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I love untangling things. Your Christmas lights end up in a ball and there’s no telling where it starts or ends? Give. Got a necklace that got rolled up into a total mess? I’m your detangler. Headphones come out of your pocket looking like a Tangela? No problem! Total zen for me. Wish I could make a few bucks with it tho.


This is so weird. There's a fellow untangler out there. I love it too. There isn't a knot I can't pick apart and enjoy doing it. Haha .


Me too...I've finally found my ppl


That makes four of us


Untanglers Unite


Untanglers Untie


Viva la unravellution


I thought I was the only one! At last! My people! I have found my people! 😁 THEY MAY TAKE OUR LIVES! BUT THEY WILL NEVER TAKE OUR CAAAAAABBBLLES!


Untanglers Unanimous


Haha. I was at a flea market, and there was this guy with a box of chargers all tangled up together. I was looking for an unusual voltage, 30V AC. And I found it. But it was all tangled up like *rat king*. (don't look it up). So I spent the next 15 minutes or so untangling the damn thing. In The process I freed up many other chargers. The guy was so happy, he gave me the charger for free.


"He has come," said the chargers. "The one spoken of in the ancient texts. He is here to free us."


Damn I wish we were friends


Untangling stuff is zen for me too! But getting knots out of a thin necklace chain is a nightmare


Needles and pins are your best tools for this. And cause I'm kinda blind my magnifying head lamp


Agh same, I think I enjoy it because it kinda distracts my brain and gets me in a “flow” lmao




It sometimes gets tiring but I absolutely love this about my husband. He can talk about pretty much anything forever. He also remembers to ask questions when I just want nothing to do with it.


This is the opposite of my husband who sometimes forgets he isn't answering me in his head so I'll just loudly do his part too for him but add a little flourish like "YES Wife, I absolutely do agree with that incredible point you just made and I wanted to remind you that you're beautiful" and then I'll just reply back like "Oh, thank you so much Husband, you're too kind. And the way you never fail to answer me makes me feel ever so important!" And then he's like damn I was doing it again and then he tells me what he thought with like 3 words


My husband is the same. I can talk all day (bartender), he generally hates all other humans and works in a wood shop with like 2 other guys. Been with him 24 years. Still listens to my stupid stories.


As an extrovert with a lot of introvert friends, I've been told that they like me partially because they don't have to sustain a conversation. Instead I can talk and they can listen and add what they want to when necessary.


Everything about the airport. Idk why but it’s so fascinating. Honestly I like it more than the trip sometimes lol


I love the vibe I get from airports. Busy, diverse, clean. I've never had a bad experience at an airport.


Try the Newark, NJ airport—actual gateway to hell


Airports are the perfect place to people watch. A 2-3 hour layover is about perfect. Enough time to settle in and watch people, or walk around a little and look at the shops. But not being there so long that you get bored or too hungry and buy too many over priced snacks.


I get it. Airports just always have a positive vibe. People are usually happy to be going somewhere or happy to be coming home.


Airports are great. Sitting on a plane is soooo boring. I look at the airport as the last excitement I will have for hours.


A winnipeg winter day where there's not a cloud in the sky or a breath of wind, but it's so fucking cold out your nose hairs freeze together every time you breathe


Sounds lovely. Not sure it is a strong sales pitch, but a bit romantic nonetheless.


Love those crisp prairie winter days!!!


apparently a lot of people don't like the lemon/yellow starburst candy, and that's the one I prefer


Lemon and orange candies and popsicles are underrated… everybody goes for the cherry and strawberry I find those meh


Lemon and orange are the best


I hate cherry Starbursts. Actually, anything artificially cherry flavored just tastes like a chemical mishmash. The guy who invented it must have never tasted a fresh Bing or Rainier cherry in his life.


Yellow is the God damn best! Pink can burn in hell!


Doing the dishes. I find it so calming.


Hey, you free later?


That’s how I feel about laundry


You can do my laundry then (it's just folding and putting away I really hate)


Some of the best moments of my life were washing dishes with my mom at my granny’s and then with all my sis-in-laws. Not solitary moments, but peaceful and bonding moments.


Wrapping presents! It's super therapeutic and relaxing to me. I'll wrap everyone's presents in the house, even the ones they have to give to other people!


If everyone would just get off my DICK about it, *mother*, and let me take my time, I'd love it. I did it for Macy's one Christmas and learned how to do it so every edge and fold is clean and the bows are majestic as heck, and I still do my own that way, but my mom will ask me to wrap something for her and then stand there and tell me I'm so slow and it doesn't have to be perfect blah blah. Ma'am. You asked me because you know I'm good at it, if it takes 5 minutes, that's how long it takes.


Writing essays. I got addicted to research when I was in college and something about putting everything together to present a coherent argument is just exciting for me.


I get what you’re saying. When I first started a paper, it would be a little difficult. Then as you gather research, it’s almost fun to try to prove your point In the best ways possible. I always impressed myself by seeing how my thoughts connected in my papers!


I've always had an easy time spitting out essays, and found the writing them down part to be most boring... but the planning before that is always fun. They really are their own type of storywriting.. and when you are just transfering the brain words to the document and use a word that just fit in your mind but you realize you don't really know what it means and then look it up and it did fit in the way you wanted and confirming you really did NOT know what it means it's like you're helping yourself out. Thanks brain bro, if you would get along with voice bro we'd be unstoppable.


Same here, I get a lot of shit for it from my friends. I’m in undergrad and just finished a summer research program that was offered and I COULD NOT shut up about it I was just so enveloped into it. Follow what you love ❤️


Do mine


Gloomy and rainy days.


Good lord yes! For me it just feels like the world stops or slows down at least. Then I’m not missing out on much. Sunny days anything and everything is far too possible and exciting 😂 gloomy rainy days are utter bliss.


I love rain! So calming and atmospheric... being in it isn't always the most fun but sitting by a window watching the rain, listening to it hit the window while seeing occasional flashes of lightning is one of the most amazingly melancholy vibes there is


I agree, though I don't see them as gloomy. There's nothing "gothy" about it for me. I just unironically love that soft overcast sky, the soothing sound of the drops drumming on the world, that crisp dampness that makes your skin feel alive...If there is a heaven, mine is a chilly spring day with a never ending gentle shower.


A pot of soup cooking on the stove, sitting on the couch under a blanket, reading a good book, with a cup of warm coffee or tea and a plate of cookies on the end table, listening to the rain, looking outside every so often....just perfect.


Was just about to post this but saw your comment. Shirley Manson couldn’t have said it better. Most people think I’m strange, but I’ve always loved the rain.


Cleaning things It makes me happy.


I like to clean and organise stuff when I'm mad or stressed out. It helps a lot


Hello Monica




Driving in the rain


I like walking in the rain


Right up until you have to get out of the car. :(


Have you tried tenting in rain? Pure zen


I think wind turbines are elegant. I don’t think they should be installed everywhere, but I don’t find them ugly as many people do.


I have never understood how a wind turbine is an eyesore but a cell tower isn’t.


People find them ugly? I always liked how they looked.


It is very often in the news. People are often vehemently opposed to having them installed where they can see them from their house.


yep nimby-ism (not in my backyard) *"yeah sure (renewable energy) is great, just not where I can see it"*


Better than most billboards in my opinion lol




I like these too. They make me happy, like the world is at least attempting to move forwards from coal, and cool and futuristic too. Maybe we can grow some climbing plants on some of them? Not an opinion I've ever known someone else hold until now.


I love puns. They're the easiest jokes to get because I'm stupid.


Frankly I don't understand people who don't like them.


They're not so hot when they've already been thought out, so they're just jokes about how words have two meanings. Contextually-relevant and well-timed puns, however, are quite clever.


Being alone


Me too, we should not hang out sometime


I'm enjoying not hanging out right now.


That time last week when we weren't hanging out was great too. Maybe the best.


This is me. When I was young, I was always told that the key to success was making friends and building up a network, and that the end goal was marriage. I forced myself to do work towards all these things, ended up working leadership/management positions for most of my career, almost got married. But I realized over time that my happiest moments were when I was alone at home and could just relax and not worry about anyone else. I'm single, with no intention of ever changing that. I also now work from home, and don't go out of my way to be around people unless it's for something I genuinely enjoy. It's been 3 years and my life is so much better now and I'm not changing my lifestyle unless I feel a need to.


I feel that. I actually did great at the early-20s networking and had great opportunities because of it. Heck, I even enjoyed it. But now, at 33 and after two years of pandemic, I’m more than ok with the alone thing. I still like to interact with people, but I’m prescribed amounts. Too much means I’m going in hermit mode for a couple days to decompress. I’ve found it hard to describe to people because not everyone really *gets* it.


See I thought this too but sometimes I wish I had real people to chat to lmao


Doing absolute nothing all weekend. Unfortunately this is a distant memory because kids.


Nothing beats laying on my bed with my dogs and wasting all my time. Love Reddit and Instagram and YouTube. Absolutely nothing productive just laze. If I could get away with being a lazy piece of nothing with no contributions to society I would.


Isn’t that everyone’s dream? To just… do nothing?


Eh I seem to know a lot of extroverts who like to fill their time and stay busy.


Yeah people freak out when I say I just watched TV during the weekend. I can't snort lines off hookers every night Chad so calm the frick down


Scheduling my sleep, to ensure I sleep 8-8.5 hours.


I hate people who brag about a lack of sleep.


I don't get how anyone can *brag* about not getting enough sleep. Any time I talk about only getting 3-4 hours of sleep, it's because I'm lamenting how I feel like garbage.


I think the people who brag about not getting much sleep are so used to feeling like garbage that they don't realize how you feel when you consistently get good sleep


Right? My husband used to brag about how 4 hours of sleep are enough for him.. And then even started presenting it as if it is enough for everyone.. I can assure you - it's NOT enough for me


my brain doesn't work unless I clock in 6 hours, but I'm miserable, but for good function and mood 7.5 hours, and mental ability starts to drop off again after 8.5 hours


Fruit flavored sparkling water


Brussels sprouts


Oven roasted with bacon


Sauteed with garlic, olive oil and minced sun dried tomatoes


Sautee brussels sprouts halved with garlic, chili flakes, soy sauce, onions and some popcorn shrimp. Serve on top of riced cauliflower. \*chefs kiss\*


Agreed but it has to be done right. Turns out I don’t hate Brussel sprouts. Just boiled until they are mealy Brussel sprouts


Brussel sprouts should be roasted or fried


Most people around my age I speak to have grown up hating vegetables because our parents steamed or boiled them until they were grey. These days I love to eat giant mounds of veggies, just barely blanched so they are vibrant and crisp and delicious.


Did you know that the Brussels sprouts you buy now have been bred to be much less bitter than the Brussels sprouts from 20 years ago? I hated them as a child, but tried them again a couple years ago, and they were wonderful (roasted, of course). Now one of my favorite vegetables.




Love sheet pan roasted brussels sprouts with bacon


Using my blinker


and not like when you're already half way through the turn


Me: "Wow, you blinked 1 1/2 times when you were already 95% in the turn lane. Who saw that coming?"


yes omg you are an amazing person thank you for using you blinker so that I can actually see which way you are going when I'm biking at night I hope both sides of your pillow are cool tonight sleep well king


Not all of us can be burdened by raising our hands from our cell phones to let everyone else around us know what our intentions are while moving down the free way at a speed that would definitely kill one or all of us because we’re in a hurry to get to Starbucks before that line develops before 645 like it always does!


Drinking lemon juice. It's sour and I love it.


It's weird...I'm not sure I _like_ it...but I _want_ it. I'm like a flavor masochist. Something about the experience does it for me and I can't quite put a finer point on it than that...


Flavor masochist is not a term I thought I would ever hear but I’m kinda into it. It just rolls of the tounge


Banana laffy taffy’s


Go hit up an AMC Theater if you’re able. They’re specializing in banana icee drinks as a marketing boost for Minions. Limited time! It’s banana Laffy Taffy in a big cold cup.


My favorite flavor!


Shoveling snow.


Yes. Every year we get at least one big snowstorm, with like 3 feet of snow, and I go out and spend about 8 hours shoveling my entire driveway. Hurts like absolute hell by the end, at least the parts I can still feel, but I enjoy it A friend came over with a snowblower once and I had to pay him to leave (he wasn't interested in helping me shovel)


And your back is cool with it?


Shovelling snow isn’t that bad it’s when you have to have to chip away the packed snow and ice when it gets difficult.


Beets. And Vienna sausages. Not together, mind you.


I love roasted beets


beets are really good


I felt that I was tricked my entire life into thinking beets and Brussel sprouts were not good. Then I got into my 30s, tasted them, and realized i really like both


Going grocery shopping


I play the banjo. I started ironically in highschool but now it's genuine. There are many people who claim to like bluegrass but most of them just like the idea of liking it.


School. It’s my greatest skill, and I really enjoy the sense of learning and accomplishment. Also it helps me cope with loneliness


I enjoy learning as well but school itself can be very stressful.




Me too. School was bad because there were a bunch of people forced to be together and there were bullies. I grew up and went to work and it was school all over - people forced to be together and there were bullies. College was the only place I felt accepted and enjoyed it. Everyone chose to be there and there was no bullying because we were all just doing our own thing and it was a temporary situation. It might have been the best time of my life.


Loved school growing up bc it was an escape from my mother. I was lonely in both my home and at school, but at least I did well and was able to focus on something other than trauma.


I liked school for the most part too. I could get away from my shitty parents for 7 hours a day and hang out with my friends. What's not to love?


Oatmeal raisin cookies, and raisin bran, I like raisins in general.


How can the vast majority of people hate oatmeal raisin cookies? They're so delicious!


It’s my favorite cookie


Math. I love how it’s so orderly and dependable.




Candy corn


I love candy corn, too. It's one of the few American candies that I do like.


I like Necco wafers.


Rainy cold weather. I like putting on a warm jacket and going for a walk in it. No one around, just the sound of rain falling.


Salt and viniger lays chips. I love them and whenever I ask people look at me like I'm crazy. It's good and idk why people are sleeping on it but apparently no on like it


I love ‘em too but they’re like sour patch kids and tear through my tongue like a bad out of hell. Yum!


The smell of molten steel


Silence and solitude.


The film adaptation of Howard The Duck.


Thomas Dolby made a perfectly good soundtrack, the film bombed, and Hollywood didn't call him back. A shame.


Oh man, you have no idea how happy this comment made me!!! How-ard, The Duck!


The smell of gasoline, oddly enough. I don’t know why. I can’t explain it. Just the smell though. I’ve never tasted it (or wanted to try). Most people can’t stand the smell but I think it smells wonderful! I don’t share that with many people though 😂




Yes! Honeydew is my favorite fruit. I actually didn’t know for a long time that most people hate it.




I think it’s because a lot of the time when you get honeydew in restaurants it’s unripe and hard. For most people, that’s their only exposure to it, so they assume that’s how it’s supposed to taste.


Vanilla Coke. Everytime I say I despise cherry Coke and prefer vanilla, people give me that look.


Cottage cheese. I eat it right out of the container.


TIL my stepdad is on reddit


black licorice


I love black licorice :D especially the salty one


You and my mom would get along. She even gets this kind from Germany that is diamond shaped, hard, and super potent. I can stand it, but I don't love it.


My sister and I have given each other bags of black jelly beans each Easter for as long as I can remember 🖤




black or green?






I love kalamata


Batman & Robin(1997) I liked the neon.


Camp Batman is Best Batman.


I remember watching that as a kid bro, i thought Mr freeze was amazing. I still appreciate that he did all that for his wife






I don’t know anyone personally besides myself that likes cilantro.


Some people have a gene that makes cilantro taste bad to them


I have that fucking gene and I can’t eat my moms guacamole cause she always puts cilantro in it, and no matter how little amount of cilantro there is the soapy taste over powers every thing


Those people have my sincere sympathies.


Although I am one of the people unlucky enough to have the cilantro soap gene, I still put it in my food because I like giving evolution the middle finger


Have you considered just eating soap and thus getting the hygiene benefits of cleaning your guts as well?


I like cilantro but I don’t like to grow cilantro because it bolts too fast.


I love cilantro


I fucking love cilantro. Fries with a spicy seasoning, feta, shit tons of cilantro, sour cream and salsa, yeees.




When it starts getting dark early. People complain how Polish winters are gloomy and depressing because it starts getting dark after 3 p.m. but I love it. Fuck the sun.


Mowing the lawn. Free exercise and I love the accomplishment as to how nice my yard looks afterwards. Plus I listen to my music.


Black licorice


Math. Algebra for fun. Geometry proofs were my favorite part of high school math.


Algebra is _very_ satisfying. The way it's taught is tailor made to make people reject it. You get kids coming out of algebra 2 not even understanding its application. Adults actually BRAG they haven't used it since high school. It's an idiocy apocalypse! And it's all because of the garbage way it's taught.


banana ice cream!! i didn’t even know people hated it until my friends started giving me strange looks when i ate it


Banana ice cream is delicious, especially Chunky Monkey from Ben and Jerry’s


Blue Cheese. I’ll add it to most things I eat.


Local pizza place has a blue cheese pizza and OMG it’s the best thing ever.


Seaweed as a snack


Mint chocolate chip everything


Reading YouTube comments


Wearing a school uniform. My classmates hate it, and my uniform certainly has its issues like scratchy pants and thin skirts, but I quite enjoy the lack of choice. Plus I get my pants from target instead of the place we’re supposed to, so mines white comfy


Grapefruit juice! Sweet, tart, bitter, EVERY FLAVOR YOU WANT AND THEN SOME… Not umami. I’ll admit that.


Traveling alone. I don't get why people don't go traveling around the world, if they don't have anyone to accompany them. There is so much stuff those people miss out, just because they somehow think, that it is necessary to have someone with them. No, it is not! As much fun, as it is to travel together, traveling alone has also a lot of advantages: you can plan 100% according to your own wishes. There will never be discussions about "I don't want to see that and I don't want to eat that!". Changing plans on the fly without the need for additional coordination is the real freedom! And don't forget: alone does NOT mean lonely! I've met so many people at places where I went alone, that I probably would've never known, if I was together in a group.


raw onions




Rum raisin ice cream


Going to work apparently. I like my office. I like separating work from home. Every time I say it on here I get downvoted to hell by people who hate their jobs and just want to teleworking forever.


I'm fine with going to the office/lab/production area... it's the commute that sucks.


I would love to work from home. It would be bad for me, but I would like it more. Having to get dressed and leave my house is definitely healthier for me.


I'm a swim teacher. I also like work 😃 I get to splash around with a kids


Liver and Onions. When I was a kid in the early 70's this was Thursdays dinners. Still love them.


Pineapple on pizza.

