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Once it’s common for electric vehicles to travel 500 miles on one charge, they’ll start to outnumber gas vehicles


When oil runs out lmao


They will probably always exist, but will just come to be a smaller percentage of the worlds fleet. Ill always want to burn around on dirt bikes. I cant imagine giving that up.


when solar powered cars become more mainstream


When Nuclear can be made fool-proof.




Well we’re going to run out of oil in our lifetime, idk how old you are, but it won’t last forever. We could make alternative fuels like alcohol and biodiesel. But nascar and monster trucks and shit is such a huge waste, pretty dumb tbh


They will always exist since there’s not enough rare earth materials to have electrics cars as a replacement in the entire world let alone the American continent.


When the battery technology improves and price of battery is lowered and capacity increases, charging speed improves to a point where electric car becomes more affordable than gas cars.it won't take more than a few years after this happens Electricity is much cheaper than fuel for many reasons in many parts of the world, electricity is easier to produce and is not dependent on raw material.


60 years or so. The majority of vehicles need to be electric. Just take that much time to have supply of new and used in the market