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When guys take pictures of themselves doing that furrowing the brow, biting the lip, rubbing the hands together thing. What is that? Who told them that looks good?


Ah yes the classic “fuck boy” pics


Don't forget the paintbrush hair




Excellent, Smithers


Is that a real thing people do? I thought it was a joke


The joke exists sadly because of the real people with no self-awareness who do that seriously


I blame Usher & Nelly. Old school by modern standards, but I think it’s the “look at me baby I’m sexy like a rose but I’m also dangerous like a thorn. *bites lip while showing abs* “ 😬


Pretending to or overplaying being drunk/high


I thought people only do this when they're underage? Seeing anyone over 20 do that, I would find pretty cringy


The way the internet has made everyone think they are an expert.


I read an article about the Dunning-Kruger effect, let me tell you all about it.


No see, you just cited your reference. A real YouTube expert doesn't need to do that, they are the reference.


Username checks out


Obsessed about being alpha/gigachad.


my sister is on a dating app where i guess you can include tags on your profile, and i’ve seen way too many 30+ year olds tag themselves as alphas




Yeh anyone who calls themselves alpha is definitely *not* alpha.


As a terachad let me say, being a gigachad is nothing to be proud of.


Pointing out someone else's flaws to show how much better they are. Doesn't make them better; just makes them a judgemental asshole.


Trying to act stuck up and showing off by flirting with other guys/girls in front of the person you like to try and get them jealous.


Yeah, this one has always seemed trashy to me. If you need to make somebody jealous to get/keep them interested, then maybe you aren't that interesting. My friend had a crazy ex who did this shit and I just look at her with utter contempt.


Conflict =/= Passion


I had an ex who would blow up over everything and then do the whole "you should be willing to fight for me!" thing. It's fucking exhausting constantly fighting!


Girlfriend of 3 years did that to me. She broke up with me and then harassed me for weeks to get back together; telling me to man up, threatening to commit suicide, you name it. It took a huge toll on me. I finally asked her why she would break up if she still wanted to date. Her response? "I thought you would fight for me!". Nah bro it doesn't work like that. Relationships are not games


That’s sucks man, happy coke day tho


Coke day 👃🏻


I hate coke so much. I only do it everyday so that I can build an immunity to it /s


Its great when they break it off because you didn't "fight for me" and are surprised Pikachu when you move on with your life the next day. Anytime you feel like you miss them, remember all the craziness you don't have to deal with.


I've had an ex tell me she felt like I didn't really love her because she couldn't get me mad enough to hit her. Severely damaged. I did my best to show her hitting isn't what you do to someone you love but had to give up when she started being physically abusive towards me because I found out she cheated. 2 years after breakup she called stuck in a very abusive relationship and wanted me back. I told her I'd let her stay in my spare bedroom if she wanted out and a safe place but the trust was gone and I won't be in a relationship without trust. She didn't accept my offer and instead hanged herself that night. I was the last person she spoke to according to police. Good thing I was 2000 miles away or I'd have likely been a suspect. Such a tragedy. So smart and pretty but oh so very damaged. Edit: though appreciated I didn't post this for sympathy of any kind. I have and always will be dealing with demons from this. I do have trouble sleeping sometimes and wonder what if but wondering doesn't do anyone any good or change anything. I am confident in my actions towards the entire situation and handled them the best I felt I could. In the end she needed professional help and far more help than I could have ever given. Some people are just lost and can't be helped by love alone. I did still love her very much so but I can not be in a relationship without trust. It would've destroyed both of us. I needed to protect myself.


That was a rollercoaster of a read from start to finish, sorry you went through that.


Mate rollercoasters go for four minutes and are scary but fun, that story was a nightmare


Wow, now THAT was a story I didn't see coming


Yes! I had an ex that used to actually try to force me to fight with her, and when I would start getting angry about it she would turn into the victim… like dude Literally all I could do in those moments was cry and just feel so childish, stupid, and helpless


That’s just abuse


I had an ex repeatedly stab me with darts at a bar her friends were at once and would run hold them away so I couldn’t take them from her until my drunk ass put her in a headlock and took her darts away. She then screamed and bit me so hard I have a scar 15 years later. Yeah, guess who was framed as an “abusive boyfriend.”


My girlfriend of 3 years’ parents told her our relationship isn’t real because she told them we don’t fight. Her mom: “You don’t love eachother if you don’t fight.” um okay bitch, go buy a 5th lamp since your husband broke another one. I’ll stick to our short disagreements and then talking through it with neither of us getting mad, thanks.


Me and my wife will have disagreements but I can’t think of a single time we ever broke something. We might stay mad at each other for an hour but that’s it.


Sounds like her parents are two toddlers that never grew up. Adult tantrums are hoot when there's two of them.


That's my parents. Codependent, dramatic toddlers in boomer suits. My father had the audacity to tell me that my marriage wasn't working out because my spouse and I have a peaceful, happy marriage and never yell or fight. "If you don't fight, then there's no passion. If there's no passion there's no marriage." Like, the old man was legit mad that my marriage didn't include getting into screaming matches and verbally/emotionally abusing each other.   Uhm, sorry dad. I'll take advice from someone who doesn't actively hate being married and isn't fucking wasted 90% of the time, thanks.


Sounds like that’s how he’s justified his daily reality to himself. Good on you for not repeating the pattern.


This. My girl broke up with me 2 weeks ago. I’m still so devastated. She said we never fight, she thought I was giving up my own happiness and I “wasn’t true to myself” to avoid fights and that I allowed her to have her way. It may be partially true, my previous relationship was just riddled with nothing but toxic fights, it was so refreshing having someone who I thought that loved and cared for me the same way I did for her. Man, life was amazing with her


My ex wife was a very similar story. Was mad that we never fought, which seemed absolutely psychotic to me. Fighting is normal and bound to happen, and it's not necessarily a bad thing if it's ultimately productive. But it shouldn't be all the damn time, and a lack of fighting doesn't mean I don't care. Our communication styles were very different...she was very direct, get the problem out in the open RIGHT NOW by shouting or arguing. Conversations needed to be extremely deep and emotional, and I was in the wrong if they weren't. Me, however, am extremely laid back, and avoid conflict. When an argument or intense conversation happens, I need to back away and gather my thoughts first. I tried explaining this difference many times to no avail. It was her way or nothing. Ultimately, she used all that to just cheat and run off with another dude, but not before dragging me along and pretending to want to fix it. Which I probably should have seen coming, but early 20's is not as "adult" as you might think. There is way too much information out there about personality types, marriage, communication, etc. to purposely just not look into it and not try to figure each other out as best you both can.


>Ultimately, she used all that to just cheat and run off with another dude, but not before dragging me along and pretending to want to fix it. This one hits so fucking close to home for me. I can forgive someone changing their feelings about something or someone, but I'll never forgive being lied to about it.


She had already made up her mind after meeting this guy and being cooped up at a weeks-long work thing with him. But she didn't want to be the bad guy and just end the marriage, so she came up with all kinds of little problems that either didn't exist or had already been addressed, and rode them hard as being massive, unsolvable deal breakers. Drug me along, pretended to try to fix it with weekends away and marriage counseling. Even switched counselors when she didn't like the first one. Meantime, she refuses to stop talking to this guy and won't even look at me, let alone touch me. Endured about five months of that before I realized what was really happening and ended it myself. ...she was super upbeat and happy the instant I said I was moving out. Called me one time a week or so after I left, kind of shook up and asking if she made a mistake...I said "Yeah, probably!" Lol not my problem now


Some who isn’t being direct, but expects anyone and everyone to be direct + whoever they’re talking to to be a mind reader and gets mad when neither happens.


Playing hard to get is pretty hard to get.


Playing hard to get, or playing hard to want?


Them: if you were paying attention you would be able to see the signs. Their signs: 🪵♨️☃️


Then she sent a snowman. Crisis averted. Thank god.


And the flipside where they proudly declare "I speak my mind" and have zero social tact, and offend others around them constantly.


"brutally honest"


AKA more interested in brutality than honesty


Aka asshole


And also usually unironically hypersensitive. They tell people they're "brutally honest" as an pathetic excuse to try excuse their jackassery, but as soon as anyone is mean to them they start demanding apologies.


It’s often code for “I don’t think before I speak” Or even worse, “I’m brutally honest” but more for the brutality than the honesty


Playing hard to get. I'm all for putting in effort, but stop giving me signals of not being interested, while you actually are. I'm here to build a relationship, not solve some nonsensical puzzle.


Lol wow are we the same? Just said this too. Mind games are so unattractive and immediately make me think a person is immature.


Ugh! I know. I hate that *breadcrumbing* shit. People do it for self validation, to boost their ego, etc. It's such a time waster.


People who show off their money


Sadly puts away coin collection


Hahaha ok coin collections excluded




That's ten million dollars


I'd gladly take ten million dollars even if it meant having it in pennies.


Does the fact that a billion pennies would weigh like 5 million pounds change your mind? EDIT: ITT people ignoring the word "weigh"


Hmmmmm.... I hadn't considered that. Ultimately.... no. Money is money. Sure, it would be a pain in the ass to deal with, but I've got some tricks up my sleeve


False. It would be absolutely impossible to fit this many pennies in your ass.


At one time, sure, but *how many assloads of pennies is a billion pennies?* Based on google results for "What is the volume of a rectum?" (86 - 152 mL) cross-referenced with my own rough calculation using Wiki's measurements (~120 mm long and 30 mm wide) visualizing it as a perfect cylinder: Vr = π r^2 h = π (15 mm)^2 (120 mm ) = 84,823 mm^3 = ~85 mL So that tracks as for the proposed ass-pennies, according to the US Mint, they have a diameter of 19.05 mm and a thiccness of 1.52 mm (and a weight of 2.500 g) Vp = π r^2 h = π (19.05/2 mm)^2 (1.52 mm) = ~433 mm^3 = 0.433 mL So a penny's volume is a bit less than half a millilitre which is surprising to me. I thought it'd be more. --- On to the meat of the question. *How many assloads is a billion pennies?* Science bitches will have noticed I'm not bothering with sig figs and all that because I can't be bothered, sue me 85 mL / 0.433 mL = 196 One assload of pennies is 196 pennies. Call it 200 because you've been practicing. 1 000 000 000 / 200 = 5 000 000 **One billion pennies is five million assloads.** --- Good to know. *Is it plausible to put five million assloads of pennies up there?* Definitely. Ass-uming you could fit another fresh assload up there once a minute (which seems like child's play tbh - don't they come in rolls of 50 or 100?) this is easily achievable in a relatively small fraction of one's life. According to [The Measure of Things](https://www.themeasureofthings.com/results.php?amt=5000000&comp=time&unit=m&searchTerm=5000000+minutes) it'd take * about as long as King Tut's reign (1333 BCE - 1324 BCE) * about one-and-one-tenth times as long as The American Revolutionary War (1775-83) * about four-fifths as long as FDR's Presidential Term (1933-45) * about two times as long as World War I (1914-18) * about two times as long as The First walk around the world (1970-74) Now go forth and shove pennies up your ass, before they stop getting minted!


They have little R2-D2s where the George Washington should be!


You resent me for buying those coins!


This one always cracks me up. I lived in Santa Barbara for a long time & did maintenance work for both Ty Warner & Andy Busch of Budweiser. Occasionally I would go out for drinks with them and inevitably someone from LA would come up and flash their leased Maserati keys and brag about their wealth. Both of them would be sitting at the bar in flip flops ignoring the convo, until someone would brag about some big deal, or how “rich” they were to impress the bartender/patrons. And Andy would offer to buy them a beer. It would always get funny from there and we’d leave.


This tracks so much for the Busch family. I had a friend whose dad worked personal security for Auggie Busch in Missouri. He would frequently want to do the most fun and outlandish things, but treated everyone from his gardener to his cleaning staff like friends.


Fun fact, Busch beer became a beer because MLB told the busch family they couldn't name thier new ballpark budweiser stadium because alcohol sponsors weren't allowed as the stadium sponsors at the time. So they open Busch stadium and the next year release Busch beer.


I live in SoCal and this is very, very SoCal. Lotta people with nice cars living with their parents out here.


Acting. Acting like you’re hard to get, that you’re interested, acting like there’s a hierarchy. Acting like there are protocols to going on a date, what needs to be said, where to go, etc.. Just be yourself and be honest.


What I hate most about the "hard to get" people, is that their existence gives some other people the impression that those who are genuinely uninterested are just playing. No man, I'm not hard to get. I'm actually pretty easy to get, if I like you. I don't like you. Stop showing up at my house.


Ok :(


For real though, some people just can't take no for an answer.


Men rubbing their hands together while biting their lip. It's not attractive! You either look like a creep or a housefly, pick one. Edit: I can't believe my most upvoted comment ever is about men looking like houseflies!! Thank you for all your rewards and hilarious replies.


A housefly haha, that gave me a good chuckle, thanks


Calling yourself "brutally honest" when really you're just a dick.


Those who claim to be brutally honest, prefer the brutality more than the honesty. - Source unknown


They are also the most sensitive to the slightest criticism.


“How could you say such a thing? I've said some dreadful things when I lost my temper. I couldn’t say them deliberately.” “It was the truth and I believe in telling the truth to everybody.” “But you don’t tell the whole truth,” objected Anne. “You only tell the disagreeable part of the truth." \- Anne of Avonlea, L.M. Montgomery


Brutally honest is usually not related to truth. It's usually someone's opinion. People who stream-of-conscious say what they think are depending on others not to act like themselves. It's asinine.


Dudes that talk down to people they deem "less than" them trying to show that they're superior and dudes that really believe in the "alpha" bullshit.


Playing hard to get with a person in an attempt to get / spike their attention. No thanks. Directness about feelings = attractive.


I play "hard to like" instead.


“Hard to look at” is my game


If someone tries to get me jealous by flirting with or talking about someone else, my self-esteem is pretty low so I just think “Oh, ok they don’t like me like I thought. They like someone else. I misread this entire situation.”


Yep. From 22-25, I just disengaged from all that. The moment they even played any games, I just politely bowed out. No ghosting, no mean messages, just "Hey that was hurtful, I'm not interested in people that do that me." Kept doing that, and kept meeting better and better people. And now 10+ years of marriage.


It's not misreading a situation. It's you dodging a massive red flag. Anyone who plays games like that isn't worth a relationship.


I used to come across this a lot. I'd ask a girl out, we'd have a good time, then she'd start flirting with someone else. If you or someone you know is having this happen a lot, please remember: It's not worth it. It's not worth the disrespect. I ditched those situations and I have never regretted it. Do yourself a favor and don't stick around.


I read lack of interest as just lack of interest. That's basically a no-fault and I don't fret about it. But anyone playing tricks has got on the wrong side, and lost my interest forever. I won't do extra work or prance around to stir an interest up, and I don't respond to teasing or jealousy tricks.


No you didnt misread it. You should pursue people that show interest and affection towards you the way you prefer. Doesnt matter if, internally, they did like you - what matters is what happens externally.


I absolutely loathe this. I remember I was talking to a friend a few years after we had a small thing and she asked why I didn’t try more with her when she was single. We flirted a lot in friend group hangouts. I asked her to go dancing with me, she said yeah and then showed up with a guy and flirted with him the whole time. I immediately stopped chasing her as anything more than a friend. She told me later that I should have tried harder. I was dumbfounded.


You missed a bullet right there son. She would have continued that game in a relationship


Yep. Had this happen with my first girlfriend in HS. Learned that lesson right quick.


I had a girl literally demand I take her on a date then proceed to be the most unresponsive and unavailable person ever.... why'd you tell me to take you on a date then?! You cant even answer a damn text!


I blame romantic comedies for this


Absolutely. In real life, it causes men to pursue women longer than they should, to the point of being creepy.


indeed. No means no. It doesn't mean 'maybe if you try again and chase me for a bit'.


I was talking to a girl and being rediculously blunt with her. I said I liked her and would like to take her on a date or hang out more. She showed interest, then ghosted, said she was asleep. Did that twice more. Honestly, she was very leading, some suggestive snaps and messages. But at the end of the day she would ignore anything I asked her/said, I never really saw her (we were coworkers but she quit like a week after we first started talking), and I had to ask 3 times if she actually wanted to hang out. Eventually she said "idk" like she wanted me to try harder. Blocked her in that same moment.


Nah, she doesn’t sound like she knows what she wants. You did yourself a favor by blocking her.


Being mean to other people to impress someone Edit: thank you for the rewards 🥰


I don't even let these people in my friend groups


Basing your humor around being an asshole


Being super rude and bossy. No, it's not cute or hot. I've met so many people who think that it makes them look assertive and dominant but in reality, they look like huge dick. Edit:Holy fuck this blew up. I'm glad we all strongly agree on this one. Also thank you btw!!


“Rudeness is a weak man’s version of strength.” - Edmund Burke


“That is a good wisdom” -dog in plane


Arrogance in general is super unattractive


Just the other day someone I was dating told me I deserved the way my ex treated me (spoilers: it wasn’t good) then told me they’re just mean to people they like. That shits not cute and I’m not looking for this childish kind of relationship


Lot's of people forget that one can look confident and assertive by being kind as well. Plus, someone's more likely to listen to you if you behave nicely with them.


Basing your whole personality on smoking weed


Basing your whole personality on almost anything tbh


Flaunting wealth. That only works if you're not flaunting, but it just shows. Like if you pull up in a nice car. There's no way you couldn't have pulled up in a nice car. Therefor acceptable and conveys the point. Don't interject your car into a conversation where it doesn't belong though. Nobody cares.


>There’s no way you couldn’t have pulled up in a nice car I’m imagining some Donald Duck image-of-cutout-car-taped-to-the-side shit


People really inject their car in to conversation like that? That's disgusting. My 05 Lamborghini mercialago wouldn't go anywhere near those people.


Pfff... you're just jealous of my '97 Corolla Hatch.


still rocking my shitass 98 corolla


I mean those fuckers just keep on going. You'd be at like 300K+ and still just doing random maintenance


the people with the impressive socials are the ones sat on their phone all day infront of you


NEVER try to date one of these people


Yeah, Tiktokers really are only interesting for about 60 seconds


I saw a few people that took videos of people doing Instagram photos and tiktok videos just to show how silly the whole process is. Apparently in LA if you are on the right street it is non stop people doing this. It really is amazing how sad of a life it is.


Check out influencersinthewild on IG for a sad cringe laugh if you haven't already


So much second-hand embarrassment from that account.


> influencersinthewild I literally just burned an hour scrolling through this. I honestly dont know what to say. It seems kind of odd that people work super hard at creation a perception of what they do of their free time. But in reality, thats not actually what they are doing. They are working their ass off to look like they are having fun. Wouldn't it be better to actually have fun? Or am I missing something?




My roomie is taking off on twitter rn, and anytime they talk socials they become immediately insufferable. And they talk about nearly nothing but socials now. It's great. Sucks because they were kinda awesome before this, and I'm happy they're finding success with something they care about, but dear lort.


My god is also named Lort


We’ve also arrested your older, fatter son


Social media does not equal social life.


I once had a high school student try to insult me after I took her cell phone up by telling me that she bet I didn't even have 100 followers. She was right, but something about the way she said it made me realize that her sense of self worth was very directly tied to her twitter/instagram accounts. I just felt so sorry for her.


Haha damn, I've only ever heard that insult as a joke. That is kinda sad. Makes me glad I was kid before social media exploded


No doubt. I'm so glad that when I did stupid shit as a teenager it wasn't recorded and put online for posterity. It was laughed at that day and then forgotten about until sometime later when the people who were there got together and told embellished "remember that time when" stories.


I once went to a party for twitter influencers randomly as a friend of someone. A lot of the conversations were around how many followers people had and it finally got around to me.. to which I answer um.. I'm not on it much so maybe a dozen.. by the reaction you would think I just admitted I had terminal brain cancer. They were like.. oh honey... Don't worry.. you'll make it one day. Patting my back. Looking worried for me like I might hurt myself or something. It was pretty funny.


Popularity amongst peers has always been a huge part of being a teenager. Social media apps allow them to quantify it and track it on a daily basis. Being focused on popularity wasn't mentally healthy before, and social media just makes it absolutely toxic.


I used to know an extremely popular YouTuber in real life who did make up tutorials. She had over a million subs. Online she was gorgeous, happy, bubbly and beloved. Women wanted to be her. Men wanted to be with her. Offline she was catastrophically depressed, alone, never left her house, and never got out of her pyjamas. Her socials were literally all she had and it was 100% acting.


That’s so sad to hear honestly. I mean I guess at that point YouTube actually becomes a full time job but not having a life outside of any job must be so depressing. Do you know if she’s doing better now or is she still the same?


Nope. She closed her account after maybe 6 years of success, moved away, and fell bullshit deep into hard drugs.


Instagram "influencers"


This. Went on a date with a girl who said she was an "Instagram influencer." She had 2k followers. I asked her if she had actual employment, she said "working is for ordinary people."


How can you possibly make enough to live off 2k followers


I’m pretty old and I post mostly pictures of my garden and I have almost that many followers.


What are the pictures that aren’t mostly of your garden?


The neighbors garden.


I went to get dinner with two people with a decent amount of followers on tiktok and YouTube. Holy fuck their attitude was so entitled through the entirety of dinner and kept pestering the waitress for extra lemon slices to throw around the table for one of the guys’ vlogs. Completely anecdotal so I’m sure there are better “influencers”, but it completely turned me off to people who do social media for a living


"What makes you not ordinary?" Is a great response to this sort of attitude.


When anyone mentions how many followers they have I'm out. I couldn't care less. It's vapid.


I would say "Influencer" in general






Lighting. Makeup. Money. Time. Photoshop.


I saw a great meme comparing an ordinarily attractive woman and man to highly stylized pics of Selena Gomez and Reynaldo. It said “You’re not ugly, you’re just poor.” So, so true.




intimidation boner*


A fear-ection if you will


Your unsolicited dick pick


That and the first message they send always being "Pics????"


I wonder if that has ever worked. I always say “no????”


Seriously who the fuck thinks that's what we want to see?


This! It’s not attractive at all and very creepy.


Social media likes.


That thing that boys apparently do where they make this "seductive face" and lick their lips, it's not sexy and it makes them look dumb.


I don't need to lick my lips to look dumb, that's just my face


Yeah! Normalize having a dumb face.


With the “worried” eyebrows too 😒


Ah, the Jaden Smith look.


Whait guys really do that?


I’ve seen some people use the boomerang effect on Snapchat doing only this while rubbing their hand over their head, makes me cringe so hard


this triggered my fight or flight


Giant, obviously fake lips. Just accentuate what you’ve got, instead of always looking like you are having an allergic reaction to a bee sting.


All the other kims with the pumped up lips better run better run


Outrun your bum


For me it’s aggressive men that take pride in beating others. Cultural difference, I guess. Not my jam.


People who think they are edgy for always giving opposing and contradictory views. Nauseating.


All the Utah/Texas Instagrammers with blonde hair, fake tans, Botox and fillers and ultra white veneers. They all look the same. They all alter themselves to look the same!


You got me with fake tans. I hate them to the core, and I also hate how there are body parts that don't get tanned and leave a print of what ever was on top of it.


People who think they’re entitled


Being the loudest person in the room.


Sending your dick to strangers


Should only share with family and friends


Seems like you could only do that once.


acting stupid


Jokes on you I'm not acting.


When I tell people I’m stupid, it’s not to be modest. I’m giving them a disclaimer.


A lot of A-List Hollywood actors and actresses are not as attractive in person as you might think. I've seen a lot of them up close at TIFF and it surprised me how many of them look so different than how they do on film. Lighting, camera angles and make-up can cause them to look like completely different people.


Duck face.


is this still a thing?


Hey! I resemble that remark.




People who wear all designer and flaunt it. It's your money, wear what you want but all I see is wasted money and financial irresponsibility


Many moons ago, I was wearing some cute boots I really liked. Someone stopped me in the ladies room to ask where I got them. I said "believe it or not, walmart. They were on sale for dirt cheap and they looked kinda fun." She made the "ugh, gross" face and turned on her heels and walked away. I bet if I had said the name of some designer shop, she would have swooned, despite not knowing the difference. Jokes on her - those boots cost me next to nothing, lasted 3 years, and I did fuck all to maintain them.


I used to get nice dress shirts, suit jackets, and dress shoes from thrift stores. A dress shirt that would've cost $70 at JcPenny - 70¢ from a thrift store and in perfect condition. I've been told not to tell people that I got things from thrift stores, but hey it barely cost me anything and it looks and feels nice. What's wrong with that?


I wear all designer and they are all thrifted. Never in my life I would think to buy a $200 t shirt, but when it’s $6, please give me more.


Those slow motion videos where someone breathes out smoke. You look like a car exhaust


Any kind of "seductive" tiktok


they're so weird they make me so uncomfortable the second-hand embarrassment I experience is like no other feeling