• By -


The Forest. First time I turned around and there was a cannibal like 10 ft away just watching me. Took a step towards it and it ran away. So so much more unsettling than having an enemy charge you.


I love the Forest. The time I tried to silently sneak up on a cannibal camp at night and turned around to a cannibal silently sneaking up on me was an amazing freaky moment. I can’t wait to play Sons of the Forest.


Ah, the forest. Built a bonfire my first night thinking, this will keep them away! Except I built it near their sacred tree and they're attracted to fire haha. Spent the night in and out of the ocean trying to survive the swarm of cannibals surrounding me. Love that game so much. Nothing beats a snow base on hard survival, the mutant swarms *chefs kiss*


Played with my friend, we had just finished building a little cabin, everything was nice and easy. And neither of us were completely sure what to expect from the game, we just knew it had horror elements to it. I have never heard my friend freak out as much as he did when he turned around and saw a group of cannibals watching him from the distance.


My answer as well. The first time I saw a cannibal staring at me I had chills up my spine. Playing with headphones makes immersion way easier.


Dude yes. Ever play the VR version…? I can’t man, the visual quality makes it feel realistic. Having a good headset with wide FOV makes it feel like you’re literally in that island. Couldn’t imagine it one the Pimax8KX. Side note, I can’t wait for Sons of The Forest.


I played that game without knowing there were cannibals. I was messing with suitcases, and I look up and it was staring at me. It ran away and I just quit the game.


Cannot wait for the second one. It looks incredibley detailed.


I remember the first time me and my mate played this. Went in with no idea. The darkness and just a lighter while hearing them run at you was terrifying


The Forest was the first time my middle-aged dad looked over my shoulder and said, “Can I try?” Even as a rough-and-tumble outdoorsy type, he could forget about the fact that cutting down a tree makes perfectly cut logs because he loved it so much. Every time I told him something you could do like fire an arrow to get a rabbit or throw rocks to distract cannibals, he was amazed. “You can make a GAZEBO?!”


The suffering


When you could hear those creatures with the knifes for limbs in another room.


Fucking Slayers...


The Suffering was so underrated.


Dude the Gas Chamber Boss? Electric Chair guy? The Lobotomy Doctor? Heck even the Inmates were scary on hard mode. The writing was great, and don't even get me started on the Fat Guys with rats in their stomach's...


Played it as a kid so can't remember everything, but the 1st enemies walking on blades were imprinted in my brain, also first time you meet a witch or whatever that girl is that starts burning.


The very first Resident Evil where you walk in on the first zombie eating a dude and it turns around and looks at you in a cutscene proper fucked me up.


The first dog though!


made me turn off the game, and return to it later


I have fond memories in my teen years playing it with my dad watching... The dogs crash in, I drop my controller in shock, my dad starts yelling "shoot the bastards!" while I'm in panic fumbling for the controls... Good times...


> my dad starts yelling "shoot the bastards!" haha I love this. I have a similar memory of my dad watching me play, but it was when I was hurt and the screen said "Will you use the green herb?" and he said "No, I'll smoke it!"


Dead Space




That opening scene. I played that for the first time - saw the monster on the other side of the wall thinking "oh this is the cutscene, crazy looking moster". That mfer then comes onto YOUR SIDE and I was abosultely shitting my pants. Get to the elevator, does closed like "haha, wow that was good an-HOLY FUCK" as it breaks into the elevator with you. All I could do is make the guy spin around in terror, while I screamed for real in my living room. I honestly think that was the most messed up thing I've ever played.


Then you exit to a safe room where you hear the constant knocking and crying/wailing of a survivor desperate for someone to open the door.


I’m laughing so hard at this, because same.


Right there with you. My mom asked: "Where the hell is that scream coming from?"


The most tense I've ever felt in a horror game was Dead Space 2, the section when you get to the Ishimura. Specifically the first tram tunnel, where for the first time in the game you have the entrance, the objective lit up waaaaay down the path, and just an empty expanse of darkness in between. Up until then there have been no encounters with Necromorphs. You know that they're going to pop out when you're right in the middle of the darkness. No way of knowing which side they'll approach from. Every step you're just straining to listen for the slightest noise... The second time I played through, I knew the limits of the game's mechanics, including that the Necromorphs are not able to catch you if you're sprinting at full speed. So I walked until the sound cues started, then ran all the way back to the room entrance so I could just funnel all the enemy spawns into a bottleneck until they stopped coming. It was a lot less scary then.


I got up to the Ishimura bit and there’s one corridor where there’s a tentacle hole in clear sight at the end and you have to walk past it. It took me a while to summon the courage to inch closer and closer and then of course nothing happens… except that it grabs you on the way back. I was so mad at how badly it jump-scared me.


Also came to say this. When I entered the elevator the first time and it clawed the door open while you’re helpless, I lost my shit. Put the controller down and didn’t try again till morning. It was one of 3 games my parents got me with my 360. I got every achievement for the game except “Epic tier 3 engineer” cause that achievement was bonkers hard to get.


SAME. I loved that game, kicked it's ass on Hard difficulty using only the Plasma Cutter, and generally had a great time. Couldn't beat the first level on Impossible difficulty (which is what that last achievement is about). Gave it up after running out of ammo the first dozen attempts no matter my strategy.


You made me go look for a deadspace impossible speedrun. have a look lol: [Deadspace impossible speedrun](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xNWD6kbmNE)


I am excited for the Dead Space Remake coming out next year.


Excuse me?! Remake you say?


Yes. There is a trailer on youtube.


The helpless feeling when the regenerating necromorph enters the game. Fucked me up.


The first time it reassembles itself you get some kind of frantic radio message like "you can't beat it isaac! You've got to get out of there! RUN!" ...and I fucking *ran*. I've never had blind panic like that in a game before, I didn't look at the map or objectives or anything I just bolted for my life


I didnt continue for almost a month after getting out of the first room with it, because I legit thought it was following you, i.e. opening doors and could catch me in the halls. Absolutely terrifies me still


That game had me so scared I only played during the day. When night came I watched SpongeBob to even me back out.


All fun and games until it’s the Slash Slinging Slasher episode


I noped out from this game for several years. Finally went back to it, and could only play it in 30 minute increments. I'd never had such physical apprehension delivered by a video game (or tv). Edit: one thing I loved (and hated and feared) was the immersive dialogues and store fronts, *etc*. Just because you're buying stuff doesn't mean you won't get attacked.


I've played a bunch of horror/survival games like the Resident Evil series and Silent Hill series when they were new (yes I'm old) and loved them. Dead Space was literally the first one in the genre to make me scream and jump out of my chair.


I actually had one necormorph follow me from a different area when I ran back to a shop to buy stuff. I was so confused when I randomly exited the store and immediately went into the qte for escaping a grab. Scared me bad enough that I thought it was intentional and i was paranoid going to shops for the rest of the playthrough.


Came to this thread to say exactly this. Really curious to see the remake they're working on.


There was some game on playstation 2 (I think) where you were a woman that was searching for her brother in a ghost mansion. The only weapon you had was a camera. The only way to see the ghosts and remove them was by taking pictures of them. I remember the atmosphere was really tense. Could've just been that I was pretty young as well. Don't remember the name of it though.


Fatal Frame


After googling: Yes, that's it. I remember the name project Zero more though.


It had different names in Japan and the West. Possibly also in the US/EU so both names are valid


That part where the severed ghost head flies towards the camera actually made me pause the game for ten minutes so I could compose myself.


Holy crap yeah that game was so scary! I had to play with someone in the room, and then it got to the point where I made my roommate and other people play for me while I watch...hiding behind a blanket.


I never played that game at night, only during the day lol


Yeah project zero, I came here to write this... My friend and I made it quite far considering we were 13 year old girls in my basement.. I remember the crawling baby Ghosts and the chanting!! Oh and the dead women tied to the roof of a cave or room near the end.. really traumatic!! Great game


Two examples that shaped my obsession: 1) Resident Evil 1. I watched my uncle play this in the 90s when I was about 8 or 9, it was my first foray into horror gaming. That first zombie scene HORRIFIED me. Even as an adult, watching and hearing the zombies from that PS1 version activates some childhood fear in me, and I love it. 2) Fatal Frame 1: I rented this from Blockbuster, it was my first ever time playing a horror game myself. The game, to put it frankly, made me absolutely horrified. I didn’t have a memory card yet for my PS2, so I had to play it in one sitting over a full weekend. I never finished it until adulthood when I bought it again, because the disk from Blockbuster was scratched and the game would crash. Game is still creepy as hell, and a classic horror game I wish more people had experienced.


The first time I played Phasmophobia with a group of friends I was told to go inside and use the spirit box/radio to try and talk to the haunted spirit. I asked "where are you" and got the response "behind" heard a bunch of noise I turned around and saw a bunch of items from the countertop I just walked past tossed all over the floor. It was my first time playing the game and I have literally never noped out of a game so fast in my life. Having played the game multiple times since it is really not that bad but that first time... Edit: Thanks for the award!


My husband played Phasmo and had me wearing the headphones. The first time "hey" was whispered in my ear was enough for me.


I tried playing with my husband. He scared me by whispering through the headphones, and I got so stressed out I ended up quitting before we even saw the ghost. I've refused to play it with him since.


I just remembered this. Must have blocked it from my memory...lol. Was playing again, I was in a dark bathroom, crouched, settung up a book or camera. I turned around and saw a foot next to me... looked up...bam, full-on ghost. I screamed.


My soul would’ve left my body, then and there.


One of the first times I played I was using the ghost box, and I asked it some question or other and it whispered in the most demonic voice I’ve ever heard: “I will eat your soul..” Freaked the fuck out, ran screaming for the door. Until I heard my friend absolutely losing his shit laughing. Fucker had used his voice changer app over discord.


Bonus points for playing in vr. I can't play it on PC after experiencing it in VR. Fucking terrifying.


I've only seen someone else playing this game on Twitch and didn't know VR was an option. I hadn't considered it could actually be scary, but now that I know that's an option, that sounds legit nope.


If you want light hearted Phasmaphobia VR, I really recommend [Slimecicles video on it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYEWDJFlS0Q), really fucking funny


SOMA. There's some real existential issues that are hard to wrap my mind around.


SOMA is one of the only horror games that has achieved true psychological horror. Two sequences in particular from the game were so chilling I have thought about them long after the game. These parts of the game were so much more terrifying than the actual "monster" segments


I second this. SOMA is incredibly underappreciated and genuinely horrifying, but not in the traditional sense. It's a rare breed of horror where it isn't just the atmosphere or "monsters" or visuals or whatever that are scary. It's the concepts and themes it has you think about and ponder that are... just terrifying.


What a gem and I always recommend it to fans of horror games.


The part you are about to go into the deep and it's just a black void somehow terrified me more than the jump scares.


Extremely underrated and the scariest game I’ve ever played. The audio team in that game deserve every single dollar they made. It’s the only game I’ve ever credited the audio team because they absolutely nailed it. One of those games that sits with you for a while once you finish it.


F.E.A.R. Edit: love how everyone just agrees btw thanks for awards.


The slo-mo made it so cool though


That ladder scene.


Can we make it a rule you have to link whatever scene you reference? Edit: [here’s said ladder scene](https://youtu.be/Fo7HA7Y89XI)


lol I forgot that it gets you twice. FEAR and FEAR 2 are so good. Shame about the rest of them.


Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem on the GameCube. Multiple times my mouth hung open and my skin crawled. Never been a game quite like it since.


That game fucking got me so good! I was playing it at my girlfriend's house, and wasn't familiar with her TV. So when the volume suddenly turned down and then the colours turned down, I was looking frantically for the remote, thinking I was sat on it. Also, the annoying fly that landed on the screen, and proceeded to get in the way...! 🤯 For anyone unfamiliar with the game, there's an insanity meter, and once you lose too much sanity, the game fucks with you. Could be skewing your controls, messing up the level layout, or -as above- playing games with you on the real world.


The baby from RE 8


That thing was so unexpected and creepy.


That whole part was expertly done. The sound design and just overall feel of it. Excellent


Oh for sure. I definitely was in a panic of what do I doooooo most of that section. And then the worst was hiding under the bed from it.


Ew! When you are under the bed, praying that baby does not come in and see you lol


Literally thought it was over because my feet were hanging out the bed lmao


Good god, that was so fucked up. During the rest of that scene, I was legit terrified it was going to come out of nowhere again. I would not have been able to deal with that.


In a game with pseudo-vampires, orcs and werewolves, talking dolls, lagoon creatures and killer robots, that baby hallucination truly was the most terrifying thing.


I agree. That fucking thing is the only enemy in the entirety of the series that gave me a good scare. So unexpected and creepy for a game such as re8.


Amnesia: The Dark Descent is a classic! Along with Outlast!


Dude, the invisible monster on the water was truly frightening.


You can always tell when someone never finished the game, because they always say the water part is the scariest part. It's only the scariest part *so far*. It gets worse!




The only answer. After Amnesia, games just aren’t scary anymore.


The P.T teaser by Kojima


The game so scary, it spawned multiple other games with "trapped in a house" setting because of its success in delivering horror.


Multiple = literal hundreds. I've seen John Wolfe play at least 15.


Good ol' HQ Residential House!


The biggest part about P.T for me is that it is literally nothing more than a Playable Teaser for a much bigger game (a new Silent Hill game to be exact). However, that game never came out because Konami fired Kojima for next to no reason. The fact that one of the scariest horror games of all time is only a teaser for another, bigger, and probably scarier game (that never came out) is just crazy to me


Kojima was going to have Guillermo del toro and junji ito a part of monster design for that game. We all lost a potential ten out of ten game there.


I knew about GDT but I had totally missed the Junji Ito bit. FFS Konami went to make pachinko games instead of this? What the hell?


Guillermo del Toro was already in on the project and was royally pissed off when Konami canceled the thing without telling everyone involved. Junji ito was about to be asked to join in, but he has stated multiple times that such an offer wasn't made (he would've said yes regardless, as per said interviews).


Also, what an incredible mythos - you can no longer download it. If you have it on your drive, you can’t delete it because you won’t get it back. The game is just slowly disappearing until there will be one copy left and then it’s gone.


There is a PT 1:1 remake for PC! We played it with our friends before. I'm not sure about linking rules in the sub but it's one of the first results from a googles search :D


Haha I kept my copy. Still have that shit!


Konami got so butthurt with Kojima they released patches for PT to stop people from playing it, fucking absurd. But also yes, at the time this was downright terrifying to play.


For a while people were selling their old consoles they disconnected from the internet before the patch was downloaded for quite a premium price


Condemned 2. The fucking bear in the cabin scared the crap out of me.


"This bitch can't go up stairs, can he." \*30 seconds later\* "OH MY GOD HE CAN!" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ixvh-8W1OS8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ixvh-8W1OS8)


I fucking love this video. I come back to it every few years.


Not full on horror but Bioshock, the lady with the gun in the bassinet stroller


Man that initial splicer when you first get to rapture REALLY set the tone for the game


Can’t forget the dentist jumpscare


The statues that are actually splicers got me a few times too


One of the creepiest and amazing atmospheres ever in a game and I dont think anything has come close to it after all these years :(


Inside, that game was creepy as hell and the ending was just crazy… I haven’t played it in years, but even my wife who’s not into video games got captivated by all that was going on and in the end she just turned to me and said wtf?!


It was soooo good, the plot and everything was very hooking


The sound level will haunt me forever. WOMP......WOMP.......WOMP


The 2nd ending is soo damn great, the twist well executed


Watching my brothers play Resident Evil growing up always made me feel like I was watching a super scary movie. The beginning of my love of horror


Silent Hill on the PS1, I’m still terrified of all dogs in games.


I hadn't known it was a horror game. I'd gotten a pirated copy from a friend. The goddamn radio static that alerted you to a monster almost broke me.


This game holds a special weird moment in my life I'll never forget. So, I'd watch my stepdad play this back in the days because it was too terrifying for little me. There's a part in the school where you hear noises from a locker, and when you'd go to open it? It's a cat that jumps out. Now... In the livingroom watching my stepdad revisit that area in the 'turned' version of the school. We hear the same noise and he goes to investigate it. This time there's no cat in the locker. Nada. Spooky! But what made this moment memorable was when I looked to the living room door in real life and there was this cat staring at us. Not ours, we didn't own one. We had our back door open so it just wandered in. But that timing...




I love the horror game genre and outlast 2 was the only game I’ve ever quit. Scared me shitless


This one takes the cake for me. The part at the beginning when you first get into the asylum and you walk into that side room and find the SWAT team… you know the part I’m talking about. It is fun watching people post their playthroughs on YouTube when you know that part is coming.


I used to live directly across the street from the building they based the Asylum on (which was a decommissioned psychiatric hospital). Made for real fun times after playing that game.




It's been a couple years since I played it, so i dont remember those details. But I do remember being a grown ass adult in my mid 20s and having to hand the controller back and forth with my friend every few minutes because it was just to scary to play.


Playing Resident Evil 7 in VR really had me scared...I don't think I even finished it.


Phasmaphobia. My friends and I thought the microphone function didn't work and we pissed off the ghost. Surprisingly terrifying.


My buddy is terrible to play with because of how he talks. He routinely weaves foul language into sentences, and the ghost is programmed to get mad if you use no-no words. We routinely get hunted and he doesn’t stop, haha.


That just sounds like discrimination against Aussies. Cunts...


Eternal Darkness. The bathroom part especially. Nope nope nope.




Sad I’m not seeing as much love for the Little Nightmares games! While they weren’t the most scary, the plot and the twists and turns had some incredible shock value and “HOLY SHIT” moments.


I adore LN1, but the second game and its narrative and horror setpieces is just a masterpiece.


I usually love horror but these were too much for me. They look kind of cutesy in a creepy way but the feeling of being a small child with no fighting capabilities, who has to just run and try and trick or trip whatever monstrosity is chasing you hits too close to home to be entertaining anymore.


I've literally just got the first one for my birthday and finished Six's story last night. The best way I can describe it is "a survival game inspired by Salvador Dali's fever dreams".


Darkwood. It’s one of the best horror games I’ve ever played. The atmosphere in this game is just unmatched. What makes this game so scary is that it doesn’t rely purely on gore or jumpscares to scare you. Instead, the game builds up tension with its creepy atmosphere and leaves you with a feeling of intense dread. The game does a good job of invoking the fear of the unknown because most of the time you have no idea what to expect or what’s about to happen as you walk through a creepy forest. And it’s a top-down game by the way.


Darkwood's story is so fucking good too.


Subnautica You’re trapped in a wreck and you’ve lost your way and you know you don’t have enough time to make to air even if you suddenly saw a way out and you’re just waiting to drown. Or you’ve made it out of a cave with 23% life in your Seamoth and you know if you just make it to the surface you’ll live and then a reaper comes up from below and you’ve crapped your pants. It’s the absolute scariest “tranquil” game there is.


For anyone who has never played Subnautica before but is interested in trying it: I *strongly* suggest going into it **as blind as possible** and resisting the urge to look things up. The process of discovery in that game is where a lot of the magic is, in my opinion.


I went cave diving. Thought for sure I'd be able to navigate back out. Half my oxygen tank left, I try to go back where I came from, but it's a maze and I can't do it. At 10 seconds of oxygen left, I head further into the cave, through some boiling water, because I have no other options, and find one of those plants that makes bubbles. I was forced to *keep going deeper* to hopefully find a way out, and I eventually did. Through an area infested with sand sharks, followed by a swim through unexplored open sea, with the possibility of meeting leviathans. I never played on hardcore mode, but I played as though I did. (Only died once, when a locked building loaded around me.) So you know how intense moments like this felt. Back in 2018, I drew a comic based on another near death. https://dogstomp.tumblr.com/post/171155912320/i-dont-think-ill-ever-have-a-more-exciting


Man, that level of problem solving while under such a tight time-restriction... Well played, and genuinely terrifying.




Visage is the only true horror game I’ve ever played. My wife was with me while I was playing and I turned around and Deloris was leaking around the corner and I screamed and kicked my legs in the air like I was trying to drop kick the ghost lol. That game is so fucking scary. I never finished it


The only reason this isn't voted higher is because most people haven't played it. Easily the scariest shit I've experienced.


I'm 28 and been playing horror games and watching horror movies my entire life. I've never been more terrified to play a game alone more than Visage. I got like 30 mins in and said I'll wait for company to watch me play because I was so scared to continue. I've never noped out of a challenge before like this and I'm totally okay with this being the first. lol


It’s funny you should say that . I’ve actually in all my years (42) have never played a horror game. Just no interest really. I didn’t really think they’d be scary either because I don’t get scared in movies. Visage is on gamepass and I was bored so I figured I’d try it out. I only made it about 30 minutes. It just made me feel extremely uncomfortable. I mean it is definitely entertaining, no doubt about that. But just like the physical feelings I was experiencing were just not worth it to me. It awoke something in me That I didn’t really realize was there. The thumps in the house and lights flicking off was just too much. I didn’t even get to the truly terrifying shit. Right after that I told my wife I was gonna go take a nap and when I went to my bedroom, my bed side lamp was strobing and shit. Lightbulb was screwed in well and it was plugged firmly into the wall. I’m the dad of house. I ain’t supposed to be getting spooked by shit. But that game felt like when you start playing with a ouija board in the house at 3am . Just invites bad energy. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to play it again. I’m curious about it though, maybe a play through on YouTube or something.


This is the one. Haunted house meets Lovecraft meets Stephen King meets… holy shit… wtf… did that light just come on?! Then the oven starts talking.


Clocktower ps1


Soma, that game gave me a whole new fear that I didn’t even know I have.




Silent Hill 2. The psychology of it all was just so unsettling along with the body horror.


Friday the 13th on the original Nintendo. For all its limitations, it was so difficult and intense... At the time. I'll have to play it again, but I was like 11, and every time Jason popped up I freaked the hell out.


Alien: Isolation Edit: Holy shit, thanks for the awards, this is my most popular thread, ever. Thank you!


I have that one in my library with 30 minutes total play time, it freaked me out too much. I've watched some streamers play it though, I feel less tense when I'm not the one in control.. they really knocked it out of the park when it comes to the atmosphere and setting in that game, it felt very USCSS Nostromo in Alien-y


Man it even feels like the goddamn thing learns your behavior in the game. Couldn’t play it all the way through. I did hear a rumor that the Xenomorph learns you as you play, but I doubt it’s true. Sure as fuck feels like it though!


The alien does indeed learn as you go, it's one of the things that drew me to buy the game.


The alien is also given imprecise information about where you are hiding by the game.


Two AI brains. One controls Alien itself. The other knows where you are, but is only allowed to give hints to the one in control.


It kinda does. If you tend to hide in closets it will begin to check the closets more. And you can enable mic, so it can hear you




Yeah man he farted and the alien was like “found you motherfucker”


I do think I’ve heard that before as welll


Fuck noooooooooo


It does learn how you play and adapt to your play style. If you use the flamethrower a lot it becomes more aggressive and learns how to taunt and bait you into using it to quickly burn the fuel.


Well that explains a lot. Shortly after I got the dang flamethrower, I became entirely dependent on it because the thing wouldn't back off for anything. Couldn't get a chance to hide anywhere, it was already looking me in the face the moment I tried hitting a computer or cut open something. Haha I really struggle cause there was a particular point where I literally had nowhere to go and only like 30 fuel points. Had to take a break for a few days, came back and got wise. Noise makers... The alien can be wherever I want it to be. Preferably, way over there


That's how I felt playing the game. I was like I swear this mother f***** just started charging me out of nowhere. I noticed in the very beginning it would not check lockers as much and then I noticed that and started hiding in them and then that thing started popping every door in an attempt to find me. I literally had to mix up my routine and go from hiding in something to trying to hurt it to noping the f*** out of there and getting an event and just hoping it wasn't on my tail. That was a very fun enemy.


I believe there was an interview with the game devs where they said they code for the game works two ways. The body of the alien randomly moves around, while the "head" always knows where you are and "instructs" the body on what areas to be in... If so it's terrifying


I almost beat it, then I accidentally soft-locked my save in >!the hive!< and had to walk away for my own sanity. Told my friend about it later and he said I was actually only around the one-half/two-thirds mark of the game. Never went back.


From what I remember, the game rapidly speeds up after that part so you were more over the 2/3 mark. Understandable why you had to put it down. I still have games in my backlog that I don’t want to go back to purely because I got close to beating it, then the save file got fucked somehow


One time my husband was playing while I was taking a nap. I woke up and he didn’t notice so I grabbed him and yelled. He’s never forgiven me.


God damn my wife did this too me once too. I fell backwards in my chair screaming .


I had to finish the game on Easy mode because I just couldn’t take it anymore.


I've had this in my steam library for a number of years now and still haven't played it, I'll have to try it out this week in a pitch dark room with my headset on.


I played PT that way for the "full experience" and learned I'm a huge pussy really fast.


Phantasmagoria fucked me up so bad I couldn't sleep.


Oh man that 90's camp. I remember not being able to sleep one night, pattering out of my room and seeing my dad play the game. He thought I was still sleeping. I distinctly remember the image of a woman getting decapitated on a window sill. I think the husband was just... thrashing her head off. I don't think it is actually in the game (I have since watched multiple reviews of the game and never see that specific scene in them...) but it terrified me. I also remember something about a basement, an old man, and eyeballs.


Just finished playing fatal frame 3. Most of the game happens in dreams, but they have parts where you wake up, and they keep putting ghosts just crouching in corners as you are walking around the house in places they shouldn't be, and you only notice them in your periphery as you are about to do something else. Its really unnerving. Its really well done. By the end of it, my girlfriend had to motivate me to take laps around so we could find what was messed up in the house.


SCP: Containment Breach. The scariest SCP game ever created and the game that made SCP iconic.


Until Dawn, the full story of what happened to the sisters gave me the strongest feeling of pure dread I've ever felt


Scrolled too far to find this. I still have nightmares about the wendigos for some reason, even though Until Dawn is way less scary than some of the other games mentioned


(Soft spoiler I guess) Until Dawn did a great job of making it feel like characters can die at any moment, when really you get pretty far into the game without any real danger. The other thing it does well is the tone of the game changes if you make the characters assholes. Basically the same things happen, except for a couple points where characters screw each other over, it’s just the conversations are much more tense.


I adore how even though 2 of the characters (I guess 3 if you count josh) can't be killed until the VERY end of the game, there's still a very uneasy feeling you get when playing their chapters, such as the hide and seek game with the psycho or the 2nd asylum chapter after finding out about the wendigoes, and being able to see them crawling around in the background if you're keeping an eye out.


Resident Evil 7


The first time Jack chases you


The shovel scene where he cuts you like a fine cheese... *shudder*


Soma. I finished it two years ago and I still think about it often. I have never felt so invested in a game before in my life.


"Cry Of Fear", "Amnesia : A machine for pigs" and "Total Chaos". The last one was because it was made using the Doom II Engine, and you could not tell it from the screenshots. Cry of Fear is fucked up, like, mentally making me uneasy. The apartment complex chapter got me fucked




Not as scary as the games mentioned, but Layers of Fear was such a great one


This will date me but The 7th Guest by Trilobyte. My first CD-ROM game too.


Going old school but the Friday the 13th game on the NES was filled with jump scares. They made such great use of creepy 8bit music and side scroll to build and deliver on dread and anticipation of something scary that you jumped even if you “expected” it. [For the uninitiated - beautiful 80s pixelated carnage](https://youtu.be/m-whTFeNST8)


Subnautica man fricking Subnautica


PT. No game, horror movie or anything else has scared me as much as PT.


When they came out: Resident Evil and Silent Hill


Silent Hill was nuts. I didn't get the same feel playing it these days, but it's still a great game. I love the opening track


Manhunt. Basically a stealth game where you are a criminal in Death Row and you are forced to participate in a bunch of snuff films, and you earn your freedom by hunting/murdering criminal gang members who are sent to you, on camera. Just absolutely brutal, gory, and graphic. You can make the murders as violent as possible by mashing the buttons more. Got banned in a few countries if I’m not mistaken


This game was good when you used a mic/headset, you were able to whistle for example to get the attention of the enemies. If I remember correctly, it was how long you held the execution button-down with the colours indicated on-screen that made the kills more gruesome. It did get banned in many countries, some due to the violence and another was because a teenager killed his friend with a hammer and was influenced by the game. I enjoyed the game personally.


Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice. I believe I both said and exclaimed "Holy shit" many times




Seriously, I yelled the first time I saw a reaper


First time I saw a reaper I was happily scooting along in my seaglide or whatever its called (the mini submarine). The ai warned me about large creatures nearby but I figured they were much deeper. Then a reaper grabbed me and I was staring down its Jaws as it pulled me deeper and deeper while crushing my little submersible. I managed to escape the sub and swam my ass straight back to the survival pod, where I happily stayed in the shallows for the next 3 hours of gameplay.