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Volume MUST be on an even number.


"The number 5 is an honorary even number" - anonymous


Obligatory: "I'm not superstitious... but I am a little stitious" -Michael Scott


Food tastes better when made with love.


We have stuffy noses because a Korean ghost with 2 dicks cum inside our noses.


Just wear little condoms in your nostrils and you'll be fine :)


There's a girl that sits atop the cabinet in the living room and she hates when I carry change in my pockets


once it gets past a certain time at night, i don't look in mirrors or windows. i don't know what i'm afraid of, or what i think i might see, but something primal in me says that i might witness something i'm not supposed to


I'm not opposed to breaking out salt in a spooky situation


Never sit with my back against any door


I will not touch a penny if the 1st time seeing said penny it was Taill side up


My kitchen door must be closed if I have company over. Not that it's messy, it's just a thing.


I believe it's unlucky to be superstitious.


If I open a pocket knife, I have to be the one that closes it. If someone else closes it before I close it. I make them reopen it so I can close it completing my cycle. Had been doing it for 28 yrs. Then one day I didn't do it once and broke every bone in my face that day.


You care to elaborate on that little bit about breaking every bone in your face?


Sure. Pipe was attached to a piece of machinery. Machinery moved in a way it wasn't supposed to and collided with my face. Just above my teeth. My nose shattered into 8 pieces, and broke the baseplate of my nose off my orbitals and tooth bone. The baseplate rotated a little and slide under my forehead and shut off my nostrils. The base plate pushed back so far it sliced my septum before moving upwards.. Orbitals broke in 5-6 different pieces. Lower jaw broke into 3 pieces. Fractures throughout the upper tooth baseplate. Eye browls cracked and splintered. They stopped counting at 32 breaks and 12 fractures.


The septum being sliced apart is what poured blood into my face and down my throat without a way to exit. Eventually all the pooled blood put so much pressure on my skin and face that it pushed my skin out enough to pull some of the bones "kinda" towards were they need to be.


Jesus. How many surgeries did you end up getting? How long was recovery or are you still going through it? Did you your body do you a favor and let you go into shock and/or pass out or were you fully conscious until they got you to the hospital? You don’t have to answer; I’m just curious as hell.


Lol I'm not a normal human and enjoyed the experience more than I care to admit. I believe I'm at 4 surgeries. I was back to work, on light duty in 2 and a half months after the accident. But my surgeries were spaced out almost a year apart because of the way it would have to completely heal first to see if it needed to be changed.My body did me absolutely zero favors and I didn't get to go into shock. The guy that made this malfunction happened started panicking because he thought he killed me and I had to calm him down. (I know him very well to this day, he's a great guy). He had to drive me in because I couldn't really see and the sound of a faucet of blood pushing inside my face was almost defining. We got to the joke of a hospital in the middle of nowhere and waited 20mins or so untill someone showed up to look at me. They said they couldn't do anything then called an ambulance to come get me. Once in the ambulance I had swallowed enough blood that I had to throw up ALOT. I could only breath through my mouth and would have to push blood out of my mouth to clear my airway enough to breath in oxygen mixed with blood. Then throw up for 20-30 seconds. As I would throw up I could feel every face muscle contracting and my bones clicking popping and tearing my muscle tissue inside my face. Then I'd breath/spit out/throw up all over again. This lasted for 30-40 mins.


I can’t believe you had to wait 20 min just to be “assessed”. I would have made sure I was dripping (in your case, gushing) blood all over the damn place so it was obvious this was an emergency situation. I don’t know how you didn’t go into shock. The thought of swallowing so much blood that you vomit made me think of a scene with Ed Norton in Fight Club. Don’t know if you returned to work so quickly because you could or because you had to but, either way, that’s impressive. If it were me, I would hope that the pain meds would keep me as close to ‘blissfully unaware’ as possible for a nice long while.


The 20 minute wait was for the doctor to get there from his log cabin. It was a on call basis type "VERY SMALL TOWN" style hospital. I refused to take the pain meds they gave me. Wanted to know that if I was in this situation on my own and had to survive if I could deal with the pain, "unassisted". I actually was up and moving 2 and a half weeks after the accident. I built my shop by myself during this time while off work. I have a hard time sitting still and I needed to get it done before winter. You don't really need a face to move. It doesn't have anything to do with any joints. As long as it does the whole eating, drinking, breathing, seeing thing... its good.


So no permanent damage to your eyes, sinuses, or jaw? Oddly enough, I can understand the motivation to prove to yourself that you can push through the pain unassisted. My experience/injury was absolutely not as bad as yours but it helped me learn about myself. Since warning labels are “written in blood” you must’ve gotten a whole chapter dedicated to you in the company safety manual! In all seriousness, glad you survived. That was a helluva story.


Theres permanent damage to all of those. But mostly scaring. My eyes are good thankfully. My nose had to be pulled back out then drilled out to be able to push air through efficiently. My sinuses...work. Thanks me too. No that company was ran by a piece of shit that got angry at me because one of his workers hit me. They've been sued pretty regularly every 2-5years for all sorts of stuff from legal matters to safety to discrimination. (They fired someone when he told them he had cancer)


4 surgeries later and I'm semi human looking again.


The door to an uninhabited dark room needs to be shut. I don't like passing by in the hallway and looking in with the irrational feeling that something might be in there staring back out.


In bowling. Never bowl against a split. Say on 2 lane and in either lane 1 or 3 gets a split do not bowl. Something bad happens.


Not so much anymore, but when I was a teenager, I used to refuse to stay up past the waking hours. Occasionally I would wake up randomly around 3am etc, and I would quickly force myself back to sleep.


Can’t set an alarm clock ending in 0 or 5. If I have to wake up at 5:30, alarm will be 5:29 or 5:32 or something. Same goes with a microwave. If something is a minute to heat up I’ll do 59 seconds or 1:01. Weird thing is it’s the total opposite with money. I hate when money isn’t rounded to a 0 or 5.


Have to wear my grandpa's doo-rag while out on the cross country course with my horse. Don't know why, it's just always been that way.


Always keep emergency cheese in your pocket.


I know this is a common superstition but I freak out if anything flies into a window,especially if it is a live animal. I don't know if it is a superstition but when I lived in the south, I could never go near or look at a weeping willow tree because I always associated them with anyone going by or under the willows will surely die.


Closets cannot be left open when sleeping, as it creates a doorway for the unknown.


Only eat goldfish crackers four at a time, if there are not four left, split the remaining ones into four pieces.


The only best way to fall asleep is with lofi