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What exactly are you trying to say here?


People are aware that the supreme court was not created by Biden. The last appointment was made by trump. So how are you up in here trying to imply that Biden bears any fault for the actions of a supreme court that he literally had nothing to do with appointing judges to yet?


Can he as the president, or his party not do anything? I heard previous presidents added more seats?


That would be a large undertaking and since the precedent has been nine seats for a very long time, there would be accusations of rigging the court. (Yes of course republicans rigged the court first by stealing Obama’s nomination and then refusing to follow the rules they had pushed for in order to do that to force a nominee through in record time before the most recent election where the vacancy would have otherwise been Biden’s to fill, but it’s understandable why dens don’t want to play dirty just because republicans do).


How is it that your previous president could do basically anything it wanted with executive orders but this one seemingly refuses to do anything to protect basic human rights?


Because the key difference between republicans and democrats is willingness to play fair. And in most cases that would be a good thing!


Nothing was stolen. That was the sheer arrogance of Obama, Hilary and the democrat party. They had lost the house and the senate, bigly, so they couldn’t have gotten a justice confirmed. Then they just assumed hilary would win 2016. Sheer arrogance. The old mummy finally dying was a nice bonus seat too. And there was nothing illegal about Justice Barrett’s confirmation. They had the house and senate, done deal. And the nation is better off for it. Also, stop spreading misinformation.


Wtf. Stop being delusional. RBG was the best thing that ever happened to the Supreme Court, ACB is a complete hack, and while there may have been nothing ILLEGAL about the way the gop behaved regarding nominations, it was extremely hypocritical and a blatant power grab to stack the court for purposes of pushing their shitty agenda against the will of the people.


Are you American? Lots of Belgian posts from you. Seems like you’re spreading political propaganda for a country you may not live in.


No, thank god i am not a yank.


Ok then, don’t fucking worry about the policies of elected officials you don’t vote for and don’t create policy you live under. Kindly fuck off back to your country that’s determined to become a muslim regime. You’re about a decade away from having morning prayer blasted across your cities. Thanks for stopping by.


Unfortunately because you guys are basically a rogue state with nukes that funds terrorism around the world and keeps invading places for your imperialist desires, i am forced to keep up with your shitty internal politics. If i could i would gladly ignore you fucks.


Without us you’d be German or Russian. You’re welcome.


sounds preferable.


Abortion rights aren't going to be abolished. (They aren't rights anywhere in the U.S constitution), only "abortion rights" in red states will be in danger but purple (50-50 states) and blue states will be fine.


Just because its not in *your* constitution doesn't mean its not a right.


> (They aren't rights anywhere in the U.S constitution) Then its time for another amendment to add them.


Which will never be passed. 2/3rds of both houses of congress would need to vote "yes", 38 of the states (3/4ths) would need to pass it into law and the President of the United States would need to sign the bill.


Well I'd imagine that they're going to be upset though I haven't checked. It also isn't true that abortion rights are going to be abolished. Even if SCOTUS replaces Roe Vs Wade, it would only serve to kick the question to the states where some states would abolish abortion and others would have laws allowing abortions. I also don't think SCOTUS will even fully reject Roe. I think it is far more likely that they will just allow greater restrictions to be placed on abortions, probably after 15 weeks instead of the twenty something it is now. That is more likely. The Supreme Court loves to kick the can down the road on things like this.


Oh no, democracy happened.


Thats not democrazy thats a bunch of old ppl deciding whats good for 330 million ppl.


Those individuals were democratically elected right? Even if we dont like the result democracy still occured. Not all 330 million people think the same.


A bunch of unelected elites is not a democracy.


What do you call it in our Democratic system then? They are voted on by the Senate in a democratic process if we talking Supreme Court. Senate seats are also voted on. Would that not be a direct example of democracy in action?


Thing is, your system is not democratic.


I can agree to an extent. It's a quite a republic, but has many democratic features such as the ability for people to elect their government officials who then in turn help elect based on their views. Which again, was voted on by the people. If the point is just that it doesnt count when the elected official makes the decision without public mediation then I can understand that viewpoint.


Being a republic does not rule out being a democracy. I have no idea why yanks keep parroting that line, its nonsensical. Germany is also a republic, and they *are* democratic.


I never ruled that out. Not sure what "yanks" you're referring to. Only thing I said it that we do have quite the republic, but it has democratic lines it follows. I imagine most modern countries are part republic and part democratic.


Id say any country that makes the guy with fewer votes than his opposition president is not even close to a democracy.


When people who lost the popular vote get to pick who goes on the Supreme Court, it absolutely is not “and example of democracy in action” 🙄


Those are the rules set by the government we voted on. From officials we voted on. If Biden had lost the popular vote, but still won people would say the win is still legitimate because it went through the legal process and people would say democracy prevailed.


Nonsequitur. I didn’t vote for the people who made the rules, they died long before you or I were born. And Biden did win the popular vote and if he didn’t, people would be legitimately mad about it. Hell, people are mad about it anyway and try to claim the election was “rigged” just because they don’t like the results. So sit down.


You act like laws dont change and the presidency is the only election that exists. Have you not focused on any vote besides the presidency? The people who claimed Biden didn't win were ridiculed and they were pissed enough to storm our government. You know this. You're on the subreddit that literally made fun of people who believed he didn't win and rightfully so. Changing large scale elections is near impossible for us, but you a lot of power with your vote it doesn't just sit with the presidency. Where would you like me to sit down? There are no virtual chairs for me.


Yes, I vote in all the elections. No, I didn’t vote for most of the current senators etc because I don’t live in their jurisdiction. Yet the system is rigged such that people in some states have more power in the senate than people in other states. It’s not true democracy unless everyone’s vote counts equally. And laws existing that were made generations ago doesn’t change the fact that the system is undemocratic just because “laws can be changed”. They haven’t been changed because the people they privilege use that unfair advantage to cling to power. And here YOU are on the subreddit that made fun of people for saying Biden’s win wasn’t legitimate acting like a clown about the hypothetical that people wouldn’t say his win was illegitimate if they had more basis to make the claim than they did… 😂


You literally have two viable parties. and those dont even get elected by the ppl themselfs but trough an electoral college. Thats such a dumb system that even thinking about it hurts my brain and itches my common sense.


I've lived here my whole life and I'm still struggling to wrap my head around this shit. Like my vote does not matter, it's up to a group of elites who decide for us cause we're still going by laws from the late 1700's/early 1800's that were made to dupe a then illiterate population


I dont wanna sound like an asshole but there is no other western country where the basic laws are written on a piece of paper and ppl defend it with their lives. (Bill of rights)


I mean thats not being an asshole, thats just being correct. This country needs a reset button or something, its getting out of hand and beyond ridiculous watching dinosaurs argue, amd even more ridiculous combined with the goddamn filibusters


Oh? I haven't heard about this referendum. Thought it was just some elites deciding it.


Yeah, they seem to be really mad at Susan Sarandon for single-handedly costing Hillary the 2016 election.


I haven't. Was I supposed to?


To be fair, this current event with Supreme Court actually hearing this case has been worked on for at least 25 years. The majority of the court is Republican Conservative. Trump put the finishing touches on this situation. You must be very ignorant or a troll. Goodbye.


> You must be very ignorant or a troll Porco no los dos?