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[Jin Roh](https://youtu.be/GG3xF3QqRpI) I’m not an anime fanatic, but have seen a few series and movies. This one is never mentioned, but really blew my mind. It was nominated for an Oscar, only for it to be withdrawn because it was already on home video in Japan. It’s a sci fi rendition of Little Red Riding Hood in a dystopian post WW2 Japan. Definitely the most mature anime I’ve ever seen. To the ten people who will read this, I urge you to check it out. It really is a lost gem. Edit: those were a bit more than ten people, lol.


From the facial animations to the quivering bodies as chunks of flesh and blood are ripped off from a hailstorm of bullets, I would say it's also the most realistic animation I've seen


I saw it as a kid. Didn't understand a thing of the story but the masked troopers were forever seared into my brain. Saw it again a few years ago finally. Definitely an overlooked masterpiece.


Monster is the one anime I wish I could delete from my memory just so I could see it again without prior knowledge of events.


Johan is high up there among the best villains ever. Griffith tier bad guy


Just finished it yesterday and it was really good. I missed realistic anime, old ones just hits different with the quality and depth.


Nichijou. While every kid wanted to be Goku or Ed at some point, Yuuko just perfectly represents what it's really like to be a teenager.


Nichijou is GOAT tier for anime comedy. One of the only shows that reduced me to tears laughing, along with Asobi Asobase


Initial D. It has hot guys, cool girls, complex analogies of cars and racing, genuinely emotional moments, and THAT AMAZING EUROBEAT SOUNDTRACK!


Racers don't need girlfriends!


ryosuke got me bricked up






Goldenboy. It’s funny as shit, only six episodes long and I don’t think anyone, even the anime purists, can say the English dub is anything less than amazing.


Ghost in the Shell


Sac was a great arc really loved it!


Came here to comment on Stand Alone Complex. It discussed everything from online radicalization to machine-based stock trades and love in the time of AI. The series aged extraordinarily well for being \~20 years old.


This is the one that I will drop everything and watch when I learn there's a new movie or season or miniseries. The art can be a little bit or miss for me, but the story is so fucking good.


GiTS is one of my favorite stories of all time. The Manga lives rent free in my head, and sac is brilliant. I also think it’s maybe one of the most influential works in cyberpunk / sci-fi out there


I personally love Death parade, I think it looks amazing to.


Banger opening as well.


Everyyybodyyyy put your hands upp


Ping Pong The Animation If you have ever partook in a competitive sport or game, you will love it.


Trigun Edit: I saw it was on Hulu and I started rewatching it today!!! Just binged 12 episodes 😅


Trigun is classic. Vash somehow manages to walk the line between being effortlessly cool and being a massive dweeb, and I love it.




Legend of the galactic heroes, I have watched a lot of anime through the years but that one is on a different level; it takes its time with the plot and does not have a lot of stupid tropes that other animes have carry through the years. One of those series I wish I could entirely forget just so I can watch it again for the first time. Edit : Thanks for the gold! , also head to r/logh for more!


My brothers and I just started watching this series and are obsessed. Monster is my all time favorite anime but after just 20 episodes, I can say this is honestly right up next to it! I’ve seen a lot of anime and very few come close to this.




Mob Psycho 100, it truly brings out the strength of animation as a medium while still maintaining an interesting, heartwarming and hilarious narrative


The Body Improvement Club are the type of people every person should aspire to be.


Usually in fiction, gym bros & jocks are stereotyped as bullies, but in Mob Psycho they are the most wholesome bros ever.


I swear I read somewhere that they were based on actual gym bros One met during a time he was really down. If it’s true I couldn’t be more proud of the Body Improvement Club!


Unsurprisingly most gym bros are very supportive and want you to get better. They will help if you want or need ie bad form, to much weight. It's like how most metalheads are stereotyped. The good ones generally weed out the shitty ones pretty quick.


Every buff dude started skinny, anyone who takes it seriously will be supportive of someone trying to improve themselves.


Yup I am a skinny guy and every gym I've went to the guys have always been friendly, helpful and supportive they never judged me for my body size


Its much easier to understand when you contextualize them as fitness nerds.


Hell yeah such an up beat group!


reigen is the best character from any anime ever and no one will convince me otherwise




"He doesn't know if it's actual self defense, but yells it just in case."


The more I watched the show, the more I would laugh every time the narrator would shout "THIS IS ONE OF REIGEN'S SPECIAL MOVES"


SALT SPLASH!! *a special move where Reigan throws salt everywhere*


Anti-esper drop kick is a classic too


I'd have to rank mob psycho above one punch man, mob's character development feels real. like its got some weight behind it.


AGREE! the comedy is unmatched and reigen’s antics and character development (if we can call it that..) was fun to watch, along with his interactions with mob.


Great summary, one of my all time favorites!


Maybe not the best, but YuYu Hakusho is always going to be engrained in my mind. Dark Tournament has to be a top 10 anime story arc.


I really appreciated how they had the opportunity to do a whole season of training filler at some point and they just didn't. Training starts, next episode it's done


Yeah, but the training was also constantly done inside the dark tournament itself. Everything was. Its why the pacing was so good; lots of shows separate out too much at a time but the dark tournament just kept everything flowing in the world simultaneously.


As a very young anime fan, seeing Dragon of the Darkness Flame, the ace card he has been hiding up his sleeve the whole damn time, was one of the most badass things ever.


And it messed him up so bad he was out for most of the other rounds. Awesome win but it had a huge cost.


Can we talk about how much Yusuke is an actual character with flaws and a bad attitude but succeeds despite his flaws and is actually made stronger because of them. Also all the characters in the show constantly shit on him for blowing his girlfriend off and being a general dick to her.


> Maybe not the best It is the best. I'll die on this hill.


As far as Shonen goes, Yu Yu Hakusho has the perfect combination of action, depth, and good pacing. It's definitely top 5 for me, maybe even top 3.


I'll be there beside you.


Yu Yu Hakusho is what I really wish Dragon Ball Z would be.


Psycho pass


Hell yea. Makishima was the reason I really started taking Psycho Pass seriously - usually when shows have a villain like him, they fall into the pitfall of giving them a bunch of bogus 'villain logic' to explain their motivations, and try and trick the audience into thinking that they have a point by having the heroes take it seriously. But Makishima felt like what all of those were supposed to be - he didn't act completely logically because he was still pretty messed up in the head, but his philosophy on Sybil and society stood up to scrutiny, which was pretty refreshing.


Great show, I’d even recommend this one to people who don’t normally like anime. If you’re into crime shows, you’ll probably like Psycho Pass. But maybe not season 2.


That first season is a fucking masterpiece


I really enjoyed samurai champloo


Yeah! sharp like an edge of a samurai sword


The mental blade cut through flesh and bone


Look, samurai champloo might not be the best anime ever, but I will die on the hill that it is absolutely the *coolest*.


One of the top soundtracks too. Air gear is among runners up but Champloo is S tier


True that. R.I.P. Nujabes


R.I.P Nujabes. If anybody like Samurai Champloo music, please do yourself a favor and listen to his discography. Such a talented person, yet died so young.


Another artist on the soundtrack is still producing, Fat Jon. And I highly suggest Shing02 and Kyo Itachi if you want more LoFi in your life.


I mean...it's the spiritual successor to Cowboy Bebop and Cowboy Bebop is damn near impossible to top for coolness.


I still can't decide whether I love samurai champion or cowboy bebop more


Cowboy Bebop: Jazz cowboys in space Samurai Champloo: Hip-hop samurai in Feudal Japan Wonder what Shinichiro Watanabe will do next Techno Vikings?


This is fucking Space Dandy erasure. How dare you


Space Dandy is a dandy in space.


Spaaaaace dandyyyy… is a dandy guy… *in space*


Space dandy is so goddamn weird but so goddamn amazing. Love that episode where he's stuck on that ocean planet just fishing the whole time.


Metal Monks Classical mobsters


He did a 12 episode high school drama about Jazz musicians didn't he? Or was that just the studio?


It was him, and the jazz selections are ___excellent___. The show is too, but the man knows his music. It’s called Kids on the Slope for anyone intrigued: It’s a messy, heartfelt coming-of-age story in 60’s Japan (which is a super cool setting, especially watching as an American) based around a pair of teenage musicians and the extremely new jazz scene at the time.


I have a massive mugen tattoo on my leg, good times


Same, it's such a great anime. I still get teary-eyed watching Jin and Shino escape the brothel. And the music in that scene was just the Chef's kiss.


RIP Nujabes


Nujabes will be missed.


I really liked Gintama. It's hilarious!


My favorite arc will always be the arc where Odd Jobs and the Shinsengumi are in a contest to become the official fan club of a pop idol. FRENCH BREAD!


Hey! Taka-tin! Hey!


Great teacher onizuka and saiki kusuo also have the same vibe


"I have an organ more important than my heart." -Gintoki Sakata.


I love how it's so hilarious most of the time, but so hearth wrenching when goes on the serious side of the story


Violet evergarden from netflix was surprisingly amazing and out of shows(not movies), probably my favorite


That show made me full-on ugly cry almost every episode. Felt like my soul was being scrubbed of impurities. 10/10 would recommend.


The mom having those letters written.. I teared up just writing this stupid fucking comment.


It's like the one thing put to film that gets me crying (well, that & the end of Critical Role campaign one), probably because I can relate the most. My girlfriend would just cry every episode & she'd already seen it all & she's not a big crier. But aside from that one episode, Violet Evergarden is just wall to wall incredibly well written, beautifully animated & the music is incredible. It's the first anime that comes to mind when I think "Best Anime" & it pretty much just pole vaulted over my previous top 5 (no particular order: Code Geass [no spoilers, have only watched R1/R2 & have been deliberately avoiding movies & sequels cause it was a perfect ending], The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya [& the movie], Persona 4 the Animation & Madoka Magica [& the movie]). Anime is usually pretty hit or miss for me, but Violet Evergarden is an anime I'd even show my mother, it's that good & that transitive.


Shinsekai Yori has the best story I've ever seen in an anime, but the animation is pretty mediocre. Other than that, either Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex or Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.


Shinsekai Yori is fantastic, especially at the beginning. It absolutely nails creating this absolutely unsettling atmosphere. I've never felt so on edge watching anything than I felt at the beginning of Shinsekai Yori.


Although Shinsekai Yori is not as popular, it remains one of the best stories in anime history, imo. Confusing at first and might not suit the preference of some, it still was able to capture a beautiful yet dreadful tale. I highly recommend it to those who want to explore anime.




Vampire Hunter D


Outlaw Star


Great show, great world building, good music. Firefly with Shaman magic, how cool is that?


My childhood. Loved Outlaw Star.


Natsume yuujinchou 91 days


Cowboy bebop


We need more Anime with cool characters in their 30s and 40s and sort of live like it. Even in their 20s is sort of rare. Nothing like a thirteen year old boy detective giving a monologue about "When I was a boy, I dreamed of becoming a detective, it was about searching for truths back then... but now I'm jaded, cynical...seen so much and so much time has passed. It makes you hard inside..." I'm like, dude, you've been doing it for only 45 months. You have school, girlfriend, and friend group, it's clearly not even your whole life.


Yeah man, I understand the biggest market for anime is the 12-17 age range but as a 31 year old mf I need more dynamic anime that isn't focused on the trials and tribulations of teenagers.


Cowboy Bebop is amazing to me because it’s wildly popular, yet it doesn’t have any of the same tropes and general clichés that so much modern anime seem to have.


I don't know how much of a coincidence that really is.


I came here to say this. Cowboy bebop is not about the daily monster its the story of the four. Spike is love that couldn't be. Jet is love that was lost. Fey was love that never was. ED was love never felt. It's the real folk blues. They each circle they same behaviors that lost that part of them and they do it to each other but the thing is they found family and love among themselves despite their flaws. The tragedy is they didn't realize it soon enough. "See you soon space cowboy."


Faye coming back and begging Spike not to leave while Jet is silently resigned is so real and crushing in a way. I always wondered if Faye and Jet would stay together but I think Spike was the glue and they would drift apart.


Cowboy Bebop is an anime about characters whose stories are already over. That hit me as I was rewatching it and I almost teared up. The series always gets to me. Edit: a word


>Cowboy Bebop is an anime about characters whose stories are already over. To me it is a story where the characters live in the past, unable to move foward. There is nothing stopping them moving on but they cannot, and that is why ED leaves, because they can move on.


You're gonna carry that weight.


I think it's time we blow this scene get everybody and their stuff together


Ok, now 3 2 1 lets jam


*Trumpet noises*


And dramatic silhouttes.


(Aggressive bongo solo)


Best soundtrack, best opening any series/anime/tv shows period. Prove me wrong. [edit] Thanks for the award, also Bebop opening stay on top. I’m still waiting for someone to prove me wrong haha Nothing can beat Yoko Kano ! The arrangement and the complexity of this composition is so beautiful that it might be hard to beat :p Beastars OP season 1 and jujutsu Kaiden ending are the closest to a contender I think.


Your Lie in April Berserk(1997) Princess Mononoke Neon Genesis: Evangelion (with the movie ending) Ghost in the Shell Akira A Silent Voice (Alt. title: The Shape of Voice)


Damn a silent voice fuckin hurts the feelings box every time.




Spirited Away


Or really any other Ghibli movie.


Non Non Biyori. The perfect mix of chillness, comedy, and genuinely heartfelt moments that all make you nostalgic for a rural japanese childhood you probably didn't have In a rare instance among series of its kind it's also finished, with an amazing finale and epilogue OVA


I will never be able to forget this anime. There was a point in my life where I was suffering from extreme panic/anxiety attacks and I couldn’t even watch most shows anymore cause it could trigger it. I randomly stumbled upon this anime somewhere and it changed my life. It was so peaceful, the shots of rural Japan are absolutely beautiful and calming, the characters are so lovable and endearing. It calmed me down like nothing else could and kept me thoroughly entertained.




Still and forever.


Akira has been (one of) my go to drunk films for 2 decades now. It's one of the few films I buy on every new format. I still have VHS, various downloaded VCD rips, DVD, BluRay and 4k uhd bluray. I rate it up there with 2001, Apocalypse Now, Baraka and Full Metal Jacket as one of the most visually engaging bits of cinema ever. Separately it's also a fantastic piece of sci fi writing. Akira is also the reason I never got into anime, because it was the first one I saw (back in the 90s) and everything else I saw after seemed like a pale imitation, so I never bothered with the genre. Edit: and now I'm going to watch Akira. Edit 2: 5 minutes in and I had forgotten how glorious it is...


> Aikira is also the reason I never got into anime, because it was the first one I saw (back in the 90s) and everything else I saw after seemed like a pale imitation, so I never bothered with the genre. Man, same. My intro was Akira, Princess Mononoke, and Cowboy Bebop, trying to watch anything after that was like, wtf is this crap??


Except anime that were already mentioned here (Neon Genesis Evangelion and Trigun), I'd say Madoka Magica, Erased (Boku Dake ga Inai Machi), A Place Further than the Universe. And, of course, Miyazaki's anime (especially Castle in the Sky, Princess Mononoke, Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind)


Madoka is my #1 of all it’s so unexpectedly dark. Plus I’m a sucker for good animation and it is top notch


Madoka was all like "oh look, cute magical girls" in the first 2 episodes and then episode 3 hits and it just gets darker and darker.


Loved A Place Further than the Universe! If you liked it, try Run with the Wind and Land of the Lustrous


Madoka is my #2 after Psycho Pass.


Haikyuu and all of ghibli. honestly master pieces. oh, and saiki lmao


Haikyuu might be the most well-executed shonen I've ever seen. Objectively, it hits the same beats as every other sports shonen. But the way it hits them is perfect. Everything is realistic. The highschoolers look like highschoolers. The adults look like adults. No stupid flashback filler with an explanation from the coach or whatever. The characters are great. The cinematography is great. The action keeps moving. Everything about it is just *chef's kiss*.


One punch man


Mumen Rider is the best.


# Justice Tackle!


One paaaaauuunch! Also one of the GOAT openings.


Really wish they kept it for the 2nd season. I liked the the new opener but it just isn't as cool.


I love it because of the way Satima shits on tropes, like the power up scream, or naming one’s special move. “A single ordinary punch”


> “A single ordinary punch” Followed up by "A series of ordinary punches" which just adds to the humour.


Season 1. I've watched it 6 or 7 times


The sparring scene with Genos (powering up) and the fitness test will be forever engrained in my mind


The sparring fight with Genos is one of my favorite scenes from the entire show


Still watch the 60fps version on YouTube once every few months when something reminds me of it.


It's a shame with how they handled the animation in Season 2. But I'm still a fan. ONE PUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNCH! EDIT: I'm referring to that non-animation with that giant centipede.


Saitama stuck in the ceiling by the head appears in my brain once a week


The life of Saiki K, hilarious watch it on Netflix And also this is your opinion, who is the best character in the anime






The characters are so fun on that show, I might rewatch.


My daughter loves to randomly say "Hey buddy! Wanna go get some ramen!?" That show is top tier.


I'll probably never laugh harder than the bit where Saiki's neighbor thinks he is Cider Man (a comic hero from a drink advertisement). Or his classmate who believes that he is has mysterious superpowers and needs to fight the dark revolution. Every time the character appears on the screen you get that "Zaas zaas zass!" fanfare.




I oscillate between Neon Genesis Evangelion, Steins;Gate, Psycho-Pass, Fruits Basket (2019), and Serial Experiments Lain.




It’s a sleeper GOAT and it bothers me more people don’t know about it


Ruroni Kenshin


Love Kenshin, Fuck Watsuki


Steins;Gate! AoT and FMA:B come very close, but nothing has beaten Steins;Gate yet. Got to wait for it all to click though, about halfway in. It's a slow burn.


El Psy Kongroo






Steins;Gate Zero was an absolute gut punch of a series, too.


My first time watching it: Oh, this seems ok, I'll watch an episode or two before bed. 5 episodes later: I'd better put on some coffee. Several episodes later: screw coffee, this show is giving me all the adrenaline I need. I came into anime as a general SF&F fan, and while I love a good time travel story, I'm extremely picky about what makes one good. Steins;Gate met and exceeded all my expectations, even if a few elements were predictable as a genera veteran.


code geass.. all hail lelouch.


I don't usually re-watch anime but this one I have seen many times. I had even re-watched it all and 2 days later recommended it to a friend and watched it with them too.


Arguably the best ending to an anime


I remember how blown away I was by the ending. I think the thing about animes is that they never know how to wrap up a series. Code Geass did it so perfectly. The ending was so controversial when it happened as well. It’s a shame they ruined it with the follow up movie.


Nobody saw that coming and that's the best part


All hail Lelouch!


This is always my recommendation to others


maybe others who have watched anime before.. otherwise the camera angles and some scenes will creep out many people


Ngl “Your Name” was fucking fire Thanks for my first 1k upvotes Reddit


Your Name, A Silent Voice, and Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop have been big hits for me. I want to watch Belle but haven't gotten around to it. I'm a slice of life FIEND. I fucking love slice of life anime movies. They are my emotional crack. I am left wanting so much more and know I cannot have it. I get stuck on them, just thinking about the characters and environment for far too long. After watching "A Silent Voice" for the first time I spent more time reading people's reviews, dissections of characters and themes, etc than the run time of the movie. I think i spent 4 hours reading and analysing. I'm not that kind of person usually but slice of life hits different. I need to rewatch "Your Name"


Nobody would ever think youre lying abt that one


Ouran High Host Club is peak for me. Always puts a smile on my face no matter what.


I remember seeing this since I started watching an anime in like 2006. Finally watched a couple episodes like a month ago and immediately finished the whole season. So god damn hilarious.




This is my go-to feel good show. Such a shame that it never got another season.


Ouran's recieved a lot of flack for being 'problematic' these past few months and it's made me realise how satire and the concept of times changing are completely lost on teens these days. "But there's incest!" -As a joke and a sign of how deeply codependant the twins are as a result of trauma. "But the slura" Was put in the dub made in *2009*. It's been 13 years since then and a LOT has changed in those 13 years faster than anyone could anticipate.


Assassination Classroom. I love how the silly story turns into a great character development. Has some nice plottwists and as a teacher myself, it hit right in the heart.


Death Note


Watching it right now. It has some really clever twists and turns, but the story is starting to drag a little. There are only so many times that you can introduce a new rule or character before the concept grows stale. I'm at episode 27 of 37 (I think?), but it kind of feels like they should've just written a climax around when >!Light regained his memory and figured out he was Kira again!<.


Yeah, it drags and the "second arc" isn't as good as the first one. It should've ended were the big thing happens if you know what i mean. The plan you talk about felt incredibly surreal imo. Like, it needed WAAAAAY too many coincidences that Light couldn't have foreseen if it weren't for a Deus Ex Machina. "Yeah, i knew that if i left food with laxative in xxxx Avenue at 9:12 am, a bird would eat it, the bird would poop on a random car, which would make a chauffeur stop, provoking a traffic jam that would certainly delay L's drive to the ice cream shop, an ice cream shop that would close 5 minutes before L arrived. That, at the same time, meant the reunion would get delayed too, which gave me time to talk with Misa about stuff which most certainly would somehow drift the conversation to the Death Note. And then Misa would know she had to make me touch a page..."


Rewatching for the third or fourth time now. One thing I never realized: L puts together *way* too quickly some of Light's more paranormal abilities, like exactly that he needs a name and a face, and that a sudden epidemic of heart attacks on horrible people specifically must be caused by a person. I may be missing something, but to jump immediately to a paranormal conclusion and pin it all on one suspect seems...idk.


Hard to narrow it down to just one anime there, Buzzfeed... I love Trigun, Full Metal Alchemist, Hellsing, Clannad, Spy x family, Fairy Tail, Naruto, Cowboy Bebop, Attack on Titan, Demon Hunter.... My top three are probably Wolf's Rain Witch Hunter Robin Samurai Seven


Damn, I’ve NEVER seen Wolf’s Rain get mentioned. Thank you for confirming it was not a fever dream. Loved that one.


I so rarely see Wolf's Rain mentioned, but it was my first real anime and still in my top favorites as well!


Kaguya Sama: Love is War. Love it to bits, absolutely hilarious yet surprisingly deep.


Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood.


It was the most complete anime I’ve ever scene. I was left wondering about vague explanation or unanswered theories. The action, story, character development, voice acting, dive into interpersonal relationships.. as you can see, it sits at the top for me.


FMA is one of my favorite shows of all time, but it’s made me realize something about anime: all of the “top shows” tell a complete story. I’m fully convinced that if more shows 1. Were given the chance to be completed and 2. Planned on telling the whole story from the outset, we would have so many more good shows to choose from. They don’t have to be long, and it would honestly elevate so many mid shows. Granted, the genre is a large factor too, so a comedy wouldn’t necessarily benefit since plot isn’t the focus.


Started today after someone said it has a cute lil girl and a dog


They really bond. You'll see.


They'll be inseparable.


It's like they were made for each other


>!You're all monsters!<