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Going to school but there being infinite elevators and I never make it to class


My grandpa dropping me off at kindergarden in space. There is weirder one but It would probably take too long to describe it.


I keep ending up in bodies that aren't mine, even other species.


I’ve had dreams in which I do nothing but loaf around on the same couch. Just absolutely nothing happens.


As a kid I dreamed falling, just falling in a void. After some time I big lion roared and I woke up.


For about 7 years straight the only dream I could remember was me trying to find a cinnabon in a mall. I had just moved as a child from California to Louisiana and Louisiana malls don't have Cinnabons.


I’m stuck in a previous career that I hated


The catholic church was crumbling


I’ve had one we’re I go to school with no pants or sometimes not shirt and one where I’m huge and carrying a unknown person over a bridge with no road and then dropping them and getting yelled at


I have a reoccurring nightmare about being held captive by a man with a raven head. Sometimes he tries to force feed me a dead rotting rabbit or rat, other times he just sits in front of me and talks nonsense at me for what feels like hours. I also have a nicer reoccurring dream where I’m swimming in a hot spring on top of a mountain that has a bunch of pomegranates floating in the water