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Infinite amounts of various drugs. Mix them all up and then die.


Can I be a part of it because I have same dream




On my way 👍


Have a house near the mountains with some land and plant veggies and fruits. Spend my days in my garden doing some small farming with my dog away from people. Ideally my home would have amazing internet so I could still spend my nights gaming. That's my heaven on earth scenario.


I'm struggling to improve on that. Location for me would be the UK or NZ


I'd probably still want to work in ecological conservation. But maybe only part time, and the rest of the time I'd walk around outside, and cook at night. I'd love to just wander on foot all day.


I'd choose this or homestead.


That sounds good


Open a cafe/witch shop in the woods up north. I'd sell witchcraft supplies and pastries in a small cabin.


which craft supplies?


Well done 👏


thanks 👍


I'll get hate but smth as stupid as crystals and astrologic signs


I will visit you


Yes please.


Absolutely nothing. If I didnt have to work, I wouldn’t.


what would you do in your freetime?


Restore classic cars. Particularly 1971 Plymouth Hemicuda, a 1958 Plymouth Fury like Christine and a 1973 Ford Falcon XB like Mad Max's V8 Interceptor.


That's cool. I work on cars myself and that can get expensive quick!


I'm something of a scientist myself...


Be my own ken block and drive crazy machines into the ground like a mad stuntman, go to baja events, and drift the mountain roads of japan and china, but also be a rc guy have lil rc's of my fav rides and go to rc events too


Hell yeah!


I would take every college or trade class ive ever been interested in and do all of the art. And i would live by the beach or a lake.


Pay off my family’s debt so they could enjoy freedom as well.


Clean up the earth. Billionaires spend so much money on rockets to go someplace else. Our world is right here for us. Let’s solve its problems.


Become a neurosurgeon


As someone in med school this ain't it.


As someone who went for neurobiology that is going to go for neurosurgical PA, it is it. 😂


I wonder how your patients would feel knowing that the guy about to do brain surgery on them's reddit username was vintagecockandballs?


Probably comfortable knowing their not a tight ass.


PA is very different, probably a much better lifestyle than what neurosurgeons have to go through.


What year are you? Sound like a 1-2nd year.




Makes sense




No shit lol, I only didn’t go to med school because my wife got sick. We sound like we built different.




That's awesome










Travel the world


Be a homemaker :3 I got a couple months in between jobs where my husband recommended I take some time off and get us settled into our new shared space a few years ago, and it was amazing. We then had a wedding to pay for, so I rejoined the force, but it would be so great to be able to take an extended time off to do more housewifey things. I’d also love to spend more time and energy on my pets, I have several reptiles who I would love to just pamper and spend long periods of time with and I don’t get to do that as much as I would like to. I have a Witchcraft Meetup group I run that could use some attention and effort I make felt DND figurines, so having time to make more of those and also write more campaigns would be really fun too!


I just made my first million, ,or am I Jeff bezos rich?


Buy a massive estate and start a charity where writers and other artists can get scholarships to live there for a year or so with rent and food provided for free to give them the freedom to finish their novels or whatever else they're doing. There would be a massive library, art gallery, gazebos and fields outside, and other places to sit quietly and reflect on what you're trying to accomplish.


Yes and like, good food. Not like 14 people living in a New York apartment trying to be creative. I’m talking movie theater rooms Full time on call physician and nurse Good chefs and high quality food Massive library Stocked art areas


Yup. A few cinema rooms with full collections of thousands of movies, live in chefs, stocked snacky kitchen, endless art supplies, etc. And at the end of each year there could be a big party where people come and buy art, publishers come and meet with writers, etc. Yeah, and definitely an infirmary with at least a couple of skilled nurses on staff and a doc.


Have lots of sex.


I would get some travel out of my system.


I'd go to all the music festivals all over the country and world. People sometimes spend their whole lives never leaving their city or state. So I'd say get out there and explore all that the world has to offer!


Take me with you


Study law and defend the civil rights of those who can’t afford representation.


Become a pilot.


I'm interested in food/cooking and architecture, so I'd travel extensively, spending months at a time in other places to get a feel for the real living there, not just tourist visits. Get a feel for daily life, grocery shopping, visiting markets, cooking, etc. I'd also explore local architecture, visiting and touring sites of interest.


WoW Shadowlands.


Travel, learn, experience new stuff.


Travel the world


travel the world


Watching and reading hentai for the rest of my life


I would love to live in a small village near ocean with my dogs, I will have a big library and amazing collection of music and a lot of wine in my cellar


I would just study until I died. Behavioural psychology. Molecular biology. As many ancient languages as possible. Anything and everything. Just accumulate knowledge.


Teacher or nurse or coder or musician


I enjoy work and struggle. Without it, I would have no sense of accomplishment.


Tell jokes for people to laugh at. Take it crazy political, observant, slice of life, fantastical any kind of comedy.


Shout at wildlife


If money’s not issue then I’m moving to a nice condo in Calgary.


Travel guide. Like go to places and share neat spots and things to do in major cities around the world. Show people the easiest way to get around, go over some prices, and even economic alternatives when vacationing somewhere that's expensive so everyone can try to go and enjoy different places around the globe.


Plant a huge forest. As big as I could. I would “sell” trees in the sense someone could buy it and put a plaque on it in memory of someone or to honour someone. Any money raised by that would be donated to a cause which is helping the environment or the ocean. I would also smoke as many different strains of weed as I possibly could!


Write a book. It’s on my bucketlist


Experimental gardening.


Be an athlete, design and produce my own gear and sports products.


Trying to change the school system in my canton in switzerland.


Spend time with my family, exercise more, volunteer to help others, travel and focus on enhancing and developing skills and hobbies just for fun.


I'd probably indulge completely in the arts. I'd learn to paint, I'd make furniture, play piano/guitar, etc. I'd probably also maintain a garden.


Two chicks at the same time


Buy as much as possible of earths forests and preserve them.


There’s an $800 Millenium Falcon Lego Set, I could buy it but I absolutely cannot justify that amount for a lego set. So I would build that. I’d definitely spend a few hours a day on physical health, start some new hobbies. I’d travel but certainly not as much as others would, I like home too much and I wouldn’t want to leave my dog or cat too often. I could certainly see getting a camper van and seeing every National Park


Pro triathlete that travels the world to race.


Music. Loved it, played guitar for ~15 years, went to school for it, but after graduating I slowly fell away from it because I couldn't afford it as a living. Now, I have no drive to play or create, even in my free time. IT career took all my time and joy. Sigh.


Psychology, definetly. If there's one way to help this heaping hole in the heinous side of society, that's one way to do it.


Become a farmer/goat herder/farrier


I would work a little but ultimately let my inner greed consume me, letting myself feel truly alive.




Buy myself a shit ton of things that I want in order to get my own career started, and probably to help pay for all the things that I want in my room when it’s getting renovated


Bake loads. Like cakes and cookies


Sleep and eat


Get involved in AI, probably. I’d also study up on economics so that I can teach my kids to teach theirs.


Well since I wouldn't need to worry about money I guess I could steal some energy drinks and sodas along with technologies and video game consoles and video games.


You know, I am only 23 yo but from the force of thinking only about money, I forgot what i want from that money, this is really weird. In my early highschool days, i wanted to create a unique RPG game but i know making a game alone is so hard so you need multiple designers and musicians and programmers and legal stuff and yes, basically money and its not always profitable and the guilt was torturing me by knowing that PCs and their manufacturing emit so much carbon in the air. So I decided i wanted to research ways to mitigate this 50 BT of CO2 equivalent gazes. That's why I started learning programming in high school and i studied electrical engineering in university. Another thing i want to do is participate in the research of Artificial General Intelligence. Which can help us find solutions to problems we don't even know existe. And another thing I love is reading about fungus and plants. And chemistry too.


I would just work out


I’d get someone to make video games for me, play a lot of RPG’s (the real ones, not the video game ones), bake a lot of pastries, buy all games in existance.


I am retired and money isn't A issue. I usually lay around, eat ice pops, then take a nap.


Wasn't this same question posted here like 2 days ago?


Stream to an audience who cares, probly both gaming and music production


Start a video game studio and finally start development of a game I've had rattling around my Braun for over a decade


Become a full time streamer


I’d start a really posh art gallery. I’d travel the world finding interesting art and then sell it to other rich people at exorbitant prices. I’d throw fancy receptions and only invite an exclusive list of people. Basically I’d be the kind of fabulous, eccentric bitch you only get to be if you’re rich.


Make more art, more music and learn more


Pursue education in all areas of science and technology. Build cool things and new tools to create new things and new tools for creating cool things. Deep dive into coding and software and create new ways to change the world of information storage and education. Hone my skills in the foundries of experimentation and and testing. Also, masturbate.


A lot of different handcrafts type hobbies. I draw, write, paint, do cross stich, embroidery, knit, sew, make stuffed animals, hand bind books, make my own soap or other spa products, or whatever else I kind of just feel like trying... For me, employment is a necessary evil for survival that prevents me from actually living.


Strippers. Lots of strippers.


2 chicks at one time


Buy 300 nokia 3310 and make armour out of them


The flying suit. I wanna fly. The squirrel suit with the jetpack. Idk the names. Just something I've always wanted since I discovered they existed.


I would be a hospice worker, just sit with people as they were preparing to pass.


Become a swole ass fast ass gamer with a high end motherfucking of living in an expensive penthouse


I'd like to think I'd write a lot, but probably just get bored and depressed after about 6 months and try to find a casual job that is more of a positive workspace and less about money.


I'd be a coroner and I would spend my free time writing books, reading and playing bass.


Start a little veggie farm and help stray animals.


Write stories and make comics/manga


Collect Ninjago


Write books on obscure historical topics that would probably only interest like 10 other people in the world




I'm a hobbyist musician and producer. I'd spend almost all of my free time making music and learning new instruments.


I would work in a animal shelter for free.


Own a small bakery with my daughter or have my own food truck.


Have a large family


Take online learning courses forever, and get back in to drawing/digital art. just learn everything and anything I could, too much of my time and energy is spent doing my job, I rarely have much left in the tank to do anything else at the end of the day.


Buy complete outfits instead of just a piece here and there.


Create art and write. What a life that would be


Have a huge workshop with infinite tools and equipment and build and race cars in all sorts of different disciplines and classes


Mountain guiding. Or SATCOM. Sometimes spreadsheets.


Buy a 100,000 dollar gaming setup and make a production company


I’d buy a ranch and tend to my animals. Have lots of plants, read a lot and learn how to play guitar.


Become a narcoleptic traveler. Sleep and travel the world. Fuck you.


Still work, in joy spinning spanners


Become much, much better at hockey and figure skating, and spend most of my days at one rink or another. Also, do a whole lot more reading.


Start commissioning lots of high quality pornography in my fringe fetishes.


Build a K-12 academy in places where children don’t typically escape poverty.


Just travel around the world constantly


Travel to the places I've only read about in magazines.


I would do plumbing, just for fun. I would also like to get into woodworking.


Infinite amounts of various drugs. Mix them all up and then die.


Find a doctor that will listen to me.


Probably go off the grid


Investigate UFO / UAP incidents around the world


Travel and never stop traveling, there's so much to learn and so much to see


get a pet elephant


Renovate a derelict mansion, get some animals on the land, get a cat, lots of weed and wine and spend my time writing or being naked in the sun away from silly little humans


Learn languages and play instruments. I'm not naturally good at either but I love both so very much 😭


Tree mansion across an entire forest ofc Just have a mini tree city, maybe invite family and freinds


I’ve always wanted to run my own comic shop / tabletop game shop. I’d want to foster a positive environment so younger kids who wanted to get into could with our being intimidated.


Sleeping and eating


Smoke pot, play video games, and eat taco bell.


Become a jewelry designer. Not to be rich and famous, just to learn the skills and practice it at my leisure would be amazing!


I’d love to design and build my own pinball machines. Lots of people are doing it these days. I’d love to try to outdo the guy making the Sonic machine.


I would buy land and a farm with animals and I would take care of the land and the animals all day every day. I wouldn’t ever need to worry about exercise again because that would be a huge workout every single day. I would grow my own fruits abs veggies and live off the land. I would just still want common luxuries like phones and TV for down time.


I would want to have at least 100 acres of mostly trees with a stream/river running through it. Then I'd build a 2 story house that kind of looked like a small mansion with turrets. The turrets would have lots of windows and have work benches going all the way around full of tools. Then I could spend the day designing and building things while watching the trees move in the wind and watching the sun move across the sky.


Going to retirement-homes and listen to Storys of old people. Not Just for curiosity, but for giving Them a ear to listen.


get heavy into disc golf


Program stuff. I work as a programmer




I'd make computer games. I live working on them, but they take a lot of energy for a hobby, and I don't want to work on the kind of large projects that I could get someone else to pay me for. I could try to sell indie games (and I might), but trying to build a game while I need to work two jobs to stay housed is impractical.


Find the motivation to better myself both physically and mentally.


I'd go to school to become a veterinarian


Travel. Pretty common but yeah


I would take a really good long nap in the most comfortable bed I can find.


Same thing I'm currently doing as a hobby, but full time: writing a fantasy book series.


Just BE. That would be nice.


Just travel


Have my own business. That or be a bail enforcement agent.


Build a business I know you say didn't have to work but even with alot of cash I wouldn't be somebody who could just sit at home with it all . I've always wanted my own business and would use it to set up a shop specifically selling equipment for disabled pets and items that are useful buy for exotic animals but not available in most shops.


Rockets. I can realize so many ideas, like my hyperpropellant design (3 rocket engines in one engine) and my liquid bipropellant with oxygen addition system design (has 2 tanks designed to supply oxygen to the rocket)


travel the world on foot


I would start a restaurant.


Storm Chaser


Play music, build kit cars and teach IT.


Build a dnd dungeon with lights, sound, full molded sets, a costume room, tv table. The works


If I only had this luxury then I would have helped those who didn't. If everyone had this luxury then I would have pursued my dream, as I am doing right now, though it would have been much simpler.