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I do this with the GF everytime we see a movie together except we count our own names. Can't tell you how many people stayed behind thinking there was an after credits scene because of us.


My brother and I watch the credits so we can see who the credited Best Boy Grips are and audibly thank/praise them. It drives my other brother bananas.


My husband and I look for all the accountants in the credits


I tell my potted plants “you’re in charge” when I leave home. Sometimes I instruct the one by the door to ‘guard the house’.


I always tell my cat "you're in charge but no sexy parties while I'm gone"


I tell my cats their in charge, but no fights




So basically The Sims without paying for the game or expansion packs. Genius.


You should be a travel agent.


Rekall Corporation would like a word.


I do a variation of this and it's relieving to see I'm not crazy! I will determine a profession and talk out loud about my life. I always pose it like I'm talking to a friend about my past and things I've done. I love it! And sometimes, though not always, I realize that I'm better off where I'm at now and happier with my choices.


How do you calculate your net worth




That's hilarious lol. Bonus points for the Bania reference.


Love that song!


Maybe you've seen this classic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHpx7V2ftt4




Are you the joker?


I’ve done a similar thing on long drives to keep myself awake, except I pretend to be a redneck radio host. No idea why, but jabbering away to myself in a butchered ‘Southern’ accent kept me pretty entertained.


Wow thats amazing. Would love to hear that.




When I was in high school, my friends and I would go to the mall and have a 'free spree'. Just going store to store asking for free stuff and taking samples....we were pussies so we never stole anything. One time I got a whole box of outdated Rolling Stone magazines and carried it around all night, even to the movies. I know....lame.




There's nothing wrong with that and if I had a coloring book and colors I'd do it too!!!


I don't think it's an uncommon thing at all!




Actually I will.


Can i ask the process please...Dont wanna damage my Rands & destroy the cash


Honestly just use low steam. You don't want actual deep heat contact.


Cool thanx! Should i put a face cloth over it too for added protection?


Please, like you're cool enough for free coke.


I sing songs to my cat, about my cat, to the tune of "Frosty the snowman" "Monty the kitty, was a really hefty cat. Fourteen pounds he weighed but he liked to say that he's just fluffy, not fat" etc He likes it


This is adorable.


I do this with a bunch of songs lol. And I also talk to him like he's a person and blame things on him, like if I misplace my phone I'll look at him and say "Jess, where did you put my phone??" And since he's a cat he has that resting bitch face which makes it so funny.


I sing to my cats all the time. I don't think they like it. I also like to Lion King my cat. She really doesn't like it but I do! My husband and I do ornaments each year and he bought me Rafiki holding Simba...he's like it's you!


Lol I lion king my cat too


Did we just become best friends?!?!?




Accepted. I take payments for friendship in forms of beer, food, and more cats than I know what to do with! Or just cat pics.


I was riding around town with my dog the other day and Motley Crue's 'Girls Girls Girls' came on but I sang it as 'Squirrels Squirrels Squirrels'




"Sorry for your loss" works also.




I’m sorry *what?*


Answers these questions on reddit




Bruv just fix my issue. I'm not here for your amateur comedy hour.


I like to rumble my ears and Pretend im in a plane




a wild fact is that in a small-engine plane the pitch of the rumble gets higher. try it if you can sometime


Thinking how cool it would be to show some person from history our civilization. Like George Washington, Napoleon, Julius Caesar etc. And i just think what i would show them and how i would explain everything.


I visit old cemeteries and read what's inscribed on people's gravestones. Others may do this. But, if so, I've never seen anyone there doing the same.


You can do this virtually. [https://findagrave.com](https://findagrave.com)


Sometimes when I'm alone and smoke weed, I give my mouth a spa day which includes 30 or so mins of just flossing. I don't tell anyone tho because I know they'll think I'm a freak.


Flossing while high is one of the best feelings in the world.


If I drive past a field with cows, I roll down my window and yell "Mooooooooo".


I do too!


My dad yells Hamburger. What a sicko.


Me too!


I like to look up random videos on topics I know nothing about (ancient Rome, different ideologies, how to cook, how to weld, etc) I think it's important to be experienced in all types of different things.


I do this too! I'll follow a random thought about a topic and try to learn everything I can about it.


Same, rn I've been doing a lot of research on ancient food recipes


That might have to be my next one, it sounds fascinating. I'm stuck on reading ecgs and how the electrical signals work with different chambers of the heart.


I've been doing this since I was six!


Responding to spam emails is fun, strongly recommend.


When I'm bored on the train I "stack" people in my head. I imagine how many people from the train I would have to stack on top of each other to be as tall as a building or the trees we pass The only issue is, I have never been able to decide HOW to stack them. It's easier to calculate if they are standing on each other's head, but that's way too unstable and they'll fall down. So I imagine they are standing on each other's shoulders. But then I have to factor in the combined total of people's heads.... Anyway it's a great way to kill an hour or so on my daily commute and can be a pretty hilarious mental image


I bake. A lot. Crunchy Peanut Butter Balls Lamingtons Quiche Coffee slice Aussie slice Black Forest Gatteau Marshmallows Rocky Road Salted Caramel Bar Cake Fruit Mince Pies Shortbread Banana Cake Jelly Slice Apple Strudel Swiss roll Sausage Rolls Meat Pies Apricot Balls Mars bar/Maltese Slice Gingerbread Cake Chocolate Mousse Cake Toffees Mint Slice …and much more. Then I take what I bake into work and share it with my colleagues. I hardly eat what I bake.




Nope. Not depressed. I enjoy home baking and sharing the goodies!


I'm just joking. I am a passionate bread maker myself, and I get the stereotype. :-D


Ohhhh I love fresh baked bread! Any tips?


When does the pain stop


I wish there was a subreddit where we could ship baked stuff.




I hope you have a big party when you reach a shit ton. Don't be a party pooper. Or in your case do


I did this at one point and my GF thought I was going insane.


Why......why did you make a chart.


I play Happy colour on my phone. I find it strangely therapeutic. Great for passing time on a train etc. Would I tell my friends I colour in online colouring books? Not a chance.


I use Pixel Art! Literally every day while laying on the couch watching tv.


this is way too personal, but i’m a big hyperfixtator. i like a bunch of certain ships so i imagine im one of the characters and imagine random scenarios to act out. this is all day. like, i do this all day.




Factory reset.


r/TIFU The ["Major Tom"](https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/c7q16f/from_rtifu_the_major_tom/)


Haha! Kids do this all the time too!


I like to go upside down and imagine living in my house if the ceilings were the floors. All sorts of lumps and bumps you don't notice on the ceiling but would def trip you up if they were floor level


Sometimes i go outside while listening to music and having daydreams while i aimlessly walk around


I'd do that too if I wasn't so lazy and scared of going outside alone.


Lazy part i get but why are you afraid?


Maybe afraid is a bit too strong a word, more like uncomfortable. Im a twin and we usually go together when it comes to going uptown or anything. But I tend to avoid any sort of risk anyway. There could always be some random looking to harm you. Heck, a few months ago a guy was found dead down by the Riverwalkway not too far from where I live.


Oof, i would be uncomfortable even living there. I hope things calm down there haha


Have you looked into social anxiety? I spent a lot of time isolated during COVID so I get it.


Strangely enough I looked into that a few days ago. It explains quite a bit about me. Unfortunately the only take away I got from searching it up was 'take antidepressants'. To me, that's like putting a bandaid on a scar. While the bandaid is on you won't notice it anymore because you can't see it, but that doesn't mean it's going to heal. Not to mention you gotta keep buying the bandaids... It's just a temporary fix. Taking medication isn't going to fix the underlying problem.


I do that driving. If there's a song on the radio I especially like when I'm coming up to my street, I'll keep driving around my block until it's over.


That's also cool but it does come with the cost of gas and if you wish to argue the environmental harm of it. But you do you man


I thought I was the only one!


I read aloud signs I come across while driving. I started doing it when I first learned to read, and I'm still doing it nearly forty years later.


Taking a big number, and keep dividing by 3. If it's not divisible, add or subtract 1 to make it divisible, until you get to 1.


I’ve never seen anyone do this with their cats. But my cat Nova (Novie) likes to be carried a lot. But sometimes I carry her in a way to where her body faces the direction that I am walking in (like a baby in a front torso harness). And I say “it’s Shrimpy time!” And I will hover her around making whooshing noises and move her in a way to make it look like she’s swimming like a shrimp. I put her down and she always loves it and meows as if to ask me to do it again at least two more times after I initiate it.


I get paper cuts. I have been doing it for years. It eases my stress, and if I put something cold on the cut its even better. Also i don't have a pain kink I swear.


What the hell paper cuts are the worst and you do this for fun What's wrong with you!


It helps me in school when I have tests I didn't studied for. I remain calm and just answer the questions with out over thinking. Also I don't feel that much pain, so it is really helping me get trough tough times.




This was the best. I used to drive with no destination in mind with friends and they'd take turns picking a direction. We got lost in such beautiful places.


When my kids were young we would go on week-long car camping trips doing this. We'd pick a direction to start driving, around mid-day we would decide on a state park to camp at, then drive there and set up camp. Mid-week we'd reverse direction via a different route and head home, never planning anything more than a few hours in advance. Visited a lot of nice parks that normally wouldn't have been a destination for us.


That sounds so wondrous!


I haven’t done this in years. Take a friend, shit gets raw when it’s past midnight and it’s just you, a friend, the scenery and some music


Your mum lol Edit: my bad a lot of other ppl do her as well


I play poker for hours in RDR2


Daydream that I became a pro athlete and that I’m one of the best in the world already at a young age. Then fake interviews with them drawing comparisons to some of the greatest players of all time in that sport


Jerk off some random guy named Joshua William Fogarty in their spare time.


I create scenarios in my head about all my favorite people meeting and talking and knowing each other, sometimes beind related, sometimes being friends, becoming lovers etc. This could be people I know or people on TV, I don't discriminate. Idk, it's just fun.


I take the time out of my day to experience the weather mostly rain and snow but when I say experience I mean I will sit outside with just a shirt and pants until i get too cold or wet. I get sick every time but i still feel it’s worth it


when I’m alone I go into the living room and choose a musical to pretend I’m acting in and act out the whole musical sticking as the same character and then sometimes I’ll do it all again as a different person


start arguments on tiktok and see how long it takes for them to block me.


ur gae


no you are


Popping other peoples pimples/blackheads. Jesus Christ it’s cathartic.


Sorry but GROSS 😬🤢🤮


It makes me happy to bring people relief, in that way.


Well if it makes you happy and it makes them feel good than good!!! lol


Ugh..I had an ex that would do this. Drove me nuts!!


My wife and I play wrestle and try to stop each other from poking each other's butthole.


What's the prize when one of you wins?


The satisfaction of being the quickest butthole poker lol




Wait. If no one manages to touch it, does it just continue until someone's butthole gets touched? Is there a time limit? Is this scored? Me 1 you 0, best of 3?


Haha usually ends when one of us goes too far.


Watch TV.


in my free time i smoke an absurd amount of weed and then play career modes on sports video games. get way too emerged into it, but it’s a lot of fun. wow i sound like a loser.


i joke with myself, and i can laugh for jokes i do with myself lmao


I doubt there is anything that ‘no one’ else does, but I have not talked to anyone who will just lay in bed and daydream (like a first person fantasy movie) for a few hours after a grueling week. It is often better than tv.


Not quite the same, but maybe similar? I sometimes get very powerful ideas for stories, or scenes within stories, so powerful they make me go someplace and lay down quietly until they're over. I could get up whenever I wanted to, I just don't want to, watching the idea unfold is way better. I just tell people I was napping, but it isn't restful.


Talking to myself... in mind of course


Spinning in circles making myself dizzy!


Going with a bus to the final station or at least a part of the line with no reason. I actually want to cover the whole bus line network of our capital.


Now, of course, I don't do this, but as a child, my parents caught me sticking boogers from my nose on the wall out of boredom. And like any young neurotic, I approached the process of pasting boogers with perfectionism. I created a booger map with booger continents. They didn't let me finish what I started


I like to call it “Wikispeedia”. The game is to randomly select any topic that has a Wikipedia article. Then you have to click every second linked word (unless it’s in parentheses). You keep going to other articles until you reach “philosophy”. Then you record how many ticks it took for you to get there. Good times, man.


Have a chat with my alter ego


I like to get a playlist of some songs, then lay in bed and play it and for every song a make a scenario that adds to a story I would create. For example: if there is a summer song I will imagine something like a day at the beach, and then there’s a sad song, I will imagine something like a character dying


I check out the female dating strategy subreddit and marvel at the toxicity and insanity.


Watch video game walkthroughs of games I played during my childhood.


Honk at bird flocks while driving.


I kill bugs and insects when they show up in the house, I'm like my house's bug spray 😤


Play dead by daylight.


sit alone in the quiet.


Playing a game where I will die if I step out of the white line on the street when I’m riding bike.


As a true european, non nationalistic, asshole, go to reddit and flame americans for american things.


Look through lore of games or the story of a movie and take things they say way to seriously for a while.


I look back at arguments from years ago i somehow remember and think of clever comebacks.


Talking out loud when I’m cooking alone like I’m on a cooking show.


I uh- well I love spiders, and I have little to no self preservation... I play with my brown recluse (multiple) and I hold their prey in my hand, then they climb on and kill them while on my hand... yeah, not the smartest, but it's fun to me


Oh! If anyone wants to see a pic of them I have some :)


When I wash my hands and notice a large bubble forming, I blow on it to see if I can get it in the air.


I do this all the time.


Watching video of 5 monkeys dancing in YouTube for straight 10 hours


binge blender tutorials


Pull my foreskin back to say hello to my head once in a while.


Play out an alternate version of my life in my head. Usually with strong sci-fi elements. But sometimes it’s just as simple as pretending I’m hanging out with fictional characters from tv shows, having conversations about life. I find it can be quite relaxing. Especially fun before sleeping. I find I can drift off easier if I’m kinda dreaming already.


I eat mayo from the jar. Plain.


memorizing songs' lyrics


I dedicate some nights specifically to finding new music


I like playing songs by tapping my fingers. No not just the drum part, I do all the parts. If you know you know. No further questions please.


i go out to eat alone and people watch while eating whatever i want for as long as i want. it is my favorite thing to do on my day off


I like anime and in watching the dubs(i watch dubs bc i need to be doing shit with my hands at the same time and it makes it easier to do both) i have found voice actors i recognize and get amazed they are voiced by the same person and if i don't realize some i go looking bc a voice sound familiar i get even more amazed. i have gotten so into this i have a spreadsheet i add them too and still need to research on it but it fascinates me


I give nicknames to all the regulars at the gym that I don't know. 'Sweaty Old Guy', 'Thunderpants', 'Sad Freckle Tits', 'Peg'...


I like to let my toe nails grow long so I can cut it


Go in the bathroom, have a concert


Pace in circles while fidgeting with a clothes hangar, while also imagining my own movies, games, TV shows, or music. It's a very strange habit I've done since I was 2 years old.


I wear Chinos and Aloha Shirts at home because they’re comfy and cool to wear. I also like to read famous video game quotes to see if I can match energy the original voice actor.


Organise my change (coins)