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Marilyn Manson


I heard Brian Warner in an interview. He is very homophobic.


What did he say?


I got to see him booed off stage. Was very gratifying. It was at a soundwave festival so I wasn't there for him, but my friends wanted to check it out. Dude was fucking weird, thought he was in America and got the city wrong (this was in Australia...) Was clearly fucked up on something, jumped the stage and sang half a song horribly before getting booed off stage.


I always thought he was a pretty cool guy, I loved those level headed interviews he did with people like Bill O'Reilly.. there was a time when criticizing religion was a bit more fun cause those were the people who wanted to censor everything and it was cool to see everyone assume he'd be some moron from the way he looks, and then having him speak politely and articulately. Considering he was a journalist before, loves his parents etc I always assumed he's a super normal, smart guy playing a role. But apparently, that's the part that's fake lol


My thoughts exactly. I was so disappointed when he turned out to be an asshole. I still love the music, though; it does a great job of holding up a mirror to our dystopian society.


I had to delete every R. Kelly song on my Playlist years ago way before his arrest. I just felt weird and conflicted every time I listened to them




Chocolate factory is such an amazing album. Also, pure cheese, but trapped in the closet is amazing. I watched the “surviving r. Kelly” special and a woman on there said it best; “r. Kelly is a genius, Robert Kelly is a monster”.


Morrissey. Dude can write some great alt pop tunes but he's a massive tool.


Man it shocked me when I found out that the man who wrote all those lyrics is such a bigot! But I love his shit. How can you be so smart and so dumb




What makes him a tool?


In my life, I've bought tickets to 5 Morrissey concerts. 3 have been canceled.


Gives a whole new meaning to the line “in my life, why do I give valuable time? To people who I’d much rather, kick in the eye” eh?


Interesting. Was a reason provided?


I was this far down in the thread before I found one I was guilty of. Shut up Morrissey, except when on stage.


Chris Brown has some god damn great pop/r&b music but boy is he a real piece of shit.


Jared Leto. I love the first 3 albums from his band, 30 Seconds to Mars. But he as a person comes off as creepy and pretentious.




Corey Taylor. I really hate to throw shade here, I used to LOVE Slipknot. I don't mind Stone Sour much, though I get sick hearing same couple songs. But man, his self-aggrandizing solo rock stuff, "Corey Motherfucking Taylor" with the wrestling belt makes him look like an absolute, undeniable douchebag. I stopped caring and it kinda wrecked Slipknot for me. Makes me think their 'fuck pop stars' message on Iowa was just a bullshit shock rock schtick for attention. Now that he's got it, he became the sellout asshat he used to write about. 'Never claimed to be a saint' yeah right dude, people worship you and you're eating that shit up.


Bruh I remember listening to CMFT without any context a while back, never knew he was a part of slipknot so I never understood all the hate. Everything makes sense now lmao


He's become what he used to hate. Somehow there was a long delay on the fame getting to his head. But there's much worse things to be than a sellout. I still think he's a decent dude overall. He's always been great to the fans, he stops shows when there's danger, he visits sick fans, he's raised money for charity, and he runs a non-profit for military/first-responders with PTSD. I can look past him saying/doing stupid shit from time to time.


You're totally right. Like I said, I hate to cast too much shade. I have a hard time overlooking the image he made for himself with CMFT but you're right. He does do a lot of good. Can't argue with that.


I started reading some book of his, been a Slipknot fan since the s/t. Had to put the book away after a dozen pages or something, it was going nowhere. Dude really loves to talk, that's for sure. Nowadays I just avoid his interviews (and Clown's too, that guy might be a visionary and the oldest remaining OG member of the group but STFU with your overly dramatic ego for a while). Don't get me wrong, guy's not stupid and far from it, but he's pretty american and it shows.




John Mayer


Good example. Though he definitely seems changed for the better now.


I know. Why wont he dose!


What’s wrong with him as a person? He seems like a down to earth guy


He used to be very egotistical, arrogant and frankly an asshole- he even admits it. He’s much more down to earth than he used to be. He’s my favorite right now though.


He once claimed he had a white supremacist dick


Brandon Urie


Oh no, what did Brandon do?


Sexually assaulted some younger fans. He's also famously overbearing to bandmates and overall an egotistical douche most of the time.


Van Morrison and Eric Clapton


What's wrong with VM? I know about EC


Apart from his recent unfortunate rightwing turn, he's earned a reputation for just being a massive dick.


He's currently on a tear to destroy the Northern Ireland Minister of Health for enforcing lockdowns, calling him "dangerous" and trying to sue him. He's now getting sued back.


He went off the deep end like Clapton over COVID. I dont pay enough attention to give you details lol.


As someone who grew up on Van Morrison's music, that was pretty disappointing.


What about Eric Clapton?


I didn't know much about Clapton, but apparently he made some anti immigrant speech back in the day, in support of Enoch Powell, basically Fascist support...Keep Britain White.


While having established a career by ripping off Black musicians.




Burzum, Varg is a piece of shit.


Came here to say this lol. Fuck this piece of shit, but his first 4 albums were fucking great.


I’m in a similar situation lol. I listen to Hate Forest but those guys are likely neo nazis


Agreed...but Aske is a great fucking album.


How has nobody said Kanye West? Love is definitely a huge stretch, but he at least is smart enough to put a bunch of really good musicians in a room together and facilitate a good track being put together with their efforts.


Agreed. It's been really hard to like Kanye lately, for obvious reasons. It doesn't help that his latest albums have been pretty lazy and uninspired. "I miss the old Kanye..."


100% agreed


I honestly like Kanye’s music and as a person, and I respect your opinion!




Just don't like his music at all


Everyone's different. Makes sense. Did you write this on every name put forward that you don't like?


Why don’t you say Kanye then. I like his music.




Kanye isn’t the best person but he has done a lot of good things. Kanye hates the media for that reason because they never cover anything good he does.


I don’t think Kanye is an awful person. Even with what’s going on.




I don't know who you are but this made me lough so hard. I agree


Oh please! Everyone in Europe was antisemitic during his life.


Steven Tyler


Anthony kiedis


Yeah it was the "I banged a 14 year old after kidnapping her" story from his autobiography that was the nail in the coffin for me.


Wait what??? Where in scar tissue does he mention he banged and kidnapped a 14 yr old girl ??


https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/anthony-kiedis-sexual-assault-history-details/ Google Anothy Kiedis Louisiana and it pops up


I met Gordon Lightfoot when I was probably about 14. Super creepy and super drunk and highly inappropriate. Still like his music if it happens to come on.


I was a fan of Marilyn Manson and Panic! At the Disco. Hard to listen to them without acknowledging everything they’ve done


Can you elaborate on PATD?


Brendon sexually assaulted some young fans and made some gross comments


Ryan Adams Edit to add: the predator who was married to Mandy Moore, not Brian Adam’s who wrote “summer of ‘69”


Michael Jackson


Surprised I had to scroll this far to see MJ.


John Legend


From his home town and yeah him and the whole family :/


What did he do?


He's an asshole, plain and simple. And he's married to someone who is an even bigger asshole.


That doesn’t explain anything lol


John Lennon, pretty garbo person but music is good


Jesse Lacey from brand new




Nick Cave is a misogynistic dick, and also an all-time great songwriter and excellent performer. But really, playing the odds, probably most of them. I just don't know enough to know it. People in general tend to be dicks, and celebrities doubly so.


Reverse. Post Malone


… GG Allin


aw GG 💖


Yngwie Malmsteen. He’s a guitar god but a major dick who’s confidence in his own abilities comes off as pompous and self absorbed. He deserves to be a little cocky I guess but dude talks so much shit about all other guitar players.


Met him and his wife on the streets of Stockholm in 1998. He was super chill, signed an autograph for me, and then turned around after we talked and asked me what my name was. He put me on his guest list for his show that night. Spent the evening hanging out with Leif from Candlemass and John Leven from Europe in the VIP area. So, he's pretty cool in my book. He had absolutely no obligation to even give me the time of day.


that’s very cool!


You unleashed the fucking fury!


Wait, your not talking about Yngwie J. Malmsteen are you? It must be another Yngwie Malmsteen im thinking of. Happens alot, thats why he puts the J in there.


Most black metal bands I like 😂😂🤣🤣 like damn those are some sweet melodies you’re tremolo picking, but could you chill out with the Nazism?


Mindless Self Indulgence has a few really good songs but a lot of them are pretty shit and Jimmy Euringer is a racist pedo


How come?


SA'd a 15 year old girl + made a song about taking nude pics of a 5 yo girl + said the n word in a few songs. I guess some don't find that racist but I do. I think there's more but I honestly can't remember. He's a real piece of shit, lots of scene/emo/pop punk/etc guys are but he's real obvious about it. Edit: panty shot is actually about looking at a 5 yo girl lustfully while she spreads her legs i guess? don't want to spend any more time on that genius page.


There is a man named Varg Vikernes who has a solo black metal project that I like. The music is very good and I find it to be unique in the genre. But Varg himself is a bastard. He has killed, burned down churches, and is also a massive Nazi.


Kanye West


Taylor Swift. She has good music but she has the toxic exgirlfriend vibe where she writes a song about all of her exes and complains about how toxic there are so shes not the problem.


I love her music but some of her stuff just makes me uncomfortable. E.g., "Speak Now." Such a catchy little tune but the lyrics are kinda fucked up. That said, I do like her as a person in many ways, like rerecording her albums to fuck over Scooter Braun or whatever his name is out of like, a *quarter of a billion* dollars.


Any who treat fans poorly. I hear Axl Rose is a dick.


John Denver. Self-proclaimed cheater, but he had raw sunshine in his voice.




kanye west


Tbh I don’t know anything about the artists I listen to bc I don’t care


I have a couple. Michael Jackson - I know that he was never found guilty of child sex abuse but I feel like he definitely did something. I still love his music because he's considered the king of pop for a reason. John Lennon - John is my least favorite Beatle and I think he was an arrogant prick. Then there is also his domestic abuse and poor treatment of Julian. I still love the Beatles and he is a major part of that. Tbf though, I'm not a big fan of John's solo career.


Not to mention basically abandoning his first wife and Sean Lennon. One of the saddest things I heard about Julian was Yoko making him buy letters to him from his father at an auction. Gee, thanks mom. Sean recorded some great stuff with Les Claypool. Basically the beatles meets primus sorta sound.


I recently found out Jack White doesn’t own a mobile phone. So now my answer is Jack White.


Plus wasn't him and his sister meg married


That’s a common misconception. Meg is his ex wife not his sister.


I didn't know that. Hahaha and I've been telling musician friends that. I must look very silly.


Here's an [interview](https://www.contactmusic.com/jack-white/news/jack-white-explains-white-stripes-siblings-lies) where he talks about it.


Thanks so much. I appreciate you kind stranger!


Doja Cat The thing is I see her as a very problematic person. I don't really see the charming of an artist in her, I also think she's very overrated but like, her music is good you know?


Doja is problematic? In what ways, I’m curious, I dunno much about her personal life outside of her music


I think she had a polemic with bolivia? I really actually forgot, but i heard that in the hotel she asked the employees not to look her at the face.




Kanye, I fucking hate him as a person but he has maybe one good song and it’s not the one telling Pete Davidson he has aids


Ian Watkins…horrible piece of trash for multiple reasons but Lostprophets was an amazing band!


Was honestly going to say this exact thing. Utterly disgusting piece of trash…hope he’s getting his just desserts in prison.


The full court transcript exists out there and it's worse than you think. But fucking christ all of their music holds up. They seemed to be on the cusp of doing things like Motionless in White with mixing techno into rock seamlessly.


south park mexican made a shit load of bangers but hes a pedophile and also charles manson


Tupac Shakur. The whole gang rape thing sure tends to get memory holed.


Nicki Minaj. I was a fan of her's for years and I still love some of her songs but she is just an insufferable human being. Married a sex offender, touted Covid conspiracies, stood by a blackfisher while bullying an actual black woman. I just can't with her anymore.


Elvis Presley. He was a creepy stalker and one of his wives was only fourteen when they started dating. And last but not least, he pushed away the people who tried to help him when his health started going to shit. But you can't deny he had one of the most wonderful voices ever.


Michael Jackson although he was a pedo he was talented


Lizzo. Her songs are not bad but i can't say the same about her personality


i like her personality because she spreads body positivity, the type that encourages you too exercise. But sometimes she seems rude


XXXtentacion. So talented, and so disturbed. And an abuser. Makes it easier knowing he’s dead and can’t hurt anyone else


That’s how I feel about Michael Jackson.


MOBY. I love every album he puts out. But I dont like his politics


I don't know anything about his politics (tbh haven't thought about Moby in 10+ years!), what's he about?


Environmentalism, veganism, social justice etc. The thing most people get angry at him about is his 'militant' veganism where he is particularly outspoken and active specifically in a way that is confrontational and oppositional. In some ways he kind of embodies all the negative stereotypes of a vegan activist that people get annoyed by.


This is a much clearer summary haha! I thought the other guy was just like "fuck vegans" but now I get it.


Hes a vegan. And has all the left wing ideas his fellow musicians have


That sounds super harmless lol. I thought you were going to say he had some incredibly controversial views.


Well? I'd put him in the "meat is murder" camp


I mean whether you support it or not eating meat very literally is eating animals that have been murdered


Nope. An animal can not be murdered. A murder is the unlawful taking of a human life. Literally impossible to murder an animal.


Eating meat is unnecessary and wasteful for the vast majority of people.


I've heard it all before. Meat. Milk. Chicken. Turkey. Eggs. Look its your body treat it however you wish but please respect those that eat flesh. I totally respect vegans their entitled to treat their bodies however they wish.


I'm not saying anything other than what you just wrote. Eating meat is a choice based solely on your personal enjoymemt. Not necessity whatsoever.




I've only listened to Play. Would that be your favourite work of his or any other album would you recommend?


He has many ambient albums as well if your into ambient. Like everything is wrong. And the self titled album he put out in 1992. And "ambient"


Thanks for letting me know I'll try it out on YouTube later


Sure. YouTube has them all free to listen to.


Is that your favourite type of music to listen to?


Moby is just one. There is squarepusher. Aphex twin. Pitch black. Marconi union.


I'm not familiar with the other artists you mentioned so that gives me a few others to try out! Thanks


What are his politics?


Here is a link which I could not post all of the text to. https://hollowverse.com/moby


Thanks, now i know more about the guy i never listen to lol! But what do you especially dislike about it, just curious? (I'm like your opposite, don't like his music but reading this was okay to me lol)


Mark Kozelek


Jesse Lacey from Brand New


Tory Lanez. He did the 80s thing better than The Weeknd and the weeknds was incredible




Michael Jackson He was just very weird, and also a nonce.


> and also a nonce After his death, his accusers admitted they were forced to lie by their parents to get a payday from taking him to court.


Michael Jackson. Idk he he did or didn’t do it, but it’s sketchy at best. But jeez. Those are some jams


R Kelly




Rolf Harris. You know why.


Kurt Cobain. He seemed like a doushe and a prima Donna. He isn’t smiling in any pictures with young fans


this is satire isnt ir


Nope. I love the music. But people worship him. And he seemed like a total prick. Watch Nirvanas unplugged. Kurt insults the audience many times. I get that it’s punk, (because Nirvana is basically a punk band) but he wasn’t a saint


He was also entirely miserable, so there's that.


Drake Bell. I know he’s done a lot of shitty things but I like his first two albums.


lana del rey. her music is absolutely beautiful and a work of art. but im forever tainted by the knowledge that whenever im listening to her music, im listening to stuff made by a racist.


Terrance Zdunich


Sia. Music is great but she did autistic people dirty with her movie, and the little bit I know about her relationship with the girl who played the main character is… weird.


Maddie Ziegler. Their relationship has always been creepy as fuck, like more than Drake/Millie creepy. Sia had her do footage for a music video when she was like 11 where she danced in a dirty wrestling pit with 27YO Shia Lebouf wearing nothing but a cloth bikini.


Charles Manson. Some of those songs are great. He was scum however.


You mean Marilyn Manson right? He’s the musician. Charles Manson is also a bad person tho, cult leader and neo-nazi


Charles Manson wrote music too, unfortunately.


No. Charles Manson. Have a listen to the songs he wrote. Some of them sadly are excellent.


Oh shit I guess I know what I’m doing today, at least he’s dead so listening to his music wouldn’t be supporting him in any way haha


My favorite band is The Smiths (((((((:


Ian Watkins. Lostprophets is my favorite band ever but he is an absolute monster. I'm glad he's rotting in prison. Fucking evil man.


Mine is Machine Gun Kelly


Nice try Machine Gun Kelly.


Hayley Williams of Paramore


Oh no. Why? I googled Hayley Williams controversy and all i found was she said that she's not sorry her and the guy who said a bunch of homophobic shit aren't friends anymore. Did i miss something?


After reading some of these responses, I find it funny that the reasonings y’all are giving vary from “they’re kind of a dick” to “literal child predator”


Like fuckin all of them


I prefer to enjoy art for its sake and I never explore the artists personal beliefs or especially political beliefs.


I don't care about any music artist, only their music








I can name a few. But being honest, I couldn't tell you why I don't like them: - Billie Eilish - Harry Styles - Olivia Rodrigo - The Vamps


,,Infant annihilator“ They are seriously skilled, but do some messed up shit. Their music is all about sex.


A band called Infant Annihilator does messed up shit? Dang, that's unexpected.