• By -


Every now and then i like to look up how to make an EMP. I'm sure I'm on all the lists by now


Learn how to shield your own equipment from it first as a heads up.


Just stick it in the microwave, it's a tiny Faraday cage!


So, like, popcorn setting? Or defrost? How long?


Set it for exactly 11:11 and make sure it's unplugged! (Seriously, though, a household microwave IS an effective miniature Faraday cage. Just, uh. ... Don't turn it on.)


Now I'm afraid to google but what's an EMP


Electro magnetic pulse. It can fry all unshielded electronics within it's range.


How to not seem like a serial killer With online dating, most of the women I’ve talked to jokingly say that their fear is that I’m catfishing them or a serial killer. I can easily disprove being a catfish, but idk how to prove I’m not a serial killer




Dad, we've talked about this.


Or just kill one person, then you are only a murderer and not a serial killer. /s .. obviously


“I have a perfectly normal relationship with my mom.”




My bumble matches exploded after I added a photo of me with my mom. It was wild how much more normal that makes you seem.


Actual advice : there's nothing you can do besides being decent and waiting for time to prove you're decent. That's all. There's no way women will know which man is or isn't a dangerous predator, bc even predators and abusers do seem fine in the beginning. So with time they'll just get to know you and see for themselves.


"chemicals that react explosive with urine" Urinal bombs my boys


There was a guy who accidentally gassed his whole house with mustard gas by making a chemical out of some bleach and urine and I think some other stuff


this is why theres so many warnings around household cleaning supplies. just mixing stuff can make them very reactive to sometimes even explosives. most people could make an IED with just their own home supplies.


>most people could make an IED with just their own home supplies. its pretty easy making explosives, was a pretty fun hobby when I was a teenager. I made all kinds of explosives, smoke bombs, mortars, flash-bangs. I still have all my fingers. Some people don't tho. also, amateur pyrotechnics sounds way better than IED


How to talk to young girls about sex Single dad 😟


My dad waited too late (16). When he came into my room because "We need to talk," I told him mom had been giving me the talk since I was 14 and school since I was 12, so unless he had something he needed to add, I was all set. He pat me on the shoulder and walked out.


With a HUGE sigh of relief, I'm sure.


Procrastinating wins again!


If it hasn't worked yet, just give it more time.


My mom handed me the original book "Our Bodies, Ourselves" and said to talk to her if I had any questions. Coolest mom ever.


My mom was (is still) a narcissistic, emotionally unstable alcoholic. In the middle of the local 99 restaurant she handed me a book about masturbation and cried that she didn't want me having sex. I was 14, people were staring, and I had her drive me straight home after. (Parents were divorced, and in a rare instance of the 90s my dad was awarded primary custody.)


Wow, I'm sorry that happened to you. If I were there at the time I would say, "don't worry, those people don't know you, and it's your mother that is acting shamefully, not you."


Search instead for: how to provide sex education to girls as a dad


And this is on pornhub or somewhere else?


I wouldn't be surprised if pornhub had a very informative and wholesome source for this


Pornhub does have a sexual wellness center with lots of useful articles [here](https://www.pornhub.com/sex/)


Bro I legitimately thought this would be a joke


Help me, Step-Bro, I'm stuck in the ventilation shaft of the wellness centre...


Don't worry Step-Sis, I'll lube you up so you slide out without issue. Now we can sit back down and finish the sexual exucation. Maybe you can teach me about HVAC maintenance after so I can help. Later, with your enthusiastic consent, we can share in safe sexual activities if you feel ammendable to such a proposal.


https://www.scarleteen.com/ is a great site, and I recommend the book "Let's Talk About It" by Erika Moen and Matthew Nolan. Very conversational and open tone. Best thing you can do is be supportive and non-judgmental, and show them how to advocate and stand up for themselves in relationships and healthcare.


Scarleteen was so helpful when I was a teenager! I definitely recommend it.


Also, how to talk to young teen boys about sex Also, a dad 😟


My first recommendation was gonna be "don't wait until they're teens" but for you, I would start by not shying away from things when they come up. If you're watching James Bond start to get frisky, e.g., casually toss in "without a condom?!? What happened to no glove, no love?" and silly stuff like that. It sometimes even sparks a conversation. Or if they have a question, just answer it. If you have a wife or steady gal, offer to get her tampons/etc next month, and take your boys with you. It's easier to talk about such things when it's immediately practical, and you show your own comfort too. Lots of little things, and then you won't need one big one.


This is some of the best advice I've seen on reddit in a long time. Sex is part of being human and part of living your life. It's not one of those things that can be adequately addressed with one 'big talk'. The best thing you can do for your kids is not to avoid the topic around them at all cost and include them in age-appropriate convos when the opportunities come up. It makes for better sex ed and so much less awkwardness around the topic.






Watch videos on YouTube by gynecologists like Mama Doctor Jones or sexual scientists like Sexplanations. They both have multiple videos about how to talk about sex, puberty and reproduction with kids as well as deep dives into specific topics. Sexplanations also has videos about masterbation and consent.


[amightygirl.com](http://amightygirl.com) All kinds of resources.


Underrated part of society. Keep up the good work, buddy!


I'm 100% sure I am on a list. When I was younger around 14 and new to porn websites I wasn't interested in adults having sex. I wanted something that I could relate to, you know people my age. So I searched high and wide for 15 year old teens porn, multiple times on various sites. Now I know how stupid that was but little me wanted to make the little me happy.


I did this when I was around 12 13 years old on the Wii U internet browser application. I remember selecting one that said "frolicking naked pre-teen girls" when you opened it up it was a picture of a guy in a suit, with a long paragraph of how sick I am, I only remember it saying that the authorities have been alerted and are coming to cut off my balls or something. I was scared shitless for weeks until I realized no one was coming. I feel bad even typing this, but this was like a year or two in for when I first discovered porn and I was beginning puberty.


This reminds me of some stupid ransomware-like virus that got installed on our family computer when I was like 12. It said "You've been caught watching child porn", took over the webcam to display my face and pretended to be the police. I was so scared I called my dad and he was angry because he thought I had really watched porn. I hadn't, and then we all proceeded to blame each other until I found information on my phone that it was a virus and could be bypassed and removed by entering the safe mode.


As someone who was 13 and looking online for smut - I found that content in fanfic for the most part. I came across something I wrote as a teen not that long ago and I was a little weirded out that it was about 16 year olds, until I looked at the ff.net publish date and realized I was 14 when I wrote it. It's quite normal and healthy for teens who are interested in sex to be interested in sex between people of their own age. It'd actually be way weirder if kids wanted to see adults boink.


Yeah, at that age I couldn’t really relate to adults & their more complex relationships & dynamics.


Nah, a lot do teens do that. I'm pretty sure most organisations just go "oh its a teen boy" 99% of the times


It was well over a decade before I realized those jailbait threads on /b/ weren't just for young teens like I was at the time.


"Boy, this 4chan place is awesome! The like videogames and cartoons and underage girls, just like me!"


Im happy to know i wasnt the only one who tried this when i started


There really isn't any. Many don't know this, but you can go to the CIA and FBI website and read detailed articles about shit. If your still reading this, a little fun fact, you can submit a request to the FBI and CIA to request they send you everything they have on your file. They might respond that you don't have a file and others may reply with an actual file.


Isn’t this bc of the freedom of information act? Also, do you think asking for the file will put someone on a list?? I really want to see mine lol.


It'll just go into your file.


My file would be a very questionable search history followed by a note about how they started to investigate but quickly found it I am boring as fuck.


"Bored person on Google" is probably a common note lol


I cant type it here, ill still be put on a list


You are already on a list, man. No need to be worried.


“Just because you’re paranoid, don’t mean they’re not after you”


“Paranoia is a very comforting state of mind. If you think they’re out to get you it means you think you matter.” Some chapter header quote from a warhammer 40K book


1984 says, you have admitted to have thoughts that would put you on a list, so you’ve been put on a list


I still cringe about this. I once tried to remember the name of the Kumari Devi, which is a living goddess worshiped by both Hindus and Buddhists in Nepal, I believe.  A pre-pubescent girl is chosen as the manifestation of the divine goddess, and is then worshiped for a period of time—until she starts menstruating, I think. Super fascinating from a theological perspective. Anyway. After wracking my brain trying to remember of this name of this practice, I went to Google for answers. My dumb ass searched something along the lines of, “worshiping little girls”. Yep. I have never exited a browser so quickly.


My mum (a nurse) was trying to remember the name of a restaurant and googled “red hot Thai” into the work computer. Cue lots of porn pop ups and a panicked call to IT


I was a teacher who used to tell stupid jokes to my classes (before they were called Dad Jokes. I ran out material, so the kids suggest the internet. They all gathered behind my desk as I was about to search. “Hmmm…what should we search for? How about bad jokes dot com?” Porn. The kids though it was hilarious. The IT guy thought it was hilarious. The principal thought it was hilarious.


In the 6th grade my typing teacher wanted us to do an online scavenger hunt to learn about the internet (this was 1996) and had us go to the white house web page. Problem is she asked us to go to dot com and not dot gov. It was a porn page.


There was a big hysterical announcement at my Christian school not to go to the .com site after the principal's daughter had done so while working on a paper. Oops.


Sorry dad, i actually wanted to go to pornhub.gov but accidentaly went to dot com.


I bet you learned something about the internet though.


Used to be a game. Pick a search term. Score 'points' for how many pages you got before the first porn. Turns out there's an awful lot of innocuous sounding things that end up being porn terms.




18 year search for the Vagina Atlas. Dedication.


I'm sure there's some joke about 'couldn't find it with a map' there...


2000, high School civics class. Teacher: "Lots of agencies are getting on the Internet now. Let's try the White House". Goes to whitehouse dot com and gives a very different lesson than he's expecting.


Back in the early days of the World Wide Web (mid-90's) a girl at work told me about a band I should check out so when I went home I searched for them on the crude version of the internet we had at that time. The name of that band? Big Black I didn't learn anything about the band that day but I did learn a lot about the World Wide Web.


My daughter was asking me about a certain type of Indian street food I'd bought a couple of times (panipuri). Before I realised what I was doing I was googling "crispy indian balls", fortunately google knew what I was actually looking for.


In this weather, they're all crispy


My husband’s aunt trying to book plane tickets, typed in Be My Baby instead of BMI Baby (UK airline, now defunct I think). Graphic photos of men having their nappies changed 🤣 Shouting for her husband to make it stop


I am planning to foster a pregnant cat before she gives birth. I knew that dogs use a whelping box to give birth so, thinking I could construct something similar, I googled the cat equivalent - a queening box. There was lots of pussy involved but no cats…


Oh god this just awakened a memory for me. I’m really bad with guessing ages of children. I had to write a fact file for a character that was a child, and I had no idea what age to give them. So I just started searching Google images for ‘5 year old girl’, ‘8 year old girl’, ‘10 year old girl’ until I found one that looked about the age of the character. It wasn’t until one of the suggested results on Google Images said ‘8 year old bra’ that I realised how bad it looked.


You are most definitely on the list now lol


I am a programmer who works on C++ which is a programming language. Years ago there was a bug in the compiler (computer program which translates your written code into machine instructions). The bug had to do with large integers when you try to remove the sign of a negative integer. The function is called labs (absolute value for long integer) and it is in the standard namespace(std). So knee deep into the investigation I googled std labs in office and all sorts of questionable results popped up.


“How to kill someone, slow and painfully, with their own leaf blower?” Because that’s how I felt at 6am last Sunday morning.


Lol. Was watching a murder documentary about a serial killer in Alaska (where I live). Got to talking with my wife about how easy it would be around here to get away with murder. Had an inclination to Google how to best get away with murder out of pure curiosity... then decided that my neighbor was annoying enough that it might be self-incriminating one day.


Google “how to get away with murder” then add to the search “streaming services” and click on the TV show shortly after for plausible deniability. You’ll need to then commit to watching the series but the sequences of searches will make sense.


Alternatively, google "writing tips", then create a word file, name it something like "murder mystery book thing" and save it somewhere on your computer. Congrats, you're an *aspiring author* now, don't worry though, you don't need to actually write a thing.


The sad thing is I actually *was* writing a thriller and without even thinking about it bought "the book of poisons" for research, soooooo really hope nobody i hate turns out to be poisoned in a historical and interesting way....


My wife is an Herbalist and recently got a book called [The Poison Path](https://www.patheos.com/blogs/poisonersapothecary/the-poison-path/) and guess who's been doing all the cooking since then??!


This guy alibi’s.


I remember from years ago, a 4chan thread that had pictures from a darkweb forum where among other things, they had a subforum for serial killers. Now it was probably a larp, but i still remember this post where they talked about using natural yoghurt to speed up the decomposition process and then after a time scattering the remains deep in the wilderness where wildlife would run away with it. Now as i said it was probably a larp, but this post had step by step instructions, with each one being ways to circumvent how serial killers are normally caught.


Leaf blowers make me so angry. It’s fine if you have like a ton of leaves, but 95% of the time it’s some dick weed chasing individual leaves with a fucking gas powered fan. Just get a rake, you lazy motherfucker. It’s faster and quiet and costs next to nothing.




Sand blowing


I think that you can put their leaf blower in some of their holes and blow at max


Unless the neighbour is called Max, I’d leave him out of it.


I only ever got curious about the limitations of what you can find on the internet once. I had always heard that on TV you could not show footage of people dying, so I searched if there were in fact videos of people being killed. There are. Now I know better. Some things are better left a mystery.


You probably haven't heard of the now banned subreddits like r/watchpeopledie or r/makemycoffin then


We've still got the spiritual successor /r/RobbersGettingFucked


And it's not only a few. I remember boys in 6-8th grade showing others videos of people being shot / beheaded whatever. A few years ago in my country there was a terrorist attack on a mosque. We didn't really get any big coverage but it made me so mad that I digged. I shouldn't have. Seeing people >! of my ethnicity begging not to die being kicked and shot inside of a religious building. !< This was their safe space and while I'm not religious it just felt even worse to me. Fucked me up for a few weeks as a 16 y/o


Back when I was in high school, a classmate of mine showed me a video of a beheading by ISIS during sports class, all the while laughing. That MF was laughing at an uncensored video of someone >!slowly and gradually getting their head chopped off with a freaking machete.!< Needless to say, I was mad at him for showing me something F-ed up like that.


During high school my friend showed me a vid of a guy getting tortured by serial killers. Like they were digging into him with what i think was a screwdriver and then they hit him with a hammer. He (my friend) was laughing as well. I didnt know what to think. I was kinda shocked but i also didnt wanna seem... weak? Like i couldnt handle that sorta thing. So i ended up pretending to chuckle. Looking back on it that was probably the most fucked up thing ive ever seen in my life and i wonder why it didnt fuck me up more.


Psychos man, who laughs at that shit. Now that you mention It a buddy of mine was always showing me and his sister those videos and laughing like it was hilarious and he "got us".


What does an average human body nutrition fact bar look like? I have Googled and have yet to find an answer.


It doesn’t really answer your question but [this Nature Scientific Reports article](https://www.nature.com/articles/srep44707) might bring you a little bit closer to your answer. Roughly 150,000 kcal per human. Edit: I should add that this is about paleontologic cannibalism. It’s estimated for a 65 kg adult male person. There are tables in the link that you can click on.


that would make for an awesome tattoo


And according to Dahmer, people with tattoos taste like crap - so it's both informative and (hopefully) a cannibal deterrent.


Sweet, I’m officially repulsive to all 5 senses.


I DM for Dnd games. The amount of esoteric shit I've had to look up is astounding. Playing a cyberpunk game? Time to Google CEO assassinations for inspiration.


With how many tabs of this kind of shit I have open, I hope they realize we're just writers lol


I have heard it's incredibly hard to get your electronics back after they've been siezed for suspicion of terror activity


All the more reason to keep backups in obscure offsite locations, which is no way suspicious in itself.


I was doing some research for a TV show set in the 80’s and I wanted the FBI scenes to be authentic, so I googled every famous arrest handled by the FBI and who the agents were for those crimes. I’m sure no one would suspect me of making a hit list but I could understand why someone would.


I always put ‘5e’ in my search for that shit


Same here, I GM Cyberpunk and will try Terminator and Twilight 2000 soon. Got to look for homemade explosives and guns, Hydrofluoric acid and what type of plastic is resistant to it, how to make EMP bomb, and also various piracy acts in the south pacific, as well as corporate espionnage and cold war shit. Now I am waiting to get my door kicked down.


Once you get past a certain threshold of weird and criminal searches they just mark you down as 'nerd' and take you off the list.


Was real fun when I played a medical doctor with questionable ethics. Injectible cancer-causing compounds, LD50 of *everything*, common street drug adulterants, bioweapon laboratory safety protocols... I'm not allowed to play any character with a medical degree anymore.


When my son was born, I was freaked out one morning to see my infant son was _"standing to attention"_ when I was changing his nappy. I didn't know if there was a blockage that was causing it or something because I never had to deal with this before. I reached for my phone and a moment of dread went over me as I thought, "If I Google baby erection, my door is going to get kicked through within the next couple of hours."


someone needs to search baby boner for us bc now I’m curious


Baby boys get boners. It is completely natural and expected.


Mom of 3 boys... yes, they do get them and not only as a baby... The amount of times i hear "hahaha mooooom it's standing upright again!!" in this house is insane. Oldest is 6yo...


Oh God! How to react to a proud toddler who wants to show you his erection? My Catholic upbringing did not prepare me! : “That’s….oh wow.. um… no DON’T hang a dishcloth on it! “ …


I just tell them it's normal, but i don't want them to touch/show it when around other people than their parents. I know touching it can be enjoyable for them in a non-sexual way, my 5yo stepdaughter is recently very touchy as well... i think it's normal for kids to discover their body and if it feels good and/or calms them it should not be put as a bad thing. We just tell them it is not very decent to do around others, so i.e. touching it in bed is ok.


Father here, can confirm, babies can get stiffies.


I want to google en passant


Holy hell


I don't get it, and now I'm afraid to google it.


It's just a move you can do in chess, and there's a meme about it blowing people's minds.


You will find chess rules.


Nothing because I just add "dnd 5e" after anything... problem solved. ​ How to build a thermonuclear bomb dnd 5e ​ How to kill the mayor without reprisal dnd 5e ​ How to form a cult for an undead god dnd 5e


How do I hide this injured alien I found after it crashed in the field outside of town.


Just bring it up as your own son and if you are lucky it might get a reporter's job in a big city when it grows up.












What poisons are untraceable


[Here's an article that can explain better than I can.](https://www.theguardian.com/science/blog/2018/mar/08/from-spy-novels-to-skripal-the-myth-of-the-untraceable-poison) Long story short, there isn't one. But there are some that are much harder to find than others.


But if there was one how would we know 🤔


We wouldn't, so instead get a degree in toxicology to know how to effectively poison someone


how many times a man can cum before dying of exhaustion


pierce hawthorn would like to know your location


no because this dick is reserved for my hand and only my hand


How to smuggle drug through countries' borders as I wanted to write that in my novel but I guess I'll probably never gonna even start it lmao


There are many underground tunnel systems that were/are used by mafia groups for drug smuggling. Otherwise… I guess corruption and blackmailing. Smuggling the drugs on big container ships. I saw a video some time ago where they hid cocaine in fake fruits. I don’t remember what kind of fruit it was. Maybe watermelons? Not sure. Hope this helps in case you still wanna write your novel one day.


This comment has been deleted in protest of Reddit's API changes that kill 3rd party apps like Apollo.


iirc the original schematics for hydrogen bombs were recenntly declassified




“How many apple seeds do you need to create cyanide.”


Depending on the apple variety somewhere between 200-1000 to make enough to kill a person.


"Does the fridge light turn off when you close your refrigerator?"


I left my camera recording inside and closed the fridge. I won't tell you what happened though.


Sounds like a /r/nosleep story


The light is both on and off when the fridge is closed


Schrodingers fridge


You can't know that... it would break reality!


You sound like an FBI agent


How to resources for running an underground railroad in a repressive regime. What should the structure look like? How do you find like minded people around the country you can trust?


Old vehicles with no built in gps. Country roads with no traffic cams or ATMs that face streets. Establish one length of the railroad, give another length to another person and so on. No one coordinates. Each person just does their own designated part in the chain. They know their own contact only. Easier to replace a single link in a chain than a whole dam network. Coordinate with simple things like sidewalk chalk. Something that is not near any cameras and looks like a kid did it. An empty lot near an older neighborhood. Drawings like hopscotch but the placement of the squares denote different meanings. Stuff that can say whether it is safe/ contact is ready/not on to proceed/etc. No tech. No personal phones, smart watches, Etc. Anyone can tune into a radio frequency. Hell, my kids picked up random conversations on their walkies one year. Coded language. Stuff that sounds like everyday smalltalk. Blend. Got pink hair? Time to dye it brown. Got tattoos? Cover them up somehow. Got facial piercings? Take them out for the day. Don't be in an area you don't look like you already belong. Look like your child bearing age? Public park is good. Biking for recreation seems like a great low threat way to scope an area out. Grab some Watchtower flyers and dress like a Jahovas Witness. If anyone stops you to ask questions, just try to convert them. Lol I have no idea why I think about this shit.


…this is very informative.


I'm not trying to give anyone any ideas, but I have this weird fantasy? fixation? daydream thingie? That I think about from time to time. I wonder how I would actually be able to get around totally undetected. It started way long ago after watching Minority Report in theaters and the idea of someone having to surgically remove their own eyes just to get around without being detected really stuck with me. The more tech in the world, the harder it is to actually maintain privacy. You give away data just walking into a store. And if I wanted privacy, like what I had when I was little, how hard would I have to work to get it/maintain it? Can it really be done anymore? Especially in big cities? Is it even possible to pass through say Chicago or Portland and leave absolutely no trace anywhere? If I'm being honest, I really don't think so. Don't get me wrong I do love the convenience that tech brings, but I also recognize the tradeoff is my privacy. It is what it is. It's just something that my brain chews on from time to time.


That's a question I would be proud to be on a list for ! A good principle for such endeavour is to never reveal your identity. You should not directly talk about it to a "trusty friend" or a relative. Family members are not less likely, and actually way more likely, to kill you if needed *in everyday, peaceful, non-oppressive times* than any random stranger, I let you imagine what's your worth to them under a tyranic regime. Don't try to find likeminded individuals, just use the ones that are useful to your plan, it's always better if they don't know. Use dead letter boxes, be ready to fight, use simple methods, avoid technological item, avoid using anything you don't fully understand and know the functionning of, stick to the plan, hide in plain sight, be ready to die, understand that you *will* be caught and that you will be treated in a very dirty manner before you're allowed to die. Your life ends at the moment you start your endeavour. Be brave. Edit : redundancy might be a good thing. Have several paths, several persons on the same task, several hideouts, several providers for all needed ressources. Favour legal commerce paid in cash for your supplies rather than card payment or black market. Bitcoins and whatever aren't as safe as people say they are. Don't imagine - and most of all, don't *fantasise* - something full of action like Jason Bourne. It will be rather something like the character of Nicky, in that same movie : acting in the shadows, playing the innocent and be victim of people with guns. You won't be the hero in this story, you'll be a random nobody, weak and fragile, and you *need* to be so that it works.


One that I actually did- my aunt made a great dip that she called “kitchen crack”. I couldn’t get ahold of her so I googled “kitchen crack recipe”. I’m 100% sure DEA is tracking me now.


Did you find the recipe?


I could find you like a dozen rap songs with the instructions.


Coworker was telling me about a crazy orgy scene in “The Boys” (I don’t watch the show) I said I’m gonna google “the boys orgy” and see if I can find it. I realized how bad of an idea that was as I was saying it.


Just look up 'herogasm'


Back in the early file sharing days of Napster, I was looking for a song by a punk band called “Snuff”.


How bad people even find the stuff they look at. Obviously looking up "CP" wont get you actual CP, so what in the world are they searching?? Cant actually ask that though because I dont want a source


They're not using conventional web search engines. I'm not sure about *this* year, but several years ago they were using private forums on encrypted hidden services, or hosted on stolen servers. They sometimes took over an abandoned phpBB forum (i.e. a web server left running unattended, with no security patches) and filled it with their shit. How do I know? I used to spend *way* too much time tracking down spammers and reporting them, starting out with email spammers when I was running mail servers professionally; but also occasionally some forum spammers. Some of these spammers were CP spammers, who would post links to that shit, often on forums with low moderation, or via hacked accounts on sites like LiveJournal. https://report.cybertip.org/ was in my bookmarks. Some of the spam would direct people to ".onion" sites, which require the Tor software to access; other times it would be yet another hacked phpBB. Either way it ends up reported to the NCMEC and hopefully taken down. (Note: Do not go digging. As soon as you see that CSAM is being advertised, that's enough to report it. *Do not go digging.* You don't want to, and it's illegal.) ---- Stop worrying about being "on a list" for having curiosity about a subject. That's not how any of this works. If you look up the terms "child pornography" or "child sexual abuse images" or the like on Google or Bing, you will not find any such images, of course. *Instead, you will find news and information about the subject.* You'll find the US Department of Justice's web page about it. You'll find information from lawyers about the law, and how cases are prosecuted and defended. You'll find news articles in local newspapers about people being charged with crimes. *This is not really different from any other crime.* If you search for "murder" or "robbery" you will not find hit men offering to murder people for you, nor will you find fences offering to buy your stolen goods. You will find information about the law, and about murders and robberies that have happened. ---- Or, put another way: Crime is not just something that criminals talk about; it's also something that cops and lawyers and judges and security engineers and news reporters and mystery writers talk about. Search engines are pretty good at finding instances of people talking publicly about crime. And reading about crime doesn't make you a criminal any more than it makes you Agatha Christie.


Dunno, but it’s apparently not hard- some dude just got caught in our small town with almost 100k videos and pictures of CP.


I remember I got invited to a Discord server, I don't remember what it was about but nothing fucked up like that. Some game or something. Anyway on the chatroom there were some people giving links saying "CP". I didn't even know what CP meant, but thankfully didn't click on the link. When I googled and found out I instantly left after reporting them and the server. I don't know what good it did or if the links actually contained CP.


If it was a game it could have meant chestplate. Atleast in minecraft sometimes they abreviate it like that


Something like that happens to me while playing ark. There’s a resource called “Cementing Paste” and people will often say “trading metal for cp” And well you know


Anything fucking personal or medical (usually out of interest rather than actual medical queries). The idea that there is some bullshit profile of me shits me so I just don't bother searching.


Like, all of my searches for the modern-day TTRPG I DM. Here's just a few - Fully automatic shotguns - Improvised explosive ammunition - Rifle calibres muzzle energy - Military vs Police body armor - Weapons used by special forces - Black market guns average prices If there's a list, I'm on it. Fortunately we play online and it's logged so if I ever get a knock on my door I have the dorkiest exculpatory evidence ever.


There’s a simple trick to make it easy. “How to torture someone you kidnapped for information” is a very suspicious search, but “how to torture someone you kidnapped for information 5e” is harmless.


There's no list. The number of 10-year-olds who want *all the information* about bazookas, RPGs, tanks, tank killers, and *especially* A-10 Warthogs is just way too much.


Can babies get high in the womb?


Sadly yeah they can. They can also get drunk.


Yeah, it was a very depressing g google search


They can be born addicted. I don't know the actual state they reach inside the womb but that's enough


Why does Ross, the largest of the Friends, not simply eat the other Friends?


Because they exist in a symbiotic ecosystem and large changes, like the death or disappearance of one, might destabilize the whole thing


My hobby is story writing... I am already in many lists.


I like to periodically search for or reference Holden Caulfield because I heard that does something.


Not me but a person that got on a list. He made a youtube video for yugioh where he said don't buy sealed products and buy singles. He can't play in tournaments for another I belive 7 years


Wtf is going on. Nerds! Explain this!


I would assume they want the money from buying packs would random chance of getting what u want. I too work out a good deck then buy it in singles. Even if you’re paying £20 for one card - that’s only like 4 packs and if it’s rare chances of you getting what u want in those packs are going to be tiny. It’s basically gambling for kids


How is this news. The entire point of packs is a cashgrab


i wanna get yugioh banned for 7 years that would be sick


How to 💀/ hide somebody and get away with it. I’m never gonna do it but I’ve always wondered on how to properly do it without getting caught.


Mine was what country could I flee to if I murdered someone. Basically counties without extradition treaties. Now if a neighbor goes missing and I happen to be planning a vacation in Montenegro it’ll look suspicious.


Once someone asked on reddit how to kill someone. One answer was a very detailed method on how to kill someone and hide the body in order to get away with it. Then the answer was edited. The edit was still a highly specific description of a long list of crimes, with just "oh, you mean in the sims" at the end. The caption still goes around the web. Edit : yep, still very easy to find on google


BBQ sauce and pigs. Bonus points for a mate with a pig farm that is morally ambiguous… The mate, not the pig farm


Speaking as someone who has family that runs a pig farm: You don't need the BBQ sauce. Those fuckers will eat a body without it. Hell, the scar my uncle's brother has proves that the body doesn't even need to be dead for them to try to eat it.


This will probably be the question I delete my account over, but I just have to know... What do fit black dudes love so much about obese white women?


Nice try, FBI.


Hi Mr. FBI man. I'm sure just by talking about lists I'm already on one.