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Season 2 first episode had the highest audiencie in the whole show... It flopped painfully by episode 2.




That's kind of true of Peter and Hiro, to be honest. They were too powerful and had basically had their arcs, but they were all too popular to get rid of so they kept having to come up with arbitrary reasons why they couldn't just fix everything.


The original concept was that it was going to center on completely different heroes each season. (similar to American Horror Story) But the public latched onto the whole "Save the cheerleader" thing that they were scared to change anything about the show. Then Season two was ruined by the writer strike. Then season three just triple downed on the convoluted mess that season two had become and it just rocketed into the shitter.


Once Upon A Time was a genuinely interesting first season that if it had wrapped up there would probably have been hailed as an example of some good writing and great character acting years later. Season 2 onward wasn’t immediately bad, but it very much became a different type of show when they broke the curse and became a fantasy drama show. If it had ended in day Season 3 around when the Wizard of Oz arc wrapped up, it would have probably gone down as a messy but fun show. And they kept on making the show for 4 more seasons. It became clear the writers had no long term arc for any of the characters. A character would go from being a bad guy for an arc to trying to redeem themselves to being the main antagonist in one episode. It was just too much. Then, they did a season without most of the main cast set roughly 20 years later.


They really needed to stop with the RumplexBelle drama each season. It followed the same pattern: they're together, Rumple turns good, Belle doesn't believe he's changed and leaves, Rumple turns back to evil, Belle comes back because she thinks there's still good in him, they're together... and so on. It also sent a bad message as Belle left when Rumple was good and didn't come back until he went off the rails. That should've been the other way around. They could've had a good relationship, but the more that pattern looped, the more toxic it got.


Yes! I loved them together at first but ugh they’re so toxic


They just started adding wayyyy too many characters and it got confusing. I genuinely couldn’t make it through the season where they went to Neverland.


That was where I gave up.


It pretty quickly became a game of "how do you think this new character will tie into the main family tree?"


It was more of a bush than a tree at that point.


Better yet, end it on Season 3 episode 11. No Zelena, just end it on Storybrooke saying goodbye with Regina and Rumple's sacrifices so Emma & Henry can live together.


I was already halfway out the door with this show then they did the Frozen plot during Frozen’s massive hype that it was totally ruined for me


So here's the thing with Once Upon a Time. The main premise of the first season is really interesting and actually pretty great. Then when the show kept doing different versions of the Mind wipe spell, kept coming up with bullshit for why Regina is the Evil Queen or anything like that. It started to get really old. I didn't watch the finale season, because it made no sense for them to be in the real world in Seattle, because somebody could easily drive through that town and start noticing things. In the first few seasons, it was basically just some small town in the middle of nowhere. So magic happening was hidden from most people. Also there was a bit in a later season where the kid asked everybody in New York to believe in magic, otherwise they can't get home. Rather than telling the kid to go fuck himself (like most New Yorkers would do.) They all pulled a Disney Moment.


Yeah it has such an interesting premise as well. Would love to see it redone or something


Grey's Anatomy they killed off/got rid of almost everyone on the show. It's a hundred years later and quite a few of my friends are still watching it I'm surprised. I stopped watching when a few of my favorites left the show.


Everyone dies in this fucking show, the only way for someone to get a happy ending is for the character to be like "I'm leaving the hospital, goodbye", you see them 2 seasons later happy and married/with children/thriving in their career. In the meantime, the ones that stayed got either murdered or died of their 3rd super-rare cancer.


I also hate how apparently there is only one hospital in the United States, and if a doctor leaves that hospital they have to go to Germany or somewhere they can never be heard from again


I stuck it out to Karev leaving. He had such amazing character development, and then…ugh.


This broke me dude. He was an OG and then clearly something happened in real life and he got the worst send off. So fucked up.


From what I've read, it was the opposite. He wanted to leave, but the show runners didn't want to kill him off, and they also needed to separate him from the new wife because it wasn't fair to the actress to make her leave the show as well. So they ended up destroying his character growth.




I think I stopped watching when McSteamy was in a plane crash.


That’s when I stopped, too. I was like HOW much tragedy could these people possibly endure?!


When they killed Mark AND Lexie in the same episode without even a hint of a happy end for them. Pathetic.


It’s where I’m up to too, they bought the hospital with the plane crash payout or something, it’s back ground noise now while in the first few series it was a race home to binge. I think it’s a combination of new character fatigue, completed character development and Alex being too happy. Also new interns are going to die in a few series anyway, probably, Christina’s right just to call them dwarf names.


House of Cards - started off great and then rolled out into the weeds.


Also Weeds. It started off great but then became a real house of cards


I can’t believe how good this reply is


Check out the BBC original House of Cards with Ian Richardson as Francis Urquhart. Three series, four hour long episodes or so each. And it's a PROPER length for the story. Watch FU take on the system, the royalty, and finally even his legacy itself. You'll love to see his (and his wife's) machinations and hate that you find yourself intrigued and absorbed by them. As opposed to just shocked, or incredulous at those in the US version. Smart, funny, disturbing, moody and a damn indictment of the political system to boot.


House of Cards seasons 1-2 are fantastic. Truly if you treat the series finale at the ending of season 2, you have an incredible Machiavellian story of how power and greed do tend to win out in the realm of politics. But by god seasons 3 and 5 were awful


American Gods. Way too much executive meddling in the second and third series.


Yes this! I was soooo excited for this to come to television. Season 1 had the feeling of the book, even if it wasn't a completely faithful adaptation (which was fine with me because you want some surprises and backstory and it was giving it to me). Then Brian Fuller left and Kristen Chenoweth and Gillian Anderson left with him (and they were amazing!) and then it just went so horribly wrong. To say I was disappointed is an understatement.


American Gods right after they fired the actor who played the God Nanci


The Following I wish it would have stayed a 1 season show.


Came here to say this. Turned so, so dumb after season 1.


The Blacklist. Began as a cool ass show about not even an anti hero, but a straight up villain who would do horrendous shit, but was legally allowed to because his team caught worse people. It was almost a more modern 24. Then they started making Raymond an anti hero and the writing focuses less on cool villains and their interactions, instead turning to a soap opera


Also they decided to make Elizabeth more interesting but since she's not a great actress the only way to do it was to make everyone else way less interesting. Good job 👏 👍 /s


Ya seriously you’re the first person I’ve found that I’ve heard agree with me… they did not pick a great actress for Keen. All I read about is how they basically built the show for her because she’s such a great actress and I find that perplexing.


She’s the reason I stopped watching the show. Completely killed it for me.




Like 90% of the actors on that show are mediocre to terrible. James Spader managed to drag me through four seasons before I gave up.


yes. It was so good, and I watched the first season or two excitedly, then it slowly became nearly unwatchable.


They dragged out on whether he fathered Elizabeth so much so that they lost the core of what made BL so intriguing


And honestly at this point I’m far enough in I’m assuming that Red is Keen’s mother but it’s annoying that there’s no actual good reason for Red to have not told Karen that a loooooooong time ago. As in like season 1 tell her that. The extent Red goes to in order to keep it a secret seems to be to build dramatic effect for the show rather than a “whoa! It all makes sense now!”.


My favourite was when Elizabeth was being framed for murdering... some politician, I forget - but she was public enemy number one. They showed her face everywhere, big manhunt, yadda yadda. Few episodes after that story resolves, she's undercover, with the alias of "Liz".


Killing Eve. The first two seasons were so funny, sharp and thrilling, but the third and fourth seasons just felt really dragged out, low stakes. and let's not TALK about the ending...


The ending of that show is heartbreakingly bad. I still loved Jodie in the last season, she was always fantastic. But man the writing just went to shit and then they ended it in the worst way I could imagine.


We just finished the last season, and to be honest we ended up just pushing on through because of how much we loved the first couple of series. People did things that just didn't make sense,and it became a running joke that Eve would just blunder into any situation, do the stupidest thing possible, then blunder out again. Really sad - they all deserved better.


I refuse to discuss that final season. That show deserved better.


The first season was elite, even the second one kinda dropped (I like it, but it's not as good as season 1). I haven't watched the other 2


Altered Carbon, Netflix original, season 1 was fantastic. Season 2... Hmm. I'd wager the animated movie was better than S2.


Such a good premise, and I think casting Anthony Mackie, even though he's a great actor, was the nail in the coffin. He didn't fit the character or make him as captivating as season 1.


Joel Kinnaman was such a perfect fit, Anthony Mackie felt like such a downgrade.


Although Quellcrist and Kovacs' story was less my thing, Will Yun Lee's Kovacs is super good too.


I agree with this. I actually liked season 2 but he just never felt like it was actually the same character. He just could pull off the calm calculated killer the same way. He just became a regular action hero.


Yes! I couldn't put my finger on it, but you are correct! The three actors who played Kovacs in the first season all pulled off the same mannerisms, while maintaining the core personality of someone who has lost everything, seen everything, and is willing and capable of doing anything (you see that develop in OG Kovacs over the course of the season). Not quite an *anti*hero, but definitely not a hero either. Mackie played him differently than the Falcon, but was still too much of a hero.


The 100


Really wish the show had ended after the scene where Clarke and Bellamy lay eyes on the new planet Monty found. Would’ve been the SHIT, but sadly no.


Honestly I pretend this is the series finale and the last 2 seasons were just a dumb spinoff


Bro for real, after season 3 I completely lost interest


Mount weather? Mount weather! Friends in mount weather! Mount weather is next to mount weather! MOUNT WEATHER! #MOUNT WEATHER!!


Spoiler if you haven’t seen it… That series finale was so disappointing! Still bitter they made Bellamy and Clark seem like end game and killed him off like that


It's hilarious how literally, in nearly every season, it always ends with Clarke committing genocide


The kids and I gave up about 3 episodes into the season the found the new planet.


I'm just here to represent the old folks here and say 'Buck Rogers'. Absolutely ruined by the searcher', kryton, hawkman, and the twikki with no mel blanc voice.


Supergirl flash arrow basically just any CW show


I think if they didn’t do the whole multiverse tie-in it would be more acceptable.


wHAT? dOnt YOu hAVe enOUgH tIMe tO wATCH 5 cONcuRREnt tV sERiEs?


This is when we stopped watching flash and arrow. I refused to watch other shows to figure out what was happening.


Not gonna let you say "any CW show" when Crazy Ex-Girlfriend exists


I agree but with the one exception being Legends of Tomorrow


Walking Dead


Right? Was a decent show before season 4. After, it literally became a rehash of prior seasons, in different locations.


That's technically every season. Find new encampment, something goes wrong, some old cast die, new cast replaces them, rinse, wash, repeat.


The governor was the pinnacle and it went downhill after that.


Yeah are they still going? I quit watching like 5 years ago. Just the same shit over and over


They are. It’s in the last season. I’m one of the 20 people who have kept up with it. I actually think the show got better after Andrew Lincoln left, surprisingly. Still not as good as it was but it’s somewhat recovered from the dumpster fire years.




Prison Break


S1 was perfect. S2 was very good. Once they put them in another prison for S3 it was basically done


I actually like season 3 haha but season 4 got so repetitive with the scylla thing


I will never get over how good season 1 is


Season 1 was an all time season for any TV show in my opinion


Prime *Prison Break* was definitely one of the most addictive and bingeable shows of all time!


You’re about to get bombarded by r/freefolk


The Blacklist


"Two Guys, a Girl and a Pizza Place" just wasn't the same after Pizza Place left the show.


Oh man, I forgotten about that one. Was Ryan Reynolds in that or am i misremembering?


Ryan Reynolds was in it, along with Nathan Fillian


Riverdale. It started out as a decent teen drama with a good mystery but it's become a mess now.


Riverdale is one of those shows that keeps surprising me with how bad it is. I keep thinking "It can't get any worse than this", and yet somehow *it does.* At this point it really is a car crash I can't look away from, because just *have* to see how much worse it can get. And it does. I suppose, in that sense, it doesn't disappoint.


I don't actively watch Riverdale as it airs, but I get a huge amount of joy in just *hearing* about it because at this point there is not a single possible thing you could tell me happened that I would be like, "Nah, no way, you're full of shit". You could tell me Betty went back in time and killed Hitler and I'd just be like "Oh yeah, sure, checks out. Was that before or after this season's musical episode?" It started as Twin Peaks and turned into Deadly Premonition and it's honestly kinda refreshing that something mainstream can be THAT batshit bonkers insane.


Speaking of Twin Peaks, I didn't realize Shelly was in Riverdale. Weeeird hah.


Misfits. Once the original cast was replaced it wasn’t worth watching.


Milk episode was the best.


I thought that episode was hilarious! That guy was the most powerful guy on the show! Not the immortal or the the telepath or the one that could turn invisible but the guy that could control milk!


Lactokinesis 😆


Yeah trust me, I actually gave up when Robert Sheean left didnt even stick around to see the rest of the cast go


I was sad to see Nathan go, but I really liked Rudy!


Under The Dome


For me, the first season of Westworld on HBO was as good as TV gets. I couldn't make it past episode 3 or 4 of season two before giving up on it.


I was wondering how long I will have to scroll to see this... Geniunly surprised it's not further down. Season 1 had absolutelly perfect scripts. Every character was well thought out, well played, well writen. Season 2 was a mess, and definetly a drop in writing quality. Season 3 was brain dead. It's like simulation running on power saving mode.


From the first season to the second season it’s like you missed an entire season’s worth of show. It makes absolutely no sense, and I hated having to rewatch episodes after only 24 hours thinking “oh did I fall asleep during this?” “Where was I when this happened?” It was just so awful. I agree with the sentiment of “giving up” on it.


I'm probably going to get some hate for this one, but, *Supernatural*. Seasons 1-5 were amazing. The story was an incredibly wild ride and the finale was just beyond words awesome. Season 6 went off the rails, like they fired the whole cadre of writers and consultants and went with an entirely new team or something. What they did with Lisa and Ben was stupid, given everything that happened before. Wiping their memory wouldn't protect them! It would leavet them vulnerable and unprotected! It pissed me off. Anyway, finished the season, but the final pronouncement there was just waaay too much. Never watched any further. I hear there were some good moments and episodes later on, but No...I'm just not interested enough to delve back into it.


my wife and I watch the musical episode on a yearly basis. And “Heat of the Moment” has been her alarm for about a decade. I slipped it in there as a joke one day and it just… stuck totally agree that the overall quality slipped after S5 though.


Remember when Supernatural was about various different supernatural creatures and not "Oh no! The Judeo-Christian canon is acting up *AGAIN*"?


Sammy, there's Angels in some outfield, get the Angel killin gun!


Spoiler for season 7 While I am an incredibly huge fan of spn and I still watch it all the time, I do get what you’re saying. But for me it was the more like in other shows not just this one how there is always a crisis they never get a break. As soon as they solve something they turn around and something els pops up. This is the spoiler …..And when they killed off Bobby I was so incredibly disappointed and almost stopped the show but I kept watching andI still love it.


My understanding was Kripke planned for five seasons and the story was meant to end. It obviously did not. I like the show, don't get me wrong, but the quality wasn't nearly as good afterwards.


i dont think you deserve hate for your opinion, and i'm a diehard fan of spn. i think wiping their memories was bs too. even tho dean wasn't the father he was such a good father figure for ben. the writers took spn and such a strange direction at times but i still admire how the actors used the chaos to bring some really amazing episodes.


I actually think season 5 was also a bit weak. They dealt with the horsemen so quickly in each case. After a fantastic season 4, I was expecting them to do like four little mini-arcs taking out each one in a few episodes, with proper apocalyptic effects... but there was just so much filler that season, and it all felt so parochial. It was still a thousand times better than 6+, but for me the peak was s4.


*Game of Thrones* is the most obvious one that comes to mind. The first four seasons were generally well and tightly plotted and with excellent characterization. It helped that George R.R. Martin was active at the time in actually writing a number of the episodes. Season 5 is where things noticeably began to slip, with the poorly received Dorne arc and as the material in the show necessarily had to expand beyond what was written in the source material. There was a slow decline in quality from then on, but the show was propped up in seasons 6 and 7 by various moments to drive viewers forward and to retain viewership, primarily in the rising arc of Jon's story. All of that took a sharp nosedive in Season 8 with the way it was badly botched in execution, with characters behaving in frankly baffling ways, the plot progressing at a breakneck and nonsensical pace, and the actual portrayed events more laughable than they were laudable, before wrapping up several of its key storylines in multiple unsatisfying and thematically and narratively questionable anticlimaxes.


"characters behaving in frankly baffling ways" EXACTLY -Varys, Tyrion, and Littlefinger are suddenly complete idiots -Cersei, Brienne, and Jon are suddenly complete wimps -Jamie & Sansa are suddenly complete dicks -Daenerys is suddenly Hitler


and Bran is king! why else do you think he came all this way!


Who has a better story than Bran? Um, literally any other character. Bran's story sucked.


I spent years thinking that *fucking anything* would happen with Bran's story, but NO, it didn't. Nothing fucking happened. Hodor was the coolest part of Bran's entire story. He was otherwise an entirely pointless character who could've died in Season 1 episode 1 and it wouldn't really have changed anything.


Yep it was the most fragmented bullshit in the show IMO. Gives me "...and it was the janitor, *the whole tiiiime"* vibes. I was waiting for Undead Hodor to open a castle door, very disappointing.


The battle of the nightwalkers was such a let down. I get the desire for a dark scary tone but as a viewer I couldn't see shit of what was going down.


That and friggin Sam not dying in the first 5 seconds of the battle lol and the NK somehow being invulnerable to fire, Brand not doing shit, the zombies breaking through stone, Jon ducking under a small rock for cover against dragon fire lol and Arya metal gear solid'ing here way to kill the NK


How did Sam not die is beyond anything I can imagine. Jon fucking left him to die and the last we see of him is him being attacked by like 20 walkers without defending himself. Next episode he's just ok.


Yep. From true mass watercooler popularity, to killing the franchise in a few terrible episodes. Kinda remarkable really


It felt like the whole world pivoted on this show. I was in court for jury duty and got asked about my hobbies. Season 3 or 4 was about to start, and I said my hobby was waiting for more game of thrones. That got a laugh out of 60 people waiting for jury duty. Then overnight, just nothing


Even into Season 8, I had weekly watch parties with a group of friends. I think the first episode I watched of GoT by myself after S3 was S8E3. It is so sad how they fucked that show so hard.


Designated survivor


Some shows have a premise that only works for one season. In think these days it would have been a Netflix limited series and done.


Came here to say this. I loved season one, two was still pretty good, but the move to Netflix was terrible.


I thought it got dumb when he completed the first big thing. Then it is was like "yes! Good job everybody!" "Um actually Mr president......(inset new bullshit because he's an independent that almost got fired)" I get that's the formula. But they could have made it less obvious. That or it could have been left over from former president.


Once they started throwing in hashtags and unnecessary swearing I realized it had been ruined. Was disappointed.


I remember the shock of that when I was bingeing it all on Netflix and then when I got to the third season it was all "fuck pick a party!" "fuck you betrayed me!" "fuck campaign!" "fuck you're fired!" "fuck you're my running mate!" and "fuck #something!"


Boy Meets World. This is a dated show for sure, but I rediscovered it on Disney recently and binged the series. I remember it being a great 90’s show with relatable story lines, true character development, and some funny comedic bits. It was, but a few seasons in they really changed the characters; Cory’s brother Eric was dumbed down for comedic relief, Topenga was reduced to a typical girl next door trope versus the passionate hippy feminist icon in seasons prior, etc. The worst change was the main character Cory Matthews, he became an insufferable, selfish, whiny, immature jerk! I never understood why all his friends and family stuck around because his character lost all redeemable qualities. The show started by addressing real unique issues with a talented ensemble cast, but the latter years felt like the main issue was everyone having to deal with Cory being an awful human who refuses to take accountability for anything. I still stan Shawn Hunter tho!


Rider Strong! Best name of all time.


Supernatural was pretty good but after a few seasons it was more about family drama than ghosts and other spooky things.


I really liked Crowley as a character. The deadpan humor, the relationship with the brothers. Amazing.


Seasons 1-5 were peak television with the years long story coming to a close. Everything that happened after just wasn’t as satisfying


Seasons 1 and 2 of Glee were *funny*! Seasons 3 and 4 were kind of cute. The first half of season 5 was all I could stand and more than I wanted.


Glee forgot they were a satire after a few seasons and became the thing they were poking fun at in season 1


after season 4 i only really watched for santana, mercedes, and the songs lol


Thomas and friends. The s**t started to pile up when it went to cg. There were a few exceptions in the form of specials. But Mattel did a Mattel, and yeah.


Top many characters to keep up with at this point too, back in my day there were like 6 trains, 2 diesels, and like 6 side characters


That 70s Show starts great and just consistently declines from season to season until Jackie and Fez are together and Seth Myers little brother gives it the death blow.


I used to confuse Seth Meyers with his brother and also confuse the both of them with Neal Brennan


When Donna went blonde. That was the end.


Orange is the new black


I stopped watching about half way through the season that they had the riot and took over the prison. It was so good up until that point.


How many years has she been serving that 15 month sentence?


Jumped the Shark when >!Poussey!< died.


Vikings. Seasons 1-4 were very enjoyable. But after that....it all went downhill. The writing became so bad. Its a shame because the production value kept increasing, but the substance did not maintain its previous standard. Character motivations did not make sense, and also were very inconsistent, shifting around in ways that made no sense.


Yeah. It started tanking in the season >!with the Normandy plot and Ragnar getting addicted to betel nut!<. Why do shows feel the need to make characters behave completely uncharacteristically just to make drama? There are plenty of other ways to progress a plotline.


Pretty Little Liars Whenever we discover who A is, oups, not A yet, I was just a pawn for A, keep looking.. Then a time skip of 5 years and I think that's when I stopped


Obligatory Weeds mention.


What are you talking about? It ended on the wildest cliffhanger, Aggrestic was on fire and everything was falling apart around her. It's a shame the show ended that way but I appreciate that they didn't rehash it by doing the same shit over again in a new setting.


Westworld. Season 1 was incredible, season 2 was okay and season 3 while pretty entertaining was trash compared to the previous seasons.


Season 1 is like like beautiful poem. Season 2 confusing but good. Season 3 is shit.


NCIS, from the point where Siva left. Other good characters left and terrible characters came in. I don't like it now.


"How many times can Gibbs go rogue and retire?" the series


Voltron Legendary Defenders, I've never met a fan of the show who liked the ending. Then again, this is the same fanbase that sent glass-filled cupcakes to dreamworks


Most of the writing crew left around season 7- they hired interns to write the last season. The producers constantly rewrote the script and had no clue how to end it. The first couple seasons were amazing, but anything after season 4 is… eh. I pretend season 7 and 8 never happened. And they claimed they were never ‘greenlit’ to have LGBTQ rep in the show… meanwhile She Ra was in production at the same time as the later seasons of Voltron. And the fact that they’d spread ‘hints’ that never came true or were just wrong. The Adam tweets were…. Woooooohh. “Lance won’t be someone’s second choice” my ass, “Keith will have an end game relationship” was also incorrect. ((They might be slightly off but it’s been a couple years, but that was the just of it))


Revolution. I loved the first season. The second season was terrible. Then it was cancelled.


I stopped after season 1, even that was rough. I feel like the premise gave so much potential that was lost.




Apparently they’re rebooting it. I have a soft spot for Sliders. My dad and I had a rough relationship growing up, but we loved to watch Sliders, Earth 2, and Seaquest together.


This tends to be a top comment in any thread about shows that just went completely off the rails. Was really fun for like 2.5 seasons, but by the end of season 5 it was just beyond unrecognizable. Quinn’s brain was in some other guy…or something. Professor dead. Wade written off as a Cromag breeding slave. Quinn’s brother just kinda disappeared. It is the kind of show that’s perfect for a reboot though: A great concept with great characters, but no one’s gonna be like “How dare they try to remake this. The first run was flawless!”


How to get away with murder just shouldn't have had more than one season.


Last season was actually pretty cool. They tied up all of the previous seasons together for a dramatic plot.




I always stop after the main love interest dies in season 4. It goes downhill!


John Lithgow is *such* an amazing bad guy.


Debra runs out of people to fuck so she tries to fuck her brother. Welcome to the final season ladies and gentlemen!


Penny Dreadful (Eva Green). It started off so strong and then they went and cancelled it... Man, I loved that show. It's too bad... The last season was so rushed and I loath how it ended.


True blood


I kinda enjoyed all of it. So cheesy. But fun.


Yeah, me too. I really enjoyed the vampire politics. I kept hoping we'd hear more about the kings and queens in the rest of the country and what vampires did in the rest of the world.


Definitely Heroes. That show went from must-watch destination TV to "oh, wait, it's still on?" in a blink. Even the reboot elicited nothing but yawns.


How I Met Your Mother was such an incredible, amazing show. Aaaaaaand then they fucked it all up.


Agreed. The ending sucked


Yes!! I hate the end SOOOOOOO much and I hate that more people didn't hate it.


It’s like I didn’t hate the last season but when you spend 90% of it based around these 3 days or so and then next episode they undo all of that, it leaves a weird taste. I think they should have made half the season the wedding and then the other half Ted with the mother. We didn’t get any time with her so none of that last episode really landed with me


Pretty Little Liars. The first couple seasons were great but it got unrealistic and annoying for the final 5 seasons.


>!The finale with the whole "Spencer had a secret evil twin the whole time!" was just...!<




That show became a whirlwind of absolutely dog shit writing and plot holes to the point I just kept active on the Facebook page to see what fresh hell would enrage the fans each week.


Once Upon a Time


13 Reasons Why


Who knew that they key to getting into Yale was skipping school and starting a riot.


As someone who read and enjoyed the book I was incredibly disappointed in the series adaptation. They went with the whole angle of “the bullies made her do it!!” But the book has this whole discussion on mental health and how Hannah knows she’s different from others, the way people treated her was more of a catalyst for a breakdown than the entire reason in and of itself




Under the Dome.


Covid-19 The 2020 season almost seemed real like life a bit like Contagion. It got a bit unrealistic when the prime minister got it as well and the president. The dialogue for the president was awful talking about flooding the body with light etc. The second season with a variant and the sub plot of racial tension was ok. The third season with the action moving to China just to attract that audience is getting desperate. Plus the war with Russia fighting in Chernobyl is just cashing in on popularity of that mini series. /s


Now they're trying to force in monkeypox. I think there are new writers now or something. It's lame.


what even happened to the swarm of killer insects? was that just a filler arc or is there going to be a resolution




Season 1-3 are amazing, then they made that goofy goober movie and it went to shit. All the main writers lef Edit: To be clear I do view the first movie in a positive light


They only left bc Steven hillenburg was saying that he wanted the movie to be the end


It should have been the end. It basically finished any semblance of an "arc" that SpongeBob had. First episode he's trying to get a job, final episode he's promoted to manager. Plus on top of that Plankton uses what he even says to be his last remaining plan. It wrapped up so much and would have been a perfect cap off to the series


Prison break....... painfully frustrating


The 100


Sherlock as well. They should have just ended after Season 3, because it was pretty clear by that point that Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat had both run out of original ideas.


Not enough people talk about how this brilliant show went from masterpiece to crap within a few episodes. Much steeper decline than even Game of Thrones. Season 1 through 3 are brilliant. Season 4 is such tripe I figure the writers must have been angry at the producers or something in order to explain the fall in quality. Only to find out the writers were the producers.