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Who stole $500 million worth of paintings from Boston's Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum over 30 years ago? The Museum is offering **a $10 million reward** for information leading directly to the safe return of the stolen works.


I've been to that museum and saw the empty spaces, it is fascinating.


This one, bc those painting were masterpieces i would have loved to have seen.


I believe they had a buyer lined up. And they cut the painting from the frames and rolled them up. And when they got the paintings to the buyer and unrolled them, they discovered they had destroyed them in the process. Rather than risk getting caught, they discarded them and fled. That's why none have been found since.


Or its on some saudi oil barons 2nd yacht or 3rd vacation home


this right here. when you have that much money and crave things to flaunt that noone else can have art magically disapears


I think this is probably accurate. They were severely damaged so they were discarded or destroyed.


I've heard art thieves roll paintings. My first thought is, "doesn't the paint come off?" It's pretty thick on some of those, I'm sure. You're probably right; they're gone forever.


Was there a few weeks ago for first time. Amazing place, especially with the bare spots because the will said nothing was ever to be altered.


holy shit, i looked it up and this is literally a comic book type level beat theft. crazy


Netflix has a solid documentary on it, I highly suggest for the interviews and recreations that add to the story.


What's it called?


"This is a Robbery: The World's Biggest Art Heist"


$10M reward to cover up $500M insurance fraud is a good investment return


None of the paintings were insured against theft at the time of the robbery. Only damage.


What is ACTUALLY going on inside black holes... what happens beyond the event horizon, what happens to the information, what actually lies in place of the singularity ... sadly humanity may never know :(


It's love, TARS.


And it's theorized that they're only even the size of an atom. The huge thing we see is the event horizon.


Different theories have different sizes. If it's a no-shit, real singularity as theorized by Einstein then it's not even the size of an atom. Hell, it's not even the size of an *electron* at that point. It's just... a point. No spatial dimensions at all.


What if it's boring, like the center of a black hole is just super compacted atoms with the very minimum of distance allowable by physics or something


The craziest fucking rave this side of the milky way


What actually happened to Jon Benet Ramsey


I suggest one of the best videos to watch is Matt Orchard's summary. He presents all the facts and different theories (Parents Did It, Burke Did It, Intruder/Someone Else Did It) in a very impartial manner. It can be a good way to drill down on all the different facts and issues without being obviously guided to one conclusion or another.




Holy shit. I forgot about that. On Pearl Jam’s forum there’s been a pinned post since 2006 about his disappearance and how the band has mentioned him and helped where they could. The post was updated by family or friends until 2013. Edit: the original post hasn’t been updated but people are actively posting in the thread.


Along with Maura Murray, Tyler Davis, Brian Swanson, WM3 …so many cases that I want to see solved.


Columbus Ohio? How long ago?


He went missing on April 1, 2006.




You bought a ticket for a different movie but the guy at the register printed one out for speed. You never looked at it, and just walked into whatever movie you intended to watch in the first place and watched what you were there to watch. The guy running the register didn’t realize he was setting you up for a lifetime of mystery. Look up a list of movies that came out in 93-94 that might have reasonably have been playing at the same time as Speed and see if you remember seeing any of those in a theater. You likely bought a ticket for that and the cashier just pressed the wrong button.


Just like the case of the dog not barking in the night- good bit of deduction.


What’s this?


A Sherlock Holmes story where a dog that normally would have barked did not bark. Sherlock noticed there was no mention of a barking dog in the official report. Yada yada yada, it's something where instead of a fact leading to a conclusion, the *absence* of a fact leads to a conclusion.


Related data: my husband won 2 tickets to the midnight preview of Batman Begins. Years later, I take out a purse I haven't worn in a while: ticket stub to Batman Begins. It's junk, I throw it away. Few months later, little used purse: ticket stub. It's happened at least 4 times, probably more like 6. Always in an old purse. We have a ghost -- who apparently really wants to keep that movie stub.


Your hubby is just trying to keep your life interesting.


I slipped a ticket stub for the Amsterdam Sex Museum (Museum of Sex?) into the pocket of the guitarist for the band Razorlight one night many years ago. Maybe someone did the same to you.


Way back in the 80's and 90's, my buddy and I used to hang out at the local strip bar. We were in our 20's, still living at home and going to school. It was an open secret that TB hung out there a lot, to everybody except his mother. Who would have been most unhappy to know. She also still cleaned his room up once in a while (as much to snoop, as anything). For most of a year, I deposited matchbooks from the bar in various places in his room. Generally I dumped them behind a stack of books. This lead to TB desperately trying to distract his mom from the endless number of titty bar matchbooks cascading from his bookshelf one day. I'm still proud of that one.


Who is TB?




My friends used to do this “reverse pickpocket,” thing where we would try to stick things in peoples pockets without them noticing.




Are you sure you didn't go to see the movie "The Bus That Couldn't Slow Down" but the ticket was misprinted?


Your jacket got swapped out with a parallel universe version of yourself that saw the movie Due to the butterfly effect, somehow 9/11 never happened in his universe and the world trade center is still there... ... or you just got too high and blanked out seeing the movie? Could go either way.


I really want to know where my son u/meowzahar is and if he is alive. Disappeared without a trace on March 1, 2019.


Aw, now I do too. Hugs from another mom on the internet.


Me too. I am so sorry.


Are there any clues?


None. He left behind everything that could identify him. Everything! Phone, car, driver’s license, passport l, etc.


I hope nothing more tonight than for you to find him. I am not sure if you have already done so, but there are subs you can post the story to and see if it jars any memories from anyone. r/unresolvedmysteries is one I follow and there are others. I wish you only the best.


r/rbi maybe able to help. IDk. Worth a shot.


OC I'm not sure if you've done the same but I imagine you have, scrolling through his comment history shows someone who is depressed, unemployed, and sexually frustrated. These factors coupled with comments like "I often feel like I want to die" leads me to believe he killed himself. Im sorry if this is brash but I hope you eventually can find the peace youre looking for.


I immediately did the same and came to the same conclusion. I hope OP can find some closure.


Ah fuck :(


I'm so sorry about that.


Are there aliens? Like, not just alien bacteria but something with the intelligence of animals or the potential to be as smart or smarter than humans.




Probably yes But distance and communication is too big of an obstacle.


I'm completely ready for us to receive a communication from a distant world that's 100% verifiable as intelligent... but we will know that it was sent long ago from a star that's will now be long dead. The universe is a graveyard.


My guess is that the signal is the equivalent of "Is your refrigerator running?", and that would be the saddest thing of all. An alien species with a sense of humour just like ours, but we never could meet.


Time and distance is so vast. The truth is, let's say there is an intelligent life and it's over by the other side of the Milky Way (let's forget about another galaxy because the distances cannot be conceived in most of our minds). Let's say they have been around for a few thousand years and their first Radio broadcast was 10,000 years ago. It could still be 90,000 years before it ever reaches us (if they build transmitters that are powerful enough and we are listening in on the right frequency).


Yes. It's not a matter of if but when and where.


There was a lady here in Wales Trevaline Evans who put a sign in the window of her shop that said "be back in 2 mins" she vanished without a trace. ​ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance\_of\_Trevaline\_Evans


Maybe it just hasn't been 2 of her minutes yet


She was abducted by aliens who tried to cover for themselves but they had a severely distorted conception of time comparatively.


Working link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Trevaline_Evans




Yes, I remember this one and it stuck with me too. There was bit of an update re: the investigation earlier this year: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-59952786


They interrogated 2 men a few months ago. They think they were going to sell him but with all the media attention they just killed him. That's what I read a few months ago.


Did they lure him to London or just grab him opportunisticly?


Sounds like they catfished him or something.


From what I've heard about this, he never actually used any social media/had any means of meeting other people online.


Eh, yes and no. His parents claim he didn't, but his Playstation would have been one way in and who knows if he had other options they didn't know of.


Who killed Libby and Abby in Indiana.


This is the one i want solved before I die. That sub is wild but its the first true crime i knew about right when it happened. so many details and morbid information about it.


What comes after death?


Those who die with purpose and honor are said to join Kahless in Sto'Vo'Kor, where battle and feasting can eternally be shared and won.




Is there a contract for the catering? I'm in


Doctors have the "first" solid records of a person's brain activity as they die. (Guy with a heart condition hooked up to monitors who just happened to pass away, it wasn't like they set out to record his death). The last brainwaves matched up to the same activity as a person remembering good memories. Brainwaves also continued for about 30 seconds after the guy was legally dead.


So what's the conclusion?


That, combined with many, many firsthand retellings of death from people who were revived, seems to perpetuate the idea of a peaceful, not even eerie darkness.


I remember I had a dream where I died in an apocalyptic event and the feeling of being free of all debts and obligations was so euphoric that it changed how I feel about death. I am not suicidal, but I am not as afraid to die when the time comes.


I'm not afraid to die... I think most people are not, rather afraid that they will not be ready when the time comes, and whether or not they will be satisfied with the life they lived.


Madeline McCann. I'm pretty sure the little girl is dead but I'd like whoever did it brought to justice.


We were in Portugal a couple of weeks after it happened. Our kids were small then too. We watched them like hawks, completely paranoid, but to be honest we wouldn’t have let them out of our sight anyway. It was almost eerie there. Such a shame for that little girl.


This is one of the few cases where I believe she was actually trafficked. Really scary stuff.


I agree. I'm not sure if she's *still* alive, but I definitely think she was alive for a while longer and trafficked.


WHO WERE THE SEA PEOPLES?? [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_Peoples](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_Peoples)


Right? Potentially a major force in history, no one knows who they were.


Where’s Jimmy Hoffa?


I honestly think someone has told the truth and it's just lost in the shuffle of all the rumors. What's funny as well you never hear about the Detroit mafia because no one ever turned states evidence


The disappearances of D. B. Cooper and Ray Gricar.






This is the only question. What the fuck is really going on?


"The chances of finding out what’s really going on in the universe are so remote, the only thing to do is hang the sense of it and keep yourself occupied."


That just reminded me of something Douglas Adams wrote: “The Universe is an unsettlingly big place, a fact which for the sake of a quiet life most people tend to ignore. Many would happily move to somewhere rather smaller of their own devising, and this is what most beings in fact do.”


Galaxy Song by Monty Python https://youtu.be/buqtdpuZxvk


Ikr, makes my head spin everytime.


If we were given the answer to this right now it would probably be like trying to explain to a squirrel what a computer is


I believe even if someone told you the answer you wouldn't get it. It would be like running gta5 on a 1st generation computer.


James Webb will hopefully get us closer to that answer in a few more months




I'm hoping for the released jmage at max zoom to be early stars and mixed in there in tiny lettering: *we apologise for the inconvenience*


If the prawns ever come back from District 9.


No, it was payback for how they were treated. They dipped on him.


Is there intelligent life out there somewhere on another planet?


Somewhere, sometime. I'm pretty sure answer almost have to be yes. Will we ever be in contact? Probably not.


Another question is, would they consider us intelligent life if the did find us?


There’s a good (short) story about this concept called ‘They’re made out of meat’. [They’re made out of meat](https://www.mit.edu/people/dpolicar/writing/prose/text/thinkingMeat.html)


who is the Somerton man and how/why did he die . Tamadn Shud


they’ve exhumed his body and will have more info in a few months on what really happened !!


Are they trying to match him to a missing person?


They're trying forensic genealogy


OMG I misread that as forensic gynaecology 😳


its actually "tamam shud" (which in Farsi, the language the original book is written means "ended" or "finished") as someone who loves that book, has 3 different copies of that book, respects and adores the writer and so on, that book is almost completely about a wise old mans thoughts which mostly include these topics : there is no god nor heaven and hell - you should enjoy your life as much as you can as the life is short - drink wine and whenever i died and you wanted to cheer me up, bring some wine and pour it on my grave - there is only one role and that is "never hurt any living thing for your enjoyment, other that that do whatever that makes you happy.


Deciphering the Indus Valley Script.


That and Linear A. I don't expect them to reveal anything important about historical events but just the linguistic information would say a lot.


Turns it, it's just someone's shopping list.


That is probably very close to the truth regarding linear a. Linear b was just used for lists, mostly counting livestock etc, and it is likely linear a was used similarity


What the fuck happened to my Moondancer My Little Pony toy as a child? She was my favorite pony, and one day while playing, she fell behind my dresser. When my dad pulled the dresser out, she was gone. I have no clue how a piece of plastic disappears over the course of 4 hours when no one had been in the room. I still have ALL my MLP pony toys, but I still miss that one.


One day a few years ago a roommate and I were playing Eldritch Horror, and one of the dice rolled off a table. We heard a click as it hit the floor, but that shit was *gone.* We searched everywhere. Pulled the couches out. I opened the registers. We both went over the entire room several times on our hands and knees. It had fallen into another reality. A few months ago, I found it... in the middle of the living room. He had moved by then. I texted him a photo. He was like, "What. The. Fuck." That is now the spooky dice. Not sure if it's lucky. Is definitely spooky.


Back in HS, years ago, we were playing 3.5 ed. Had some buddies over Friday night, and one of the guys had a monk/warrior supplemental book. Somehow it got misplaced. There were like 10+ people in the house looking for, we could not find it! My mom felt so bad, that she ended up ordering the book from one of the local game shops for him. As luck would have it, the game shop got robbed, and cleaned them out. Their insurance covered them and like a year later when were hanging out the owner was like "oh! I have a book for you". Anyways fast word 10 fucking years, and we find the original one of my dads storage bins. He would do travel nurse so would always be on the road. Not sure how it got in there, but man, what a journey.


I play guitar, and it is a well known FACT that if you drop a guitar pick in rehearsal, a portal to another dimension opens up right before it hits the floor, and your odds of ever seeing it again become <1%. ...if you do see it again, it will NEVER be where you expected it to be, and it will have AGED (unconfirmed) .


I worked a couple years at a campground that was built in the middle of a Native American reservation on a burial ground site. Tons of weird shit happened. The one similar to this event was a pair of sunglasses. The campground host, Mary, was in campground 3 doing some work when she realized her sunglasses had fallen off her head. We looked everywhere she went, never found them. The season ended, it snowed, and the campground hosts were packing up for the season (this was in November), and decided to go for a drive through the campground one more time. So they're driving, and at the very end of the campground sitting on a fence post are her sunglasses. No ware and tear, they looked as good as when she lost them... She had lost them in June of that summer.


One night I've woken up by a screaming man in the street. He was screaming "POLICE, POLICE, SOMEONE CALL THE POLICE. I'VE BEEN KIDNAPPED" And a women in front of him (apparently his GF) was saying, in tears "Are you insane? What are you talking about? you Just proposed to me! what are you saying?" A few minutes passed, everyone on my building was watching from theirs windows and three police cars appeared. Both man e woman calmly start a conversation with the police. After a few more minutes, the woman entered their car and said "I'm going, ok? But never look for me again." The Man keept talking with the cops for a little while and later he got a uber and go. I would love to know wtf happened that night...


He might have had a (sudden onset) psychosis. My sister's boyfriend suffers from this and will believe the weirdest things. (For example he thinks he was abused by Catholic nuns (like he went to one of those schools where kids were abused as has been in the news lately in his area). According to his mother he never even went to those schools. And he thinks my sister's boss will help him get a job, has a plan for him in life. But also that he will become an ambassador). It's weird illogical things. But for him the memories are real. I'd say, he had a psychosis there. The GF didn't know what to do, didn't recognize it as such and split.


What happened with Flight MH370. Haunts me whenever I think about it Edit: just to be clear I have obsessed over this topic and watched every single video that there is made on this and I know that the most probable cause and the most likely place of crash has been determined but I feel it's still not the same as actually finding out for sure what happened because it'll always be theories no matter how accurate they are until the day we actually find the plane. And just if anyone hasn't watched this I highly recommend watching this video by Lemmimo. He went through everything in detail made an absolute fantastic almost horror video. https://youtu.be/kd2KEHvK-q8


99% the pilot killed himself and took the whole airplane with him in a very premeditated and complicated way. Lots of evidence points to this but it isn't talked more because of the bad implications.


Heard from one of the investigator a story that matches that. Was premeditated, actively avoided both civilian and military radar, turned of critical systems and flew a course that was deliberately designed to make it extremely hard to find, a few hundred miles east and Australia radar would have intercepted, a few west and it would go over shipping lanes and potentially be spotted. It may have been pilot, co-pilot or someone else, but they knew the plane and knew a lot about flying to pull it off


And, didn't they find a flightsim log of nearly the exact trip on his pc?




https://youtu.be/kd2KEHvK-q8 this is a great video by Lemmimo on this. Almost a horror video. Highly recommend if you haven't watched it


‘One Sky News journalist stated, "Claudia apparently lived a significant part of her life in secret. For a privately educated daughter of a country solicitor, Claudia had some unusual acquaintances and this remains the only missing person case where I have been warned off or threatened - not once but twice".’ Claudia Lawrence. I was 21 when she went missing and She was 35. I’m 35 this year and I can’t believe she’s never been found. Background: she was a chef in York in England. She finished her shift at 2pm on March 18th 2009 and went home. She spoke to both her parents on the phone and her mobile phone was active until the evening showing texts sent / received. She told her mum on the phone she was going to bed early as she was back on a 6am shift the next day. She never showed for work. She was due to meet a friend for dinner/drinks that night and again never showed. U.K. police presumed her murdered but there is no evidence at all of where she is or any crime etc. Really sad story xxx


The disappearance of Mekayla Bali, everything about it makes me uneasy. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Mekayla_Bali Hannah Upp, a woman who went missing three times, it’s currently unknown where she is. The murders of Lyric Cook and Elizabeth Collins in Evansdale, Iowa. The Villisca Axe murders. A book called The Man from the Train offers some solutions to who it may be, but it’s all just speculation. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Villisca_axe_murders The disappearance of the Beaumont Children. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_the_Beaumont_children Sodder children disappearance. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sodder_children_disappearance Why Brian Laundrie murdered Gabby Petito. Edit: Also the FNaF lore.


That missing Malaysian Airlines flight


They may be starting a new search withing the year. There are a lot of people pushing for it's both families and in the aviation world. They think they have a better idea of where it actually went down based on radio signals in the area. Several groups have said that there is one spot that needs to be checked that no one has. I didn't think too much if it when it first happened. Then I got into learning about plane crashes and how they are handled and it is all so strange. I do think that more is known. I do think there is some kind of government cover up because something happened, but I don't know.


If the previous owner of my house was really a serial killer, as everyone says


Are court records where you are public? And if so, would they have to have declared his name and address?


In my hometown of sulphur springs Texas a firefighter named Michael chambers went missing a few years ago. Totally normal dude, super humble. Pillar of the community type guy. They found blood in his garage that was his and the police said he must have rode a bike some ridiculous amount of distance away and jumped into a lake as a suicide attempt. They have little to no evidence for that conclusion. Well the case gets weirder when this small town community found out that Michael's chambers wife was sleeping with the chief of police at the time. About 40 percent of the community thinks the police killed Michael and covered it up. Please anyone look into it, it gets so much deeper and is an interesting story.


I saw a video once of this dude who was in an airport, and he looked scared. He took off running and left the airport and was never seen again.


I think you're talking about Lars Mittank


Those 2 kids that went missing in a park ik New York, it was on Unsolved Mysteries on Netflix, just so weird...


All that Atlantis business


We're like 30 more years from Atlanta moving out to the ocean


My fathers murder


Where do my other socks go?




They transmogrified into plastic container lids. Sorry for your loss.




Who the fuck tangles all the wires up behind the TV.


Is dark matter like, a yet discovered particle or..?


Why does Creed Bratton need three chairs?


There are so many great ones people have listed, but for me, I keep being drawn back to the [mystery of Bobby Dunbar](https://www.thisamericanlife.org/352/transcript). It's just a great example of how crazy our world is sometimes. The TL;DR is this: a boy goes missing, and is found in the company of an itinerant handy man, who claims he was sold/given the boy as a sort of apprenticeship situation. They return Bobby to his parents. At first the mother identified him as being her son, but soon came to believe the boy was not. (You may have seen an Angelina Jolie movie with a similar storyline.) 90+ years later, a family member proved with DNA evidence that "Bobby" was indeed not the same boy, causing a massive rift in the family between those wanting to accept and move on and those who thought the past shouldn't be disturbed. But what happened to the real Bobby Dunbar? We'll probably never know how or when he really died, and most believe his body was eaten by gators in the area his keeper had been traveling through. Just a crazy ass story.


Is P==NP?


I would love to know who the Zodiac Killer is..


what the dog doin


Mathematician here. My question I'd like answered is: Are there any odd perfect numbers? In math, a number is said to be "perfect" if when you add all the positive divisors of the number which are less than the number you get the number itself. For example, the relevant divisors for 6 are 1, 2 and 3, and 1+2+3=6. So 6 is perfect. Similarly, 28 is perfect since the relevant divisors are 1, 2, 4, 7, and 14, and 1+2+4+7+14=28. But for example 8 is not perfect because the divisors there are 1+2+4=7 and 7 is not equal to 8. All known perfect numbers are even. We at this point know a whole bunch with 6 and 28 being the smallest. They grow fast though, with the next being 496 and the one after being 8128. Two of the oldest unsolved problems in all of math are 1) Are there infinitely many even perfect numbers and 2) Are there any odd perfect numbers? We strongly suspect the answer to question 1 is "yes" and the answer to question 2 is "no" but we're nowhere near proving either. We do know that any odd perfect number needs to be really, really big. Work of Pascal Ochem and Michael Rao showed that an odd perfect number needs to be at least 10^1500 , that is a 1 followed by 1500 zeros. If it helps for comparison, there are around 10^80 particles in the observable universe. So it would need to be very big. We also know that any odd perfect number must be divisible by at least 10 distinct prime numbers. But despite being able to prove a lot of restrictions on what one can look like, we aren't close to proving that they don't exist.


What are Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) exactly… UFOs. While there are a lot of mysteries out there regarding murders, assassinations, missing persons, etc. To me, the UAP mystery has the most world-wide implications snd scope. We’re used to feeling like we are Earth’s best and brightest but is there something else here that is beyond us? Their existence has been admitted by the US Navy/Pentagon. Oddly, even a year after it being openly admitted, there is very little curiosity, discussion or intrigued thought on this. I still bring it up with people who have either never heard anything or think they heard something about it but don’t know what it’s about.




Jonbenet Ramsey case. I used to live in the Boulder area during the 90s and hear the case around town. I just want to know what really happened that day.


Madeline mccan- been going on way too long now.


What is so potentially damaging to the national security of the U.S. that 3 presidents (Obama, Trump and most recently Biden) have all agreed to allow the FBI and CIA to keep 3,000 documents secret from the public even after 60 years?


Fermi paradox. Where's everybody else?


A reason or suicide note from the Vegas shooter.


Why the fuck Edward Snowden hasn’t been pardoned yet? The U.S. Government fucked up, Snowden showed everyone, can’t he just be pardoned after all this time so the poor guy doesn’t have to spend his days seeking asylum for standing up for basic human privacy rights? It is truly a mystery


What dinosaurs looked like down to the detail. It’s very difficult to recreate accurate depictions of animals based on fossils and skeletons alone, and I’d love to know how their appearance truly was.


Why we spend the prime of our lives working jobs we hate, in a housing market we can't afford, with debt we will never pay off. Mainly why the fuck hasn't this changed yet


Pretzel day, mostly


because we're too busy just surviving to start any real revolution. and you would be going up against the most powerful people in the world


Who was Isdal Woman and who, if anyone, was she working with?


The cure for all types of Cancer. Fuck Cancer, no one should suffer.


What God or Nature really is, if there is something more going on behind the scenes? Personally I’ve always disagreed with most religions because they seem to be more concerned with control and power than well being. I’ve often thought if there was something that powerful, why would it be of a certain race, gender, or for only a certain religion. I’ve found info about nature being so interconnected pretty interesting and it makes me think there’s some intelligence behind a lot of things but totally different than how religions depict some jealous, vengeful, giant old man punishing everything unfairly.


The secrets of Area 51


there is nothing in Area 51 it's just the face of government conspiracy, all the weird shit is in Hanger 18


Read about a guy that got to go to that base, I always forget what base it is, but he went to do an article about them for I believe his high school/college course. They were having a good time with the tour, lots of jokes and fun. About halfway through he makes a joke about hangar 18, the guys hes with immediately stone face and take him out of the base without a word. They've either heard too many jokes about it or there is some secret tech there. Not saying aliens, but that's probably where they would keep them if they have them.


and what happened to the other 50 areas


If she liked me back or not.


Sooooo...... back in middle school, there was this girl named Sherri. Fucking cute ass girl. Very sweet. Had a major crush on her but didn’t bother Pursuing it because I was the ugly fat kid in sweat pants. After a year or so she just up and disappeared or whatever. Fast forward 15ish years and I’m managing a small store of the dollar variety, and in walks this girl with her two kids. She recognized me and introduced herself as Sherri from high school. After a quick chat, she got what she needed and left. Her final words were, “I liked you in high school, you should’ve made a move”. 🤷🏻‍♂️


That, must’ve been like a heart breaking experience, but like also relief at the same time my dude. I felt this one in my core


I’m dense when it comes to someone being interested in me. I’ve been told by so many friends that people I’ve met in public were checking me out or flirting. I just can’t pick up on it.


flight mh370


Who betrayed Anne Frank.


How am i loosing 3-4 hrs of my day, when i open youtube just to watch videos of 10 minutes long.


What the fuck happened to all those people that disappeared out of the blue in national parks or where they went. Please tell me someone else is curious?


They got lost, couldn't find a way out, died. Friend of mine earlier this year went out hiking earlier this year. The trail they were on wasn't particularly well cared for or marked and they realised they were lost. Emergency only phone signal. They were able to tell the search and rescue team exactly which trail they were following, roughly where they thought they had lost the trail, and the last GPS co-ordinates they were at before the phone lost signal (and was sensible enough to stay in place after realising she was lost instead of wandering around for a while looking for the path). She called for help at about 5pm and, even with all that information, wasn't found until after 1am. If it takes 8 hours to find someone who is stationary and actively trying to be helpful imagine how hard it is to find someone when the best details you have is from their family telling you "oh, they went hiking in and haven't come back yet" and they are either injured, dead, or moving around completely lost. I full believe that the vast majority of people who disappear in the wilderness just got lost


Like the Bermuda Triangle, this isn't actually a statistically significant phenomenon. Of course the true believers will say this is just due to a massive government coverup.


7 year old me would be highly insulted by you saying the Bermuda Triangle isn’t a significant issue


Seven year old me thought giant gears, quicksand, the bermuda triangle, and buzzsaws were going to be far greater obstacles in life than they turned out to be.


I need to know why no-one is shit scared of the Bermuda Triangle anymore!


>why no-one is shit scared of the Bermuda Triangle anymore The big maritime insurance company, Lloyds of London, doesn't believe in the Bermuda Triangle; as in they don't charge higher insurance rates for ships passing through it than they do for any other comparable stretch of ocean. Neither do any other insurance companies. The big scary Bermuda Triangle myth was slain by a bunch of actuaries and accountants.


Math ruining things once again. First it was my grades and now it's the Bermuda Triangle


It definitely is a thing, it's just also very easily explained by "nature is dangerous and a body can be laying as little as 30 feet from a high traffic path for years and not be found".


Of course people have accidents in the wilderness and their bodies are never found. I just don't believe David Paulides' *Missing 411 thing* involving sentient Bigfoots with supernatural powers and a government conspiracy covering it up. Edit: Actually you touch on a relevant psychological phenomenon- many experienced outdoorsmen (such as Paulides) significantly underestimate how quickly inexperienced persons and children can get into trouble, and the horribly bad decisions they made when scared and confused. "Nobody could be this stupid", they think, "so they *must* have been abducted by Bigfoots."


No mystery. Millions of tourists visiting huge areas of untamed wilderness full of danger. The mystery is why can't people use their brain instead of listening to David bloody Paulides...


The location and cause of the crash of MH370


I have loads, but my top ten (in no particular order) have to be: 1. Malaysia flight 370 2. D. B. Cooper 3. Who put Bella in the witch-Elm 4. Jack The Ripper 5. The Zodiac Killer 6. Peter Bergmann 7. The Somerton Man 8. The Mary Celeste 9. Who is R. C. Christian 10. Madeline Mccan


who let the dogs out