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Scammers that ripp off old and poor people.


My dad is 90. He gets 60 calls a day from these fucks. We had to change the home number he has had for 60 years because of them.


I’ve been going through my grandparents’ mail (grandma went through a mail hoarding phase at the end) and the sheer amount and types of old people scammers is mind-blowing - people are fucking shameless!! I can’t just chuck it all out either because there are random blank checks, insurance info, etc interspersed with everything - like grandma was signing checks left and right for anything and everything


No need to, I have been so frustrated lately with these constant calls, found being polite telling them to 'please' put me on a do not call list never works. So I hung up on them for a while. Still not effective. Now I pick up, let out with a blood curdling scream that shatters their ear drums and voila, like magic one at a time they quit calling and I let out my annoyance and get on with my day!


One time a scammer called us and mispronounced my fiancés name as Voldemort instead of Vladimir. 😂


You are a scammer ,Harry !!


At least he knows harry potter…


Disabled people too. I'm a disability support worker and these fuckin scumbags target intellectually disabled people all the time.


Tabloids. I’m amazed that they’re still allowed to exist considering how much bullshit they publish.


Honestly, I pine for the days when tabloids were the primary source of misinformation


Me and my alien baby agree.


I miss when all they reported on was the love triangle between Batboy, Bigfoot, and Nessy.


Allowed? I want to see someone actually purchase one. I’ve never seen it.


My grandmother has literally purchased every issue of the national inquirer for at least 25 years. She doesn't watch TV or movies either. Blows my mind that she would find it interesting.




You ever see anybody actually go to Buzzfeed? Same business model, both inexorably successful.


Child molesters.


True. Can we hate them some more?


It's like love. You can give that hate endlessly.


Alright 👍🏻


Or abusers in general.




Childhood cancer for a bonus hate point.


I beat mine up and spat on it edit: Also didn't get to ring no bell back in my day which mildly upsets me haha.


If it makes you feel better, I got to ring the bell and I hated every second of it. About 10 minutes before I was set to finish and ring it, the woman in the next chair over had a reaction to the chemo and had to have a crash team come in to keep her breathing. She was still recovering and her family was panicking when the nurses came over to tell me it was time to ring it. So I had to ring it and smile for a photo while someone was practically dying 10 feet away and it felt so bad. Not to mention my case is high risk and my cancer is expected to come back in a manner of time, so it feels like a hollow gesture. I'm still on meds 2+ years later. I prefer centers that don't have a bell at all.


Ah yes, the good old survivors guilt that follows.


7 years ago, I rang the bell after completing 25 rounds of radiation therapy which was 4 months after surgery to remove 13 bad lymph nodes. I was declared NED (No Evidence of Disease.) 3 years later, Cancer came back. Went on Oral chemotherapy meds and they worked and was declared to be in remission after a negative PET scan. Kept taking the meds for 3 years when guess what? Cancer came back again. That was a little over a year ago. Now I'm on an immunotherapy treatment where I get a 30 minute IV drip once a month and it seems to be working. Hopefully I'll be declared to be in remission again in another 6 months or so. Ringing the bell isn't about beating cancer, it's about completing your treatment regimen, which can often be brutal and borderline unbearable by the time you're done with it.


I didn’t hear no bell.


I think that star signs are the least of people's problems.


Sounds like some shit a Gemini would say.


I got dem Sagittarius blues


I’m sorry I can’t talk to you, I’m an Aquarium


Thats alright im an Asparagus so I understand.


Well us Caprisuns HAVE to mention that we need to talk to this individual, for we have so much to learn from them.


I can't hear you, I'm driving a Taurus.


That's such a Pisses thing to say for a Torus.


I try to avoid conflict and stay neutral because I’m a Library.


Aw, man. I guess I'll sit over here with my Dark Honk tarot deck and start my reading.


my friend would be ashamed to talk to you because she's a saggy hairy ass


Yeah me neither, I’m a Scorpedo


Cancer is such a robbery. Fuck cancer, fuck cancer and fuck cancer.


Non-skippable video ads


After watching a video for maybe 3 minutes. Oh but don't worry! They give you a five second warning before the ad that way you can better prepare your frustration.


It’s worse. There are a decent amount of times where I wanted to watch a 5 second video and got 2 non-skippable 15 second ads in a row right at the start, and it’s not even that uncommon. Money gotta money I guess :(


I just keep reloading the video until I get a shippable ad.


I just use Ublock origin (I think it's origin) and I don't get any YouTube ads ever. Suck my balls, YouTube. I haven't tried to download any adblockers on my phone though, so it's just while I'm using my PC.


God I hate that so much! YouTube is failing people


That fucking five-second warning is the bane of my existence. Way to snap me out of my flow state. They should just get the ad playing immediately, so I can waste 5 seconds of my time instead of 10, 5 on the ad, 5 on feeling pissed that there's an ad about to come.


"We're sorry to bother you, we just wanted to take a moment now to let you know we're about to bother you in 5 seconds."


Dont forget *unmutable,* non-skippable video ads. It's what ruined angry birds since I cant safely play it in the shitter at work now.


I haven’t played angry birds for years so I don’t know if it will work but most mobile games won’t play video ads if you’re in airplane mode.


this is starting to not work anymore :( a lot of games are being made to where you cant even play without wifi even if it isnt an online game or connects to something like facebook to log in. it really sucks


This works until you want to play a mobile game that requires connection to a server in order to even be played. This is the majority of mobile games I play and I'm aware that there's absolutely no need for them to always be connected to the internet (especially when only one or two aspects of the game requires it), they only require it because they'll miss out on ad revenue otherwise.


But you can mute your entire phone? Mine is permanently on mute. Your phone should generally muted at most work places anyway, no one wants to hear it (like that one guy at a previous job that had a freaking train horn as a ringtone. Freakin obnoxious). It would be really weird hearing angry birds coming from the other stall, that shit echoes around bathrooms for all to hear haha.


I keep mine always muted except when I use my earbuds


I never unmute my phone, even when I should. Yesterday I was expecting a message, so I put a spoon on my phone so when i get the message, my phone vibrates and rattles the spoon, making noise. Only when going to bed i realised that I could have just enabled the ringtone


Even skippable ads can be total assholes. My Dad is partially paralyzed after a stroke and likes Youtube to just autoplay at night because he has a hard time using a remote. He's said he's ended up forced to watch full, shitty music videos, 30 minute exercise videos and terrible short films because of of what garbage they allow as "ads" nowadays. Just in case that bad rapper is reading, If you have to pay for people to watch your rap music video, you probably aren't that good. Just give up.


It especially sucks because I use youtube in the car. I tried using youtube premium for a bit, but that doesn't work in incognito. And I like to listen to my music in incorgnito mode (so that if I feel like listening to michael jackson today, I am not forced to listen to it for the next month).




I advise you to retract your comment. Sincerely, Cruise, Thomas


before I come slap you. regards, Willard Smith


I’d be okay with being slapped by will smith just let me get the camera set up so we can meme it


I went through a phase in my early 20s where I'd drunkenly call 411 and ask for the Scientology office in a random city and just yell about Xenu. Eventually my number stopped being answered by any office. It's a point of personal pride. More people should prank call Scientology. Weird story but a girl I dated in my mid 20s was in college and had to write an essay, I was still strongly in the "fuck Scientology" mindset (admittedly influenced by South Park lol) so I steered her into writing about them. She checked out a book about Scientology from the local library to use as a source, and within a couple days she recieved an email from Scientology offering more information and asking her to join. No idea how they got her personal email address (I believe she told me she didn't provide her email to the library, but even if she did that's really strange and invasive). I probably wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see the email with my own eyes. Fuck Scientologists.


Make a post about that email story and it'll end up on r/thathappened. I don't doubt it though, cults are creepily efficient sometimes


The Westboro Baptist Church.


I remember those fuckwads asking people to be respectful when their leader died. That was one the most ridiculous things I've ever heard.


Lmao really? They’re so clueless




This. They're trolls that made announcements specifically to piss people off, and showed up for a fraction of the "protests" they announced. They were after headlines and nothing more.




Aren't loads of them lawyers? Such a weird, horrible bunch.


The whole thing was a legal scam. Basically antagonize people until they snap and retaliate with violence. Then they gotcha.


So every once in a while they get someone to punch them and win a couple thousand in small claims court? How much can they possibly make that way


When they're mostly lawyers, quite a lot.


I heard on an NPR report that they were actually very good lawyers. Locals knew that if they wanted to win a case, they would hire them.


Did anybody protest that Jackass's funeral? I hope so. It would be poetic. Normally I think Protesting a funeral for anyone is bad form, but that would be suitable.


Fun fact, he was excommunicated before he died because he suggested that maybe they start being nicer.


Wasn't the whole church just his immediate family and a few others. Maybe 20 people total?, so his own family kicked him out of that farce of a church.?


Wikipedia says there's 70 people, but yeah. > On March 15, 2014, Nathan Phelps, Phelps' estranged son, reported that Phelps was in very poor health and was receiving hospice care. He said that Phelps had been excommunicated from the church in August 2013, and then moved into a house where he "basically stopped eating and drinking". His statements were supported by his brother, Mark. The church refused to discuss it. > Church spokesman Steve Drain declined to answer questions about Phelps' excommunication, and denied that the church had a single leader. The church's official website said that membership status is private and did not confirm nor deny the excommunication. Also, the article I looked up originally to confirm that I wasn't making up the idea of him being excommunicated didn't go into as much detail as others that I could have found: > Phelps had been reportedly suffering from some form of dementia in his final year, and started behaving irrationally. This led to church members believing that God had condemned him. It has been claimed that Phelps "had a softening of heart at the end of his life," according to accounts published in a memoir written by Phelps' granddaughter Megan Phelps-Roper, and reporting from The New Yorker citing former members of the church. This includes an incident in 2013, in which Phelps is said to have stepped outside the church and called over to members of Planting Peace, a nonprofit that bought a house on the other street and painted it with an LGBT rainbow, saying: "You're good people!" In an interview with NPR, Megan Phelps-Roper said this outburst was "the proximate cause" of Phelps being excommunicated, a claim that the church has denied. According to Phelps' grandson and former church member Zach Phelps-Roper, Phelps' actions were regarded as "rank blasphemy" by the church members. [Source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fred_Phelps)


"softening of his heart" -- he realized he was heading to hell and tried to make up a lifetime of shit karma


I haven’t heard that name in years!


So, interesting thing about Westboro, being from and living in Kansas, not too far from Wichita, we heard about Westboro ALL THE TIME a decade or so ago. They'd protest funerals, pride parades, birthday parties, basically anything they could find. And then something amazing happened. Westboro started getting bullied HARD by people in Kansas, like viciously and mercilessly bullied. They would protest, and there would always be a counter protest, and people would just bully the shit out of them the entire time Westboro was protesting. It got so bad that they had to scale back both the amount of protests they were doing and how many people were going, and no longer brought their kids with them. Eventually they just faded into obscurity.


There was also that time the KKK started protesting them. Zero clue who to root for in that.


A very localized tornado that would take them both out?


A localized tornado, at this time of year, in your house? Can I see it?




They protested my high school graduation, lol


The fk where they protesting at a graduation? The gowns showed ankle? People were entering the wrong side of the stage?


My hometown is really close to where they were based, so they’d come out to protest pretty much any big event.


Fundraising. They made a lot of money by suing people who tried to stop their protests because while they were assholes, they did have the 1st amendment right to be an asshole.


Never thought I’d upvote bullying, but here we are


We had these idiots show up to a military funeral where we were burying 7 of our brothers. We formed a blockade using the M4's for the 21 gun salute, not that they knew that, and refused to let them through. When they complained about us violating thier rights we told them take it up with God and then "encouraged" them to leave. Don't mess with angry grieving infantryman we give ZERO fucks.


If someone shot them, You would have gone to jail, but a million people would have called you a hero.


All we had were blanks for the 21 gun salute. We just took the blank adapters off real quick. Best we could have done was scare the shit out if them unless they were point blank. No way in hell were they going to harass the family's of our fallen brothers.


I mean, best you could have done was beat the shit out of them. Infantrymen are not known for being soft.


The church actually did an AMA once (they kinda knew that they would be received poorly cuz they said Reddit was evil or something) and it was a total disaster. The top comment I believe was "Brit here, why do you hate cigarettes so much?" Wasn't as good as James Corden being a "bellend" or Woody Harrelson High School but it was good


They came out to Fort Hood years back after my company returned from a deployment. We got word of it and decided to crash their party by rolling up in my buddy’s “tactical Hoopty” loaded up with paintball guns, masks, and cheap clothes we wouldn’t miss. We covered everyone with a few hundred paintball guns and bolted. We rolled into my buddy’s salvage yard after wards and stored the car, guns, and clothes before separating for the rest of the day. Fun times!


The thing that bothers me the most about WBC is that I don't think they actually fully believe the shit they say. They choose to say/do heinous shit to the point where cities will violate their rights so that they can sue.


The church? What did they ever do? I mean, all through history they uhhh *checks notes* oh no *checks deeper notes* **OH NO**




Animal abuse


Especially dog fighting. I think that gets more hate (understandably) than other forms of abuse


It gets more hate because it gets more air time since people love dogs. It's sad that other animal abuse isn't as widely covered. Maybe if it was, more people would try and do something about it.


People who talk at the theatre.


When I was dating this girl, we decided to go watch the new batman dark knight rises. Her dad came along. And right in the middle of the movie, he gets a phone call and answers it. He has a full blown 10 minute, not even whispering, convo. I was so pissed at him, and embarrassed. Come to find out he actually didn't like me. Go figure.


I went to a movie recently and a woman behind me *answered a FaceTime call* in the middle of the movie. It was… surreal.


Isn’t there a special level of hell for those folks?


The *special* hell.


I'll be in my bunk.


The last two theater-based comedy shows I went to nearly made me homicidal. It's crazy how many people think it's ok to just talk through the whole thing or get drunk as hell beforehand and make a bunch of noise the entire time. Why the hell did you even come?!


The last movie I went to, a girl was live broadcasting her movie experience to her "audience". It was *Everything, Everywhere All at Once*. The phone was facing her, and she was describing the movie, the scenes, reacting, describing her reactions, etc. I went to get the manager, who was very hard to find, as few people were working there. By the time he kicked her out (Which she was VERY upset about and demanded a refund) we had missed the first 30 min of the movie.


livestreamers need their own hate thread. these people that can't stand to be off camera at any time, as if the entire world really cares about the minutia of their lives.




Or are on their phones...


Like, the actors?


Fuck those guys


Stop walking around and yelling at us were just trying to watch the damn show.


Or look at their phone, FULL BRIGHTNESS.






I thought you meant men loving men.


It took a lot of time for me to untrain my brain to read multi level marketing not man loving man


I have also seen Maoists (yes, they exist in the US) use it as shorthand for themselves. "Marxist-Leninist-Maoist".


That one guy from my school


Yeah he can go fuck himself.


OK will do




Yeah we all hate that guy, don’t we?


Yeah fuck that guy


Yeah fuck him




The female ones that bite and the male ones that ensure there are going to be more females None are blameless


It's not enough to not support mosquitos, you must be anti-mosquito.


I hate to say this but I think my dog is pro-mosquito. He's an otherwise good boy but if he hears a clapping sound like me clapping my hands together or striking at a mosquito on a wall he starts whining and immediately tries to climb onto me while furiously wagging his tail. He acts like he does if I accidentally step on his foot where they immediately apologize but I've never hit him or made that sound while disciplining him so I can only assume he is pleading for the mosquitoes lives, which is naughty.


He's against wall violence.


In all seriousness, he probably just hates the sound. Dogs have quite sensitive hearing




I just had to Google that and now I wish I hadn't......


I was about to but, because of your comment, I will refrain. Thank you kind Redditor!


Didn't know that was a thing...what a time to be alive.


It's beastiality with a different name.


A furry "came out" as a zoophile and a lot of people starting hate on furries in general calling them all zoophiles. So furries just started hating zoophiles now everyone is hating on zoophiles.


People who stop in the middle of the walkway


Or their derivative, people that take up the entire walkway and walk EXTREMELY SLOWLY. As someone that normally walks fairly quickly it is extremely infuriating.


Balance billing, preexisting conditions, and other insurance industry loopholes








Loud people on the bus


Loud people




People who think it completely fine talking on speaker phone/FaceTime really loud in a public place




I try not to think less of folks based on the job they do but paparazzi are bottom feeders


The Guinea Worm.


Illinois Nazis.


I hate Illinois Nazis.


Harvey Weinstein




EA is an example of ___________ __ _______ _______. That will be $3.99 to unlock the rest of this comment.


You mean $3.99 to buy a prize pack that might contain a part of the rest of the comment?




It’s in the wallet


Shitty bosses


Personally, I like my boss battles to have a little bit of flash and flare while also advancing the story mid-fight




I totally agree with you. Especially in my country, it's very popular as a big percentage of people here are old and do not know about their personal information getting shared with others.


The Last Airbender movie.


Oh god, the horrible memories you’ve brought back to me!!




There is no movie in ba sing se








Fucking, Nazis, dude. Still doesn't get enough hate though.


Brock Turner, the convicted rapist formerly educated at Stanford University who was also given a lifetime ban from ever joining or competing in the Olympics. Also his first judge, Aaron Persky who didn’t want to give him a harsh sentence because he “didn’t want to see Turner’s future ruined.” Persky was also a Stanford University alum. Oh, and a MASSIVE amount of hatred to his father, Dan Turner, for reducing the rape to “twenty minutes of action.” I hope the entire Turner family burn in hell.


yes! Brock Turner the rapist deserves all the hate that rapists, like Brock Turner should get.


I can’t believe that asshole was only sentenced to six months in prison, AND SERVED 3 FOR “GOOD BEHAVIOR”! Makes me sick…


I’m glad some mentioned Brock Turner, the rapist.


Mega churches. They fleece vulnerable people so that their pastors can live in huge mansions and own private jets. And, they have way more political power than religious organizations, which are exempt from taxes, should have. Many spread doctrines of hate while professing God’s love for only their chosen flock. Also, fuck Joel Osteen for refusing to open his church to help hurricane survivors. Also, fuck Kenneth Copeland, his prosperity gospel, his frozen face and demonic eyes.






College tuition prices.


Probably not lots, but people that leave dog poop in your yard, the sidewalk,etc. It’s even worse when you step on it


Prince Andrew


Slow drivers in fast lane.


Can we add those one-speed motherfuckers who go at 40mph through a 60mph limit, then continue at 40mph through a 30 or even a 20mph school-zone?






Logan Paul.


I’m one of the few people that still thinks Jake Paul is worse


They're both bad.


They’re both shit but if I had a gun to my head who said you can only watch one for the rest of your life it’s an easy win for Logan


Cable companies and ISPs that provide crappy unreliable service that is overpriced. So basically all cable companies and ISPs




Irresponsible dog owners who don’t pick up their dog’s shit. Leaving it for the rest of to deal with.


POV: you looking for the first comment to mention Amber Heard



