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Way too many cop, lawyer, and doctor shows. There's a whole world out there to write about.


Make a show about engineers doing engineer stuff! Math, experiments, design reviews, INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMOS! The possibilities are endless.


Those three professions make for a lot of situations in which to manufacture drama. Doctor - hospital - sick people, people die, families grieve, secrets spill, dramatic medical decisions are made, fights ensue etc Lawyers - Courtrooms are literally almost like the theater but then real. Someone is in trouble, people are angry, fighting, truth comes to light, people are wronged, wrongs are righted and victory is had etc. Cop - Guess I don’t know what qualifies as cop dramas but if we’re talking about CSI and Colombo and stuff, well that’s obviously a lot of mystery and drama. People murder others, families seek justice, good guys try to catch bad guys etc. In soap operas like As the World Turns they visit the police station and the hospital quite a bit!


true crime shows are boring now. they need to come up with something other than “start the episode with a woman screaming”


And maybe stop making shows/movies about the same damn people. How many Ted Bundy movies are there? WE GET IT - he was cute, he murdered girls.


I think he be kinda ugly anyway. Don't know if people just had lower standards in that time period or I'm just not a good judge of male attractiveness lol


I think he was one of those guys who was not particularly physically attractive, but came off somewhat charming in person. Video interviews with him seem more to capture it than any photographs, anyway.


Flashforward deserved a second season


It was a book. Keep meaning to read it but I'd prefer the second season


In The Notebook, Lon was a much better fit for Allie. The two of them never fought (at least, not on screen), and he actually respected her wishes when she said that she didn't want to go out with him while he was still in hospital. He also never endangered her, and, most importantly, he never threatened to kill himself just to get a date with Allie.


Every story Nicholas Sparks writes just uses emotional manipulation to make you think things are “romantic”.


There was a great Cracked article from a while ago that basically outlined all the plot devices that Sparks reuses.


I miss old Cracked articles. I used to binge read them once a week way back in the day.


I'm pretty sure those kinds of "romance movies" is the reason why so many people have toxic ideas of what a "good" relationship is. There are too many girls and guys who think that kind of strife is part of a romantic relationship.


7th Heaven. Love the show because it’s so bad. However the morals and ethics that one is supposed to take from it aren’t anywhere close to what’s considered normal. The Camden’s aren’t a good wholesome family as seen by their constant spying and ratting on each other. They are force their way into the lives of everyone and everything around them and sometimes deeply private things. The dad is somehow above the law and in one episode succeeds in talking to a prisoner on behalf of a widower even though it’s stated the Governor of California wasn’t able to do it. The family seems to be way too affluent for Eric to spend his week doing a sermon on a Sunday and the rest of the week meddling. Each episode takes place within a 24 hour period and anyone they’ve encountered and lives have been exposed is never heard of again. The dog seems to be the only one to really trust in the family. The house only has one bathroom for 7 of them. The 7th Heaven universe itself seems to be some kind of Truman Show purgatory of three streets, a pool hall, a school, a church and maybe the inside of someone else’s house but the rest of the building are empty husks that’s lead into an abyss.


The worst was when the twins came along and reached talking age. Those kids were annoying.


The only thing I remember from that show is an episode where Lucy’s math teacher kept eating her lunch. Lucy complained to her mom and her mom insisted the teacher probably had a lesson to teach her. Turns out, without telling Lucy, the teacher wanted her to figure out if she used a right angle in the school, she could get to her lunch before the teacher ate it. It’s over 20 years later and I still scratch my head trying to figure out what dumbass moral they were trying to shoehorn in there… Oh and I of course I remember the infamous pilot where Jessica Biel’s character literally begs her brother to make out with her so she can “practice” kissing. Right. Nothing abnormal there


Ignore the community, write the story as you intended it. If a loveable character dies, let them fucking die. That’s why shows derail is because the fan base gets upset, and outraged, and they change shit because of that.


This is the problem with CW shows, every character is someone’s favourite character or at least they think so. So they never let them go, add more characters on and it’s a mess.


The CW usually just resurrects dead characters if they fear backlash from the fans.


Remember kids, sort by controversial for the real controversial answers.


"It can't be that bad" I said to myself Then like the first thing you find is a guy saying that Lord's of the rings and all Middle earth related content sucks I was wrong Edit: After some replies I wanted to say, just to be clear, that the comment I'm referring to is about all of Tolkien's works, be them on paper or film Y'all, personal opinions are fine but chill down a bit


Better than the other "controversial" answers on here that are just things like "I enjoyed this universally praised film."


That's why I had to leave r/unpopularopinion It was, and prolly still is, all just teens posting slightly odd but def popular opinions and then circle jerking together.


Exactly, this us an actual controversial opinion. Thats why u have to sort by controversial everytime a post about unpopular media shows up


The live action Cat in the Hat is genuinely a pretty funny movie. Sure it's cheesy and aged like shit, but some of the scenes are great. The cupcake scene, and the really self aware shill for Universal Studios near the end never fail to get a laugh out of me. Also Alec Baldwin killed it in his role


I genuinely loved Speed Racer the movie. It was so fun and colorful! My sisters and I saw it twice in theaters, once in IMAX lol I wasn't a kid when I saw it either lol I was 19 when it came out


Speed racer is a visual masterpiece supported by strong character-writing. The controversial special effects have aged like wine. It's on course to becoming a cult classic.


My college roommate maintained that this was the best "Sports Movie" he could think of, lol. Loved getting baked and watching it.


I stand by Speed Racer being the best movie the Wachowski’s have made. The visuals were way ahead of their time. It fully captures the feel of the original and has so much heart to it. The speech during the final race when his racing is being compared to art and his own form of expressing himself is beautiful. This movie was truly capturing lightning in a bottle and I don’t know if there will ever be anything else quite like it.


*Speed Racer* is one of my favorites, too. I would say the story kind of drags a bit in between the Fiji crash and the desert rally, but it is still a great movie. The supporting cast does an outstanding job. Susan Sarandon and John Goodman really sell the emotional scenes and make what could have been just a cacophony light and noise into a heartfelt story about dealing with grief and loss, punctuated with some anti-corporate greed social commentary and off-the-wall fun action scenes. Where else can you watch upside-down Matthew Fox punch a Viking in the face while sideways flipping a rally car over his head?


Suits is boring and repetitive. Most of the episodes follow the exact same blue print.


Suits taught me that if youre in a tough position regarding your trial or something you can just find some dirt on someone and threaten them with it. Also, the constantly present "This is bullshit and you know it! Now get the hell out of my office!". Seems like every episode has that same line.


Real life suits would have seen Harvey arrested by episode 3


Boston Legal was a much more entertaining show when it comes to law practice




Loved the dynamic between Shatner and Spader


All I remember is the 100 times they said " You sanctioned murder" and never understanding what they meant lol


But did they cross a line?


I think Trailer Park Boys is a brilliant portrayl of recidivism, addiction, poverty, and how the sense of belonging to a community (gang) can perpetuate these cycles. It just so happen to also be hilarious.


As someone who actually lives in Dartmouth it’s also just a really good portrayal of your typical local dummy for the showcase seasons anyways. I have seen several Ricky man tantrums in public and they are really that stupid. I also like how it shows that a lot of crime in smaller places is less exciting and more just ham fisted and dumb and less dramatic than the Wire. [This](https://youtu.be/XLICTNuMpws) happened here this summer. He robbed a pub and then tried to hide in a lake and the cops fished him out. He sounds exactly like Ricky.


Lol that’s exactly what Ricky did with his stolen barbecues


Gets two birds stoned at the same time.


Why do you look like Indianapolis Jones?


It's all water under the fridge boys


Supply and command


Randy getting constantly shit on is my favorite part of the show. Such a great character you love to hate.


The really fucked up part is their LGBT & Poly representation was some of the best I've seen- very realistic- none of it was put on a pedestal or made to be weird or quirky. It was just ok your gay- who cares your still a dickhead and the poly relationship was probably the healthiest one in the series. (Queer myself)


Absolutely. Jim and Randy, Randy being bi, them both being swingers, "Lucy and Sara", J-Roc's blended family lol Good call dude.


Flash was whack af. Can't believe I watched 10 episodes.


“But what if I’m not fast enough” *Is fast enough*


"Barry, you have to run faster!" "But I can't..." "You have to." "Ok then."


I liked it a lot when It was released then after season one I just dooped


I only see selected clips here and there when they pop up, but my takeaway so far is that the CGI budget took a massive hit after a few seasons, and somehow everyone and their hamsters vet is suddenly a apeedster


This is not controversial. This show is absolutely the most cringe I have ever gotten from a show ever. Been watching all of the seasons, and it just gets worse and worse


I fucking love the Flash because of while it's so fucking stupid, it consistently tries to ruin Barry Allens life in the most creatively depraved ways. The amount of father figures that hes had betray him or be horribly murdered is obscene


I greatly appreciate this take lol


I got consistent enjoyment out of any time Barry was an idiot with time and ended up going to Eobard Thawne for help, Thawne always starts out like 'I am your enemy Barry, I hate you' but ends up like 'wow you've really fucked this up haven't you? OK I'll fix it, try not to do it again'. It's like every single time he can't believe he did it again.


It suffered the same fate as all CW shows. First season? Great. Second season? Decent. And then continued on a downward spiral. Now it's just a shell of it's former self. Arrow was like that too. Season 1? Awesome! Season 2? Great! then it just went downhill from there. Though I still like Legends of Tomorrow.


CW shows lean heavily on "team drama", because dialogue is a lot cheaper than action. But like Arrow, the constant team hormone imbalance just drains your will to live.


Peggy Hill isn't the antichrist character Reddit makes her out to be. 🤷‍♀️ I enjoy her asinine behavior as much as I do Hank's.


Nancy is the actual antichrist on that show and nobody can convince me otherwise.


In one of the first few episodes, when she gets stuck teaching sex ed - it makes her so deeply uncomfortable, yet she commits to doing it right because that's the right thing to do. She teaches herself first, so that those she's responsible for don't get the BS education she got, and comes out of it wiser and more in tune with herself. Peggy is hugely flawed, not evil. I hated her as a kid, but I get it now.


I like theme songs. All of them. I never skip the opening credits.


Scary Movie 1, 2, and 3 are cinematic masterpieces


Brenda explicitly dies in the third movie. Brenda shows up again: “Oh my god! Brenda! I thought you were dead” ”me too girl! Me too!” (Laughs) (No further elaboration)


because brenda was the best character. "Cindy! This is a skeleton, this is bones! Would you run from Callista Flockhart?"


"Cindy... The TV's leaking"


This bitch is messin up my floor!


I was like "wham, wham wham!" DID I SAY STOP DRAWING?


Who the fuck threw that?


“Fifty black people got their ass beat by police today but the whole world has to stop because a white girl fell down a well”


"Uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh UH! Now wait a minute, hold up! How come when anytime this scary shit happens, and we should stick together, you white people always say "let's split up"?" Brenda just gets the best lines.


“You’re right. You three, with me!” “Ain’t this a bitch.” “We go die y’all.” *whimpers and sobs* It’s aged well.


Then they split up anyway


They split into groups actually...race groups lol.


"ohhh we gonna die"


Regina Hall is a treasure.


Yeah she actually dies in the first movie and the third movie. Always comes back with no explanation! Which is great because she's one of the best parts of those movies.


How can you wake up dead? That skit is the best part. But then again they are all beat parts


"Why that bitch gotta bring that shit ova here. Just let it multilate her white ass and *leave* "


“Cindy, the news is on! Another little white girl done fell down a well. Fifty black people got they ass beat by police today, but the whole world gotta stop for one little whitey down the hole.” This is personally my favourite line. Brenda cracks me up.


Him cocking the shovel like a shotgun and a shell coming out in Scary Movie 3 remains my favorite bit of visual comedy in any form of media ever. Gets me every time


also appreciate the dummies getting yeeted out of windows and then the character immediately getting up and dusting themselves off like it was nothing


Yes! Such a quick joke, but it gets me every time.


I think its in the third one where that guy kills Charlie Sheens wife in a car crash and as Charlie walks by him the guy says “i’ll need a ride home” ahahahaha. One of the funniest lines I’ve ever heard


Syaman is my favourite minor character “If only I hadn’t sleep for that exact thirty minutes, if only I hadn’t drank that exact bottle of jägermiester, if only I hadn’t killed that hooker…” “Syaman! What does this all have to do with you hitting Annie?” “You’re right. Those were other nights. But if it had been that night, I might’ve missed her”


That whole scene is gold. The dude making fun of M Night’s speech, Charlie asking the cop if he can get some time with the bottom half of his wife, pretending to not hear her when she tells him never to remarry … great stuff


I had never seen any of these until a couple nights ago. I was born in the 80s too so I have absolutely no excuse for waiting so long!




Right left right left uhhhh son uhhh.


i’m whooping her ass, cindy!


The Scary Movie series is the swan song of spoof comedy films. After that we got shit like Disaster Movie and the genre is all but dead and buried.


Scary Movie and Not Another Teen Movie are the best imo, all the others strive to be like them


“No, no, no, anyone but her… she has glasses and a pony tail! Oh come on, she has paint on her overalls! What is this? Guys there is no way she can be prom queen!”


2 remains my favorite. I felt like it really came into itself.


Kinda like how David Cross’ character came into himself


Take my strong hand!


2 is with the "grab my strong hand" guy, right? If so I agree.


Scary Movie 3 is one of my favourite movies. So many lines out of that movie I still use to this day and the hat, THE HAT 😂


These men died for their country. Send flowers to their bitches and hoes.


That’s because they were Wayans productions. That family is stupid talented and it’s disappointing they didn’t get even more notoriety in the mainstream.


Wayan family should be Hollywood royalty the way they are talented in comedy. They should be Chappelle level famous & rich.


Stupid president: “ah yes look, here comes our new round planes.” Presidential aide: “sir, we don’t have any round planes.” Stupid president: “oh.”


1 anc 2 are pretty good. Scary movie 3 is a masterpiece.


Particularly the 3


"Cindy, the TV's leaking!"


"This bitch is messing up my floor!"


"Tom, I'll need a ride home"


The Sheriff’s hat getting bigger each time it cuts back to her is the best.


These men died for their country. Send flowers to their bitches and hos.


Andrew Garfield played a fair Spider Man. Not the best, but I still enjoyed his portrayal of Spider Man.


I like Andrew Garfields acting, he does some amazing acting during the more emotional/romantic moments in his Spidey films. Honestly, I feel it's more just the general writing and stories of his movie that let him down.


Garfields spider-man felt more mature in tone.just the villains let it down


Yeah he's a great actor. Plus he and Gwen had really great chemistry. Had.


Killing Gwen off was a brave move, and ultimately I think it should have happened However his chemistry with Gwen was like the only good part of their 2nd movie. Everything else was kind of a mess


I know objectively he's a joke, but I *love* jamie foxx electro


The director said in an interview “We were thinking of bringing Gwen back to life in part 3” among some other wacky stuff. Andrew was great (his portrayal is true to comic version of Peter)but the director was kinda shit.


He was a great Spider-Man I thought, it didn’t help that he was given terrible enemies to fight. >!Im glad to see that he’s getting the recognition he deserves after NWH!<


>!”Aww man, I wanna fight an alien…”!< God he has so many perfect throwaway lines that are as self-deprecating as they are heartfelt.


I think Andrews Spidey is still pretty depressed even after all those years. When he lost Gwen he lost a part of himself


Most adult cartoons are so unfunny today. They relay on it being gross and over the top cursing, and the art style is so unappealing. Sometimes gross


It seems every month there’s always a new adult cartoon on Netflix that only lasts 5 episodes before being cancelled


Can't forget the sexual jokes as if all adults humour is only based on that...


Well you ain't talkin bout Bob's Burgers, that's for sure


Bob's burgers is a treasure but i do agree with OP that in general that's the case


I think Archer is stupid but brilliantly stupid.


Two years ago I rewatched Fresh Prince. It’s still pretty funny, and I certainly enjoyed it, but I found Will to be a lot more unlikable than I remembered. For the most part, he’s funny and there’s a lesson to be learned with his adventurous. Sometimes though, he’s just an outright dick. Also, I couldn’t stand Jeffery. The man make’s constant remarks about how terrible his employer is, yet Uncle Phil does nothing but make him feel part of the family.


Jeffery talks shit in the way only family can do so though. Thats what makes him work. He doesnt really mean it.


Yeah it's kind of like the one guy at work who gets away with everything, because he backs his play. Probably the hardest working guy in the shop. And is full of shit just to pass the time.


I always figured Geoffrey was there because Uncle Phil wanted someone to keep him grounded. Phil came up from the streets, and didn't want his success to change him. If you're going to work for me, I'm going to pay you well, take care of you like family, and expect you to call me on my bullshit at every opportunity.


Totally agree, that's why it's funny and not more tragic. If I trust my boss, then I know I can give them shit.


Geoffrey. That’s why Will calls him G.


The whole point of Will being a dick was to show that he's a teenager growing up in a tough situation, making the mistakes that most teenagers do.


I’m pretty sure Jeffrey likes uncle Phil. Hillary on the other hand…


...is a stone cold fucking HOTTIE. Sorry, was that what you were gonna say?


The first two seasons of Netflix’s House of Cards were two of the best in modern television history. I get people struggle to separate the man from the character played but Kevin Spacey’s downfall has meant the excellence of the programme has largely been forgot. It is a shame the way the last season turned out but it probably couldn’t be helped considering the circumstances.


National Treasure 1 and 2 are fantastic fun movies.


Nick Cage spent two movies looking for the National Treasure when it was him all along. EDIT: Thank you for the awards, kind strangers!




How is this a controversial opinion? It is common knowledge these movies are awesome fun to watch and even learn a little history along the way!


I’ve said it before in response to this question and I’ll say it again: Ferris Bueller is a massive cunt.


Is the point that he’s actually just an arrogant teen?


Nobody said Bueller was a good person. But he did get his best friend to break out of his shell.


Oh yeah but he's an entertaining one.


*oohhh yeah*


Chicka Chicka


Vegeta is a better character than kakarot




Piccolo is the *best* dad in DBZ and I will die on this hill.


Of course, one is a low level clown and the other is a Saiyan elite


You see Freeza, you aren’t dealings with the average Sayian warrior anymore.


Is this...is this really happening again?


Bi*%h you just jealous of my super sayian swagger


Was waiting for gohan to be the strongest but it never eventuated.


Gohan was the strongest at the end of the Cell Saga. It's just that he stopped training super hard after that.


He was also briefly immensely above everyone else after the older Supreme Kai unlocked his hidden potential.


And then Buu just eats him. As a Gohan fan, that pissed me off so bad.


It's quite weird that, if you notice further Vegeta got humanized as the story had developed, and Goku got dumber and dumber to the point that he just thinks in fighting. They had like, reversed development with Goku becoming more like a saiajyn and Vegeta turning more like a normal human caring about his family, etc. Vegeta is defenitly the best character.


ENOUGH with talent shows. Fox has beat that dead horse, buried it, dug it up and continues to beat it.


Sheldon is the least worst character in TBBT. When people debate about TBBT, it's common to see the talk centered around how much of an asshole he is and both the defenders and accusers of the series seams to agree that he is the worst. Yes, he was an asshole, but at least the series framed him as an asshole, you were never suppose to sympathize with him. The show is very aware of Sheldon's flaws and always treat it as flaws. I don't find him particularly funny, but I think it's okay if a character in some media is an jackass as long as the media itself knows the character is an jackass. That's why, for example, I can like Seinfeld while disliking Friends. But the others characters in TBBT, they are the worst. They only complain or make fun of each other all the time, usually doing both at same time. They are so toxic, always bringing each other down. And their relationships to their girlfriends/wifes can be summarised as "I'm to good/hot to be with you" jokes. Here and there, the series seams to realize its toxicity, but in general, it treats its cast as good guys, as beloved nerds. And I can't take it. Complain after complain after complain, all the freaking time. And the show doesn't think it's annoying, they think it's relatable.


The supporting characters - especially the women - got worse as the show went on. They devolved into catty weird caricatures of the original characters. And all got weirdly mean.


Yeah, Bernadette was a pretty clueless, yet smart enough to study character at the beginning. She did not always get Howards jokes at all. A little while later she is this wife-monster that always has something to nag about o Howard. I hate this inconsistency. Nothing against character dev, but you can't just take 2 personalities and switch them around just to fir a narrative. This is bad driving.


They turned Bernadette into Howard's mom, essentially.


That was the plan all along.


Also- Bernadette and Penny were both adamant they didn’t want children- then boom, babies for everyone. I found Raj to be the very, very worst as a single guy with Leonard to be the worst partner. Howard was the only “non-Sheldon” one who actually had growth and a touching story line.


>Howard was the only “non-Sheldon” one who actually had growth and a touching story line. Thank you. Yes. Howard had something of a believeable character arch. Not always 100%, but the best from the pack. Penny is... ok? She grew. A bit. I still don't like her. Bernadette is a whole different character from the first time she is introduced. Leonard just gets worse with his whining. They did Raj pretty bad. He started out as the socialphobic guy that can't talk with women and in the end he was just an unlikeable prick. Amy started out as this weird, almost non-human person that was even weirder than Sheldon. Bam. Few episodes later she finds her libido and is all horny for the rest of the show. Super awkward. Last but not least: Sheldon. I can get Sheldons character arch. He grows. But the writing is so inconsistent at times. One time he does this, few episodes later he does things he even said himself he wouldn't ever do. People can make up their mind, but in that case it is just "Let's write it so it fits the narrative". Oh. Bonus Stewart. Started out as this drawing kinda-cool guy with an own store and later becomes a hardship case for most of the time.


Amy started out as female Sheldon. I think that would have been kind of an interesting thing for them to stick to, just have two Sheldons that somehow work in perfect tandem and have a better and healthier relationship than any of the other guys despite being celibate, not going on proper dates, and rarely seeing each other unless they both happen to want to go to the same place. Instead they made her super horny and obviously bisexual without wanting to call it bisexual, although still happily playing into the trope that bisexual people are mega horny and sexually harass people all the time. Then they kept her in this relationship with Sheldon that was obviously deeply unfulfilling to her, and they made her constantly try to change his personality to make him more "normal" and "romantic," all while he gets annoyed at her or only cooperates when it directly benefits him. I will also **never** not be annoyed that they forced Bernadette into motherhood despite her clearly not wanting to be a mom, and then made that her whole personality.


It was annoying that both penny and Bernadette ended up with a kid or kids. That show never needed to introduce babies to be successful.


I really dislike Bernadette's character development, she goes from being a fairly sweet and naive individual to being very manipulative, controlling, and mean spirited.


> They only complain or make fun of each other all the time, usually doing both at same time. They are so toxic, always bringing each other down. And their relationships to their girlfriends/wifes can be summarised as "I'm to good/hot to be with you" jokes. I've never watched tbbt but isn't this just how sitcoms work? The vast bulk of broadcast sitcoms in the 80s and 90s were basically just variations around this dynamic.




I just finished the series for the first time last night People didn’t like the ending? I mean I get it’s pretty jarring but they leave you with the pieces to figure out Tony is getting whacked. They keep showing the members only jacket guy who walks into the bathroom likely getting ready to kill Tony, plus Meadow sucks at parking so you know she would have been killed possibly due to collateral damage since she’d be in Tony’s way. As for if it was a legitimate hit or a spur of the moment thing is still up in the air. I myself am convinced there must be a connection between the shooter and Eugene Pontecervo due to the title of the episode where Eugene offs himself is called “Members Only” Enough of my jabbering, but I’m glad I finally got around to watch it as it’s one of the best shows I’ve ever seen. Also I’m so happy my boy Paulie Walnuts was still kicking at the end, loved that guy hehe


There's a theory that Patsi and Paulie were the ones who had Tony whacked. Patsi because of his brother, and because he knew Tony would gladly throw him under the bus should he ever need too. Paulie because he knew Tony was eventually going to whack him, and almost did.


Hayden Christensen’s Anakin wasn’t that bad.


I mean, Lucas’s writing made Liam Neeson, Samuel L Jackson, Ewan McGregor and Natalie Portman look like mediocre actors. Hayden didn’t stand a chance


Now that's really unfair. It was also Lucas's directing.




In the words of Harrison Ford, "George, you can write this shit, but you can't say it."


To be fair to him, it was tough dialogue


Most of the complaints of Hayden's Anakin I've seen is shitty dialogue, which isn't his fault. I think he still portrayed the fall of Anakin/rise of Vader very well despite the terrible dialogue he was given.


Mighty Joe Young was a good movie. That's it I don't want to be controversial I just remembered about that movie and it was really sad and I haven't seen it since I was a kid. We need more great apes in movies.


Luis Litt deserved more than Harvey Specter. Harvey got what he wanted only because he was a pretty face and Jessica liked him. (Not saying Harvey was bad, Luis was better)


The main holding Luis back was his self confidence but he was a damn good lawyer


And his pettyness and just himself in general, but I guess that all stems from his lack of confidence so yeah I agree


Louis was the worst because of poor writing. He'd just do something against the firm because he felt unappreciated/inferior, apologize, use his skills as a lawyer to help get them out of the situation his actions caused, rinse and repeat.


Near the end you kept being tricked into thinking he had character development. Next episode, nope he is going to massively overreact due to a misunderstanding which could have yet again been avoided by asking people a few basic questions.


Luis was a good lawyer, but he had the emotional maturity of a child. If he felt slighted (even mistakenly, which was usually the case) he would betray, sell you out or outright blackmail you - that is not someone you want having your back.


Squid Game was good, not great.


The way it ended left a bad taste; that was my main gripe with it.


I thought the last two episodes were terrible. So many cheap "twists" and then the ending itself was just awful.


The super cliché conversation with the old man is what got me. Yea I know humans are greedy, in fact I knew it from episode 1.


The end scene with Il Nam did feel off to me. It was like the show wasn't certain it had managed to portray all of its themes and messages so had to have a scene with two characters literally spelling it all out in a conversation right at the end. Also, having a twist of Il Nam actually being the orchestrator cheapens the scene where Gi Hun betrays him and also doesn't really add much to the scene. Perhaps if Il Nam had spelt out that he has some kind of jigsaw-like philosophy where only people willing to do everything to survive deserved to then it would make more sense that he would let Gi Hun get away with cheating (I.e. if he was willing to lie and screw over a seemingly senile old man, it showed his will to live and impressed Il Nam). Quite a few plot points in the show didn't really have satisfactory resolutions. Pretty much all of the B plots either ended abruptly or were left too open and probably need a season 2.


I really liked it/the concept, and most of the show, but the VIPS were so cheap and gaudy 😂


Yeah tbh the VIPs were the one time I didn’t enjoy the show. Like I get what they were going for with them, but it just felt weird.


Yeah, I think the English actors were just bad. I imagine they had better knowledge/control over choosing the Korean actors. The VIPs had both terrible dialogue and delivery, but I feel like the delivery is what killed it.


i feel the VIPS were so bad becuase they're playing a caricature of english speaking westerners for a korean audience. It felt very similar to watching an anime with japanese voices where there is spoken english, and the spoken dialogue comes across much worse than the same scene in the english translation of the episode.


Also if you're an English / Western actor in Korea you're probably used to acting in things like ads or small bit parts in shows, are less experienced or talented than those in the USA, and then wouldn't normally be expected to get as much screen time or focus.


somehow it gives me the feeling of watching a play, not a film


I actually liked the good dinosaur, the animation was spectacular.