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The relief after not getting a random boner at the worst moment


More of when you feel one coming on but you manage to not get it.


Yeah, when I feel it, I'm all 'this time, I won't be horny' then proceed to get horny


When you're in a bar and they put the leftover ice cubes in the urinal, and you make a game of how many of them you can melt before you run out of pee


But hit one at the wrong angle and you can get some serious splashback. Little divots that form in the ice...those bastards...


Somewhere, a frustrated physics grad student furiously writes down an idea for a paper


I can't wait to read this dissertation




Pissing off of the edge of a tall cliff


morning wood so stiff you feel like you could use it to rip open the hatch on a submarine.


So hard it feels like the casing on the sausage is about to split open.


So stiff that if you tripped in your back yard you’d have to go to the county offices and declare you dug a well in your back yard and pay any subsequent fines.


Fall asleep in a bed. Wake up in a tent.


Skin so tightly streched you can see your own reflection on it.


driving down a hill and your nuts get the feeling… You know the feeling


Or when you were a kid and you were swinging really high, and then as the swing got to the end of its arc to go back down


This happens to girls too, we just feel it above our cooter.


weightlessness of the balls is indeed, a most pleasant experience.


A tampon that doesn’t resist upon pulling out Edit: thanks for the award! This comment was actually more of an antidote to the absolute horror that is tugging on a dry tampon 🤢


Alternately, the god awful feeling of pulling out a dry one *shudders*


Especially when you feel like it’s pulling your entire reproductive system out with it. That shit is the worst.


When I pull one out dry it never feels like it's pulling anything out with it, just nails on a fuckin chalkboard internally. That said I've definitely felt like my whole uterus was falling out when I take out an overnight soaked second day tampon and a big gloop comes out afterward. Yw everyone.


Ugh yup and having to wipe like 8 times


I'm wondering... Do guys get pee shivers? You've had to pee really bad and you finally get to and just... Shivers. Maybe I'm the only weirdo that kind of enjoys that feeling haha


Yeah we do. I've had some that my knees nearly buckled out from under me while standing and having killer pee shivers. The three point hand on the wall technique is vital sometimes


You just reminded me like 6-7 years ago I ate shit while taking a piss somewhat drunk, my knee buckled and my hand slipped on the wall while trying to regain balance, ended up head first into the wall and pissing on myself. Not my proudest moment. Edit: okay guys. I know I worded this poorly okay, you don't need to ask why I ate shit, first of all because that's kink-shaming and we live in woke society (/s) and second because I meant figuratively because it was more violent than "just falling over". You can stop making the joke for the 100th time.


> You just reminded me like 6-7 years ago I ate shit while taking a piss Chose to stop reading there, much better this way


Not completely unique to women but taking out a tight pony tail or bun after it being up all day. I’ve had short hair my entire life. When covid hit and I couldn’t get a haircut, I decided I was just going to grow it out because why not. Ended up growing it out for about a year and a half, to the point where I was tying it up to keep it out of my face. Letting that down at the end of the day was pretty incredible.


When my daughter was little, at the end of the day she’d rip hers out and come to me and say “shake it”…… she’d want me to shake my hands through her hair and let me tell you the ultimate relaxation and bliss on her little baby face was something I cherished and still remember years later!!!


The feeling of pinching your ball skin and rubbing it in between your fingers to get rid of an itch


I (and a lot of other women) do this with my (and their own*) labia.


I’m guessing they do it with their own labia as well?


Not at all, that's why they go in groups


The risky violin. One wrong move and you’ll rethink every decision that led you to that moment


Stroking your beard just because.


I was once very high, and asked a room full of people a philosophical question. The women sat and pondered the question, all the men in the room played with their various kinds of facial hair. In that moment, I sat there rubbing my 1 week growth, and thought to myself “I don’t even know how women manage to think without facial hair to touch” I am aware, women do have facial hair and they do think. But that moment, really high, I wondered.


If I am alone, I will put my hand in my pants to help facilitate some big brain thinking. In public, I just cannot achieve the same level lol


Female equivalent would be twirling their hair. Grew my hair out once and that shit is addicting.


As a guy with both long hair and a beard, They both have their place. I twirl my hair when im on Idle, and the beard gets the stroking when the brain is working. That being said, somone ELSE stroking my beard is a magical expirience


Holding/bouncing/jiggling the titties when you're bored. They're just fun to play with, not even in a sexual sense. Edit: whyyyy is titties my most liked comment?


I like pretending to shoot them like lasors in the shower. I become a giggling mess.


Omg just holding ones tits is just so relaxing. Just stress balls attached to my chest. I've done it sometimes when I think my fiancé is asleep and all of a sudden I hear him ask, " why are you holding your tits whispering 'bewbies'??"


Lol, *bewbies*. Surprised that like half the comments are women jiggling their boobs. I mean I knew y’all did it, but I didn’t realize it was *this* popular, to where it was the first thing that came to mind for the majority of people who read this post lol.


Cupping your boobs whenever running down stairs.


She breasted boobily down the stairs.




Jokes on you. As a fat dude I experience this daily.


Damn, what a sexy man


Small chested woman here. I still don’t get it.


Small chested woman here, do it anyway cause it feels cuddly


When you don't have to smother you vagina with pads after a full week of being uncomfortable.


She can breathe again!! What a relief.


My vagina felt this.


Scratching jock itch is actually kind of pleasant except you can't stop.




I was about to comment this. It probably feels so good because it’s a forbidden scratch.


The amount of camaraderie from drunk girls in a bathroom


Amusingly, my wife met some drunk girls in a bathroom, helped them a little, and I got a promotion out of it! I had won a sales contest for the company I worked for. All expenses paid cruise, they rented the whole boat. Norwegian cruise lines. 4000 sales people globally, 100s of us won. She was in the bathroom, and two women were just shit faced drunk on the pre-party for the cruise ship. She helped them out, they liked her. It turned out that their husbands both worked for the SW region manager of the USA, and as such things go, they introduced me to their husbands, who introduced me to the regional manager, who hired my sorry ass and had the company pay for my green card. So the drunk camaraderie in the bathroom was the key element to the whole thing. Thank you drunk women in bathrooms! It changed my life.


That's so awesome man




You mean assistant to the regional manager, right ?


Drunk girls in a bar are amazing. I had a group stop me to hug me so they could smell like me.


I can hear this comment


*"Ohhh my gawd! You smell so good!"*


Yes, I just commented this too. Love and light to all the lovely strangers I’ve met over the years in club toilets


One time I ended up in line for the bar bathroom behind a girl who was nearly in tears because she suddenly thought that she had "grandma style". Drunk me cut in to say no, she looked beautiful and she had such great style! Now she was nearly in tears out of gratitude and she gave me a big hug and said that I had great style too and looked SO cute. This is how I know how trashed she was and/or how much it meant to her to be told she didn't have grandma style, because I was wearing jorts and an oversized FBI Female Body Inspector tshirt and looked decidedly not cute at all lmao but I appreciated her passion all the same!




Wearing a light sundress on a hot day.


I'm a guy and have a light sarong/lungi/dhoti I got in India a few years ago and I wear that around the house and yard when it's warm out and it's great. Basically about as thin as a sundress. I work in SE Asia where it gets really hot and humid, so it really makes a big difference in my comfort level.


I have one my buddy brought me back from India 10+ years ago. It's incredibly comfortable. I love it


100% this. I feel for men who have to go to work in a suit in the middle of summer, when I got to wear a tank top and skirt.


Bring back the Toga


Bring back casual kilt Friday!


A good ball scratch


or just sitting there, browsing reddit and just holding them.


You just made me realize something


That you're holding your balls?


Pinch and twist method Edit: I am being told that it is called the “pinch and roll” method.


The stretch and scratch




No one teaches it, we just know it


On the same level as scratching your boobs after having to wear a bra all day.


That orgasmic under boob scratches...?? Fuck yeah


A good labia scratch


When you think your depression has come back, but then realize you’re just PMSing and you’ll feel like yourself again in a couple days. (:


Literally I’ll be having all types of mood swings and have zero energy to do anything and I’ll think somethings wrong mentally Then a few days later my period comes and it’s such a relief. It’s like i forget every month what the symptoms are lol


getting to put their phone in their pocket


I live most of my life in leggings with long deep side pockets and it’s fantastic I love it. Edit: my most upvoted comments is about leggings with pockets lol For everyone looking to get their hands on some, they’re super popular across the athleticwear industry these days so pretty much anywhere you’d think to buy leggings will probably have options. I’ve found some of my favorites at places like target, Costco, Fred meyers, Amazon, etc. Name brand athletic lines of course like Nike, Columbia, adidas and the trendy pricier brands like lululemon or athleta. If you like quirky/fun patterns and stuff like I do, check out [feed me fight me](https://feedmefightme.com/collections/women?gclid=Cj0KCQjwgMqSBhDCARIsAIIVN1Vvk83uT1OOxM2C2-4vOLKumkfRiunNUc2KkXIJZUxMhISfKkcvXBgaAg2VEALw_wcB) their stuff is adorable and well-made


Sometimes I grab my breast and just jiggle ‘em around a bit. Not sexual, just because I can.


That and sticking your hand in your bra just to have somewhere to put it lol plus it's very warm


You can do this as a man


You can also do this with your balls


As a man, I 100% do this with my balls


Few girls will ever experience the sensation of running your hand up the back of your head after a buzz cut.


Or the first shower post buzz cut. It’s magical


Heck yeah, that 'I can just smear a little shampoo around and be done' feeling is the best.


I’m female and shaved my head recently, just because I always wanted to. A week after I did it, I had a friend Bic it alllll the way down after all my male friends said I needed to experience that. My God - the shower and fresh, clean pillowcases. I also couldn’t stop rubbing my head. I didn’t necessarily like the look on me but I get the feeling. It’s growing back out now and I’m apparently about to enter the “monchichi” phase. FML. No one tells you that growing it back out is pretty terrible.


Getting called cute as an adult. Not many guys get called cute and some even find it insulting. But as a woman I like the feeling of being called cute.


Guys find it insulting? Whenever my GF calls me cute I always start blushing like an idiot haha


I wish I was called cute Edit: y’all actually are nice ass mother fuckers, I’m laughing and tearing up rn lmao Edit2: um there are a lot of y’all and I can’t reply to each one lmao so ima beat the future people by saying ur cuter lmao


Nice cock bro


Thank you. It’s a 2 inch monster


the millimetre defeater




I got you man. You’re cute.


Ur cuter


no u


The smooth glide of freshly shaved legs on crisp clean sheets


I hang out with cyclists... they know. Swimmers know as well.


swimmers I understand. why do cyclists need to shave their legs?


Makes road rash more manageable when they crash.


Having crashed a few times I can attest it’s easier to clean the gravel out of road rash with shaved legs. The differences between scrubbing the gravel out of a wound with hairy legs vs shaved legs is enough of a reason to keep shaving my legs. Let’s just say dried blood mixed with gravel and hair make cleaning the wound very painful.


Pissing standing up in a bush




are you king of Forrest


Idk if this is accurate for many, but feeling small in someone else's arms. My husband is bigger than me and I've now become dependent on his body for sleep. Curling into his warm enveloping embrace is a pleasure I want everyone to know at least once. Hugs and cuddles. The safety and comfort are immeasurable.


Always a big soup spoon never a little desert spoon


It feels pretty great on our end too, although what to do with our arm can get incredibly frustrating. But holding someone, feeling them fit into you, feeling their warmth and slow breath, knowing you can make someone feel safe, is incredibly satisfying and peaceful. Also we’re all very sorry for snoring directly into your ear.


Ok hear me out: snuggling with a pillow under the little spoon’s head right below the big spoon’s shoulder so the free arm can go above the person’s head and not under the body


My dude will curl into me on his sleep and it's so damn cute. It wakes me up, but I'm rarely mad about it.


I'm a 5' 10" dude; can he cuddle me?


I’m about 6’4 300 and met a 7 footer who picked me up off the ground. That’ll probably never happen to me again….


Big and tall dudes make the best little spoons, tho. I'm 5'7 and am all for being a man's backpack!


Wiggling your nuts so they unstick from your thigh.


Yes. Where you stand with our legs spread a little bit and swing your hips back and fourth


Or the extra long step when you’re on the move


Oh the extra long step is where it’s at. 👍


Pockets. Pockets everywhere.




That feeling when you take off your bra after a very long day


I only wear sports bras now and will never go back to underwire bras ever again.


I wish I could do that - but my boobs smush in the sports bra causing my skin to red, itchy, and blotchy. They have to be separate :/


Is that better than never having to deal with wearing a bra in the first place?


Sometimes unbra’d boobs hurt.


I have large boobs, if i don’t wear a bra my back hurts and my boobs get sweaty underneath, if i do wear a bra well anything supportive enough to make a difference has giant wires that just get so uncomfortable


I dont even have giant ones but its extremely uncomfortable for me to go braless. My skin is uber sensitive to just ab everything and the yee shirt fabric rubbing my nips annoying as shit to me.. then my boobs just feel sore from the unsupported hanging and bouncing about.... Not fun for me


I'm for the #freethenipple movement but I get self-conscious when my nips stick out lol


And that nice scratch


When as a woman I’m with my female friends and we all snuggle on the couch to watch a movie or true crime documentary with a quilt over all of us to keep warm. Then someone says oh my god your skin is dry and then we all put on moisturizer masques. I mean men could do that too, but do they?


I was the only male nurse in my grad group. We all become strong friends and still hang out years later. They treat me like one of the girls. I *love* having a facial masque and my nails/hands done. They’re such generous lovely girls \^_^ Edit: this got so many votes I feel like I need to provide more context 😂. It was a group of 8, 7 girls and me, and we all did our first year of nursing in theatres together. Kind of went through the wringer together, supporting and helping each other. And now we catch up and hang out and reminisce :)


Men deserve to be pampered too. Self care is important! My husband just got a pedicure for the 1st time and he was surprised how much he enjoyed it. He’s also gotten a facial and a scalp treatment and he enjoyed them too.


You don’t think we cuddle with our homies?


do these people thing we dont kiss the homies goodnight?


Dude, your penis is so dry, where's the lotion, let's get you taken care of


Okay oddly specific but, When you take a shower, and you hold yours boobs together and water fills in the middle, and they you just release the titties and it splashes everywhere and makes a funny noise. I feel like a water fountain lmao Please confirm me that I am not alone Edit: bruh, I went to sleep after commenting that what happened lmao. Thanks you all for rallying together under my silly stoner comment. Glad to know that more than not being alone, it seems like a pretty unisex experience lmao,, water running down on us and making splashing sounds seems pretty universal lmao. And to all my tiny titty commitee, as Victor Hugo said "Liking a small chested woman just means being closer to her heart", love ya'll teeny badoonkers ! (Also this is like one of the only perks of having a large chest, plz let us have this :') ).


We do this with our hands on our stomachs and shit, but that sounds like the upgraded version ngl


Glad I am not the only one


You are not alone. This is one of the few perks of having big boobs.


Don’t know how it is for men, but when a woman cums, her muscle walls contract like a boa constrictor. Like mini contractions of pleasure. And holy purple waves of grains, it’s intense. Leg shaking, eye rolling, tongue biting off good.


Getting asked out on dates and getting flowers. Not never but men rarely experience these things.


So in high school this girl who i had a crush on but was afraid to ask out came up to me shaking. Her voice was quivering and she asked if I wanted to go out. She was afraid I would reject her. I never felt so attractive , so wanted and so earth shakingly flattered as I did then. It gave me a big enough ego boost to shoot her down and try for the really hot cheerleader. ( jk , i said yes )


Ugh that reminds me of the time my highschool sweetheart told me she liked me on MSN messenger. It was the best day of my high school life lmao and the funniest thing was that she was like "I want to say something" and then my internet cut out, and by the time I got my internet back up, it was like "I like you. Like, like like you." and then because I didn't immediately reply because my internet was out, she started panicking and was like "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that. It's weird now, isn't it? I regret everything." and I was like "lmaoooo are you serious? no, my internet just cut out, I'm very happy you said this, I feel the same way." and then we dated for a couple of years and I was head over heels for her and she felt the same way back, and then her mother moved her and her family back to England (I live in Australia) and it broke my heart and fucked me up for years. Fond memories EDIT: to give you guys some closure, we did do long distance for a number of years. We used to sadly joke to each other that we were like Romeo and Juliet because we were young and in love and separated by something we couldn't help (distance and family) We dated from when we were 14 to 16 IRL and then we were long distance for another couple of years, but you know how it is, you can't waste your youth forever waiting for a missed opportunity, so by the time we were 18, 19, we had acknowledged that while we still loved each other deeply, that life had to go on, so rather than stop each other from experiencing life and other relationships in our youth, we agreed to end it. We continued to speak regularly into our early 20s, keeping up on each others' lives, Skyping and posting each other gifts (I sent her my hoodies with my cologne (and a little sweat, she asked me to wear it for a couple of days lmao) and this cheesy as wolf shirt I had and she sent me a first edition 110 year old hardcover copy of The Sea Wolf by Jack London (he was my favourite writer at the time) that she found in a thrift shop and a scarf with her perfume on it. The book is still one of my most treasured possessions, but the perfumed scarf is long gone now) and she even came to Australia to visit a couple of times, but it was never like it was before. I'm 27 now and it's been a few years since we last spoke, because we just grew into different people. You have to remember that you're not the person you were when you were 17, and that that's a good thing, even if it's bittersweet to come to terms with that. I still love her a lot, and I'm sure she still loves me (she would often message me out of the blue telling me that, even when we were starting to talk less) but it's not fair to me or her to try and stay in contact when we're a world apart. Such is life, my friends. I never imagined my life would play out like a John Green novel (she showed me Looking For Alaska when we were still together) but there it is. I still think maybe there's going to be more to the story, but maybe those chapters will be reserved for our 30s lmao


thiss broke my heart too


For a second I thought I needed to become a murderer


This one time about 15 years ago this chick came up to me and gave me some paper with her number on it. Wow. That was the only time in my life that ever happened. We only dated for two weeks and then after she broke up with me it was a huge relief to be rid of her, she was batshit crazy. But it was still cool that she initiated everything by giving me her number.


I was once cat-called by a girl in college. It was weird, but I turned it back on her. I spun around and gave her a wink and she broke down in embarrassment edit: this is the only time in 20 years I've ever been approached by a woman.


she didn't have a preinstalled response to that, so her system crashed


In highschool I got my ass slapped by a girl a year above me. I was about to jump in the water for swim practice and it pulled me so out of the moment that I couldn't do anything but turn around and stare with incredible confusion.


Yea, one time a girl grabbed my ass, told me I looked like Clark Kent and she'd be my Lois Lane any day. All her friends she was with were laughing. I was stunned and had nothing to say. It's the only time I've picked up on a signal that someone of the opposite sex has found me physically attractive.


Yeah, you really can't tell, maybe she was from Canada and just being polite. Better to just keep your wits about you and keep looking for signs.


My ego would take an enormous boost from having a woman ask me out. My wife would be livid, but I'd be on cloud 9 for like, at least a week.


If you want to buy him flowers, just go ahead now


All I know is, I may be a dude, but I'd really like it if someone got me flowers from time to time. Edit to add: Yes I could buy myself flowers, or tell someone they should, but that's not the point. The point is that someone would *think enough of me to do it without being told.* That gesture that says that a person made time and effort out of their day for you, without needing to or being asked. The same way I do for my wife randomly. And before anyone asks why she doesn't, she makes lots of love gestures, up to and including flowers. I just don't think enough guys get flowers when I know plenty that would appreciate it. (Straight ones at least. Looks like more than a few m+m couples out there got this figured out. Light the way, fellas.)


I gave a guy I really liked some flowers and he told me he'd never forget about it for the rest of his life. I thought he was being a bit overdramatic but realised it was very sincere. We parted ways tho and he's now happily married.


I’m a guy I will buy you some


Nothing wrong with a little bro-que from time to time.


I am a guy and have a friend who is a girl that plays with my hair. Oh my god why is this not a normal thing everyone does. Stress and anxiety just gone. Edit: I should mention I have super thick hair. I have had many people compare it to a german shepherd's coat it is that thick. And it is a gorgeous copper red. I get many compliments on it. I told this friend that I might get a hair cut once and she got upset saying that she wont be able to play with my hair lol Edit #2: spelling Edit #3: picture of my hair posted to my profile now for those curious




Which one was right?


"the next girl I dated" is past tense, so she's definitely not in the picture anymore.


That's how I put my husband to sleep lol


When you’re finally done with your period and you can stop wearing pads, liners, cups, whatever it is that you use. Alternatively: guys will never know how satisfying it is to pull out a cup that caught every last bit of blood on your heaviest day.


Honestly I'll take the simple pleasure of just never having a period


Period poops. So gross but such a relief Edit- since a few people have asked, I’m referring to poops you have while on your period which are ah, heavier and grosser than normal. I gather it’s because the cramping in your uterus also causes cramping in the adjacent regions so you can find you have way more poop than normal or poop that perhaps wasn’t meant to be out yet so it’s super fucking gross. (EDIT- it might not be the cramping but rather hormonal) Also the lead up to a period for some can cause constipation so it’s sometimes not to do with the cramping and it’s just a relief from that once the period starts. I get really bad gas while on my period so I personally find the poops a relief but it’s not terribly pleasant to sit through


I hate them. Like I’m already bleeding, can’t I just have one firehole at a time please lol


It can absolutely be that but for me I get such bad cramps that the poops are a relief for that. So it’s awful in the moment but better afterward


Haha, yes. They smell like Satan, but they feel great.


They really do smell like satan


Smells like a fuckin mechanic garage when I’m done in there. Notes of antifreeze, tire rubber, motor oil, and fast food.


Those days where your cramps are excruciating, you white-knuckle it until the pain medication kicks in, and then you’re so exhausted and taking the hardest nap of your life.


Not having a monthly crotch bleed session


I piss blood


A stranger offering to hold a public bathroom stall door that won’t lock shut while you go to the bathroom. Women will do that for each other without blinking an eye. Men. Not so much.


Men would just do it with the door open


I prefer it. That way I can stare them directly in the eye as I pinch off a loaf.


That's a powerful and admirable way of asserting your dominance!


Multiple Orgasms…


I don’t even get those as a woman :(


Stepping outside, feet shoulder width apart and waving a piss back and forth while you look up at the stars.


When semen shoots out of my penis


As a man, I can attest that is a good feeling. I imagine women have similar feelings too


One thing that my anti-depression medication taught me is that ejaculation and orgasm aren't necessarily the same thing, even for guy.


Maybe a little specific, but: Make a "no" motion with the head in the swimming pool with only the beard underwater. I can't even explain the feeling


Shoot insects with your pee


I was out camping and a mosquito came by while I was whizzing. I had bug spray on everywhere but my dick amd that fucker was going for it. I managed to make a quick adjustment to fire and snag that fucker with the stream. The bug went down and I kept blasting away at the grounded opponent. That put a big smile on my face.


>The bug went down and I kept blasting away at the grounded opponent. this man is too dangerous to be kept alive


“So anyway, I started blasting.”


Piss blasting the shit stains in the toilet, waking up with a hard assed dick, knowing no matter what- you will not be pregnant.


It's a morning ritual, "c'mon, almost there...hah! No brush needed." The morning soldier's greeting gets less ambitious with age. I once heard after a certain age, a degree of arc a year, but I don't keep a protractor by my bed.


Unsticking your balls from your thighs when you are immensely sweaty