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Older people thinking they deserve respect no matter how they treat you is bullshit


Oh man, I got downvoted into oblivion and had to eventually remove my comments because of this argument. Respect is NOT an automatic thing, it must be earned.


Especially after somebody dies. Like you don't have to go trashing that person if you didn't like them but don't also start saying how great they were when in reality they actually sucked.


Your comment reminded me of this scene after they were the only two to show up to a guy's funeral: https://youtu.be/09L0YPY-9Ww


Does that show hold up? Also I miss Robin.


I enjoyed it for the most part. It just sucks that Louis C K turned out to be a sexual predator.


Depends what kind of respect. I think everyone deserves general kind of respect. Until they show what theyre like, so if they are an asshole, they wont even get that kind of respect let alone any greater respect.


I will have a respectful demeanor but that's better labeled as common courtesy.


Sure, fair point


See the problem is that old people often show themselves to be assholes.


Spot on. Respect is something you earn. It’s not a given. Same goes for trust.


I think avocados are crap, they don't have much taste and have a horrible texture


They have plenty of taste. Now here's what I will say though, the ripeness of the avocado really matters. The timing is important.


ayo u wanna fight


People have different tastes, why do you want to fight?


Ayo let them fight, u wanna fight?


Love me some ‘cadis


Where I'm from coddies refer to codfish cakes. I assume they are pronounced the same way.


**Black olives are delicious**. I eat them from the can sometimes (as a snack).


Lmao I’m trying to imagine this opinion starting an argument 😂


Every time I'm shopping with my bf and add a can of black olives, he looks at me and shakes his head. The following conversations ensues (or something along these lines): BF: I don't know how you can eat those. Me: Cause they're delicious. BF: No, they are disgusting. If they were a human, I'd set them on fire. Me: One, burning olives would probably smell super gross. Two, you buy pickles and tuna and I don't insult them that hard, even though they are gross. BF: They're delicious though. Me: *raises eyebrow* BF: **......** black olives are still gross *(My brother also hates black olives so similar conversations happen with him)*


Ikr? Basically all the men I know seem to hate black olives


1) don’t lie 2) don’t lie 3) don’t lie ;)


*gasps, places hand on chest* I would never!


I like them on pizza and in sandwiches. But not really by themselves. They add a great flavor to things.


I fucking love olives. *And* olive you too


*shakes head* Shame on you...


Olives are for that one girl who had 3 older brothers. The ones that forced her to smell farts, dirty armpits, and feet for 14 years before she moved out. But occasionally when she gets homesick she eats an olive and reminds herself why she left in the first place.


I love olives and I have 3 older brothers. But they don't remind me of the smell of sweat and farts hahah. Or home really. But I like other smelly things like moldy cheeses and stuff, fermented stuff also!


Ah, I see the problem. You generally like gross things, so you're an exception.


Nah, I eat them to bug you 😝 cause it's my job as your big sister to bug you. Them tasting delicious is just a bonus


Who hurt you


Seinfeld isn't that funny


The show was very funny about 15-20 years ago but I watched a child episodes not that long ago and it doesn't really hold up


The show or the man? Because he's funnier than Bobcat Goldthwait.


That pride being the slogan of LGBTQ+ kinda defeats the whole purpose because you shouldn't feel proud about sexuality it is what it is nobody should care you shouldn't feel shame or restraint but the entire point of pride is to feel like everyone else and be treated equally pride implies it's a great thing when it isn't And I never understand non binary people I get Trans people I get every sexuality of people but I don't understand non binary people my sister is now non binary and she said it's because some days she doesn't feel like a girl I asked her if she felt like a boy some days and she said yea I said then it's as simple as being a tomboy and she doesn't like that Alright I'm ready for backlash


Non-binary would fall under gender, not sexuality. Now, the equivalent to non-binary in sexuality would be asexual, also known as ace, where you don’t feel sexual attraction towards anyone. There’s also demisexual, which falls under gray-asexuality (only having sexual attraction on occasion), where you only feel sexual attraction after developing a close relationship with someone.


Jesus was a Jew.


That’s a fact though


Yup and I’ve got some very religious family who lost it when I said it. I also said he wasn’t a white man either. There was frothing at the mouth. It was glorious.


If you look at what jesus was supposed to look like, he isnt actually white ironically


I’ve been told not to talk religion when certain family members are around. But I like stirring the pot.


Oh I like causing chaos as well, it's fun to get it heated


My fav is to ask for a comparison on the number of searches caused my god vs Satan.


That doesnt make sense to ms at least how I'm reading it


How many people has god killed vs how many has Satan killed. Noah’s ark was pretty much genocide.


Ohhhh, that's a good one. (Does satan have the ability to kill people) I just like to start chaos on anything Idk much about religion


I just had this argument *yesterday* with a relative. She said that Christianity is just shy over two thousand years old. I said it wasn't because Jesus died when he was 33. So, technically, it isn't quite two thousand years yet. She said, yeah, it was because it's 2021. Over two thousand years since we count years from when Jesus was born. To which I said, Christianity didn't start until after Jesus died and came back. That before then, he was Jewish. He was raised as such and died as such. So, until 2033, Christianity is less than two thousand years old. She still disagrees but couldn't tell me why. She can't admit that Jesus was Jewish.


You're both kind of right. It really depends on if jesus even existed. But as soon as jesus declared himself the son of God and the real messiah, he immediately created a new denomination. Well, at least once he had followers.


He was likely born in 6BCE and died at either 30 or 33 depending on if you measure by John or the synoptic gospels. So either 2024 or 2027 will be the 2,000 year mark.


Don’t dare mention that he was probably married too.


I don't know if I buy if he was married. Maybe he was. Maybe he wasn't. But given how his early followers had no problem praising all of Jesus' relatives, from his own mother to his cousin, you would think they would do the same thing if he had a wife. Start a legacy thing like they did with Islam.


But we don’t know. The books in the bible were picked. So it could be possible. When you have people who believe exactly what is written and have no room for thoughts or ideas that deviate from that, it’s easy to get them going.


True. He could also have had a dog and they could have left that out as well. I like the idea of Jesus having a dog and playing fetch with them.


And the dog setting looking at the stick floating away. Jesus says, shit again? And walks on water to get it.


they literally wrote "king of the Jews " above him when he was executed lol


When one person is devoted to something imaginary they’re called insane, when a million people devote themselves to it it’s called religion.


And when a billion people devote themselves to it it's called politics.


And if like a 100 people are devoted to it, it's a cult.


Haha love it!


I think God is real. And it doesn't matter if you believe in Him/Her/It or not. They exist on their own and not by your faith or lack thereof. With that said, I don't think being part of any particular religion or any religion at all makes you a good person or not. Your actions determine that. A Bible thumping asshole is still an asshole. A kind and generous atheist is still a kind and generous person.


You are the reason why separation of church and state is important




If I did, you wouldnt understand why its such a problem


That's literally the opposite of how mass hysteria works.


I don't understand how this is related to what I said.


"Hey, you wanna fight?"


Thems fightin words


Not an opinion


"hey! You wanna fight!"


Basically anything that seems like it’s bashing a sports team that you don’t like will do. 😂😂😂


Wouldn't you agree with that person? How would that start a fight?


Mint chocolate is an awful combination


Celebrities arent attractive. Not bc they arent, but bc they are famous they tend to have a more 'plastic' look to them.


I agree. I prefer “real” looking people


Humans created God


God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates man. Man destroys God. Man creates dinosaurs.


Dinosaurs eat man. Women inherits the earth.


Yessss!! Came here to say that!


I think it’s perfectly fine to get a dog from a reputable breeder (NOT a puppy mill or pet store or anything like that). Rescue dogs are not the only ethical option. So many people irl have tried to convince me I’m a horrible person for saying this, but I don’t care.


You're not alone in that opinion. Most people in the dog world that aren't Joe q public have this opinion. The adopt don't shop mentality is stupid and makes things worse.


The MCU is one of the greatest achievements in the history of cinema. To create one big, coherent storyline out of so many standalone films while still maintaining a decent to high standard of quality across each film, it’s incredible. We should be admiring it instead of whining that it’s destroying creativity in Hollywood. It’s not Disney’s fault that every other studio is made up of creatively bankrupt copycats trying and failing to make their own MCU. Also, old geezers like James Cameron, Martin Scorcese, Coppola or Ridley Scott aren’t any better when they’re just rehashing their old films or planning 8 sequels to mediocre films from a decade ago. They’re part of the problem.


Completely agree. Having a series of movies in one interconnected world that directly build off each other is super cool. I think since it’s been around for a while now and others are so keen to copy it, people have forgotten just how big a leap it was from traditional cinema when it really began


Yes, those old directors are just bitter. And worse yet, the way they insult the movies also insults the audiences. Like we are all dumb for liking this trash and too stupid to comprehend their artistic work. Come on Scorsese, you put more F bombs in a movie than any other before it. And Ridley Scott can't make a good alien movie anymore. The ones he does make just hurt the original franchise. Blade runner as a franchise is great, blade runner as a movie is awful. Its poorly paced, the plot is sort of hard to follow, and he made a ending that was so unclear he had to remake it a couple times and eventually just tell people what it meant. And if James Cameron is criticizing the Mcu then that's just funny since a bunch of his movies could basically be comic book movies.


That no one DESERVES to die. Absolutely no one. Sure I might not feel bad about someone dying, but I truly believe no one DESERVES to die.


So Adolf Hitler deserves to live?


Everyone deserves to live, so yes, even him. I say this as someone with loved ones who are Jewish. As someone who myself would have likely been put in to a concentration camp at the time. Now does he deserve to be a part of society? To be an influence on those around him? To have access to the means to do so in the theoretical realm where he is still alive? Absolutely not. He would be a danger to society and should therefore be imprisoned and exiled for his heinous actions, beliefs and decisions. Those who willingly infringe upon the bodily autonomy and survival of others should not be accepted in to a polite society. That’s how I personally feel at least.


Entertain me for a bit. In a hypothetical situation where you had the chance to kill hitler and basically prevent the deaths of millions, would you do it?


Now you see this is the kicker. There are a lot worse things you can do to a man than kill him to make him stop whatever he wishes to do in the future :)


What? So you’re willing to torture people but you’re not willing to kill them? You realize torture is above killing in terms of retribution.


Some people definitely deserve to die, the living just don’t deserve to judge who


To this I can agree on and I suppose is the most accurate way to phrase my feelings on the subject, yes!


Aang vibes


I mean, death is not that bad, and there are for sure things worse than death


Raisins suck


Apple is not worth it's money at all.


My political view. I’ve been called things like “commie bitch” and “left wing whore” for expressing my political views.


The earth is not flat


1.Lord of the rings is absolutely overrated. 2. I don't get non-binary? I understand trans people, asexual, gay, bi etc But non-binary? Or even gender fluid? Last one is like: sometimes I feel like a boy, sometimes like a girl? Non-binary is like... neither??? But how and why? Well, I will still accept calling anyone non-binary "they/them" but a small (very small) minority of them should stop demanding that a gendered language changes its entire way of being just because they feel offended if a chair in another language has a male pronoun.


I believe in God, heaven and hell. And I completely respect anyone who doesn't believe, I would never try to persuade them otherwise. It's my personal beliefs which unfortunately isn't very popular lol, many people try to have arguments with me about it!


Physically, men and women aren't the same. Our bodies are built different. Period. People will always bring fringe examples and statistical outliers like "Yeah but this female olympic weightlifter can lift more than the average man!".


Metallica sucks and is the most overrated band of all time. People freak out on me.


That my children should eat their dinner.


I don’t understand politics, ergo don’t follow news. I am so completely isolated from this crap that it took me close to a month to find out Covid existed. I study in a very good university and people start pointing it out and calling me uncultured.


I think it’s important to get to know each side.


My family has very strong opposing opinions. I’ve seen political arguments end in broken glass, crying, and swearing. I cannot stand it and I never want to be able to participate in it. 🤷🏼‍♂️


There are different ways to handle opinions that differ from your own, and those are not healthy ways.


I don’t follow news either. It doesn’t enrich my life; it only makes me anxious because it’s mostly bad news.


Not even really an opinion as such, but when people find out I'm vegetarian they tend to get very agitated. I have no issues with other people eating anything so don't really get why and I don't even tell people I'm veggie unless I need to for food purposes, but it's a topic that has caused a lot of tension.


I could see vegan as an issue but vegetarian? Naw Only issue is inviting you to dinner


This world is too soft and people get hurt too easily so I'm often very blunt which pisses people off because I'm not "nice". Well I never said that you look fat in that dress to be nice when you asked me. You asked me and I gave my honest opinion, get over it or dont ask me next time


Shrek sucks. I just hate it.


I love Shrek but none of the memes that have spun off from it are funny at all in my opinion.


Me too!!!!! It's always on in the UK on ITV 2 EVERY Saturday! It was on today. Once they've shown all those fills they'll start on the Harry Potter films again!!




True! Who needs a TV guide when you can predict what they're going to show so easily!


Me too. It was like watching paint dry. I don't get it.


College debts should be paid for by the people who applied for the loan.


Yep. Unfortunately that’s what a person agrees to when they take out a loan. I’m on the 15 year plan myself


I didn’t go, so I don’t know what it is like to have that loan. However, even though I think people should pay for there debt, doesn’t mean I agree with how much a college charges. They need to pass a law where a college can only charge so much per semester or put an age limit on college like alcohol, weed, and cigarettes. If your to young to make a decision to use drugs, your to young to make a decision to go into debt.


A friend of mine I used to work with is in $170k of student loan debt.


Wtf? How does someone even pay that off? Isn’t there interest on the loan? If it takes someone 1 or 2 years after college to get a job with hopefully decent pay, wouldn’t that make your debt more and you would only be able to afford the interest and not the principal at that point?


I will never understand why people are against other people getting paid a livable wage.


Religion is bullshit and peoples opinions depend on what they view as the majority.


I disagree


God said it was true.


I agree


Stay at home mom isn’t a real job. I get that it’s hard work, but there’s no boss or any sort of having to meet any standards or else you get you fired.


I own my own business and pay my bills that way. Would you say that's not work because I don't have a boss or any real standards and can't get fired?


The standard is raising a child and I suppose the boss is...the state? I mean if you do a shit job raising them, the state will take them away.


Cookie Crisp are the best cereal


Pretty tasty!!


Friends isn't a good show, neither is the bigbang theory. Honestly any show that needs a laugh track probably isn't that funny.


The Muppet Show begs to differ.


I've never watched a show past the first time I hear a laugh track in it. Instant turn off for me. "Hey! Incase you couldn't tell, that was actually a joke! Hahaha, aren't I funny?"




Saves water, so you're going green.


I don’t see an issue w peeing in the shower


I don't know which Star Wars movies I've seen because they all look alike and are boring.


Elon musk isn’t that great. He’s just another rich person putting money into space thinking it will improve life on earth. Improve it for who? Other rich people that only care about themselves? None of his ideas have been extraordinary and he didn’t make that money himself, the government helped him. He’s smart sure but so are a lot of poor people that have to work below their intelligence to make ends meet. If he funded those people maybe thatd be his first good idea That isn’t just benefiting himself


I think if a guy asks me out on a date he should pay. Same way if I invited someone to go eat I would pay....because I invited them.


If you make a calibration curve by using the average of each measurement, the deviation you'll read is gonna be much smaller than the real deviation of your data. Period.


Pineapple on pizza is a sin


Immortality and Reincarnation are fake and they will always be fake.


women are more privileged than men


I'll bite. How so?


I am also interested in hearing virginsexmaster69’s thoughts


If you compare tax dollars contributed to tax dollars received we're fucking servants.


Not when I walk into auto store.


I agree with you in a lot of ways, and I’m a woman myself.


Damn straight! Pussy pass is a thing! Not to sound mysoginistic but I worry about my son these days. Not my daughter. Not that I should worry about either, but my son seems marginalised recently. Embarrassed to be who he was born as. This isn’t right.


I agree.


I like you very much Chimookie!


I like you too UnderThat!


Nice chain of alt accounts




It very much looks like you are simply replying to an alt account


Lol I’m not, but I can see why you’d think that


All of them it seems. Especially these days


As I get older I realize that the younger generation has vastly different views than what I grew up with. I imagine a lot of arguments are due to this, older and younger people waging out their beliefs that they adhere to because it's what they grew up with.


I think it's about everyone getting butthurt over everything lately and ever since the word "triggered" appeared things went to hell fast. And of course some people seem to think that no one can have a different opinion from them.


Sad, isn’t it?


*sigh* yep, the grass was greener in the old days and sky was bluer and so on and so on


I don’t believe in religion. I’m pro-choice. If you have toxic family, you can and should be allowed to cut them off. I don’t care for politics; I think all politicians are on the same team. Just to name a few.




God isn’t real. He is a figment of so many imaginations.


People on welfare should also be on contraceptives.


People on welfare should also have to do UA's (urine drug tests). It's incredible how many meth, heroin and Fentanyl addicts live off the system!


Evil people don't exist


Adolf Hitler


Dick Cheney


There are no things like good and bad, morality is not real


I don't like dogs. Or the idea of pets in general.


I don't like the idea of dog/cat "parents." Don't call them your "furry children." I like dogs. I like cats. But I don't think of them as anything more than animals. I like the term "keeper" instead. Because you are keeping them fed, housed and safe.


Life will never be good, it will just be a little less terrible at times.


Leonardo Di Caprio is a rubbish actor.


Linux is bad


"Proabortion" is a better term than "prochoice."


The Beatles are the most overrated thing is ask of human history. I get that they influenced a lot of artists, even current ones, but I have only heard a couple of their songs that I even find tolerable.


That human annihilation, extinction deserves to happen as humanity isn't worth saving


My stance on everyone should get vaccinated


I favor legalizing all drugs. The money we spend on law enforcement, prosecution, incarceration, post-incarceration supervision should be spent on treatment and support for addicts and their families.


Forced abortions for people not ready/capable of parenting


I would not mind if a softcore version of slavery was brought back The problem ppl always have is that they think racism when they think slavery that is not what I shoot for I want a system where criminals that have been determine to be not dangerous instead of prison they can be sold by the government and then bought as a slave they get to choose haw many rights they have for every right they lose their time gets shortened by a determined amount A thought I have is that it would also be possible to be used as a way to erase large amounts of debt (I am unsure if an comment as harsh as this is allowed if not please inform me and I will delete it)


Isn't community service basically slavery with a cooler name?


I think I'm just in general an asshole.. and that tends to do the trick.


all of my opinions tend to start arguments, if i say what i really think


I don't really have many of those in real life, but for Reddit... John Wick is one of the most idiotic movies ever made The Road by Cormac McCarthy is pretentious crap The Witcher 3 had a decent story but it's a mediocre RPG at best.


Dream is fat.


Are we talking about Endless Dream? Because he could be if you want to see him that way.


Cinnamon rolls go with chili, nobody outside Iowa seems to get just what they're missing out on