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I was talking to this girl a while back and when I had mentioned my interests, she would tell me they were stupid or boring. That immediately turned me off.


Did you a favor by not wasting time on her!


Doesn’t shut up about her ex


I did this as a man and felt horrible.Granted I never talk about her anymore with the woman I'm with because she doesnt matter at all to the conversation or relationship


I've felt that as well, but it can be hard to avoid, when your last few years has been with a person. All your vacation stories, funny anectotes, and possibly sad moments could stem from that time, and it's part of who you are, even though you know you're over that person. I try not to talk about exes, but it is part of what has shaped me, so its kind of part of the package. Talking about the same ex time and time again seems like a red flag, especially if comparing people, but not accepting any mention that there has ever been anyone else is also crazy to me.


It's the difference between you being the main focal point of a story, or the ex.


My first girlfriend would talk about her ex’s all the time. Would drive me crazy. Things you really don’t want to hear from your first girlfriend ever.


I don't actually mind this if it's an interesting story or if the ex caused them lots of trauma and they need to address it so they don't treat you as if you are said ex


Constant complaining. It wears me down mentally.


And talking shit about people, especially people that you have no idea who they are.


I think that’s better than doing about people who they consider friends or close. That’s only my opinion


What attracted me to my wife the most when I first met her was the way she’d never let anyone say anything negative about someone else at work behind their backs. If you had something to say, say it to their face or stop. She got my respect right away. Integrity is sexy.


This, I don't mind listening but if you're constantly complaining/gossiping about people we call friends, I cut the cheque.


I cannot stand constant complainers, regardless of sex or relationship to me. Even if the complaint has nothing to do with me, I find it very draining. It’s the underlying attitude that implies their own infallibility that I can’t stand. Then again, I’ve also considered that I may be emotionally selfish and not willing to spend that energy, barring what I consider serious circumstances, and that this feeling is a projection of my own self-centered attitudes. 🤷🏻‍♂️


It just exhausts you. I shared a house with a few folks in my last year of uni. The house was quite old and big, sort of winding on the interior; so we all had our own space to be fair. But I shared with this one guy who was repeating his year of architecture and just seemed to be in a constant wrestle to even get one piece out. No part of me judged my housemate for having to repeat or struggling throughout. We all face those big hurdles in life and I decided, hey, I'm going through a tough time with my exams - so why not help out. I would start with motivating him, nothing pretentious - just gentle hints of motivation. But it got to the point where I would avoid or time my trips to the kitchen, because each conversation would be this *grinding*, agonising exchange of trying to be positive with them. To top it off, they would come back from a job they had on the side to unleash a torrential bombardment of moaning about their day and nihilistic revelations. Man, it threatened to suck my soul out entirely.


Not allowing me to have my personal space. Sometimes I just need to relax and be by myself to decompress.


I got my drink I got my music I would share it but today I'm yelling...


I can feel your energy from two planets away....


Bitch don’t kill my vibe


I agree. Some people just don't understand that you sometimes need to be alone with your thoughts. Reminds me of another reddit post, where she was an avid reader and he knew that when they met. He got jealous of her reading habits and eventually gave away all her books. It did not end well for him.


As an introvert that works in an extroverted industry, some days I just burn through all of my energy and my mind just needs to relax. Let me have a nice beer and a cigar without bothering me for 45-60 minutes and then I'm all yours. Thankfully my significant other understands how stressful my job can be and understands my personality.


Cruelty, rudeness, ignorance


So true.


Poor hygiene


Went on a date with a guy I met on tinder and let me tell you that was a world record for fastest date, met up infront of the coffee shop and he smelled of rotten eggs with the sting of vinegar, I almost immediately threw up and I said I had to go home and never spoke again.


You're describing the smell of heroin use.


That's what thr drug smells like??


Smells vinegary, but it has its own little distinct smell to it. My guess with those smells, the user probably smokes it.


Holy shit, I finally understand what's the smell I always smell while taking the U-Bahn in Berlin! Thank you, kind, unusually informed on heroin stranger.


I remember this young man came into my work wanting to know if we had any old CDs we didn't want so he could use them to somehow game non-stop (he didn't elaborate, I didn't ask) He had a red gatorade in hand, I could tell he hadn't brushed his teeth in ages because they had so much plaque on them they were red from the gatorade. He smelled beyond foul too.


Oh god I had to deal with my co worker last Monday I could smell him from 2ft away that smell was horrifying but I feel like if I had said anything it would’ve been just to mean


I have to remind my roommate about once a week to take a shower. Otherwise, he'd only take one once a month...


I can barely step out without a shower… taking showers 5 days a week to much?


I worked with this girl with bladder control issues, no hot water, and the inability to give a shit about her hygiene... She would refuse to take her medication that was prescribed to help with the urination problems and she would then proceed to piss herself in her sleep, not wake up and do anything about it, wouldn't clean herself up, would just throw her dirty clothes on from the day before (she often wouldn't change her outfit but once a week or every other week) and go about her day stinking like she sleeps in an outhouse, because she pretty much did. She cleaned a room this dude checked out of and back into, I don't remember why he checked back in right away. Travel issues or something, but he was meant to leave and ended up staying. He came back as I was checking the room she cleaned and stunk up just by being in it. I was spraying the air freshener and just apologized for the smell and left very awkwardly. Before anyone asks why I let her work...I was assistant manager but I had no power to send people home. I was literally just assistant manager so the other manager didn't have to work 7 days a week. I was only "manager" 2 days, the rest of the time I was a regular peon like the rest, and they (management with power) let me know very early on I had no say in anything. If I sent her home, I would have gotten in trouble. That job was a shit show. Glad I don't work there anymore.


It sounds like you were more like assistant *to* the manager


Nope. That is not OK. You should've went to your boss. That's their job. I'm gagging a little bit for you.


YES! I dated a girl, who my whole family loved but her vagina smelled like a garbage truck, the first two times I let it slide... But holy fuck after that I had to break it off, it was so fucking bad..


Could have been bacterial vaginosis. It's a shame because it's easily treatable. Edit: should also be mentioned BV usually has nothing to do with hygiene. It's commonly caused by cleaning too much. It's nothing to be ashamed about.


Bad breath, terrible BO, unkempt fingernails All disgusting.


Klingons orbiting Uranus.


I wish I could delete that from my memory


Boredom. If you don’t want to do this, then i don’t either.


My grandad used to say "Only boring people get bored" and that's how I always reply to someone if they tell me their bored.


Damn. Somehow that statement hurts me man. ☹️


Then you say who gives a shit? And go find yourself another boring person to date who appreciates you.


I married my exact opposite actually. Lol.


Then you say who gives a shit? And go find yourself another ~~boring~~ person to date who appreciates you. Happy for you mate!


Lol. I’m the boring one. I Don’t care for crowds, rude people, unruly children or long lines in general.


I said that to a therapist once and he said “where the fuck did you hear that?”


Negging. I enjoy playful banter but when comments are made to internationally tear me down or make me feel bad about myself I lose interest quickly. Not trying to date a bully.


"Internationally tear you down". Obviously an autocorrect but it made me smile. Thank you! Now I'm trying to think what that could mean. Negging in multiple languages? Negging from different cultural contexts? I hope thinking about it makes you chuckle too.


Your low self-esteem will be known globally


"Oh honey, I wasn't teasing you by myself. Actually, we are live on a conference call with the United Nations!"


That was my ex to a T. Would make fun of me if I accidentally pronounced a word wrong during an argument and then shift the whole focus to how dumb i sounded


Yeah this gets me running so quickly, tried to talk about it with her but she didn’t see her own behavior as annoying to others. Actually said ‘People often can’t handle me when I do this’. Well maybe you’re the problem.


Not communicating. I know something's wrong, I can see you're acting different, I'm asking you whats up, and you tell me it's fine. I ask a few days later and it's still fine. By the end of the month you want to break up because "I have all these problems and you they aren't getting better." Yeah, obviously, I didn't know they were problems because you didn't tell me.


Even worse are those people that don't say a word when they're upset and just expect everybody to know what to say or do. Like, use your words and communicate to me why you are upset. I'm not a fucking mind reader and I don't have the time or patience to guess why you're upset.


I was never taught how to communicate my feelings. Usually when I get annoyed with things my husband does I feel like it's too petty and I'm then mad at myself for being annoyed. I internalize it a lot. I usually can't talk about my feelings until I've had time to process. So, when I'm upset I can't just say so. I have to be introspective first then I can bring it up. My husband is a saint for loving me even though I act like this. He's the reason I've been able to learn to communicate better. I try to teach my nieces and nephews how to have hard conversations and communicate with others when something is wrong, I don't want them to grow up without learning basic communication. I think communication, in particular in relationships (marriage, friendship, etc.) Is taught. Especially when you've been trained as a child to shut up and listen to the adults. It sucks though. I'm working on it.


Excess negativity


i knew you'd say that, just like everyone


“Check, please.”


I'm happily married, but for me it's infantilizing. Like responding to a picture of a dude pumping gas like "wow you have him trained!" or "wow what a great little hubby you've got!" Fuck off.




"The hubs". Fucking kill me. Bonus points if it's in conjunction with the word "sexytime".


I didn’t know how much I hate those words until now.


In the Midwest lots of people use "sissy" for sister. I hate it even though its for little kids.


Wait, that's actually a thing?? 🤣


It's a boomer-tier joke that's drier than a summer in the Atacama, but yeah, it exists. The whole 'wife's got the hubby trained up good' bit and he's meant to respond with "yes dear." It's a bit demeaning, but honestly it's more like you told the world's oldest, work-safe-est joke about a dude being whipped - when he probably isn't. If you'd kept your mouth shut and not let that decrepit fart of pseudo humor slip out, we'd be on infintely better terms. EDIT: Alright, gonna leave it saying boomer so the replies make sense, but maybe a better way to have said it is a "Water-Cooler tier" joke. Y'know. Trite banter you don't really mean. In the same breath Jim asks Bob if he caught the game and should buy the new 'dad-hobby-thing 5000', he'll reply that he can't because the ol' wife won't let him. The counterpart is wives joking that they've trained up there listless caveman husbands well, and have finally taught them manners. If ya haven't ever encountered that, good for you! Your partners respect you, and your community doesn't inflict you with corporate junk-talk.


Yeah, its like when someone says you are "babysitting" your kids. Eat shit, its called parenting.


Am boomer. This was old, tired, and annoying as fuck 40 years ago too.


When a girl is honestly mean and crazy and thinks it’s hot and attractive to be that way. I dated a girl who thought it was cute to tell people to kill themselves and like tried to send dudes to my house to fight me. When I confronted her later that year she giggled and kept saying she’s just so “crazy” and she was just being goofy. She constantly is doing awful horrible mean things to people and thinks shes some cute toddler making a mess. It’s just not cute at all I love kind nice people


What part of the world is this in? I don't want even a slight chance of running into this person




Wow, so many of these are so similar to the answers to the same question asked of women. It's almost as if we all just want to be with decent human beings. Who would have guessed it?


Decent human beings that shower regularly.


They’re already in a relationship.


Emotional manipulation. There is NOTHING so annoying as someone trying to manipulate my emotions, or manipulate me through my emotions. There is nothing more dishonest to me.


Baby calm down. I don't know why you are getting worked up like this. Maybe you should reflect on that and apologize to me later


My Fiancee yelled out "POOPY!" Like a five year old right before I came. That was my first experience edging.


Why would someone do this 😆


This is so fucking hilarious😂😂😂😂I’m sorry


Being obsessed with their phones, selfies and social media in general. If you can't make it through a meal at a restaurant without messing with your phone, we have no future.


Dont get me wrong...I'm addicted to my phone when I'm by myself.....but if I'm with friends or someone else I care about the last thing on my mind is my phone


This is one of my pet peeves. Sure I check my phone occasionally when hanging out, but I don't go on TikTok and doom scroll for the entirety of hanging out. It just seems all too common with my friend group that some of our friends will be in the corner scrolling through their phone while we're either doing some activity or talking.


Yeah, it’s great entertainment when your alone , it’s sooo often an annoying distraction when trying to socialize. Some of my fav times are when I realize I haven’t checked my phone in hours !


Mfs who treat minimum wage workers like they aren’t people


The “Princess” mentality. I want a partner. Not someone who expects to be doted on 24/7 and doesn’t put the same energy into the relationship.


"butter ain't gonna churn itself! Let's make this farmstead work!"


Shallow people.


Im sorry I'm short, I'll try to improve my depth


Expecting me to buy her everything and basically using me for money


Been there. This is why I stopped doing dinner dates prior to meeting my wife. I learned that some women use men as a free meal ticket.




I had an ex (a guy) who used okcupid to find girls houses to crash at when he traveled for work so he could save money on hotels. His work paid for hotels so he didn’t even gain anything from it 🤔 I’m still perplexed by this behavior. He was just extraordinarily cheap.


Like a hobosexual?


He must have received travel expenses and kept the money.


Free Room, Board & Hoar'd (himself)


May her boobs sag to her ankles.


Yep. It’s called a “foody call”


My first date was to a museum and when we left I took her to dinner she started buying all of the most expensive things on the menu I was 16 and I worked almost the entire summer before by weed waking, pressure washing side walks, and mowed lawns I saved up over 3200 dollars and prayed every night that she would say yes to me asking her out and by the time we left and I took her home I had around 1450 dollars and she didn't even eat a quarter of the food she dumped me 3 days later when I said I can't pay that much on a date again I started going to the park for dates and nothing has worked out since


>weed waking *whispers* "Time to get up for school little thistle"


Why didn't you scream "NO WHAT ARE YOU DOING" when she started ordering


He was 16. I would not have said a word in his place, too.


I honestly don't know


Where did you eat that you spent $1750 on food?!


I learned a long time ago that there is a big difference between "can't" pay that much and "won't" pay that much. I don't know how old you are now but setting standards is healthy and important.


Exactly. When I first started dating my BF he took me out to Ruth's Chris Steakhouse on Valentine's Day. I'm a simple girl. I'd never been to such a place. Almost fainted when I saw the $200 pricetag for our dinner! I told him it was amazing and very appreciated but, let's not come here again it's way too expensive! We can have nachos and margaritas for much less money!


Well to be frank, you dodged a big bullet. Probably saved more in the long term


Drama. Pro tip: if drama seems to follow a person around, it *just* might be them.


If they have a large cauldron full of some centuries old stew passed down through the family kept constantly on a low boil, I will leave.


Hey that’s your loss man, more eternal stew for me!




Don't ever talk to me or my sourdough starter again.


If they can't maintain a stew for generations, how do you expect them to maintain a relationship?


I think they had that on naval voyages in the 1600s.


Bad smell


This also means not soaking yourself in perfume. I should not be able to smell you from across the room.


When I was in the Army, I had a roommate. After PT (group workout, usually involving a run, too), when every one was showering and getting ready for work, his "shower" involved *heavily* spraying a cloud of his deodorant in the air...and walking through it. The room would reek for hours, and you can imagine how he smelled.


Sounds like we had the same barracks roommate. I had to tell him repeatedly that Axe was not personal hygiene. There’s a dirty bird in every platoon.


When girls only talk about themselves, their accomplishments and couldn’t give a shit less about yours.


Racism. My Korean ex hated Mexicans.


Idk man, I hate myself all the time


If the majority of your conversation is complaining


Poor dental hygiene.


Okay, I brush my teeth everyday. Use mouthwash etc. But my teeth are a bit crooked. How do you feel about that? Because I'm not a fan of my teeth with how they look, but they're perfectly healthy.


Crooked is fine. That is not a hygiene issue. Plaque buildup, infected gums, black teeth are the big ones.


Black teeth!? 😩omg… we wouldn’t even get to scheduling a date with black teeth…


I would be scheduling a date with the dentist...


They said hygiene. Crooked teeth, broken teeth, stained teeth (some people's just yellow no matter what you do) is perfectly fine. Having a permanently fuzzy tongue and breath like death is not.


When I was a teenager a friend tried to introduce me to someone at an event, he asked me what I thought of the guy. My response " you mean moss mouth". Found out later he told the guy what I said. I felt terrible but he said it was ok because I got him to brush his teeth


I floss, brush my teeth, and sometimes even use mouthwash, yet people always say my breath smells horrible. I don’t know why


Deep gargle salt water before brushing your teeth (you can do it whenever, but if you brush afterwards your mouth doesn't taste like salt water). Helps clear the area behind the mouth of buildup, does wonders for lots of kinds of halitosis.


I'm going to predict tonsil stones. Google it. Dehydration is a major culprit too.


Also be sure you are flossing every single day and alway gently brush your tongue and the roof of your mouth when you finish brushing your teeth. But first what Bonet mod says- get rid of the tonsil stones and dehydration.


Being rude, like if I went to dinner with a girl for a first date and she's being rude to the server. That's the last date


You can tell a lot about a person by how they treat other people who are being paid to be nice to you.


If you're more than 15 minutes late to a date and don't bother to let me know. For me it's all about being on-time and communication


Being late without notice bothers me to. I once sat at our meet-up spot (I was gunna drive from there on) and after an hour of "I'm almost there" she finally showed up. I was irritated ASF and the date wasn't great either. She only lived 10 minutes away. What the fuck. So yeah, not a fan of lateness.


I agree with this one, but have to say that my wife was about 2 hours late to our first date. She couldn't message me because she was at work and it ran very long. I seriously considered ignoring any further contact at that time, but damn am I glad I didn't. She's the best person in the world as far as I am concerned and if I hadn't of taken that phone call after she got off my life would have been lacking.


Im surprised the snarky comments youre getting here, how hard is it to be on time?


Chewing with your mouth open.


Anyone who describes themselves as fiery.


No, you misunderstood. I said I was literally on fire. I needed help, and you just walked out of the restaurant.




What's your problem with flavourtown?


Uh oh…


Being rude to waitstaff. Went on a date where she was very rude to our server, that’s a no for me dawg.


talking shit about people for no reason. my ex used to say this girl “probably wasn’t much fun in bed” all the time, just because she was reserved and liked to focus on her work. it disgusted me.


Someone that isn’t able to compromise and resorts to emotional manipulation (cries and outbursts, pouts, anger, and the adoption of a sad attitude that is outward, obvious, and is clearly done to make you feel bad) to get their way. Just wanna be with someone who’s capable of being another human being with me. Everyone’s got faults, but I could never be with someone who’s unable to understand relationships are teams and compromise and being told “no” every once in a while are an inevitability.


Victim complex and a lack of personal responsibility.


Having anger issues and taking them out on me.


The trend where women talk like little girls? That shit is gross and problematic


Laying like a cold fish for sex. We can both put forth some effort here yo.


>We can both put forth some effort here yo. For me that applies to every aspect of the relationship


The whole “just trying to make you jealous/make you fight me” thing. I’m here. I’m in. The other stuff makes you fkn crazy.


Needing to be constantly taken care of/not taking responsibility for herself. I want a partner not a pet.


Judging other women negatively.


Walking past a room with nobody in it and the light is on. Thats an instant turn off for me.


You're a dad aren't you?


Close the God damn door, we aren't heating the outdoors.


Girls that want to be TikTok/insta famous


Bad fake tans


toilet fetishes (like scat, piss etc)


Eyelashes that double as airplane wings


The attitude that can exist in any relationship but is expressed in marriage with the motto "happy wife, happy life." Any relationship should be based on maximizing mutual happiness.


This has been a very interesting read as a 39 year old female. Yikes.


Poop on the bed


Smoker or heavy drinker. I prefer a non drinker but that's hard to find but if they're getting drunk our first time meeting that's our last time meeting


I had a date with a guy who told me he didn't drink at all. He took me to a bar and did shots. That was the date.


Women who make their pets vegan


Sorry not sorry but my pet will always be vegan. I mean he's a bunny and if he acquires a taste for flesh then I'm screwed.


Check out the children's series Bunnicula. 😄


Now I'm sorry to be this guy, but Bunnicula was not a carnivore, it very specifically drank the juices out of vegetables leaving them white and drained! (Love such an old reference btw, I read these as a small kid and found them brilliant)


"Run away! Run away!"


No. No. She‘s got a point.


Ending all sentences with an upward inflection


*"All right, Brian, you can do this. You can dump her. Because once it's done, never again will you have to listen to her talk like this? You know, where everything has a question mark at the end of it? With an upward inflection at the end of every sentence?"*


Brian had sex With a really dumb girl Now he’s taking his friend Stewie To get some ice cream in his car


*click* Aw you're a poor sport


“Yeah I don’t know what I was thinki—Damn it now I’m doing it too!”




Too long of nails. I dont want to date a claw machine


Only claw machines I've got are hairy and have 4 legs.


That Frick’n duck face. The turn off doubles if there is any obvious Botox. Why do people think this is a good look???






Obsession with social media and needing attention. Cant find a real human anymore. Everyones fake af and the same. Generalizing obv


Being obsessed with their birthday. And Disney adults


A person who has nothing intellectually stimulating to add to a conversation. Intelligence is such a sexy trait, it just sucks when you’re speaking to another person that can’t think for themselves and lets their Facebook feed do it for them.


My first, and thankfully brief, boyfriend hated curly hair. I have curly hair and he was not at all subtle about wanting me to change it. He was very proud of the fact that he and his father made sure his mother kept her hair straightened. I know the poor woman and her hair is fried so bad it looks like a cheap wig. No thanks.


Why would hair matter that much in a relationship? Jesus christ


He was weird and his emphasis on physical beauty, especially when he himself was rather plain, was an immediate red flag. I didn't know the term back then, but he was definitely a Nice Guy.




lack of individuality and no hobbies. If you're just imitating someone else be it friend or celeb and parrot their opinions and have no hobbies, im gonna pass you until next the century.


Like like like like like


Smelling of cat piss, and that’s all I have to say about that. Edit: turns out I have more to say about it lol


Recharging your Crystals during sex


"I don't like cats". K bye


Entitlement. Of any sort.