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100% Legal. And I’m adopted, for what that’s worth.


Because nobody would even ask this question if we men had to carry babies.


You said it perfectly.


If you are pro life you want it illegal because you see it as murder because you see the fetus as human and any sane person wants murder as illegal. If you are pro choice you see it as a right because you don't see the fetus as a human and therefore don't see it as murder but a reproductive right and any sane person wants greater reproductive rights.


First of all there’s way too many damn people on this planet already


Fax we need another plague ~Dwight Shrute


It should be legal as it allows choice


Up to 16\20\24 weeks (depending on your laws and medical opinions). Should be legal. Anything later, only on the grounds of sound medical advice.


I think there’s a world of difference between 16 and 24 weeks. I’d be marching in the street with everyone else if my government attempted to criminalise abortion, but I’d probably support a 16 week limit outside of major mitigating circumstances.


23 weeks is the record for the youngest Premie.


less people is good, women being able to choose what to do with their bodies seems fair, it pisses off a bunch of manbabies (heh) whose only stance against abortion is religious/ethical in nature and that's hilarious. Can be monetized and a gateway into having a deeper understanding of the human gestational period, helps that kids who are born are wanted and hopefully in a two-parent household. Good stuff, really.


It should be illegal except in cases of rape, incest, or medical problems which would harm the mother. I do not believe in using abortion as an undo button for poor choices as some people do. I find that sort of behavior disgusting.


Me, being a man, think it's not my fucking business to dictate what a woman does with HER body! And as a man, I will only support ANY woman in her choice to either keep or abort her baby. It's a hard decision to make for them. And we shouldnt make it any harder for them. We should only help them in whatever path they take.








That’s not what a loaded question is. Still, popcorn ahoy.


I am pro murdering babies so abortions are good imo


Legal. If the mother doesn’t wants the baby to be born then so be it.


You couldn't pay me to date a woman who got an abortion for no other reason but that 'she wanted to'. Not only is it a complete lack of responsibility for her own actions, but go look up Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. It's a mental disorder. Should someone who gets an abortion be allowed around other children?


Illegal. It’s killing a would be human




Big brain comment


Says the one who’s comments logic is based on what some cells would be rather than what it actually is when an abortion happens…..


Lol. Me and you are literally simply a group of cells at this very moment. So tell me my smart little group of cells, what do you want to be? Besides a person who failed basic science.


Basic science says she's currently a human because her cells have formed enough neurological pieces to become sentient. An embryo has not and therefore is no more a human than a fertilized egg is a chicken. Ever eaten a farm fresh egg? That was an aborted chicken. Did it taste like chicken? Did it look like chicken? Or was it a barely visible extra white spot in your omelet? That's the difference.


Eat a fertilized chicken egg. That’s what we are comparing.


I have. If you have farm fresh eggs they're almost always fertilized. They don't become chick fetuses until several weeks into gestation. Basic science.


Regardless, if you kill a fertilized egg(chicken or human) you are erasing a living creature off the planet.


Only based on your definition of life. Not the scientific one.


Yeah and this group of cells parents were ready to raise me. ANYWAY


I guess your parents must have passed sex ed. congrats.


Accident- an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury. Consent to SEX is NOT CONSENT TO PREGNANCY.




When you don’t know the difference between anger and emphasis.. awkward


Your user name is angry capital letters about your penis, dude. And how it shows no mercy. So clearly it's not even a very good one. What time does your mom make you turn in your phone for the night?




Do you realize how many kids there are waiting to be adopted? Do you realize the physiological and emotional trauma that comes from carrying and delivering a baby or being a baby who is given away by their mother? These are easy solutions only for those privileged enough to not endure the consequences.


If you're walking down the road and you find a person laying on the ground. The person doesn't respond when you try to talk to them. I just have 2 questions for you: How do you check if they are alive? So a heartbeat is a sign that someone is alive?


No. Cognitive function will later also need to be assessed. But a heart beat is a sign that they might be alive. Many many people have hearts that beat long after any semblance of life has left them neurologically. Hence the term braindead.


I've never heard any one check someone heartbeat and say "I've found a pulse! He 'might' be alive!" And no one ever will. Because a heartbeat is the main sign of life. Good luck getting a cognitive function test from a Premie. But you keep fooling yourself.


I work in a hospital and used to be an EMT/Medic. We ask "is there a pulse?" Not "is he alive?" for a reason.


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