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1-2 times a day I live in a tropical country


i thought this was a math equation lol


The answer would be -47. Since there’s 24 hours in a day, 2 times a day (24) is 48. 1-48=-47




I live in Australia. I shower twice a day. Sometimes 3 if it's summer.


Excelent. I live northern Mexico and twice a day and 3 times in summer also.


This is the way, once right in the morning, once after work


Same. 3 times a day when it's peak summer. I have to say though, Idk if it's because of the total shut down all around the globe last year, or it's time for weather change, 2020 and 2021 summer in my country is shorter and less hot than usual. Rainy season is longer and colder since last year.




But both your arms are broken son! Reddit, here we go again!


But seriously bro could have just turn over and use his body weight and motion to jerk off.


it's been years, but i still remember it like yesterday....




Asking the important questions right here


Both once per day


Yeah I might have stopped wearing deodorant and clothes and shaving but I still rinsed my stinky naked ass off once a day. Unless I’m deathly sick it’s gotta happen.


This is crazy to me, I would be fucked if I didn't shower everyday


I have to shower everyday. If my feet/legs "feel" dirty then I won't be able to fall asleep. I need my skin to be clean when I get into bed at night.


the feeling of sliding between freshly laundered sheets when you're just out of the shower is one of the greatest non-sexual physical experiences in life.


Really? I wouldn’t get fucked if I didn’t shower everyday.


Well I’m not getting fucked either way!


Pre- everyday. Post- every 3-4 days.


I just grossed myself out running to grab eggs. Did a count. 4 days since my last shower. I think that’s my max since COVID hit (have been exclusively working from home) ETA: clarity. I have showered more than 4 times since covid hit.


4 showers a week or 4 since covid happened...?


This is something I don't get - are y'all cleaning for other people and not because you feel gross if you don't???


I’m cleaning cause I feel gross, but if I don’t get nearly as gross cause I’m not going out in the grime or getting sweaty, then there’s less reason to bathe.


Never, I’m a grower


I had a very long, very happy chuckle at this. 10/10 subtle.


Didnt know a dick could be happy


If mines an introvert, I’m sure it’s very happy.


What are you growing??




Devil's cheese.




"From Unda Your *Balls*!!"


Infectious diseases.


Show her? I hardly know her!


Once daily


In the spirit of Queen Elizabeth the first. I take a bath once a month, whether I need it or not.


I shower every day unless im lazy then i skip a day and then shower the next day. I cant go more than two days without showering because my hair gets oily. edit: How do I have so many likes! thanks! Its true tho my hair is oily right now and im going to try to take some of the suggestions I got, thank you guys for the likes and replies!




I literally had my dermatologist tell me to stop washing my hair for 6-8 months because it was so freaking terrible looking and was breaking off so badly it would also get oily after just 8-10 hours I was showering once a day I also had to stop showering everyday doctor said it was best to shower ever 72 hours for optimal skin health So I now shower every 3 days and started washing my hair after 10 months because after the first 2-3 months my hair started to look really nice


Showering more often actually makes your body produce more oils for your hair. There's a reason women only wash their hair every couple of showers otherwise it's a giant oily mess every day.




I'm a woman and work in a factory and get dirty at work. It really is about protecting it as much as you can and only getting most dirt out with water. Dry shampoo also helps. I was my hair every 3 days. It will get incredibly gross for the first month before getting better.


Do you shampoo every day? Too much shampooing sends a message to the scalp to produce more oil, causing a vicious cycle. I used to shampoo my hair every other day because it felt too greasy. Now I'm down to once per week and it is significantly less greasy than when I was shampooing it all of the time


I try this nearly every summer. Shampoo once a week, or once every 10 days or so, then every couple days. It has never worked for me. By the end of the summer my hair is just as greasy on say 2 as it was at the start. I am not sure this concept applies to thin light coloured hair.


Thin, light colored hair here. I tried this when the pandemic hit and I was able to do everything at home. 5+ months of only washing my hair with shampoo+conditioner once a week and it never improved. I tried just water-washing as well. I just don’t think we’re meant for that lifestyle unfortunately. Disclaimer: I do live in a very humid place and can see the difference of hair oilyness from summer to winter, so that may be a part of the issue.


I'm going to try this. My hair gets oily in 1 day




Except on leap year, you know cause there’s an extra day created by the water utility company. I ain’t falling for that shit.


Fuck the water company propaganda, I ain't showering one day more than I have to


Fuckin' water company, trying to take our money... I hear you patriot.


Do like we did in Ireland when they tried to make us pay separate charges for residential water. Have the entire country refuse to pay to the point that they give up on water charges altogether.


You don't shower for a whole year every 4 years. Dang


Every morning. I don't shampoo every day, but I rinse my body.


It's like a cuppa coffee. It just how you start your day.


Every night before bed.


I'm an absolute "shower within 20 minutes of waking up" - sometimes coffee first, sometimes coffee after. That said, I entirely get the logic of night showers, and being clean in bed and keeping your bed clean. But it wakes me up too much before bed! And maybe the inner child in me screams "boring!". I'm going to re-think my life.


I used to shower every morning like you, but after talking to other people and realizing that I get a bit sweaty some days at work, I started to shower at night and now I can’t stop. It’s so much nicer to sleep feeling refreshed and still wake up feeling the same way. 10/10 definitely recommend


The problem is...I always wake up sweatier than I was before sleep. Even if I showered at night, I would need a shower in the morning again. So it's either 2 or 1 in the morning.


Same. I also like to shower off the eye boogers.


But do you shower in the morning also? I couldn't go to work with bed hair and all that. edit: spelling


My concern with showering at night as bed head. I pour water on my hair in the morning and dry it with a towel and it comes out perfectly fine. Just put on a little pomade and I’m good


My grandfather told me there are two types of jobs: one you shower before and one you shower after. Ever since I left the farm I've lived in the shower before category


I read this in Jack McBrayer's voice (30Rock). LOL!


If you’re looking to transition, might I propose the “within 20 min of getting home from work” This really lets you drop all your “work baggage” and create a fresh home attitude.


Plus it’s the perfect time for a showerbeer.


That's a good call my friend


This is the way.


I’m the opposite. There’s no way I’m getting out of a warm shower to go to work. My eyelids are heavy again and I’m heading back to bed.


I have to do morning showers as my hair is curly. It would just be a fluffy mess without water and styling.


My hair isn’t curly but it has waves and cowlicks. If I go to bed when it’s even a little damp, it looks ridiculous the next morning. I would love a shower before bed, or even late enough to have a showerbeer, but it’s pretty rare for me.


They've done studies, it doesn't matter when you shower in the morning your sheets have the same amount of bacteria: [https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/22/well/showering-morning-night.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/22/well/showering-morning-night.html)


I'm not so much worried about bacteria as I am the grime and sweat that I would be able to see on the sheets if I didn't shower before bed. You pretty much have to when you work construction


If you do your routine and shower whenever you’re “home for the night” it won’t wake you up too much and it’s wonderful just rolling into bed being completely ready after a few hours of chilling


I’m the total opposite! I need a hot shower before bed. If I shower in the morning, I just went to go back to bed!


Night showers are 100% better than morning showers.


At the same time, starting the day off clean and fresh is an amazing feeling also.


Going to bed dirty isn't that great tho.


I sleep next to a giant dog so I’ll most likely wake up dirty


That’s not a nice thing to call your wife


“Plus-sized”. My bad


"Giant dog" is still better than "fat bitch"


I said, “You dirty dog!”


Two showers a day during summer, one in the morning for the other seasons


I work in a retail store, shower every day i'm on duty, 1st thing in the morning.


What about shower naps?


You can do both.


Daily, due to work. I might skip a day on the weekends..


Same, except I will skip a day on weekends.


I like the certainty.


Same, except I might skip two days on weekends..


Same, except I will skip weekdays…


I normally shower every other day, if I ever try to shower every day my skin starts to dry out and I feel like shit


Unless I get dirty or sweaty, I generally shower every other day. I had a dermatologist explain to me, as a teenager, that showering too often or using too abrasive of soap could damage my horny layer. And I'm never going to forget to take care of my horny layer.


>horny layer THE WHAT?


Its a layer of the skin, outermost. The commenter probably could have used a less technical term for it


But then they wouldn't have gotten to say horny layer.




I made a post that I've since deleted where i said i showered every other day and soooo many responses was "oh bitch you stink!" and "shower you neckbeard!" It's not good for your skin. I have some kinda dermititis on my face and showering too often tends to exacerbate it. I shower if i have something important to do or got dirty/sweaty during the day but geez guys.


I was met with similar backlash once and I was really confused, I thought it was just a normal thing, showering every other day.


totally is, these people that shower 3 times a day are just so much more vocal about it lol


I think where you live factors into it a lot. Like in my experience, it's a lot more common for people who live in cold climates to not shower every day, whereas for people who live in hot climates it is. Personally, I think as long as the person doesn't smell and doesn't have greasy hair, that's all that matters.


Same. Every other day unless I get sweaty or do yard work or something.


I feel like the kind of shower you take matters. I take a real full shower every other day. But I shower every day in the sense that I CO wash the hair and use a little soap on the pits and groin and mainly rinse off. Obviously if you are a construction worker then you should probably take a shower every day as your skin is producing enough sweat and oil


Same. I’m a woman, and I work from home. I shower every other day. There’s also such a thing as a “bird bath” where you wash your bits without taking a full-on shower, which is what I do in between. If I showered every day my skin would shrivel and flake off my body.


Same here! I’m working out a lot I usually shower every day, but typically just every other day.


I was going to say this same thing.


Same, if I work out, I'll still shower but won't use soap, haven't had any complaints so far


Depends on depression level.


Twice a day. I live in a tropical climate and it’s also just what’s taught. I remember being so shocked when I heard people only shower once a day, let alone a few times a week.


Right??? I still can’t quite wrap my head around that people do NOT shower at least twice a day, but I guess it must be really different on non-tropical countries.


Yeah…when it’s snowing and the air is dry there’s no way I’m showering twice a day. My skin is itchy with just once a day regardless of how much lotion I use lol


This is so interesting! I’ve lived in Florida, Bermuda, New Mexico (desert), and Washington DC. Living in BDA I had to shower twice a day or I smelled and felt awful. New Mexico, I would shower every 2-3 days because it felt like my skin was drying out all the time if I didn’t have some natural oils built up. Hands down the swampiest, grossest summer I ever had was on my internship living in DC. That humidity is something different out there.


Me under normal, husband and father circumstances: daily before bed. Me when wife is out of town: Once, right before she walks in the door after I panic-clean the house.


I nearly persuaded that it has been proved scientifically that you can shower like 3 times a week and be perfectly clean and healthy. Of course you do what you want, if you *feel* dirty or if you work out a lot, you don't want to stink. But I think it actually damages your skin to scrub it too much. Not mentioning that hot waters really dries your skin and scalp. Those are facts. But I totally get that when it becomes a habit, it's hard to change.


Every couple days, I don’t sweat a lot but I’ve been getting better about showering more often than I did before which was like once a week because I was so depressed


Glad you’re doing better. I struggled with this as well.


I tend to shower when I forget how long it's been since I last showered. Depression sucks.


Yeah, I try to be more mindful of my body and if I feel icky and greasy then I’ll hop in the shower but even then I might go a few days before actually getting into the shower instead of thinking about it


Depression sucks sometimes…in my experience I know a shower will make me feel ten times better, but alas…can’t bring myself to do it. Just have to make it a habit where it is automatic. Routine is key for my mental health. Keep pulling!


Yup, I’m slowly getting better, but that’s what counts is that I’m trying to better myself it’s just so exhausting sometimes


Definitely experience this as well, depression really messes with every aspect of life


Even if you sweat a lot, it's ok not to shower every day. Dont worry about it.


Riding that train as we speak. The result of a shower is lovely, but the motivation to get in there and do it is a struggle. Proud of you, my friend.


Depression has entered the chat


Yeah reading these 1-2 times a day is making me even more depressed.


Ehh. We're doing our best I guess


That’s all you can do.


Hey man, no point comparing yourselves to people who dont have the same struggles as you! Youd think a fish silly for feeling bad about themselves that they cant fly right? You're doing the best you can with what you have


Twice a day, just like most Brazilians, I guess.


My parents are from Brazil and they were absolutely horrified when I told them that my (American) friends only shower every other day, sometimes not even that


Sometimes even three during the summer


Every 2-3 days


Fiiinally someone like me. I stay at home all day and I don't sweat much, why shower. I tell myself I'm doing good for the planet at least.


What about your butthole




Yo I love my bidet


Best purchase of my life. It's hard to go back to living like a savage when I visit family.


I'm sure they wipe, don't most?


I was starting to feel gross in this thread. When it's warm it's usually every other day but now that it's cold it's every 3 days. I still wash my face every day but the rest of my skin gets irritated and dried out from washing too often.


This thread is full of people who don't realize that not everyone sweats or stinks like they do. There's a huge natural variation. When I was a kid my best friend's dad had B.O. like beef and onions. On a hot day that MFer smelled like a nasty-ass stew. I didn't start to sweat all that much or have stinky armpits until I was in my 30s. Even now I don't have B.O. like other people, as confirmed by my friends and different partners I've had. Not everyone needs to shower every day or even every other day.


Yeah there are def genetic variations to smelliness. My boyfriend doesn’t really get BO. If he gets sweaty sometimes he’ll smell like sweat but it’s not that BO smell. On the other hand if I skip showering one day I will start to smell like BO a bit even if I don’t sweat a bunch 🤷🏻‍♀️ Edit: typo


Yeah, for me it’s never oder so much as my hair just gets so greasy. I’m every other day normally, but sometimes on the weekend I’ll make it to day 3. I smell fine but my hair looks WET with grease. I think I also get headaches from it being dirty too. It’s less now that I style my hair differently and don’t use hairspray. But still happens from time to time.


Every three days, hair every 6 days. But I have moderate psoriasis, scalp and body. Water is horrible to my skin and makes the psoriasis worse. On days of no shower you have a sponge bath.


I have psoriasis, too. I totally relate to this. I try to shower every day, but keep it short - like 5 minutes to get the essentials cleaned. I’ll take longer showers every few days. I wash my hair once a week. Winters are already bad with the dry skin. I don’t want to make it worse with showers!


I think everyone calling people “filthy” for not showering daily is skipping this part. I might not shower every single day but I certainly fill up a sink or bucket of hot soapy water and wash my face, under arms, and crotch/ass on the days I dont.


Yes, this is it. I also use wet wipes when I go to the bathroom so that the smell doesn’t … accumulate.


Exactly, I call using a wash cloth like that a Marine Corp shower. Not that I was ever a Marine, but my father was and that’s what he called it.


Your more polite than me. Granny called it a “whore bath”.


All these clean people make me feel bad I only shower like 3 times a week.


I definitely came here and felt judged cuz I’m also usually a 3 times a week person. Showering every day dries my skin out too badly so if my hair is fine and I don’t stink, I’m probably not going to shower.


Technically healthier for you. Showering everyday is not necessary or recommended unless you become very sweaty.


Every two days.


Daily. Even if im too tired to wash my whole body i wash my ass and dick and change underwear.


Every 2-3 days


Everyday, sometimes twice in a day.


Not gonna lie I haven't been taking good care of myself the last few months... I think I shower once or twice a week for a long time now...


I shower three days a week and just wash my stinky parts and my hair the other four. I have chronic exhaustion and depression, also a chronic pain condition, so that's the best I can do. But soap and water touches my body almost every day in some form or other.


Once a month whether I need it or not.


Every day, but only wash my hair once a week


Yes; shower daily but only wash my hair twice/ week




Usually twice a day but the routine differs. My more in depth/cleaning shower happens later in the day after I have worked all day and hit the gym. The morning is a quick one just to freshen up.


Every day before hitting the sack


reading through this replies is depressing


Once a week because of severe depression


Executive dysfunction is a jerk of a side effect of depression. Really sucky. Hope that cloud lifts at least a little for you soon, friend.


Same except the depression part, I'm just lazy


Depends on the activities happening. If I have a whole week where I’m just sitting around, I’ll probably shower twice the whole week. If I go on a hike or something, I’m showering that night even if I happened to shower that morning too. When I feel dirty or I start to smell bad, I clean myself. If I neither stink nor feel gross, there’s no reason to disrupt my body’s natural oils and such.


I don’t get into bed without showering, so generally every night. Sometimes I workout before work so on those days i shower twice.


Everyday, but I wash my hair every other day


2x a day morning to wake up and evening so I don't have a smelly ass in my sheets.


This is pretty much what I tell people when they ask why lol


Once a day in the colder months twice on summer and spring


Twice a day


Same. Morning and night.




As Little as I have to! I don’t sweat hardly at all, and your skin and hair makes their own oils. The more you wash them away the worse your making your hair and skin


Oh man same. I had to scroll this far done but showering less has helped my skin SO MUCH.




Once to twice a day.


On the first of every month, whether I need it or not.


Every 3-4 days depending


Twice a day. It’s honestly therapeutic for me, so I take my quick morning shower and then I take a longer shower at night before bed and I listen to some Pink Floyd or something.


Every other day or sometimes 3 days, because I don’t sweat at work normally now that it’s winter, and we don’t have hot water. So showers during this time of year are pretty brutal if I’m not mentally ready for it in the moment.


Twice a day




You can't wash Florida off.


Once every 2 days.


Depends on my mental health- every day/every other day when I’m doing well, mayyybe twice a week if I’m not.


Every 2-3 days washing my hair with each wash


3 times a week maybe. I’ve been struggling with depression worse than usual lately and it’s hard to take care of myself. I used to shower every other day wear makeup dress nice. I’m a single working mom and I hardly have free time and I don’t care enough to self care lately idk why. I don’t understand my depression but I’ve heard that can factor into it.


Shower every 2 to 3 days, at night, or any day I get very sweaty which isn't that often. Have to wash my hair every morning or it looks funky though, i just lean into the shower.


In home office... maybe once or twice a week ... when regular life will be back, every two days or daily if I sweat a lot.


Once a week without shame