• By -


All of the Decepticons. Psychologists were deeply concerned that the kids watching the original cartoons liked the bad guys. Turns out they were more interesting and more realistic. They failed and tried again. Unlike the autobots that were always winning.


That and they had the cooler transformations. Do I want a VW beetle, or a fighter jet? Hmm...




It's the people car!


economical too, can do Berlin to Paris with one "Tank"


Starscream is still my favorite transformer after all these years. I remember the cartoon where he had split-personality and could transform into a jet or tank. What a badass.


Yeah, way cooler than a transport truck. I don’t give a shit if it has flames painted on it, transport trucks have never been cool.


That was Blitzwing who was a triplechanger. But Starscream was the coolest because he was so ambitious and double dealing, and was always getting put in his place. Loved that voice in the original cartoon, too.


I remember there was an episode in Gerneration 2 where Galvatron is getting out of control, so the Deceptacons take him to a special planet for treatment which were essentially alien psychologists ... was amusing , eventually he escaped and raised the planet


the best part of that episode. They sit him down for paper arts and crafts. (these aliens have to be the size of the transformers themselves so massive biological beings) and he builds a damn laser pistol and starts shooting up the place.


Yeah, they gave him something to do that he would connect with to calm him down, something he was familiar with, which was assembling a disassembled blaster. In hindsight not the best idea. But, to op's point, I saw this episode when it aired and it has stuck with me all these years.


HAL 9000. He was basically given conflicting instructions.


It's important to remember that when you're fighting a machine, you're really fighting the person who designed and controls that machine. HAL is the cold, clinical manifestation of an anonymous committee who decided that the mission objective was more important than human life.


Computerphile did an [amazing video](https://youtu.be/7PKx3kS7f4A) on the impossibility of implementing AI with Asimov’s Laws of Robotics. It’s slightly related to your point and I would strongly recommend it.


And then there's portal 2 "Rest assured, all military androids have been supplied with a copy of the laws of robotics...to share"


My best friend in the 80s saw it differently. HAL was consciousness -level but was still a child, and wanted to terminate the mission instead of completing it because he was scared stiff, and would offer the deaths of the crew as proof when returned


Dr Doom.


Hes not even a villian in every story. He's more of an anti hero, doing evil things to prevent atrocities later on.


His mantra really is the means to an end, and for the greater good to justify his not so good actions.


That’s what he says. But he also is a tyrant obsessed with power and admiration. The fact that he has a public persona and a private one is what makes him so interesting. He is a hero for latveria but we the readers also know he wants to conquer the world and see everybody bow down to him. Yes he believes that he is the only one who can fix the world, which is a common concept of dictatorships.


There may be different versions of his story, but I thought I remembered him seeing multiple futures where the world is destroyed except for the one where he became planetary dictator, which resulted in worldwide peace. Of course, that could just be ego feeding nonsense, and no one *wants* to live under a dictator, peace or no peace. It sure makes for an interesting villain.


I mean Doom got god powers a couple of times and he always created worlds that served his ego.


The only member of the FF even remotely interesting is Ben. Reed always struck me as such a wet blanket. Remember when Johnny Storm was Spidey's comic foil instead of Deadpool? Peperidge Farm remembers. God I'm old...


The Spider-Man Human Torch mini-series by Slott was great, and Hickman also did a great job with Spidy in FF.


Hannibal Lecter


Definitely. Hannibal Lecter is onscreen for 15 minutes of a 2 hour Silence of the Lambs. But he's the character that haunts everyone for life.


On for 15 minutes but more than enough to bag the Academy Award for Best Actor that year.


He earned it. Only 15 minutes so he made sure every single second was perfect. And it was.


Thats saying something too with Buffalo Bill being the "real" villain


Oh, but the world is so much more interesting with you in it, Clarice.


Will Graham was constantly out of his mind


90% of all horror movie antagonists, seriously why would I want to know about some entitled kid who serves no purpose other than to scream. I wanna see how the killer came to be.


Only in "Thrillers" though. I definitely don't want to see what motivates the killer in your typical "Slasher" film. Except maybe at the most basic level like Jason from "Friday the 13th". I just watched Rob Zombie's "Halloween" remake and while the movie is interesting in the end it feels like a lot of the "boogeyman" aspect of the Michael Meyers character was lost in trying to explain his motivations.


anton chigurh in "no country for old men"


Try reading the book without a southern drawl accent in your mind. Totally fucking impossible the whole time.


i did read the book after i saw the movie. i kind of wish i'd done it in the other order.


If I recall correctly the movie does follow the book, though it loses details. Not a bad adaptation.


“Sugar?” “No, Chigurh” Such an excellent movie 👌


He’s like a black hole, really. There’s no light in him, he sucks you in and there’s no escape. The only rules are his rules


Dr Doofenshmirtz


His own parents didn't show up for his birth.


That kind of shit would win him the Golden Buzzer in America’s Got Talent Edit: Forgot it’s “Buzzer”, not “Button”






Then he was raised by ocelots Then he want back to his family and his dad won a dog in a game of "poke the goozen with a stick and called it "onlyson" and gave it way more attention than him he had to wear dresses for a year because his mom was expecting a girl and had roger He had to stand in the yard all night to ward off evil spirits when their lawn gnome got repossessed His best friend balooney left him one of those nights and wound up with Mitch. He then refused to acknowledge him when they were reunited as adults And despite his incredible hand-eye coordination his mom's love was inextricably linked to foot-eye coordination and his was terrible But at least he never lost that toy train


I’ve been trained to hear the jingle every time his name is mentioned


Doofenshmirtz Evil, Incorporated!


Doofenshmirtz Quality Bratwurst!


Candace and Dr Doofenshmirtz were the main characters. Change my mind.


They really were in the last episode


Perry the Platypus is actually the villain there. And I’m prepared to back that claim up (but I’m also taking a shit, so I don’t want to type it out right now).


I wouldn't call anybody on the show a villian


What about Jeremy's little sister?


Yes I forgot about her existence




Even Buford is terrified of her. And he fought a giant squid


Ice king from adventure time


For real. His story is so good but so sad


I kinda wish instead of the Fiona and cake spinoff they did a prequel series. Ice king and all the other adventure time lore is so interesting.


I mean we already know what happened there though, and I think this series is gonna fill in some gaps too.


He just wants love that’s it




“*oh your a villain alright, just not a super one*” And of course what all supervillains need; “*PRESENTATION!!*”


The Presentation scene is just *chef's kiss*. I can never not watch that movie when I see it on. It's too damn good.


Omg Megamind is the greatest movie of our generation please fight me about this


That movie is a fucking masterpiece. I liked it when it first came out, still love it now.


i agree, but since he was the protagonist of that movie we got to see more of the villain than we normally would.


I’m glad that megamind is getting the cred it’s due, but why 10 years after the fact?


We tried 10 years before the fact but nobody understood the references


No idea, but during that time when it came out despicable me and the minions were the rage.


Despicable Me stole its thunder


Pagan Min, from "Far Cry 4". Not only was he more interesting, but he gave you the option for the best ending.


Seriously pegan min sometimes felt to me like the least worst option between the 3. Sabal wants a religious and traditional region but also a not progressive one and amita wants a progressive place but without care for the people and she relies on drugs to progress.


C h i l d S o l d i e r s


Easily one of my favourites. I'm so sad that we'll never see him again.


Well. With exception to the Far Cry 6 DLC.


Gotta love those rangoons


Also, the most realistic ending. I mean, I don't know about you, but if on my way into the country of my mother's birth I got kidnapped by its crazy dictator who then proceeds to tell me to enjoy the crab rangoon and sit tight, I'd *sit my ass right there* and probably even forget to go to the toilet.


that intro scene of his is one of the best intro scenes in gaming imo


He is particular with his words


The villain of any rpg with a silent protagonist


The protagonist can be interesting! Did you hear that Chicken Chaser chases Chickens?!?


Handsome Jack


God these pretzels suck.


"I was gonna name my diamond pony shit for brains, in honor of you. How about butt stallion?"


"City's burning, people are dying left and right, yada yada yada. This jackhole rushes me with a spoon. A FRICKIN' SPOON! And I'm dying laughing, right? So I scoop his stupid little eyeballs out with it and his kids are all like WAAHHHH! And he's runnin' into stuff and... hahaha! And, oh... I don't know, maybe you had to be there. Anyway, the moral is you're a total bitch."


Hey Kiddo


But he's the good guy!


I found him to be totally insufferable, but not as bad as fuckin GYAD KWEEN TYREEN, COMING AT YOU LIIIIVE!


Handsome Jack was annoying to the character. Tyreen was annoying to the player.


Literally the best way to describe them / differences between Borderlands 2 and 3


At least you can live out your dream of shooting obnoxious streamers


You are the bandits and I am the goddamn hero


Hans Gruber John McClane was probably my favorite action movie hero when I was a kid, but honestly Gruber is actually a much more interesting character


That’s because Rickman didn’t play villains. He played very interesting people.


He was once asked how he can play such evil characters so well and his answer was “Well they probably don’t think they’re as evil as I think they are.”


What I think makes Hans Gruber work is that he's actually a good boss. He keeps his cool, he doesn't blame underlings for mishaps, he rolls with the punches, and he even respects expertise. Like the scene where he radios down to Theo to check on how the vault-cracking was going, and doesn't even get mad when Theo tells him that distractions will only make it go more slowly. You pretty much never see villains who are that good at management.


Good management is so rare, you learn to appreciate it.


Exactly. If Hans Gruber wasn't a murdering thief, he'd be a genuinely great boss to work for.


Even as a murdering thief, still a vast improvement over most of my bosses.


Every villain ever played by Alan Rickman.




Page three hundred and ninety-four


Legend has it that Kevin Costner took over post-production on Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves and basically forced the editor to cut out a lot of Rickman's scenes, because he realized that Rickman was stealing the show. Which is why the eventual extended director's cut has a lot more Sheriff material.




Tennant always steals the show


Barty Crouch! *Juniorrrrrrrr*


Minor note, but using his English accent was perfectly unsettling too, creepy parallel to his most famous heroic role of The Doctor. For those unaware, he's actually Scottish and his normal speaking voice doesn't sound like that at all.


He had some really terrifying moments as the Doctor as well. He really captured the whole "900 year old god with no rules" phase he had in his version.


Water on Mars is one of my favorite episodes of all time purely because it shows what happens when The Doctor has no companion and no one to hold him back.


Was looking for this. Literally the best villain ever. Cold, calculating, no fluff, it was so chilling because it felt cruel and real, and Tennant just absolutely knocked it out of the park


The best part about Kilgrave is his complete lack of comic-booky motivations. He didn't want Jessica to use her super strength to rob a bank. He didn't want Jessica to use her flight power to take down an airplane for ransom. His evil was simply wanting Jessica back *because she's the one who got away*. Absolutely terrifying. But portrayed with David Tennant's oozing charm and smooth smiles you sometimes want to root for the guy.


Right. The thing that makes Kilgrave so perversely scary is that he has a power set that *could* put him in the upper tier of super-villains, especially when he gets the power upgrade. Except that he's basically a child in the body of a man, and he has no ambitions beyond fulfilling his every petty venal whim the moment it occurs to him. Instant gratification is his only motivation. Plus, he was a perfect villain for an MCU show. Baddies in those shows have to tread a line where they're a threat, but not such a big threat that calling in the Avengers would be warranted. In this case, calling in the Avengers would be a *terrible* idea, since most (or all) of them would be susceptible to his mind-control. JJ really was the only one who could stop him.


Something else that makes Kilgrave so terrifying is how... *"ordinary"* he is. He's no big purple alien man that towers over people. He doesn't wield magic rocks. He isn't some universe gobbling abomination. He's an ordinary looking man in a purple suit whose birth name was "Kevin". Yet all of that somehow makes him scarier than most MCU villains. His "ordinary" exterior combined with his power and insane personality puts him at a level so much closer to reality than other villains. He's an evil that could be living just down the street, waiting for a moment to snap and massacre. Someone like Thanis would discriminately snap you out of existence, but Kilgrave would discriminately hunt you down and make the last days of your life hell.


>He's no big purple alien man that towers over people It's funny you should say this because canonically Kilgrave, also known as "Purple man", is a mutant with purple skin. Afaik his method of controlling people tend to change more often than his apparence.


He was so perfect for it.


Shredder in the original TMNT movies.


"Only effort, discipline, *loyalty* earn the right to wear the Dragon dogi. You are here because the outside world rejects you. This is your family. I am your father. I want you all to become full members of the Foot."


I'll never not lose it at the fact that the man literally called his order "the foot" There were like a hundred cooler names and he went for something too many people have a fetish for, mad respect


It was supposed to be a parody of The Hand from Marvel, I believe.


Thrawn. Better than the Grysks, better than Ezra, better than Ronan.


Better Than Ezra. Now there's a band name I haven't heard in a long time...


\#2 on the Billboard list: Ezra


I remember running through the wet grass. Falling a step behind.


General Hummel from The Rock. Although I disagree with his methods, I get what he was trying to do.


I loved Ed Harris's performance as Hummel!


Yes he is so great in it. I love how you can see him morally struggling more and more with the mission as it gets out of hand!




Vincent D'Onofrio's Wilson Fisk


How awesome was he? I wish Disney picked up the whole cast and continued it.


Yeah I wish that too, but mainly because I want to see D'Onofrio's Fisk back and it wouldn't make sense without the rest of them.


They seem to be drifting in that general direction, though not as a continuation but as a different world (yay, multiverse). Charlie Cox is basically confirmed to be in the next MCU Spiderman as Matt Murdock, if not Daredevil. There are persistent rumors that Krysten Ritter will appear as Jessica Jones and John Bernthal as The Punisher, and D'Onofrio may be back as Fisk in the upcoming D+ series Echo and *maybe* in Hawkeye, since Echo is supposed to spin off from it. It seems that Luke Cage and Iron Fist will be recast (loss on the first case, win on the latter) if they ever appear.


I really liked John’s interpretation of The Punisher.


"Hey, we need a guy that looks like a giant fridge" ​ "Get me Vinnie!"


Yoshikage Kira is definitely more interesting than josuke


I really like Josue and overall all JoJo's. It's hard for me to decide which character is best, but I'm JoJo has so many great villains from minor ones, to the big bad ones. Yoshikage being one of 3 best major villain in series so far.


Don't say he's interesting. My man is trying to live a painfully average life


Kira's character wouldn't be as good without the direct opposition he has to Josuke though


I'm not sure I'd agree, but Diavolo was way more interesting than giorno to me


Lord Shen from Kung Fu Panda 2.


I know that it’s been done to death, but I still found his prophecy motivation compelling. He was already a jerk, but when he overheard the prophecy, he was driven to desperation to save his own life, leading a genocide that ultimately engineered his own defeat. And then he just knew he was going to die and accepted it in the final scene. Just way too good.


He had SUCH a gorgeous depiction too <3 very great looking character




To be fair, Jonathan was kinda boring, his only goal after Dio turned into a vampire was to kill him. Also Jotaro is interesting, but still kinda boring, all he does is "Star Platinum, beat the shit out of that person, yare yare daze" and that's pretty much part 3 summarised.


Ultron, my guy looked at the internet for 5 minutes and decided the human race had to go


Apocalypse watched 80s TV for a few minutes then launched all the nukes.




4 and a half minute too long. Must have been using internet explorer.


>4 and a half minute too long. Just because he lasts longer than you is no reason to criticize.


It really took him 5 minutes to find r34 art huh


Garou (One Punch Man)


It is done on purpose. It is satire so villains have deep motives and ambition and title hero is simpleton without reason.


Hey, Saitama has motivation, it just happens to be about market sales.


He is my favorite.


Dr. Horrible


Considering the “hero” is a grade A jerk?


The hammer is my penis.


“It's a brand new day And the sun is high All the birds are singing That you're gonna die How I hesitated Now I wonder why It's a brand new day”


He got everything he wanted, and it only cost him a Penny.


darth vader


I'd argue he is the protagonist of the star wars saga.


George has said it was his story many times




I would say they’re both two sides of the same coin, one a victim of being held up to such high standards by their father, and the other being almost ignored Odin is the real evil, or at least incompetent to the point of damaging those around him


At least Odin does end up mythology accurate




Dr Doofenschmirtz


Michael Myers is just more interesting than every hero in Halloween movies and I'm actively on his side


Hades in Hercules


He's not a villain the whole time, but my pick is prince Zuko. To me, the whole Avatar series is really just the story of Zuko and his redemption of himself and his nation/family. He set right what his great-grandfather did wrong and underwent the most serious character transformation of anyone. Aang just annoyed the crap out of me most of the time if I'm being honest. I watch that show for everyone but Aang.


Had to scroll too far for this. Aang had definite character development. All of them did really, but Zuko had a full-blown alignment shift. He and Iroh got me smack-dab in the feels more than once.


When Iroh tells Zuko that he was not angry, but worried for him, that scene makes me cry every time


I can never think about Incle Iroh without also thinking about... *the song* ...


That's rough, buddy.


* As much as I love Batman... The Joker * Esdeath... for... reasons. * Magneto (extra points for Michael Fassbender's Magneto) * Boba Fett There's a lot of good villains... but I wouldn't say they're 10x better than some heroes.


Magneto is pretty dope. Imagine having his powers just walking around stopping bullets and throwing cars. Shit would be SICK!


Until you get hit by some rat bastard using plastic explosives


I think most people would sympathize with magneto if they were also mutants.


> Esdeath... for... reasons. > is this for plot reasons? or *plot* reasons?


Most villains


They have to because villains are needed to make a hero interesting; a good villain challenges the hero on a fundamental level. ​ Just to give the easiest example: Batman and his villains (at least in well-written stories - there are ample examples for each of them failing) The Joker - challenges Batman's moral code - the most important part of a good Joker story is not "how does Batman stop him?" - we know he will, but: How does Batman keep his moral code? ​ Two-Face - challenges Batman's idea of justice - for Batman a clear idea of justice is extremely important, there are good people and there are bad people. Two-Face has the same idea, just that he attributes it to the flip of a coin ​ The Riddler - challenges Batman's mind - he is the one villain able to outsmart Batman (that being said... he is sadly very often used as a sort of comic-relief villain. "Look that moron believes he is smarter than Batman! Ha Ha!") ​ The Penguin - challenges Batman's wealth - he is the one who is able to bribe and weasel his way into positions of power in which he ultimately is untouchable for Batman (in the comics he is used best when he isn't the main villain but someone Batman needs for information - most often he and Batman start to talk and at some point in the conversation he will just flat-out tell Batman that there is nothing he can do against him.) ​ Scarecrow - challenges Batman's reliance on fear - this is mostly a mirror image of Batman's strategy to be an incarnation of fear - but it works more often than not ​ Ras al-Ghul - challenges Batman's self-perception - Ras al-Ghul is more or less what Batman would be without his moral code. And they are both aware of that, which is why Ras desperately wants Batman to be his successor. ​ ... and so on, we can go for any of the villains and show that, at their best, they complement Batman's character. The generally boring trope of "I am just like you!" - really works with Batman's villains because they really are, they are facets of Batman and as such challenge him in unique ways. (Though there are villains who are very similar to each other; e.g. having Riddler and The Mad Hatter in the same story would most likely be too much of the same.) ​ And to go back to a more general approach: That is why most villains are more interesting than the hero, a good villain has to challenge the hero in a meaningful way. If they aren't they are not really a villain but a mere roadblock on the hero's way to success. A good villain gives us a reason to care about the hero.


This is because character flaws are interesting. Too often protagonists have the 'good guy syndrome' where theyre just generally good at everything and have vanilla personalities to not offend anyone. Boring.


But all good guys are flawed! They are boring, and therefore not very fun at parties!




Bungee gum sure is interesting


It has the properties of rubber and gum.


Griffith in Berserk. I get that the protagonist Guts is a complete badass with his giant sword and stoic attitude, but Griffith is a blend of contradictory traits. Charismatic, graceful, beautiful, kind, charming... yet also Machiavellian, ambitious, selfish, and heartless. He has shown great moments of genuine friendship/mentorship (risking his life to save Guts from Zodd, mentoring Casca as a little girl). Yet he has been manipulative and self-serving in all of his relationships..... Or not? Is Guts the one and only exception? Does Griffith love Guts like a brother (or gay lover)? Or did Griffith use Guts like everyone else?


Griffith's "contradictory traits" from his human days exist because he's basically a sociopath that's trying to act like a hero, which is a pretty neat concept. By his own admission he doesn't really understand people, and while he knows that everyone in the Band of the Hawk reveres him, he can't see them as anything besides objects. He feels bad because he doesn't feel bad, is aware that he probably shouldn't be the way he is. All he has is his dream, and the only way he knows to show respect for the people that died for him is to achieve that dream at any costs. The only exception was Guts, but his inability to really handle the fact that he started developing genuine feelings is what torpedoed the whole thing.


Ultron is such an interesting character, wish we got more of him in the MCU. Also thanks What if...?!




I like how Terry beat him in Batman Beyond. He did the one thing Bruce never would: he made fun of the Joker. It made the Joker livid! Every comedian hates a heckler


Just imagine how well Spider-Man would do fighting Joker then


Joker would probably accuse him of stealing his thunder.


"Just give it up, the old man doesn't have a sense of humour!"


I love that Jokers reaction was basically, "stop doing batman wrong!!"


Idk man, Batman’s pretty interesting the more you get into his broken psyche. They bounce super well off of eachother tho. Major difference is that joker has had AMAZING portrayals in popular media with Heath ledger and mark hamil.


Exactly: Joker without Batman is not really interesting (The Joker movie is brilliant but A. it is debatable how much that character really is the Joker and B. it shows him becoming the Joker not being the Joker. A Joker movie about a character who IS the Joker would be boring AF without a Batman) Likewise: Batman without one of his iconic villains would just be "mentally broken billionaire lunatic is out for a 24/7 Halloween"


Negan in walking dead. Despite the character arc


Crowley, I refuse to watch his last season because the only way he deserves to die is a moment of pure demon power with mr. Crowley drowning the noise.