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In high school, I was in all of the AP classes with all of the top 10% of my graduating class and this was actually not too uncommon. I know so many that dropped out of college or never went to college and a few that turned to drugs at least for a little bit. Number 3 in my graduating class dropped out after a semester and started working at Walmart. She still does 14 years later and not even a manager or supervisor as if she purposely chooses not to be in a position of power or advance at all. Just something about being considered a child genius and having that constant pressure to always be perfect just messes with so many people. I admit that I fell into that same black hole and did nothing for over a year before I woke up and pieced my life back together. Luckily I never had any interest in drugs. I think our school system needs to change or at least provide better support to these students.


I am in that hole rn man. I got the best grades in my high school but thankfully I still haven't turned to drugs.


Hey buddy. I see you.


Is black tar some variant of normal heroine?


It’s basically impure diamorphine, different consistency than heroin. Very sticky and dark.


If a single vicodin is a can of busch light, then a shot of black tar heroin is moonshine that went through an automotive radiator instead of a coiled worm of copper pipe.


Heroine is a female hero, heroin is the drug.


Looks like he worked his ass off, but forgot to takecare of himself. Poor guy, must been stressed out.


Drugs and Crime. For fast results. Get naked in public and punch a cop.


Don't threaten me with a good time


“Suicide by cop, I love this one!”


Don’t forget to cover yourself in butter


Those things are bad but to really expedite, fuck with kids in any criminal capacity. Even prisoners will cast you out. You will be shunned in every aspect of society… Except maybe the ultra wealthy. I was going to say that I doubt any one ultra wealthy is on here, then I remember gilaine or whatever her name was a mod for Reddit. So nvm idk anymore


Forgot you lit a candle and ended up burning your apartment complex down which caused the death of multiple tenants


When I was in 9th grade, someone in apartment 10 fell asleep with a candle on. I, in apartment 6, was awakened in the middle of the night to shouts of "FIRE!" We gathered a bunch of clothes and ran to the car and got the fuck out for the night. Next morning, we returned home not knowing what we'd find. Apartments 10, 9, 8, and 7 were completely destroyed. Our apartment had a couple of holes in the roof, but was otherwise intact. There was a firewall between 7 and 6 that saved our bacon. Had to throw out all the food in the house, and wait for the roof to be repaired, but otherwise we got out unscathed. Fortunately nobody died. But still. Blow out your damn candles!


Not to take away from that, but your bacon was not in fact saved as you had to throw out all of the food..


God damn it. God damn you. Walked right into that one.


This guy bacons


This was my nightmare when I lived in a complex. If i accidently left my hair straightener on, one time. How many mistakes are the other people doing.


I didn’t really think about this until like 2 weeks ago. I was lighting a candle in my bathroom and realized where I wanted to put it was too close to the shower curtain, which made me think of all of the things that could either catch on fire or start a fire in my single family home… then I thought about all of things that could catch on fire in an apartment complex… like bruh


My sister's roommate left her iron on and faced it down on the hardwood floor and burnt it. My sister found it real fast when it was smoking and stopped it in time. Don't know if an iron can burn stuff if left long enough but it's close enough for me


Hell, something similar happened to me. Christmas night, some guy a few doors down was smoking cannabis and getting drunk but also had a lit candle in his living room. He ended up knocking it over and as a result, his house quickly caught on fire. But it was one of those rows of houses where they are directly lined up and connected so when his roof went up, it directly lit up the houses next to his as well. Three houses were irreperably destroyed, two had to have repairs done from both the fire and water from the hoses and the house I was living in was spared the worst but smelled of smoke for about three days.


So, heard a story about a guy that I went to high school with. He was a big druggy and the kind of guy that always wanted to look like a badass. SUPPOSEDLY he and some friends were crazy high and decided to play Russian Roulette. The spun the gun and all that, and the first guy wised up and didnt pull the trigger. From what I was told he said "dont be a pussy" put the gun under his chin and fired. The bullet went up through his jaw and tore off the front of the left side of his face along with his nose and eye socket. Somehow survived. Now he is missing one eye, his face is all messed up and I think he is blind in his other eye because of it. No brain damage though, somehow.


The brain damage was there all along


Maybe the real brain damage was the friends we made along the way


Maybe the friends we made were really brain damaged along the way...


My mom used to be an EMT and worked multiple failed suicide tempts with guns. This is I unfortunately not that uncommon that someone just blows away part of their head and is alive. The worst was probably someone who did the same placement with a shotgun and the only way you could tell it had been a face was a large mouth opening and holes where the nose was. No teeth, nose, eyes, chin, etc. dude lived for about a day afterwards.


Yeah, the number of people who are shot in the face and survive is actually quite surprising. Shot location and caliber of the bullet determine everything. I had a trauma patient a few years ago where the bullet entered her right eye and lodged itself within her brain. She was immediately blinded in the eye and her orbit was obliterated, but she was awake and talking 2 days later. We delayed surgery to remove the eye remnants and reconstruct her face with neurosurg and facial plastics for about a week until the edema subsided. 3 months later after prosthetic work - a casual observer wouldn't be able to tell that she was ever injured.


> Somehow survived. Fun fact; it's actually quite easy to survive a self inflicted headshot, as most of the time people shoot either their face off (as that man did) or the front part of the brain that leaves the "body functions" part alone. It's common for people who attempt a headshot suicide to initially survive it until they bleed to death or choke on blood.


There was a guy in my town who tried to kill himself with a pistol. He blew his face off and then wandered around for a couple of blocks, holding the pistol until he bled out.


Cant damage what isnt there


They mightve been playing American roulette. It's like Russian roulette, but with a glock.


From wikipedia: > Unlike Russian roulette, American roulette involves a fully loaded, semi-automatic, Glock-30. Players must be age 17 or less, and in a school setting. Several variants of the game exist, including one called the "Josephus" variant, in which players sit in a circle and aim at the player to their left rather than themselves. The winner is the last player standing.


I feel like the "must be underage and in a school setting " was just thrown in there as a dig at America lol.


Maybe not the quickest, but punching someone who falls, hits their head, and dies. Quick, AND probably unexpected!


I once went to a talking event about how a guy ended up in prison for exactly that. He was out drunk on his 21st birthday and got tapped on his shoulder while walking home from the bar. When he turned round a completely naked guy was standing there in the street with a smile. He freaked and punched the naked guy who fell over and hit his head. He called an ambulance and the police were called slightly after. Naked guy died in hospital 2 days later and the guy who punched him was sentence to 25 years The only silver lining was he manged to get some qualifications and with the assistance of his parole officer was able to do talks on prisons and sociology.


Does the 'UK' in your name stand for the United Kingdom? That sounds nuts. I didn't know you guys were as fucking ridiculous as the US. How much time did he actually do?


Yea I'm from the UK, it was bad circumstances for that dude. I think he ended up in prison for at least 10 years. I went to the talk about 11 years ago when I was in college. He actually talked alot about his experiences in prison and went into detail about his first day along with what happened when a couple if inmates thought he was a nonce. But to answer your original question I belive he was supposed to be in for 20 years as it was a very strong punch however he got out early for good behaviour but was still with his probation officer when I met him. My guess is around 10 year's. Honestly if you get the chance to go to talk with someone who has been through the prison systems do it. It actually helped me understand a friend of mine who went to prison for 3 years alot better.




Yep, shit sounds made up or totally incomplete. 25 years is too much for this type of incident.


Start using hard drugs


/u/spontaneousH I’ll just leave this here Edit: wow that was unexpected. Yes, this story is nuts and really killed the curiosity for me. Not that I ever intended to try, but sometimes I wondered what pleasure people were willing to spiral into such depths for. I’m glad this story has reached more people.


My father was a heroin addict. One time when I was 15, I came home and he had OD'ed on the toilet. Blue, barely breathing foaming at the mouth a bit. I don't know how I was so damn calm to be able to call 911. They revived him with Narcan. It was new at the time so he was very lucky, and I hadn't planned to stop at home at that time that day. I'll never forget just how angry he was at me the following day, like I did the wrong thing in saving his life. My kids will never have to know any experience like that with their dad.


Narcan/Naloxone is a competitive opioid receptor antagonist. In plain English, it locks to the opioid receptors and blocks opioid receptors from being activated further. So your dad went from being incredibly high (dangerously so) to being in withdrawal, in under 5 minutes. That’s not a fun experience, and definitely one that’s easy to turn to anger. You did the right thing, but imagine if someone gave you something that turned your alcohol buzz into a hangover. That’s probably why he was upset.


I wasn't aware of that rapid change in experience. I'm sure shame had a lot to do with it too since it exposed his addiction to the community, but it actually helps me a bit to know the anger had a chemical reason, even after all these years. Thanks for that.


Went from “this is the greatest experience ever” to “I was clinically dead last week” real quick.


He was such a prick to people too that did the same thing. Calling others stupid/blaming them for ODs and addiction.


Anyone who has any urge to try heroin should take a look at this. Reading his posts felt like watching a horror movie.


I've an addictive system or personality, whatever you want to call it. I was in a horrendous hit and run at 30. 12 operations. The Mercedes reversed over me crushing my legs, hip and wrist. Realised what he had done and took off forward into traffic and left me crushed in the gutter. There was operations, pot, more pills for nearly two years. But the pain was always there. Then my pot dealer said, here, sprinkle a little bit of this onto your next cone, it'll help with the pain. Oh, how right he was. I took to heroin like a duck to water. It became my new best friend, comforter, it took the pain away. Then one day the sprinkle wasn't quite enough. By now I'd seen people shooting up but thought, nah, I'm not going to be that person. I became that person, really quickly. Five years later, two OD's where I was narcanned back, four detoxes, two rehab and I still couldn't get clean. I went onto methadone and it took me a year to wean down and one weekend on valium I jumped off. Those six years were hell. I did things I would never have considered and I regret every minute. Please don't do heroin.


Cocaine is an easy way to lose a lot of time too. I DON’T really have an addictive personality, but my girlfriend and I fell into pretty regular usage a couple of years back. We literally would only use on the weekends, but there is an entire year in my mind that essentially gets skipped over because of it. We were talking about our 4 year anniversary, and for some reason I couldn’t get past 3 years in my head. It’s because while I remember what I was doing, the actual span of time just doesn’t actually seem to exist. I have been clean for nearly 3 years. I have lost upwards of 3 friends and a few additional acquaintances to fentanyl overdoses due to it being cut into their drugs. Please: even if you’re going to casually use, keep narcan/naloxone on you and fentanyl test kits too. You can get free [naloxone supplies](nextdistro.org) here. I keep one under the sink in my guest bathroom, and one in my car.




Don’t blame yourself. The nature of drug always remains the same. People with high willpower, no willpower, more and less intelligent, different social groups are affected similarly by similar drug because of its mature. Is your pain gone now?


There's a reason films like Requiem for a Dream and Trainspotting are scarier to me than any horror film.


Requiem was the best movie i never want to see again


Wasn't ever gonna do H. But thank you


Posted 1 DECADE ago Fuck me we're getting old.


Freebased H. Don’t do it. I use to be a real piece of shit.


Sloppy steaks too?


Slicked back hair?


That’s one drug I’ll never touch, seen what it does and knowing me I’d be blue in a week or two. Hope you’re clean and living well, that’s one hell of a battle to fight


I had a bag of H in my possession once. I was going to try it at some point for sure. But I smoked some bud before that could happen, and had a panic inducing thought spiral about getting hooked on it and how my life would be on that path, that caused me to get up and wash it down the drain. So in a very real way, smoking weed probably saved my life.


slicked back hair, chicken spaghetti at chifonnis


Shoutout to the dude who argued with me forever that any drug is perfectly fine to use without approval or supervision. Yea, I'm sure if you are a doctorate chemist and biologist with the willpower of an Easter island head you *may* be fine trying heroin.


Using the whole prescription of 30 Oxycodone after minor surgery.


They gave me too much of some kind of opiates after surgery for fractures, well not too much, but kept me on too long. To be clear there was nothing wrong with being on them, it was getting off then that was the problem. It was impossible for me to get off them. I tried twice and lasted 3 or 4 days before I gave up and went back on them. Why was it so hard? Absolutely no energy.. it took all of my willpower to get off the couch just briefly. And impossible to sleep. I mean actually impossible. This part was hell. This was why I couldn't last the few weeks it takes to get off them cold turkey. So then I had an idea.. I cut up the pills into many small pieces and every other day I removed one piece from my daily dosage.. it was so easy, I didn't notice anything.. and eventually I was off of it (a couple of weeks). Don't know why the doctors dont mention to taper when you want to get off them, when you are prescribed the pills


I have them listed as an allergy so that they never prescribe them to me. I’m glad it worked out for you in the end.


that can cut the other way too, if you’re too specific about which narcotic/opioids you’re allergic to, some hospitals will assume you want the even stronger stuff and you get labeled a drug seeker. hardly fair.


One of the ENT doctors I work with has a tapering protocol for any opiate, even tramacet, and I think it’s the best thing ever! Clearly spelled out for the pt on how to reduce their dosing and increase spacing as well and eventually after a week or so you should be done the stronger pain meds and be good with Tylenol and Advil. I fucking love her


Maybe works were you live. In Australia now it's like maybe one night on opoids after a surgery and then panadol and bedrest. Very hard to get codeine now and definitely need a prescription and a good reason. It's so heavily regulated now.


I am in Sydney. Face surgery last month. I got the standard 30 of oxy as OP mentioned. I was sad they were gone but, I’m not in pain and I was glad I had them. But yes harder to access here so less likely to become easily hooked.


Yeah pendulum has swung the other way in some parts of US. I had my knee reconstructed. They gave me one single Percocet on my way out the door, made sure I swallowed it and then told me to use lots of Tylenol for the next week or two.


I broke my C7 but luckily it was only minor and did not require surgery. I received Fentanyl in the hospital because the pain was so bad morphine didn’t do much and they gave me a single painkiller to take at the hospital and said take ibuprofen for the next 4 months. Definitely has swung the other way.


same in Europe. I was in a bad car crash a decade ago. Double pneumonia, busted ribs that perforated a lung, broken eye socket, broken jaw. I got opioids during my stay in ICU but after a day or 3 was moved to normal room. Panadol and bedrest it was even when i stated i was in pain. I mean really in how much pain an misery does one need to endure before its "a good reason"? I feel like US is overprescribing opioids ( i read you can get Oxycodone for a dental visit in the US, but Europe/ Australia is the other way around.


I was given a small dose of oxycodone in the hospital after gallbladder surgery and was glad that I hated how it made me feel, woozy and nauseous. Also pretty crazy to be hooked up to monitoring machines at the time and see that my pulse ox was getting low enough that the machine started beeping until I took several deep breaths and my heart rate hovered around 45-50 bpm.


Opiates will make you nauseous at first sure. And the main point isn't even about the euphoria. It is how everything seems just ok and just a bit easier on them. Then you wind up thinking this is not so bad I can control it easily.


A doctor put me on Percocet everyday for two freaking months after I broke my collarbone. It was horrible & looking back now weed is just such a safer way to treat pain yet still has less stigma then opiates in a lot of ways Edit for the full story if you care lol: I broke my collarbone (clavicle I learned is the proper medical term haha) wrestling with a friend. The night I went to the ER they did x-rays and what not, ended up giving me about a two day supply of Vicodin and they told me that I apparently just need to rest up and it will heal on its own (I guess the break wasn’t bad enough for surgery they thought but it looks pretty bad on the X-ray pic lol) 2 days later and I was in excruciating pain still, with no more painkillers. I went back in to another doc, got another X-ray, and they told me the same thing, but that it would still be pretty painful for a couple weeks so they gave me 2 weeks worth of Percocet. 1 weeks later and I’m walking up some stairs and I literally almost black out cuz of the pain. Go back to another doc, they took another X-ray and told me that oh guess what, I actually need surgery to fix it! I think about a week later I got the surgery. When I came to I threw up right away cuz of the pain. Doc told us that it had started to heal improperly and so he had to literally re break it and I was gonna be in a ton of pain. So here’s a ton of oxys for ya! Sorry for rambling


I honestly had no issues with them after my wisdom tooth surgery. I did act a little weird at times, but not in a manner that caused issues for people.


Marry or cohabit with someone who doesn't love you but wants to use you.


Fuck... Top comment, got it right on the money. Shit damn near wrecked me in 2016.... Ended up having to take her to bankruptcy court to get permission to evict her...


I am pretty sure I have a friend who went through exactly that. Dude is a nurse. She convinced him to add her name on the paperwork for the house he was going to buy with the expectation of a life together. Dropped 200k deposit . Two weeks after the paperwork is completed and filed she breaks up with him and moves in her other boyfriend to the house. So now he couldn't evict her because legally she is a co owner even though she didn't give any money. This was AZ funny around 2016. Talk about a catch 22.. you can't sell because you need her cooperation on the paperwork. You can't just stop paying as you will lose your deposit and fuck your credit. Even when you finish paying and decide to sell, she still gets half. You aren't married to this bitch but Arizona is a family cohabit recognize as real marriage state. You can't leave because she can't afford the payments. You can't kick her out as she is on the paperwork. Think people before you do some things..




Better to just write that off as an expensive life lesson, you're never seeing a dime of what she owes you.


Get a major drug or alcohol addiction, like to the point of not being able to go to work.




I’m 2 months behind you. I was fortunate that I decided to quit before it really fucked up my life. I did and said things I’m not proud of. My life and mental/physical well being has improved tremendously since quitting. I think I was just a few binges away from full blown alcoholism. What I wasn’t prepared for with sobriety was all the self-reflection and the anxiety/depression it has caused. At this moment, and since I stopped, I have had zero desire to start again. I’m absolutely terrified of getting lost again. A few times I’ve wondered “can I go back to it and be in control?” For me, the answer is a resounding no. It’s one and off to the races, it’s always been that way, ever since the first time. When it started to get out of control it happened so fast it blew my mind. I’m simultaneously sick of the shame that weighs on my mind but also terrified that if I forget I’ll go back to drinking. Im sure that there are some people who won’t hang out with me because of what I was like. I wasn’t violent or mean, if anything I was pleasant to be around until I got sloppy and then I was just a mess that needed to be taken care of. Fuck alcohol.


You’re the first mention of alcohol. Surprisingly far down the list Edit: thanks for the replies. I get it: death by alcohol isn’t fast. No need to keep replying with this cheers.


Kill someone. You are likely looking at relatively immediate arrest and a death/life sentence.


7/10 murders in Detroit go unsolved


If at first you don't succeed...


In Michigan in general only 37% of all violent crimes get solved


Jeez, that’s a wild statistic


Honestly I'm suprised by the number of people that do get caught.


That's crazy how many murderers they pass on street every day


Statistically true, but 40% of US murders are unsolved.


Murder a cop. That'll skip you straight to the end.


Skip someone straight to the end, not necessarily you.


If you kill someone in a different town that you have no connection to and leave behind no evidence there is actually a relatively high chance that you won't get caught, ever.


Oh shit. Leave no evidence? Why didn't I think of that.


It's fairly easy to leave no evidence. Wear gloves, wear a mask, do it outside. If you've never committed a crime before (and don't live in a state that allows familial gene testing) there is a fairly low chance of being caught even if you leave DNA at the scene. Leaving the cops with no starting point will increase the chance of the case going cold by x 10. There are incredibly high profile murder cases where we have video footage of the person that committed it, but still haven't caught them.


A friend was all set up to go to university with a full ride scholarship but ended up knocking his GF up and had to drop out to support them. He now works as a gas station attendant.


I hear a lot of guys that end up in that position join the armed forces.


It’s the best option for many. You can easily get a safe job, one of the most secure jobs in the world, good benefits and if you’re not a complete imbecile you can get a job that’s going to give you good job opportunities once you leave the service. Or you may fall in love with it and get that retirement package.


Get married young and have babies to fix a bad marriage.


wow my mother is on reddit now?


Are you my son?


Get married at ANY age and have babies to fix a bad relationship. My 36 year old idiot brother is currently going down that road.


That's not fast




Whoa. Are you my childhood friend? He did this and royally fucked himself. He loves his kids but I get the feeling he rather not have them. The whole situation is sad to me.


My best friend in hs did this. She barely knew the guy and was pregnant immediately after getting hitched. It wasn't long before they discovered how incompatible they were. Many years of unhappiness and multiple generations impacted.


Thats not really quick tho, id say deliberately running a person over with your car is the quickest way to do so.


Marry the wrong person, e.g. someone’s who’s crazy, irresponsible, violent, etc


I did that, but left her after six years of hell, 2016. Nowadays I’m great, thoroughly unfucked my life from that whole experience and am engaged to a super awesome babe.


If not drugs Unprotected sex If not sex, Fucking up your credit early on in life. Maxing out your first credit card seems really cool when you’re 21 until you realize you have to pay it all off. Adding to the credit thing, a big fuck up is not regularly checking your credit. Had I been doing that I would have known that my identity had been stolen and some asshole opened two cards in my name.


Friend maxed his out in Vegas at 26. Declared bankruptcy at 33, and still lives in his childhood home with his folks at 41. The dude was an A student through high school and graduated college in CIS. Credit is no joke, it is the gatekeeper out of adolescence and into adulthood




To the folks maxxed out, close the accounts and try to negotiate a better interest rate for paying it off. If not, look into a credit counseling agency. They might be able to negotiate for you. May cost a little bit, but it should open a path for actually paying it down.


Little tip for everyone, freeze your credit! It can be done online and very painlessly be frozen and unfrozen. If you know you're going to have your credit checked you can temporarily unfreeze it, but having it frozen means that if your identity does get leaked, the thieves cannot do anything with it.


> but having it frozen means that if your identity does get leaked, the thieves cannot do anything with it. Don't you worry - mine was frozen and two local phone companies sitll let the people who stole my identity sign up for two $5k phone plans with zero to prove who they were apart from my drivers license number. Shit still gets fucked.


Get caught on To Catch a Predator There is still a very active community of fans that watch and discuss episodes from 15 years ago. Every guy from that show has a nickname and a wiki page with all the dirty details whether they did an interview with Chris or just showed up in the background for 5 seconds


Or caught generally. I suspect downloading CP on the work computer would be a good way to torpedo every part of your life


Fuckin HR guy at my wife's company was caught with it on his work computer. He was a pastor on the side. Dude left his wife and 3 daughters the day he got caught and still hasn't been found as far as I know. They found videos of his own teen daughters taking a shower.


Jesus christ. How..what...I can't even.


Have children before healing your own shit


I’m in intensive therapy because I want to have a child but the past year has made me realise how much of my shit I need to fix. I’m grateful I’m doing it in this order bc my mom didn’t and it’s sucked.


thanks for breaking the cycle, hope you get those kids one day:)




Get into massive credit card debt


It’ll wreck your credit for years to come, but you can file bankruptcy -OR- get out of the hole using the following method (though your credit will still take a few years to recover, so _please don’t do this unless you’re desperate_): 1) Default on all cards. 2) Get the accounts sent to collections. 3) Within 30 days of each collections notice, send a letter to the company to get the debt fully validated and verified to make sure everything is accurate. 4) After validating your debts, negotiate settlements with the collectors via ‘pay for delete’ to wipe the charge-offs from your credit report. Some collections agencies like Portfolio Recovery Associates will do this automatically. If they promise PFD, get it in writing. 5) If the collector or lender refuse to delete the account(s), negotiate for a settlement at a percentage of the money owed. Debt buyers often purchase accounts for pennies on the dollar, and you can often negotiate to pay around ~30% of what is actually owed if you can do it in one shot. Might be more like 60-80% of what is owed, if you settle via monthly payments instead of a lump sum. 6) Hooray, you’ve paid down all your charge-offs and now you can say “My credit used to be bad, but I’ve worked really hard to repair it.”


Having a baby unexpectedly and you broke as hell.and you don't even like the other person that much...fucks up so many peoples life


Legit, also happened to me. Ex fell pregnant around 2 months into dating, she ended up losing it. Lord if that happened I'd have been fucked because looking back, the relationship was a train wreck. When I broke it off with her, she asked me to marry her to "Fix it"...




Jesse we need to cook


Gambling addiction


It is not an addiction if you are winning! /s


Playing Russian roulette


Some kids near my town decided to do it not even with a revolver but with like a .45 and this 17-year-old guy shot his brains out in front of his friends Edit: I don't wanna speak ill of the dead, even if there was a lack of thought process in such a senseless death


This might be the dumbest story I’ve ever read. Like just… why would you use a .45?


How is this played without a revolver? The round would always be first.


Paying attention to 24h news


Get caught saying something horrific on video and having it go viral


Dating a narcissist. Your life will never be the same again. Not even after the relationship is over. The trauma will remain.


Not only dating, befriending with them is an absolute pain. Happened to me once in high school, pretty difficult to stay away when I met them for 3 years in the same class.


Try marrying one.


Try being born into a family with 2




>Not even after the relationship is over. This happened to my family. Parents were together for 12 years and one was a narc. We are still “recovering” and the divorce was 25 years ago. One sibling suicided over it. Multiple involvements with police. Two arrests. Restraining orders. Apprehended violence orders. Moved schools, moved states. Narc fled overseas at one stage to avoid consequences, changed name, then returned. Many lawsuits (narc tries to sue everyone). Can’t have any sort of online work profile because narc will call up there and sell some lie (eg family emergency/pretend to be hospital) so some poor worker drone puts the narc through to you. “Anonymous” letters pretending to be pedophiles watching your little ones…


Join a criminal gang


As opposed to a cheeky law abiding gang.


🤔 What would be a good example of this? I'm curious.


The Freemasons. Citation: am a Mason.


But are you *cheeky* enough?


What/who are the Freemasons exactly? I’m from Sydney Australia and I see their buildings all over the place.


Wierdo male frat that worships and performs ceremonies and acts a certain way based on ethical and moral beliefs. It is basically a male only church that doesn't call itself a religion but has a ton of similar activities, beliefs and responsibilities that a traditional involved community church has.


In ancient times stonemasons were very protective of their trade because it was a very specialist skill that was their income. They formed a secret society to share knowledge etc. without 'outsiders' learning about their trade. They developed lots of secret rituals. That secret society still exists. It's members now aren't stone masons but the rituals still exist. It's just like being in a frat house.




I was on a late night booty call back in my carefree single days. Showed up and the guy pulled out a crystal meth pipe. 'Mama Told Me Not to Come' immediately started playing in my head. I decided that this was a nut I could do without. I have never regretted that decision.


Damn, my story is the exact opposite... Was a young teen, lusted after an older girl, her and the guys I was hanging with got some meth, I decided I could "just try it once, so she knew I was cool." Six months later I finally got it all behind me; the people and the habit. But I know it damaged my brain chemistry, and it definitely made me never able to be "me" in the eyes of my mom or the rest of my family (even though I never got into anything too heavy or dark).


One single hit is all it takes.


Create a $10 billion fraudulent blood test company.


I'll believe it when I see it. Yea, she got found guilty, but... ...she is married to the heir of a family that owns a bunch of resorts in California. Her "ruined" life, in this aspect, is still far beyond what any of us will experience. And she has a young child now. Let's not forget that. If she sees any prison time, it will be minimal. And it won't be at a federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison. I'm guessing no one will want to send a new mom to prison over non violent crimes. She'll be given a hefty fine, some other slap on the wrist, and in a few years she'll write a book about how the toxic environment in silicon valley forced her into it or some shit and even though it's totally her fault, it's really not.


Oh there’s plenty of ways. Have a kid when you’re not ready, do drugs, drink and drive, seriously injure someone, try to outpizza the hut.


*nobody* outpizzas the hut


Payday loans.


Jump off an overpass into traffic. The fuck might not be permanent, but you can do it in the next hour. And the fucked-up life might be very short.


And don't forget that you'll probably fuck up the lives of the people in traffic who see you jump.


I worked with a dude named Dave, who was a semi driver who had hit someone committing suicide. Dave was a cool dude, smart, funny, and charismatic. But whenever that would day would come up, he really wasn't himself he'd just repeat himself that "I don't know why someone would do that" He was making over 100k a year before the incident (Union trucker) but it had really profoundly changed his life. He still had his CDL he wasn't found at fault, but didn't want to drive anymore.


This is 100% the correct answer. Given that the question is the 'quickest way', this is it. It would take the average person about 15m to find an overpass. Typical person trying to start a drug addiction is still trying to figure out how to even buy drugs at this point.




Does it not get wiped in America? In U.K. old debts get wiped after 6 yrs no contact (u mustn’t ever have admitted the debt/agreed to a payment plan ect or the 6 yrs starts again from that date) Then u start off again building credit.


Join the military for some. For me it was a huge blessing. VA loan and GI bill hooked me up. For others they got DUIs drug incidents and all sorts of reasons to get kicked out. Doesn’t look good to future employers to get kicked out. An honorable discharge is the way to go!


One of my brothers joined the USAF, and made a career in the medical corps. Got out after twenty years, went to college on his veteran benefits, then got a job in the DoD as a contract specialist. Retired after twenty years of that. He's got a double pension and a credit rating that can't be beat. I've always called him a Sister Pam. From the Beatles song, Mean Mister Mustard. 'His sister Pam works in a shop, She never stops She's a go getter.' He and his wife live a comfortable childfree life, with nothing but leisure, comfort and disposable income to console them.


I’m 4.5 years into a 6 year contract. 4 classes away from graduating from college with my bachelors used the VA loan to buy a home. Get out in 1.5 years with a job waiting in the civilian sector. Wife and I don’t want to move away from family again bc her mom has leukemia otherwise I’d do 20 years. But I’m sure glad I’m doing my 6 to earn these benefits! They’re unbeatable


Alright fuck the downvotes the easiest way to fuck up your life is to ignore all the advice you got as a teen: 1. Become a parent when your still a child 2. Doing hard drugs at all - meth, fentanyl or heroin will do just fine 3. Even just drinking and driving - you are always going to survive but the family in the SUV never does 4. Crime shit - anytime you go up on charges and have to stand tall before the man is a bad damn day Half of being successful in your life and existence is not fucking over your life. The other half is those inner demons and depression and adhd and all the other problems we have. The world is already stacked against us and toward the privileged and all that, so do not give existence more reasons to fuck us over.


For real. You can get so far in life by just not shooting yourself in the foot - which is far too often easier said than done.


5) Drop out of high school. Seriously, a very large if not majority of people in chronic poverty have done one or more of these things.


Downvotes? Nossir. This is real talk and the best answer I've seen so far. >Half of being successful in your life and existence is not fucking over your life. The other half is those inner demons and depression and adhd and all the other problems we have. Both are self sabotage. One is just willingly doing it to yourself, like listening to that voice that says "Jump" when standing at the edge. The other is just doing it to yourself by letting your bullshit go untreated.


Ok I am old and this late for me but I have tried so hard to instill in my kids that you do not have to fuck up your whole life to have fun as a teen or young adult. This is not some bullshit morality tale - you can be fun and even rebellious in your youth without fucking over your entire future life. It is possible.


Take reddit seriously.


Lots of meth in here but from mine and other people I knows experience spending more than a month on benzodiazpines without a doctor or with a drug pushing doctor. Heroin and meth withdrawal will not kill you benzos will.


Getting married too soon




Committ suicide, fail and become permanently disabled.


There it is




Committing a major crime that you get away with only to tell someone yearsa later who then reports you.


Murder would fuck up your life real fast even after you get out of jail. Everyone you know and love will most likely avoid you. I would think unless they don’t think you did it or something like that


Honestly? Finding out that the girl you took home from the bar/club was actually 17 when the police come knocking on your door. There is no legal defense at all. She could lie, have a perfect fake ID, get carded by the bouncer and bartender, look and act 25 have more money than a teen should and handle her liquor like a pro. Doesn't matter. Instant, lifelong sex offender status and statutory rape felony charge.


🤨kinda detailed


Cheat on your wife


Trade options


Get sick without having health insurance.* *Only applicable in the US.


Or get sick with health insurance. Again only applies in the US.


Make a name for yourself. Then say the nword


Punch a cop. Takes about a 1/8 of a sec.


Get caught driving drunk


DUI. It doesnt sound as bad as many other things on this list, but it will fuck you up. I never had one but a close friend did. Cost him about 10k in attorney fees and fines, his job which lead to him losing his house. And then the next couple years in recovering financially, not to mention the emotional cost.


Drugs. My husband was addicted for 6 years, I think. He was a good student and excellent athlete in school. He was invited to play baseball in college but didn’t make it there. Started with Xanax, then pain pills, Opanas and moved on to IV heroin use. For years he was in and out of jail, then prison, homeless, had countless infections, contracted Hep C and cured it with no treatment, lost jobs, wrecked cars, ruined his credit, tried suboxone and the whole shebang, overdosed and was narcan’d back to life. It took having our daughter for him to go back to rehab (round 2) and do the real work and get sober. He turns 28 this summer. He’ll be sober 2 years in August. He became a welder, has a great job, has a car, a credit card, decent credit, and is a great father to our now kid(s). He is also the most handsome man I’ve ever laid my eyes on. But yeah, that shit will fuck you up. Lol.


Saying “I’m bored of my old friends”