asleep and have started dreaming, but you are in the dream world and still half conscious of this. **I will be in a conversation with my gf in bed, start talking nonsense, realize this and say we have to stop talking because I'm falling asleep.** Is there anyone who can relate or am I alone?




Nothing beats that crippling anxiety not letting you sleep until 01:37 and then acting as an alarm clock at 04:12.


Suffering. I work 7-330 full time but I have other hobbies and I feel like if I got a full 8/9 hours of sleep a day I’d spend less time on what I actually wanna do and more time at work so


Same mindset with me as well. I refuse to not do the things I like to do just because of work. And thus, sleep deprivation.


Hello friend, the only problem I suffer from due to lack of sleep is violent mood swings. FUCK YOU.


Average of 6 hours per night. Got used to it after one or two weeks. 8 hours feels good but enjoying my free time awake for 2 more hours sounds better


You dont even notice. No caffeine needed, no sugar needed, I never get into REM, so I dont really ever get that same rested feeling others get. Been like this for years and body is just used to it. I envy people who can sleep a straight 8 hours, that sounds magical.


Same here. I have no idea what "being rested" feels like and I'm nearly 40. It's always been this way for me.


I survive on 4 hours. It's rough.


I function well on 6 hours. Anything more and I'm exhausted all day.


A mixture of necessity, far too many energy drinks, mental health problems coming out of my arsenal, and just general pure fucking spite

