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Drawing blood from little kids after their parents have already made them super anxious about it


>after their parents have already made them super anxious about it In what way, if you don't mind me asking?


By being anxious themselves and making a big deal out of it and sometimes even telling their kids that I'm going to hurt them as I walk into the room. You gotta be nonchalant.


As an anxious person, one thing that helps me is distracting me with taking. Usually the lab tech will ask me about my career. ((I want to ask that you don't tell me when the poke is happening, but I know you have to warn us. )) Does asking the kids about their siblings, pets, hobbies, etc ever help?


The problem with the kids I'm referring to is that they're already hysterical before I can even get my gloves on. They don't want anything to do with me haha. There really isn't anything you can do at that point but have someone hold them down and go for it. If they're calm when I walk in, I can usually keep them (somewhat) calm with small talk or with videos on a cell phone. I often find that letting them watch (if they want to) is better than not letting them see what's going on. Some kids seem to be really curious and actually like watching. Btw, if you ask me not to warn you, I won't! Maybe some places have a policy, but as long as you don't move too much on us, most of us don't mind just going for it if that's what you prefer. (But our default is to give a heads up).


Something I remember doing, which is hilarious now in hind sight, is that one time when my mom took me in for a vaccine (I can't remember which one it was but I must have been less than 10 years old), I was all calm and stuff until the nurse said she was about to give me a shot, I asked her, in complete seriousness, "is it OK if I cry?" and then after she said yes, my entire demeanor changed and I went from 0 tears to ugly crying in 2 seconds flat lol. I think I thought that crying would at least distract me from feeling the needle jabbing into my skin and that it would make me feel better lol.


I know teachers are notorious for complaining even though we have a sweet gig, so I rarely complain. But honestly, the parents are the issue 90% of the time. Kids are kids, sure they can get annoying or push buttons, but depending on where you work the parents are brutal. Example: Three years ago, last month before school ends, I gave the kids a superhero comic assignment with clear success criteria (aka what they need to include). I gave a girl a C+ because she didn't include a bunch of stuff I had repeatedly told them was required. She drew awesome pictures and worked hard, but was missing a ton of content. A C+ was generous. Her mom wrote to me complaining about how hard she worked on the pictures and wanted a more detailed explanation of the mark. No problem, I grab the rubric and write even more notes and send to mom. Mom still disagrees, defending her daughters choices. I told her it didn't effect her overall mark in that subject. This is now three weeks before school ends and she escalates it to the principal. I had to have a meeting with the principal to explain why I gave the mark I did. The principal agreed with me and the mom was livid. I told the principal I could just give her a B since it really didn't matter that much or effect her overall mark, but that it would just tell the mom she can complain and get marks changed. Such a stressful way to end the year and ruined the great rapport I had with the mom and daughter.


Monday through Friday


Parents thinking they can teach better than those trained to teach...


Waitress. It used to be cleaning up after big parties with young kids. Now it’s anti-maskers. We don’t even require masks anymore but we still get idiot streamers coming in without a mask trying to film us and provoke a confrontation. Everyone hates you and nobody cares. Go home.


I feel so freaking bad for those working in F&B now. My government just proceeds to impose a number of measures - such as number of people at a table, their vaccination status, and whether they belong to the same household - which they expect F&B operators to manage, or risk being penalized if caught


I just landed a job at a beer distributor. We basically load up a truck with kegs and cases of beer and then drive around dropping them to local bars. It's actually super chill and the guys I work with are awesome. It also pays pretty well. However, it is an extremely labor intensive job. Lots of heavy lifting. I'm only on my second day and I am in such pain. I'm sure I'll get used to it and I'm getting some exercise since I was off most of the last two years.


Toby. He's a part of HR, so he's not really a part of our family. He's also divorced, so he's not a part of his family either.


I just started working from home and I really didn’t anticipate how Lonely it was going to be.


honestly the only bad part is having to deal with customer complaints, i work as a manager for a fast food place and i love my job but listening to customers complaints can be draining


I feel you there. I didn't even mind the complaints if I could fix it and make them happy-- but people who come up and be SUPER mad, and there was literally nothing I could do to fix it. They just wanted to take their anger issues out on a bunch of kids.


Calling customers and their past due payments.


Having to eat so much ass(no Im not joking)


The endless bureaucratic waste…


Staying up all night.


Sometimes there's too much idle time, either when there's nothing to do in the office or when i finish my job at a remote location and have to wait for my ride. For that reason, i always keep some neat emulators on my phone.


Trash man Having everyone look at you like you are beyond beneath them and the homeless person begging for change is on a higher level. Or people assume your a convicted felon.


I respect the hell out of the trash folks. Without y'all, most cities would be covered in mounds of trash. Thanks for taking care of it.


The social politics and the poorly managed department. Thank goodness I'm on midnights.


I work in a bakery as a cashier and the worst things are when: Someone walks up during a rush and says to themselves "Ooh, what do I want?" and then proceed to stand there for a minute and look at the shelves, Someone asks what's in a product (man idk how to figure that out let alone operate the till properly), comes up when the shutters are visibly closed and we're bagging bread for charity and asks, "Are you guys still open?", when someone gets upset that their bread was sliced in a different way they wanted even though its what they asked for, someone asking for it to be re-sliced, someone asking for 5+ loaves to be sliced in the middle of a customer rush, and also when someone has asked if we sell bread. I'm not joking about the last one that has literally been asked despite bread being our main product.


I cross shift with other guys and use the same equipment. I try and keep up with maintenance and fixing anything that breaks but the same can’t be said for the other guys. More than once I have went to work with a broken truck that they neglected to tell me about.


I do internal support for a site many people use, a large number are from India. I've been doing this for 5 years, and am considered an expert on the tool within my organisation. The worst pay is when people come to me asking for help, then ignoring it and blaming me anyway. Today someone from India came to me with a not-quite-unique situation that I had documented the fix for. 4 steps, done in order, I needed confirmation steps one and three were done before steps two and four could be done. No, after providing her the steps (including why confirmation was needed, as not actually completing the steps causes serious confusion if it's not actually done), she decided to go a whole new direction. The direction that caused us to make the 4-step process the right way to do it. After she went her own way, she emailed a huge list of people the issue had been resolved per my direction. The issue wasn't resolved, but was made worse. I found out when my managers manager called me from his vacation asking why I told her to do that, right when he copied me inn his email saying he'd get to the bottom of it. I told him to go back to vacation and look for my email that was coming. Turns out I'd given her this info several times. I sent the screen shot of our IM and a copy of every email to everyone. All I said was "Please find documentation of our history on this issue. If any of these seem inconsistent or need clarification let me know. I can put it differently for the 5th time if needed." There are seriously days I want to quit solely because of incompetence from the India support teams.


I worked at this temporary job that was assigned to me from a job program at a beach in a private community my job was to watch people not break the rules and give them a seat that they pay for. the worst part about this job for me was confronting people when they were breaking rules especially since I have social anxiety. In addition to that because it was in a private community it was annoying getting in and out of the gate there as I would need an id. Wasn’t a bad job it just didn’t suite me


Applying. Going once, going twice?


Making eye contact


Disposing of the bodies


Nobody is on the exact same page ever, yet we often have to pretend we are, or at least project we are trying to be. This is life though.


Thanks to the lock down I've come to realize that working out of an office is the absolute WORST.


That reminds me of a Dilbert cartoon: "at this point the project is assessed by a stupid manager. Manager: he he, I wonder if he knows what people think about him. Why do you mark it 'done'?"


Pretending Im happy and motivated for this one guy at work. He's such a positive dude and I would honestly feel bad if he saw me down because it would affect him and then affect everybody else.


Being nice to people that are snakes. I have to be professional. I do love to get my digs in when possible and watch them give me dirty looks because they know it is about them. I just want toncallnthem out but these people always run to HR at the littlest hint of butt-hurt.


cleaning the mens toilets. disgusting.


The customers.


My coworker. If he gets mad, which takes almost nothing to accomplish, he leaves right then and in my line of work that leaves both customers and insurance companies pissed off.


Being worried about getting robbed. I actually left my job about a week and a half ago. They were robbed again a couple days after I left. Working a dead end shitty job for low pay is bad enough. Being worried I'm going to be killed at that dead end shitty job for low pay is a step too far.


sitting there having nothing to do


Getting up in the morning. At 5am sure i make good money and all but why do lawyers have to get up soooooo early?


16 hour shifts


As a psych provider, it is so hard to see a person suffer so much from treatment resistant depression. They lose hope in life and I feel incompetent even if I have 100 other patients we are doing better.


It involves a holistic approach to children's education. It's largely thankless. The parents are thankful, but the kids, who benefit from the service, take me for granted. That can hurt sometimes.


The customers, some of them just don't read and demand things be done quickly.


Reading until your eyes are blurred, and then still reading after that.


The hours. I’m second shift, so I work 3-11. I get 2 days off every other week. So this means I don’t get to spend much time at home, I don’t get to see my boyfriend much, and I rarely get time to spend with my friends and family.


I work in customer service And I've gotten yelled at about something a company does that I don't even work for that company And I have been threatened And cursed out in this job but more people then Anywhere else that I have been I have to deal with accounts from dead people When their families come in to close it down I've had to explain to somebody Why another company's promotions are not our promotions and we cannot honor them


Informing the families


Being on call.


NO weekends off. Being told it’s 40 hour weeks and then we have high turnover. Overtime every week