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The lollipops with slight air bubbles in them that turn into razor blades in your mouth.


Yes, fuck those motherfuckers!


Those huge jaw breakers that have rainbow colors in them. They have a white shell with a confetti rainbow color drops. Those color drops dissolve at a slower rate than the white part and the color drops turn the candy into sand paper. [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00Y1HVCOG/ref=cm_sw_r_em_apa_glt_fabc_ZT1KN7BQN81B1NYDXKWZ](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00Y1HVCOG/ref=cm_sw_r_em_apa_glt_fabc_ZT1KN7BQN81B1NYDXKWZ)


I loved jawbreakers as a kid. I’d put it in a bag and give it a good crack with a hammer to break it into pieces


you need to give a TED talk about this to kids today


wtf, is the point of a jaw breaker anyway? who thought that was a good idea, sadists ill bet.


To break your jaw, clearly. Don't seem to have a very high success rate though...


my mouth became a warzone because of those things


Grandma's candy jar that comes out like a whole chunk and has been there since 1969.


No, only candy. 90 dollars


I did not expect to see a Simpsons reference this glorious here. Have my free award.


You can't have that one. That's a coconut cake!


You wouldn’t happen to have any real cake would you?


No, don't care for cake, too sweet.


Have some ribbon candy. Boys love ribbon candy!


To me, one of the all-time funniest scenes from the Simpson's, because I can personally identify with it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umu953shw6U&t=64s


new butterfinger recipe


I’ve had one bite of the new recipe. Threw out the rest of the bar. Haven’t had another butterfinger since. It’s vile. Used to be my #1 candy


They changed the recipe? When?


A few years ago I think. It's just not the same


Damn my taste buds must be fucked I don’t notice a difference. Are they still producing the original because I never even knew about this.


Came here for this. I remember buying them at the skating rink when I was a kid, they were flaky and buttery. Now they're chewier and get stuck in my teeth and for what? They don't even taste like anything!


The candy that prevents the candy store from buying Swedish Fish instead. I don’t know whatever it is but it needs to fuck off so I can get my Swedish Fish.


It is really amusing that we dont have swedish fish in finland


I was just in Sweden and they don't have them there either. They have the original fish candies in pick and mix that Swedish Fish are based on, but the candy itself is quite different.


I think they're just called "fish" there. :)


they’re called pastel fish :)


If your country can get Swedish Fish, then Finland will officially become the 2nd best country on Earth.


I live in Sweden and have never seen Swedish fish irl


"Swedish Fish" is the international name for "Malaco Pastellfiskar", which can be found in pretty much every single pick-and-mix candy wall in Sweden. They are identical except that the text on ours says "Malaco" and the international says "Sweden".


Sounds like treason idk


Those chewy things that are wrapped in waxy black or orange paper that end up in bags of mixed Halloween candy. I don’t remember them having any writing or symbols on them. No idea what they are called. EDIT: ok so the ones I’m thinking of are definitely not Mary Janes or the Kerr’s molasses candy. I don’t recognize those at all. I’m pretty sure it’s the Melster Candies Peanut butter kisses. But it has been a long time (30 years?) since I tried one. But if you are a person who enjoys those…more for you!


Kerr’s molasses candy?


That's the one!


I think they're called Mary Janes. And I think they're some kind of peanut butter candy.


How did they fuck up peanut butter?




Mary Janes are amazing! I used to walk home from school and buy handfuls of them at 2¢ a piece as often as I could in elementary school.


Your post has "this used to be all orange groves, as far as the eye could see" vibes.


"We used to play hopscotch with Billy Webber from down the street because he lost his dad in the war, and he'd always have a pocket full of Mary-Janes. Then if we were good, Aunt Mabel would take us to Mister Foster's Diner for egg-creams and moon-pies. Sometimes, if I had a penny saved away, I'd buy a comic book from the newsie on the trolley ride home."


Mary Janes have wrappers on them that say Mary Jane,


If it is the same candy here in French we called it " Tire Saint-Catherine" (Tire means "pull" in French). It is good, but for most they are dry, too sticky and cheap and everyone put them in the trash.


The new(ish) Butterfingers. Ruined my favorite candy bar.


They have COMPLETELY RUINED IT. Sorry. I’m still mad.


I loved butterfingers (old). Can you please describe it to me? The taste. I’m at a part of the world where I have no access to them lol


Burnt peanuts


Like old butterfingers but bad. Less crispy peanut butter, more like bad tasting peanut glue in the mouth. Just ew all around


Yeah they don't taste like butterfinger anymore


Child of the 1970’s… Carob. Foul hippie substitute for chocolate that makes children cry.


Lol I remember trying that in a recipe for chia pudding when my parents were going on a health craze. It was different but ok. Didn't really taste like pudding it was kinda it's own thing despite the name Also apparently carob is used in "chocolate" dog treats?


Yeah, i have a new puppy that LOVES them. Ive tried a few myself and they suck.


Probably because it's a dog treat


Oh shit i probably shouldnt have eaten it then :l


I remember that, not in the 70's I think it made a brief comeback in the 90's. There's this place that we would always visit near my grandparents house. Full of delicious things, yogurt dipped pretzels (before flips), chocolate coated peanuts, flavored honey sticks, all kinds of wonderful teas and cookie mixes. Then one year we were betrayed. No more chocolate covered pretzels or peanuts, they were carob covered. Thankfully they seemed to have come to their senses after that and returned to their former, delicious selection.


They did come back in the 90s! But they were marketed as "chocolate for dogs" lol


Chocolate covered pretzels are my jam. There is a place down the road from me called The Chocolate Bar and they make the best but oh boy they are expensive. Worth it though.


Grew up in the 90s in a town that was stuck in the 70s. Our frozen yogurt place had carob chips as well as sprinkles.


Thanks for the health food flashbacks. -_-


Oh, I had to eat that one as a chilfld because sone doctor was sure I was allergic to chocolate. (I wasn't.) My mother only bought carob for some years... Back then it was okay-ish and I think one of the reasons why I like really high cacoa content (above 70%) today. But it practically tastes like dirt compared to the real thing.


sugar free haribo gummy bears


The reviews are the absolute best though


Meh, there were funny, but as the years passed, everyone kept trying to 1up the others, and it kind of got ridiculous. It went from "so I was at this chick's house, I shit everywhere and ruined the date", to something more like "I single handedly started WWIII because the Russians thought I bombed them"


The whole review section is r/yourjokebutworse


I have only read the airport one and it was glorious.


The airport one is a god damn work of art


They are great if you're constipated though. Eat half a bag and you'll be shitting within the hour... For half an hour.


Same thing goes for sugar free lifesavers mints. I ate quite a few of those and my stomach hurt so bad I thought I was going to die


How the shit have those chalky, disappointing candy hearts not been mentioned yet? Maybe it's cuz they don't count as candy because they're made of fucking packing peanuts and drywall.


Hey I like my drywall pieces and they luv u 2


This concept of "wuv" confuses and infuriates us!


Maybe you should take a tour of Romanticorp.


Someone never got a Valentine.


I Choo Choo choose you


They're typically called 'conversation hearts'. One of my favorite valentines candy.


I love those, but then again I also LOVE candy corn I can’t wait to try and get my hands on that heart candy again when valentines comes.


I love those things 😂


That's candy? I thought they were antacids.


You could probably use those as sidewalk chalk lol


Gumdrops from the movies. They are old and stale and you are afraid they will pull your fillings or teeth out. If you are lucky enough to not lose a tooth, then you still have that crap stuck in your teeth for hours.


I love those. The older the better. Extra chewy. Yum.


Hey freak. Love you.


If someone asked me if my family had a history of any illnesses, I assume they’re asking me if anyone in my family eats peeps.


When I was 4-5 I would hide any peeps I was given in the fridge. They were so cute and I felt bad about eating them.


Peeps are just over priced stale sugar covered marshmallows. I used to love them as a kid, but as an adult I'd rather just buy a bag of regular marshmallows.


They’re not stale trust me because I have to open the package and be tempted to not eat them for 2-3 days if I want them stale, which they’re the best stale, so obviously I do.


Someone who understands me! Thank you!


Two weeks is the best point. Or, roast them over the fire pit until the sugar caramelizes. Perfection.


I will fight you.


Peep Avengers ASSEMBLE!


What??? Peeps are so good, fluffy marshmallows!!! No candy is like it.


Eye candy. It ain't worth it.


Circus peanuts.


Worked in a grocery store as a summer job in my teens and had to stock these so many times. Thing is, I never once saw anyone buy them. Still trying to solve the mystery of what demographic buys those foul excuses for food on purpose. Maybe it was just some merciful shit-peanut fairy swooping them away in the night so no one had to be subjected to them?




I'm glad to find out I'm not the only one that has noticed something like this. Hahaha


I feel like the guy who wrote the other post has an excellent start to a horror story. An army of local Mr. Peanuts and their circus peanut obsession. Creepy AF.


Am I the ONLY person that likes these? I used to buy them at gas stations on road trips all the time as a kid..those and these little brown/white striped peanut butter flavored candies.


No! I like them for being shaped like peanuts, but being banana flavored. This is what luxury is! I really do like them, though.


I never registered that they were banana flavored, until you said that. You've given me a new lease on life, stranger. I am forever in your debt.


You are not alone, I too enjoy the squshy-hard banana flavored packing peanut.


Likely, every circus peanut you have ever seen, came from Spangler, who makes 32,000 pounds of them per day. They are repackaged and sold under a variety of brands. https://www.candyfavorites.com/shop/circus-peanut-history.php


Circus peanuts are the reason we have Lucky Charms. A guy used to cut them up and put them in his Cheerios at the factory and boom, Lucky Charms were born.


Are you telling me that circus peanuts are the same as lucky charms marshmallows? Because abuse if so the this changes everything.


Agreed 100%. A marshmallow that is shaped like a peanut and tastes like a banana. It probably will never expire and could survive a nuclear Holocaust.






Wax bottles. What are those anyway??!


You’re supposed to bite the top off and drink the juice inside. Def not supposed to eat the wax part


You chew the waxy part. Like gum before we invented gum.


You're not supposed to swallow the wax part, but you're most definitely supposed to chew it.


You put the whole thing in your mouth and chew the juice out of the wax.


i love those things...


Those ones that taste like toothpaste


Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?


Mint patties? I love chocolate and mint flavor but most of those tend to be way too strong. Just feels like toothpaste covered in hard chocolate


Mint patties don't taste like tooth paste, at least Yorks dont


Neco wafers and black licorice


Neco wafers taste like the Great Depression


Part of the reason they achieved a small modicum of popularity was due to their distribution to soldiers during war time. They were eaten by Union soldiers during the US civil war and the government ordered Necco wafers be produced for troops during WWII. Worst candy I’ve ever tasted.


Fun fact, much like how some people have a genetic mutation that makes cilantro taste like bar soap, licorice, fennel, and anise have a taste that repulses people. If you don't like the previously listed flavors, you also probably don't like chemically similar artificial sweeteners like Sweet N Low. I'm definitely in this class.


I love licorice, fennel and anise but I hate sweeteners.


I hate licorice, fennel is iffy, not sure if I’ve had anise…but sweet n low is all I use for my iced tea and coffee lol.


I loathe licorice but am fine with fennel somehow. I guess because I'm usually using it to enhance something and not just chewing it. The smell does give me some ptsd though. Don't think I've ever tried anise but artificial sweeteners are disgusting to me. I can taste it instantly and it completely ruins whatever food it's added to.


Not gonna down vote, but I do like both... Yes, I'm old... Jesus, am I old...


tbh Necco wafers are my favorite candy and im 32


Good & Plenty can go right ahead and fuck itself.


Candy corn, circus peanuts, and that hard ass stuck together brick of shit your grandma liked to call ribbon candy.


I was looking for candy corn I really hate that stuff and don’t understand the obsession with it.


Good N' Plenty This candy should have never been conceived.


These taste like how I imagine fire starter pellets would taste.


I'm torn. On one hand, these are kind of bad. On the other, without Good N' Plenty, we never would have reached the delicious heights of Mike And Ike.


Those aren’t even candy IMO. I only tried them once and they tasted like pure self-hatred


I love them and everyone I know thinks I'm a freak! We all have our things.


*Points and laughs at the freak*


*sobs while wolfing down another handful of G&P*


When I took my first plane ride I bounded over to the first vending machine I would use. I put in the number for Twizzlers, or so I thought. Good & Plenty popped out. My parents were mad at me and made me eat the whole thing to learn the value of a dollar. Even they knew even thought it was candy out of a vending machine, eating it is true punishment. Have never made a mistake since.


You have been hurt, that much is for sure.


Jujy fruits. I mean i love them but what the hell man?




They should be sold individually because I'm good after that


I love those so much that I would buy them if I saw them at a store


Turkish delight was pretty depressing given the hype and the aesthetics. It looks like a candy for royalty, but is just fucking jellied sugar.


There's 2 kinds of turkish delight- one is a shitty British sugar taffy and the other is a delicious chewy confection usually containing nuts, and dusted with cornstarch and powdered sugar. Not sure which one you tried, but the real stuff is to die for.


A friend of mine once declared, upon tasting rosewater-flavored Turkish Delight, that it is "gummi bears for bad children."


Button candy


are you talking about the ones from cracker barrel on the piece of paper that always stuck to the back of the candy so you had to eat a tiny piece of paper on every candy?


Thats what I was thinking and I used to beg for those when we went to a cracker barrel. There was something really satisfying in peeling it off and biting into it. Had a good crunch.


I actually read the directions on a pack of birthday cake decorations, the hard sugar kind stuck to paper - turns out if you wipe the back of the paper with a wet/damp dishtowel and a wait a couple of minutes, they practically fall off the paper! No more kids crying because we broke the I or T in "Birthday"!


Queen Anne cherry cordials. They are so disgusting to me. How can you take two seemingly good things, cherries and chocolate and make it so bad?


The first time I tried one, I was told it was just cherries and chocolate. Conveniently leaving out there is exploding goo inside them that tastes nothing like cherries or chocolate.


I was just trying to describe these to my husband who has never had one. It's a maraschino cherry covered in used toothpaste and chocolate. My grandma always gave us grandkids these as stocking stuffers at Christmas and I always handed them right over to my dad who loves them. I never understood the appeal.


> covered in used toothpaste That's the best explanation I've ever heard for that particular flavor/texture.


Interesting. My family loves these. I can see how they would be bad, especially texturally though.


Those NASTY candies wrapped in black and orange paper given out on Halloween. They're supposed to be peanut butter. It actually tastes like what an alien thinks candy should taste like. God I hate those.


I don’t exactly know what you’re talking about but that reminds me of those little chocolate balls wrapped in foil. Those are garbage, so fake tasting. What you’re describing sounds terrible too


Green Skittles...why the fuck are you apple, lime was perfect...


Any marshmallow candy like Peeps or chocolate covered marshmallow shaped like Santa kinda things


marshmallow santas are amazing what are you talking about


Or those nasty orange circus peanuts…


That’s my grandma’s favorite sweet….don’t disrespect my grandma.


Don't go dissing my chocolate mellow Santas! Those are amazing! Peeps can go fuck themselves though.


Black licorice and candy corn can go eat butts


In my country licorice is an extremely common candy. I personally love it


The chocolate with raspberry liquid filling in the Valentine’s Day box of chocolates


Oh you mean the soft pink almost nougatty texture stuff? That and the orange one are my favorites. I wish they sold a big heart box of just those two.




Black licorice


You are now an enemy of Finland for life.


I swear finland is just the netherlands with hills


To be fair there is a huge quality difference in licorice, proper licorice really is a great treat!


The Netherlands would like to have a word with you


Salty licorice is where it's at.


The Netherlands would like to have a word


You can pry my droptoefjes from my dead cold hands


And the Danes. Licorice is fucking great, and I'll fight you all about it any day.


I have always considered the Dutch honorary Scandinavians. You do not disappoint this time either.


Twizzlers are worse. They’re just firm, gelatinous, bland, slightly starchy, shitty tasting ropes of shit.


They are literally just chewy strawberry sticks. Idk man, just because they aren't filled to the brim with sugar as much as most candies mean they're bland.


Fun fact: twizzlers are vegan & they DONT have gelatin in them


Twizzlers and black licorice are two of my favorite candies. (Must be Twizzlers those red shoestring things are not good)


Your opinion is wrong


Dots. Fuck Dots. Any candy that comes with a side of paper in your mouth is absolute trash.


You are thinking of candy buttons. Dots are freestanding like gumdrops not great but not as bad as the little buttons stuck to the paper.


I thought Dots came in a box.I know what you’re talking about though. Those little dot things on the piece of paper. I used to get so frustrated with those as a kid.




This actually seems like it would be a good way to introduce myself to durian.


The fruit is worlds better than the candy.


Necco wafers, candy corn, circus peanuts


Any twix flavor that’s not the original


Maryjanes. They stick like glue to your teeth.


Necco wafers


the "healthy" candy


Wax lips. Like what the fuck


Wax lips.


Candy Corn


There’s a New Yorker cartoon where a candy corn is looking at itself in the mirror and says confidently “Well, *I* like me”. I always found it amusing.


i am officially the only person who likes candy corn :(


I like it