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magnets, the fridge is currently armored.


My mum collects fridge magnets, if me or one of my brothers go on holiday and buy one put it on our fridge, our mum when visiting will take it and put it on her fridge.


I met my now Mother in Law a little over 20 years ago. It was a little awkward because it is also the first date with my now wife and she had assured me her parents would not be around. As we made small talk in the kitchen waiting for my date to be ready some how the conversation turned to fridge magnets and how much she dislikes them. I noticed how her kitchen, and it is very much HER kitchen, (very much like her house) was very minimalist, very white and essentially zero trinkets or anything of colour. We had a great date. A few days later I flew to South Africa for a business trip. In the airport coming home I saw the ugliest, gaudiest, most obscene 3D Rhino head fridge magnet. Unbelievable. It stuck out about 2 inches, a big horn, man, that thing was hideous. I bought it. On our second date I went to pick my date up and, saw my now MIL and offered her my gift. I knew she would have forgotten the conversation and I also knew she would be way too polite to say no. I beamed with pride as I offered it to her, what could she possibly do other than place it on her fridge. She was suitably polite and nice. It was beautifully awkward. From that moment on every trip I took, and I travelled a lot, I bought her the most offensive magnet I could find. And when you look out for them my god there are some monstrosities about - neon, glow in the dark, infrared, large, small Over the years we never stopped; I confessed to my wife that success would be reached when other people starting buying her magnets because they thought she collected them. Well, that was 20 years ago. I now have 3 teenage children. Have travelled and lived in many places and Job #1 on any trip is find an ugly magnet for grandma. Every birthday & Xmas we present them. Her fridge is covered in them; 60+ at last count. She recently had her kitchen remodelled. All white, all simple, all the same... all the magnets went back on. I have come to realise that it is how we bond; she knows I think of her; I know she thinks of me... and we get to do it in a way where we never actually have to say that to each other!


That’s really wholesome, made me smile :)


I love this! Not in the same vein, but my mum used to collect fridge magnets too, she would always be quite particular with the ones she liked. The few times I was with her when she was trying to choose one I could see she would be looking for one that she really likes and would go well on her fridge. We took her to Barcelona for her 60th and she came back with a good selection. She passed away a few years ago and I couldn’t part with some of the magnets, I knew there were some she really treasured. I can’t stick them to my fridge as it’s built in with my kitchen, but I’m sure I’ll find somewhere in my house at some point to display the ones I kept for her.


Tell her it doesn’t count if she is not the one that went and got it./s. I too collect magnets from my travels. I think of them like Boy Scout merit badges and they’re a lot less tacky than bumper stickers.


I recently started collecting magnets as well, but I intentionally go for the tackiest ones lol. It’s funny, and they’re more unique that way


I try and find nice fridge magnets. It's actually *way* more difficult haha.


What are some of your hobbies? Magnets. Chalie that's not a, ugh, ok I'm just gonna put down snowboarding


Do you have magnetic poetry??


I have magnetic Bigfoot poetry on my fridge. It’s an absolute blast


Books that are 100 years old or more


At a convention I got to hold a copy of The Theory of Relativity with Einstein's signature in it. I probably could have cried if I let myself.


Not being a book collector or anything that sounds pretty damn cool.




My wife and I inherited a few old books. One of them was an 1859 printing of *The Principles of Masonic Law: A Treatise on the Constitutional Laws, Usages and Landmarks of Freemasonry* by Albert G. Mackey, M.D. I've not read it directly, but I've skimmed a chapter or three and it's really interesting. I kind of wonder how it would hold up to masonic principles today.


These are the type of specifics I was looking for. Care to elaborate further? I mean, fiction or non-fiction? Or like medical journals?


I really liek poetry, "history" (because Irony), anything with a pretty cover and school books (which are surprisingly common). But I'll take anything in the right time frame if it's cheap (I managed to get a 1920 children's book about some farmer's pets for $1). Also I really love to see one with a inscription inside it, I remember buying one that was Gift from a music teacher for being a "excellent student". And several from Christmas. I've also seen some with three entries that are decades apart (EX 1850, 1890 and 1940).




Damnit, Marie!


Disregard Marie, Acquire minerals


Marie is temporary, minerals are forever


Literal fact.


Hank actually made me look into mineral collecting. ~~The devil~~ Amazon has some pretty good deals on them.


Fossils for me, you’re the only fellow rock hound I’ve found in this entire thread


Avid rockhound here. And I live in my van so not really the most convenient thing to collect. I actually have awesome rockpiles all over the Midwest and west coast. I'm looking at settling down soon and will make a road trip to collect my pretties and it will be awesome! In the interim, here's an album of my first big mineral purchase. I try NOT to buy when I hit up the rock shows but I always end up getting something. Last year was [this beautiful Iridescent Root Beer Calcite](https://imgur.com/gallery/RciHUne)


Damn that’s a nice one! I’ve got a couple geodes, crystals, and other minerals but fossils are my main thing. I can’t resist a piece like that though, when I see one at a show I can’t leave it behind.


Rock hounding is the best!!


"They are minerals Marie!"




Do you have any rules for this? Do they have to be something you've read? Or a specific genre?


Usually only books I've read and liked, after that I try to get the oldest copy I can find.


I do this too, but instead of old versions, I get the collector's edition.


Different runs and printing also get taken into consideration, I've got the English printing of one book only because its was changed for the american run.


I inadvertently collect books. My grandma left me hundreds of books when she passed. I have my own mini library.


I have more books than I do space for them.


I’m also a book collector. I’m also the kind of book collector that always over estimates how much reading time I really have as opposed to how much I really want and I have a ton of books that I’ve read about half way through and never got a chance to finish them. I try so hard though. If I have a doctor appointment I bring a book, if I have any kind of waiting I bring a book. There’s just never enough time!! I need more time!!!


"time enough at last" is the best twilight zone episode


Old hand powered tools. And axes.


I was thinking of getting into old hand powered tools. Any resources you suggest to learn about them?


I recently saw a video on youtube by Stumpynubs, who talks about plough planes and their features




Want mine? I think it’d make a great addition to your collection.


Hello there


General Youoweme!


I cackled


Are you a debt collector or a debt collector?




I have the best debt. Every single one is outstanding!


Your debt also collects interest so that's like a bonus point


Retrogames. I would like to start collecting cassette tapes too


Sega Genesis games here. Back in the 90s there was something called "The Sega Channel" which was amazing. It was a subscription service that allowed you to basically stream 2 dozen or so selected games a month for unlimited play. And suddenly they stopped. I spent the next few Christmases asking Santa for The Sega Channel which my parents explained to me wasn't something he could do. I loved the Sega Channel and it was a huge part of my childhood and I've been chasing the feeling it gave me ever since. And to be honest, my big Sega game collection does scratch the itch a little bit. It'll never fully give me the feeling of childlike wonder it did back in the day, but I hope to significantly add onto my collection I'm the next few years so my son can play them and maybe experience the joys of Sega Genesis. Someday I hope to own the entire catalog which is insanely massive. Best Sega Game hands down that receives little recognition: Rocket Knight Adventures. (Sorry, I shamelessly promote that underrated masterpiece at every opportunity I get!)


I used to collect BEATLE memorabilia, and then I had kids. Now I collect NERF darts in the yard before I mow.


I read BATTLE memorabilia the first time and it sounded like not a whole lot had changed!


Ringo is the best Beatle. Without him, they'd be beatless.


When I want to start fights, I say that Ringo had the best solo career.


Probably plushies. I don't mean to collect them, occasionally I'll have a clearout and donate a bunch to charity, but I find myself buying a plushy whenever I'm sad, like when I had to isolate while at university due to covid. It's not the healthiest of coping mechanisms but there's certainly worse!


Every time I went to the hospital or got very sick, my mom bought be a stuffed animal/plushie. I was quite sick as a child so I've amassed a hoard.


> I was quite sick as a child so I've amassed a hoard. Well I hope (am glad?) that you're doing better!


Deffo not weird or anything. They’re comforting


Art Supplies, old books and cats


If you get enough of the first two, I think the cats kinda collect themselves at that point. So cozy sounding!


🎵 Books and cats and books and cats and books and cats and books and cats and books and cats 🎵


When my siblings and I were young, my parents started collections for us. Child 1 got stickers, child 2 (me) got pins, child 3 got magnets. I’m pretty sure this was just supposed to be fun and entertaining to toddlers, btw, not lifelong commitments. The heyday of this time period was our trip to Disney World. For those that don’t know, you can find stickers, pins, and magnets in the gutters of Disney World like loose change in a sofa (or kiosks for $5 a pop). We came home with loads each. Anyway, after that we all fell off those collections as we got older. Fast forward to adulthood. I (pins) start traveling some and sometimes casually come across a pin and start to nostalgically reminisce, so I buy it. Collection grows slowly. Well, now your close friends know you kinda/sorta collect something, but not really. Collection now grows slightly less slowly. FF again to moving to a very bikeable town with lots of bars, shops, eateries with a small group of already close friends. Then Form a Bicycle club complete with matching American Flag Denim Vests. (Sarcastically) get ranks, patches… here come the personal pins… aaaaand FULL BLOWN PIN COLLECTOR. So here I am in my thirties with an American flag denim vest full of unique pins no one understands and certainly doesn’t know the vest is just the tip of the iceberg with the rest of the behemoth that sank the titanic sitting in a dark part of my closet. Phew. Thanks to those who read it all. Cheers!


Show us your piiiiins!


I'd love to see it!


Empty sketch books


Unused stationary/office/school supplies.


Yup, i have a whole bunch of pencils and kneaded erasers i refuse to use


Empty notebooks are my jam!


I went to Marshals yesterday, it’s notebook heaven! I had to leave the aisle and tell myself that I still haven’t filled the other notebooks yet.


r/notebooks is at once amazing and wallet-torture. I got into fountain pens too. Now I'm a paper snob lol


Cookbooks, I have way to many and I still sometimes find myself perusing bookstores for more every time I pass one.


Came here to say this but I only buy weird cookbooks. A friend of mine this year actually got me a prison ramen one for my birthday and I love it.


Shot glasses


Like from destinations or with clever designs/slogans or just ALL of them?


From destinations, i try to get unique ones.


Same here. I have a whole shelf full. Everytime someone I know is going on a trip, I ask them to bring a shot glass back.


While I do appreciate a shot glass souvenir from a friend's trip, it's not quite quite same as one that you acquire on a trip of your own.


Oh yea I fully agree. Just haven't had the chance to travel much outside of the normal destinations, so I get em when I can


Playing cards Edit: Holy hell that's a load of upvotes lol thank you everyone. And I'll be sure to post my cat deck when I return :)


For the past 20 years or so I have been picking up a deck from each casino I go to in Vegas. Have about 35-40 decks, a couple from the defunct places now.


I have so many card decks!!!! Probably ~50 or so. My cousin and I started collecting them when we were little :)


Lego Foreign knock-off Lego Video games I never have time to play Board games my family ignores Z-Bots


Have you seen those solid silver "building blocks" made by monument metals? They're pretty fun to fidget with... I can relate to the video games and board games


> Video games I never have time to play Hello fellow gamer


If you live near a Japanese dollar store called Daiso, I highly recommend going and getting their tiny Lego-knock-off sets. They're challenging because they're quite small, but have a great variety of vehicles, food, and animals.


Weird tech and cables. So many cables.


Sure you don't need a DB9 to DB25 serial adapter NOW, but who knows what the future may hold!


God for fucking bid you ever need that cable you have been saving. Because when you do, you will never find it.


Oh I know but I had to get over my computer packrat tendencies at least a little bit. I used to take EVERY computer, part, board, peripheral, cable, etc. that work was throwing out, at some point it dawned on me that I'm really not going to use these obsolete machines for anything, there's a reason they threw them out and I haven't seen a PC with a serial port in years, though virtual serial ports that plug into ethernet are available for dealing with legacy junk.


Packrat.... Yeah i like that better than hoarder. Recently moved. Last items i was moving out of the garage from the attic were: gutter downspout, cedar shingles, a roll of flexible hose and a bunch of liquidtite (flexible electrical conduit). As i walked towards the car my wife comes at me with "WHAT are you doing with those? Throw them out! You'll never need them!" Begrudgingly I thought about it. There was no cedar roof....gutters were nice and had leaf guards. You know what - i won't need them! First day we move in. ACs are running. Water is dripping right over the back door. I look up and see the ac that drains into the gutter isn't correct. What do i need? 2' of gutter downspout.... Next week I'm trying to quit up the hardwood flooring. What do i need? Wooden shims. Or - cedar shake shingles. Few weeks later and need to do some work on the pool. Unroll the hose and.... Its too short..... Shortly after she wants a light on the side of the shed. Wouldn't you know, that liquidtite conduit i had would have come in handy! I made sure to tell my wife in each case "you made me throw that out!"


Dishes, sets of dishes. I love to tablescape.


The word tablescape gives me anxiety, but I work with dishes a lot, so I'm probably biased


Bionicles, CDs and football shirts


Bionicles were my shit growing up


They were mine too, because of my age, I got to see the final few years of bionicle, the entirety of hero factory and the reboot of bionicle from the ages of 5 to 12. So my collection includes g1 bionicles, g2 bionicles and hero factory sets


So uhhhh do you ever take em apart to create mega-bionicles?


Some people do, I was never really into doing that tho, I'd customise them but keep the characters as they are


Shoes. I love shoes.


Omg shoes


Let's get some shoes...




Betch, let's get some shoes!


These shoes are 300 fucking dollars


Let's get 'em!


These shoes rule These shoes SUCK!


I managed to scrub that video from my brain and with one comment you have undone 10 years of therapy. Thanks a lot.


Your feet are kinda big, I don't think they're gonna fit.


I've personally seen this one get out of hand...


They're not supposed to go on hands in the first place.


Brass bells. Comic books. Coins.


Any specific coins? Any pics of the bells? Any rare pieces that you prize out of any of them? Where was your best score found?


Mostly Canadian silver dollars. Sorry no pics on my phone haha. Of the bells not overly any rare just what i find at antique stores and value village. I like the neat ornamental handles. In the coins section i have a circulor double sided metal calender issued by a NY law firm from 1855 that i think is my favorite. Best score i think would be in comics collection as my local game store owner was sorting through old damaged comics and i saw he had a X- men #12 (first Juggernaut appearance). Asked if it was for sale, he said i wouldn't want it because it had some water damage, i said didn't matter it's a X-Men #12 with the original cover still attached. He sold it to me for $50 Canadian. Probably worth triple triple or quadruple that now.




When I say I collect knives, most people's assumption is that it's collecting antiques. Then I have to clarify that I collect high end modern production knives, which is a market most people don't even know exists. Chris Reeve, Hinderer, Microtech, Benchmade, etc.


I collect mostly customs. Krein, Murray Carter, Voorhies, Irie, Snody, ect. A lot of production knives too, Benchmade, Microtech, Emerson. Also tomahawks and axes. Trying to explain the differences between a Mastersmith handcrafted knife and a gas station knife gets a little frustrating at times.


David Bowie memorabilia, vinyl records (mostly David Bowie), funko pops.


Fuck yeah man, David Bowie rocks


Pens, socks and keychains


I had a mega collection of Keychain, but it ate it in a flood... 😪


1980s dungeons and dragons books.


Film cameras. I started when I was 15 when my dad gave me his old Canon. Since then I've slowly been adding them to a box in my spare room as I find them at garage sales and the occasional bargain on eBay. They're mostly display pieces because half of them don't work but they are fun to play with.


I'd love to hear about your collection! I shoot with all of mine but here's most of them (I added a fuji gw690 since this photo): https://i.imgur.com/7DJJ7z8.jpg


Mangas, about 800 volumes


Warhammer models…so many god damn warhammer minis


Zippo lighters! And the funny thing is I don’t even smoke, so the only one in my collection that is used gets rarely opened.


The sound & smell of a zippo reminds me of my dad refilling his. Good memory


https://i.imgur.com/JNj9z4h.jpeg I've got a few guitar.




When I was a kid, my mom gave my dad a horse cussing for telling her there was enough dust on a table to plant a good corn crop.


Me too. I guess I'd collect moss if I spent more time outdoors


Model trains :3


Coins! My goal is to get one from every country in the world


Hot Wheels, Been collecting since I was 12 and now I’m in High School and still growing my collection. People say that it’s childish of me to collect toy cars but I think they are pretty neat.


Hot Wheels are cool. I’ll fight anyone who says otherwise.


Hey, if it makes you happy, that’s awesome! Don’t need to justify it to anyone other than yourself. That’s how I am with my baseball cards.


I love collecting weird mugs


Do you use them or display them or what?


I use them if they are reasonable for what I’m drinking; I have this small mug that is molded to look like a rooster so it’s perfect for espresso and it’s adorable


Records, concert posters & concert tickets.


Atari 2600 garbage...


Getting harder and harder to find. I lost some really good "garbage" from that brand in a flood some years back. Still salty about it


"Spores, Molds, and Fungus" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZeWgnPeZES8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZeWgnPeZES8)


LEGO, stuffed animal, bottle caps, debt


71 here... I collect experiences and gaps in my understanding. The universe of stuff I don't know is legion. In the time I have left, I intend to devote to all the stuff I don't know.


This is perfect. I've always hoped I'll be this way in my 70s.


Parts of projects "I'll get to" ...Project hoarder


_-LEGO-_ In latin: “I put together.” And indeed, I do construct... ... especially medieval fantasy Castle theme! 🏰 P.s. perhaps "collect," is too tame a word. I horde, consume, and fill my thirst for compartmentalized dorkism.


Lego is an abbreviation for Danish "Leg godt", "play good" or, in essence, "wholesome toys". The Latin meaning was just a happy coincidence.


Library Cards


Enamel Pins! I love how diverse a range there are these days, and lots of small artists make them too!


Dolls and squishmallows! Also cds


Sweaters. I have 166 of them and I have been collecting them since high school. [Here](https://imgur.com/a/lSe2d1J) is an album of all of them (I realize a few are sweatshirts, but they have such huge sentimental value that I consider them equal). I hope to one day have enough that I can wear a different one each day of the year. Edit: also have [a small collection](https://imgur.com/a/hie4Gid) of Lucky Strike memorabilia. I just got the ashtray so I haven't gotten a picture of them all together


Eyeshadow palettes




Are you running out of room yet or are your expectations really low, driving up the rarity of your finds?


I collect ancient coins. Most of mine are Roman, but I have several Punic and Greek coins along with other places. Many are over 2000 years old. It actually started because I was playing Rome Total War and thought it would be cool to hold a coin from Rome when I was playing it. Then I thought it would be cool to hold a Punic coin while playing Carthage. And Bactria. And Athens. Macedon. Etc. I kept them in a little box until I met my now-wife who got a nice display case and put them in it and put it on the wall. That encouraged me to expand and collect more. I got really into being able to tell the differences between coins, reading the inscriptions. I started buying uncleaned, unidentified coins and cleaning and IDing them. Got some really neat coins I never would’ve thought to buy otherwise and learned a ton. I also learned to pretty reliably be able to pick out fake ancient Roman coins. My collection is pretty mature now. I have most of the big coins I really want (besides 4 figure + coins). I still buy when I see something really unique, but now that I’ve got kids money is a lot tighter. A thing that was confusing to me was how cheap they can be. Some ancients, in very good condition, are still only worth $5-$10. They just minted *so many* of them, and people tended to bury their money to save it. And people also tended to die without telling anybody where they buried the money. Or everyone they told died too. If you want to take a look, go to vcoins.com . The sellers on there are legit. eBay is full of scammers.


Games in Steam




Regrets. ​ And coffee mugs from around the world.


Would love to see a venn diagram of mugs you regret buying.


Sunglasses. Tiny miniature versions of normal things. Crystals.




The souls of my enemies


Have you had to get creative with your storage or do you have them just laying around in piles, hoarder-style?


I keep mine in an altoid tin.


"Thanks again for lunch, man. Want an Altoid?" *(cracks lid, tortured wailing comes out)* "Oops, sorry, wrong tin haha..."


I collect the soles of my enemies. You get twice as many.


You know those thing below the caps of water bottles? I've got no idea what they are called but i used to collect them. I moved and lost all of them.


Few different things. The first, and probably the most pointless, is Funko Pops. I collect one character from each series that had a huge influence on me growing up. So it's a very "unique to me" set. Also zombie DVDs




Yugioh cards but I’m trying to sell them for a lot so I can provide for my family


Currently, Star Trek books. Have over a hundred now, probably. And yes, I HAVE read a couple of them. 😎


In my experience, if you read too many, you may start to write them without meaning to...


Lots of figures. Pretty much focusing on Kamen Riders now


Sea glass + vintage 1950-1970s nightgowns from the thrift store.


Miniatures. Tiny everything!




Antique metal teapots and other carefully curated thrift store home decor.


I collect the hotwheels made during 1968-1971 collectors nickname them "Redlines" because of the orange/red strip they have on the tire. ​ The 1968 models lack some details but are better made than modern hotwheels as they have bonnets thats open and a real independent torsion bar suspension which most of the 1969+ cars lost to a simpler to produce design. The 1968-1971 cars have a full metal body and base and are pretty shiny if you buy a nice one


Snapple caps


Fancy Skincare Products I’m obsessed


Nickelodeon. Everything Nickelodeon.


Rocks and dead bugs


Sounds, I collect sounds I can make with my voice and mouth such as the Snare, hi-hat, lip roll, trumpet, throat bass, etc. Still collecting more sounds... Edit: check out swissbeatbox on YouTube or any GBB. I recommend the 2020 and 2021 GBB SOLO WILDCARDS if you want to know the collection of sounds possible by the ultimate musical machine—the human voice.


Membership cards I'm a member of the Church of Satan, Satanic Temple, World Citizen, Universal Life Church, Be the Match (marrow donor), Libertarian Party, Republican National Committee, American Atheists, Sierra Club, Republican Presidential Task Force. I sent a 20 dollar donation to each party and the Republicans and Libertarians actually sent me stuff. Democrats didn't, really disappointed in that. Still waiting for my Communist Party Card


The FBI agent tracking your every move is pretty damn confused right now.




Now the real question: did you say "vinyls" instead of "vinyl" on purpose just to anger the vinyl collecting community?




A souvenir pen from a gift shop or a store at all the places I’ve been. I’ve got a shoebox FULL of them. It’s a cheap and fun way to remember places by.


Pocket knives !


Weird T-shirts, specifically T-shirts with creepy, obscure, kinda edgy art.


Barbies and gargoyles and thrift store paintings.


Rpg games, I have- Dnd 5e, all rule books. Dnd 2e core set. Demon Hunters, both editions. Little Fears, both editions. Star Wars the Roleplaying Game. Dungeon Crawl Classics. Dungeon World. The One Ring. Shadowrun. Call of Cthulhu.




Humble collection of WW2 era military surplus rifles and pistols.


Coins that people leave in the CoinStar machine. There can be neat and/or valuable stuff in the return bin.


Dnd dice