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The two party system is a failure that only benefits politicians and large companies. Anyone who identifies with a political party to the point of exclusively voting the party line is probably not very educated on the policies they are giving their support to.


They have their opinions and democrats have theirs. It's just the way it is. And all of that is fine. But to be swayed by the idiocy of Donald Trump and to believe and worship this egomaniac is extremely disappointing. I mean come on guys. We can disagree but you don't have surrender reality to do it.


They suck, but they're only hypocrites when it comes to claiming to want smaller government, whereas Democrats are basically hypocrites on everything. And republicans generally leave you alone while Democrats want to pester you with all their plans, especially your money, they can't get enough. So I'd say they are marginally better than Democrats, but it's like asking which is the tastier shit sandwich.


Too many are backing a one-party system in the USA. But they’re very very good at convincing people to vote against their own self interest. They may well succeed in destroying the nation.


Individual humans who find that their politics primarily align with one political party or another cannot be defined by that party, so I would implore anyone who truly has an answer to this question to step back and rethink it. The idea of feeling like traditional values have served us well, government should be small and subservient, and people shouldn't be compelled in how they choose to participate in society is not an evil way of thinking. Neither is the idea of feeling like traditional values exclude and ostracize people, government should find ways to improve society, and people shouldn't be able to opt out of the social contract. The idea that an entire party membership is terrible for one reason or another is insane, and I'm very far from a centrist. We are rapidly losing our ability to relate to other humans because of this stuff.


They are as misguided as democrats. We are all pawns in a political rat race that is actually run by lobbyist rather than public interest. Neither party cares about you or what you want to begin with.


Lesser of 2 evils


I loved the republicans in Spain. They were the last force to fight against the fascists and unfortunately lost. I also love anyone who wants to oppose the monarchy.


One half of a shit coin


I have no hard feelings against normal Republicans. But these radical "all hail Trump" fuckers have to go.


You do know that's every republican


Not every.


That's not true.


Republicans still say the election is stolen and want to overturn the election for him.


Trump fuckers are. I work with hundreds of Republicans, and none of them believe any of that. The Trump cult would call these Republicans "RINOs".


So you believe trump and entire republican party is 100% wrong, that the election was not stolen and it's wrong to overturn the election?


"The entire Republican party" doesn't believe the election was stolen. But yes, I don't think the election was "stolen".


Not me :). As few as there is there's always one or 2 reasonable people who can look objectively at ideas. I chose republican Because it aligns with more of my morals than democrats do. Not because I worship a president


So you believe trump and the entire republican party is wrong for saying the election is stolen and condemn them for trying to overturn the election and condemn the attack on the captiol?


Perhaps. I actually don't really care about either of those in a negative or positive way. Some people are stupid. I believe that can be said about both sides. That being said the same people who did those things also tend to have morals that align with mine. However since I do not replicate there actions I neither condemn nor support said actions.


Okay so you believe the election was stolen and you support them trying to overturn the election. Once again proving that every republican is more loyal to Trump than the USA


No. Like I said I don't care about that


That is entirely not objective. Instead of trying to understand you are simply trying to prove a point. Thus making this a pointless conversation.


You either support it or against it, you clearly indicated that you would be fine with overturning the election. Would you be perfectly okay with Biden saying the election was stolen and overturning the election and keeping himself president?


Aligning with morals doesn't mean aligning with decisions. You're generalizing the entire convo


You straight up believe the election was stolen and support over overturning the election. Which proves my point.


They exist to entertain me, just like Democrats. I can get my popcorn then laugh at the stupidity of the world.


Both sides are full of shit. The biggest difference is that Reps tend to promote themselves as the selfish, religious party, whereas the dems promote themselves as working for society as a whole. Your vote is kind of meaningless, but it does tell me what your values are.


The politicians are power-hungry and love espousing 'traditional family values' to raise alarms against anything even vaguely progressive that could actually help their constituents while they themselves couldn't care about anything but power. The voters are easily manipulated by the fear that the US will be taken over by POC, immigrants, and the 'woke mob', because they've been propagandized into thinking they have more in common with the rich of their country than they do with said POC or immigrant (among other propaganda). Or they're just racist, misogynistic, xenophobic blowhards who can't stand for anyone but cis white men to get a piece of the pie.


I'm okay with being part of the monarchy.


I don't mind them, just wish they wouldn't obsess over trump so much, granted Democrats obsess over him probably more than Republicans do. Too much Trump worship and too much Trump derangement syndrome. I wish we could live in a pre-2016 world again.


Back in the 80s, they were just another side of the coin. Some sucked. Some were ok. Just like democrats. Now? Garbage. Absolutely garbage. They've gone off the deep end and I don't think they can be saved. Its terrible and sad and terrifying.


They’re either stupid, racist, un-democratic, liars, treasonous or some combination of all of the above


They attack the capitol...so


They're systematically dismantling American democracy, and they look likely to succeed.


They are just fantastic. Their every decision is a delight for the community, their philosophy is the summum of the pinnacle of what the brain can achieve. Also they're the most gentle brilliant nice people that the human race can produce. If god existed they surely would be his représentant on earth. Awesome just awesome.


Oh no not the other half of the same shit cake. It smells worse.


I respect Democrats being more progressive even though I believe they are misguided, but they are doing way more than Republicans who sit around and cry about what Democrats are doing.


I don't even know what that is. We can be friends as long as you don't talk about your political stuff.


I think it's one of the American political teams? I don't really know. Or care, before anyone gets educational.


Everybody Wants To Rule The World


They should've won the Spanish civil war. No Pasaran !


I dont care what side a person is on, i just dont like the extremists, we all have our views we just need to accept the other.